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46048156 No.46048156 [Reply] [Original]

I’m starting to realize the reason why the majority of Youkai are female is so they can infiltrate the human village better and deceive people until they can prey upon their food. It explains why Youkai managed to live in the village despite the humans having Reimu and Youkai hunters.

>> No.46048202

Youkai can shapeshift as they are spiritual and no longer need to have their form as how the zeitgeist dictated because of them being sealed off, in reality they look like mtf abominations.

>> No.46048306

Youkai can't reproduce naturally with their kind, and human females are full of all kinds of nasty woman tricks to stop them carrying a baby, it makes the most logical solution to keep their population up being to take on the form of a beautiful woman and steal the seed of an innocent man.

>> No.46049326

Women are hot and pretty and cute.

>> No.46049907

Fake news, youkai don't shapeshift to or from something else, that's actually what they look like: super cute quirky girls with funny hats and dresses who would also marry you and jave sex with you if you manage to impress them or they take a liking to you.

>> No.46050044
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What happens if a human and a youkai fall in love and start a relationship? We know that Keine hates youkai in the village and went as far as to say that she won't teach any youkai children in her class. We also know that Reimu is willing to exterminate any youkai that overstep their boundaries like the fortune teller, not to mention the various youkai factions that watch the village vigilantly to increase their power and don't take kindly to lone youkai entering the village and pretending to be human. Then there's Rinnosuke the only half-youkai in Gensokyo that's shun from the village with youkai ignoring his existence or Yukari visiting him. Is a Human-Youkai relationship possible or does the various powers of gensokyo kill such people if it happens?

>> No.46050094

Do you think Keine ever uses her power to rewrite history and essentially make any human-youkai relationship non-existent?

>> No.46050299

Man, Touhou Suichouka would have been better if Miyoi was just some Youkai wife working at the pub with her husband while trying to raise their half breed child, instead of being whatever it is now. We would have seen how the other 2hu characters react to a youkai marrying a human.

>> No.46050518

This, and they can shape shift, they just choose not to

>> No.46050546

My headcanon that makes sense, therefore that means it's true and canon. Even though it's unfortunately grim... Is that once the child is born, it's taken away from parents who are then killed and given to another family to raise.

Reason I say it makes sense is the golden rule of Gensokyo is that humans are meant to fear youkai and falling in love is the opposite of that. Plus we've never heard of Rinnosukes parents and we only know is that he stayed with Marisa's parents.

>> No.46050806

Youkai are incapable of love, they are monstrous psychopaths that need to be exterminated.
All they want humans for is a source of food.

>> No.46050874

They're not all female, you just don't see the male ones. It's like male humans who appear in print works, but nowhere in the games.

>> No.46050897

>They're not all female
That's what "majority" usually implies, yes.

>> No.46050967

>What happens if a human and a youkai fall in love and start a relationship?
Have you tried looking into the actual mythology? There are plenty of stories of human-youkai romance, relationships, tragedies stemming therefrom, even some with happy endings.

>> No.46050976 [SPOILER] 
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One can dream...

>> No.46050980

not significantly different from ordinary women

>> No.46051240

I have various theories with different degrees of headcanon:
>Yukari is Maribel tier.
It just doesn't happen because Gensokyo is inherently sexless.

>Ex Rumia tier.
It does happen, but it's minor enough that everybody overlooks it. At worst it's behavior that falls into typical "Don't ask, don't tell" logic that seems to be commonplace in the human village.

>Sakuya is a Lunarian tier.
It doesn't happen and people/youkai that try it are killed. Very grimdark, but not out of the realm of possibility of canon besides the fact that, as mentioned above, Touhou is totally sexless and most humans not called Marisa grow like weeds.

>Touhou and SMT take place in the same universe tier,
Not only does it happen, various factions are deliberately breeding with humans to control the human village. Like Kitsune and Tengu are going around seducing major figures in the human village. It might be forbidden in theory, but everybody still does it anyway..

>> No.46052990

>Have you tried looking into the actual mythology
If I do that, then Kasen, Yuugi and Suika are evil due to Oni being malicious troublemakers in actual mythology.

>> No.46053056

They're female to steal cum, the vital life force of creation

>> No.46053103

... Did you not read WaHH?

