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4973953 No.4973953 [Reply] [Original]

So I've essentially come this far in UBW, should I expect in Heaven's Feel? And no, spoilers are not an issue at all

>> No.4973983
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Also, everyone who said that UBW Shiro was better than Fate Shiro, could not have been more correct. I mean, he still has his ideal to save everyone, but he's not nearly as retarded, and always mans the fuck up and does whatever he can do. Also, Lance is the bestest bro ever.

>> No.4973979

If you dislike Sakura, prepare to trudge through about 15 painful hours with 4 or so good scenes.

>> No.4973986

summary of heaven's feel: nasu decided to crank up the troll-meter to 14 on a logarithmic scale of 10

>> No.4973989
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I don't dislike her, she's not my favorite but she's actually just a really sweet girl.

>> No.4973990


>but she's actually just a really sweet girl.


>> No.4973995
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>> No.4973997

Go back to /a/

>> No.4974005

Lancer is a bro, Archer gets his shit in order, Shirou defines a path which he can walk without regret, Rin gets a permanent manservant, and Saber fades away with an answer.

Best part about UBW? No Sakura!

>> No.4974009
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So I should brace for maximum trolling?


Come on guys, I know everyone calls her a slut but she seems to be a shy girl who loves her sempai

>> No.4974016


Yeah, she does seem to just fall off the face of the earth in Fate, and so far in UBW

>> No.4974019

For good reason. She is, after all, the worst part about Heaven's Feel!

>> No.4974029
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But isn't she supposed to be the heroine?

What exactly is wrong with her, other than her stroll down DARKNESS lane? (I've played through Unlimited Codes, and she's actually the first character I ever chose too)

>> No.4974030

No she's not, you just have shit taste.

>> No.4974039

Her entire characterization is pretty terrible. I mean I know it was designed to make us feel sympathy for her, but as someone who has been in a slightly similar situation, it just made me feel more disgust toward her than anything else.

>> No.4974043

She blames everyone but herself for her inability to seek help, and then blames them for not helping her, even when they had no idea that anything was wrong with her.

And she's an incompetent boss.

I could forgive her being an emo fagbag, but the fact that she's a shitty boss is unforgivable. She has to rely on Kotomine for a proper final boss fight, and he doesn't even have any reason to do it, other than EMIYA SHIROU.

>> No.4974045


>> No.4974047

Is it bad that every time someone posts this, I keep hearing it in my head for the following hour or so?

>> No.4974051

A little adolescent girl isn't the most powerful boss ever? Why not?
As for the whole emo thing, she did go through more than we could ever understand and she was OK with it up until she was 'turned'.

>> No.4974064
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>> No.4974079


Geez, that does sound kinda shitty, I guess Shinji's shittines rubbed off on her. (I hate that faggot to death, turning into the grail was too good for him)

>> No.4974100


In Kotomine's voice too?

>> No.4974104

Of course.

>> No.4974106


>I feel disgusted towards myself for not having the power to adequately rage against the unfair world

>> No.4974110

She's not adolescent. She's 18, remember? Just like everybody else in the novel!

>> No.4974123


Isn't everyone in every novel 18, regardless of whether or not they're still in highschool?

>> No.4974135


>> No.4974149


>> No.4974203
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Best route is best

>> No.4974212

But your taste is admittedly shitty, so yeah.

>> No.4974221

But my taste is flawless and I agree.

>> No.4974225

>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.4974226

Your taste can't be flawless if you share his opinion. It's scientifically unsound.

>> No.4974246
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Come on now, let the man have his opinion.

Can't we all just be friends? Or at least not enemies?

>> No.4974250

OP don't listen to the haters.

Heaven's Feel is the best route in the game. Expect events that make UBW Shirou look like a total pussy.

>> No.4974274

I respect his right to have an inferior, incorrect opinion.

>> No.4974287

It's been objectively established that Heaven's Feel is the best route in the game. Nothing to see in this thread.

>> No.4974292



Come on, man, I like UBW Shiro, he's fucking awesome. How can he go and fag himself up like that?

>> No.4974297

It's not objectively proven, any more than "Rin is a slut" is objectively proven.

Just because you're anally angry over the whole affair doesn't make it so.

He doesn't. HF Shirou, in battle, is awesome. He just sorta wimps out everywhere else.

>> No.4974301

Need citations and peer reviewed research before posting such a claim, Anon.

>> No.4974306

It's in there.

>> No.4974307
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Picture related.

>> No.4974342
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Being awesome doesn't change the fact that he's a virgin bro

Also Baseball outfit Rin does not get enough love.

>> No.4974349
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The only reason Shirou was bad assed in HF was because of Archer giving up his arm. And actually, Archer was pretty badassed in that route too. He had an awesome fight with Rider and died protecting Rin.

Still, UBW is my favorite route just because it's fucking COOL.

>> No.4974481 [DELETED] 
File: 565 KB, 815x657, itstoobigitwon'tfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing

>> No.4974546


Does the sex always happen on Valentines day?

>> No.4974592

Not in Heaven's Feel.

>> No.4974640


Fuck that. Unlimited Blade Works GOOD end, for the gold. Saber stays, and all that other shit you said is still true.

>> No.4974659

I found the UBW True end more satisfying personally. It felt like it had more closure. I really liked the ending CG with Rin in the empty classroom with the sun setting.

>> No.4974700
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Bah. Far better to keep her around.

Although, I will say this for HF: Rider sticks around, and I would put up with a lot of shit for that.

>> No.4974712
File: 105 KB, 648x906, Rider Winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic, clearly related.

>> No.4974732

As far as Saber goes, I really liked her death in HF. It was a touching moment, and it had a great deal of symbolic weight to it.

>> No.4974742


The, ah, first one, or the second one?

>> No.4974758
File: 366 KB, 800x600, SaberDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about this one, although Sparks Liner High was pretty amazing in its own right.

>> No.4974812


Ah, yes. "Bring the Knife Down". Goddamnit Natsu.

>> No.4974864

Unlimited Blade Works is UNLIMITEDLY BETER than HF.
