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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 397 KB, 1706x2048, GGISNaragAAmDCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46091029 No.46091029 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46091040
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Iwa-chan (2018 ver) would have prevented this PR disaster.

>> No.46091055

that was a pointless statement

>> No.46091064

I sure do believe you care deeply and equally about all your members, mister CEO.

>> No.46091084

What's the problem?

>> No.46091092

look at that full head of hair, you can't even see his roots, Rikkun has great genes.

>> No.46091104

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLvsyGn4gfo nyui p5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1ngjmHvN5A luis ba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B39pPIg3vok levi ace attorney

>> No.46091129

One could even say negligible.

>> No.46091140

It might've been ok if they made it a week ago or even if the 3 hours preceding it hadn't happened

>> No.46091156


>> No.46091165
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>> No.46091168

That was pretty funny, he should do more videos like that. Had more soul than Mito's streams for the past year or so.

>> No.46091181

Smart and dumb op

>> No.46091184

i couldnt even take it seriously with the accent
>i deepry aporogize
in all seriousness though it wouldve been fine if that was the only thing released without that fucking livestream and things coulve been somewhat resolved

>> No.46091190

Are you implying it's ENs fault?

>> No.46091201

They could have release that video few days ago instead of the dumpster tier stream today. Like wtf are they thinking actually?

>> No.46091208

i think whoever's idea it was to have that livestream is fucking retarded

>> No.46091222
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>> No.46091241

This whole mess today is explicitly Anycolor's fault no matter how you spin it. It's just the earlier stuff where it's arguable on who to blame.

>> No.46091295
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>> No.46091304
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>> No.46091321

Do you really think the same PR team is responsible for the stream and the video?

>> No.46091327

I can't tell if this is AI.

>> No.46091336

theres no way thats AI- oh my fucking god it is

>> No.46091348

What the fuck, it is.

>> No.46091360
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>> No.46091366

And it's only been a year.
It's so over for artists.

>> No.46091373

Look like you were black all along?

>> No.46091375


>> No.46091376

is 20k yen for a garage kit normal?

>> No.46091385

Just don't look at the legs.

>> No.46091387

Implying there's multiple teams that all collectively put out several horrible contradictory statements and used the forbidden IM@S strategy today isn't exactly the great point you're thinking it is.

>> No.46091416

You didn't answer

>> No.46091422
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>> No.46091434
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death to EN

>> No.46091435

There was no PR team involved in the stream, it was all their honest feelings they had themselves!

>> No.46091443

Why did you made them beerbellys

>> No.46091444

Usually I'd ignore these posts but looking it up for reference those are day 1 members.

>> No.46091446

Why do ENfans attack talents?

>> No.46091454


>> No.46091468

Western woke cancel culture.

>> No.46091472

Laughs in Roa

>> No.46091480

It's baffling to me how so many people are putting the word of one loose cannon over the word of dozens of people who seem content.

>> No.46091484

What do you mean? Anycolor was the one who admitted to breaking the law.

>> No.46091486

i don't know why i thought this OP would be able to filter some of the retards, i'm copying ansure next time and this will be a (';') support thread.

>> No.46091487


>> No.46091490

it only works on the other board

>> No.46091491

If you were actually worried about filtering people, you should have just not made a thread to begin with and let it sit.

>> No.46091496

Nobody is believing the loose cannon known as Anykara though?

>> No.46091499

She's Chinese

>> No.46091500

another retard would've made a thread anyways, see the catalog.

>> No.46091504
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So are the investors.

>> No.46091511

All the management miscommunication is a part of his master plan. There's now an excuse when the EN branch gets axed later this year

>> No.46091519

He could've just axed them to begin with, without dragging the Anycolor name down.

>> No.46091523

Was dropping over 600 yen in a week part of that plan too?

>> No.46091535

I think it's Suzuki's doing tbqh. He always hated gaijins and ENs success puts him under pressure

>> No.46091542
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there are still people that believe in the attic ninja, what can you do.

>> No.46091548

Good point.

>> No.46091551

At least wait more than a minute dude.

>> No.46091556

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.46091557

God, are all /vt/ards this bad at samefagging?

>> No.46091561

fuck off eop, you don't even know who is that pic about.

>> No.46091566

The correct response here was saying it was just an accident, but doing it twice in a row is pretty much a death sentence.

>> No.46091579


>> No.46091580

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVnRVqa_M7E okan yakuza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVrXhl1stgU ojou terraria

>> No.46091593

I think it's largely due to that Enna bitch and what she said in her members stream.

>> No.46091608

Literally nobody knows about this and it's just your tourist brain speaking. If you're going to talk on anything the only things that matters are Selen's statement and Anycolor's mess.

>> No.46091613

We stand with Selen

>> No.46091624

said the new IP, that never posted here before, and is from the other board.

>> No.46091632

I don't even understand how those tards can fuck up the easiest slam dunk of all time. They used the fucking seiyuu shield! That's an automatic loss!

>> No.46091635


>> No.46091638


>> No.46091643

I think the last time I heard anon's mom talk about this series was in 2020.

>> No.46091647

I've seen the porn.

>> No.46091649

Because I am not Chinese, my opinion is worth more

>> No.46091655

By that logic, Dokipig's opinion is worthless.
I can live with that.

>> No.46091660

So is the manager who took 36 hours to reply.

>> No.46091666


>> No.46091671

How long did Pomu wait for confirmation on her video again? No matter how long the wait is, uploading before receiving the OK is her own fault.

>> No.46091692

I don't know jack shit about Pomu. I know her original song took like a year to come out if that's what you mean? That's pretty irrelevant to how NijiEN took at least a day and a half to say it's okay to use NijiEN's property in a NijiEN member's video. Even the infamous Gongon call only took like 5 minutes.

>> No.46091718


>> No.46091724

His coloring sucks

>> No.46091725

3+ hours for their legal team to acquit themselves.
30+ for their managers to ok a 4 minute video.

>> No.46091761
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>> No.46091767
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Of their own IP no less. I don't know what kinda fucking genius thought admitting middle management takes nearly days just to speak within their own group's higher up was a good defense.

>> No.46091771
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I want to marry Dola so badly

>> No.46091788

Same kind of "genius" that thought using your vtubers as a shield was the best play.
At this rate we might actually get a Ctuber attempt.

>> No.46091791

great now they're jerking each other off

>> No.46091802

I like ahopink.

>> No.46091818

It's funny anon brings up gamebu since they're about to start the very same decline.

>> No.46091823


>> No.46091830

The one where they gained no subscribers until their death.

>> No.46091849

Finally, some good news.

