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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45880164 No.45880164 [Reply] [Original]

How has the NEET life treated you in 2024? Hopes for 2025?
Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>45661536

>> No.45880178 [DELETED] 

my /jp/ frens gets BLACKED by niggers daily

>> No.45880179

How do I get autismbux if I live in the us and i've been diagonosed with asd since I was 4 and I have documentation

>> No.45881750

How do normalfags deal with working?

>> No.45881972

After a year living off savings, I'm debating whether to try and get my first job or simply killing myself later this year. I don't want to join the workforce and all that shit, no interest in starting a family or anything else normative. Being a NEET is great but there's no way for me to survive on my own, so might as well die, right?

>> No.45882106

Don't die man try to find a better alternative

>> No.45882158

such as?

>> No.45882365

Making normalfags' lives worse by existing

>> No.45882571

I do part time slavery whenever I need money
Its shit but at least it's not the whole week (usually) and only for a while

>> No.45884920


>> No.45885421
File: 110 KB, 1280x905, reincarnated as cute shota in a matriarchal society without sexual restriction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something scary about being stuck FOREVER in paradise (or in hell) because FOREVER is FOREVER, FOREVER, FOREVER. THERE'S NO FUCKING STOPPING IT.
That's why total erasure of the soul (does the soul even exist?) or reincarnation are both a preferable outcome.

>> No.45888663


>> No.45893477
File: 13 KB, 833x61, for neets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the previous thread, been a poster on r9k since i was like 15, 22 now. can't believe there are people worse(?) than us. frequenting boards and communities like this will only tether you to this path. do you really want to become like one of those old faggots with no hope? (no offense to the eldest anon here) If there's any happiness to be found in this life it's outside of the NEET/ freeter lifestyle.

>> No.45893544

a lot of people here would choose suicide if they had the courage, we're just waiting cuz we don't want to play the game of life

>> No.45893635

also go back to r9k

>> No.45894223

If I have to choose between being a depressed wageslave and a depressed NEET, I'm obviously choosing the latter. Getting a job won't change that I can't relate to people, have zero friends, never had a girlfriend and generally don't enjoy life all that much. It also will take away my energy and free time. So I really don't see how slaving for some corporation gives one hope.

>> No.45894713
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die normalfag die normalfag wannabe
die normalfag die normalfag wannabe
fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.45895053

I think most people have jobs just so they can survive and not be homeless

>> No.45895435

I browsed /r9k/ from 2021 till fall 2023. I'm never going back. I hate that place, and you should quit that board as well. I lost hope long ago and I've accepted that my perpetual unhappiness is just part of my life, so I'm trying to stay as comfy as I can.

>> No.45895686

failed normalfags ruining this website again

>> No.45895897

He was talking about working for happiness and hope though.

>> No.45895969

That's a scam, anon.

>> No.45896070

Newfags will hate on this but this is the truth. I met my girlfriend and soon to be wife at my shitty, dead end retail job.

>> No.45896158
File: 655 KB, 869x1371, Screenshot 2024-01-20 232720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET of like 5 years now, still living with parents, finished college and was never able to find a job so I basically just gave up. Probably for the best, both of my folks do wfh and hearing them in their meetings freaks me the fuck out, all the political talk and business jargon and kowtowing. I would never be able to survive in that sort of environment. Sucks though because all of my friends are wageslaves and all they want to talk about when we hang out now is work, so I never have anything to contribute to the conversations and basically just lurk in the background. It's gotten to the point where I feel like maintaining those relationships isn't even worth it anymore, and they're probably just inviting me to things out of politeness and not actual friendship anyway. Socializing and the like is such a pain, I legitimately feel like my brain isn't built to handle it the way other people's are.

>> No.45896233

she's fat and you won't be able to make kids cuz you parents fed u with plastic stuff

>> No.45896260

she's 120lbs and the only plastic entering me is a prostate massager. no its not gay its for my prostate.

>> No.45896306

stfu & work properly so neetanons from usa can get their bux

>> No.45896375

>no its not gay its for my prostate.
You think that makes you not gay?

>> No.45896387

It's a medical device

>> No.45896573

Took me 2 years to after uni to get something so you could randomly land on one
The forced socialisation really is hell though
Also anyone that can only talk about their wageslavery even when not at work is a soulless individual with nothing better I'm their life.
Work is the absolute last thing I would willingly talk about

>> No.45896700

I don't even know if I want one anymore, I feel like the only reason I feel the need to be employed is for social acceptance, I don't even feel like I need cash for my hobbies since I can do basically everything I like doing for free. I guess a job would also allow me to relieve the burden I put on my parents, but also a spiteful part of me thinks that it's their fault I'm in this world in the first place, so they should bear at least part of the responsibility of my worthlessness, in a way.
And yeah it really bums me out seeing what all my old friends have been reduced to, no hobbies or interests anymore, just spending all their time either at work or complaining about work. I get that if something sucks you're going to want to vent about it, but I can't imagine spending so much of my thinking capacity on something I hate.

>> No.45898202
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So what is it about this place that keeps you guys from fucking off to wizchan?
>wahh wahh wahh I hate normalfags
>ive been posting on r9k since 2020
reading this thread makes me glad i have a fucking backbone unlike you pathetic niggers
Verification not required.

>> No.45898272


>> No.45899639

I only got a job because of my parents
As in the burden and potential of getting kicked out(doubt they would do that though)
Probably also the social acceptance part. I'm sure it was a bit embarrassing when people asked my parents (or me) what I did and basically have to say nothing and I couldn't justify all the free time I had since I was a "leech".
But now no one can complain to me about anything except me who has hardly any free time anymore.

>> No.45899787

You will spend your life working and you will like it

>> No.45900188
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neeting be like yeeting

>> No.45901132

I have no excuse to go to wizchan, since not a virgin

>> No.45901142

I started working somewhere comfy and liw effort but because I was the only guy to consistently show up and do all my work they've started dragging me up the ladder. First assistant manager, now floor manager, and now they're talking about ops manager if I agree to go back to school which I won't. I hate it.

>> No.45901149

If they're ok with adjusting the schedule for you to mess around in school then that's 10/10

>> No.45901423
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So at what age would you say someone is too old to spend too much time posting here or imageboards in general? Been feeling disenchanted about chan culture and could totally see myself fucking off for good and finding refuge in creation. I'm done consooming. I just don't find it as fun to post on even the most gated, sekret club I'Bs. Discords can be alright, please don't crucify me.

>> No.45902454
File: 1.39 MB, 675x1200, __madotsuki_yume_nikki_drawn_by_cryptidhermit__d0bf8dfcf4d1fa6906e9abecd7acd62d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So at what age would you say someone is too old to spend too much time posting here or imageboards in general?
Lurking this place as an underage b& was actually super influential on me, it really expanded my horizons & helped me grow as a person. But even by age 20, the positive effects were totally gone. Past that point, time spent on 4chan was just thrown into the void. It sucks because there are no circles for 20+ year olds to help them grow and become better people. But honestly, that's because most adults never grow mentally past their early 20's. Very few people change past age 21.

If you DO want to grow as a person and feel a sense of meaning/purpose/fulfillment, it's gonna be hard, and you will spend most of that time alone. But of course it's worth it. Because otherwise, you spend the next 40 to 50 years chasing the same peaks of your first 20 years to diminishing returns. And to me that's just kinda, idk, boring

>I'm done consooming.
Yeah it weirds me out how 4chan used to be about off-kilter & niche things like Yume Nikki or EYE, but now the whole site is obsessed with the same trends as the rest of the web. If you want to talk about [heavily marketed media product], well 4chan is the perfect site for you! But if you don't care about that...? If you want to talk about stuff that's, dare I say it, OLD? No sorry, your thread's gonna die. This website is for talking about Palworld currently.

Back in the 00's we had active communities for NES games! Meanwhile now if something hasn't been updated in a few months, no one has any interest.

>> No.45904902

I could honestly see myself going down this same path, the shame that floods me when one of my relatives berates my parents for letting me stay at home the way I am is unbearable. I've basically stopped bothering to interact with any family members besides my folks because of this, but I know they still do it when I'm not around. I'm truly retarded though and the only job I'd be capable of getting would be some shit warehouse job or retail, and I have a feeling that that wouldn't be good enough to get people off my parents' backs.

This is so real, hanging out on this site can sometimes feel just as lonely and isolating as talking with normies. I feel like all the trends and current memes have completely passed me by and my hobbies keep getting more and more niche the older I get. And the only place where other people talk about those things are closed-off private discord servers and the like where everyone in them is already friends with each other, so they're basically impenetrable.
I'm so tired of society man, I just want to live in the mountains and be a hermit.

>> No.45905021

Lucky. What is your job or industry that rewards people for commitment like yours?

