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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 552x703, Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
480981 No.480981 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys seen how life is an awful shithole outside of Anime, Visual Novels and Touhou?

You end up spending countless nights studying for a bunch of tests only to end up years later in soak in debt and seeing how guys who party hard every day live 30 times better than you.

You end up seeing drug dealers making more money in a night than you do in a fucking month of countless hours working with some assfuck screaming at you.

Marrying a disgusting 3D pig and having someone more than dumb than you or possible retarded and seeing how that 3D pig gets even uglier and how she bitches at you to buy her shit.

The only thing that makes me proud of this world is Visual novels, how a certain group of people can turn 3D pigs into 2D moe goddesses into people that can understand you to every point.

Anime, the way its exciting how things that you could only dream on happening on this world, happening there.


when i stop doing this, i say how everything is empty.

>> No.481031

>You end up seeing drug dealers making more money in a night than you do in a fucking month

A night? Try a few hours! Witnessing that shit made me want to turn to the dark side as well.

>> No.481034

I've been tempted to sell my spare adderall I have monthly.

>> No.481062

The "dealers make more money" part bothered me until they either ended up in jail or dead.

>> No.481094

However, the 'nice-chick that they ruin ends up with 5 different fathers for the kids' part never gets old.

>> No.481096
File: 32 KB, 360x360, 1208668206122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how about this:

You see this guy? He's making more money currently than you will in 5 years of work! You know what he does? Make up idiotic catchphrases like "SUPAMAN DAT HOE!", "YOOOOOUUUUUU!", and "YAHHH, TRICK, YAHHHHH!" Also, he's more popular than Anon will EVER be, even among his own Anonymous and Name/Tripfag peers.

Are you in total despair yet?

>> No.481107

A-Anon... ;_;
It'll be okay.

>> No.481106

This is what modernism has brought you /mu/.

Years of breaking down every concievable barrier of decency, musical theory and artistic theory have left with this, a small child speaking into the microphone about his 'thang', to the dull monotone of a synthetic beat, echoing throughout the empty caverns of civilization.

This is your modernism /mu/, this is your human achievement. The information age is upon us, would that I could step back in time and reverse the damage of impressionism, but that damage was done long ago and the foundations of those dreary eyed fellows from Socrates to Goethe crumbled under the weight of populism and female suffrage.

'Crank' that Soldier Boy, Crank the lever that washes away the entire horizon.

>> No.481109


>> No.481118

No, seriously, I don't understand...

>> No.481121
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, 1208668523835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing i can hear in my head every night is the
ZAWA sound.

>> No.481126

18 fucking months anon.... 18 fucking months until season 2.....

I'll have nearly finished university by then for fuck sake! I may even have a girlfriend!

>> No.481128


You too?

>> No.481147

This is why your life shouldn't revolve around money. Happiness is easily pirated.

>> No.481160

Having standards that reach the heavens can leave one blind to any possible hope of finding happiness on the road ahead, much less "true happiness".

Sometimes I wonder if anime is simply poison in a different form: show us a world so perfect, so beautiful, portrayed so naturally that it almost seems possible, then with the end of the last episode, strip it all away and leave the viewer in literal despair.

>> No.481169


>> No.481181

After a while, I start playing VNs for the 'bad end' because it's a cartoon. It is a sweet story, and it is attractive, but after a while, you build up an immunity, and it just gets sappy.

>> No.481190

Protip: Life's not fucking fair; no point bitching about it or bearing grudges over it.

>> No.481191

PROTIP: You don't have a girlfriend because real girls are not like anime girls.
You will never have one because you will never learn to give real, actual girls a chance unless they look just like your moeblob du jour.
Enjoy your loneliness.

>> No.481192

anime is more of a drug.

you want more and more and more.

>> No.481198

Damn, I don't know if I should laugh at you or cry because I feel the same way...I think I'm going to cry ='(

>> No.481201

the only way i'll find a moe blob girl is by being rich.

by being rich seems so.. impossible.

>> No.481202

I somehow managed to get one and I used alot of what I learned in Anime. Of course I did meet her on a Hentai site of all places and it is going very well too.

>> No.481204

I think you are a girl.

>> No.481207

You get a gold star, anon. ♥

>> No.481208

You do? Why?

>> No.481215

You are angry.

You secretly lust for anonymous and his razor sharp wit, but you are not even within touching distance. You desperately want anonymous don't you?

