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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46481493 No.46481493 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>46408338

A place for discussion of the great works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material
Mahoutsukai no Yoru OST Music Collection [FLAC]

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Light Novels (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Light Novels (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime Complete Pack (Tsukihime, PLUS+DISC, Kagetsu Tohya):
Tsukihime OG Collection:
Tsukihime Manga (Arcueid's route):
Tsukihime Plus Period - Talk
Tsukihime II Prelude

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake:
English Patch:

MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (Original + ReACT + Act Cadenza + Actress Again Current Code):
MELTY BLOOD - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:

Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]:
Fate/hollow ataraxia:
Fate/Zero (English)
Fate/Zero (Japanese):
Garden of Avalon


>Other Type-Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Clock Tower 2015:
Fire Girl:
Tsuki no Sango - Coral of the Moon:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:

>Type-Moon Miscellaneous
BAMBOO BROOM DIARY (Nasu and Takeuchi blog)
Carnival Phantasm (made in celebration of Type-Moon's 10th anniversary)
Encyclopedia of Type-Moon:
TMdict Glossary:
Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc):
Tsukihime Archives:
Type-Moon Comic Ace:

>> No.46481592

First for Akiha

>> No.46481796
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Is Shiki really mean to Arihiko?

>> No.46481811
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So this is from where the memes come from.

>> No.46481836
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>> No.46482837

red garden doko

>> No.46483876

Foursome between Shiki, Miyako, Mio and Akiha

>> No.46483893
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Threesome between Shiki, Miyako and DA Noel

>> No.46484007
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>> No.46484023
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>> No.46484029
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>> No.46484069
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>> No.46484280
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>> No.46484912
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>> No.46484941
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>> No.46484996
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>> No.46485090
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>> No.46485392
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>> No.46485491

April Fool

>> No.46485604
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The fabled Rider route...

>> No.46485608
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Thank god

>> No.46485670
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>click on obviously fake youtube link
>expect a rick roll
>get a fucking bocchi amv
i miss the old internet

>> No.46486713

I wish we got more Notes.

>> No.46487024

Lostbelt arc is done so the chance of something from fgo are almost zero

>> No.46487116

Will OC end this year?

>> No.46487191
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>> No.46487192
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>> No.46487301

>so the chance of something from fgo are almost zero
thank god

>> No.46487329
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That's right

>> No.46487338
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It's finally here.

>> No.46487808

What are you suggesting? Nasu already confirmed nothing higher scale than gimped ORT so it is impossible.

>> No.46487913

>Nasu already confirmed
kek. Come on, this is Nasu we're talking about.
That said FGO is trash for depicting scale, so it doesn't matter much I suppose.

>> No.46488019

He was very direct about it. The main story is in its final phase anyway so kinda weird to assume something like Notes out of nowhere. That's never being made into anything anyway. You'll get some references here or there but I doubt you'd have the chance to have anything serious. "Here is this singularity that's uh, actually from a different universe and incompatible with ours and uhhh here is your 4 hour event that makes no sense" Do we really need more dogshit via exploitation of past/more interesting settings?

>> No.46488098

>Do we really need more dogshit via exploitation of past/more interesting settings?
that's been their entire buisness model for literally 20 years anon

>> No.46488170

Making standalone sequels/spinoffs, prequels or whatever is different than just having something relegated to the purpose of extending the lifespan of a stagnant slot machine with the worst cast and setting in their catalogue. Though I do agree TM should do something new for a change. Fucking creatively bankrupt.

>> No.46488274
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my angel butt

>> No.46488368
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>> No.46488373
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>> No.46488387
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>> No.46488455

Is this the best TM fanartist and why is the answer yes?

>> No.46489161

So isn't Arc theoretically stronger now than she was in the past? Just because she's able to use her powers according to her own will and feelings rather than being just a tool/output device? Her new mind would let her be more dangerous and dismissive of any TA standards. Even if she's technically missing some hair.

>> No.46489174

One OC each year, fgo player will see the end of the filler arc in 2026

>> No.46489186

It will probably end in 2025 maybe. They have 2 to go.

>> No.46489198

What's funny is they're really laying on the idea that the end of the journey is upon you. Even link losting your servants. It's hard to feel anything about it though since the game is trash emotionally and the "end" is probably bullshit since $$$$$. What a weightless story.

>> No.46489227

She probably was a lot more efficient in her exterminator mindset, in the sense that she'd take the shortest pat towards eliminating a given target.
If she fights according to her feelings she'd be more liable to make mistakes.

>> No.46489236

If only one OC per year then that means 9 months of no content. Was there such a long release interval between OC1 and OC2?

>> No.46489300

Arc is still brutally efficient and serious as seen with Vlov. I think she's just more dangerous now as seen when Mario tried to gank her or Ciel realized she wasn't dealing with the normal princess. She's now an unknown quantity since she's human which while normally would make you less precise than a machine actually in her case should make her more dangerous since she's freely capable of utilizing her abilities as she sees fit even against prey she likely wouldn't if she subscribed simply to the robotic minimal expenditure mindset. She'll use her MP more indulgently and such which makes it harder to game her by exploiting TA characteristics.