>> No.46091854


>> No.46091965

This is hot take but I think Nornis was a mistake. Don't get me wrong. I love Toko and Chima. And they are the best in Nijisanji. But combining two great singer don't make them even greater. It might work with Chronoir and other units because none of them are as good as Toko and Chima so they can cover each other weakness. But for Toko and Chima, Nijisanji need to invest both of them individually. They should learn how Cover handle Suisei from a girl who's not even that good to featured in First Take.

>> No.46091970

I should have hired Suisei and made her my mom.

>> No.46092030

What a year it's been, huh?

>> No.46092066

it's only been a month and a half

>> No.46092268

ayo hold up there was a non nuishit thread, I woke up boys, where's the summary I asked for

>> No.46092560


>> No.46092582

I don't speak japanese though, can you summarise it for me? with john cena's mannerisms, thank you

>> No.46092594
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wait for the millions of western shitters videos

>> No.46092602


>> No.46093212

Seriously hope this black company goes under. More like kurosanji.

>> No.46093250

Too bad. Your jew overlords said it won't happen because enshit doesn't matter.

>> No.46093507

Split and prevail. I suppose April arrives sooner than expected. I'm leaving now, see you all in October.

>> No.46093529

This shit has already been touched on by ghouls more popular than this poo-in-loo. He won't change much.

>> No.46093548


>> No.46093668

海外オタが騒いでめんどくさいのが嫌でkpopからにじさんじに移ってきたのにここでも海外オタはうるさいのか、、、 海外が絡まない界隈ってないの? マジで迷惑

>> No.46093748


>> No.46093884


>> No.46094402

Kotoka is the only one who didn't retweet the statement, what does it imply

>> No.46094428

I just saw that anycolor spent 2.5 billion yen on stock buybacks, this is worse than all the drama combined, this company is unironcally done, it was kinda fun while it lasted, I'll move over to VSPO full time when the bankruptcy statement is out

>> No.46094436

Which statement?

>> No.46094511

I don't think Vspo will live to see the day

>> No.46094522

did they start doing stock buybacks too?

>> No.46094549

No I just doubt Brave will be able to repeat EmbracerGroup's success

>> No.46094567


>> No.46094602

they just need to maintain their current position and they're good, anycolor got too greedy and are now fucked

>> No.46094630


>> No.46094664

Assuming their current position is profitable. Either way they keep expanding

>> No.46094722

Scarle didn't retweet it

>> No.46094724

I don't see why it wouldn't be, they have enough viewers that ad money alone makes them stay in the positive, the fact that they can release 3D models and event frequently shows that they're not in the negative, it's not hard to be profitable as a streamer, your only expense is your one time avatar and maybe a few costumes eventually, you can only fuck this up if you start doing stupid shit like stock buybacks

>> No.46094767

Vspo was running at loss until merger. Brave also had to sell Aogiri last year.

>> No.46094773
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fucking shit, garbage ass website.

>> No.46094797

brave as a whole might not be that profitable that's true, but vspo is probably their golden goose now, guess the only option left is indies

>> No.46094801

Oh, Hoshino is in the goukon too.

>> No.46094806

she's not, she's the organiser

>> No.46094818

Aw, lame. Nashima is not going to do romance RP either, so this is pointless, maybe at least Nakamura can score.

>> No.46094823


>> No.46094832

this event is primarily about hooking up jeff and laeria, kanae is attending for 2 reasons, to take a picture with sau-chan, to annoy sakuya, and to take a picture with kuma-can, to annoy anbrella, he's just there for trolling

>> No.46094866

What about the alien girl that had a crush on him? My romcom...

>> No.46094872
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Still can't believe things degraded far enough for them to pull out the バーチャルYouTuberの盾

>> No.46094885

I remember her dating mindori a while ago, I don't know if they split up though, but she's not really a top contender for the nashima bowl, if anyone it would be sakuya or nene

>> No.46094907

Don't forget Rose.

>> No.46094913

true, if he really did romance roleplay then he'd probably go the meme route and date rose

>> No.46094975
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>> No.46095012

kokoronashi nashima...

>> No.46095055
File: 2.79 MB, 800x450, hayama tifa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji's biggest mistake was shelving Hayama's old design

>> No.46095069

At least he was a producer first and foremost...

>> No.46095092

hayama hated being brown, she privated all her 2019 archives because of it.

>> No.46095162
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>> No.46095260
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Hey guys. I haven't been around this thread in a good, long while, but I was wondering if Leah-anon was still here. I was one of the like two other people who ever talked about her and the recent drama had me remembering when they killed Yumenographia at Christmas and how upset Leah was about it when she was just starting to hit her stride with streaming. I was wondering if anyone's aware whether or not she popped up anywhere later, even as a flesh streamer. No need to give specifics (although if she did I'd love some hints), just wondering. I hope she's doing well at least, wherever she is. She deserved better.

>> No.46095324

I believe anons have talked about her and several others coming back but I wouldn't know personally as my knowledge of Yumenographia basically begins and ends at the Akkun and Maimoto streams, and that one of them knew enough english to play an untranslated game. I wanted to say Undertale but the timeline there doesn't match up.

>> No.46095385

he or maybe it was you, come back to whine about yumenographia every few months whenever there is drama, last time was during VTA, if you actually cared to see where she is now, you could've just looked it up on twitter or google, but clearly that's too much work.

>> No.46095421

It'd be nice if she did. She seemed really happy about streaming. I got the impression she really wanted to be in Nijisanji proper and took the Yumenographia job to get close. She even did the Nyan Cat meme with the official tags when that was a thing.
Not me, I haven't been here in like a year and a half maybe. I didn't see anything on Twitter but I just did a surface level search. Wouldn't really know where to begin. Search sucks there anyway.

>> No.46095436


>> No.46095443

Just gunna do you a favor and tell you to ignore the other anon entirely. If you're looking seriously for a search just use the usual keyword for any given reincarnation along with her name and other specifications on Google, like Yumenographia's name for example. I know at least one of them managed to get picked up by a company though I think it was Nono?

>> No.46095551

anbrella status: trolled

>> No.46095644

Hope he gets shot.

>> No.46095850


>> No.46095898
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https://twitter.com/SRloo8/status/1756677214903636304 important

>> No.46095920

So it's reached critical enough mass to get covered by western dramafags.
Guess the discussion on /jp/ is over then.

>> No.46096065


>> No.46096101

Just watched it, it's a very good video.

>> No.46096121

>Just watched it

>> No.46096135

Aaaaah, it's the AIfag, now I get it. The shitposting was too consistent to be a tourist.

>> No.46096156

it was pretty lukewarm imo, he just showed those stupid public statements and said "this is bad", if he's gonna spend 25 minutes talking I expected some hotter takes

>> No.46096163
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I miss Leah...