>> No.481219

Now you've done it.

Any possibilty for an ordinary conversation is broken.

>> No.481220

Every girl desperately wants anonymous, no?

>> No.481222

Sorry. ♥

>> No.481227

I get depressed when I see threads like this actually. I just want to save and help the ronery anons. ;_;

>> No.481229


Ok, some perspective is in order. I'm not young anymore, and most of my options suck(Gee, so you say you're a crack-whore. How's Thursday?). If I don't want to be bothered, that's the end of it.

>> No.481233

Sometimes I want anon and sometimes I just want to give him a hug. ;o;

>> No.481234


Only you.

Admit it, anonymous is funny, much funnier than all those jocks. Much wittier too, you appreciate anons misanthropic black humour and his disdain for general society.

>> No.481240


not a girl. troll

>> No.481244

Don't think that all of us ronery anons need help; we haven't all given up.

>> No.481246

That's not gold star, silly!

>> No.481260

Haha, are you enjoying yourself there?
[x] All of the above.

>> No.481254

how can we become rich?
its impossible for us.

we aren't the next einstein.
we have no rich jewish parents.
we dont have any useful talents.
we feel like shit 24/7.
Even if we get a degree we'll end up working with a shit salary and looking at rich jocks being president of a franchise.

>> No.481262

jocks dont earn shit, dont fool yourself.

>> No.481267

>[x] All of the above.

Oh damn, now I just want to abandon my bravado and hug you.

>> No.481273

our president is the living proof they do.
all he did was party-hard because his father was the president of the country.

celebrities as well.

>> No.481282

you're a fool to think the world is divided in such ways.

>> No.481285

Aww. ♥

>> No.481287

Then I want to cheer you on if you haven't given up!

Me too, mostly both though. I like you, Aiko, you're pretty cool!

>> No.481291

Yes they do.


>> No.481292

I'd like to be optimistic enough to feel despair, instead of bleak acceptance.

>> No.481293

Stop thinking of life in such petty terms.

>> No.481302
File: 52 KB, 500x392, 1208670912674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirai wa bokura no te no naka.

>> No.481305

Please don't be so easily accepting of everything. Try to ask yourself what you hate, what you tolerate, what you want and love and how you want to change the world and yourself. Stagnation is the worst disease, Anon, and being idle and accepting so easily could kill your spirit. I don't want you to kill your spirit, I want you to keep it alive and well.

>> No.481312

i thought nighttime /jp/ users had despair on their body instead of blood

>> No.481307

Thanks! You're pretty cool too, anon~

>> No.481316

>Even if we get a degree we'll end up working with a shit salary and looking at rich jocks being president of a franchise.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Get off your ass and get your degree. Or start a franchise yourself. Either way, it's what you make it.

>> No.481319

I can't tell if this is a ronery thread or a happy thread.

>> No.481350
File: 212 KB, 480x270, 1208671332205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Worry, Everything Is Going To Happy ♥

>> No.481363

Pah. The weaklings always tie it in with money. Fuck the degree and FUCK the franchise-- just try and leave your mark on the world, instead of fading away to obscurity.

>> No.481372

Incorrect. I have a degree. I don't get paid SHIT. You have to be specific. Only a degree in computer science pays off these days.

>> No.481375

There is no difference.

>> No.481403

You're right, you're so right. Don't ever lose sight of those ideas, Anon, you have the right mindset.

>> No.481406

>>Marrying a disgusting 3D pig and having someone more than dumb than you or possible retarded and seeing how that 3D pig gets even uglier and how she bitches at you to buy her shit.

Keep working at your grammar, kid. Stay in school.

>> No.481407

>Only a degree in computer science pays off these days.


>> No.481412

Usually, people who leave their mark on the world do it by carving their initials in something else.

>> No.481431

metaphorically taken, I agree with you.
Literally meant, not so much.

>> No.481452

Sorry, I'm ill-literate.

>> No.481458


>> No.481462

enjoy getting replaced by a chink who is 30x times better and works for a low salary unlike you.

or an indian.

i once dream of being a doctor but when i found out the entrance test to med school is hell i gave up.

then i picked up being an architect, but then i found out i cant draw even if god pointed me with a revolver.

i wanted to be an engineer.
but i soon realize that if i dont come from MIT,Harvard,Caltech they wont give ratshit about me and those places are already infested by chinks who are smarter than me and better than me.

