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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45685900 No.45685900 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread for people interested in anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
If you have not read or listened to Japanese for at least 2 hours yet today, please leave and don't come back until you have.


>> No.45686002


please judge this man's japanese

>> No.45686121
File: 1.50 MB, 2566x1586, Shunya or Haru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read and finished ae's Haru ni Tokeru Hana (A Flower Thaws in Spring). As seen in pic, the protagonist is named Shunya but two pages later, he's called "Haru" by Yukino, the girl he's clearly in love with.

I take it this is because the kanji for "Haru" is similar to the kanji used in pic for "Shunya"?

>> No.45686126


>> No.45686152

I was blown away, he sounds great

>> No.45686167

I just have one question for you: what is Obama’s last name?

>> No.45686183

dae obama = osama??!?

>> No.45686198

What's the equivalent to the N word for japanese people?

>> No.45686318

Why does every thread have different guides?

>> No.45686334

to confuse beginners

>> No.45686338


>> No.45686341

the ones in the op are best but the resident ban evader has a grudge against it so will never put in there

>> No.45686342

depends on which shill gets there first

>> No.45686344

vinnies are so "separated" so to speak from the rest of the otakusphere that it's possible to spend thousands of hours immersing with them and never knowing of the existence of frieren or yoasobi

>> No.45686376

Dude's Japanese is unironically really good.

>> No.45686380

It’s possible to spend thousands of hours just watching naruto, one piece, and conan without hearing of those shows too

>> No.45686382

wait how can a white supremacist be better at japanese than a jewish savant like matt...

>> No.45686392

vinnies frequently get adapted into animated shows or movies, so called anime

>> No.45686398

Trick question, he's Obama Hussein Obama

>> No.45686407

does pitch accent matter if i don't care about speaking and all i want to do is read and listen

>> No.45686415


>> No.45686417

How did Jared Taylor learn japanese?

>> No.45686418

if you read and listen a lot you'll pick it up anyways

>> No.45686427

Son of missionaries and lived there until he was 16. Missionary children are always very impressive. I knew a black guy who spoke perfect Chinese because his parents were missionaries in China.

>> No.45686432

How could you tell his Chinese was perfect?

>> No.45686440

You can just say you don't believe me. I won't take offense lol

>> No.45686442

Oh figures, thanks

>> No.45686443
File: 916 KB, 980x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is the japan i like to see

>> No.45686450

lol I’m just curious, no need to get defensive.

>> No.45686452

At first I thought this was some kind of modern art display.

>> No.45686456

It's a dumb question because it shows incredulity.

>> No.45686457

japan is kill?

>> No.45686461


>> No.45686470


>> No.45686475

No it doesn’t lol. Tell me how you learned Chinese or just say you’re a native. If it’s the former i was gonna have a follow up question but i can already tell you’re Chinese by the way you’re acting

>> No.45686484

Nah, I'm as white as they come, but my friends are all Chinese.

>> No.45686493

So you just believe your friends’ that his Chinese is perfect? I don’t know what the jouzu culture is like for them

>> No.45686495

Yup, there it is. I knew you were gonna say that from the first question lmao

>> No.45686507

So based on your response i guess I’ll conclude that it’s indeed similar to how Japanese people call everyone jouzu

>> No.45686514

Yeah, sure, man.

>> No.45686517

hey can you two like, fuck off? who cares about chinese

>> No.45686525



>> No.45686527

you cant have japanese without chinese

>> No.45686533

dame japanese people really are perma-crippled

>> No.45686535

if someone wrote me a note like that i would beat the shit out of them while repeatedly saying what are you gonna do

>> No.45686554

brb off to go steal milk from my japanese neighbor

>> No.45686561


>> No.45686563

Wow those comments… Reddit really has a boner for Japan. They’re defending a guy threatening to murder a foreigner while calling him racist insults.

Poor white dude probably did it on accident since everything is in Japanese

>> No.45686566

murder, country :|
murder, japan >:O

>> No.45686573

>nooooooo don't drink my miruku nooooo whito man yameteeeeeee
so much for "japanese hospitality" lmfao

>> No.45686597

japs are legit schizo
the guy probably had one little bowl of cereal and the jap realized the level on the milk jug was 3mm lower and threw a complete fucking fit about how rude pig-san is
rational human being just says hi if you drink the milk i expect you to buy the next one
schizo jap threatens to murder while spewing racism to great fanfare from reddit

>> No.45686605

analcyst thread

>> No.45686611

rent free

>> No.45686617

It's time to learn Japanese for real this time.

>> No.45686620

tanaka out-o

>> No.45686626

hes right though dont touch stuff that isnt yours

>> No.45686632

Taking food that doesn't belong to you is stealing.

>> No.45686639

its in the communal fridge
if you got a problem dont have a communal fridge and get your own place
otherwise be reasonable and develop people skills
japs do not have those however

>> No.45686642

But if you take it then it belongs to you.

>> No.45686643

saying things "belong to you" is theft from communal wellbeing

>> No.45686653

ok dont complain next time youre mugged on the communal street

>> No.45686656

anyway lads im off to go watch my daily ep see you later
>avg thread iq drops 6 points

>> No.45686658

duality of man

>> No.45686666

yeah it dropped when you hit post lmfao

>> No.45686670

Cool animated movie, OP.

>> No.45686674

Disgusting. I would never want to live with people who steal my belongings and believe they are in the right.

>> No.45686677

check those 6s coincidence i think not

>> No.45686679

theres no one to complain to when that happens, you just get fucked
which essentially is what the jap shouldve done

>> No.45686682

> avg thread iq drops 6 points
You’d need an IQ of at least 196 to accomplish that

>> No.45686683

what he shouldve done is left more milk but with cum mixed in it

>> No.45686690

Having someone eat my cum for breakfast would be very exciting. Thank you for sharing this idea to me.

>> No.45686696

i need アナル...

>> No.45686701


>> No.45686702

Yeah the animation is fucking amazing.

God i miss old Madhouse

>> No.45686711

i dont like communal fridges, i never put anything in them. i'd rather drink my milk warm than to put it in a fridge.
milk theft is the least of my worries. if someone is able to steal the milk, imagine what else they can do to it.
someone could put their semen in it, or someone could lace it with laxatives, or worse yet, poison. now i dont think anyone would go that far, but better safe than sorry.

>> No.45686723

you need to put cum in ur wallet so if ur ever mugged they just get cum

>> No.45686727

why cum in your wallet when you can just cum in the muggers eye and avoid being mugged

>> No.45686736

id leave a bike unlocked in the communal parking with a hidden taser attached

get fucked

>> No.45686747

*Picks up your bike to learn against the rack after the wind blew it down*
*Gets fucking tazered*

>> No.45686752

It’s not just communal fridges.

A guy once drunkenly admitted to me that he used to work at a sushi place and he’d rub some of the ingredients on his dick while making the rolls if the customer was annoying or if they were a really hot girl

>> No.45686769

someone post the dominos pizza girl jacking off

>> No.45686773

me when i find the little yellow man that wrote it https://youtu.be/a5d9BrLN5K4

>> No.45686775

>if the customer was annoying or if they were a really hot girl
what if it was an annoying really hot girl?

>> No.45686780

gonna buy land in the hood erect a mansion like exterior and put up a huge dont trespass sign but leave it open with fake money and valuables visible from the windows
tasers and fart gas would be waiting for them on the inside

>> No.45686795


>> No.45686806
File: 217 KB, 820x771, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45686816

>Smith claimed at trial that prior to the murders he had been burgled at least half a dozen times over the preceding few months. He had only reported one previous burglary to police, and investigators only found evidence of two previous burglaries (one of which occurred in his detached garage and of which he appeared to have no knowledge when it was brought up by police).

> Upon entering his home, Smith turned on a recording device he owned. He removed the light bulbs from the ceiling lights and positioned himself in a chair that was obscured from view. He heard the window upstairs break and Brady climb in (captured on audio). Smith then waited in silence for 12 minutes, until Brady began to descend into the basement. Smith shot Brady twice on the stairs, and once in the head after he fell to the bottom of the stairs.

> He was immediately sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

>> No.45686817

the etiquette is that you write your name on your things in a communal fridge so others know who it belongs to.
only a total asshole would take someone else's milk

>> No.45686821

wow thanks for answering my question

>> No.45686826

if theres only one milk im having some and if you got a problem about it get your own private fridge

>> No.45686827

>records himself
>reports it to the police

>> No.45686828

i said tasers and fart gas tho

>> No.45686834

fart gas is their natural smell

>> No.45686835

>get your own fridge
>probably in a hotel

>> No.45686842

>his last name is Care


>> No.45686846

I would beat you up if you did that.