>> No.46096172

you sure it's not another boogieman that lives in your head?

>> No.46096182

ironic post

>> No.46096191
File: 1.84 MB, 2480x1653, __enna_alouette_and_enna_alouette_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_cepx4758__650115f6aa87ecc8b3a36fc5ff4d641a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in my wife Enna, history will vindicate her and prove she's innocent.

>> No.46096230


>> No.46096263

What does Enna have to do with any of this? Last I saw it was just Elira, Ike, and the unmentionable in that stream.

>> No.46096282

she made fun of /vt/ards sometime ago and they hold a grudge against her.

>> No.46096312

Elira said that her Millie and Enna info was in the document and that Selen was doxxing them. Saying that they were in the document further fueled the narrative that Elira Millie and Enna are the bullies to people watching it burn down

>> No.46096313
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I really hope enna escape this unscathed. I hate to see my oshi she seen in a negative light. She’s pretty good for a western idol and shouldn’t be punish by the actions of others.

>> No.46096321


>> No.46096331

I didn't catch that then, my bad.

>> No.46096390

It's funny how petty EN management really is

>> No.46096391

Again I'm brought back to the very basic and obvious idea that if everyone around you is a problem, then YOU are the problem.
Absolutely nuts how everyone just takes Selen's word for it, especially after her many menhera breakdowns. Her estimation of "bullying" is probably just some light banter.

>> No.46096402

Who is "everyone"? Drama vultures and holofags that you see on every tweet/stream?

>> No.46096408

hot take here: it's both, selen is a crazy menhera drama queen and the management is also trash

>> No.46096419

I hate hoglen too

>> No.46096426

Those would take her side even if NijiEN management was pristine. I was thinking of the clueless tourist onlookers.

>> No.46096433
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Kind of depressing to see how thin skin selen was when it came with other vtubers. I just hope everything works out in the end.

>> No.46096436

selen bad
management good

>> No.46096437

Why didn't anyone complain about Noor and ask her to get replaced?

>> No.46096456

a bunch of autistic retards scattered across a dozen countries thrown into a group with some landmine women who are super sensitive and throw a shitfit if they're not treated like a princess, they of course can banter and talk shit all the time, not anyone else though, that's bullying and toxic
the management is definitely shit but I don't believe that she was "bullied" by anyone, she'll constantly banter everyone and then cry bitch tears if she receives banter back

>> No.46096487

Here's what we know as fact
>Announce merch sales in a week on her old account on the 23rd
>Send video to manager for review on the 24th
>2.5 hours later announce "cover on christmas" to her audience despite not receiving confirmation that the video is good to go
>She didn't receive a response until another 35 hours later
>Release the cover as announced, despite not being authorized
>Video made private since it wasn't authorized
>Complain on twitter about management privating an unauthorized video, and telling her fanbase to spread it everywhere in retaliation

Management being bad does not make her a saint.

>> No.46096501

I still think it's funny that she tried to kill herself.

>> No.46096513

>especially after her many menhera breakdowns
I've never heard of them here so they don't exist to me, and the fact that you have proves you're retarded too. Besides, given how awfully EN and Anycolor handled this I'm not really inclined to believe them either. It's retards all the way up and down but I certainly didn't expect the billion dollar corporation to be one on multiple levels.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.46096526

Didn't she leak that she knew the video wouldn't be approved?

>> No.46096528

I somehow feel like that she's manipulating the facts there as well, if playing video games on the internet was so much stress for her that she was gonna kill herself then going into a legal battle that'll take years would make her rope in a week, long legal battles grind up the mental health of even a stable, strong, level headed person

>> No.46096533

I still find it's funny that Ichikara admitted to breaking the law.

>> No.46096544

you don't get it, being scrutinized by nip management and playing fallout is really hard!

>> No.46096552

I heard of one time where she was playing apex with surefour and they were jokingly said "come on selen" "yeah selen come on" after losing a match and she just sperged out, going "this is not funny" and just left the call and stopped the stream, that along with the fact that she has borderline disorder in her bio are pretty clear signs

>> No.46096556

>I heard
And we didn't. Go argue about this on your own board.

>> No.46096568

she also just had to spend 250k a year on random shit, she was so poor and exploited, children mining cobalt in the congo have nothing on her, if they heard what she had to go through they'd hand over all their cobalt and say miss selen you need it more than us

>> No.46096575

it's the truth

>> No.46096576

who's "we"? you talk about what you heard, I talk about what I heard, why don't you go back to your board if you just want to enjoy your witch hunt bandwagoning?

>> No.46096581

did anon get chased out of the other board or something

>> No.46096584

Why did she continue wasting so much money if the management hates her anyway?

>> No.46096591

Nah the sperg just woke up.

>> No.46096599

hey autismo, who's the "we"?

>> No.46096689

In hindsight, it was good decision for Yuki to graduate and just become a regular vtuber. Too bad her group disbanded and she retired. I don't know where she is now.

>> No.46096705

Everything about her is fake, the attempt was bullshit too probably
Nijissanji should just sue the bitch

>> No.46096711
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>> No.46096723


>> No.46096726

Is that Mimitaya on the left? I didn't know she did anything other than do degenerate NEET streams.

>> No.46096730

yikes, hohol flag in the bio

>> No.46096762

Doesn't she have med documents proving the attempt got her hospitalized?
Regardless, she seems like an argument for lowering the asylum bar of entry to what it was 100 years ago.

>> No.46096788

Those were the things Anycolor specifically admitted to illegally sharing, yes.

>> No.46096795

imagine being the judge who has to rule over this, so here we have a girl who self admitted that she has severe mood swings due to her mental illness, who attempted suicide because she was being bullied in her job, which was, playing video games on youtube?

>> No.46096894
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talents are leaving in droves for a reason
the money knows and that's why the stock is dipping

>> No.46096903

Old model was better

>> No.46096907


>> No.46096940

Can she reach 100k this year?

>> No.46097049
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isn't this worse than the reddit dragon event

>> No.46097067

no wonder holo kappa hates him and nijisanji, they are so jealous of that hairline

>> No.46097086

if it can take Cover with them then it is working

>> No.46097114

Selen has more people waiting for her stream than 90% of the company experiences as live viewers.

>> No.46097122

Why didn't they watch her before?

>> No.46097123

She will sit like a mother with ten children when I marry her

>> No.46097138

no compelling drama to feel like they're being part of a larger fight against something

>> No.46097141

the company was holding her back
like a conspiracy

>> No.46097146

Why aren't people outside of Kanzume watching Setomiya?