>> No.481476

Embrace your creative chaotic side. Whites are good at making new shit.

>> No.481477

Hello There

>> No.481482

I said you get a star, not that I'd give you one. ♥

>> No.481485

lol advicefags think they're being clever
if anon had the motivation and ambition to cange himself and become successfull he wouldn't be posting on 4can at 2 int he morning in the first place

>> No.481489

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a chink who will be going to a shitty college because of my lack of interest in school.

>> No.481493

You say as if it's 2am everywhere right now...

>> No.481525


>> No.481526

You say that as if it matters. Stagnate all you want...don't try and take other people down with you.

>> No.481541


There. The mark that I left on this board, which will remain forever until 13 hours from now.

>> No.481542

NOt even midnight for me yet.

>> No.481543

What does it feel like to be "loved"?

>> No.481549

IF that's as low as you want to set your sights, congratulations. I look forward to not remembering you in 13 hours.

>> No.481553

I got my degree in CS getting 60%s all over the board

I immediately got a job less than a week after that. 60k salary in my first year. Much improvement to be done.

Chinks don't take steal your jobs in CS because there aren't enough people with CS degrees for employers to be picky about who they hire.

>> No.481556

don't ask questions that anonymous doesnt know

>> No.481557

money is pig disgusting

>> No.481558



>> No.481562

Computer Sciences

>> No.481564

Counterstrike, you underage fool. Now get off my 4chan.

>> No.481568

I wish there was someone I could tell "I hurt" to.

>> No.481571

then architects must be jobless by now.

fucking chinks.

>> No.481579

Yup. That's as high a standard as I'm going to go for my initials.

I'd save the whole "leaving my mark on the world" thing for my accomplishments.

>> No.481581

A man bears his pain in silence.

>> No.481582

There's anonymous, but I assume that's not satisfactory enough for you.

>> No.481584

You can get a degree in Computer Sciences? Like a professor? Might as well be a Phd in burger patties.

>> No.481601

op here.

i wanted to be a doctor, but med school is burning hard.
architects are all labeled as homos and thieves.
engineers, i dont want to end up working in a fucking mexican sweatshop.

>> No.481608

What's the reward for being a man?

>> No.481611

Please tell me. Why do you hurt Anon? I wish I could listen to you for as long as you needed.

>> No.481623

I'm going to become a teacher.

I'm doing it because I want to help out.


>> No.481629

Is that you Giygas?

>> No.481633

Engineer =/= mechanic.

>> No.481640

That's awesome for you. I want to help, too. That's why I'm going to be a social worker. I hope I can help, anyways.. that's all I want to do. I don't want anyone to hurt.

>> No.481642

Shit, if you've got the ability to get into and pay your way through med school, I'd stick it out and do that if I were you. If you manage to pull it off, you'd have it made: a high paying, stable job, you'll likely be the pride of the family, and no woman can resist 7 years and 6 figures.

>> No.481644

I don't think i'm a useless shit, i DO have some talents, not big ones, but i'm not totally lost.

The biggest problem is that i'm not very good at making friends or knowing people that aren't anonymous-like. I'm some kind of society renegade.

That's why i'll never have a girlfriend of friends that arenn't from my collegue.


>> No.481651

Funny. I'm trying to become a teacher because it's the only thing you can do with an English degree. Too bad I didn't find that out until I graduated college.

>> No.481654

manly shoulders for which to bear pain.

>> No.481660

Nozomu Itoshiki is my hero.

>> No.481664

I see. I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, though. I just so happen to be a CS major at a pretty respectable college.

>engineers, i dont want to end up working in a fucking mexican sweatshop.
You seem to have a very slanted view of what an engineer does. Are you mistaking it for something else? I think too many people think engineer has something to do with actual "engines" and thus they mentally connect it to working as a mechanic or some such. I'm not saying you do this, but I know enough who do. It's probably one of the reasons the number of engineers in the U.S. is down so severely, and it is truly unfortunate because engineers are the ones who actually make the advances that everyone else just copies and mass-produces and uses in their daily lives afterward.

>> No.481673

hey I hate Society as well. I never thought I would have a girlfriend right now and I happened to get one when I wasn't even looking. and believe it or not I don't have many friends either so..... don't feel too terribly bad.

>> No.481670

engineers work in cubicles

>> No.481681

Every time an engineer makes something new, he gets ripped off.