>> No.45686848

assuming that's america how is he going to prison for defending his own property

>> No.45686855

is this a new namefag for the new year?

looking forward to reading his guide

>> No.45686860

dont care get your own
if you put it in the shared fridge expect it to be shared
i would punch you in the throat and then shit in your mouth while youre on the floor gasping for air

>> No.45686864

i think castle law implies that you are defending yourself, but here it seems more like an execution.

>> No.45686866

its 田中れいな the goddess herself blessing us with her posts

>> No.45686873

> Smith then made taunting remarks to Brady's body, wrapped it in a tarp and dragged him into another room.

> Minutes later, Kifer entered the home and could be heard calling her cousin's name. As she made her way down the stairs, Smith shot her. Wounded, she fell down the stairs, and Smith can be heard on the recording sarcastically saying "Oh, sorry about that," followed by Kifer saying "Oh, my God" very quickly; Smith shoots her again, multiple times in the torso, in the midst of which she screams "Oh, my God!", and once next to her left eye.[10] He repeatedly called her derogatory names and then dragged her into the other room, tossing her body on top of her cousin's, and shot her one final time under the chin, murdering her.

> The audio recordings were named by the jurors as the biggest influence on their decision. "That was the most damning piece of evidence in my mind," Wes Hatlestad, one of 12 jurors, said following the trial. "That audio recording of the actual killings and the audio recording of Mr. Smith's interview immediately after his arrest ... pretty much convinced me that we were dealing with a deranged individual."[21]

>> No.45686879


>> No.45686882

this guy fucks

>> No.45686892
File: 205 KB, 787x756, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she definitely needs some correction

>> No.45686893

rather based

>> No.45686904

How do you set that up? I’d like to try it out

>> No.45686911

all the new years resolutionist right now

>> No.45686915

i would unironically break all your bones if you tried that

>> No.45686923

id run up and mace you first i dont fucking play

>> No.45686931

all of this over some cow juice

>> No.45686938

moral of the story
just get your milk drank and deal with it

>> No.45686940

i really fucking wish you tried that i'd flatten your skull no joke

>> No.45686946

bro youd be screaming because you just got fucking maced
and id just run around naruto running and kiting your flailing screaming retarded ass and then mace you again

>> No.45686950


>> No.45686951

id use it but buy a new one after

>> No.45686958

>youd be screaming because you just got fucking maced
nah. i'd be blinded and disoriented, but i wouldnt be screaming like a faggot

>> No.45686959

it wouldn't matter i wouldn't care if i die afterwards but i'd make sure you skull is flattened like a pancake

>> No.45686965
File: 41 KB, 580x500, 884060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45686970

nah youd be making all kinds of retarded noises because youll have also breathed some of it in which is going to cause you to make all kinds of fun sounds as you struggle to breathe

>> No.45686973

if its a shared fridge and i see fake milk in there im throwing that away as well

>> No.45686974


>> No.45686981

you touch my shit im breaking all your fingers simple

>> No.45686982

i would shit in a glass jar and close it tight and just put it in the fridge unlabeled
everyone would be like whats up with this mystery shit??

>> No.45686990

i'd put two cartons of milk in the fridge, one thats normal, and one that has a little bit of my feces in it.

>> No.45686991

>t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QBPXNwmAIs

>> No.45686992

yeah right. write my name on it so they can poison me? no thanks

>> No.45686994

Yeah and that retard would eat the shit and be like yum community food.

>> No.45686995

need the samurai hat nigga's take on the milk incident

>> No.45687001

i've installed sillytavern and have claude api access (lurk >>>/g/aicg). you could also just buy some credits from openai or hosts like mancer.tech, venus.chub.ai/subscription etc. see guides on aicg
i'll link the prompt and the settings i've used for the screenshot later

>> No.45687005

fucking thieves think they can take my stuff and threaten me

>> No.45687007


>> No.45687016

Is Claude api access free or do you pay for it? Do you send any special jailbreak to it to do these queries?

>> No.45687017
File: 56 KB, 720x720, t3r9oil8uik81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody is gonna steal this milk
verification not required.

>> No.45687024

this is legitimately scary. if i could figure out how to use it in japanese i would never see the light of day again.

>> No.45687034

alright everyone main character is back
>avg thread iq raises 6 points

>> No.45687038


>> No.45687065
File: 141 KB, 850x977, 3fafcd57157d7bcdb9422d4c4b401a2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this carton contains milk from up to 22 of our best rodents. each rat is raised in freedom and fed with the finest swiss cheese. after a rigorous selection process, they are milked by hand to achieve the gourmet quality and incomparable taste that we are known for.
Would you drink her milk?

>> No.45687104

>knows spanish
yup checks out

>> No.45687112

communal fridge means shared space for keeping food not sharing food you keep in it

>> No.45687117
File: 2.55 MB, 360x638, 1702131235127.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i know spanish and i'm not a furry

>> No.45687122


>> No.45687128

if its a regular fridge sized fridge there isnt room for everyones individual stuff so theres no choice but to share

>> No.45687129

That’s a twink in a wig

>> No.45687136 [DELETED] 

I just realized that banks are communal fridges for money

>> No.45687138
File: 56 KB, 569x233, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be both free and paid depending of what you can find at a given moment (lurk aicg). i use a small jailbreak i've extracted from one i found in a guide, i'll post it in a bit
you just need to tell it to talk in japanese. but bots on chub.ai also have initial messages that set the tone for the bot, so it's probably best to translate that too. i've experimented with making another bot that translates those initial messages into jp light novel narration style.
it's definitely readable (pic) because i can read it, but i don't actually know japanese so i can't tell how crippled it is.

>> No.45687140

no theyre businesses that take your money and you no longer have it

>> No.45687147

not always true and i've used communal fridges before
if there is such an expectation it should be made clear beforehand or it is stealing

>> No.45687152

no, thats not accurate. the bank takes your money (they now own it) and invest it to get richer.

>> No.45687155

this is true, and especially in a crisis they wont give you any
always have more money at hand or invested into something than sitting in the bank

>> No.45687157

banks have clear rules you agree to when you choose to open an account with them

>> No.45687164

oh they'll give me my money alright. just you see

>> No.45687167

if you don't like it don't use it. you're not entitled to private services

>> No.45687191

Previous thread: >>45677433

>> No.45687194

that they will break whenever they see fit

>> No.45687212

then i just do this https://youtu.be/Pv0muIemzvk

>> No.45687215

you can sue them if they do but it's almost always the retarded customer who signs off on the agreement without reading the fine print. 0 sympathy

>> No.45687235


>> No.45687271

if i saw that at a store i would probably come back that night and set fire to the place

>> No.45687299

why? its not worse than insect burgers that they already sell

>> No.45687310

all mammal milk is basically the same

>> No.45687360

well you guys enjoy your fucking hanta or whatever you have coming your way.

>> No.45687384

hunter x hunter?

>> No.45687410

want a gf so i can drink her breast milk. no idea how there are guys who don't want to do that

>> No.45687429

finna impregnate your gf so you can drink her breast milk

>> No.45687442

Mined 胃癌

>> No.45687447

Mined 繁多

>> No.45687450

no need to, just have kill her period and feast on progesterone

>> No.45687459

sillytavern preset with the jailbreak: rentry dot co slash prciq

>> No.45687463

just mined 神経伝達物質 and ~60-80 other words containing 神経.

>> No.45687469

Only from tap

>> No.45687482
File: 484 KB, 832x1216, 1704067302574425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nips are making fun of us

>> No.45687485


>> No.45687498

not really those games are directed to literal npcs

>> No.45687503

so i've heard this in a few different anime/movies

why are things sometimes listed out using "一つ” repeatedly, as opposed to going hi-fu-mi, etc.

>> No.45687517

there are many expressions using 一つ and i'm unclear what exactly you mean

>> No.45687531

think of it as listing ideas
- one idea is ...
- one other is ...

>> No.45687532

In this case I'm talking about when someone is listing out a set of rules, commandments, and so on.

They'll go
一つ - blah blah
一つ - 2nd blah blah
一つ - 3rd blah blah

where'd i'd normally see

>> No.45687533

for some reason your post made me think of this song

>> No.45687547

fundamentally wrong question to ask

>> No.45687558

yeah never ask why

>> No.45687564

dodstead do they do it

>> No.45687577


>> No.45687592

you would usually add 目 if you're rattling off an ordered list. firstly, secondly, thirdly...
i've actually not consciously heard what you describe. seems to me it's just to make clear that a new "bullet point" or "item" is starting.

>> No.45687596

ひとつ 人は運命を生きよ
ひとつ 人は卑しきを捨てよ
ひとつ 信じたものに納めよ
ひとつ 道を外れずに果てよ

>> No.45687608

Can you link an example where that's happened?