>> No.46097148

I got it, I should rape setomiya, then she can cry on twitter and get all the drama views

>> No.46097152

Why did they divorce

>> No.46097153

It's a good plan, just make sure to make it into a doujin afterwards sensei.

>> No.46097176

12k waiting.

>> No.46097207

wife was jealous of the V-wife

>> No.46097212

Nothing's actually going to happen in this stream, so I don't think most of you would care about it.

>> No.46097219

after this drama, enshit will get purge, no more eopfaggots in my japanese vtuber's chat, japanese people are eye opening about how cancer the enshit community is

>> No.46097232

EOPs were an issue long before EN, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.46097241

EOPs had been a issue years before that shit branch opened. Stop LARPing.

>> No.46097245

Somehow you're the biggest retard today.

>> No.46097262

well then you should hope that all this press and talk about nijisanji won't prompt the eops to check out japanese nijisanji streams

>> No.46097268

they don't know how vile your enfaggot community is so they will play nice when they read an english comment, after this, they will stay away from that cancer fanbase as far as possible

>> No.46097272

You mean your ENfaggot community.

>> No.46097278

That doesn't make any sense either, why are you still shitposting?

>> No.46097280

piling on to call you a retard with the rest of the jay.

>> No.46097330

They should pander to ROPs from cat's stream instead

>> No.46097346

based ROPchad, i hope Putin nukes the west and its cancer society

>> No.46097358
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https://twitter.com/MapleSyrupKig/status/1757498376093057522 happy valentine's day.

>> No.46097365

Are these men

>> No.46097396

I sure hope they are

>> No.46097443

The only good kigger is one with a cute penis.

>> No.46097490

imagine locking anon in a kig mask while you watch broadcasts with him.

>> No.46097542


>> No.46097564

broken links?

>> No.46098046


>> No.46098070


>> No.46098245
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>> No.46098286
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I hope anon's group and their chats can follow them out of this dead-end soon.

>> No.46098689


>> No.46098704


>> No.46098716

My mom was in the hospital but she's fine now.

>> No.46098720

finally mutahar gets in on the action

>> No.46098733

summer sure is here

>> No.46098844

meh, another lukewarm video where he reads the tweets and goes "woah, this is bad woah" not worth the time desu, I was hoping that these drama channels would have some hot takes

>> No.46098862

they all share the same opinion and will never have a hot take
all they can say is idol culture bad and japan corporations bad

>> No.46098869

yeah, kinda boring though, oh well

>> No.46098948

My opinion is bad and I should feel bad.

>> No.46098951

Sorry that happened to you and glad she's okay, but your ritualposts are still shit.

>> No.46098998

She already backtracked on that, they didn't share what she thought they did.

>> No.46099127
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>> No.46099604

why didn’t any of the koreans or japanese former livers shit on the company this bad after they were let off

>> No.46099638

>I am currently talking to my lawyer and thankfully only my diagnosis and reason for hospital stay was reported without further private info being disclosed.
>It was requested that none of this info should be revealed to anyone other than legal.
So they still illegally shared some documents, not the entire thing.

>> No.46099646

Simply because they’d get hit with a lawsuit. You should already know that Anycolour is very lawsuit happy when it comes to any dissent. Japan is not a friendly country when it comes to being outspoken.

>> No.46099744

There's also the fact that up until this point they had a pretty tightly packed legal defense. There was no reason to ever go after them when you quit or got booted because it was a one way trip to bankruptcy.

>> No.46099854

seriously hope this black company goes under
glad their stock is tanking

>> No.46099879
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>> No.46099903
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>> No.46099946

The fuck, this isn't drama.

>> No.46100041

it's clearly a clever use of an announcement to try to distract from the ongoing controversy

>> No.46100072
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>> No.46100112
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Even though it's not his style, I immediately knew it was Spino from the fact nobody but a fucking westerner would draw this. He actually does some good work outside of this including /m/shit so don't let it fool you.

>> No.46100123

Isn't he chinese

>> No.46100157
File: 265 KB, 1500x2000, F4b8QRUaIAAMN1t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he? I didn't think they cared about Transformers at all and that's like a quarter of his drawings.

>> No.46100162


>> No.46100174

He has a weibo and used to have a lofter account

>> No.46100202
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>> No.46100220


>> No.46100257
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So he does. Well I've got egg on my face.

>> No.46100358

I hate when normalfaggots come here for drama with the sole intention to destroy because it's fun, and then they just leave because they never cared in the first place, I hate the west

>> No.46100383

EN's managers aren't westerners though? They're japanese ESL's.

>> No.46100388

you're blinded by your fandom to realize that the company you're in love with is blacker than tazumi's heart

>> No.46100415

As punishment, Noor needs to serve a hot chocolate parfait from Lycoris Recoil

>> No.46100418

What makes you think they left?

>> No.46100488
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>> No.46100524


>> No.46100617
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>> No.46100684

The fact thats I'm kind of debating between three people scares me.

>> No.46100701

For me, it's Kou.

>> No.46100733

>maybe we'll send you your YouTube Play buttons

>> No.46100837

Chinese people love transformers

>> No.46100996

It's just going to be a few more scars on Iwa-chan's ex's resume and further business, not enough to tank things. It was incredibly retarded of them to explicitly tie that PR stream to the parent company but it's not the failed payments that was so it's not a business-ender.

>> No.46101043

Fuck you, it's funny

>> No.46101124

Asians don't rock the boat. If one of the talents were literally molested we'd probably never hear about it.

>> No.46101165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46101172

The fuck are you talking about? Half the reason smaller groups died or otherwise got stunted was specifically because they got caught molesting people.

>> No.46101365

Can't wait to listen to 10 million song covers simultaneously on the hour all day long

>> No.46101463

shalalala suteki ni kiss

>> No.46101517

How's the stock price doing?

>> No.46101595


>> No.46101624
File: 118 KB, 1095x861, scr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.46101722

What's UUUM?

>> No.46101723

I love the smell of failing corpos

>> No.46101730

UUUM is Hikakin's MCN.

>> No.46101735

Japan's biggest MCN and Youtuber management office

>> No.46101744

deron lauren dating

>> No.46101865
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>> No.46102092

JK-Gumi should kill themselves.

>> No.46102144
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>> No.46102170

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKFU7h36ed8 lize outfit

>> No.46102199


>> No.46102230
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truth be told

>> No.46102302

Not drama. Fuck off.

>> No.46102368

Love how lize always tries to do 茶番 stuff for her costume reveals.

>> No.46102388
File: 1.29 MB, 2016x3024, __enna_alouette_and_enna_alouette_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_naokomama__33448f44f37dd836812b003d62b352a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch enna and everything about Selen/Doki will be proven false.