>> No.46489305

Yes. It's been like 17 months since even a shitty interlude lol.

>> No.46489419

True, although even exploiting those weaknesses seems to be almost impossible. Proof is Roa who knows her abilities inside out and usually prepares for her arrival. Yet he still died 16 times to her.

>> No.46489469

To be fair, Roa's a genius but he rarely has a body that's kino. Seems he was prioritizing the wrong thing until 15. A good example of why Arc's better now would be that she can easily draw excess power/strengthen herself more than she normally would just based on opponent measurement. This would help when facing an army of similar leveled enemies since one of the "rules" seems to be to take advantage of the fact that a TA should limit itself to just above the greatest threat. If they're all about equal then the "army" at least has some avenues to approach towards ultimately repelling them. Fighting Arc now is like fighting a fallen TA that's not fallen or devolved simply into a beast I'd say.

>> No.46489539

I imagine Remake Arc could just do that normally, since it's mentioned she has the highest Authority among TA. But what you said makes sense. It would help if we knew how Arc fought against Roa/the DAA in France.
The Church accounts for "you must fight 1 with many" mostly apply to normal TA, as opposed to Royalty.
There was that scene where Arc destroying an entire building to crush a group of dead.

>> No.46489665
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>It would help if we knew how Arc fought against Roa/the DAA in France.
She does have the highest authority for sure but it did seem like emphasis was put on continuously appearing before you while growing ever stronger. Implying to me she's "playing by the rules" so to speak. It makes sense to me now that her mind is changed she'd be disregarding her "programming" as she'd selfish/willful. A big part of Ciel true was her newfound freedom and emotions making her lose sight of what it even means to be a TA and do shit that was embarrassingly human. Or in otherwords, tossing away her pride I guess? Going by Ciel's earlier jabs about that.
Indeed though, it would be very helpful if we knew more. We'll probably find out in Arc true but it would make a lot of sense if that limitation factored into it and it was indeed a strategic group battle. Chromclay's ability seems like it would maybe be the MVP here.

Yeah, good point about the building. Forgot about it but that's another example of her "liberally" using her abilities that Ciel feels incredulous about.

>> No.46489769

Primate Murder vs King Kong.

>> No.46489785

Makes sense. Maybe that's what made her different from Altrouge. Who probably had similar scale and abilities while not caring about any rules.

>> No.46489849
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That's actually an interesting point to bring up because she does say this... which goes hand in hand with her new persona and actions. TA built-in mental/emotional safeguards unlocked.

>> No.46489859

Meant to highlight the DA mentality/understanding part which Altrouge naturally would have being part DA.

>> No.46490921
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>> No.46491084
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>> No.46491088
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>> No.46491092
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>> No.46491097
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>> No.46491101
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>> No.46491102
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>> No.46491107

Extra remake when?

>> No.46491110
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>> No.46491126
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>> No.46491147
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>> No.46491166
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>> No.46491176
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>> No.46491182
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>> No.46491211
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>can't post this because "the image resolution is too large"


>> No.46491219
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>> No.46491228
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>> No.46491230
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>> No.46491233
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>> No.46491236
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>> No.46491240
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>> No.46491242
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>> No.46491248
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>> No.46491256
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>> No.46491257
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>> No.46491290
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>> No.46491297
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>> No.46491298
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>> No.46491308
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>> No.46491312
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>> No.46491317
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>> No.46491330
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>> No.46491340
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>> No.46491358
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>> No.46491364
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>> No.46491368
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>> No.46491370

Self-Insert/Fire user Nrvnqsr/Enhance/Noel=Narbarek/Ufotable didn't happen.

>> No.46491403
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>> No.46491408
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>> No.46491415
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>> No.46491425
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>> No.46491437
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>> No.46491461
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>> No.46491476
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>> No.46491480

I wish I had gotten into Nasu's works sooner. I fucking hate post-gacha hell.

>> No.46491493
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I sleep now wake me up when mahoyo sequels comes out

>> No.46491769
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>> No.46492059

Are you under impression things would've turned out differently, or you just wanted to have a fun time with other anons at large when they were not so mind-broken and corrupted?

>> No.46492063

The latter.

>> No.46492077

Owari da.

>> No.46492606


>> No.46493782

Primate Murder >>>>>>>>>

>> No.46494187
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>> No.46494211
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>> No.46495007

No TM April Fools?

>> No.46495138
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>> No.46495880

As a joke I will go gay for redman
But only for today

>> No.46496864

It’s no joke anon. You are a homosexual.

>> No.46497167
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>> No.46497382

If Tsukihime does get an anime, how will it work considering it has 5 routes?
I just don't believe there will be 5 seasons or movies of Tsukihime.

>> No.46497417
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Could Arc beat Messi?

>> No.46497488

Why? KnK had 8 movies.