>> No.481688

I just generally don't like talking to people. I can't tell if a girl is interested in me. I don't think anyone has loved me for 5 years now.

>> No.481696

>engineers work in cubicles
Some do, some don't. I'm sure there are a hundred more professions that are more likely to have you wind up in a cubical. Accounting, for one. Hell, anything finance-related has as much a likelihood of landing you in a cubical as engineering, if not more. Engineers and Scientists aren't going to necessarily work in cubicles though.

I'll say this much, my first job after my freshman year in college was a low-requisite job, working on a finance/database-reconciliation project for a large software corporation. My co-workers were all senior to me by a few years and either had a community college degree or only with with some slack-off degree for undergrad like Business or Liberal Arts, etc.

Funny thing, about that project, I recently read the executive who was spearheading the entire thing took as much data as he could and ran off to a competing company to try and sell them the result of our work and now he's under federal investigation. I lol'd. There are fuck-ups everywhere, just make sure you're not one of them.

If you don't know what kind of degree you ought to get and you want to impress someone, be a math major. You can work in any god damn field you want (and depending on the field, you might need to get a graduate degree in that), but employers will look at a math major from a respectable college and say "This guy knows how to actually do some tough work." and hire you.

>> No.481704

Last time I smiled, someone was holding a gun to my head. I begged him to shoot. Turns out the gun he stole wasn't loaded.

>> No.481710

>engineers work in cubicles
Some do, some don't. I'm sure there are a hundred more professions that are more likely to have you wind up in a cubical. Accounting, for one. Hell, anything finance-related has as much a likelihood of landing you in a cubical as engineering, if not more. Engineers and Scientists aren't going to necessarily work in cubicles though.

I'll say this much, my first job after my freshman year in college was a low-requisite job, working on a finance/database-reconciliation project for a large software corporation. My co-workers were all senior to me by a few years and either had a community college degree or only with with some slack-off degree for undergrad like Business or Liberal Arts, etc.

Funny thing, about that project, I recently read the executive who was spearheading the entire thing took as much data as he could and ran off to a competing company to try and sell them the result of our work and now he's under federal investigation. I lol'd. There are fuck-ups everywhere, just make sure you're not one of them.

If you don't know what kind of degree you ought to get and you want to impress someone, be a math major. You can work in any god damn field you want (and depending on the field, you might need to get a graduate degree in that), but employers will look at a math major from a respectable college and say "This guy knows how to actually do some tough work." and hire you.

Well if you want to take the Marxian view on things, then be self-employed. Unfortunately if you're in a field of research that requires $2 Billion in lab equipment, you do have to run the risk of your work being owned by whoever runs the lab. However there are a few ways around this, but you have to think ahead. Also you could just get an MBA, and shoot for a business leadership position and get to be the guy who all the engineers work for. It's all about what you enjoy doing.

>> No.481717

I feel your pain...

>> No.481720

Needs full story nao.
Make it into a beautiful, artistic pasta.

>> No.481723

>engineers work in cubicles
Some do, some don't. I'm sure there are a hundred more professions that are more likely to have you wind up in a cubical. Accounting, for one. Hell, anything finance-related has as much a likelihood of landing you in a cubical as engineering, if not more. Engineers and Scientists aren't going to necessarily work in cubicles though.

I'll say this much, my first job after my freshman year in college was a low-requisite job, working on a finance/database-reconciliation project for a large software corporation. My co-workers were all senior to me by a few years and either had a community college degree or a decent college but only with some slack-off degree for undergrad like Business or Liberal Arts, etc.

Funny thing, about that project, I recently read the executive who was spearheading the entire thing took as much data as he could and ran off to a competing company to try and sell them the result of our work and now he's under federal investigation. I lol'd. There are fuck-ups everywhere, just make sure you're not one of them.

If you don't know what kind of degree you ought to get and you want to impress someone, be a math major. You can work in any god damn field you want (and depending on the field, you might need to get a graduate degree in that), but employers will look at a math major from a respectable college and say "This guy knows how to actually do some tough work." and hire you.

Well if you want to take the Marxian view on things, then be self-employed. Unfortunately if you're in a field of research that requires $2 Billion in lab equipment, you do have to run the risk of your work being owned by whoever runs the lab. However there are a few ways around this, but you have to think ahead. Also you could just get an MBA, and shoot for a business leadership position and get to be the guy who all the engineers work for. It's all about what you enjoy doing.