>> No.46102397

doesn't matter the damage is done

>> No.46102408

I don't believe her regardless. Paper-skinned people are not to be trusted, especially when they're calling others "bullies".

>> No.46102418

the biggest drama channels on youtube made videos lambasting the company
they've lose business deals because of this
the damage is done and the name nijisanji will forever be in the mud

>> No.46102423

Good. Get filtered.

>> No.46102447
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>> No.46102463
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>> No.46102579
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>> No.46102628

Where is my ryushen valentines stream

>> No.46102640

JK Gumi alrwady being spicy, I love them so much.

>> No.46102904


>> No.46103241
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>> No.46103274

Schizochan is graduating...

>> No.46103498


>> No.46103542

since when could you like superchats

>> No.46103745
File: 3 KB, 217x65, MQNuIvvtnp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never not be funny.

>> No.46103767

just watch, she'll be an im@s seiyuu soon, trust me!

>> No.46103807

She gets decent views on BA recently

>> No.46103814

Unfortunately sophia's kyukurarin is just an inferior version of sarome's. Could've picked a better song.

>> No.46104070

she's more /jp/ than most anons in this thread

>> No.46104221

Toto and ruri reminded me milan hasn't sung yet. What's holding him back?

>> No.46104368

Well they handled the issue pretty badly, I'm not saying things are black and white like dramafaggots, normalniggers and /vt/ trannies want to think, but they clearly made a huge mistake and this world is ruthless, when people want to hate something it's over
Not to bring politics but you see budlight for example, like, at some point there's nothing you can do
Just burn bridges already and disband niji EN, even of they win in court, people alteady decided niji bad and they won't listen to reasons

>> No.46104373
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>> No.46104377

Does kenmochi ever use his membership, like, at all?

>> No.46104384

>What I didn't reveal to anyone and only my parents and therapist knew was that it was not one attempt but two, which happened a few weeks after the first.

>> No.46104405


>> No.46104411
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>> No.46104419
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>> No.46104450
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>> No.46104451

Shes actually kinda pretty, or is this just a boatload of makeup magic at play?

>> No.46104504
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>> No.46104510

twice with no success? can't even do that properly

>> No.46104541

I think that's some idol girl that she's fanning over, not her

>> No.46104577

Anything special in stgr today for the occasion?

>> No.46104594

Maybe when the tourists leave, her fat-addled menhera mind will see the fall in numbers as a sign that she has no worth and try again.
Not that I expect the third time to go any better.

>> No.46104680

nothing that I've seen, just people exchanging chocolates, I guess the one thing is that meki is in the police today so if you're interested in the boirameki romance rp then you can check them

>> No.46104712
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>> No.46104734


>> No.46104847

Probably just swallowed a couple of aspirin and chased them with a shot or two both times
Basic bitch bid for attention

>> No.46105200

You will never be a real Japanese person.

>> No.46105372
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Happy valentine's day

>> No.46105387
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>> No.46105394
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>> No.46105407

tits are not big enuff

>> No.46105410

Are you trying to give me nightmares

>> No.46105416
File: 270 KB, 1200x1060, GGTVPJ5akAA6uqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kigs r Kyutto!

>> No.46105456

Show kig ass

>> No.46105470

ngl, i would fuck this

>> No.46105493

I got the feeling Roa might graduate in near future.

>> No.46105531


>> No.46105554


>> No.46105570
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>> No.46105583
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>> No.46105591
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>> No.46105729

She released the statement in Japanese to pity bait over there too.

>> No.46105745

The Japanese won't care because Nijisanji(real) is actually entertaining.

>> No.46105929

lmao, the jap already recognized her as the second coming of meiro, nobody believes her there unless they are holokappa or nijisanji anti

>> No.46105948

I was wondering where I saw the Meloco kigger on twitter first, turns out it was from a picture like this with the Sukoya guy.

>> No.46105964

The fact that she released a jp statement at all reeks so bad. There was a moment where I actually believed her but that's gone now.

>> No.46105973

Can you all just go back to your board now, instead of LARPing as members of this thread?

>> No.46106013

I don't blame her, since the translation with 300k views and rising completely glossed over Anycolor unsealing legal documents. But it won't really change much because the Japanese just want to wash their hands of this and pretend like 100% of this comes down to EN management despite being demonstrably false, and none of it has any effects on them.

>> No.46106015

This is not second Meiro. This is second Aloe. Except the one who got mistranslation are Nips.

>> No.46106018

Now you're making it far too obvious you're a tourist. Learn english or fuck off.

>> No.46106036

>100% of this comes down to EN management
But they are right. This is 100% En management fault. Even worse, the talent and the management might be the same person.

>> No.46106049

How about you fuck off, false flagger.

>> No.46106057

Did EN management post on Anycolor's website to the stockholders of Anycolor? Or did they make that PR stream entirely on their own and they just guessed Tazumi would be releasing a video of his own in a few hours when they said it?
>Even worse, the talent and the management might be the same person.
Nevermind, you're retarded.

>> No.46106078

The only theory I'll accept about anyone being part of the staff is the one about Hajiki.

>> No.46106099

the jap management is pretty shit too but you reek like a holofag

>> No.46106102

Hajiki is just a rich brat. He has sports cars as a hobby.

>> No.46106108

It's from a Gawkman account, does that really shock you?

>> No.46106110

Wow AC did damage control for the notoriously incompetent EN management, clearly this means it was all their fault.

Go eat crayons or whatever it is you special kids do.

>> No.46106112

>did they make that PR stream entirely on their own and they just guessed Tazumi would be releasing a video of his own in a few hours when they said it?
I thought this was obvious. You can tell the En video reek unprofessionalism contrast with Jp cookie cutter statement. You might think en statement was written by 15 years old retard.

>> No.46106115

they could've just let her graduate
now she's just crashing the branch

>> No.46106118

You might not know this, but that funny little green text is called a quote. That crossboarders words were not actually my own hence why they were immediately mocked.

>> No.46106126

Damage control through a financial statement is a bad thing.

>> No.46106127

I know, and you reek like a holofag

>> No.46106132

Since when did IR's become PR? And more importantly, can you explain to me why Anycolor allowed EN management to pull out the 声優の盾?

>> No.46106139

It's okay to shit on ENtards without being a thoughtless bootlicker anon.

>> No.46106155

Frankly, saying literally anything in that which isn't directly related to stockfaggotry is really absurdly balls to the walls fucking retarded. I'm shocked there's anon's here tribalistic enough to somehow blame anyone but the top of the ladder.

>> No.46106167

The meme answer is "it's EN so it doesn't matter". The problem is people want to believe that boogeyman because it's easier and scares off tourists.