>> No.45687629


>> No.45687638

I know Doki Doki precure bad it with cure ace during her annoying intro but this MV reminded me of it


Since I originally thought it was just because it was an episodic thing

>> No.45687676
File: 17 KB, 913x204, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be it i think

>> No.45687696

Based https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13276125773

>> No.45687700
File: 585 KB, 812x1566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous thread recap test
shit's too much work. i had to split the thread into 3 parts and then stitch it together because it doesn't fit inside her all at once.
but if i'm counting this right, 32k context might be enough and that's already available

>> No.45687702

Cooool thanks

>> No.45687712

I think she does like me and is a bit autistic

>> No.45687713

Link is not working :(

>> No.45687739


>> No.45687750

i wish recap-chan would make fun of my posts

>> No.45687760

gotta put in the work. make a big scene. i believe in you.

>> No.45687761

convince me to drop anki

>> No.45687768

hey anon you should drop anki

>> No.45687785

you don’t need anki to remember common words, reading is a natural srs.

anki will expose you to uncommon words in an unnaturally highly frequent way and deceive you into thinking they’re ok to use in contexts they actually aren’t.

>> No.45687786

set that anki down on the ground real slow and no one will get hurt

>> No.45687791

>attention-seeking guidesluts
>'''fire''' '''tunes''' like oddloop

>> No.45687794

Too many fucking entries, average anon won't read half this shit

>> No.45687803

how do you train an ai to be this obnoxious

>> No.45687807

wouldnt be funny if it just gave a sterile summary of the thread

>> No.45687808

i'm not reading ai slop even if it's just one entry

>> No.45687816

He actually wrote her annoying personality out and told the AI to role play that personality

>> No.45687818

ai hands wrote this post

>> No.45687823

it's not funny now. it's fucking sad is what it is.

>> No.45687832

一つ nothing wrong with me

>> No.45687834

This whole year I haven't masturbated once, am I gonna make it?

>> No.45687836

>anki will expose you to uncommon words in an unnaturally highly frequent way and deceive you into thinking they’re ok to use in contexts they actually aren’t.
lmao no it won't

>> No.45687837

>hey (YOUUUU)
bro wtf fuck off

>> No.45687841

weird https://pub.microbin.eu/raw/fish-swan-raven
yeah that's because it's stitched from three summaries. maybe i'll try feeding gpt4 32k the entire thread. it's not sex roleplay so i can just buy tokens on my own openai account and i won't get banned
easy i just told it to roleplay as a woman and a djt veteran

>> No.45687850

og didn't talk like that

>> No.45687856

the ai is shitting itself because djt veteran and woman dont compute

>> No.45687857

一つとして is good for that expression

>> No.45687878

as for me, huge cock having-is

>> No.45687888
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, 君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 S01E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45687892
File: 929 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Danmachi IV [16][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will get married

>> No.45687895

that's from an episode? that is a sketchbook level drawing

>> No.45687903

do you guys rewatch anime after a while to see how much easier it is?

>> No.45687905


>> No.45687910

watch... anime... ?

>> No.45687922
File: 630 KB, 1920x1080, 君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 S01E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks really nice

>> No.45687926

i dont "watch" anime

>> No.45687930

Yes it will and I’m not the only one that has experienced other learners doing this because of anki showing them some weird rare word so much that they actually fucking use the word.

It’s like a Japanese person grinding Shakespeare, they’re gonna talk really weirdly

>> No.45687944

what if idgaf about talking to those virgins and just want to understand japanese, including shakespeare level shit

>> No.45687950

japs are not and have never been capable of creating shakespeare level shit

>> No.45687957

That's legitimately the weirdest thing I've ever heard. How do you not know the difference between a rare word and a common word when you mine it? When you speak, which word are you more likely to use, the one that you've read tens of thousands of times or the one that you've read one time and seen hundreds of times in Anki?

>> No.45687984
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 1704229580632016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese women are beatifu-

>> No.45688000

thats a bimbo
shes there to look retarded and get cummed on

>> No.45688002
File: 417 KB, 1536x2048, GC1cxGqaMAAryjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45688010

she's not japanese

>> No.45688017

That's legitimately horrifying.

>> No.45688018

No, I'm not going to fuck Japanese women

>> No.45688036

nothing like a nice pint of cum

>> No.45688037

Anki is an active recall/output process. It’s training your brain to have those words come to mind. Reading is just passive

>> No.45688042
File: 407 KB, 545x2123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok nvm gpt-chan is retarded (or needs a modified prompt)

>> No.45688044

how are people still debating fuckin anki in 2024

>> No.45688045

Definitely not.

>> No.45688060

im 37% of the reddit recap

>> No.45688068

People seethe over it to no end. I think they just can't get the CSS working or something

>> No.45688075

ayy lmao

>> No.45688081

it looks like the bit under her eyes is falling off

>> No.45688093
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>> No.45688113

he finally made it bros...

>> No.45688115

anon makes a point with anki, how are u meant to know commonality when all you know is the oinky

>> No.45688117

matt will go completely fucking bald in japan

>> No.45688120
File: 2.19 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240102_155745024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find japanese learning book in library sale
>they're doing the exercises and taking good notes
>exercises stop halfway through the book
>the later half is brand new

>> No.45688128
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The notes

>> No.45688133
File: 149 KB, 874x588, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that wasn't funny then how about the shit gpt spits out. fuck whatever this is

>> No.45688137

their き needs improving though

>> No.45688146

nice hand bro now we know you are racially inferior

>> No.45688149

only its from a futa babe

>> No.45688150

ok and?
what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.45688152

laugh at you for having teh poopeh skin lmao

>> No.45688153

actually several of those kana are sorta iffy

>> No.45688154

funny how the ai ignores when people say nigger

>> No.45688158

How does Anki make you seethe this much?

>> No.45688162

not reading that ai trash

>> No.45688168

humancels be seething over ai chads

>> No.45688178

think im finna boutta rewatch panty stocking

>> No.45688183
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>> No.45688186

isn't reading the same thing? You're seeing the word, and you have to recall the reading and meaning

>> No.45688189

imagine the smell

>> No.45688191
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That's a given because this is a learning book, I meant they did a good job by taking a lot of notes
Have a giggle I don't mind

>> No.45688198

How the fuck is this thread so fast? I wanted something comfy to lurk in while I learn
Is it the 2024 resolution fags?

>> No.45688200

Should be translated as Lake Man. Kind of unfortunate.

>> No.45688205

its mostly thirdworlders like pic above

>> No.45688209

i don't care about oinky

>> No.45688215

Clearly you do if you think you Anki and reading are mutually exclusive.

>> No.45688219

it's the inpoot fags

>> No.45688220

anki and knowing japanese are mutually exclusive

>> No.45688224

ahhhhhh im inpooooooting

>> No.45688225

yeah? that doesn't mean i care

>> No.45688226

So you don't believe in mining decks at all?

>> No.45688236

nta but they are good for learning readings and not much else

>> No.45688239
File: 1.47 MB, 3015x1953, ez lns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many linnies have you read in 2023?

>> No.45688243

look at it this way; I've never met anyone who knows Japanese and uses anki.

>> No.45688244

You cared enough to whine about it.

>> No.45688247

i dont read that slop. only vinnies for me

>> No.45688248

>Still relying on that pathetic list
This is for men. Keep up with the news little boy.

>> No.45688251

i only commented about what anon said, i'm not sure how that's seething, caring or whining

>> No.45688253


>> No.45688255

>look at it this way; I've never learned Japanese nor used anki.

>> No.45688256

So what do I do when I read and don't know a word?

>> No.45688264

most retarded thing i've read all thread

>> No.45688265

where is this from

>> No.45688268

two less than in 2022

>> No.45688269


>> No.45688272
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>> No.45688273

t. hikki

>> No.45688274

>good for learning readings
>but not meanings
lol wut

>> No.45688278

pornbrained gooners can't go 5 minutes without their dopamine drip, no wonder they can't learn Japanese.

>> No.45688279

I mean after looking it up, why not add it to a mining deck?

>> No.45688285

do you have Alzheimer's?

>> No.45688298


>> No.45688305

i dont believe you actually learn the meanings
you just learn the cards and usually know the meaning already

>> No.45688313

But that's literally untrue. You mine a card and memorize the reading and meaning in tandem.

>> No.45688316

I mean after looking it up, why not add it to a mining deck?

>> No.45688334


>> No.45688337

If it were the same then people wouldn’t dread an anki backlog, they’d just view it the same as picking up a light novel

>> No.45688342

i dont think meanings are things you can memorise

>> No.45688352

You're joking, right?

>> No.45688355

>edutainment is not drills
shocking!!! put this in the AI recal entry!!!

>> No.45688356

Indeed, memorizing a dictionary entry is not the same as knowing what a word means or how to use it

That’s why natives can have an active vocabulary of tens of thousands of words without ever having opened a dictionary

>> No.45688358

You can just say you dont like anki or it doesnt work for you without pretending it's useless for everyone

>> No.45688359

Absolutely retarded take.

>> No.45688368

none of you know japanese so why even argue
like for real

>> No.45688372


>> No.45688375

>bump limit already
we are so back bros

>> No.45688376

Most of your active vocabulary was once part of your passive vocabulary. Memorizing words helps build up that passive vocabulary.