>> No.46053222

Ok but where's the sauce anon?

>> No.46053415

Can't imagine being this uninitiated. Even though the ending is TRASH its pretty nice to read. Kasen is a good girl. Yuugi just drinks and fights and Suika is a cute.

>> No.46053474

I always kind of wished that the manga had delved into the mythology side a little further, because kasen was the only real survivor of mt ooe because she was cowardly and ran when she saw suika get exterminated, losing her arm in the progress, and we don't really get much of an insight into the events following that, or how kasen's mindset was really developed over the centuries. We just get told that when her arm was cut off, she lost all interest in hellish reality and became a hermit without any real explanation
basically I just think that for a manga about ibaraki-douji, there's not very much about ibaraki-douji, and it's mostly about reimu and marisa

>> No.46053510

>we don't really get much
>and became a hermit without any real explanation
>and it's mostly about reimu and marisa
You can't expect much more from that drunken clown ZUN. You, yes you, could easily make a story 100x better than WaHH simply because you're far more invested in the character than ZUN is.

>> No.46053516
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this time it'll have 3 kasens; that's the ticket

>> No.46053560

3 Kasens...imagine...

>> No.46053576

buddy cop manga about kasen and arm-chan solving crimes because satori's too incompetent, and at the end when they're up against the big bag they say that they'll have to go all out just this one and merge into oni kasen

>> No.46053585

Some Dragon Ball sh. Fusion dance and all the rest. Now where does the third Kasen factor in ...

>> No.46053597

the third kasen is doujin kasen

>> No.46053611
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Now I'm reading that. I'll buy it too fuck it.

>> No.46055016

Alright someone help me understand. Will Reimu and the other youkais actually kill the human and their youkai partner if they fall in love? I’m not talking about mythology, but touhou itself. Like I do notice that suika, aya and mamizou bullying Miyoi at first thinking she was a youkai, but would they actually had killed her if she was married to a human while running that pub?

>> No.46057384

Who's the youkai of sex?

>> No.46057454
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>> No.46057543

>Will Reimu and the other youkais actually kill the human and their youkai partner if they fall in love?
I don't know if they will kill them, but I can only assume that such marriages and/or relationships are frown upon. Over a hundred years, and the only confirmed child of such a couple is Rinnosuke, who was born before the barrier and the village was created. So basically, maybe they do, or they don't. This is why I think Touhou Suichouka should have just been about Miyoi and her husband and possible child dealing with snoopy youkai and reimu.

>> No.46057691

What happens if a human exterminator were to rape a youkai like one of the tengu and she had to raise his half youkai spawn?

>> No.46057767

Unless that human exterminator is a Hakurei Shrine Maiden, I don't think that's possible.

>> No.46058258

> but touhou itself
It wouldn't happen because Gensokyo is sexless. That is the actual explanation.

Otherwise, see: >>46051240

>> No.46058263

Not when I get there it won't be.

>> No.46058287

Who cares? The village is strict. Humans have to fear youkai. That’s literally their entire purpose. If they fall in love with one, then I assume the powers to be will deal with that outlier, permanently if they have to.

>> No.46058292
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>Kasen is a good girl. Yuugi just drinks and fights and Suika is a cute.
Lies. Kasen would put a restaurant out of business and blame them when they don't have enough foor food for her

>> No.46058363

Well, Gensokyo isn't real either.

>> No.46058364

eh, I don't think yukari or anyone would care unless the human in question is going around trying to convince people that the youkai aren't to be feared and everyone should go running out into the forest because that'll threaten collapse
I think the more likely option is that as long as the human doesn't give up his humanity and the youkai keeps herself disguised in the village, you'd just be considered a weird guy. There's no human village powers that be (which is sort of the point of the youkai control of the village) and the youkai powers are all about secrecy, so dealing with the problem in a conspicuous way wouldn't work.
I think, at most, the human would just be shunned and maybe if everyone knew, they'd be cast out, but at that point their youkai wife could probably take them in, and they wouldn't be a villager anymore so the 'humans fear youkai' rule wouldn't apply to them anymore (akyuu says that the rule only applies to those living in the village in FS)

>> No.46059265

All youkai are rapists without fail. They realized pretty quickly however that molesting human females just isn't fun since humans can do it as well. Being a man and getting raped by a women is far more humiliating.