>> No.45905045

No one ever gets too old for that. You're here forever

>> No.45905073

>I feel like all the trends and current memes have completely passed me by and my hobbies keep getting more and more niche the older I get.
>I'm so tired of society man, I just want to live in the mountains and be a hermit.
You are me fren, I feel the exact same way. I always am focused on my own interests and never spend time understanding trends or current culture. All I want is enough money to fuck off and buy some land and a cabin, perhaps set up a little garden and raise some animals too.

>> No.45906400 [DELETED] 

i have no reason to be NEET anymore. i was NEET because i thought it was most important to prioritize time spent with my ldr partner, as he is also NEET, but i think he got fed up with the way i was treating him, ironically suffocating him and unknowingly hurting him. everytime he told me i was hurting him, i just assumed he was being emotional and waited it out. i would already be upset at him for not spending time with me, likely because from his perspective, the wounds kept growing bigger, and he just didn't have the time to himself to patch them all up because i kept demanding he pay attention to me and my needs selfishly. i just didn't realize that until he left me for good, i thought he was going to be around forever, i was so deeply in denial about it all. i didn't even get a good bye, so it came to me as a shock, unravelling itself through the denial into intense grief, but i get it. he needs time to himself to heal from the devastation on his life that was my regretful actions and behaviours. i don't feel like i've ever had a friend, never a partner, who treated me so kindly and who i clicked with on a deeply spiritual level. i won't be surprised that, if in my life, i will never see this again. i'm deeply ashamed of myself as a person, both of my ignorance and arrogance. we used to play games all the time, but i guess playtime's over now.

idk. i guess i'm done with the internet, i've discovered all there is here to discover for myself. going to pursue an average career and live my life out as just another john to die alone, another name to scribe on a headstone, another ordinary story to forget. i've irreversibly wrecked the life i created here. maybe i intended it, but i didn't think it'd hurt this badly. i don't care what happens to me now. i am no one to anyone.

>> No.45906509
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i look like a feraljak irl

>> No.45908316

a what now

>> No.45908401
File: 175 KB, 1110x846, HTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this year ive become more and more aware im never gonna feel better about myself and how i live. last year i tried to apply for some part time work to take the load of my partner who pays for everything in our house but i got rejected or no reply from every single one so i quickly gave up, because ive never had a job in my life and probably couldnt handle it anyways. im basically a pointless existence, people are nerds about the same things as me but seem to have endless income and happiness, and ive always resented that so i stopped talking to anyone and deactivated any social media i was using, because all i feel is jealousy. everything i do is a waste of time and space and energy. i used to be creative but my tablet broke and i feel to guilty to ask for the money for a new one so i have just let my skills decay completely. really dont know what to do next besides overdose.

>> No.45908418

You're a homosexual?

>> No.45908424

a girl. im a bisexual though so you're not completely wrong.

>> No.45908506

A biological woman? Like, with a vagina?

>> No.45908510

yeah, with a vagina.

>> No.45908550
File: 1.09 MB, 2326x3264, bdb51ef8b8fe6cd2d9173dcc38ac75ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Parsee Mizuhashi irl? You said all you feel is jealousy so I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.45908561

i relate more to hatatan because she's a yandere substance abuser, but parsee is good too. some of her theme's arrangements are my favorite doujin music.

>> No.45908576

By being literal NPCs

>> No.45908760

I blame the normalfags that immigrated here after 2016

>> No.45909059

bwos I can't even keep my attention long enough to make it through some paragraphs ITT
it's so over

>> No.45910508

I'm NOT going back to the wageslave plantation, Schlomo

The stuff about relatives is very relatable. It's like there's always a sort of contest going on where different relatives compare their kids to others'. I feel like that kind of pressure that was always put on me is part of how I ended up the way I did though. I was never allowed to think about what I'd want to do for my own sake, I always had to be able to impress others.

>> No.45911758

Guys, I got a job last September to help my mother and it has offered me some interesting perspective. Might as well put it here.

Getting a job isn't going to fix problems that plague you specifically. You _might_ be able to muster up enough motivation to work well, but that doesn't translate to getting motivated enough to say, clean your room, or break away from shitty addictions like bad eating habits/fapping. Not necessarily a bad thing since self-improvement should be rooted within the self rather than in external factors, but don't let people dupe you into thinking that it'll magically fix everything if you just "get out".
Phones, or rather the looming threat of notifications/interruptions, are one of the worst things about work. I'm someone who doesn't use phones normally and only bought one for work, and it sucks big time. It makes you appreciate true peacefulness and isolation. Once I leave this job my phone is staying home 100% of the time, likely off. I imagine most people don't talk about this because they're conditioned to it from having a phone 100% of the time. Vile. Protip: If you're not at work you DO NOT need to respond to work-related messages. Don't be bullied into it and don't feel wrong for not answering.
Most people in general are probably mindless, but its especially true for jobs. People are meek and afraid to destroy their employee image by speaking their minds. This is BY DESIGN! Like police interrogations, work environments have been engineered over decades in order to maximize compliance and performance. Its cruel and wrong and you'll be hard-pressed to find an environment that isn't full of shit.
Why someone would subject themselves to a slave-tier minimum wage job instead of slowly working towards IT certs/CDLs/blue collar certs and getting x2 or even x3 as much pay is stupid to me. There are few things more depressing than 40 and 50 year olds working years at some shitty dead-end job. Ideally, of course, we shouldn't be working at all...

Knowing 4chan, spending a few months getting IT certs just in case is probably your best bet. You don't NEED to get a job just yet, but having them certainly can't hurt. CCNA for networking, CompTIA Security+, CompTIA Linux+, and whatever else looks good.

>> No.45911923

i just got into an IT job but because i got certs like 2 years ago i actually forgot everything (been neet that time)
Now people at work bully me for being retarded
so make sure you don't do what i did

>> No.45911935
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Finally have to start working after NEET'ing for 4 years. Of course I got the most normalfag job, too: McDonald's.

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.45911990

Can I get a job just by having certificates? I've never had a job and I'm close to 30.
I'm also thinking about learning how to draw lolis and take comissions on Pixiv or something.

>> No.45912056

What makes me most jealous is seeing people in their 30s or 40s who still have a childlike level of optimism
like damn... you've been alive for decades and you still walk around with a genuine smile on your face all the time, how is that even possible

>> No.45912084

yeah, i definitely get that too. when older people say things like "this is the best time of my life, im happiest now, im free now" i just cant imagine myself ever aging like that and it makes me envious. i feel like ive been getting into a deeper hate for myself every year past 18, and i dont see any eureka moment in my future.

>> No.45912139

>Getting a job isn't going to fix problems that plague you specifically
Duh, only people who never had one might think that. It's not a daycare. You're a pawn that they are eager to replace or get rid of, the moment you don't conform to their expectations, which could be something as superficial as not talking to your coworkers enough. Anyone who proposes a job as a solution to these problems is either trolling or just doesn't understand how someone ends up in our situation in the first place.

>> No.45912159

>Anyone who proposes a job as a solution to these problems is either trolling or just doesn't understand how someone ends up in our situation in the first place.
Or old people/boomers, who've told it to me. Seriously, I've heard it from multiple people, all 50+

>> No.45912223

Sure, but you'll need to distinguish yourself. The CCNA is a mid-tier networking certification, the CCNP is higher quality, and the CCIE is the highest quality. The other CompTIA certs I mentioned are good to get. Learn programming, preferably C/Python, and scripting (PowerShell for winblows, Bash for Linux). If/Once you get a job, see if they'll pay for further certs. /chad/ on /g/ is very, very good for C, and King's book is unrivaled.

>> No.45912285

Here's /chad/ >>>/g/98649435
I helped write a lot of its wiki too.

>> No.45912354

My parents say it too. "Being among people will help you". Again, not really understanding that it's not a daycare and my difficulties socialising/relating to people is part of how I ended up like this. Older generations don't understand how ruthless and judgemental people have become.

>> No.45912442

Conservatives are like that, especially in America

>> No.45912592

yea i was told the same
then this >>45911923 just happens to me and makes me do the opposite
if you're not "normal" from the beginning its not like normalfags are going to "fix" you or something, you'll just ostracized because you're not like them

>> No.45912732

What the NEETs ITT do if they met up

>> No.45912789

the 4chan meetup I went to a couple years ago was actually really fun
everyone was a bit autistic in some way so it turned out really relaxing and enjoyable, even for the people who were anxious at first

>> No.45912827

I want a /jp/ NEET meetup

>> No.45912842

i ran into a group of 4chink somewhat by accident, was pretty chill. Most people were autistic but no one was hostile and relatively fun
somewhat by accident because i was looking at a thread about an event i was on my way to and some people mentioned they were also going and basically met up

>> No.45912966

how are we gonna get out of our caves and meet up if we probably all live thousands of miles apart? i do agree it would be fun though

>> No.45913103

By getting jobs and buying plane tickets.
We could meet up in Japan.

>> No.45915283

How do so many people get into IT jobs? Everything tech related seems so math intensive. Can retards learn IT?