>> No.45688381


>> No.45688389

ooooo he mad

>> No.45688390

crazy how the newfags are arguing about all the shit djt solved years ago

>> No.45688391
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>> No.45688397

we keep having the same arguments every month tho

>> No.45688408

People who learned Japanese years ago are not posting on djt, people still posting on djt did not learn Japanese years ago

>> No.45688410

Definitely not true.

>> No.45688412

i'm here tho :)

>> No.45688414

You don't even know English

>> No.45688415

nah i think you actually learn the word during your input but you attribute it to anki because otherwise why else are you doing it

>> No.45688420

True, memorizing the dictionary entry for かける is what really helped me understand Japanese

>> No.45688421

that guy clearly missed the consoomer post from earlier
couldn't be me

>> No.45688426

self own!!

>> No.45688436


>> No.45688440

someone post screencaps of those discussions

>> No.45688441

the eternal battle between the beginners the and perma-dekinai veterans

>> No.45688450

and moe is watching this thread as we speak
he doesn't know who he's messing with

>> No.45688451

youre sad jamel

>> No.45688452

Wait, let's go back to your previous retarded point. You just said "meanings aren't things you can memorize." Care to substantiate that statement?

>> No.45688470

anki is good for memorising the readings of common stuff though
from there you can look stuff up better just from looking at it
for stuff you dont see in your input more than once a couple years anki is shit because the intervals get so long
before i quit i used to fail the same rare readings all the time but when i saw them irl again i would stop failing them

>> No.45688474

I bet you wrote that entire post, every word, without recalling a single dictionary entry

>> No.45688477

>he doesn't かける's meaning memorized

>> No.45688484
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>Get an itch to start flashtarding
>See this
Saved again by simple research. Never doubt yourself, anti-carders.

>> No.45688488

lmao is that your argument for why you don't remember what any of the words mean?

>> No.45688490

of course there was no difference
you only acquire language one way and its not from flashcards, lmao

>> No.45688491

damn j the chibba writes hateful toxic crap like >>45688146???

>> No.45688493

are you understanding it as "its impossible to learn words"?

>> No.45688496

Now do flashcarding PLUS mnemonics

>> No.45688498

>"astonishing as it might be"
serious research paper lol

>> No.45688502

No, I'm understanding it as "you can't memorize meanings of words" lol

>> No.45688510

the problem isn't the flash card, retards. but what's on the card.

>> No.45688511

You can rote memorize dictionary entries. You can’t rote memorize how a word feels

>> No.45688512

by memorise i mean rote memorisation
the level of intelligence here is so low you have to spell out the simplest of nuances

>> No.45688513

u can memorize meanings from words
but u cant acquire the meaning of a word from flashtarding

>> No.45688515

acquire deez

>> No.45688518

but you simply dont need them
so unless you actually enjoy doing them dont

>> No.45688524

>you can't memorize meanings
>yes you can retard

>> No.45688532
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>> No.45688535

>all these low iq posts

>> No.45688536

Did you actually read the paper?

The control group and flash card group attended in-person lessons, with the former ran in a conventional classroom style and the latter in a style which incorporated flash cards. Vocabulary was introduced in each lesson and then tested at the end of the same lesson. These lessons were ran, at most, 4 times a month.

The point of flash cards isn't to improve your short-term (the lessons were about 2 hours long) memorisation and NOBODY suggests they should only be used four-times a month.

>> No.45688537

blud be cappin

>> No.45688538

i see you are having trouble coming to terms with the fact that you not only suck but also wasted a lot of time

>> No.45688542

I'm more trying to come to terms with how much of a dekinai you are lol

>> No.45688545

fr fr

>> No.45688547

All the people that got good really fast like Doth used flash cards.

All the people that didn’t make it, even after years, also used flash cards.

The only the separating the two groups is how much daily reading they did.

>> No.45688548

uuhm, little kids in japan (japanese kodomos) make it all the time and they never read a single vinnie, checkmated atheist

>> No.45688550

yeah guess we know what he really thinks of his biggest fan anacreon a south american

>> No.45688551

yeah whatever. they're nothing special. anki managing timed repetition for you is the only thing it really does anyway. that and that you can have them play audio or contain images.

but as far as general methodology goes, i agree that one should try to always have as much context and usage examples as possible. which is why my cards look crazy and can't be reviewed in 5 seconds.

>> No.45688554
File: 585 KB, 800x887, trust the soyence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study says
I can google multiple peer reviewed studies directly contradicting each other with a simple google search, I don't buy it

>> No.45688557

doth isnt good lol have you heard him speak
even gambs passed the kanken btw

>> No.45688560

then link a better study lol

true true

>> No.45688561

blud was living in japan bro

>> No.45688562

>Science is facing a "reproducibility crisis"
This is mostly a thing for social science and is especially bad for psychology. Mathematical sciences don't have this issue.

>> No.45688563

i'm the only one who knows nihongo here and i used anki but i don't think you need it tbqh

>> No.45688564

you dont have to be good to live in japan weve been over this

>> No.45688565

self hating はぱs think hating on the unkohadas makes them howaito lmao

>> No.45688567

same but i would never say nihongo in english because im not gay

>> No.45688569

bros slow down i can't read THAT quick

>> No.45688573

I used Anki. I'm sure you can learn it without it, but it makes the process a lot faster.

>> No.45688574

same same

>> No.45688576

you dont know japanese thoever

>> No.45688580

language studies are a social science

>> No.45688582

>but it makes the process a lot faster.
based on what
>a lot faster
what does this mean exactly

>> No.45688583

not even saying doth is good because its not relevant but lil bro is pretending he was ankidroning when he was actually getting input all day and talking to natives

>> No.45688584

how would you know tho

>> No.45688585

HMSLC then, or Matt, or whoever your favorite celeb is. They probably used flash cards just like every dekinai and redditor here.

Using flash cards is not the determining factor is my point, but it’s very easy to see a huge gap in daily reading hours

>> No.45688586


>> No.45688587

I don't know a better study but I'm open to being convinced either way. But obviously any study should model the way language learners actually use flashcards.

>> No.45688590

were waiting on you big guy but because you dont know japanese you will never do shit EVER

>> No.45688591

finally a nigga capable of nuanced thought

>> No.45688593

So is nukemarine. What’s your point?

>> No.45688595


>> No.45688597

but bro i still miss like common things if i dont have cards for them

>> No.45688598

sounds like someone's a little scared to show djt just how good he is

>> No.45688601


>> No.45688602

both of them suck too lol

>> No.45688603

nukemarine is OLD
he doesnt talk to japanese people

>> No.45688606

feel free to show us how much better you are than them, anon https://vocaroo.com/

>> No.45688607

i talk to old japanese women

>> No.45688609

the only guy truly worthy of your respect and admiration is bunsuke
thats it

>> No.45688617

what you want me to say

>> No.45688616

the poster "boy" for anti anki thought isidan is a name and man is 1000

>> No.45688620

tell us how to play hopscotch in japanese

>> No.45688624

also couldnt read 彷彿
the problem was he didnt read

>> No.45688630

not a lolicon so i unironically dont know the rules or what its called in japanese

>> No.45688633

He does and he even married one.

It’s very easy to make an English bubble. Doth even said this in his initial post after getting N1, he hardly talked to anyone in Japanese

>> No.45688635

what does this sentence mean?

>> No.45688636
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I went ahead and hid all the terrible posts (stubs are disabled by the way)

>> No.45688639

okay, then describe how to play tic-tac-toe

>> No.45688640
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>> No.45688645

im glad u like my post anon (:

>> No.45688650

his wife forbade him from ever using japanese because if anyone finds out shes married to a guy that disfigures the beautiful yamato language the way nuke does it would bring great shame to her and her family and ultimately result in their required collective seppuku

>> No.45688652

i can't read this but i know 災 means le bad...

>> No.45688653

naaah id say his problem is that he doesnt know nihongo

>> No.45688663

He's talking about Jamal. Jamal thinks Anki is the devil, but when reading いしだん, he assumed it was a surname, and used Google Translate to calculate the value of 万 in a large number because he didn't know how to add the zeroes.

>> No.45688664

I’m surprised his next live stream after getting demodded wasn’t living room seppuku

>> No.45688667

i'm ready bros

>> No.45688668


>> No.45688676

Just a reminder that this >>45688652 is the average lower caser you’re arguing with right now

>> No.45688678

Not true, i also uppercase

>> No.45688686

lil hapa j is in more than one grey zone

>> No.45688688

djt never recovered after jamal got bored and left

>> No.45688690

I don't think this thread is going to help me learn Japanese

>> No.45688693

Ask any questions. I'd be happy to help.

