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46788520 No.46788520 [Reply] [Original]

My mom wants to learn about Touhou this weekend. What are the best things to showcase Touhou to her?

>> No.46788526

the takorin animations

>> No.46788533

Play her dolls in psuedo paradise and give her the original booklet story.

>> No.46788534

make her play LLS since it's the easiest

>> No.46788535

it's all about flanfly, really. no need to explain all the side stuff to her.

>> No.46788538

Honestly yeah that's a good call.

>> No.46788563

I adore DiPP, but do you think this would be a good idea to include in the introductory stuff, just because of how divorced the story of it is from the rest of Touhou, in terms of tone and content? Pretty good idea though

My mom only plays light gun games or other more casual stuff, and I feel like PC98 content in general wouldn't serve well as introductory stuff aside from maybe the songs.

I promise I will show her flanfly.

>> No.46788605
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Like what other people put forth, start with music and the written stories. Show her the games but don't force her to play them, and if she shows interest in playing introduce her to PCB since it's easier and the music is solid all the way through, or EoSD modded with a visible hitbox. I suppose the big thing is to not smother her and overwhelm her with stuff, give her a taste and if she likes it give her a direction to explore in like the other games and some fanon doujin stuff like IOSYS and other classics; point is, if she likes it she'll go off and look for more on her own and it's ultimately about her enjoyment of the setting.

>> No.46788739

>introduce her to PCB since it's easier and the music is solid all the way through, or EoSD modded with a visible hitbox
LLS, IN and MoF are way easier, start her with them instead if you're going to introduce her to the games. EoSD even with a visible hitbox is still unforgiving as fuck for a beginner.

>> No.46788748

>easier than PCB
I STRONGLY disagree, I started with PCB and I managed to beat it, I still cant beat MoF.

>> No.46788749

Fumos. Collectible plushies are like catnip for boomers.

>> No.46788773

EoSD simply because it's the first in the (windows) series. I figured PCB because of the border escape gimmick, you get new lives like candy, and you can just start with more lives.

>> No.46788777

The only case for PCB being easier than MoF I can come up with, is on the higher difficulties and/or with Sakuya's shot types. But making a beginner play with either a shot type where zero aiming is required to succeed, or a gimmicy shot type where you basically have to stay focused to hit and dodge at the same time will just lead to over-reliance on bombs which you have an abundance of. Bombing your way through the game with Sakuya B on normal won't teach you the basics or prepare you for the more difficult games. MoF gives you less potential to trivialize spell cards by bombing without being too difficult on normal, which makes it a better beginner game in the long term.

>> No.46788783

PC-98 seems more palatable to normies to me since the general style/atmosphere is more like a classic anime

>> No.46788804

If you're going to start from EoSD, you might as well start from LLS. It's every bit as archaic and outdated as EoSD in comparison to more recent games, but also a lot easier.

>> No.46788813

Yeah but thats under the assumption that OPs mother will actually like or tolerate the dificulty of those games, and dont forget that for casual audiences TH is very fucking hard, even by cheesing your way through PCB you can get a solid idea of what the franchise is about, and you can judge of wether or not you want to continue, and I think youre overstimating how useful bombs are, yeah, they make things easier, but you still have to put off effort to beat the game.

>> No.46788841

There's not much to tolerate. MoF is about as difficult as PCB without the free bullet cancels from borders, IN is about as easy as PCB with Sakuya and LLS is even easier. If the goal is to get OPs mom to play and 1cc any mainline game whatsoever on normal, then I agree with you that PCB with Sakuya's bomb spam is a valid option. But I don't think that it's an accurate experience of what 1ccing a 2hu game typically is like.

>> No.46788848

And she doesn't need to play the games to enjoy Touhou, if she wants to that's fine but it's okay to be a secondary.

>> No.46788855

>it's okay to be a secondary
this is not what jaypee told me

>> No.46788867

Show your mom the porn.

>> No.46788869

I know, thats what some anon stated before in the thread the whole "give her the games" phase comes after the suggestion of "give her the music and the stories first and if she has interest show her the games".
>I don't think that it's an accurate experience of what 1ccing a 2hu game typically is like.
Anon, dont you thnk youre getting too ahead of yourself, you know, telling a casual that has never touched TH to 1cc anything at all.
Also, if youre going to recommend MoF, fine, but IN with the annoying time mechanic is only probably going to frustrate her.

