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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4854536 No.4854536 [Reply] [Original]

the best arcs for me were the shemale one and the plant-girl one

>> No.4854548

is this some delicious /d/ VN?!

>> No.4854552

well, I gues everyone is still playing yume miru kusuri

>> No.4854579


Already played that twice. What's this game called?

>> No.4854585
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Sekien no Inganock

Too slow.
Don't cry.

>> No.4854588

I was expecting we could at least bang the plant-girl...

>> No.4854592

The game would have fared just as well, if not, better, without the unnecessary repetition.

>> No.4854596

sucking on niggacock

>> No.4854618

There's only.. Four sex scenes in the entire VN, and all of them are entirely unfappable. Still great, though.

>> No.4854626

But the female perspective on those h-scenes was psychologically arousing, you can't negate that.

>> No.4854637

Yes, that is true. I wish there were more VNs that did something like that.

>> No.4854658

What about the rest of the What a Beautiful series? It might be the same writer.

>> No.4854670

The others "what a beautiful" are just the same setting or reading them will make me understand more sekien no inganock?

>> No.4854688

They happen in same world, but at different places. Also some of the characters are shared, but they are just minor ones.
For example, Randolf is in Valcia.

>> No.4854692
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The others have similar settings but don't have anything to do with each other story-wise.

I hope someone translates Sharnoth some day.

>> No.4854712

There was a lot of wasted potential with this, and that was sad. I felt like the ending kind of imploded on itself, and it pissed me off about lack of voicing at times, budget or no budget. The side characters could have been developed much, much better, and not just stuck in their own arc. I understand that all of those filler arcs were to develop the world and shit they lived in, but some of them were totally unnecessary. Like, the one with the twins' grandfather having made the promise. What the fuck? I was glad that Ruaha got more time towards the end though, I did like her.

>> No.4854720

>I hope someone translates Sharnoth some day.

Same. I actually really want to read it, so badly that I think I might just ATLAS through it. But I know I'd get annoyed if I were to read it, and then a translation started happening.

>> No.4854856

I actually have the script files and tools for their engine.

/jp/ project, anyone?

>> No.4854860

Sure, if we can find a translator. I can do the image editing if that counts for anything.

>> No.4854868

I thought that there were rumours of Amaterasu translating it after Muv-Luv?

>> No.4854870

Sharnoth really isn't that good.
If you want to do a /jp/ project, do it with something better.
And if you want to do some Liar-soft stuff, Forest is better.

>> No.4854873

Then by all means, could you help these people please? http://sharnoth.wikia.com/wiki/Shikkoku_no_Sharnoth_translation_Wiki

>> No.4854884

I've a feeling that that particular project is going nowhere.

>> No.4854887

That project is deeeeeead.

>> No.4854901

I still want to believe ;__;

>> No.4854905

Starting a /jp/ project has quite few problems. First it's deciding on a game that everybody agrees they want to work on.
Next is finding translator. This is the hardest part, even though there are quite few people on /jp/ who can read Japanese.
Then is deciding the format of the project. Wiki or something else?

>> No.4854932

>And if you want to do some Liar-soft stuff, Forest is better.
Would there be translators interested in those, then?

>> No.4854935

But there's already a translator in that wikia.

>> No.4854942

I tried to contact him around new year, and didn't get an answer.

>> No.4854955

Forest has parts that are just spoken without any text to go with them.

>> No.4854966

Liar-Soft's engine can make text appear outside the box. There are other ways to go about that too.

>> No.4855036

/jp/ wants Sharnoth because they want to become the little girl ;_;

>> No.4855063

I think most people just want to play as Agatha Christie. And the protagonist does indeed look awesome, a not so elegant ojou-sama. Plus, from what I've heard of it, there's a romance between her and this stern looking killer. And it's set in London. Sounds like an awesome setting, if you ask me.

>> No.4855068

I wish I had a stand

>> No.4855072

Did anybody else get an instant boner when they heard Kerkan's voice? God damn that was awesome.

>> No.4855085

sage for rigged poll vn of nekoshit gaiafag community

>> No.4855087
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>haven't read Inganock's webnovel translation

>> No.4855102

Too bad only like four of his lines were voiced THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE GODDAMN THING.

>> No.4855112

Yeah, that was kinda gay.

>> No.4855147

That looks incredible.

...Fuck it, I think I'll just go ahead and ATLAS it.

>> No.4855165
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>> No.4855177
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Yeah, Sharnoth has awesome art.

>> No.4855183
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>> No.4855204

The two torrents I've found for this are dead, so I'll probably end up downloading it in the sixteen RapidShare parts I've found.

>> No.4855214
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>> No.4855226

Is Sharnoth fully voiced? Or is it all half assed like Inganock, only having voices sometimes?

>> No.4855244

JDownloader is your friend.

>> No.4855251

I find it oddly amusing how this is supposed to be a VN set in London, when the opening theme is reminiscent of Irish music, and even has an Irish title.

>> No.4855258

Seeds here

>> No.4855260

Valcia was Liar-Soft's first fully voiced game, so yeah.

>> No.4855500

So if anyone wants to get started, here are the decoded script files as well as some tools:


>> No.4855519

Woah there Nelly, we don't even have a translator.

Although, that does remind me of a thread some anon made during the past week. They said that they were going to use Atlas to translate a VN, and proof read and shit so that it makes sense. Couldn't we do something like that?

>> No.4855536

ATLAS is a tool for translators, so yes you could. But it's going to take a bit more than just proof reading.

>> No.4855558

And TLWiki staffs will give their utmost effort to troll and criticize. You know, with all those mafias setting high-standard English upon VN TL landscape and all. The GSS/ATLAS guy got kicked out of TLWiki and he stopped translating.

>> No.4855577

>The GSS/ATLAS guy got kicked out of TLWiki and he stopped translating.


>> No.4855589

But that's admirable, in a way. I don't think I would have found Sharin no Kuni as enjoyable as I did if it wasn't translated in the way it was.

>> No.4857343


>> No.4857364

The hardest part of translating really isn't understanding the text, but the actual conversion to the desired language without losing the original meaning. So if someone were to do this, you actually pretty much did a majority of a work. It's a LOT easier for a translator to just glance through and TL check than have to form and type up whole sentences.

>> No.4857382 [DELETED] 

pW J fE p Pn byJL B n VZ k q PKR b T c ui YK y moc Zn z f hk H T sIP eT i PD zv y YB ZyU w CjX Dl jMeCU hB Mr r CpG DJe.

>> No.4857430

Does Mary (protag of Sharnoth) have a h-scene of her own?

>> No.4857643


>> No.4858465


(unrelated TL guy here)

In theory, yes. In practice, I spend time trying to comprehend the translation only to find that it's wildly inaccurate and has to be thrown out.

Sorry, dudes, but machine translation usually wastes more time than it saves. Invest it into learning the language instead.