>> No.45688699

thank you for translating anon

>> No.45688704

np, gatekeeping is dumb

>> No.45688708

nigga thinks having aids is cool

>> No.45688715

ah inu = dog, next card
ah tori = bird, next card...
*reaches usable levels of japanese in a matter of months*
im sorry what was that anon?

>> No.45688717

The thread's more fun when everyone can laugh at Jamal

>> No.45688722

ah 掛ける = ???

>> No.45688723

lmao based
anti-anki tards of suicide watch

>> No.45688724

i lmfao'd

>> No.45688725
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Where's the easy content bros?

>> No.45688726
File: 165 KB, 677x989, 1539146364595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a blast from the past for the vocaroo guys

>> No.45688728
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>> No.45688730

*got owned and left
it's just not the same without the thread's biggest lolcow around

>> No.45688732

you made a card for 犬

>> No.45688733

ah 掛ける = hang, multiply, put into use, begin to do

>> No.45688734

lets goooo

>> No.45688736

>surveying and testing people with N<1,000,000

>> No.45688740


>> No.45688744

are Japanese learning books useless? the ones that go over the spoken side of the language

>> No.45688746

Nah I worded it poorly, sampling variance matters slightly more

>> No.45688753

books are pretty useless in general

>> No.45688754


>> No.45688758

Not at all. Everything in textbooks is true, but you can learn the language faster in a less structured way by watching/reading media early.

>> No.45688766
File: 11 KB, 907x95, image (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 211: Happy new year gentlemen, gonna start off new year with rereading the gammar guide that I read a year ago just to refresh my memory.

>> No.45688771

holy sex

>> No.45688776

anons can only ever point to kakeru when trying to make it seem like words have a ton of different uses because they only actually know the top 500 words

>> No.45688777 [DELETED] 

daily immersion https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/en/posts/7bf568fb203975556ae07f723b1e53f9

>> No.45688779

now you know why he bullied calvin

>> No.45688781

Am i N5 or is this hard

>> No.45688792

I mean compared to audio guides like pimsleur and such, letters can only do so much explaining how a word is supposed to sound

>> No.45688795

its fairly hard id say for a linnie

>> No.45688812

djt used to be funny. when did it turn into faggots like you?

>> No.45688821

when you decided to stay

>> No.45688824
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>> No.45688826

Most textbooks like Genki have audiobook companions that you'll listen to alongside your study. Audio-only methods aren't advised. A big part of understanding and self-studying in Japanese is using the written language, so you'll ideally want to spend a lot of your time learning to read.

>> No.45688828


>> No.45688834

remember when basedmaster helped karubin

>> No.45688843

major company, front castle gate, full length of one's arm

>> No.45688846

oops you missed one

>> No.45688850

for starters, which audio guide do you recommend I pirate first?

>> No.45688853

it's not even about just having a lot of meanings, there's just hardly any words in japanese that have a 1:1 match with english.

take ebi for example. it doesn't have a million different meanings, but there's no equivalent in english

>> No.45688854

yeah bros remember when queef was respected in the thread
me neither

>> No.45688856

I omitted the dumb one that never gets used.

>> No.45688863


>> No.45688879


>> No.45688881

I personally recommend none. Having tried things like Pimsleur, I can tell you that your listening and spoken language skills are dependent on your vocabulary and grammatical understanding. These are skills best learned on a page.
If you're serious about learning, then you should start with learning the syllabary and a grammar guide like Tae Kim. From there you should be interacting with native-level material.

>> No.45688884

conversation is immersion, isn't it? Quality immersion, if I do say so myself

>> No.45688888

crazy (both positive and negative)

>> No.45688899
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>> No.45688904

what anons dont get is that even if we entertain half-learning what a word means in srs you give yourself a starting point from when youre immersing. the idea that you will just fuck yourself or have to "unlearn" shit is a meme. if your brain cant incorporate new nuances into your understanding you were never going to learn japanese in the first place

>> No.45688909


>> No.45688911
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>> No.45688914

Exactly. The anti-anki crowd lives in some kind of state of delusion

>> No.45688915


>> No.45688916
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>> No.45688923

>the idea that you will just fuck yourself or have to "unlearn" shit is a meme
I have had this shit happen on english but with words that are similar seem to be similar in spanish but truly aren't

>> No.45688936

>happen on english
i like how ur post includes an example of one

>> No.45688938


>> No.45688944

is he going to steal that

>> No.45688949

its seattle bro of course

>> No.45688952

yeah but matt isnt black so i got confused

>> No.45688956

no, that word could also be applied to crabs and barnacles.

and anyone this isn't like some special word but it is easier to illustrate the point

for example, kawaii and cute dont have a 1:1 shared meaning either

>> No.45688968

omg this is so cringe

>> No.45688977

matto doesnt even read manga doe

>> No.45688979

true its like how war crime has different meanings and connotations in japan and america

>> No.45688980

effeminate manlet

>> No.45688981

just sticks it right on da wall

>> No.45688985
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*cute shortstack goblin blush*

>> No.45688990
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>> No.45688994


>> No.45688995

the only thing this goblin is stacking is gaijin hate

>> No.45688998
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>> No.45689001


>> No.45689009
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>> No.45689011

CE channels?

>> No.45689013

>kawaii and cute dont have a 1:1 shared meaning either

>> No.45689016


>> No.45689018

why are there so many chinese people in Marioka? it's not even the closest city to china

>> No.45689020

As an ESL this just sounds like
over-mystifying 日本語.
I'll buy that English doesn't have a direct 1:1 equivalent word to えび but not the rest.

>> No.45689023

The irony is that he's butchering English the same way he doesn't want others to butcher Japanese.

>> No.45689030

this is not comprehensible eenput!!!

>> No.45689032

ok ok guys i was going to wait to see if you were going to figure it out on your own but ill just do a quick knowledge drive-by on you guys:
start by learning one meaning of a word and then... learn the other uses as you come across them

>> No.45689033

fucked up my card for 蔓延る as はこびる so i read it wrong for like a year

>> No.45689035
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>> No.45689037

but you can just do it without using anki

>> No.45689045

yeah you absolutely can without anki. why the fuck would you want to though lmao

>> No.45689053

Am I the only one who actually takes Japanese classes irl?
Honestly I don't really need to, I just go to meet likeminded people and make friends.
My sensei is around my mom's age, she's very nice.

>> No.45689054

*gasp* it also means "dear" as well

>> No.45689055
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the true danger of using anki, ur early dekinai ideas get crystalized and drilled

>> No.45689056

what are you trying to say
its not looking good
i personally didnt enjoy doing anki

>> No.45689063

trying to translate that phrase and use "cute" for "kawaii" should illustrate why they are not 1:1

>> No.45689068


>> No.45689074

saying it doesn't mean cute because it has more than one sense

>> No.45689075


>> No.45689080

"cute" in english always has more than one sense, so if there was a 1:1 equivalent in japanese then that word would need more than one sense

>> No.45689082

japanese is more expressive when it comes to family relationships
cant express those naturally in english without sounding cringe

>> No.45689084

how fars that taken you anal guy

>> No.45689086

i hate anki itself even though that ive been advocating for it, i really just mean "do some form of learning words, preferably using an srs"

>> No.45689088


>> No.45689089

Oh, that's cute.

>> No.45689093

>japanese is more expressive when it comes to family relationships
it doesnt even have a word for sibling

>> No.45689094

analcyst is an anki guy tho
he literally made charts and programs and shit to try to learn japanese
hes on your side and sucks just like you

>> No.45689098

is this a clever bait

>> No.45689103
File: 7 KB, 468x220, 何これ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689121

wonder what matto was thinking when he was doing this shit

>> No.45689134


>> No.45689141

Look at the same guys results after FIVE YEARS >>45688601
after years and years of study he decides to finally pick up a book and fucking read. The book he picks? Probably the hardest possible book written by the hardest author. He concludes that he's not quite there yet and goes back to Anki.
He reads a manga (for the first time after several YEARS of only anki). He enjoys it and learns tons of shit while reading it, the time flies by. Then he goes back to Anki and doesn't read manga again for the rest of the year.

>> No.45689142

tenori matto

>> No.45689149

hermano mayor

>> No.45689150

ohh so that's what they meant by どうせいあい

>> No.45689160

what's the deal? i don't get it.

>> No.45689167

i didnt know those english words yet. acquired them just now

>> No.45689175

nta but it works exactly like english siblings does

>> No.45689179
File: 730 KB, 1967x2112, 1529755727019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything have to be so negative and argumentative? Can't otaku get along and hate on normalfaggots?

>> No.45689180

>Each session (two hours per week) 13-15 flash cards
were distributed among students (in experimental group).
lol. lmao.

