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File: 136 KB, 850x398, subhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46314654 No.46314654 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you feel sympathy for these humans who failed to move on from their old superstitions and backward mentality? The youkai are right in oppressing them the way they are, they allowed themselves to be dominated because they stubbornly clung to the mythological past in a world that was gradually becoming more rational, those guys are not victims, they are the failures of humanity, a vain remnant of the past.

>> No.46314801

fuck off Yukari

>> No.46316888

>Almost every human villager we meet is nice, helpful, and friendly.
>Worst guy committed the horrible crime of eating a horse.
Total youkai death.

>> No.46316983

Modernism is retarded, we should strive to become good cattle to let the youkai rule us

>> No.46317040

I feel jealous for them cause they have so many hot youkai women coming by all the time

>> No.46317047

You're right. They should embrace technology and science and exterminate the filthy youkai who treats them as nothing but cattle.
There's no place for those disgusting rabid cretures in the modern world and they should go extinct.

>> No.46317453

Gensokyo is a shithole and humans deserve better
>Gods doesn't protect them
>Reimu doesn't do shit and she even become friends with them
>Youkais merciless hunt and kill people

>> No.46317476

when's the last time you HUMAN FIRST retards volunteered at a soup kitchen

>> No.46317483

There's a soup kitchen in gensokyo?

>> No.46317799

>>Gods doesn't protect them
It's actually quite worse than that, I remember reading one of the print works where Kanako would deliberately send snakes to terrify the villagers so that they would rely upon worshipping her for protection while not knowing that it's all a ploy from the start

>> No.46317806

Jobber goddess jobs by being autistic...

>> No.46317854


>> No.46318440


>> No.46318500

Based upon what?

>> No.46318986

Me at the second door from the left with the hat not giving a fuck about the carpenter's funeral because he sold me poor quality shelving for my restaurant.

>> No.46322514


>> No.46322579

Who are you quoting? Too green.

>> No.46325519

Human oppression in general is justified, look at how humans in the outside world handle themselves, the youkai are being proven every day that they are a better species and the reason why we have human supremacistfags is because they want to project human problems into the youkai.

>> No.46325593

Everywhere there are humans exist a youkai problem, not just gensokyo.

>> No.46325629

>Everywhere there are humans exist a youkai problem
Such as?

>> No.46327089

Me at the first door from the left taking a break from my very successful restaurant to pay respect to the carpenter's funeral because he sold me such high quality shelving.

>> No.46332326

If you had read the print works you would've known that most youkai that come to the village aren't even humanoid girls

>> No.46332339

Of course, those people are us

>> No.46332360
File: 2.89 MB, 1526x2160, imagine_the_cuddles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord have mercy if this inhuman monster were to come visit you in the village.
I'd be screaming for sure! Just look at her!

>> No.46332362

This woman slashes foreskins like an expert mohel

>> No.46332425

Don't whip your dick out in front of her in public then. It's not hard.

>> No.46332498
File: 186 KB, 600x800, yuukarin's face when she sees (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how am I supposed to resist when she looks at me like I'm an ant on the floor? It's just too erotic

>> No.46333620

Humans at the very least can show some sympathy to lesser creatures and don’t constantly get off on the eternal subjugation of animals.

That and we don’t drag animal souls to hell to burn for 10 trillion years, we just shoot them in the head and be done with it.

>> No.46333647

Humans get off on the subjugation of other humans

>> No.46333687
File: 310 KB, 394x1621, Mizuchi was right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can('t) kill the messenger, but they cannot kill the message (either). The only way to free Gensokyo is to tear the whole thing down!

>> No.46333691

Lmao the cope, humans constantly get off on weaker humans, there are also those who like to abuse animals so you're dead wrong.
Stop projecting human problems into the youkai when you know that they are better.

>> No.46341620

It's less that I care about humanity and more that I hate everything else.

>> No.46341654
File: 611 KB, 1223x793, terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who made youkai? Checkmate, slave race. Also, just because something is justified, that doesn't mean it has to happen.

>> No.46342711
File: 1.01 MB, 818x929, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Yukari
They can't let go of superstitions because they are real and prove themselves daily. They can't move on from a mythological past because Youkai can't let them. This is the whole point of Gensokyo. But to call them victims is also a bit of a stretch. They're no more a victim of the circumstances of their world as we are victims of ours. Would they really be better off in the outside world? Would their standard of living actually be any better?
The irony of this is that the Humans in the Animal Realm are there for exactly that reason. It's all fine and dandy to sympathize with their poor treatment at the hands of animals and Youkai until you realize this is karma at work. Human spirits in Hell are there because they are sinners; do not cry for them.
Their definition of terror is petty theft and drawing on walls with crayon.

>> No.46342734

fortune teller did nuffin wrong

>> No.46343366

Why's her hand all moist?

>> No.46343610

>Their definition of terror is petty theft and drawing on walls with crayon.
Good, they're easy targets.

>> No.46345797

>They can't let go of superstitions because they are real and prove themselves daily. They can't move on from a mythological past because Youkai can't let them.
Really makes you think what the fuck where youkai and gods thinking when they still had the chance to do this in the outside world

>> No.46346280


>> No.46348399


>> No.46348696


>> No.46349423
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, Gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because Gensokyo has the benefit of having a massive Youkai population compared to the Humans. With a population that big they can heavily influence the Village's growth. It's a paradise and refuge for the Youkai of Japan and elsewhere.
Compared to several billion Humans, Youkai are a drop in the bucket, even before Gensokyo's formation. I don't think they could've done anything to stop the progress of an entire world of Humans. What are Pagan Gods in the west supposed to do when their faith dries up from Christian proselytizing? It was gengover when they started to industrialize and light the night. Even in Japan, these Gods don't move around, they stick to their mountains and shrines. As more people move to cities and other population centers the well of faith dries up with it. Any miracles they could've produced are only seen by a few, and it becomes less and less impressive as their power wanes. Best case scenario is that they turn their shrine into a tourist spot, but then you're not gaining much faith since you've become a glorified gift shop instead of a place of worship. Even if they did come out publicly and use the internet to spread their existence, for every hundred thousand that believes it, there's a million more that refutes it as a hoax. Like if this gap autist beheaded every world leader at once, the vast majority of people would rather believe it's was perpetrated by some country or a psyop over thinking it was some eldritch eyeball monster of boundaries that did it.

>> No.46349485

>use the internet to spread their existence
isn't this what modern youkai basically do? urban legends are said to be the youkai of our era, but they are considerably weaker due to often being talked in gossip rather than taken seriously.
Like creepypastas, cursed video games and the likes.

>> No.46360976 [DELETED] 


>> No.46361981

true, those subyoukai mokeys are probably just seething that youkai ascension is barred to them. let's not pretend that any of them would refuse if the opportunity was offered to them

>> No.46362041

the occult balls are lunarian creations and can materialize urban legends, so they could make a new generation of modern "youkai" if they wanted. but they probably don't want to do that, seeing how it worked out the previous time

>> No.46364073

those dumb backward apes! how dare they not be slaves of our government, how dare they not have a wage job, how dare they not partake in our senseless politics!

>> No.46366721


>> No.46376728

mizuchi is a traitor to nonhumans

>> No.46376985

Do grudge spirits have loyalty?

>> No.46379258

Do youkais know things like mercy, comunication and loyalty?

>> No.46379430

well I could give you the first one, but the Tengu system can't work without the other two