>> No.45915334

Anon, from what I can tell most of the job is just knowing how to use a LAN and plug in ethernet cables. The ol' "Turn it off and on again" trick never fails, and if it does you can rightly say it's an advanced problem and you need to take it with you to fix it, by watching someone else who found the same problem fix it and save everyone involved much time and effort. You'd be surprised how computer-illiterate most people are. Even zoom zoom Ipad kids are going to need someone to tell them how to use a desktop, because they all only understand touchscreens.

>> No.45915369

Don't rule out public sector work guys. I could never work for a corporation, the conversations my parents have about it makes it sound like hell. I'm hoping to get a job with my state's transportation department later this year since there's good bennies

>> No.45915401

That's all? That doesn't sound too bad. It baffles me that people have been born over the past decade who don't know how to use a computer, that's scary

>> No.45915419

>I could never work for a corporation
Same. I work at a mon&pop store buy unfortunately they're going out of business and joining you NEETs until I one day manage to find another comfy job like this one (and after a well-deserved break)

>> No.45915544

im retarded but still managed, barely
theres more to IT than advanced programming or something

>> No.45915670

You guys make NEETdom sound uncool.

>> No.45915716

yeah all this certification and work talk doesnt belong here. NEET meants NO education or employment. you guys arent real, IM real.

>> No.45917319

In America it's difficult to stay a NEET

>> No.45917386

im american too though, not on SSI either, you just have to be ok with being completely broke at all times, and have somewhere to live. i was near homeless a few times though so i cant say i dont get what you mean.

>> No.45918185

Just got fired. That is all. At least I have more time to myself.

>> No.45919822

kill yourself

>> No.45922728

I'm a highschool dropout w/o driving license,
NEET for 3 years - worked for 3 years in manufacturing - NEET for 1 month so far

I usually spend my entire day watching vtubers and playing gacha games. Today I spent my evening watching police cam footage and 911 calls while drinking which was fun.
Seriously considering using my savings to go to some SEA country or China or even Japan and maybe find a girlfriend there but I'm scared to try
I'm curious how are you spending your days if you're in my position

>> No.45923685

Lately I spend half my day drawing, half playing persona 3

>> No.45924517

>watching vtubers and playing gacha games
quit both

>> No.45924738

big phama is gay

>> No.45925771
File: 267 KB, 412x387, How I sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day of being awake from the evening to the morning, sleeping in the afternoon, doing absolutely nothing productive, not leaving the house, not meeting anyone, happily in my own little world of games and anime. goodnight, and sweet dreams, NEETs.

>> No.45927064

Sleep well, anon.

I did go outside today and it made me feel horrible and reminded me of why I'm NEET.

>> No.45928540

This site would be 1000x better if the most popular boards were deleted and everyone on them banned from ever coming back. Even this board is too fast now.

>> No.45929017

It would be fun. Japan is the only place I'd care enough for me to leave my house.

>> No.45929228

I disagree, those popular boards should stay. Getting rid of them is like getting rid of the sewer; the shit and waste would have nowhere to go to.

>> No.45929622

This basically happens all the time with the meetup at comiket

>> No.45929862

Anal sex and frotting?

>> No.45930239
File: 53 KB, 395x690, 1576785527776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting mid 20s as a NEET is weird. I got an unhealthy obsession with my appearance and started noticing its slightly worse than a few years ago. everyone online says 35 year olds can look like they're 20 so by that logic i was doing something wrong, but even when I'm healthy i just can't look like a 20 year old anymore. i really appreciate japan's honest approach to aging, in the west it's like most people approach it with pure delusion

>> No.45930427


>> No.45930682

I have a unopen tube of tazarotene I haven't used yet, it's going expire this year so I might aswell make a skincare routine and stick with it.

>> No.45930778
File: 106 KB, 1280x960, Enma-Ai-from-Jigoku-Shoujo-Hell-Girl-katherine1517-34198094-1280-960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine I might come off as patronizing, but I hope my words can be useful to someone.

First off, I would kindly ask you to please don't consider suicide. You have no idea how much impact that will leave behind. My baby sister chose that 11 years ago. I still have nightmares about it, to this day. It shattered me as a person. According to what I read in the Bible, this life is pretty much the only one you're going to get. You go to sleep until the 2nd wave of resurrections, then you will be judged on your worth for God's new kingdom. No one goes to heaven nor to hell, because everyone goes back to where they came from, which makes Jesus' ascension to Heaven that much more special.

Life can be enjoyable, however it is our own personal responsibility to make the most of it. No one can live a good life on your behalf. If you're stuck in a rut, why not change the scenery? Once every now and then, I like buying a train ticket to somewhere in the morning, spend the day there and then go home in the evening. I will visit parks, historic monuments, whatever I can. There's lots to see even for free!

Second, do take care of yourself! Take a bath once a week, wash your face daily. Use a gentle face soap and moisturizer. Exercise a little every day! You can use your body's weight to do some pushups, squats, etc. If you want to get fancy, you can get a resistance chord off amazon for like $10. I use mine every day!

Third, learn something! There's lots of literature and documentation out there covering any topic you might be interested in, no matter if you can monetize it or not.

According to my own experiences, life is motion and if you decide to stand still, you're going to become miserable because it contradicts the very idea of being alive. I will be 35 in a couple of weeks and this is what I learned.

>> No.45930810
File: 480 KB, 850x1259, sample_4521dea1b4f6f5a872837e7a9111bfd3372c0923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you SO much anon, I was about to say something like this. God bless

>> No.45930817

Hi Marisa can I marry you

>> No.45930858

you lost me at the "go outside" part

>> No.45930912

Is there a meetup for anons who aren't gay?

>> No.45931208

lurk event threads like comiket and others

>> No.45931244

the problem is I can't go outside very long cuz i can't pee cuz anxiety then my bladder get so full I need to go hospital, 've seen many shrinks and no progress has ever been made
so please spare me with your normie advice, some anon don't have it as easily as you. I tried 99 times all the things you just said but was stopped by my dumb sickness, tried different meds, stopped them all after no progress.
I decide to end my life when I want, probably when I'll have to live in the streets or before if I get bored from being miserable regardless if I have family or not

>> No.45934678

She'll steal the ring

>> No.45937011

fuck off chatgpt

>> No.45944523 [DELETED] 


>> No.45946192

Public sector jobs are hugely competitive in my country due to how stable and easy they are, I'd never get a job there.

>> No.45946366
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The purpose of life is the going, and the apotheosis/evolution that is obtained from it. There is no destination, and with meditation the idea of a destination reveals itself to be absurd. The universal is an eternal flux/dance, waxing and waning from nothing to something.

>> No.45946407

above post makes me think, Buddhist NEETs anyone? life is suffering and we (NEETs) are the ultimate sufferers in this world, but also the closest to nirvana

>> No.45946477
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The Bodhisattvas like Hanshan and Bodhidharma were eccentric disheveled hermits wearing rags and dwelling in the wilderness and caves.

>> No.45946529

if my house is in disrepair, and leaks from the roof and walls make my house have about the same temperature as caves when i live in -15C weather, and i havent showered in months cause my pipes are frozen, does that make me closer to a bodhisattva?
( side note, I love byakuren so much )

>> No.45946609
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The Immortals are typically only found in the homeless camps and dilapidated hovels, because of the dissolving effect that it has upon the ego. Like Cornelius in Fight Club retiring to a dilapidated building after blowing up his apartment.

>> No.45946640

never watched fight club, but sounds based. my ego is long dead, after reading people on the internet whine about their mansions not having enough anime figures and tech gadgets for years.
Verification not required.

>> No.45946666
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>never watched fight club, but sounds based.
A wagie's subconscious reaches a boiling point and manifests as an entity known as Tyler Durden which tears apart his rat race life and causes enlightenment, killing him in the process.

>> No.45947223
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NEETs in the america, have you tried vocational rehabilitation? Heard plenty of good and bad stories from them. Forced to once again ask for their assistance as I simply can't conform with normalfags in any capacity. They really seem enthusiastic to help after I sent them an essay on how much bad luck I've had striking it out on my own.

>> No.45947564
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I had a Buddhist phase years ago. Over time I decided some Buddhist teachings are undeniably true & intuitive, like how they view the body as just an aggregate, the whole is the sum of its parts (AKA no-soul), but the coolest and most interesting parts of buddhism lack much proof.

Here's my semi-schizo theory: Buddhists are mostly right, but got some fine details wrong. First off, consciousness is infinite and a property of reality itself -- this one is crucial. The self is an illusion created by a set of incredibly strong filters placed on awareness. If something crazy happens to the body/mind, these filters stop working, and you temporarily realize that (1) everything is infinite and (2) everything is one. This is also why it's possible for our sense of time and space to warp, & why Kant was right that these 2 properties are innate biases of the human cognition. When the filters go away, everything becomes infinite and unbounded.