>> No.45689181
File: 14 KB, 892x190, sibling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689186

it's otaku-eat-otaku world... and boy... we aren't into gay anilingus

>> No.45689195
File: 731 KB, 800x600, レコンキスタ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you do in this situation

>> No.45689202

no it fucking doesnt. because sibling is an actual word that people use in english. no one uses 同生. if you say dousei people are gonna interpret that as 同性 or 同棲 or hell even 銅製 is more common of a word

>> No.45689203


>> No.45689209

360 and move into the entrance

>> No.45689211
File: 4 KB, 314x92, siblings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689215
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>> No.45689223

Look at her for a second, and then ponder the greatness that was the Reconquista, how the Christians beat back the Muslim invaders and reclaimed Hispania for the good of Christ and country. Yes, I'd look at my darling 妹 and shed a single tear as I ponder the mysteries of the Cross.

>> No.45689230

lol so u had to find some extremely obscure word no one uses and it still isn't even 1:1 with sibling

>> No.45689235

wtf nobody linked the new thread so i was stuck in the old thread

>> No.45689250

>his siblings aren't from the same mother

>> No.45689269

for a short while you were free of these idiots. be happy

>> No.45689302

bros I can recall most words phonetically but I keep forgetting the kanjis, how dekinai is it

>> No.45689310

sounds perfect if all u intend to do is talk to native and/or watch youtube/anime/tv/etc

>> No.45689321


>> No.45689322

Imouto fell asleep while using anki

>> No.45689338

sadly not the case

>> No.45689342

so you mean you cant write kanji by hand?
im the same but getting better

>> No.45689343

writing kanji by hand will counter this effectively

>> No.45689346

resolutioners are wildin'

>> No.45689351

ive been learning for years and i live in japan

>> No.45689365

bro just self owned

>> No.45689368

why are you mad that you were wrong its not a big deal

>> No.45689371

he will literally never admit he is wrong

>> No.45689375

just bad at recognition out in the wild, like I literally could not read imouto just now

>> No.45689385

just read more

>> No.45689391

how was i wrong?

>> No.45689398

just shuddafakkap

>> No.45689400

read read or read (listen)?

>> No.45689403

whatever you want

>> No.45689404

japanese has a word for siblings, i showed it to you, and here you are, wrong and mad it seems

>> No.45689411

yeah i get that. writing by hand will fix this. if you can write a character it becomes very unlikely that you won't recognize it when you encounter it. sure it happens sometimes because there are a lot of them and you brain fart or are sometimes not fully focused.

>> No.45689415

guys someone tell me what to read and watch i have zero passions behind my motivation to learn japanese

>> No.45689427


>> No.45689429

dies irae

>> No.45689434

just a heads up theres this troll called 邪魔る around here that tries to spread chaos and misinfo to unsuspecting noobs

>> No.45689435

actually, i take that back. it's not guaranteed that writing by hand will fix that. some people are just too dumb. if you're not dumb, give it a shot.

>> No.45689445

jamal is just a fairytale dont listen to him

>> No.45689447

hes called 邪魔L

>> No.45689457

he goes from being wrong and mad to talking about jamal again

>> No.45689462

>anki deck: $1000
>still hovering にかんして after 10 years: totally free

>> No.45689467

> japanese has a word for siblings

then why does it have a different definition than the word “sibling”?

>> No.45689476

>tfw grandfathered in and only have to pay $40/month for anki
feels good man

>> No.45689483

Anki is free

>> No.45689489

Anki is only free if you don’t value your time

>> No.45689491

labor isnt free

>> No.45689492

because japan isnt an english speaking country that has a unique culture

>> No.45689494

>anki deck: $1000
isn't that shit free?

>> No.45689498

yes, the term 兄弟 represents sisters too, it's an abbreviation. no there is no catch-all term. no, people don't use 同生 moving on.

>> No.45689507

wait wait.. you guys have been using the FREE anki decks?? are you guys poor??

>> No.45689512

if you dont spend 1000 dollars on an anki deck you are a punk bitch simple as

>> No.45689513

eh i dunno if he actually did that. i wouldn't watch that shit even if you held a gun to my head.

>> No.45689519

> 兄弟 represents sisters too

It doesn’t

>> No.45689522

ill gladly spend a thousand dollard on my education

>> No.45689526

should i buy wanikani lifetime

>> No.45689528
File: 20 KB, 850x294, えとお.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689534

shhh but they don't know that

>> No.45689536
File: 31 KB, 1100x485, あのお.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689539

my job paid for 100% of my anki decks since i actually have a career with good benefits that values continued education

>> No.45689545
File: 30 KB, 705x298, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt has really declined

>> No.45689549

im n2 (pre-advanced) and ive literally never seen this word. definitely some archaic shit that is never used in reality.

>> No.45689548

on sudays i wash my anki deck out in the driveway. even get it detailed by a professional once a year

>> No.45689558

Right that’s not what sibling means. Sibling only needs 1 parent in common not both

>> No.45689559

Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.45689562
File: 998 KB, 1920x1080, 2903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love educating myself

>> No.45689567

no, but it means its not equivalent to the english word "sibling" which is an extremely common word.

>> No.45689569

That would be a half-sibling.

>> No.45689586

you won't find it in some of the most comprehensive dictionaries available. it's that rare

>> No.45689587 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 695x423, 4e5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw word you said doesnt exist actually exists and you cant handle it so you make up excuses to save face on an internet message board

>> No.45689590

>Japanese has no word for foot

Joke language.

>> No.45689596

ill just ram my tumasaki up your ass instead

>> No.45689602

It's right there on jisho.

>> No.45689604


>> No.45689607 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 1704245489390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689608

word frequency is a meme. in fact words in general are a meme. the only real words are the ones that will be in my daily immersion

>> No.45689617

are you like reading impaired or something?

>> No.45689622

words dont even exist until you say them
thus, https://vocaroo.com/

>> No.45689624
File: 707 KB, 1249x772, 1697792361747737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45689626

you first

>> No.45689630

immersion is a meme, just move to okinawa near the military bases

>> No.45689632

oh no, ladies first, ma'am

>> No.45689634

It’s literally just Chinese lol.

So is this https://jisho.org/word/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8F%E3%82%AA

>> No.45689635
File: 3.65 MB, 3496x4961, 1701881524534757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45689637

i dont have anything to prove

>> No.45689638

They have the same meaning.

>> No.45689639

im trying to bro but i cant get put on orders anywhere until ive been at bragg for another year

>> No.45689650

your inaction is all the proof necessary

>> No.45689654

The definition for sibling says they only need 1 parent in common

>> No.45689660

>interracial image
>look up artist
why are they like this?

>> No.45689671

thats some projection right there
i speak more japanese than anybody else here

>> No.45689673

Well at least he was kind enough to give him a nose. Poor girl has to breathe through her mouth because of serious facial deformity

>> No.45689677
File: 74 KB, 1404x1095, 何.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.45689686

who cares about this shit honestly

>> No.45689688

congrats on finding multiple sites hosting the same jmdict dictionary that jisho also hosts

>> No.45689693

how much did you have to read before you felt like you reached a decent level (can talk to natives, read most things, etc.)

>> No.45689695

reading alone is not enough to be able to speak

>> No.45689698

the first thing to realize is that most people here havent read anything yet. these are the people you are getting advice from

>> No.45689705

0 vocaroos from you says otherwise just objectively speaking

>> No.45689706

god i love jks

>> No.45689717

That definition counts siblings AND half siblings if you read into it.

>> No.45689719

if i cared about this worthless argument i would end it in seconds

>> No.45689720

hey siblingfags can you go make a "talking about the word siblings general" or some shit to fuck off to please

>> No.45689728

just statistically speaking i know its very unlikely most people if any speak more hours of japanese a day than me
you can speak japanese without recording it on vocaroo so its not really objective now is it

>> No.45689730
File: 14 KB, 911x137, 珍しい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689731

by turning off your monitor?

>> No.45689735

we cant take your word for things outside of djt of course so, vocaroo itudemoiiyo

>> No.45689741

find if used. no one cares about dictionary entries of archaic words.

>> No.45689742

if the word has a different feel because of frequency it's not the same meaning

>> No.45689744
File: 43 KB, 640x480, sbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45689748

replace all the swords with dicks

>> No.45689749

i dont really care if you dont believe me because i have nothing to prove to myself
if anything its funnier to me that its impossible for you to believe that someone on here can speak japanese

>> No.45689755

see >>45689634

>> No.45689760

me fr fr

>> No.45689762


>> No.45689764

4chan needs something like twitter verified checkmark or something so i can tell whose opionons actually matter

>> No.45689766

its more of a way to credential yourself so your advice can be taken seriously
why should just anybody be allowed to opine on a language they dont know?
look at the sibling quarreling before your very eyes

>> No.45689773

no one's opinion here matters you fucking idiot

>> No.45689778

yosh this is why im learning Jap!

>> No.45689780

4chan verified faggot

>> No.45689783

that's why we all moved to discord

>> No.45689787

"There's no equivalent word." =/= "The equivalent word doesn't see much use."