>> No.46497637

>Will the final battle take place somewhere other than the school building? Or, if there’ll be a unified route with Arc as the eventual heroine, purposely sticking with the hallway might also work.
likely scenario is that they decide to adapt arc true since it will be probably function as some sort of unified route like the manga with arc as main heroine. doubt they will bother with animating every routes unless they think tsukihime is capable of getting big.

>> No.46497669

Tsukihime is already big. The Remake was the best selling VN that TM has made.

>> No.46497743

What's this hairstyle called?

>> No.46497766

Come on, they made different animes and a movie for fate stay night. I don't see why they shouldn't do the same for tsukihime

>> No.46497774

not talking about vn sales, but more tsukihime potential of getting big in the anime format. getting every routes animated is also another thing that is almost unheard of even from popular visual novels that managed to get big as anime as well. basically, f/sn is very much the exception.

>> No.46497954
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Can't be helped.

>> No.46498219

Arc is weak to South America so Messi beat her

>> No.46498238

Order for the anime adaptation
Arc > Ciel > Akiha > Satsuki > Kohaku > Hisui

>> No.46498284

She is not weak. She is just not super resistant.

>> No.46498291

how many episodes/film runtime should each route get?

>> No.46498347

>Takeuchi always wanted to be a mangaka
>Never made a mangaka

Someone explain this

>> No.46498364

>made a mangaka

>> No.46498472

what if he did, with Nasu?

>> No.46498480

Pre-2010 Type Moon fandom was by far the best time ever for me. A magical period in my life I'll always cherish and never get back again. It pretty much went on a complete downward spiral after Melty Blood Actress Again faded, felt like that was last remnant of old Type Moon Nowadays I do not care for Type Moon anymore, i just occasionally browse these threads

>> No.46498519

Doom after Remake ends because that's the best thing TM will ever produce.

>> No.46498563

The original slated releases at the time were:
FSN (2004) -> FHA (2005) -> FZ (2006/2007) -> Mahoyo (early 2009) - > Nasu finishes up DDD -> Tsukihime Remake work begins and/or is release (late 2009) -> Mahoyo Chapter 2 work begins

Instead we got Mahoyo in 2012, Nasu never finished DDD, Tsukihime Remake in 2021, and Mahoyo will forever be an unfinished work.

1996 - Witch on the Holy Night draft
1998-1999 - Kara no Kyoukai
2000 - Tsukihime
2001 - Kagetsu Tohya
2003 - Melty Blood and Tsuki-Bako
2004 - Fate/stay night
2005 - Fate/hollow ataraxia
2006 - Fate/zero
2007 - DDD and Fate/stay night Realta Nua for PS2
2008 - Girls Work, Tsukihime Remake and Mahoutsukai no Yoru trilogy announcement
2010 - Fate/Extra
2010 - Mahoyo (part 1 of 3) and Fate/stay night UBW movie
2012 - Fate/Apocrypha and Fate/stay night Realta Nua for PSV
2013 - Fate/Extra CCC
2014 - Fate/hollow ataraxia for PSV and Fate/stay night UBW anime
2015 - FGO
2016 - FGO and Fate/Extella
2017 - FGO
2018 - FGO, Fate/Extra: Last Encore and Fate/Extella Link
2019 - FGO
2020 - FGO
2021 - TsukiR (2 of 6 routes) and Fate/stay night UBW manga
2022 - Don't worry we haven't forgotten about Red Garden!
2023 - FGO
2024 - FGO and Fate/stay night REMASTERED for PS4
2025 - FGO
2026 - FGO
2027 - FGO
2028 - FGO

>> No.46498601

Why do you hate Melty

>> No.46498681

Tekken is better

>> No.46498697


>> No.46498813

Depends on when it's animated but you could honestly make good points for either route getting adapted
Unifying 6 20+hr routes is a retarded idea and would take way more effort than just adapting one route.

>> No.46498871

>racist cheongsam Kohaku
>indian Ciel
>every gaijin is a villain in Tsukihime

Why is Nasu such a racist?

>> No.46499331
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>> No.46499372
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>> No.46499377
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>> No.46499388
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>> No.46499397
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>> No.46499406
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>> No.46499411
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>> No.46499418
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>> No.46499430
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>> No.46499436
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>> No.46499443
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>> No.46499462
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>> No.46499470
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>> No.46499480
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>> No.46499507
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>> No.46499521
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>> No.46499532
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>> No.46499542
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>> No.46499548

Sacchin sex!

>> No.46499550
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>> No.46499555
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>> No.46499596
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i need her so bad

>> No.46499603
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>> No.46499607
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>> No.46499626
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>> No.46499725

you just know she does some mind-blowing ball-draining sex shit with her puppets

>> No.46499740
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>> No.46499813


>> No.46499968

Is the cuck chair a real thing that exists

>> No.46500032

yes, Shiki makes Akiha sit in it and watch while he fucks every woman in the mansion (and quite a few outside of it) but her

>> No.46500132
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>> No.46500201

I was hoping to get Akiha sex scene, but getting cucked by Kohaku is hot as well.