>> No.481732

do want story

>> No.481737


The problem is, i DO have a LOT of friends at my collegue. Seriously, sometimes i'm even confused if i'm a anonymous, since a huge lot of my friends are the popular-guy type, and i STILL can talk, laught and have fun with them, just because i fucking supress my power level.
I talk with the girls, some of them consider me a good friend(wich SUCKS), i can made them laught without any trouble, that kind of shit. I'm kind of popular, because i've been on that school since i was 10, now i'm 18 and know every one of them like the palm of my hand.

Everyone knows that i'm a "nerd", but they didn't really care. Problem is, i don't know if the whole world is going to be so acceptive like they are.

Here in Brazil there are people that are in fact, assholes, and people that'll like you the way you are, not the things you like. But i can't imagine how can a American anonymous live without killing himself with that "LOLOL I PLAY FOOTBALL SUCK MY COCK U WEIRDO" talk.

tl;dr i'm popular by now but i'll get it in the ass later

>> No.481759

I guess it depends on where you live in the US, but I live in Texas, and it's pretty much exactly how you described it here. If you like anything other than football, you're considered weird. The instant anything even remotely related to anime comes out of your mouth, you're considered a sexual deviant and you can kiss your social life good-bye.

>> No.481766

I know exactly how you feel believe me I'm just like you in a way. I can't tell if some girl likes me or if she's making fun of me. I know that since I have a girlfriend I can tell she loves me even if we have to talk through distance atm. Plus between me and her its gotten a bit complicated as its not quite a subject I want to talk on I just don't to cause any grief for myself.

>> No.481774

Woman's suffrage caused rap?

>> No.481776


I was sitting on my couch in my living room when some guy got the idea to rob me. He thought I had money. He put the gun to my head and the first words out of my mouth before he could say anything were "pull the trigger".

>> No.481780

In the northwest (I.E. washington/seattle) its perfectly normal to like anime/play games, etc. more anons should move there, its a good place. seattle is a near perfect city for weeaboos.

>> No.481784

I never really understood why people want to commit suicide. Life's too short as it is already, so why bother?

If your life truly isn't going to get any better under your current conditions, then just go all out with gusto. There shouldn't be anything holding you back. Such self-imposed limitations... I may be a laid-back guy, but I can't understand it.

>> No.481792

I went to Seattle for my first year of college and it was an absolutely amazing place. God I wish I could have stayed there but I got accepted as a transfer to a much better private university in Texas, and it's pretty much like >>481759 described. In Seattle I found a huge group of Anime/Gamer friends but in Texas there are some but it's like 90% XBAWKS SHOOTAN GAEMS and what-have-you.

God I wish I could have stayed there...

>> No.481797



>> No.481801

You didn't notice him breaking in? Who was he? What did he look like?

This story still lacks details.

>> No.481809

"To live is to die to die is to live. Pure is impure impure is pure. Good is evil evil is good. In the heart of men the two coexist. Some men become and other's evil. It is the way of this world" Priestess Kikyo

I felt that this quote was appropriate here. from that very quote has changed my look on Life as there were many times I did think of suicide because I was teased and harrassed a ton and I chased after them but now I do things I don't even care what other's think. Anime isn't big where I live at all and it gets teased a lot though it is slowly becoming a bit more accepted somehow.

>> No.481811

Successful weeaboo is successful.

>> No.481812

OP here.

Im mexican and i go to a border high school, electronics as my speciality and last year, i have to be honest i dont like electronics and everyone i know seems to be in their way to make the entry test, while i havent even thought on what to study.

Thinking on taking 1 year off to meditate what to study.

I dont want to be a doctor, its fucking hard.
I dont want to be an engineer because i dont want to end up in a sweatshop.

the only engineering i would like to take on is aeronautics or airspace but currently no college in town carries it and i dont want to end up in a sweatshop working for 200 dollars a fucking week, when a burger flipper makes that in less than 4 days.

and if i go into a private university i'll be the black sheep of the family and the laugh of my friends and family.

i seriously dont even meditate on killing myself because dying is a hassle.

>> No.481820

If I was accepted into UW (university in seattle) I would have gone there but i'm going to WSU. I think its full of rednecks/jocks but I'll be staying in the engineering house so hopefully there will be others like me. I'm rooming with my friend so I don't have to worry about a roommate who will make fun of me for watching anime.

as for dealing with people teasing you for liking anime, don't alter your opinions. Eventually, they will just accept that thats who you are and will stop.