>> No.46059295

Yeah hahah, getting pushed down by a bored horny youkai is so humiliating, no man'd ever want that to happen to him!
Especially not me, at 22:00, in my bed this weekend, unsupervised and alone, at 21 salt lane at the western edge of the village where the lights aren't ever lit at night and where the houses aren't so close together that you can hear much.

>> No.46059416

Canon gensokyo has no internet.

>> No.46059443

its more than likely a don't ask don't tell kinda situation but I imagine civilized youkai factions and human families have arranged marriages so that the human family can have more prestige and the youkai get more of a foothold in the village

>> No.46059447

Oh, so those posts about how much the tengu want to molest someone, and post advertisements for their fake dating services with suspiciously written endorsements are just written by some faggots who have nothing better to do?
Yeah right. Next you'll be telling me that gap youkai doesn't wring a new man dry every spring.

>> No.46059449

I will be telling you that the gap youkai doesn't wring a new man dry every spring, but not for lack of trying.

>> No.46059450

While I agree that is likely, that is still mostly a headcanon right now.

>> No.46059713

Lies and slander. Kasen might eat a shitload (although she starves herself and eats mist and random candy so she doesnt have much of an appetite) she would pay for everything.

>> No.46059940

Nothing. Youkais don't and never will like humans, they need to feed them, both in spirit and flesh

>> No.46059963 [DELETED] 
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Haha yea 2hu

>> No.46060468

You lie as much as Tewi does.

>> No.46060524

>Why Youkai are all female
Because someone has to fuck them.

>> No.46060537

Thats their strategy. It's why they're still around and gods help us when they multiply seduce us human males!

>> No.46060782

>posts an answer
>asks a question
please consider suicide fren

>> No.46061231
File: 292 KB, 506x650, 1695555573118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its honestly probably this
If a powerful youkai is the one to snatch up a husband, enforcement is going to be a lot more touchy
Trying to kill off Yuuka's mate or child will definitely get spellcard rules thrown out the window in favour of the most vicious, dirtiest. back alley death battle seen in centuries
A greater yook in full on momma bear black rage would be a fucking sight to see

>> No.46061581

Precious youkai wife to cuddle silly

>> No.46061624

Women can't rape me because I will simply not get erect.

>> No.46061736

Oh yeah? Which one, tough guy?

>> No.46061919

Did not read a word, I want to marry this woman.

>> No.46061944 [DELETED] 

a relative of that gambling den lady he met a while back.

>> No.46062793
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>I think the more likely option is that as long as the human doesn't give up his humanity and the youkai keeps herself disguised in the village, you'd just be considered a weird guy.
I don't know about that, Akyuu was very adamant that Youkai are the enemy and need to be feared. She said that to Kosuzu when she said that maybe not all youkai are bad. So having a human fall in love with a youkai seems worse.

>> No.46062808
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this is the very next page, and is what I mean when I also said that if everyone knew, you'd probably be cast out, but if you were making a reasonable attempt to hide it, people might suspect, but they probably wouldn't cast you out
basically, I think that if it's something like that, it's a different scenario to someone turning into a youkai and might be slower to trigger reimu's crimson slasher instincts

>> No.46062868

Still can’t believe Reimu and company were willing to kill a child just for wanting to learn.

>> No.46062876

i have it but i'm not sharing it

>> No.46062891

reimu never found the culprit, she didn't know that it was a child
plus, she's spared other youkai in other stuff as long as they aren't doing anything, like the zashiki warashi

>> No.46062895

Kosuzu was too thirsty for youkai cock

>> No.46062939

>zashiki warashi
Weren’t they confirm to be part of the secret police by Yukari to watch over any dissenting humans in the village? Which is why they’re left alone.

>> No.46063784

Why do people bring up rinnosuke? Even in his own literary work, the human village cast him out after nearly killing him and the only youkai who visits him is Yukari, who he’s afraid of and what’s nothing to do with. Being a child of a human-youkai couple is hellish as fuck.

