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4728851 No.4728851 [Reply] [Original]

You could see the love in their eyes whenever they were holding hands together shopping for cooking ingredients or small trinkets. Yukari and Ran were a cute couple for hundreds of years, that is until Ran started getting bored with their relationship. She gave Yukari the ultimatum that unless they had a child, she would leave Yukari and find another powerful youkai that actually cared about her and what her needs are.

Reluctantly, Yukari had to agree to start attempting to make a child with Ran. For many many years they tried to conceive, but Yukari's long years working around the radioactive border rendered her less than potent. Finally, after crying and pleading with Yukari, Ran got the two of them to go see Eirin at the Gensokyo Fertility Clinic to give Yukari some experimental drugs to increase their chance of conception. They were warned though, that these drugs were indeed tested very little, and had a high chance of birth defects for the baby if they did happen to have one.

Yukari fearing that Ran would leave unless she got her baby and agreed to take the pills and shots, and after a few more months, Ran became pregnant with their child. Gestation was long and hard as a fox's reproductive system was not meant to handle the spawn of such a powerful youkai, and the drugs Yukari had taken made the fetus...less than normal...where the fetus would scratch with it's tiny yet pointy claws at the inside of Ran's tender womb.

Yukari figured she could make the best of a terrible situation, and started daydreaming about playing catch with her child, teaching her how to fish and hunt, and how to fix the border. Deep down, Yukari also dreamt that the child would bring honor to the Yakumo name and would possibly even give her a grandchild that could become the strongest youkai Gensokyo had ever seen.

Finally, the child was born, and Ran named "it" Chen.

>> No.4728854

From birth both of the parents knew something was wrong with their child, as it had trouble learning and would be far more mischievous than a typical child. They eventually took the child to Eirin, who diagnosed young Chen with all sorts of behavioral disabilities including autism, ADHD, ADD, and extreme mental retardation. Chen would typically run away from home, throw tantrums breaking vases, and generally make any attempts to teach her right from wrong fail. Unfortunately for Ran, the tough birth rendered her unable to have any more children, but that didn't matter as Ran loved her child unconditionally, no matter how hard Yukari fought to have Chen put up for adoption.

To this day, Yukari spends most her time sleeping in one room of the house while Ran and her demon spawn Chen take up the remainder of Yukari's house. Yukari wants nothing to do with her disabled child, or the woman who forced the child into this world against Yukari's will. Yukari feels like a prisoner trapped in her own home, and everyone in Gensokyo fronts that she is simply tired from maintaining the border, yet deep down everyone knows what is really going on and feel nothing but pity for the small family.

"Why does Daddy Yukarin hate me mommy?" Chen asks while spitting food up, wetting her diaper, and reading books for infants even though she's over a hundred years old. "Forget about that old hag, sweetheart," Ran responds. "I am your mommy and your daddy, and all the family you will ever need, and my baby Chen is the only person I will ever need."

A single gunshot is heard is the room next to them.

"I love you Mama Ran...", Chen gurgles as Ran picks her up and holds her close.

>> No.4728879

tl;dr Yukari grows a dick then dies.

>> No.4728930


>> No.4729066
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>>throw tantrums breaking vases

>> No.4729072


>> No.4729096

You made me feel sorry for Yukari...

>> No.4729100
File: 217 KB, 1000x875, 547037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran was in her room, mathing. Yukari is sleeping.

Chen walks in and asks, "What's for dinner?"

Ran says, "I don't know. It's too early for dinner."

Chen says, "Oh."

Chen leaves, and Ran calculates the variable width of the Sanzu River.

The end.

>> No.4729105

Stop these lies, Chen is a high-functioning angel like all God's children

>> No.4729115


>> No.4729132
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Math Ran is math.

>> No.4729371

>A single gunshot is heard is the room next to them.

>> No.4729403





oh you

>> No.4729410

Yukari shot herself.

>> No.4729430

IN happened after PCB

>> No.4729441

>leave Yukari and find another powerful youkai that actually cared about her and what her needs are.
Stop reading at this point. This ain't how a "shikigami's" relationship with her master work.

>> No.4729451

You care about how canon shitty fanfiction is.

>> No.4729454
File: 88 KB, 600x600, f3f9ef6fd6f2a3597b4913ea6f53437b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she shot Chen and those were actually her dying words.

See, that makes sense too, nyuh, nyuh

>> No.4729457

yeah, that's how you know its shitty

>> No.4729470

Maybe if you lack any other way of judging writing quality.

>> No.4729475

just because you're so anal retentive and unimaginative that you can't enjoy a good story regardless of the writing doesn't mean everyone is as pathetic as you.

>> No.4729482

Yukari committed suicide because of the shame and humiliation, but I guess Yukari sniping Chen from across the house works too.

>> No.4729484

"Fanfiction" without following the "canon" rules is shitty, as it is nothing more than mumble stories. Don't expect not to get readers that get disappointed because of that.

It's shit.

>> No.4729505

>doesn't regularly read fanfiction
opinion invalid

>> No.4729513

Fuck you.
You can't have both of these.

>> No.4729554
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Chen does. That's her heritage.

>> No.4729635
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>> No.4729638

She's also bipolar, which allows her to frequently switch between ADD and ADHD.

Or she has multiple personality disorder, whatever works.

>> No.4729645


its caled skitzafrenia
stupid fuck

>> No.4729675
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>>stupid fuck

>> No.4729884
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Just you wait until th13, where Yukari shows up and makes a passing mention of Ran's useless shikigami.

Meanwhile, ZUN just laughs his drunken ass off.

>> No.4729970


>> No.4730014

I'm pretty sure fanon already knows that canonically Chen is useless to the Yakumos. She's just that retarded kid that lives in their house that they don't have the heart to kick out.

>> No.4730031

He wouldn't dare ;_;

>> No.4730033

Actually, you can.
My brother was diagnosed with both of them by multiple doctors. \o\

>> No.4730067

Ohoho Intriguing

>> No.4730102

I'm pretty sure that canon Chen lives alone with her cats and just serves Ran as her disciple. The whole "retarded" part comes from fanon.

>> No.4730108

you guys know chen in canon is rebellious as shit, right?

>> No.4730250

yeah but who cares, it's not like she's gonna show up ever again :/

>> No.4730256

And Ran disobeys Yukari in the Extra stage.

And messes up lots.

>> No.4730873
File: 119 KB, 378x352, ModCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this clawing at your womb, trying desperately to escape.

>> No.4730918


>> No.4731138
File: 71 KB, 869x1120, WilfordBrimleyChen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the Chen from this story looks

>> No.4731229

Since when do fans listen to canon?

>> No.4731231

I listen to it very intently.

>> No.4731236

Well, you're in the minority.

>> No.4731243

I know, that's why I don't bother making topics on /jp/.
