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46561132 No.46561132 [Reply] [Original]

Which 2hu do you think would be the best at cooking? Who would be the worst?

>> No.46561154


>> No.46561168

>best at cooking?
Sakuya and Youmu for obvious reasons. Both of them also have all the skills required to be the best house wife

>> No.46561778

Reimu in the manga canonically cooks good. Reimu is just the most breedable Touhou.

>> No.46561922
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Always good to be in the company of men of fine standing

>> No.46562005
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That slop is indicative of a lowborn.

>> No.46562169
File: 180 KB, 559x599, Ran Curves(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which 2hu do you think would be the best at cooking? Who would be the worst?
Ran. She's the only one I know of who has cooked in canon and not only that it was a banquet for Yukari. It's not stated or implied that anyone helped her out and her own phrasing points to her being the one to cook all of that food by herself and you know that such a rich and powerful yokai like Yukari would want the best of the best for whoever she's entertaining.

>> No.46562219
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Reimu also canonically can't be bothered to cook and survives off of the food other people bring her, meaning Marisa and Sanae can be added to the good cook list
Miyoi cooks food that everyone praises in LE, so she can be added to the list too

>> No.46562414
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>Reimu also canonically can't be bothered to cook and survives off of the food other people bring her
Oh it's you. That guy who thought that Reimu died because she ate expired food. I love how you're so good at selectively reading WaHH like you're drunk. Well anyway, no she does cook.

>> No.46563484
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They all have their tastes and styles, but for best cook it's a toss up between Ran and Sakuya. In terms of high class dining Sakuya has everyone beat as she will have nothing less for the mistress. Her experience and lifespan of a human limits her and I don't see her doing more than western style cooking, but she can do it exceptionally well. Ran has likely experienced most things the culinary world has to offer and as such she can make just about whatever you wanted, for homemade cooking that can bring the most harsh of critics to tears, you aren't getting any better than this. My bias to the fox says she's the best.
Honorable mention for Youmu's food factory style of cooking, she has it rough.

For worst there's not much basis in canon for anyone who is plain bad. Going by the fanon and loosely based conjecture we can ask ourselves: "Can they boil an egg or noodles and have it be eaten?" If they can't, they can't be trusted in a kitchen.
I'd say the worst would be Okuu, by herself she couldn't cook to save her life and would leave the stove running and forget about it.

>> No.46563785

I didn't think of Sakuya as an option but what you said does make sense. For me it's Ran first then Sakuya in a very distant second. Ran's experience and her having the computational capabilities of a supercomputer puts her above anyone else. Also I would count Okuu as being the worst simply because of how brain dead she is. As over the top as this video is i could see her doing this shit https://youtu.be/oi9e8CwTsmI?si=IVx8G-T4SsKE7n1S

>> No.46566332


I believe that the Touhou who would be best at Cooking is probably Sakuya due to her having to serve a Bratty Vampire.

The Touhou who would be the worst at Cooking is Okuu.

>> No.46566458
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It's funny, because in LE Marisa was the one who was made fun of by Reimu
>Forest people

>> No.46566465

>Sakuya due to her having to serve a Bratty Vampire.
Let's be real, is it really that hard to cook dino nuggets and french fries?

>> No.46566634
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x871, c463644_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's mentioned the mountain momma yet? I don't care that she lives in squalor, her meats are hearty and soups motherly and I'd easily take whatever she cooks up after a good day's haul over whatever prissy shit they serve in the SDM.

>> No.46566677


It's harder to sneak in the vegetables and ...other stuff and make them still taste the same

>> No.46572436

Poor Marisa, she keeps getting bullied by everyone

>> No.46574390


Well once she puts the wrong mushroom in your food, you're gone

>> No.46574487

i like how Alice is with them and from the forest but you never get to see her face kek

>> No.46574711

Truly, the housewife hu and most marriageable of all youkai

>> No.46574719
File: 2.91 MB, 2260x1600, seasoned cook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the 2wife of all time

>> No.46574983

Alice relevant?
In modern 2hu?
Good one anon!

>> No.46578239