>> No.46106171

Proofs they did?

>> No.46106188

>To preface, we have discussed with Anycolor staff and our legal team about what we are able to say.
>Additionally, we've been told there will also be a video releasing regarding the situation from Tazumi-san directly a few hours following the stream.

>> No.46106190

a) they had no idea what the fuck happened in En site. So, they just told them to do whatever they want to cool down the flame.
B) If the Elira/the talents was the middle manager theory was actually right, then everything will make sense.

>> No.46106197

Are you seriously asking for proof on if the IR report exists?

>> No.46106205

>B) If the Elira/the tal(ry
Seriously, why are you still posting here /vt/ard?

>> No.46106210

Nah dude it's 100% EN. It came to me in a dream.

>> No.46106217

Can't argue with that rock-solid logic.

>> No.46106218


前向きに進みたいならならもう関わるのやめたらどうなんだ? 彼女の転生元?先?のキャラクターの事は好きだったが、今回のことで嫌いになったよ。 非常に残念だ

>> No.46106223

EN staff, yes. And knowledge of upcoming video does not imply permission in any capacity.

>> No.46106234

>EN staff
>we have discussed with Anycolor staff
If you wanted to argue that by that statement they explicitly meant NijiEN staff and not Anycolor, then the follow up
>Additionally, we've been told there will also be a video releasing regarding the situation from Tazumi-san
makes no sense as that was an Anycolor statement directly from the CEO specifically about another Anycolor statement. To summarize, Anycolor approved the the stream in at the very least it's concept if not entirety, which it's concept includes "using the vtubers as a shield".

>> No.46106238

It's a lawyerfied stream, there's no way they'd say AC if they didn't mean AC.

>> No.46106242

Please. For all we know, they could've insisted.

>> No.46106248
File: 1.21 MB, 1516x1532, FI7qrhCacAAhTU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the fourth member.

>> No.46106258

They could've insisted what? Who is "they"? NijiEN insisted upon using the Anycolor name specifically? In which case, would that not mean Anycolor approved of their name being tied to this statement? Or do you mean to say Anycolor insisted on their name being used despite your argument they somehow didn't approve of being tied to an attempt at using meatshields? Speak up anon, you've got all the time in the world to type on an imageboard.

>> No.46106263

Don't insult my pons like that.

>> No.46106265

Because the practice of throw-livers-under-bus terminations that serve no real purpose started with Zaion, then Selen, both EN talents. The only other detailed statement we have ever gotten was for Meiro, and that one they HAD to release to clean up Roa's name plus people complained about the lack of detail in the initial termination statement.

The major fuckups the "company" did this time was:
- The initial termination statement being a 3-pager instead of a short "selen gone, unfortunate, good luck to her future endavours", and somehow fucking up by revealing lots of unnecessary details.
- The translation of the IR statement to English, which Tazumi specifically pointed out in his video (the use of the word negligible etc)
- The shit drama-channel-tier explanation video that for some goddamn reason went up on the channel of a liver unrelated to the shitshow, a never-happened before precedent that is completely unnecessary and whose content feels uncoordinated with tazumi's apology video.

All three actions are unprofessional and is not consistent with how anycolor have handled shit in the past five years. Whoever made the decision to construct and release that "message" video, they need to find and fire immediately.

>> No.46106267

Why are you faggots debating this over pure speculation?

>> No.46106268
File: 960 KB, 949x3793, 1707927375651134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe it's a rainbow

>> No.46106270

This is the only good tourist post.

>> No.46106273

What makes you think there is no miscommunication between them? What make you think that En management told them everything and not hiding something from main office? If En branch never make that retarded video statement just leave it to hq, everything would have been fine. But that video is too fucking stupid, there is no way in hell main office green light this. So the logical conclusion is, En branch is overstepping their boundary and going rouge.

>> No.46106295

Okay, tourist.

>> No.46106299

EN staff are Anycolor staff. They were told there would be a video. That's it. It does not imply permission.

>> No.46106308

>- The initial termination statement being a 3-pager instead of a short "selen gone, unfortunate, good luck to her future endavours", and somehow fucking up by revealing lots of unnecessary details.
I'm willing to believe that one is entirely NijiEN.
>- The translation of the IR statement to English, which Tazumi specifically pointed out in his video (the use of the word negligible etc)
The statement shouldn't have ever existed in the first place, the reaction to the translation means almost nothing in regards to Anycolor when compared to the fact they used something not meant for making statements beyond its explicit niche.
>- The shit drama-channel-tier explanation video that for some goddamn reason went up on the channel of a liver unrelated to the shitshow, a never-happened before precedent that is completely unnecessary and whose content feels uncoordinated with tazumi's apology video.
It, specifically the fact that those three vtubers spoke it, being approved is the problem. Not the fact that it's two separate teams who made two separate statements, not anything to do with the internals of basically any of the statements, but Anycolor explicitly knew that it would be hosted on a Liver's channel and the statement would be said by Liver's is the issue. Even if they somehow didn't stumble into potentially admitting to illegal activity it wouldn't change the fact that Anycolor knew NijiEN would be using both of their members to be spoken through and Anycolor gave the red stamp and said "OK". Even if you wanna say EN's are lesser that doesn't change the fact it's not a distinct possibility for Anycolor to do in the future.

>> No.46106317

Where the fuck did this EN chuubas being staff fanfic come from? That's two tourists saying it now.

>> No.46106320


>> No.46106325

tourists really don't understand japanese so they can only talk about enshit in this thread huh?

>> No.46106328

See >>46106188 for proof of acknowledgement and agreement between the two teams.

>> No.46106335

Wrong post?

>> No.46106347

What are you asking for proof on in specifics? I'd love to provide to the best of my ability then. The only other statement I made in that post would be saying I believe the termination notice originally came from NijiEN, and for that one specifically I have no proof and am just hoping Anycolor did not thumbs up that one.

>> No.46106356

Kirame's stream 3 years was totally her own thoughts by the way.

>> No.46106361

That one I believe since she didn't really say jackshit beyond "hell if I know now stop asking". Totally irrelevant to this.

>> No.46106364

can you try posting it again but in english this time?

>> No.46106367

I only talk about Enshit because there is big chance that Riku might purge that shit once and for all if the En branch going rouge was true.

>> No.46106370

If you have anything to say about Hajime's stream, go ahead

>> No.46106383

Still doesn't explain the inconsistency. For the past five years, anycolor's default stance is to reveal as little as possible, use as few words as possible, not assuming hostility even against bad actors, and only elaborate when necessary. I concede the IR statement might be a genuine HQ fuckup (made worse by the mistranslation), but the termination detail was odd, and the message video is definitely fucking weird.