But I don't believe in Buddhist karma or their circle of hells, or "you were a shitty person so you're gonna reincarnate as a bat". It all seems really fanciful and distracts from the amazing truth I mentioned above. I also don't believe rebirth is gonna be forced on us. That really paints the world in a negative light and makes our lives look like a pointless punishment. People who have near-death experiences & DMT/salvia users say it's the opposite, after death we can choose to stay "dead" AKA infinite. I have no proof rebirth works one way or the other though, it's just odd to imagine the Buddhist version which makes this life into some kind of hell where we'd all be better off not being born

>> No.45948426

True principle lies in those with opportunity who forsake it. I don't at all believe that being a NEET automatically makes one more spiritual. Acting righteously only out of karmic expectations doesn't work either. Intention is everything.

>> No.45953907
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>Bodhidharma asked, "Can each of you say something to demonstrate your understanding?"
>Dao Fu stepped forward and said, "It is not bound by words and phrases, nor is it separate from words and phrases. This is the function of the Tao."
>Bodhidharma: "You have attained my skin."
>The nun Zong Chi stepped up and said, "It is like a glorious glimpse of the realm of Akshobhya Buddha. Seen once, it need not be seen again."
>Bodhidharma; "You have attained my flesh."
>Dao Yu said, "The four elements are all empty. The five skandhas are without actual existence. Not a single dharma can be grasped."
>Bodhidharma: "You have attained my bones."
>Finally, Huike came forth, bowed deeply in silence and stood up straight.
>Bodhidharma said, "You have attained my marrow."

>> No.45954282
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>Bodhidharma said, “Forget all about those monks! They were buttressing you, they were praising you because they knew that that’s what you expected from them. They are cunning and crafty people. They know nothing of Buddha and his message. I am a buddha myself, I am not a Buddhist monk. I speak on my own authority, and I say to you: You are cursed!”
>Emperor Wu asked, “Do you mean to say there is nothing holy, nothing spiritual, in all these beautiful acts?”
>Bodhidharma said, “No action is holy, because every action arises out of the ego. When you forget all about actions, when you disappear and things start happening on their own and you cannot claim that they are your actions, only then does something of immense value, of immense beauty penetrate your life. “Spirituality has nothing to do with doing, spirituality is the fragrance of being, and you are not a being yet. You are still concerned that you have done this, you have done that. “The ego is a doer, your self-nature is a non-doer. Your self-nature simply allows existence to flow through it, it simply allows the ultimate law to function through it. Your self-nature is just a hollow bamboo. In the hands of the ultimate nature it becomes a flute and a beautiful song is born out of it. But the flute cannot say, ‘This is my song. What is my merit? What am I going to gain out of it? To what heaven, to what joys will I attain?’ The bamboo flute is just nothing. Its whole being consists of nothingness. That’s why the song can flow through it, it is utterly empty.”

>> No.45954403

when it comes to suicide, circumstance is important. most of the time the individual committing suicide will end up dumping the suffering on to their family and friends. yet, the premise of suicide is not wrong. this is a cruel, tragic and senseless world, you can try your very hardest yet fail at absolutely everything. it is possible your sister tried her hardest to live, but just couldn't. the suffering experienced by a suicidal person might just be unimaginable

either way, yeah, according to christian universalists the worst that can happen after death is a reforging of the soul, after which all will be reconciled with god

>> No.45955027
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I don't know who this more qualified applicant is, but they seem to be applying for the exact same jobs I am, possibly out of spite.

>> No.45957832

That guy is stealing all my jobs too

>> No.45963224

>it is possible your sister tried her hardest to live, but just couldn't. the suffering experienced by a suicidal person might just be unimaginable
It's interesting that the main thing that concerned him about her death is the impact it had on him and not how horrible she must have felt to decide to make that choice.

>> No.45963331

Do they help with fixing social ineptness and if so, is it better than just telling you to make small talk and "keep practicing".

>> No.45965392

I hate anxiety.
I dont know how it turned out this way but I always worry about every little thing.
I worry about losing my license due to driving too fast on accident.
I worry if im making the right choice in stopping to be a neet soon even though I dont really have a choice.
I worry about getting in trouble all the time.
Extremely draining but I cant stop worrying about if what im doing unless im drunk or high.
im such a pathetic person
life is so hard when you are stupid

>> No.45966215

Life used to be simpler before the industrial revolution

>> No.45968121

This fucking bot always recommends the same fucking things, even humoring it with individuals of the absolute worst circumstance. Effortlessly comes across as condescending. Wretched thing.

>> No.45969036

It's the typical anti-suicidefag hivemind.
>nooooo you can't die that's so selfish think of the impact on me me me me me

>> No.45969385

nothing more annoying than a "but think about the people who love you!!" type. honestly fills me with spite every time i hear it, because even when i say nobody cares, theyll pull some shit out of their ass like "you just havent met them yet!" ok, so if they dont know i exist yet, it wont affect anyone. great argument, retard.

>> No.45969404

Better yet they'll tell you something like "But think about your job! You're a valuable employee and your boss needs you to work!"

>> No.45973843

If you have to die or fail an attempt before people pretend to care about you, you weren't genuinely loved anyway.

>> No.45973877

how do I get a job?

>> No.45973892

i think that kind of anxiety and worrying is circumstantial and probably even genetic
if your life has a lot of stressors or you have some trauma youre gonna be nervous
or if your brain is wired a certain way, maybe you have high neuroticism (predisposition to negative emotion) youre just gonna feel shit most of the time
this stuff is mostly outside our control
i guess best thing u can do is try to identify the worst stressors in your life and try your best to manage them or minimise their impact
likewise maybe theres some activities or substances that can decrease your overall stress levels

>> No.45973958

Seems impossible in this economy. Most likely a bust cycle soon for a few years.

>> No.45974117

All that happens is the simulation resets. The wave function of the universe collapses when I die, sorry imaginary beings, I wish it weren't so.

>> No.45974703

>"but think about the people who love you!!"
If they don't bother to give a damn whether you're going to kill yourself or continue living life how it is I'd rather not continue believing they do

>> No.45975679
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One interesting change during my 20's I noticed is most people give up on growing or changing around their early 20's. Up to that point, everyone is forced into growing to keep up with the world. But by mid 20's everyone has settled into doing the same stuff over and over again. In most ways everyone has peaked. Maybe I'm weird but I always assumed we would keep building up to bigger and better things. Like how Tesla spent all his life coming up with progressively cooler ideas. In childhood people are all like "oh you're gonna go so far!" but in the end, we just dedicate our lives to perpetuating the system rather than improving anything. Maybe most people just run out of growth potential in their early 20's. I feel like if I spent the next 20+ years just playing games and watching anime it would be a big waste of potential but maybe everyone is different

>> No.45975854

you are implying most people have any "potential" to begin with and you are also implying people are born with some great destiny when that is not the case. people do not choose to be born, they do not even choose to live, they simply have to. most people just want to go through life with minimal complications and suffering, greatness is not even available for most simply by way of fate and circumstance

>> No.45978182

I dunno about greatness. I didn't mean it that way, I just mean growth. Germany used to produce lots of coming-of-age novels called bildungsromans, but the character could be any age (like in Steppenwolf the guy is in his 40s or 50s). He doesn't achieve greatness or anything, he just becomes a better and happier person. Now that my life has cooled down a bit and I'm NEET, it feels really weird to be in a period of stagnation. Having a job is whatever but moving forward in life feels so important.

Even if I had a good career, that might not be what I truly need to "mature" and grow as a person, you know? I think all of us are destined for different paths, but most of us get stuck in a rut somewhere and never get beyond it

>> No.45978410

Been NEET since 2022 now after getting a degree in design.
No clue what I should do now. I kinda feel like studying something different so I can make "easy money" but all my motivation has sunken away and now i dont know what to do. Realized in my internship that I really cannot communicate with others and I feel doomed

>> No.45978555

No one can reach full potential when they're busy wagecucking full-time and barely scrapping by.
What modern people lack is purpose, real purpose, something that doesn't require a schedule or money to make you go "I wanna dedicate my life to this"

>> No.45978762

They're getting blackpilled with the drudgery that is modern working life


>> No.45979165

I've been a NEET for almost 10 years now. I want to get a job and a gf but I'm just so incredibly fucking lazy.

>> No.45979588

Do any of you go to a psychologist or have experience with seeing one? If so, how was it? Asking because I'm considering going to one myself.

>> No.45980421

I want friends who won't laugh at or talk shit about me for being a neet for so long and a job that's actually enjoyable.

>> No.45980715

Now kiss

>> No.45981730

I feel like Rossman and others like him only touch on the economic side of things. There's more to it than just money or rent prices: work is increasingly dehumanizing. They make desperate wageslaves literally dance for their job (there are plenty of youtube videos about walmart wagies literally being made to dance for some "teambuilding" crap and yell/scream/berate them over minor bullshit. Sponging off of parents or welfare or doing shady things for money is a better prospect than going to a corporate wagie job and being treated like an indentured servant or a circus clown.