>> No.46500237
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>> No.46500247
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It's been 24 years and Ciel is still best girl

>> No.46500583
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>> No.46500899

You know how it works. They'll only adapt Arc's route again because the basic bitches only want the first route.

>> No.46501279

FSN shows otherwise

>> No.46501587

What does this pose mean? What have these girls in common?

>> No.46501622

It was but Shiki destroyed it

>> No.46501641

Ciel and Akiha routes would get adapted too, it's Satsuki, Kohaku and Hisui that may get nothing

>> No.46501906

>Ciel adapted

>> No.46501921

Why would they not adapt the best route?

>> No.46501930

Because Hisui's route would be too hard to adapt I think

>> No.46502145

God, Mio is so tiny and cute. I want her to sit on my lap.

>> No.46502156

Ciel's True was made to be animated.

>> No.46503205
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Will Red Garden even contain 4 routes since A Piece of Blue Glass oon only had 2 routes?

>> No.46503279

do you think they will split the game again?

>> No.46503401

Kohaku's route will split off from Hisui. And yeah, this question was already asked in 4Game and Nasu said it will be fine.

>> No.46503427

>Nasu said it will be fine.
In a very ambiguous and unreliable manner, sure.

>> No.46503464
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Type Moon for all their financial success and acclaim are pathetic with how majority of their current output is 90% tied to a gacha. Oooooh nasu gave a morsel of worthless lore on it or in an interview. Totally worth having no real continuation or new ips. Theyre like that kid who peaked in High school. Now they just coast off their past success. Thank you Type moon.

>> No.46503475

he literally went
are you fucking retarded? Enjoy your blood lasers.

>> No.46503538

how is that relevant with the discussion?

>> No.46503964

if Touko can just win big at the local pachinko parlor why did she struggle to pay Mikiya so much?

>> No.46503973

like Ciel the remake will be very bottom heavy

>> No.46504041
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>> No.46504057
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>> No.46504065
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>> No.46504079

Wait, that's actually how tall is she? Lmao
Are Kohaku and Hisui taller?

>> No.46504080
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>> No.46504094

I just pray for the rest of Mahoyo and Tsukihime 2

>> No.46504120

kids who peak in high school don't continue collecting mountains of cash while doing minimal work

>> No.46504122

>Wait, that's actually how tall is she?

>> No.46504165
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She is taller than that, but shorter than Hisu-Koha.

>> No.46505000
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What your final verdict on her?

>> No.46505041


>> No.46505109

NTA, but if it means maintaining quality, I'd rather they split the games. I'm very happy with how the remake turned out. That being said, I don't know which is better
>Part 2: Akiha + Sacchin
>Part 3: Hisui + Kohaku
>Part 2: Akiha + Hisui
>Part 3: Sacchin + Kohaku

>> No.46505126

The bad end where she drugs you to make you endlessly cum and paizuri's you to death in her half-human-half-spider form was 10/10.

>> No.46505157

are you actually sub 90 IQ? Do you understand human language?

>> No.46505281

irrelevant to the initial discussion about red garden containing 4 routes vs 2 routes for blue glass. nice job exposing yourself at being a brainless monkey and dekinai though.

>> No.46505391

Is this some ebin larp or something? That Nasu response is literally directly after the interviewer asks:

派手 obviously also is referring to the giant length of Ciel's route as well.

>> No.46505470

Yep, he doesn't think the far side routes are going to be as heavy and showy as Ciel's route. That was exactly my point here>>46503401
You can't just say "oh Nasu say probably, so that means the far side routes are going to be super flashy and as dense as Ciel's".
You have to take into account that far sides are 'mystery' while near-side is 'action'. That's always been the case.

>> No.46505477

No the point is that nobody has any idea what the fuck will happen because Nasu gave a weird vague answer.

>> No.46505488

The weird vague answer of 'yeah it should be fine'.

>> No.46505830

the two aren't mutually exclusive. you can still have something that is lengthy without going particularly 派手. obviously in the case of ciel route the two coincide since one ending goes wild for multiple hours, which is what nasu is probably referring to anyway.

>> No.46505867

That's why I said "also"

>> No.46506109

Shit will be flashy if any DAA shows up. I don't really need Akiha razing the planet but people forget that shit like Arc making a new order when btfoing Roa is really just as OP as anything else. You can have strength and scale/hax without needing collateral damage. That's usually the more interesting and powerful approach anyway.

>> No.46506256

You guys wouldn't something silly like watch new fans stream F/sn officially translation when it gets released, right? Ha ha ha...

>> No.46506308

I'm not masochistic enough.

>> No.46506356

Kiritsugu hated Kayneth because he was an upper-class white guy.

>> No.46506667

I just learned that there is a native 1080p version of Fate/hollow ataraxia. I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, I would have loved to play the game in a resolution higher than 800x600. On the other hand, that would have made screenshooting it a nightmare, so in that sense having the OG version was good.

>> No.46506689

What version is that?

>> No.46506693
File: 24 KB, 630x289, Screenshot 2024-04-0X Fate_Hollow Ataraxia Ultimate Edition Nyaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, apparently.