>> No.46106393

The fact that anyone can be used as a muppet now is the only thing of matter to come from this.

>> No.46106398

Again, I agree the termination notice is a total oddity and I can't really believe that was something they knew of in detail. But the video is pretty clear-cut: the only way you could possibly give Anycolor any doubt is if you believe that NijiEN was specifically lying about talking to Anycolor at the start of the statement, and it's been days since then. If they were lying about that it'd have been pulled or otherwise specified upon. I cannot find a single reason to disbelieve that part in specifics beyond a blind hope.

>> No.46106400

Kirame and Meiro are not even close. Also if not because Meiro, Kirame wouldn't have being shadowed by Meiro's shitshow

>> No.46106405

>or otherwise specified upon
Or otherwise clarified upon, it's late.

>> No.46106414
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>> No.46106423

If you can accept anycolor hq fucked up checking a three page document you can accept them fucking up checking a fifteen minute video whose contents are mostly english.

>> No.46106438
File: 323 KB, 1486x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly english
purely in english. I'm tired, have a picture of my dog wife.

>> No.46106441

Why didn't they remove the video and announce that talents did in on their own?

>> No.46106448

I don't quite think I can, because even the summary would have included it'd have been on Elira's channel. And if they somehow thought it'd have been spoken through management or otherwise didn't know, well, they've had days to listen to mere seconds of it to know that's not the case and fire whatever member of NijiEN staff outright lied to them. But they haven't issued a single correction or clarification despite having enough of a finger on the pulse to know about various other english-only happenings like the translation of the statement that shouldn't exist. That's the kicker.

>> No.46106460

Honestly I'd believe they knew more about the document than the stream since that was an official Twitter account announcing a termination.

>> No.46106471

Yeah if Anykara didn't want it to be on her channel and by her it would be gone by now.

>> No.46106473

Just a memo if any anycolor staff is reading this, there will probably be more EN shits that retire as a direct result of the fallout from this whole thing.

When that happens and you have to put out a graduation or termination statement, be fucking neutral and don't mention passive-aggressive stuff like "stress from social media" or "in light of recent reception".

>> No.46106477

Maybe Elira herself wants it there.

>> No.46106478

Probably because the talents didn't do it on their own and that was just an outrageous theory I was fronting to explain why anon's kind of deluding himself right now, to put it politely.

>> No.46106479

Imagine if lize had some sexy neck tattoos and nose piercings. She would go from a 5/10 to a full on 10/10.

>> No.46106493

So? Anykara has the keys to every account.

>> No.46106499

If Anycolor was against it or the video was otherwise made against their wishes with a fake claim by foreigners, it'd be gone by now. Not really sure how many times this has to be said or what's confusing about it.

>> No.46106503

I mean, you're asking why Anycolor doesn't blame talents?

>> No.46106505

Deleting it now will only make things worse. Any further attempt at clarification, either by retraction, another statement, or embellishment in any form, will only make the flames last longer.

>> No.46106506

Things went a bit south the last time they went against the wishes of their talents, so...

>> No.46106526

I'm not asking why Anycolor doesn't blame talents, you might want to re-read the post. I said the only way the video could have not been approved by Anycolor is if you assumed NijiEN was lying about it being approved by them, and we already know that's factually false by the fact the stream still exists and it's still yet to be refuted by any higher ups. So it's real and even at the most surface level an approved usage of the 声優の盾 by Anycolor.

>> No.46106535

Oh, you're a retarded tourist.

>> No.46106539

based. lize should also whore herself out

>> No.46106556

Even if you were completely correct that it was a rogue move by NijiEN, which is an already insane theory as they have a proven correspondence through the fact that NijiEN knew and even announced Tazumi's video hours before it went up, that wouldn't really change public perception and you'd just be laughed at as someone delusional.

>> No.46106557

Who do you want them to blame for that video then?

>> No.46106559

I'm thinking at least 12 nose piercings, 6 on each side.

>> No.46106595

Anycolor, as it is made explicitly clear they were the ones who approved it and using their talents like that. The only real argument for why that's not a bad thing is that it's foreigners who're deemed lesser or otherwise of little importance to Anycolor, which isn't that bad of an argument but still has a few holes.

>> No.46106601

whose perception? what are you even on about? the japanese perception is "fuck annoying foreigners, fuck selen", you think that sperging here about how the jap management might be involved on some level will change anything?

>> No.46106621

Not really, I don't think it'll change shit. I just want to clarify and make sure people don't mistakenly believe that the usage of vtubers as a shield for management was not something Anycolor didn't approve of but instead actively a choice of theirs that they made.

>> No.46106627

Anycolor should blame Anycolor for releasing the video? You alright?

>> No.46106630

Oh, you were speaking about Anycolor in terms of who "they" should blame? I thought you were speaking about an anon. In which case I'll refer back to >>46106478.

>> No.46106634

Why? Thats one to many..

>> No.46106636

so you want to sperg about some speculation that nobody cares about? that's cool, can you do it on /vt/ though? I don't wanna keep checking new posts in this thread just to see your autistic shit

>> No.46106635

Anykara doesn't even hate foreigners since they gave Maou-sama 3D.

>> No.46106638

recording private conversation without permission is already in the shitlist in japanese fan's eye

>> No.46106647

>Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone.

>> No.46106650

Korea is Japan's rightful clay

>> No.46106655

Recording for a collab isn't strange though?

>> No.46106654

for the symmetry! She should also get some hot piercings on her lips, cheeks, eyes and ears.

>> No.46106661

sorry but that doesn't change the perception

>> No.46106669

and somehow that recording ends up in her lawyer's hand and then sent it to anycolor's lawyer
it doesn't add up captain

>> No.46106676

keeping it for future uses in case you want to attack someone is pretty strange, and probably illegal

>> No.46106677

Which doesn't answers the question

>> No.46106678

It goes both ways. Who would've thunk?

>> No.46106682

i thought anons hated gawkman

>> No.46106690

westerner dramafags won't believe anything negative about selen, japanese won't believe anything positive about selen, glad we have this sorted out

>> No.46106693
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That's why I said it has a few holes. There's pretty much no actual excuse for Anycolor to pull that move since financially EN isn't a dead-end and if simple hating of foreigners was the problem than KR would have exactly 0 chances.

>> No.46106695

What about the tongue?

>> No.46106708

I was going to give you an actual point by point answer on why you're mistaken from the get-go about what I said, then I saw you're an ESL who actually said the talents did in on their own, instead of the proper talents did it on their own. You can go back now.

>> No.46106713

I completely forgot. Is more than one on the tongue even possible?