It's not just the job market/workforce even: what about dating? You swipe on some app to get a used goods whore. Or how few people have hobbies/real friendship anymore? Easier to watch the latest netflix slop than paint a painting or crochet a scarf.

>> No.45987416 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45987820

Where do you guys discuss non-/jp/ video games?

>> No.45988057

anywhere but /v/ really

>> No.45988186

Anyone on bux here? How much you get in bux?

>> No.45989130

I get 1200 a month.

>> No.45989378

>It's not just the job market/workforce even: what about dating? You swipe on some app to get a used goods whore. Or how few people have hobbies/real friendship anymore? Easier to watch the latest netflix slop than paint a painting or crochet a scarf.
Not saying you're wrong, but having these thoughts float through your mind every day is a bad thing. Constant pessimism is a trait of bad times, whereas back in the good old days we were optimistic. The fact our culture is in a down-swing is no secret, but it's time to move beyond that.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking words like "slop" or "cattle" and realize it's brainrot. The correct move is not to hate dating apps and netflix and journos, it's to pretend they don't exist

>> No.45989423

I would make nearly as much gross if I had a job here

>> No.45989674

You're right, I'm being too pessimistic. I didn't have the greatest start to my year, and I had to vent a little.

>> No.45989851
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I just got a decent stable job that pays well after years of semi-NEETing and repeatedly failing to produce results with job interviews and applications. I'm kind of happy (along with my parents), but also sad about leaving my comfy life behind.

>> No.45990072

Strangely, it is sometimes in the moments of deepest depression, pessimism and absolute contempt for life that one finds the absolute appreciation of transcendental beauty. One can find themselves living in existential horror yet there will be moments of awe and wonder at the sheer possibility of anything existing, temporarily snapping them out of the horror they may find themselves in.

>> No.45990895

>want to stop NEETing
>have no idea how to explain a shameful years-long employment gap
>get intimidated out of even searching a job
>return to comfy shitposting
>crippling existential dread only gets worse the longer the employment gap becomes
>want to stop NEETing
I'll beat the cycle some day

>> No.45990918

how long a gap we talking?

>> No.45990921

That's like half of what I make, how do neets survive? How do you afford internet?

>> No.45991362 [DELETED] 
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It's going okay so far, language learning is an addictive hobby. My teacher's pretty easygoing on me. Guess it's a bit easier when it's one of your friends who's doing the teaching. Might fly out to visit some people this year and NEET around with them irl again.
Watching idol animes with your friends is strangely cozy. My friend has been working on something nice for me lately, excited to see her end result.

Other than that mostly dealing with the same schizo I used to be friends with who's been harassing me. She's lied about me knowing where she lives and has told people that I've wanted to menace her irl. (even though she's literally poor & I haven't a clue where this freak lives, she has nothing I want from her. Can't even drive I'm disabled kek). She has a history of falsely accusing people of poisoning her, conspiring against her and is also incredibly violent to the point of using firearms against innocents.

Thankfully, some of her lies have already been proven wrong in court to a crowd of people. I'm just glad the convicted pedophile who molested 4 children that she got to stalk me for a few months has went away, that guy gave me the heebs. Had to let any friends I've crossed paths with to be cautious of this narcissist and to subsequently block/avoid her since we're in the same community.

>> No.45991414
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Back to the NEET club after 2.5 years of work. It's not the best feeling but it sure as hell beats what I used to do.

>> No.45991416

What made you quit working?

>> No.45991454

I got really sick and missed too many days and a Docs note did not cut it. I came back and worked for a week before they sat me down/ walked me out.

>> No.45991503

>making you work a week before giving you the rope
I fucking hate corporate jobs.
I work in finance now and have been close with a couple of coworkers who got cut and it's brutal. They get sat down like a week beforehand and told it's not looking so hot but they don't know for sure yet so they have to plaster on a fake smile and keep working like usual. The meeting in the branch head's office with the blinds closed so you know it's serious, the ominous request earlier in the day for them to stop pulling tickets and do paperwork, the branchwide email saying
>[a-san] is no longer employed with the company
I get fucking shivers. I think if I got a feeling it was coming I'd rather go ahead and off myself than go through that.

>> No.45991578

Is it a small company? Can't imagine them emailing every time someone gets fired. I was working for Toyota so it was a bit different. They just do it in the wide open, so when you get let go everyone is just watching you walk out with some central office woman. I was in the back of the plant so lets just say that was a long walk.

>> No.45991598

It's decent sized, albeit regional. We have strict branch division though so they send an email to everyone in your branch as a courtesy as to why you're getting extra work for the next month.
I forgot to mention the speculation too. The fucking women in the office always want to gossip about the possible reasons and it's just painful and unprofessional, especially when you liked the person in question.

>> No.45991610

How do you deal with normalfaggots

>> No.45991655

Hopefully going to break being a neet with online college and then start teaching english in japan.
I don't know if I'll stay with teaching over there but it's important as a way to get my foot in the door. Finally found something I'm passionate about after half assing my entire life though. Wishing all you guys luck in whatever your future endeavors may be, whether it's going back to school, getting a job, or just staying as a neet.

>> No.45991706


Its a skill honestly and it was easier for me since the job requires you to

>> No.45991736
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Good luck to ya. Passion in something that could change my life for the better is a nice goal

>> No.45991790

This is why you stop showing up to work and just ghost your employer.
>nooooo you can't burn bridges you must stay in cagie until the last second

>> No.45991836

I hope there will be a revolution against corrupt businessmen, CEOs, and politicians in the US

>> No.45991912

Nothing ever happens

>> No.45991991
File: 190 KB, 748x628, 589fb9374d493dd56b6459b596a2d6bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reached a sort of degenerate nirvana taking some ritalin to jumpstart an at this point 15 hour long masturbation session.
Pretty damn close to passing out from exhaustion at this point and my dick is actually sore.
Im not sure if i should be impressed or disgusted with myself

>> No.45992144

Clearly you're bored and your heart isn't in it, why not just finish already?

>> No.45992220

oh im not edging i must have finished over 20 times today.
Thats what the ritalin is for, on that stuff you can cum and just keep going indefinetely
havent even been getting hard anymore for hours [spoiler ]this was not the first and will not be the last time [/spoiler]
if you want me to go into details i have nothing better to do then talk about my degenerate habits i guess

>> No.45992272
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This is a pretty common hyperfocus that many stimulant users have. Happens with a lot of women too. If you're not actively participating in a stimulating activity or something that matters to you in the moment then it's easy to just think about gooning 24/7 on stims.

Reading, learning new skills, talking with people or enveloping yourself within any other kind of hobby that you can develop skill at will prevent you from falling into a dark place with masturbation and ritalin.

>> No.45992282

Record a video of yourself jerking off, upload it to catbox and then link it here

>> No.45992381
File: 643 KB, 1440x810, 1685987826061418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got him bro.

>> No.45992384

i think about it as more of a positive then a negative.
Without the libido boost and removal of refractory period it would be a pretty boring drug.
losing a day to nothing but masturbation might seem very bad, but if im honest with myself, would i have done something productive today otherwise?
Probably not

>> No.45992552

Hey anons I'm bored what TV show, movie, or anime should I watch?

>> No.45992571
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>> No.45992587

join a mystery schoole

>> No.45992627
File: 389 KB, 800x1535, Amaterasu_cave_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun. Every time you go to work or school, she is sad that you are spending time inside instead of outside in her glorious light. Please cheer her up by promising not to get a job or go to school.

>> No.45992761

She's a looker.

>> No.45992774

I'm currently NEET in USA due to disability (autism). After highschool I was supposed to be enrolled in some kind of vocational program (not familiar with terminology) but had to wait because it was not receiving funding from the state. It's been about a year and a half now and nothing's changed. Hearing stories about how normal people are struggling in the job market is quite uninspiring for me because they're much better than me and are still struggling, so what hope does that leave for me? Even kindergarten and first grade were struggles for me as I refused school. I don't even play many videogames or watch anime, I can't even succeed at being lazy. I just sort of exist and am subject to strange moods. Sometimes I am overcome with the desire to make bizarre artwork, some days I am overcome with panic for minor things and scratch and bite myself, occasionally to the point of bleeding. Currently my family supports me but I fear what would happen if they were to stop.

>> No.45992805

What kind of artwork do you envision yourself making?

>> No.45992818

They have positive reinforcement from other people and a wife/husband at home. Pricks act like running on fumes is a normal state of being when they fill each other’s buckets all the time.

>> No.45992983

Actually an astute observation on normalfags.