>> No.46788873
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The negative effect is reduced by half if her son OP is a primary. Really as long as you know right from left, your knowledge isn't based solely on fanon memes, and know how to differentiate from Cookie shit and Touhou you're in a good spot. Just enjoyee and take it easy~

>> No.46788875

For an elderly woman it's more lax. The vast majority of people who use the excuse of not needing to play the games to like Touhou to justify themselves not playing the games are not elderly women. If you are elderly or disabled (significantly), being a secondary is acceptable.

>> No.46788894

Maybe showing her a replay of a 1cc (I recommend IN, since it's peak 2hu) before making her play a game can make them seem a little more approachable. Plus if they are something she absolutely wouldn't enjoy, she can probably tell when she sees actual gameplay.
If the goal is not to get an 1cc, but to just try the games, then it makes no difference which game she tries first (aside from LoLK of course). In fact, have her play most of the games a little if she's feeling up to it. Even if she doesn't make it much past stage 2 or 3 on them, she'll probably come across at least one game that she likes best out of all of them.

>> No.46788910

More reminiscent of classic games, too. MS stage 2 is straight out of an 80s shmup, down to the music, the background, and the stage hazards.

>> No.46789314

I might be wrong about this, but I suspect she wants to learn more about Touhou to better bond with you. Just show her what you like and don't be weird about it.

>> No.46791669

Ignore this anon. Show her THAT doujin.

>> No.46791750

...the fairy one?

>> No.46791772

You mean... "THAT" doujin?!

>> No.46791788

Showing her the incest doujin will not end like doujins do, anon...

>> No.46793437
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>> No.46793701

Kanako's last spellcard is hell for beginners

>> No.46793938

Pandain / yassy / kurona doujinshi

>> No.46794188

I wish this picture didn’t exist.
Why do you do this?

>> No.46797042

Well obviously, but that's why the thread exists, for OP to give his mom a positive impression and hopefully for her to be able to, on some level, share this passion.

>> No.46797674

I kinda regret the post desu. I assumed everyone here is autistic as I am. I also do think it's possible for even seemingly unlikely people to be into Touhou in itself as it's own thing.

I would still just recommend OP to show and tell what he enjoys and go from there.

>> No.46799525

simply invite her to try one of the games, and in the event that she enjoys it, seeks to repeat the experience, begins playing it semi-regularly, and eventually develops some amount of enthusiasm for the franchise, then you may selectively introduce her to other elements of its content such as you think she would find entertaining
if she sees any of that stuff beforehand, without having experienced what it all revolves around, the mania and obsessivity that pervades throughout the fanbase would probably seem off-putting, thus it should be concealed from her until the time is right, if such a time ever comes, and even then I emphasise she should be exposed to it 'selectively' because if she stumbles upon a page of yukkuri abuse she'll probably call mental health services on you, especially if it happens early on

>> No.46799611

also if you get her into it you should go to a convention with her in ran cosplay and you as chen

>> No.46802526

>if she sees any of that stuff beforehand, without having experienced what it all revolves around, the mania and obsessivity that pervades throughout the fanbase would probably seem off-putting, thus it should be concealed from her until the time is right, if such a time ever comes
It's not the 90s anymore grandpa. People, including adults, enjoying odd things won't land you in the psyche ward.

>> No.46803779

THIS >:(

>> No.46803831
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「Go Back To The Start」

>> No.46804827

Don't listen to us. We're retarded.

>> No.46804892
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He already posted the perfect touhou mother/son cosplay in his pic, so why are you suggesting a gay downgrade?

>> No.46804929
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Hey Anon...do you seriously think that OP's mother would enjoy seeing her son crossdress..?

>> No.46804988

I said sudden exposure to the 2hu fanbase as a whole could be 'off-putting', on the assumption that we're talking about an older woman who hardly ventures beyond facebook in her use of the internet, my 'mental health services' comment was reserved for exposure to particular extreme elements of it, which I feel is a legitimate concern; if I had a son and I found a yukkuri abuse folder on his laptop my opinion of him would most definitely be altered

>> No.46805026

quite possibly, perhaps even very much so
maybe she would even like to help attatch his tails before the event

>> No.46810590
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Touhou cosplay is a family-friendly activity! I know a father/son duo in Japan who both cosplay as Sakuya!