>> No.46506700

show me the quote

>> No.46506703

There aren't any 1080p assets for HA so they must be doing something funny.

>> No.46506708

I don't think there are any 1080p assets for Fate/stay night either, isn't it? However, they upscale nicely.

>> No.46506742

I think the assets from the mobile version of FSN are higher quality than the other versions. FHA doesn't have anything like that though.

>> No.46506752
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After some search, I've found a 4K screenshot. Looks decent enough IMO.

>> No.46506789
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Alice is fully English right?

>> No.46506792


>> No.46506823

Then what is she

>> No.46506964

her last name is literally "kuonji", anon
she's a hafu, her parents met while papa was studying overseas

>> No.46507505

Kiri might as well have been an upper class himself.

>> No.46507754
File: 196 KB, 580x548, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends irl
>fall in love after reading mahoyo and Alice
>now stuck in a parasocial trance

>> No.46508173 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.13 MB, 1350x2187, Aliceextra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Alice too

>> No.46508224 [SPOILER] 
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I hate Passionlip too

>> No.46508557
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>> No.46508603

This is THE gayest thing I have ever read here, bar none.

Good job.

>> No.46508713

It’s not gay it’s GAR

>> No.46509914
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>Nasu already confirmed nothing higher scale than gimped ORT so it is impossible.
WITNESS ORT-LIZ, daughter of Oberon and Guda.

>> No.46510191

Voyager mean that the human texture, physics and such extends to the edge of the solar system right? What happens past that? And what about the planets in the solar system? They don't necessarily appear in a telescope or footage from a rover as they really are and can have their own texture, laws and types right? Does that mean that an alien race could be exploring earth within their own texture and the planet just looks like a giant dead rock to them?

>> No.46510278

For other planets to have similar textures they must have a similar development to Earth's, with their own intelligent civilization. Which might be the case but there is nothing pointing in that direction.
But yeah, if an alien completely unrelated to humanity entered the Solar System, they wouldn't necessary be able to observe any of the same things that humans perceive (e.g. Mars looks completely different to them, compared to what a human might see if they visited Mars); they might not be able to witness the events of any particular human timeline that exists within the Tree of Time. It's even possible that they wouldn't be able to observe direct evidence of the human habitation of Earth.

Naturally, this means that even if the aliens arrived in the atmosphere of the planet, humans wouldn't necessarily be aware of their presence, or vice versa.

>> No.46510402

Makes sense. What about the human texture range? Would physics as we know them stop at the end of the human texture? This would be the solar system approximately(or wherever voyager would be?) And further exploration would colonize more of space with our observable universe? Actually how does that work with telescopes seeing much further than that? Would all that be part of the observable universe(And would that mean the texture expands that far?) or would it mean that what we're seeing of galaxies billions of lightyears away are really just shit within our own texture which is actually far less large(Solar system?) and the universes true shape/reality is unknown entirely?

>> No.46510506

Both ORT and the Dark Star are outside the Solar System beings.

>> No.46510545

I can't find one fanart with smug Nursery and Alice playing with Passionlip boobs. In case you didn't know about it's existence now you do, good luck if you search for it

>> No.46510550

Probably the later.
I think if telescopes see that far and yet Voyager is the furthest end, then telescopes just see the view. There is nothing to anchor the world that far, since Voyager acts like an anchor akin to Rhongo.
And yeah, the universe's true shape is unknown.

>> No.46510558

ORT, MALLA, Machine Gods all seem to have become part of the texture.

>> No.46510565

>daughter of Oberon and Guda
And some people say Nasu don't selfinsert as Guda
Isn't the Dark Star outside of the universe?

>> No.46510930

isn't humanity stripping away textures and observing things more objectively, or are (we) still living within another made up texture and calling it science?

>> No.46511192

Wait, so are we really just stuck in a layer of reality pinned to the planet? If you leave the planet and go into space are you just deluding yourself and you are actually not going anywhere physically? You're still stuck inside a texture that the planet is warping perception of in accordance to the prime species observations of reality?

Is Roa unveiling the cosmos actually breaking out of this bubble of reality and experiencing the true universe beyond mankind's cradle?

Not sure how voyager fits into that if it's like the lance and marking the end of the texture. Maybe the texture(A collective delusion?) can inflate and take up more of "the real universe" with our own rules.

>> No.46511228
File: 192 KB, 776x1032, GKO9NOjaYAAMOQ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And some people say Nasu don't selfinsert as Guda
Sometimes when is with his waifu/husbando.

>> No.46511235

ORT is literally outside the galaxy, bro. It's a "Visitor." Dark Star is OUTSIDE the universe and is observing things outside in through its terminal and relics, that's how Moneybills got so fucking powerful because Daybit told him the real shape of the Universe.

>> No.46511243

>Isn't the Dark Star outside of the universe?
Yes. And Abigail mentions it on a worshipful context so seems like is a huge deal.
Daybit vs Marisbilly is coming back for sure.

>> No.46511264
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>or are (we) still living within another made up texture and calling it science?
This is outright stated.
This is why Roa is the GOAT, he is actually trying to understand the truth of the world; laying bare the theory underpinning EVERYTHING.