>> No.46063803

only to kasen
reimu says that they're not causing any harm and the villagers would be mad at her if she tried to get rid of them since they bring prosperity to houses

>> No.46063818

>after nearly killing him
source? all I remember is that he says is that it's awkward for him in the village because he doesn't age like the other villagers

>> No.46063929

Because it at least shows they don't go killing every mixed breed which tends to be the case in any setting with 2 races that don't get along.
Wouldn't have much faith in it since we also got >>45832406
>Doesn’t rinnosuke find a half-eaten human corpse before grave robbing it?
Referencing chapter 10 the only dam place in Touhou were you'll find someone saying that youkai do not eat humans.
Dunno guess someone wants to make CoLA out of everything look dark.
What you say and he is probably "refering to" is in chapter 20.

>> No.46063966

yeah, seems like this excerpt is all it is
>While I was thinking about that, I arrived at the Kirisame residence. It had been at least 10 years since I'd seen the father, and I was not good with meeting other people from the village other than customers, so I was terribly nervous. I wondered if age had possibly made the father of the house senile, and would be unable to recognize me. The humans of the village mature, then age as years pass. These normal processes don't happen to me, so I can never stay long in the village. I only bring unease and fear to the humans there.
so, he doesn't stay in the village for the typical reason you get with long-lived or immortal characters in fiction: that it's hard to stick around in one place when you don't really age and everyone else dies after 80 or so years

>> No.46064176

Human-youkai relationships would most likely happen without the human knowing or outside of the village imo.
Youkai would have at the very least change identity every now and then, maybe pretend their previous identity got eaten by youkais to increase youkai fear and then get back to the village with a new name and disguise.
Not sure if humans would have that much of a problem with longer living humanoids, as long as they don't prey on humans and such.
Feels more justified in Touhou imo

>> No.46064210

Human youkai relationships would realistically involve the youkai getting pregnant and then killing and eating the male, like praying mantises.

>> No.46064269

why though? most youkai don't need to eat human flesh as much as they need human fear (and even then it's more like human belief or you wouldn't have feral gods like the aki sisters who are nearly youkai instead of gods)
it's not like someone like kogasa or sekibanki is going to have to kill you afterward

>> No.46064278

it's pointless to use blanket statements for youkai behavior given their diversity

>> No.46064322

Why would she bother? Most youkai act like petulant, sociopathic children, and once you've knocked her up she doesn't have any more use for you. But killing and eating hukans is good for youkai, so...

>> No.46064404

it's funny how you said this and then the guy right after you made a blanket statement about most youkai

>> No.46064550
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Human/Youkai relationships are the only pure relationships in touhou. Human on Human relations only breeds human supremacy that thinks they're better than Youkai and that they should exterminate them. Youkai on Youkai relations only breeds youkai supremacy that believe humans are nothing but cattle that should be eaten and harvested. Human and Youkai relations tear down the barriers between the two races and produce offspring that will heal the wounds of the past.

>> No.46064676

>Human on Human relations only breeds human supremacy that thinks they're better than Youkai
Well yes, i will only fuck humans to hold the humanity bloodline

>> No.46064889

>produce offspring that will heal the wounds of the past
The only known product of a youkai/human relationship would rather not bother with both sides.

>> No.46065321

>people think Miyoi’s manga would be better if she was married
Do you guys really think ZUN would allow a 2hu to be shown as a married woman? Better yet, do you guys honestly believe touhou fans would even read such a manga? Shit, I could already see the backlash if there’s a male character that’s not on the sidelines.

>> No.46065330

>Do you guys really think ZUN would allow a 2hu to be shown as a married woman?
Junko was married, got piped and had a son.

>> No.46065367

None of which was shown and it happen a long time ago that it didn't matter. There's a few anons here thinking that ZUN would write a manga about a 2hu that's married with a child and a loving husband. This is despite knowing that there's no prominent male characters in touhou.

>> No.46065377

how you going to do your boy unzan dirty like that?

>> No.46065763

You know zun rarely focuses on him

>> No.46065792

He got RAPED by CHADchirin and HOUSEBROKEN like a meek little WIFE

>> No.46066792

Is Kasen really calling Miyo’s restaurant shitty because she didn’t get a final meal? What a bitch.

>> No.46066933

Why miyoi rapes young boys

>> No.46067525
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What happens if a celestial fucks a youkai?