>> No.45993173

I don't always just envision making the artwork, sometimes I actually do make it, although I often struggle to finish it. One time I drew a crow woman (Aya Shameimaru) laying eggs, but tried to make it seem like a tender rather than voyeuristic scene (not sure I succeeded), because I saw someone online seemingly jokingly request it and wanted to observe their reaction. They seemed to like it, but later blocked me once I got too annoying for them. For awhile I've thought've drawing the character Flandre Scarlet scratching herself and wrecking her room because she is character who is mentioned as having mental issues that are never shown directly and that I have similar struggles, but I haven't made it because I only make these artworks when nobody else is awake in the house (don't want to explain) and for this particular one I do not know where I could post it without people assuming the worst of me. I've also thought of drawing her in the special education quiet room (padded closet). [this reminds of the other day where I read the wikipedia article about padded cells and they mentioned them being used in special education, which made me realize that I have in fact been locked in a padded cell but did not think of it that way since I associated them so strongly with asylums] Maybe this website would accept it.

>> No.45993268

I think it could be a decent option for a lot of people but I will say that after achieving a nice IT job and realizing that no amount of money could make wageslaving worth it to me I'd just advise that people consider who they are deep down before putting actual effort in.
I've realized that full time or as close to full time as possible NEETdom is the only way I'm staying sane, sadly.

>> No.45993316

goodnight NEETs

>> No.45993321


>> No.45993341

I have a pain in my lungs when I breathe and a weird general feeling like there's a lump under my scapula and I'm sure it's lung cancer. I'm not doing chemo for this shit, so this might be the last year and then I can finally leave

>> No.45993352

You're gonna die? Anon, I hope it isn't lung cancer.

>> No.45993424

Goodbye Arthur Morgan.

>> No.45993440

You mean Walter White; Arthur Morgan had Tuberculosis

>> No.45993507

Ah yes reddit white

>> No.45993545

*Smacks your ass*
Now what, nerd? You gonna make those snarky comments again?

>> No.45993572


>> No.45995247
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I can't hear/feel my heartbeat anymore

>> No.45995664


>> No.45996100

See a doctor.

>> No.45996830


>> No.45996844

Lucky. I always hear mine

>> No.45997050

If you need a necromancer, call me.

>> No.45997497

Perish, imbecile

>> No.45997984

I'm done with being a NEET, I just got a job and am going to move to asia and try and find a gf, if it doesn't work out I"ll just kill myself

>> No.45998850

Good plan

>> No.45998954

pyw? i want to gaze into the dark abyss of your mind

>> No.45999010

The job market is really bad right now. Increasing need for high level degrees, several years work experience and massive amounts of competition.

Like, why even try at this point? You'll be broke either way due to increasing costs of everything

>> No.45999149

>Increasing need for high level degrees
lmao what
Unless you're only talking about big cities like LA or NY, or a european capital where all the pencil pushing jobs are given to the people who tick arbitrary boxes, generic "I went to university" degrees have had their value eroded by oversupply.
If you want to get a job easy, go and ask all the companies you think you'd be able to tolerate working for if they'll put you through trade school or even if they'll just take you on based on the interview.

A lot of people bitch and moan about "sacrificing their health" for money, but your health goes when you're 40 whether or not you sat on your ass all day or bent over fixing pipes. About the only thing I can think of that you'd get from a blue collar job in this day and age you wouldn't in an office is lead poisoning or chemical burns, and those are pretty avoidable if you aren't an idiot.
Seriously, it might depend on where you live exactly but so long as you can fake a work ethic you can do pretty well.

>> No.45999277

you can still get decent trade jobs.
Not as good as being a Neet sure but if you are gonna wage might aswell make some actual money instead of minimum wage

>> No.45999359

Which asian country did you pick passportbro?

>> No.45999813


>> No.45999903

how are you supposed to exist in vietnam
I'd start giggling like a child because the currency is called dong and the language is the funniest sounding shit on the planet

>> No.45999926

viet nam is great. the women are easy too. you could find one that wants to be with you just so she can come back to whatever shithole you came from to begin with and you can get your life in order

>> No.46000134

I can't post the Flandre artworks now since they don't exist but I'll post the egg-laying art later on the hentai board. (I don't think it's necessarily pornographic but I doubt anyone else or their boss will agree) Also, what board do you think would be appropriate for the Flandre artwork? Is scratching enough to be considered guro?

>> No.46000148

you could always just post both of them in the drawthread here on /jp/ as catbox links

>> No.46000455
File: 19 KB, 360x450, 1614375117010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about giving science research a shot. Here's my theory about STEM: Nearly all intelligent people have *some* niche within STEM they would enjoy. The problem is, the niche you'd enjoy is likely buried underneath tons of pre-requisite knowledge which you won't enjoy learning about, so you say it's "not for you" because learning the basics of chem wasn't fun. The enjoyable parts come at the end, you just have to be extremely patient for a few years.

But one important thing with STEM stuff is, most people who do it have very technical brains, and communicate in highly technical terms. You may have trouble following what they say and conclude you're too stupid for your discipline. In college I had this problem a lot, because I never read the textbook. Turns out if you're missing just one piece of knowledge, often the whole thing stops making sense. But if you have all the required pre-knowledge, it's really simple. It just takes tons of memorization. And time.

>> No.46000663 [DELETED] 


>> No.46000691

by being a normalfaggot, who the fuck else would come to a NEET thread to talk about their coworkers?

>> No.46000806
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>> No.46001392

Good taste marisa

>> No.46001421

I wish i were intelligent and dilligent and not a fucking retard and lazy, bro. Like I never considered STEM because it's just too math oriented and I suck ass at math.

Not only that but I'm also a nervous wreck. I get stressed as fuck so I go do something else instead to take my mind off it. I wasn't meant for this

>> No.46001530

Posted Aya on /jp/ draw thread. I might post the Flandre artworks there as well if I can ever get around to making them.

>> No.46002206

Fucking hell finally someone else who feels the same way. It seems like everyone on this damn site likes STEM shit and is smart enough for computer science shit or coding. I can't do any of that, regularly doing math is torture for me, I just can't get interested no matter what.

>> No.46002407

Does being a sysadmin require a lot of mathwork?

>> No.46002512

Well the worst part is that the anons on this website that code, program, and do other STEM stuff genuinely seem to enjoy what they do; they read books on it, they take classes on it, they watch videos on it, they discuss it anytime they can. They take it as a passion. I have never found my passion in life. I can never imagine doing something as challenging as that on a day-to-day basis. I'm just bored as fuck and wallow in my self-pity as I play vidya games and jack off like a loser.

>> No.46002616

Most STEM jobs appear to be soulcrushing.

>> No.46002940

Coffee keeps the world in order

>> No.46002991

if I go to mid-day without coffee I get such a debilitating headache that it quickly turns into a throbbing migraine, and there's nothing about it I can do besides sleep. if I have my coffee early enough before I get my headache then it's sort of prevented. I've got a bit of a caffeine headache at the moment. it sucks. only recently I realized it's not normal to be this caffeine dependent. people never relate when I describe it. hope someone here can, no matter how much I love drinking coffee it still sucks

>> No.46003023

Caffeine headaches suck, but thankfully those are one of the worst symptoms of withdrawals.

>> No.46003273
File: 97 KB, 564x752, 1706031595819385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arcades are so cozy..

>> No.46003303
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One year away from being a wizard.
Technically not NEET, but the social isolation I get from the WFH equivalent of a network nightwatch would be enviable to many hikkis.

I've traveled and lived enough around the world to come to the conclusion that no where feels more like home than my hometown, so I've moved back. It's a town on the rural periphery of the rust belt, so it's in a weird spot where it has some small industry and prospects, but is very laidback, homely, and the epitome of a country rock song. Kind of place you can jog at night and only run into deer and raccoons. Taking care of my grandpa now in his final years (almost 100), and looks like I'll be buying the house, so I guess this is where I'll plant my first roots. Coincidentally this is the same house I was raised in, so feels about as comfy and nostalgic as it possibly can be - rocking in my late grandma's chair right now.
Social life is minimal but not negative; many neighbors just know me from childhood and I was never a bother, so I don't stick out much.
Thank fucking god it is not a suburb.

Still contribute to hobbies a bit, but as someone who never had a strong desire to make art for others to consume, that's mainly been translation and supporting projects technically. My Japanese is good enough to get through untranslated VNs but it's been awhile since I found one interesting - perhaps I should try Japanese novels on my e-reader. I don't think I'll have trouble making myself useful to others for $$$ , but lack any sort of goal as of now. I think home maintenance is a practical one, maybe some travel.


>> No.46003607
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goodnight NEET pals!

>> No.46003702
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>> No.46005474


>> No.46006788

no but there's a lot of social stress, if something fucks up you got customers yelling at your to fix it

>> No.46007793
File: 433 KB, 1100x825, 1684229892331464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only NEET here who has never had a job at all? I'm curious.

>> No.46007809

covid lockdowns killed this website

>> No.46007984

You're not.

>> No.46008061
File: 7 KB, 179x171, 426754794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 yo jobcel here. Applied once but couldn't speak properly in front of the recruiter.
I'm lazily trying to get myself to work in a non-profit organization for a first experience. I'll be paid half a salary by the state if I manage to do so.