I think Roa either wants to remove the human texture or the planet's; the Canopy Covering the Void/Cosmos, which extends beyond the scope of human awareness.

>> No.46511274

ORT became part of the texture of the planet which is why it was influenced by the concept of timelines. That's the entire reason why ORT existed in the pruned timeline of LB7, which got pruned after humanity ascended to the Seat of Primacy.

>> No.46511286

So? It got a greencard and now is part of the texture like any of the others.
Ok caggybro

>> No.46511299

Marisbury requested Daybit the shape of 13.8 billion light years across. Not the entire universe.

>> No.46511310

>the real shape of the Universe
Are we TES now? Has someone attain CHIM? Can Dagoth Ur kill servants?

>> No.46511316

That depends on how systems there work.
Either it's Time Lord tier universal sized enforcement, or it's the Spheres, each has their own, beyond reality's standard space operation.

>> No.46511330

That was the number of the size of the universe in Nasu's head (he uses it everywhere).
Anything else is "outside."

>> No.46511335

ORT can fuck with the texture just by moving. It only uses it to feed.

>> No.46511336

Yes. Nerevarine save us all. Be reborn and fuck Vivic and birth a new reality.

>> No.46511344

Not everything is observable. Bronto Arc Archetype earth couldn't observe the territory of ORT remains despite being a primary record holder for the planet. It's become too alien of a spot. She couldn't observe Daybit either unless he was standing in front of her and he glitched in her memories even there.

>> No.46511353

"Universe" within the context of humanity's perception(TM) which is incomplete.

>> No.46511354

Not really. The universe is constantly expanding, this is also something stated more than once.
13.8 billion is never once stated to be the entire scope of the universe. You won't find such a quote.

>> No.46511358

>part of the texture
ort wasn't. Malla did agreed, but see >>46511344 If ORT had been part of the texture, it would have been observable by Dino Archetype and even its corpse zone was a blindspot. Daybit, despite being a lifeform born on earth (technically the body), is on a similar wavelength.

>> No.46511360

It still got pruned though, and was confined to the concept of timelines.
ORT's texture overwriting is rather local and doesn't extend to other timelines since it only covered the world of LB7.

>> No.46511365

Bro, go read the scene again. Marisbilly specificially asked Daybit BECAUSE humanity knowledge and scope never reached that. Roa also uses a similar measure.
It's just the Universe.
The rest is whatever happened before the Big Bang.

>> No.46511370

>Archetype earth couldn't observe the territory of ORT remains
This isn't really stated anywhere. Also Daybit could be observed by the 'time' of Mictlan.

>> No.46511377

>The universe is constantly expanding,
You're dealing with Nasu who failed basic world geography. Do you think he is an astronomer?
>13.8 billion is never once stated to be the entire scope of the universe.
It's the measure that was used by boomers like Nasu. He writes what he knows.

>> No.46511383

It clearly is. Why do you think it was affected along with the rest of the texture in PHH and pruning?

>> No.46511388

Not that anon, and yeah I've read the scene. Marisbury asked Daybit 13.8 billion specifically. The Roa scene mentions "the universe seen from Earth" and uses that as a measure of light and density in relation to the Celestial Egg, which dwarfs it in scale. It says nothing about the size of the universe.

>> No.46511393

>Also Daybit could be observed by the 'time' of Mictlan.
It's not far observation. "The time" was engulfing everything after all. Simply saying where Daybit was roughly.
And still glitched. That's why Guda couldn't see shit about how he fought Camazotz. He could see Zozt but Daybit was still full of glitches. And Daybit's body is human. As soon he "acted as terminal" the record shut. Remember how the Dark Star gimped Earth shit for seconds because it opened a small gate. It really is on a different cosmic zone.

>> No.46511398

Even Nasu knows how to use google.

>> No.46511400

>Do you think he is an astronomer?
He doesn't have to be. He just needs to be aware of that, which we know he is because he mentions it multiple times. Refer to King Protea's profile.
>It's the measure that was used by boomers like Nasu
Except it's never once stated to be the size of the universe. So I dunno where you got that idea.

>> No.46511401

It's still not the Universe of Human Observance: That's specifically the Solar System. It's what was born in that Cosmic Egg but there are other older stuff. Marisbilly and Roa probably have no interest on that because is not their version of life (including other cosmic sectors).

>> No.46511409

Then why did he list Aztecs as South America, Haiwaii as South America, and believed the Atlas mountains were in Egypt? Face it. The guy is a major hack. He also never has any basic idea of how planets work. Look at the nonsense shit of ORT's heat.

>> No.46511411

But does Nasu read sci docs?

>> No.46511414

King protea's profile never mentions that. It specificially mentions the laws of psychics just make her impossible to grow beyond certain scale.

>> No.46511427

Fine, King Protea's Extra mats entry then:
>If left alone, she will end up becoming a disaster on a universe scale that would destroy the stars, however she would not destroy the universe itself. This is because the speed at which the universe is expanding is faster than the speed at which Kingprotea is enlarging.