>> No.46067836
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Anon you big meanie

>> No.46068222

The Youkai melts.

>> No.46068361

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to be Shion right now.

>> No.46071546

She's into shotas.

>> No.46072893

They cancel each others magic properties out and make a human.

>> No.46074688

She’s innocent and pure.

>> No.46074900
File: 62 KB, 864x1152, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_blackbad__3ca49bdce87834d216d18b6a798acb3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey, you need anything? You've come all the way here but all you've done is stand around looking cagey, so just tell me what you want. Oh- I see. Listen, there's no reason for me to get involved here. Why not? Well, men don't get, you know 'ready' unless they want to, right? Pretty sure I heard about that somewhere. So if she was able to get you ready then you must have wanted it. Maybe she was a bit rough or you had second thoughts, but I can't exterminate her because of that. If she harasses you maybe I could sell you some talismans to ward her off, but that's all I can do. Could you keep it a secret as well? Humans really aren't meant to be with youkai, and if you raise a fuss about it then it'll be a big mess. Don't look at me like that, if you really regret it that much then you'll have to deal with it yourself, sorry'

>> No.46075116

Didn't know it was possible to like her any more.

>> No.46075122

>Rapes the Hakurei.

>> No.46075147

1: stronger than you, 2: more than capable of out-raping you

>> No.46075151

You can't beat the cock.

>> No.46075237

Reimu this is exactly why nobody donates to your shrine.

>> No.46079910

Miyoi can.

>> No.46080286

Because a large part of the fandom would collectively shit themselves so hard their asshole wouldn't be able to contain the flow of shit and they would just explode like a massive diarrhea bomb and it would be a trouble for their family to clean their rooms off (it's plenty difficult as is with the amount of cumrags and empty bottles/cans and other assorted trash lying around already). Or it could be any of the reasons above this post, idk.

>> No.46083017

Why is this so hot?

>> No.46086786

It isn't hot unless you're submissive.

>> No.46087818

As if Sanae is any better. She will make you describe your being raped in excruciatingly vivid detail while rubbing her thighs together and getting off.

>> No.46088231

Sanae has a rape fetish but is too cowardly to rape anyone?

>> No.46088284

she has a thing for other people being raped while she can act like she's above it all because she's too cowardly to rape anyone
if you describe reimu's reaction she'll cum on the spot

>> No.46088449
File: 788 KB, 1209x1092, Bratty shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Youkais do to bratty shotas?

>> No.46090004

Only good miyoi doujin

>> No.46090735

What’s the source? I can’t find it.

>> No.46092513

They correct them.

>> No.46092557


>> No.46092629

Why is it that bullying 2hus is the 100% guaranteed way to have sex with them?

>> No.46101090

2hus like to femdom men who are proud

>> No.46101269

Tons of examples in Folktales from Japan

>> No.46105118

Arrogance deserves special punishment.

The weak are consumed. The proud are "Consumed".

>> No.46105185

Sorry, I don't support criminals.

>> No.46111210

But why the proud?

>> No.46117597

When will ZUN make a male youkai? We need more men in this series.

>> No.46117617


>> No.46118210

We need more men

>> No.46118219


>> No.46118389

NTA but I do think it's unrealistic that every character that shows up in the games just so happen to be women.

>> No.46123184

Touhous appeal is that it isnt realistic. If you want more men in your story go read bara doujins.

>> No.46123454
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it is a mystery

>> No.46123820

That's not Orin, she would never do such whorish behaviors.

>> No.46126729
File: 596 KB, 1200x1791, 4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for Orin's trickery, anon. She's a predator who wants to eat humans.

>> No.46127378

Killing them allows them to die on their own terms.

Being raped and forced to become a Youkai husband is far worse for them.

>> No.46127383

That assumes a youkai will make a man lose to pussy when the opposite is much more likely to be true. Humans are very resistant to spiritual attacks unlike youkai which is precisely why any sex fight will end with the man coming on top. I will prove this theory to any youkai who doubts me.

>> No.46127774
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Human males can’t even fight off the weakest of female youkai.

>> No.46128001

this doujin was hot
god I wish orin would choke me to death while I cum inside her

>> No.46128368

This clever anon has figured out the guaranteed way to be husbanded instead of eaten.