>> No.46106717

Speaking of dealing with ESLs, I'm going to clarify before they misread even further and say that I should have had quotation marks around me quoting his failures of the english language, and I am not actually saying "The talents did it on their own".

>> No.46106726

she can split her tongue and add one more piercing under her tongue

>> No.46106730

Maousama should get piercings and tattoos as well.

>> No.46106737

No argument, I see

>> No.46106736

They kind of are now, but I get what you mean.

>> No.46106741

My daughter would never.

>> No.46106748

she'd be so skanky. It'd be the best thing!

>> No.46106764

We will force her

>> No.46106820

I think it's actually salvageable if they fire a bunch of people(maybe even publically, since it might actually be seen as a good thing in this case), wait a month or two for shit to die down, then start actually delivering on their promises for 3Ds or AR Lives or whatever. After all, the greatest apology is good content.
And honestly, even if they don't do that, they can probably still garner sufficient support from Japan's Luxiem tourists.

>> No.46106849

I don't believe for a second actually following through on giving anyone 3D is in the cards. My friend, it's gunna get merged at best.

>> No.46106862

A merger would probably increase their chances of getting 3Ds.

>> No.46106872

That's why I said "at best". I don't believe in best case scenarios.

>> No.46106885

Even if they decide to axe a bunch of managers and staff it doesn't really change the fact that the majority of the damage is done by now, they should've made that decision almost immediately if not months prior to any of this ever happening.

>> No.46106886

I like this

>> No.46106916

There also was 0 threat of Elira and co getting doxxed and they just made that up for the stream.

>> No.46106923

some tattoos and piercings would really improve this

>> No.46106950

why aren't any of the jp nijis taking a hit from this?

>> No.46106976

Why would they? They're pretty much entirely unrelated to this shitshow the suits have started.

>> No.46106989

Do any of them still play Tower of Fantasy?

>> No.46107006

I forgot that game existed, also wasn't it only a fad for like a week or two a year ago?

>> No.46107025
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>> No.46107027

No. I think there was a sponsored stream months ago but I could be wrong.
I think Kanae played it for quite a bit longer than that but yeah it was still a dumb kusoge.

>> No.46107106

fumihiko got banned again

>> No.46107132

Even after 5 years, Ebio feels like such an out-of-place member.
I like him a lot, but sometimes it doesn't feel like he...belong? Not sure if that's the right word.

>> No.46107154


>> No.46107159
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>> No.46107162
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>> No.46107221

Did he fuck that blonde girl yet

>> No.46107227
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Leona kinda looks like Pute here.

>> No.46107228

They stopped talking.

>> No.46107285

What about behind the scenes

>> No.46107299

He now has a vspo harem that she's somehow not a part of.

>> No.46107319

That's why they stopped talking.

>> No.46107723

which male liver should get their dick pierced?

>> No.46107733


>> No.46107807

please be hajiki

>> No.46107815


>> No.46107836

you can accelerate the downfall of EN yourself
apply today

>> No.46107917

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1dl8eRancc roc

>> No.46107929


>> No.46107964
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>> No.46107998
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>> No.46108046
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>> No.46108109

i can't wait for the covers

>> No.46108127
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>> No.46108147

Sorry you're getting samefagged.

>> No.46108177

I don't even know what they're trying to imply with the unicorn spam. Not schizo enough.

>> No.46108200

I will not go to the dentist

>> No.46108262

https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app/status/1757679445677351313 graduation

>> No.46108562


>> No.46108816

Snow Halation is a good song.

>> No.46108854

Nagi's cover of it was really good, minus the total silence at 35-45 seconds in. Why'd she do that anyways? Artistic choice?

>> No.46109104

You are weird.

>> No.46109180


>> No.46109238

why is deron such a slut, how many men and women does she need.


>> No.46109317

Reid is a fucking leech
that behavior in the mahjong tournament opened my eyes

>> No.46109370

I wish I could get an earlgreid.

>> No.46109567

stock is still falling
riku's apology didn't fix anything
what now

>> No.46109645

You realized really late. Also he fucking sucks as jungle even relative to his invested play time and is unbearably loud (especially noticeable on toru's collab stream)

>> No.46109648

Don't worry. A big eceleb died. The internet's attention will now shift to him and people will start forgetting about all this.

>> No.46109673
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>> No.46109682
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>> No.46109690

reido is honorary nijisanji, you take that back.

>> No.46109698

Why are you replying to tourists whose first thought of him is fucking League?

>> No.46109715
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sex with all of them

>> No.46109718
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>> No.46109723
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>> No.46109724

While I used to eat them as a kid, I don't quite think the creator of Pop Tarts is an e-celeb...

>> No.46109739

never heard of him but it seems like people hated him and are celebrating

>> No.46109770

If being a leech means having 2 of the hottest girls in vtubing by your side I'll be one any day...

>> No.46109931
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>> No.46110188

Why is she so dirty

>> No.46110293
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Can she even eat them? She's a dog--

>> No.46110324

Happy LesSex Day

>> No.46110404

Oh jesus fucking christ, Youtube's giving me those live in 30 minutes notifications on every single stream and premiere now. No wonder why I had almost 300.

>> No.46110598

Is that guy still drawing that stuff? I don't actually remember his name or I'd go look.

>> No.46110624

Anon, you got the only three keywords you need.

>> No.46110678

Very late TittyTuesday

>> No.46110679


>> No.46110771
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>> No.46110853

it's not funny without the caption

>> No.46110907
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>> No.46110983
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Maybe Cover should apologize too

>> No.46110987


>> No.46110990


>> No.46111013

good lord amamya please stay the fuck away from lol

>> No.46111095

Why is anon implying Mya hasn't already played it before?

>> No.46111194

whats inside?!

>> No.46111285

a sweaty, hairy 45 year old japanese man.

>> No.46111290


>> No.46111954
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>> No.46111991
File: 47 KB, 996x580, i mean, anycolor is still in the green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anycolor investment is still kinda profitable . So no need to apoligize to investors. 8% over two years is decent, at least its not a loss.

>> No.46112010
File: 62 KB, 1072x726, red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah no, IPO investors did lose money kek. I'm gonna assume some investors are gonna start dumping again once it inclines to cut the losses

>> No.46112035

They issued jack shit during IPO

>> No.46112182

I know he's just doing it for trolling but I wish kanae actually started doing romance rp with kuma-chan, all the women around him are crazy while kuma-chan is actually just a sweet girl

>> No.46112565


>> No.46112658


>> No.46113171

Is there a liveposting stogra thread somewhere that I can use to be updated on the general events? Any site is fine.

>> No.46113338

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNqwUBzvxFs itsygo