>> No.46511430

>It's still not the Universe of Human Observance
Yes, it's "the universe as seen from Earth". As in visually seen.

>> No.46511453

>fuck Vivic
NO! That's turbo gay.

>> No.46511465

>outside the universe
Think what that "universe" means in a setting where perception affects your reality. 13.8 Billion LY isn't everything.

>> No.46511471

Universe is a theological term originally.
Uni-verse, by the same verse.

>> No.46511482

13.8 billion is smaller than the milky way.

>> No.46511484

>Look at the nonsense shit of ORT's heat.

>> No.46511494

Reminds me Olga's 'decisive battle' in Case Files mats is stated to be 'outside the universe'.
Does this mean her peak moment is still yet to come?

>> No.46511498

93 billion light-years or 8.8×1026 m in diameter.

>> No.46511506


>> No.46511555


>> No.46511566

Yeah, I remember that bit a bit.
Mr. Kirkbride is a little nuts.

>> No.46511581

Kino ngl. Best way to end things.

>> No.46511607

I'd rather they all vanish in a poof of Godhead waking up than see all of that. What horrifying degeneracy, usurping cunts!

>> No.46511627

haha, dude is crazy.

>> No.46511628

>EXTRA mats
They got uber retconned. Like the nameless goddess never got a mention ever again. Her FGO mats specifically says she can't grow endlessly BECAUSE reality has laws and she's subject to them.
That's retconned as the digital space.

>> No.46511634

Crazy is putting it lightly.

>> No.46511636

Not him, but something how his core trillionxhotter than the sun.
Yet Batman could hold it with his hands.

>> No.46511645

Can Batman (with prep. time) beat ORT?

>> No.46511646

One doesn't necessarily contradict the other. He may simply have big hands. He was quite a hothead, wasn't he?

>> No.46511652

U Olga's big moment against ORT was already a thing, but it's possible there are two Olgas. There's a theory that the original Olga was switched with the Chaldeas Olga and the Chaldeas Olga was the one Guda and Mashu met and U Olga is her Beast self. It's not hostile toward PHH humanity because she's a Chaldeas Beast. She just got confused.
And the priestess was the same Olga of Case Files only that lived in Chaldeas for a decade.

>> No.46511659

Bro it would have instantly MELTed his hand and spear whatever was using. It's pantshead retarded. Nasu needs to stop with stats because he writes himself on a corner with them.

>> No.46511667

I thought it was that ORT could produce temps reaching 1 trillion degree and Malla took the heart while Cam was reviving for who knows how long.

>> No.46511670

Please, with a stiff upper Passionlip you can handle much. Clearly he had enough magma in his veins to handle that much temperature.

>> No.46511680

He still ripped the heart with his spear, the malla retrieved it but if it was THAT fucking hot, his spear/arm wouldn't be able to touch him.
Remember Zotz was a regular empowered human. He did not become a Beast until later (Counterforce made him one).

>> No.46511682

Doesn't matter if it's retconned. Your point was that Nasu wasn't aware of the fact the universe is expanding, that was proven wrong.
Don't move the goalpost.

>> No.46511698

"Universe expands" is just humanity's perception though. That's the point. It doesn't. It's just human's understanding and perception on it does.

>> No.46511715

ORT's heat is only trillions during Galactica Supercell.

>> No.46511727

Being classified as beast or not doesn't matter. He was already superhuman and immortal. I don't see any issue with him gouging out the heart since he essentially was destroyed in the process excepting his arm and spear which vaguely resulted in the heart(of whatever temperature at the time) being gouged out enough for Malla to recover it.

>> No.46511730

How do we tell him?

>> No.46511731

King Protea's entry isn't referring to the Universe as the Human Order texture. But the actual universe outside that. Even Caubac Alcatraz's replica universe is expanding.
You have zero basis for claiming the universe isn't expanding in TM world.

>> No.46511752

>daughter of Oberon and Guda.

>> No.46511768

Mankind has recorded temps higher than 1 trillion degrees ORT bros.

>> No.46511790

what's more based: magic or technology?

>> No.46511815


>> No.46511858

Man I'm happy I stopped caring about TM "lore" after FSN. This shit is pure trash lmao.

>> No.46511863

You draw the line at FHA?

>> No.46511864

I'm sorry your lil' brain can't keep up with it, lil' bro.

>> No.46511883

FHA doesn't really have any lore besides Angry Manjew shenanigans, it really jumped off a cliff when Nasu decided that focusing on cosmic who gives a fuck Sci-Fi shit was cooler than the Urban Fantasy that got him started. You can see how it affected him in the Remake. I guess Extra was the real start of the shitty lore.

>> No.46511885

So what do you do then? Just read stories?

>> No.46511891

what was Nasu's dumbest lore decision in all of his works?

>> No.46511893

I too hate Mahoyo's lore.

>> No.46511896

Agreeing to do FGO. Or at least staying on for part 2 as the lead writer.

>> No.46511904

Creating alternate universes/timelines. That world concept has always been trash in practically every world that uses it.