>> No.46128530

It should be bannable to post exhentai links.

>> No.46128536

Just make an account already.

>> No.46131564

Kogasa would never do something like that.

>> No.46134227
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>> No.46135225

So this confirms that humans that try to improve themselves to overthrow youkais are killed and eaten.

>> No.46135250

Considering Tengu did the abduction, they were "Eaten".

>> No.46139221

D-did Reimu do anything to get those humans back? And also first time seeing child tengu

>> No.46139230

How do you explain the clearly 100% tengu children?

>> No.46139245

tengu genes are so dominant the resulting children are full youkai

>> No.46139250

No tengu is pure bred anon.
Ever ponder the disparity between their modern and traditional depictions?
Yeah. That's why.

>> No.46139267

Tengu genes are dominant and their children will always be full-bloodied tengu with some traits of the father.

>> No.46143169

What happened to the men?

>> No.46143182

Men? There? No sirree, never seen no virile healthy males around there. Perhaps you are thinking of another mountain.

>> No.46147058

All I know anon, is that there are more tengu children around.

>> No.46152717

But tengus are born of eggs.

>> No.46156088


>> No.46160281


>> No.46161044

Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei

>> No.46161348 [DELETED] 
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Tempat ieu mangrupikeun wc abdi ayeuna.

>> No.46164014


>> No.46164560
File: 1.17 MB, 1012x1453, 63723885-a200-4ca4-bcad-e67b162a4f3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the truth, look at Miyoi's ass in this page. She hunts little boys in the human village.

>> No.46170945

Can't believe they transformed humans into tengu kids, absolutely barbaric.
They are just what Mamizou thinks that tengu kids look like.

>> No.46171121

You're asking the wrong question. There is a supposed split of both male and female youkai similarly to humans in Gensokyo. What you are actually asking is why are they not represented in games and physical works. The meta answer to that is pretty obvious, and the in-universe reason is fine enough.

>> No.46171136
File: 374 KB, 781x1300, breed_bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no youkai men. Only lonely horny women.
It can explain everything. Every. Thing.

>> No.46174037
File: 663 KB, 1280x1847, Aya ready to kill a kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbidden Scrollery was the start of touhou being edgy. Aya was more than ready to kill a human child thinking that he knew she was a tengu. ZUN was on drugs when he made that manga.

>> No.46174063

>Forbidden Scrollery was the start of touhou being edgy
OK be honest when you get into 2hu

>> No.46174086

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, you know, when cute girls were doing cute things.

>> No.46174090

Anon you posted porn. I recognise that doujin. It's shotacon femdom porn. I don't know who told you it was from Forbidden Scrollery but you need to doubt everything that person told you about Touhou.

>> No.46174211

And you never spotted any edgy shit in games nor official works since then?

>> No.46174607

Link it.

>> No.46174694

>Forbidden Scrollery was the start of touhou being edgy
*Symposium of Post Mysticism
That was the real begining of the "Human Village is a zoo/farm" narrative that has been dominating everything ever since.

>> No.46174702


>> No.46174750

Link doesnt work

>> No.46176029

This one page raises so many questions.

>> No.46176147


>> No.46176858



>> No.46183404

Much better.

>> No.46185876

we can keep saying this but never forget that symposium is the same one where you can obtain a celestial maiden wife by picking up her veil from a hanging tree

>> No.46185928
File: 405 KB, 500x500, 1673528240401559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the elders warn about doing. For good reason. Celestial or not, you wouldn't want to end up married to this dumpster fire would you?

>> No.46185951

I have a literal pile of beer and soda cans right next to me anon, you are not going to discourage me like this.
I'm gonna make a pyramid out of them it's gonna be so cool

>> No.46185958
File: 445 KB, 900x636, __nagae_iku_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_sakurai_energy__b34fb7fe70fe4b6305ab2f05460e1473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be making this messy slob my wife, thank you very much

>> No.46187581

Iku is just lonely and would make a good wife, besides, it would be fun to get dragged into Tenshi's stupid ass plans with your wife every once in a while

>> No.46187661

No wonder why Celestials aren’t allowing newcomers up to their place. It’s a damn mess unfit for company if this is anything to go by!