>> No.481826

Sorry, I'm just not any good at telling stories.

My living room has a front door that leads straight to the street, I live in a row home. He was a couple years younger than I was. He basically tried to rush me. Run in get money, run away. He wasn't counting on being begged to shoot.

>> No.481827

>they will just accept that that's who you are and will stop.

No. No they won't.

>> No.481828

>and if i go into a private university i'll be the black sheep of the family and the laugh of my friends and family.

Why would your family laugh at you for going to a private university? Is there some cultural stigma against them in Mexico?

>> No.481836

>they will just accept that thats who you are and will stop.

No. No they won't.

>> No.481830

Here in Texas, you'll end up with no friends taking that route. Still, it's a lot better than dealing with asshole jocks and the air headed bitches that flock to them.

>> No.481831

I usually keep things to myself as I'm a shy quiet person and I hardly talk but if there's a subject to talk on i'll talk as much as I can on it. DAMN IT WHY MUST I HARDLY TALK gah its annoying I tell you no matter how much I try I can't seem to find words to talk to people in person. I'm fine when i'm online though.

>> No.481838

In Mexico.
Going to a private university means you're either a fucking idiot or you didn't pass the entry test to the state one. (in my town, we have 2 well respected state universities)

That's why i would be the laugh and i don't have any super talents unlike my brother, who's a complete electronics and computer wizkid, unlike him all i do is surf 4chan all my free-time and feel like shit.

>> No.481839

why do you try to befriend such people? I would rather just live alone than interact with them. at least, live alone until i go somewhere else for college.

>> No.481847

Huff raid.

>> No.481852

I don't try to befriend people like that. That's why I have no friends. As I said, I'd rather be alone than deal with those idiots.

>> No.481863

I have anxiety attacks when I'm in large groups or when I have to speak. I try to avoid it now by speaking to people in as few words as possible, even if it ends up in contradictions.

>> No.481859

-Being- dead sucks worse. As much as I hate my life, being dead sucks worse. I'm not suicidal anymore after being dead a few times. It's like going to a bar that doesn't serve drinks, but you can toast. It's fucking awful, but I honestly don't have the words to describe anything so abysmally lacking in stuff to do. It's like who can wait the longest. Just don't die. It really can get worse.

>> No.481873

I think your actions would have unnerved even some hardened criminals. They expect people to resist, react, be afraid, etc. You're pretty much throwing them out of their predicted routine in a way they're not prepared for.

>Going to a private university means you're either a fucking idiot or you didn't pass the entry test to the state one.
I see, so state universities are better there. In the U.S. it's a mix. There are some good state universities, and some crappy private colleges.

>> No.481877

I know exactly how you feel.

>> No.481895

what shit hasn't woman's sufferage caused?

>> No.481902

>>I think your actions would have etc.

At the time, I wanted him to pull the trigger. Giving him a mind-fuck really wasn't what I was thinking about.

>> No.481905


>> No.481914

>Giving him a mind-fuck really wasn't what I was thinking about.

I figured as much. Good show nonetheless.
I hope you can find a way out of your situation.

>> No.481915







>> No.481923

Sign me up!

>> No.481925

I figured as much. Good show nonetheless.
I hope you can find a way out of your situation.

Well isn't it possible that a conservative reaction to the events following that caused an increase in Republicans? You'd be surprised just what you can blame women for in some round-about way. It's like blaming white people. There's so many of them, you only have to half-rationalize your arguments to find a pretty simple connection!

>> No.481937

Yeah, but i dont think i can pass any of those tests, i seriously prefer to be dead than to fucking be a walking mine of shame and despair.

I would love to study aerospace engineering or aeronautics mainly because i love airplanes (thanks to macross, ace combat, etc.) but my father and mother think its a "bullshit idea i got off my japanese cartoons"' and my friends make fun of me because they don't think i'll even find a job on that and considering the fact that no university on town carries aeronautics, going outside is a gigantic huge no from my providers (parents).

>> No.481949
File: 111 KB, 525x295, 1208678269167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481964

women's suffrage > sexual revolution > degredation of society

>> No.481971

Meh, who cares.

>> No.481987

You sound like you speak on experience.

>> No.481992


tl,dr; shit sucks outside the internets.