>> No.45689789

bro im posting as anonymous do you think i care about credit
besides i think even an undercover japanese person would get told they are wrong here
check the room where they type in japanese lol

>> No.45689791

yeah, i definitely want to get MORE involved and attach user names to you insufferable cunts

>> No.45689792

discord is dead and irrelevant
if you cant post on the forward facing web you are a pussy

>> No.45689794

tmw's discord has a rank system so you can check how much someone has read and what level vocab/grammar quiz they can pass

>> No.45689798
File: 497 KB, 1000x504, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689805


>> No.45689811

just shut the fuck already if you can't find it
don't draw further attention to your fail
2 breaths from now i have forgotten you exist
don't beat yourself up about it

>> No.45689817

imagine everytime you finish reading a manga volume you go in and update your discord profile

>> No.45689826


>> No.45689828


>> No.45689831

im gonna im gonna im gonna im gonna imaaaaginneeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.45689835

you dont update your profile u just tell a bot in the bot channel. some people do it frequently, some people just do it once per week or month and log all their reading hours with a single command

>> No.45689837

Discord status: Currently reading ガイガーカウンター

>> No.45689840

If this was a battlefield I'd be the only one left standing.
Nothing but dead bodies burnt to a crisp fuckin everywhere.
Don't test me kid, lest I unleash my bankai...

>> No.45689849

*farts in your fuckin face*

>> No.45689853

wtf is that NI?

>> No.45689864

since when did japs have symbols

>> No.45689869
File: 2.67 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20240103025644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my アラフィフ gf drew these earlier
same shit

>> No.45689875

didnt ask

>> No.45689879


>> No.45689882

ask her to draw a dick

>> No.45689885
File: 99 KB, 631x631, 臭い.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45689892

if she draws a grid of colored squares you know she's the one

>> No.45689897
File: 136 KB, 732x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recap time

>> No.45689910


>> No.45689913

true true i just come here for the banter

>> No.45689918

any prima or higher bros here

>> No.45689924

I exercise outside 6 days a week and still can't read Japanese thoughevermore

>> No.45689943

yup easy https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1156124680

>> No.45690002


>> No.45690016


>> No.45690017


>> No.45690036

if it was me id say 日本語スレの割に英語

>> No.45690075

Is there a limit to how much you can learn per day? I heard the hippocampus can fill up and be at max capacity, though that sounds absurd to me

>> No.45690080

Yes because any action takes time and the day is limited by time

>> No.45690082

Yeah you can only hold so many kanji in your inventory. Upgrade to Anki+ for unlimited storage.

>> No.45690086

most djters are easily eternal+

>> No.45690093

true true

>> No.45690101

Crazy https://youtu.be/VUC1K3UA-3Y

>> No.45690135



>> No.45690207

is bunpro good

>> No.45690211


>> No.45690229

Though I’ve studied Japanese for over 20 years, I didn’t learn kanji until the COVID-19 pandemic. With that came the confidence to take and pass the N4 and set my sights on the N3. I took a few online courses and studied for a six months on my own but didn’t really have a good idea or plan as to how to put what I had learned into practice.

So when it was time to register for the test I felt like everything I had learned had gone in one ear and out the other.

Enter Bunpro, which took all the guesswork out of my studies, with curated lessons that were so wonderfully explained. Particularly helpful was the way each grammar point was differentiated from other similar points—there are so many and the slight nuances can be so difficult to grasp, especially when learning on one’s own. The SRS system presented the points I needed to study each day, keeping everything I’d learned fresh in my mind, and the community was always there when I needed extra help—someone even put together a project in which we were given a photos of various signage found all over Japan, helping me to read and understand Japanese in real-world situations.Since beginning Bunpro I’ve completed all of the N3 material and have now moved on to the N2. Large blocks of Japanese text are no longer intimidating.

I have a much wider foundation now and can communicate in nuanced ways. I even find myself thinking in Japanese and sometimes am even able to express myself better in Japanese than in English, my native language.

Affordably priced, with meticulously crafted lessons, a supportive community, and a dedicated staff that is always warm, welcoming, and committed to continuous improvement, Bunpro effortlessly outshines every single other tool I’ve tried. So whether you are learning in a formal setting or on your own, whether you have been studying for a long time or just beginning, you’ll soon find that Bunpro is more than just a study tool—it is an indispensable resource for anyone wishing to study Japanese.

>> No.45690243

refuse to believe these people are real

>> No.45690273

lmfao that’s a real testimonial they put on their website

>> No.45690299




>> No.45690321


>> No.45690430

A new year passes, and so I get back in the saddle again... Duolingo, we meet again...

>> No.45690450


>> No.45690464

Judging by the sexual behavior tendencies of thugs in prison, they’d probably be into it

>> No.45690470

Same, brother. I ran out of hearts for today and almost broke down and bought the premium subscription but I stayed strong

>> No.45690512

for real, thugs are some of the gayest on the planet

>> No.45690528

if futa is gay im the gayest person alive

>> No.45690533

true true

>> No.45690537

if im ever in prison i will smuggle some loli manga to jack off to rather than fucking men in the ass

>> No.45690559

lil bro... :skull:

>> No.45690570

i just want a chubby futa to cum on me

>> No.45690572

Duolingo turned to shit when they went public, everything monetized and they keep taking away useful features.

>> No.45690575

Japs are so polite that they dont even rape eachother in prison

>> No.45690601

I had my permanent visa denied. I’ve been living in Japan for almost ten years, never delayed any payments, all taxes and insurances paid on time. I’ve devoted a decade to this country, giving my best to fit in. However, when I finally applied for a permanent visa, it was rejected. Even though my wife is a descendant, her family has a permanent visa, and we had all the necessary guarantees and documentation, we were still denied. I know I can try again in some time, but it’s so frustrating to go through this.

With my foreigner face, I know I don’t fit in here, regardless of having N1 or working hard as a full-time employee. I actively participate in community organizations, trying to feel like a part of it and be accepted as a law-abiding citizen. I was rejected by someone who, with a stamp, denied me a future with my own home and the stability I seek in the country, without fear of my next resident visa being denied (it may sound trivial, but it haunts me). I’m extremely frustrated, and this rejection by the Japanese immigration after all these years triggered a depressive episode I hadn’t experienced in years.

It makes me want to give up everything and start anew in another country (going back to my home country isn’t an option because my home country is Brazil, which is basically hell on earth).

>> No.45690609

I was hoping for some advice from someone who has been in a similar situation to me, which I will describe in the following blurbs:
I've been learning for just over 3 years, and I passed the N2 about a year and a half ago. I've always been learning just as a hobby, but now I'm thinking of actually trying to work in Japan after I graduate this year so I'm planning to take the N1 this July, and of course I'm also trying to get to a point where I can be comfortable operating in a Japanese speaking workplace.
I have made progress over the past 1.5 years or so since passing the N2, but my habits are less rigid and the amount I study has decreased in comparison to before I passed the N2. I feel like if I want to be sure I will achieve my goals it will take nothing less than a solid daily study habit for the next 5~7 months. It's been difficult to get back into a rigid habit though, and this especially is a point I was kind of hoping if anyone has any good advice for. I always tell myself the JUST DO IT line, but I keep failing to get back into a solid habit.
I thought it would get easier to study Japanese as I get better, but I almost feel like because my expectations for myself have grown alongside my abilities, my fear of failure and apprehension towards accepting areas of improvement make studying a more anxiety inducing activity. Does anyone else experience this?
(apologies for this getting a little long, but I feel like it's all important to my experience so please forgive me!)

>> No.45690633


>> No.45690730












>> No.45690753
File: 112 KB, 707x1000, 91LvRHrBOlL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45690762

Based Japan. Keep the invaders out.

This one isn’t that funny or pathetic. Seems pretty normal.

BT3 has done quite well for being a rushed experiment. Looking forward to BT4 https://leela.plutie.ca/

>> No.45690898

Daily reminder that stroke order is a useless meme

>> No.45690904

djt suitai simassta

>> No.45690976


>> No.45691001

I was in your spot approximately 6 years ago. I said fuck studying and just immersed myself daily via manga, novels, chatting with Japanese friends and whatnot and I managed to pass without any preparation whatsoever. You can do it too

>> No.45691015

if JP Youtube was interesting it would be so easy to improve
Why does it have to be so shit? i dont care about vtubers

>> No.45691027

You'll get it sooner or later.

>> No.45691031
File: 621 KB, 868x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45691062

Why are you learning Japanese

>> No.45691065

If you aren't reading academic books with ease you're NGMI

>> No.45691070

i like nip vidya

>> No.45691074

take a photo of her, post it on 4chan's /jp/ board and ask "what would you do in this situation"

>> No.45691079


>> No.45691080

DJT, I just wanna say that I love you guys. You may self-denigrate and think this thread’s a waste of time, but just know that I like it, and it brings a smile to my face every day. I wouldn’t be where I am today with my Japanese if it weren’t for those threads.