>> No.46192197
File: 1.06 MB, 1362x843, 1659567652015382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46200270
File: 176 KB, 850x826, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_nagae_iku_touhou_drawn_by_roke_taikodon__sample-321a1802058798d6448fe057cab9d200 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threesome with Iku and Tenshi

>> No.46207633


>> No.46213591

Tenshi is too pure for that. She’s waiting until marriage.

>> No.46215158

Isn't that Iku?

>> No.46215982

Iku is a whore ready to lose her virginity to any man that wants her.

>> No.46219497

Only the submissive males they allow to exist within the village.
Why do you think only the useless men who won't be missed get gapped into Gensokyo? Why because if but a single strong willed man enters the Youkai ladies would not stand a chance!

>> No.46219520

That explains why she's still a virgin!

>> No.46219540

Sorry buddy, but when a man from the Outside World is gapped in, he gets passed around by youkai inseminating lots of them to produce the new youkai generation until he dies of exhaustion and then they eat him. It's canon.

>> No.46220740

But /jp/ users are a type of youkai and they aren't female.

>> No.46221957

BUNBUNMARU NEWS EXTRA: Outsiders, The Unspoken Delicacy

"It's a well known fact that Gensokyo's Humans are protected by the Vampire's Pact, but these protections do not extend to Outside Humans. Humans that wander into Gensokyo are taken by Youkai and eaten, at least, that is what we were lead to believe."
"New facts have come to light that exposes the true depth of these captured prizes. The disparity between the survival rate of male and female Outsider Humans is quite telling; females are targeted, but are allowed to escape after a good scare, from then they reach the Village or Hakurei Shrine and are taken back to the Outside. Males on the other-hand, only escape out of pure luck, and surprisingly the few that do choose to stay and settle in Gensokyo. This author can only speculate what thoughts compel them to stay."
"As for the fate of the unlucky, the captured Human is shared between the Youkai, while the activities taking place are too explicit to mention, this 'feeding frenzy' leaves the Human exhausted and incapable of escape as if his chances weren't already abysmal before. When they are sapped of strength and no longer have the will to attempt escape, they are finally 'eaten' by their captors."
"It has come to light that the term 'eating' is a slang term for marriage. As the Human no longer has value to the Youkai, he is married off to the weakest of their circle to be taken care of as a part of an effort to remove the weaker Youkai from taking part in future Outsider feedings. The ban is lifted when their husband dies, but surprisingly, even after their husband's death due to their short centennial lifespans the widowed Youkai abstain from feeding.
"This provides new meaning to the mystery family shrines dotted around Gensokyo's wilderness. Dedicated to countless lost Humans, they are taken care of by widows and their daughters."
"What was a grim fact of life is now revealed to be a monument to the love and familial bonds of star-crossed lovers. This is your single reporter Shameimaru, signing off."

>> No.46225471

How do I get a miyoi wife?

>> No.46225598
File: 426 KB, 1047x1331, __okunoda_miyoi_touhou_drawn_by_minoru_minoru__982c58cc3cb16b8d43a537434cdcd7c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be an old man who is also not a homosexual.
This is considered an impossible task as all heterosexual unmarried males are inevitably kidnapped by youkai hags before their twentieth birthday.

>> No.46226085

Gotta love that Bunbunmaru newspaper
Always telling the hard hitting stories

>> No.46230384
File: 237 KB, 499x1199, Satori_peeking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Miyoi like shotas or oji sans?

>> No.46230404
File: 197 KB, 392x495, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will find your answer here

>> No.46230508

Damn Aya spilling the youkai's secrets. Why can't she just leave us alone?

>> No.46236236

lmao Akyuu is such a liar saying this and then proceeding to get an airlift from Aya cause she doesn't want to walk one meter to the shrine

>> No.46236255

Akyuu is my favourite propagandist!

>> No.46236280

How much does it cost to get a tengu airlift to the shrine? Also if you pay extra can you make sure she holds you so her boobs are pressing into your back?

>> No.46239265

Only the ruling elite has normal relations with the Youkai. Normals are supposed to view youkai as evil

>> No.46244098

We all know the real reason why.

>> No.46244214

whale ass

>> No.46247849

no she absolutely would not thats extremely rude to say