>> No.46009022
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It's precisely because they're anons and no one besides, that they live and breath the life of anonymous, that STEM is completely natural and totally inevitable.
There is no complication in programming. There is none in math, either, or any other grounds where logic is exercised.
For what reason should it exist, if it's no different than the contents of the 10 years you've cultivated from /g/, /sci/ and /lit/ ?

At the end of the day, the archetype 'anon' was espoused with a very good reason: things just pan out like that for people who've spent the overwhelming majority if not outright the entirety of their years, 5-25, in front of a computer, absorbing information and solving codified simulacra. STEM fields are reduced, in their base, to that: observe some question and information alike, solve the problem propositioned by them. You do it every single day here. Everyday, without exception.
That's -to repeat- anons life. A problem, arbitrary or not, is brought up from the time he wakes to the time he sleeps and all day is spent engaged in them.
Learn Japanese. Program Y. Sort out some plans. Solve this new pattern in this new shmup. Go back to philosophical threads and argue about how Evola's presence within this dictate is by all accounts more than proper. Solve some random question about probability and statistics. Argue semantics. Create charts explaining power levels. Masturbate to your own fantasies which you force your brain to hyper-visualize. Recite sutras. Compose your own music.

It's a life of problem solving, it's a STEM-lite life. That's all there is to it.

>> No.46009050

Granted, while I'm working under the impression that this is the life of everyone here, I'm sure it obviously isn't the case.
They're anons.
And then, they're anons, after all.
There's something called 'Kairos'; the right time for the right thing, according to ancient Greeks, and that, the 'window' of this time becomes unavailable past a certain point.
Maybe you missed it, anon.
What were you doing, 5-25?
Are you an anon or an anon?

>> No.46009160

And why not the other "Eternal September" events this site experiences across the years? [1]

This is a serious question, not rhetorical. At this point 4chan still has influxes of new users after the majority of people who have ever posted as of now will have already made their last post.
In other words, 4chan as a discussion site survives despite continuous, unintentional purges of its userbase and subsequent the loss of culture; this is a fact. If you don't qualify why the COVID disruption was particularly devastating, that would be my burning question.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September

>> No.46009454

You have a way with words - for someone who is culpable of living the life you describe, your writing illustrates it well: when the world around enables it, it's a physically stable but personally sterile life, lacking in many of the usual intimate sources of hate and love to ignite or extinguish passions in one's day-to-day life. It's a very unnatural way of life for sure.

>There's something called 'Kairos'; the right time for the right thing, according to ancient Greeks, and that, the 'window' of this time becomes unavailable past a certain point.
>Maybe you missed it, anon.
I don't disagree with the former but I think the latter is overly bleak: within the "chronos" of one's corporeal life, one should be presented with many opportunities for kairos, just with other things that best complement a time that has not yet come to pass.
Getting hung up on a kairos that is already past is the fatal error methinks.

>> No.46013062
File: 607 KB, 1900x2533, Walter_White2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walter White isn't Reddit. Hank Schrader is Reddit. Redditors hate Walter because he became a villain in their eyes. Walter was also a NEET if you don't consider crime as employment, and if you do, then he's still NEET-adjacent as he had similar experiences of being fucked by a system like many NEETs and he developed a similar mindset. Now say his name, you little bitch.

>> No.46013806
File: 254 KB, 654x989, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_sendai_nazonomono__4a554f15b040ab1aa43477d7197bc30e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back at the art I've produced, my best work was approx. 2 years ago... When I was a NEET.

I improved so much during that time it was insane. I'm still improving, but I just don't have the time/energy to do it as much anymore.
I'm constantly stressed, constantly getting sick, not satisfied with the work I produce or my life.

I cooked up a "retirement" plan where I MIGHT be able to quit my job and keep a decent passive income in ~8 year's time... Except, I was slapped down by reality and bullshit changing laws.
They want us trapped in this country, working like fucking slaves until we're 65 then we die.

I've begun to question: Why am I even alive? Drawing and art are what keeps me going but I'm not even able to work on it to my satisfaction anymore.
Am I alive for the sake of working? Fuck no
Am I alive because I'm afraid of death? It's not something I think about.
So, am I alive for the sake of living? I guess it's only natural. I'm living hoping that tomorrow can be better somehow, but I've reached a point where all I see ahead of me are 40+ years of work followed by being geriatric too weak to care for himself...

>> No.46014181
File: 2.13 MB, 2480x3508, 1705601188925595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After years of doing nothing I finally decided to go back to college, and I do start soon.

I don't feel hopeful, I feel horrible, I don't want to move on with my life and become a horrible cog in this awful corporate ZOG machine.

I don't want to have to adapt to a society that enforces absolute fucking lunacy where women basically have the right to terminate you and your life just for looking at them the wrong way.

I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not just so that retarded normies don't refuse to work with me or see me as a fucking idiot and make my social life impossible.

But this feels like my only choice, it can't be worse than my current life, right? Where I wake up every day and I'm excruciatingly lonely with no one to talk to and no friend, right?

>> No.46014219

I thought i was the only one like this

There's so many programming hikkis and i really don't get how they do it, it pisses me off how they complain all the time too, like they don't understand how lucky they are to be able to work at home and make a ton of money

>> No.46014635

>it can't be worse than my current life, right? Where I wake up every day and I'm excruciatingly lonely with no one to talk to and no friend, right?
For me, being in university made me feel lonelier than being NEET because I was surrounded by people every day that ignored me and had the social lives that I couldn't have. And at work, I got bullied by nasty coworkers. I'd much rather be alone than have to deal with that again.

>> No.46014763

That sounds like what'll happen to me if I'm being honest.

Thanks for the warning

>> No.46014787

Kiss each other

>> No.46015002

there usually isnt much choice
Some people do have options but they are rare. I guess by doing that you'll have more options later down the line if you choose to become a ZOGcog

Basically this. I was happiest ever when i was neet and i thought i was miserable back then because of stagnation and social pressures.
Got a good wake up call after starting to wageslave

>> No.46015003

So many NEETs ITT feel the same way
... you guys should get together and be friends and kiss and frot. Think of it as some group therapy to help with your loneliness

>> No.46015127

will you be there...?

>> No.46015259

I will give you my first gay kiss and then we can do funny things together.

>> No.46015296

Sounds better than being super lonely all day and having to deal with normiefags

>> No.46015322

>I guess by doing that you'll have more options later down the line if you choose to become a ZOGcog

I mean, like you said what choice is there? I'm not rich by any means and although I'm comfortable right now in terms of having enough to survive it doesn't really feel like a good idea to stay locked inside my house forever with no ambition or any dreams or money to get cool stuff.

They say money doesn't bring happiness, but I think that's just cope by retards who spend all their money on dumb bullshit like brand clothing and iphones, I feel like I would be happy if I could spend money on my passions...

>> No.46015340

I would be happy if I had enough money to spend on basic needs, fun recreational stuff, while still having enough money to spare for emergencies and what not

Obviously this isn't the ideal, but it's the minimum for me being satisfied

>> No.46015416

yeah, same...

>> No.46015443

Can we just be friends without the gay stuff?

>> No.46015465
File: 108 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-maslows_hierarchy_of_needs-svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lack intimacy, but sexual stuff helps with that. After all, sex is considered one of our most basic needs

>> No.46015650

do you ever post about anything other than faggotry

>> No.46015702

Sure, but I want to have sex with a girl, not with another man.

>> No.46015835
File: 249 KB, 1131x1600, 1604681878932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I neeted hard in late 22 and 23, time flew and I wasn't really hurting for money. Tried playing the stock market but I'm too risk averse to make any consistent returns. I should have done more for my health and enjoyment when all I had was time
I picked up a seemingly good job though, waiting for the suck to set in again. Pic related
Go on without me bros.

>> No.46015856

you're cute as fuck

>> No.46015870

>maslow's hierarchy of need
worthless drivel

>> No.46015875

the existence of virgins, and fuck, the existence of happy virgins alone disproves this graph

>> No.46015887

Yeah sure bro, we'll be great bros.
First brojob is on me(its not sexual or gay because we're bros)

>> No.46015915

That makes it even gayer.

>> No.46016203

>pushing 30
>college dropout
>in debt

there's just no point is there

>> No.46016262
File: 2.22 MB, 2500x3537, e4397de212fa2f05e2eb7d704874776880f39c8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to life, motherfucker

>> No.46016335
File: 105 KB, 1000x917, 84205634_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a job im gonna start soon so I the only time I can kinda be happy is gonna come to an end soon huh?
Even after almost 2 years of being a neet the motivation has not come back i am just tired i dont even want money i dont care for consumerism

>> No.46016421

The modern internet is really soulless and depressing. In some ways that has been beneficial because I've started to try and make changes but also fuck, we're just not living in a very good time right now. There's no wonder or excitement, no frontier or horizon to look at. They somehow managed to rob the internet of those qualities and each month it feels like using the internet just gets shittier and shittier, as with life in general. Also getting old fucking sucks.