>> No.46511915

I too hate HF.

>> No.46511923

Rin's sword being powered by le alternate world's is infinitely better than whatever the fuck this thread is talking about.

>> No.46511924

damn, that would be as far back as Tsukihime

>> No.46511933

Separating vampires and servants was good at least.

>> No.46511950

Yes, Nasu deciding to split the Fate/Tsuki worlds after FSN was a mistake. This thread is evidence of that.

>> No.46511968


>> No.46511985
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How can you hate the Extraverse when CCC was peak kino?

>> No.46512036

no I meant Tsukihime's very existence needs to split off from KNK, and it also had multiple routes

>> No.46512211

nta. Because extraverse is shit and was the start of the decline. Let's not oversell CCC too hard.

>> No.46512247
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You're wrong and gay

>> No.46512329

I'm right and have standards. FakeFoxbitch is worthless btw.

>> No.46512359

Enjoy an eternity in hell, homo.

>> No.46512407
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>> No.46512443

Holy shit. So it's confirmed the TM universe began with the big bang.

>> No.46512567

The universe is only 13.8 billion light years bro lost.

>> No.46512619

>start of the decline
If anything there is a lack of Extra content.
Why musou out of all things? Why not something else?

>> No.46513550

Read April's fool. Oberon...laid an egg (dream) and the contents got shaped by Guda's mindset/fears/hopes.
ORT Liz was born out it.
So a fertilized egg. It trended for a while. Nasu inserting his fetishes again.

>> No.46513558

>Being classified as beast or not doesn't matter.
It does because being one gives him passive of the class.

>> No.46513564

>Even Caubac Alcatraz's replica universe is expanding.
Which is based on HUMANS.

>> No.46514054

Doesn't make him any better than he was and you can have class/passives/skills no matter the kind of being you are etc because it's all gameplay-inspired memes.

>> No.46514770

Imagine the type of schizo that Tsukihime adaptation would attract

>> No.46514977

2 lines of a obscure line which gets shittly inserted in fgo is not worth what these people hype up

>> No.46515027
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If Nasu wanted to make an actual multimedia universe then he should have just made one. Instead he takes too long to release entries, makes every entry feel separate and then makes everything a separate world/alt universe but then still acts like it can all fit together and that's how you get clashing stories and retcons. Just admit everything is actually seperate. It was especially aggregious when he tried this usual stichk with Arc in FGO. "Oh this ascension is the melty version, this other one is remake and this one is FGO." This isn't SciADV. There's no over arching themes or story. Everything is usually resolved by that entries ending(s) and then ham-fistedly crammed in and run into the ground in FGO

>> No.46515046

you're making that up aren't you

>> No.46515199

Doesn't matter. The entry explicitly states Caubac's labyrinth expands at the same speed the actual universe expands:

>By the way, the labyrinth was made using the same techniques used to make Triten. For that reason, it's constantly expanding at the same speed that the universe expands. Super inescapable.

>> No.46515232

>"Oh this ascension is the melty version
Ascension 1 is Remake Archetype.

>> No.46515504
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>> No.46515516

My point still stands. Its just a never ending loop in service of FGO at this point.

>> No.46515520
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>> No.46515537
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>> No.46515561
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>> No.46515575

This guy draws so well but I won't rt or like his posts since he's braindead

>> No.46515804

>he's braindead
So is every other xitter artist

>> No.46515828

Please understand, she's a woman.
She can't help it.

>> No.46515992

Why does fate attract so many cringe fujos and faggots

>> No.46517088

>"Oh this ascension is the melty version, this other one is remake and this one is FGO."
That's not even accurate and you're taking a guest appearance that hasn't even been relevant for 2 years too seriously. Like, it's the opposite example of being resolved or run into the ground since its foreshadowing something we won't see for years(Tsuki 2) and TA. It's really not trying to unify or retcon anything. It's just fanservice he's been doing since Extra and Melty with guest characters or even furtherback desu with cameos. Shit is actually separate and he's been consistent with that at least as far as Tsuki.

>> No.46517245
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too gar

>> No.46517358

>Imagine the type of schizo that Tsukihime adaptation would attract
You say that like it's some schizo magnet.

>> No.46517375

In what sense? Milquetoast opinions or some such?

>> No.46517673

Not enough.

>> No.46517697

He's a swarthy Brazilian who likes Arcueid, that's about it

>> No.46517724
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>she's a woman
True enough

>> No.46517757

So that makes her a goat.

>> No.46517986

>no nipples
>no navel
>yaoi hands
I know who drew this

>> No.46519294

we all know about yaoi hands
is there an equivalent for yuri

>> No.46519978
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>> No.46520619
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>> No.46520626
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>> No.46520629
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>> No.46521582

Probe your ass to see how deep it can goooo
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy l m a o

>> No.46521589

That's one lonely /tmg/ thread. Are you ded at last?

>> No.46522006

violent non-consensual doggystyle twintail-pulling impregnation sex with Rin

>> No.46522031

We're immortal.