You might meet some nice people during it, that can go a long way. I did some volunteering a while ago and met a guy who made the whole thing worth going to and made me realise it could be nice to meet people.

> it can't be worse than my current life, right?
It's different which is a nice start. Not everything you do is going to work out, but you're not lingering in apathy so take heart from that anon.

>> No.46016430

You WILL have a LinkedIn account and you WILL make connections and you WILL be employable

>> No.46016441

I don't care if it fucks me, but I refuse to engage with that bullshit. It's not normal. I figure if I'm a genuine person and try my best (within reason) that's all I can do. I will not suck billionaire dick.

>> No.46016481

BASED. My mindset exactly

>> No.46016491

>but you're not lingering in apathy so take heart from that anon.

Thank you! But what's the point in not lingering in apathy if everything is going to be awful? Like supposed I don't make friends and that all I'm left with is having to deal with insufferable riajuus, what's the point in that?

>> No.46016516
File: 34 KB, 400x400, F3BlhcmXsAQCr3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight Club is my favourite movie ever made. Such a hard-hitting film. Shame I can't watch it anymore because it reminds me of my ex.

>> No.46016530

The immense and immesurable power that a virgin has of not having to deal with a broken heart or missing having sex with people

>> No.46016801
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 8j4G1RfB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, you are blessed. It's better to have nothing at all to reminisce upon than to recall the minuscule fleeting moments of happiness that were so cruelly ripped away from you by the indifferent hands of fate.

>> No.46017034

"tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all you fucking piece of shit"

-alfred lord tennyson

>> No.46017293
File: 222 KB, 1000x1400, d9233976c65776e1219fd2884f16d3bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got hired for a part time job a few days ago. 6 hours a day, possibly more if they ask me to teach, seems like a lot. I'm not sure how I'll manage, even if it's only for 3 days a week. But I'll try my best!

>> No.46018418


Oh, I was just joking to make myself feel better about never having had anyone, I didn't realize it was that painful

But, I understand, I've lost things I care about too

>> No.46019883

what are you doing?

>> No.46019994

I just want us all to get together and fucking give each other a hug. I think we could really use that, hell I'm up for cuddles as long as I'm the little spoon

>> No.46020025


>> No.46020910
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>> No.46020934

I'll be a research assistant

>> No.46021185

I never got the origin of your pic story. As in, how long ago did the big world war 3 happend? When did the earth turned into a eucomonopolis (partially obviously, since they still had a normal house with their grandpa) and why the war was still in progress and with who exactly?
lol you should I seen me then . I almost
became a millionaire from doge. Had 10 million of them in 2019, and sold it right at the start of 2020..
>made in time where it was abnormal to see young single people by choice, let alone, young people who CANT find a partner.
Ofcourse, based on that he thought sex is the lowest one kek
I mean it was really, until around 50 years ago, it was as effortless as breathing and eating. Now? You be lucky to find someone as an average joe

>> No.46021636
File: 44 KB, 650x650, 1687897566476408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha imagine never even having gone on a date imagine right?
imagine not having had any friends for the better part of a decade haha
no person could life like that haha how funny

>> No.46021698
File: 814 KB, 2300x2850, 8809aa3188bf07441807c192c4506df18880728a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't be me... I could NEVER Imagine what being lonely and not having any friends or ever having a partner must be like... nope... def not me...

>> No.46021738

>it was as effortless as breathing and eating.
i feel like he might have just been a normie sex addict. Like have you met these people? They act like sex is all there is to life and seem genuinely addicted

>> No.46022198

i am hitting 2 year neet mark now
only worked in mcdonalds for like 3 months a couple years ago

>> No.46022482 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46025771

the issue with friends is that i am a high maintenance, or rather I cant give high maintenance kind of person.
even if i dont talk to you for while, it doesnt mean I dont like my friends, its just because i have nothing new to say.
Not many if any people can understand and give back the kind of friendship i give so im all alone now

>> No.46025929

>Not many if any people can understand
It might surprise you to know that I do know of a few people like this, but of course as with a lot of things in life these people are so rare it's better to not just hope one day you might find someone like that

>> No.46026445

I mean back in his days, prostitution and “seedy” businesses considered “immoral” because all the freaking customers had their own wives if not kids. That’s why they said it’s bad, because it took away from family. But what about now? Prostitution? Illegal
Dolls? Considered bad
Toys? (Like onaholes) considered bad
The only thing that is good for a man with NO prospect of having a gf according to mainstream? Porn and dildo
It’s not that he was a sex addict. I think he never felt inceldom to see it’s not that deadly
I mean, if society followed this(which actually psychologist hail this thing as “le accurate) then first then they would have done, would to scrap all the dating apps, or AT LEAST make use of dolls mainstream
But nope, only didlos and porn
Seems to me, that “some” people don’t want men to ejaculate using a female resembling doll and in a normal way. It’s like they want us to cum ONLY while looking at porn and/or with a dildo in our ass

>> No.46026467

What are you talking about these people are against hentai too

they say it's """"sexist"""" (rotten foid thinking)

>> No.46026739

Hentai? Hentai is not “realistic” and that’s why it’s not good because you can “force” women animation to do whatever you want and propagate the culture of patriarchy and rape culture
EXACTLY the same reason that they are against dolls and non dildo sex toys

>> No.46026747

yes, exactly

>> No.46026778

>Hentai is not “realistic”
You telling me that a girl's pupils don't turn into hearts when she orgasms?
Man, real life sucks.

>> No.46027439

girls are generally not as hot as 2hus, either

>> No.46027592

You can't be a neet if you're angry about how normies won't accept you. You're just an unemployed normie.

>> No.46027735
File: 3.60 MB, 530x299, 1701593125991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46027958

>my tablet broke
You can buy one for 40 dollars on Amazon.
Even if you don't have that much, you can just pretend to be a girl on the net and get a dumb simp to give you an Amazon gift card or something.

I feel the same way.
It's even worse for me because many times I'll give very short answers or not speak much and people think I'm not interested in what they have to say, when in reality I have no idea how to make small talk/communicate in general.

>> No.46028569

>when in reality I have no idea how to make small talk/communicate in general.

>> No.46029563

lurk for 60 days before posting in this board "please"

>> No.46029903

lurk for 60 days before posting in this board "please"

>> No.46030397
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>> No.46031859

Started work on Flandre in the Sped room and posted the most basic sketch to the draw thread.

>> No.46034930

>even if i dont talk to you for while, it doesnt mean I dont like my friends, its just because i have nothing new to say.
>I have no idea how to make small talk/communicate in general.
Same here. Lots of my friendships in the past lasted because my friends initiated and invited me to things, I hardly ever did that cause there just wasn't anywhere interesting for me to invite people. Once someone no longer talks to me and initiates stuff, the friendship can decay fast. Hell I may still consider them my friend but I'll meanwhile be long forgotten

>> No.46035033

How so? The pay is good

>> No.46035468

can they help when my problem is really about growing too dissatisfied/bored/hateful of my job to the point where I go crazy and quit every time?

>> No.46035476

What's the point if they don't also browse /jp/?

>> No.46037932

should I

>> No.46038303

Social media and image boards warp our perception of reality. They produce a psychological effect which suggests that nothing is causally related, that everything is exactly as it appears, that puts the internet user into a pacified, vegetative state. Nothing you see has any relation to anything else, nothing that is there now has ties to what will be there in a day or an hour. There is no evolution or change in life, no getting better or worse. What happens is out of your control, but this problem is not felt because you have lost the ability to imagine that things can be other than what they are. This is how learned helplessness and social media go hand-in-hand. You exist multiple hours a day in an environment which communicates that change is impossible, that appearance is truth, that multiplicity is reality, and that everything exists in its final state. It is a set of lies built into the format. As you continue using this media, you are consuming lies.

>> No.46038760

Wish I could be a smart NEET but I am a dumb NEET

>> No.46039628

Nigga you didn’t understand what I meant
It’s not realistic enough to fuck you up like porn is what I meant to say
And again, Becuase that woman start being SOOOOOO happy after a violent rape orgasm, that means it’s a no no for our “handlers”

>> No.46039838
File: 90 KB, 600x600, e719feaee8ee9dd793f63592a9c774a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>EX Neet
>Finally try to get my life together by finding some job
>Shitty factory job but money is nice
>Work, try your very best even if the job is kinda annoying, one of ladies on your station is pissing your off and 12h night shifts.
>Tbh after a while I got quite good at my job and got used to all inconveniences.
>Suddenly our manager from hiring agency announced that said agency and company owning factory are stopping their cooperation and we lose job
>He said that he will find us work somewhere else
>And now he's ghousting us for last 2 weeks and give absolutely no signs of life.

FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Even if I'm giving 100% from myself I cannot keep a stable job for longer than 6 months. What's the point?

>> No.46041131