>> No.45691083

and english doesnt have a word for imouto

>> No.45691096

tuck her in then go sleep on the couch

>> No.45691120

I’d think about Pearl Harbor and wonder if the retaliation was justified.

>> No.45691167


>> No.45691205

I keep reading that おお and おう are pronounced exactly the same but whenever I hear Japanese people speak (especially when they sing) they deliberately pronounced the う. Hepburn sucks ass for representing them both as ō.

>> No.45691271


>> No.45691281


>> No.45691303
File: 194 KB, 459x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45691312

imagine a japanese girl affixing a cock dentata that is way too small to your softy. Growing hard in a space that is at least two thirds too small and passing out from the excruciating pain. That's when she gets to work

>> No.45691324

u would think flat girls be always single but they actually almost always have a bf

>> No.45691336

big flavour = bland

>> No.45691347
File: 1.25 MB, 700x1052, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its chubby girls with no tits

>> No.45691348

smaller things have more flavor because it's concentrated

compare a ripe tomato to a dried tomato
the dried tomato is extremely small and shriveled up, but it has 10 times the flavor if you bite into it

>> No.45691350
File: 3.73 MB, 158x282, 1704269769276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimoi, kys

>> No.45691358

ahhhhh kimoi is just shorthand

>> No.45691375

Same tards who insist づ and ず have different pronunciations like it's the fucking 1800s

>> No.45691380


>> No.45691381

one is longer

>> No.45691389

shigure ui (9才)

>> No.45691395

fuck off unko why u always replying to my posts dude

>> No.45691436

need JS gf

>> No.45691452

I've decided to learn Japanese by learning the words of my favourite songs.

>> No.45691456


>> No.45691463


>> No.45691467



>> No.45691473


>> No.45691474


>> No.45691493


>> No.45691496


>> No.45691499


>> No.45691506


>> No.45691530
File: 516 KB, 728x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45691547


>> No.45691557


>> No.45691584


>> No.45691588


>> No.45691595

(^v^)b OK!

>> No.45691646
File: 874 KB, 538x420, 1704273018129313.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45691695

Audiobook resources in the first post are all dead. Anywhere I can get them or am I stuck paying Apple prices?

>> No.45691738

now this is what i call a kamige

>> No.45691821






>> No.45691843

ぐぬぬ~ makes me think of hanahira but maybe other lolige have it too

>> No.45691908


>> No.45692117

That’s not even a loli sound. You’ve seriously never heard it in anime?

>> No.45692145





>> No.45692798
File: 106 KB, 338x233, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my nihon bros? first time talking after being silent for a good 5 years

>> No.45692865

thats a native

>> No.45693264

cant believe it only took 2 days for the resolutioners to give up and leave the thread

>> No.45693271

gotta wait for the americas to wake up

>> No.45693281

its already past 10 in brazil though

>> No.45693288

yeah but neets need just a little more of time

>> No.45693325

bro i usually wake up after 13:00

>> No.45693669


>> No.45693843
File: 1.96 MB, 360x360, 09E48183-DD3B-4C3E-A275-925FEFBB6F63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here
This is the year

>> No.45693864

the year you transition

>> No.45693865


>> No.45693886

...into a Japanese speaker

>> No.45693899

刃物所持の人物を確保 警視庁

>> No.45693908

new goatis

>> No.45693911


>> No.45693932
File: 63 KB, 677x1069, 7cV7q3EmG7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why "learn kana" don't have these? They don't matter?

>> No.45693953

because they are antiquated/ irrelevant to the point where not even native speakers will know them sometimes

>> No.45693956

So if my name has a "VA" in it, I'm fucked?

>> No.45693961


>> No.45693964
File: 355 KB, 673x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45693979

I'm planning to play through the dragon quest games in Japanese so I don't have to deal with made-up Scottish and Irish blabber

>> No.45693986
File: 3.47 MB, 2208x2635, 1685976016046728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45693994
File: 284 KB, 720x557, Screenshot_20240103-115636~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about yotsuba to spook out the dekinai energy

>> No.45694007

j-e dictionaries, ankidroning and machine translation
yep sounds about right

>> No.45694017

imagine white knighting for localussy

>> No.45694021

bro you just posted aids and fail

>> No.45694023


>> No.45694031

remaining level headed in the midst of mob hysteria isn't whiteknighting

>> No.45694037

I'm with the localizer in this one, I'm sorry djt...

>> No.45694044


>> No.45694051 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 2000x1200, 1704296850621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45694060

didn't read

>> No.45694065

course not. it was made by a german

>> No.45694069

read 0 characters per day

>> No.45694072

germans also made unteralterbach so thats technically a selfown

>> No.45694077

notice to beginners
djt doesnt give a fuck about your localization crusade because we are so high up in the clouds above it all beyond native level that it doesnt matter to us

>> No.45694078


>> No.45694082

your fucking life is a self own

>> No.45694091

stop replying to your own shitty posts
everyone can tell. nobody buys it

>> No.45694092
File: 11 KB, 978x185, 1704297078975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are so high up in the clouds above it all beyond native level

>> No.45694103

point out the reply so i can laugh at you

>> No.45694104
File: 38 KB, 653x419, 1698030805925903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beyond native level

>> No.45694112 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point out the reply so i can laugh at you

>> No.45694125


>> No.45694141

thats a native level mistake lil bro https://streamable.com/pjj2oz

>> No.45694149

I literally invented the Japanese language and these plebians think I even remotely care about 'translations' or 'localisations'

>> No.45694250


sometimes language is beautiful

>> No.45694268 [SPOILER] 
File: 204 KB, 454x344, you can learn japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45694270

wtf i didn't know that spelling was allowed and wanted to make fun of you. good thing i always double check with google before revealing myself as a fool

>> No.45694271

browsing djt will help me learn japanese because im around japanese experts so im learning it by osmosis

>> No.45694274

More puns needed

>> No.45694304
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, channels_20240103_132244-5cb375bfe07bcc21311f36acc649957f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45694349

>not a single gen 1 vtuber
thx for beta testing, suckers

>> No.45694366

None of you physically write kana/kanji on paper to memorize?

>> No.45694370

i do

>> No.45694377

fuck that shit dawg
too much work

>> No.45694389

Used to, it does really help but it takes time, if you plan on writing it's a must because writing from reading is kind of hard anyways

>> No.45694390

always done it since day 1

>> No.45694397


Be nice to the asmongolders here. They think they can bring red pilled translations to the West like some kinda missionary

>> No.45694412

in your notebook
50 fucking times

>> No.45694417

if a JS asked me out i would of course decline but if they really insisted on it well lets just say the law disallows sex but it doesnt disallow dating

>> No.45694430

>abiding by manmade laws

>> No.45694456

>modern humans are so stoopid
>we are the only animals on earth who destroy our food and fuck women when they're no longer fertile
>in nature, we would just fuck who we are attracted to
>that would mean you know what, youtube doesn't allow me to say this
>*gets up and leaves the webcam as soon as someone talks about homosexuality*

>> No.45694464

new goatis kino is up btw

>> No.45694468

im aware

>> No.45694477



>> No.45694480


>> No.45694485

lets gooooooo

>> No.45694486

sir, this is a sv3rige household
asmongold has never had an original thought in his mind, all he does is consume some moderately sensible person's opinion live on stream and regurgitate said opinion with a slight twist

>> No.45694487

>cute and fun
what did he mean by this?

>> No.45694498
File: 281 KB, 570x525, 1679071490477078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to translate this.

>> No.45694510

anon… do your core deck.

>> No.45694517
File: 15 KB, 836x795, chrome_PgLEYe752o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many should I do a day

>> No.45694518

Okay, that's genuine child abuse.
Toying with your child's trust and betraying him like that when he's just busy eating is just straight up evil.

>> No.45694532

He should bring gambs onto the stream to talk about how bad it is

>> No.45694538

At this point, you should prioritize reading fiction over quizzing.

>> No.45694539

none, start reading yotsubato. there’s plenty of kana in there

>> No.45694560

I wanted to read じつは義妹でした but I couldn't find it, where do you download LNs?

>> No.45694590

this issue is probably blown wildly out of proportion although i hate leftists with a passion and want them to disappear

>> No.45694591


>> No.45694592


>> No.45694605

There's some huge audiobook dumps on nyaa last I checked

>> No.45694612

didnt think djt could get any worse but here we are with links to asmonbald videos

>> No.45694616


>> No.45694617

Just buy it online. How fucking poor are you that you can’t afford a ebook?

>> No.45694620

he is giga based though

>> No.45694623

turn on your monitor

>> No.45694625

>Does not clean his teeth

>> No.45694626

god i wanna strangle you until you cease to exist

>> No.45694628

you diss it yet are familiar enough to know their inside jokes? stop self hating

>> No.45694630

you dont need to clean your teeth on a raw meat diet

>> No.45694637

imagine having to live in poland

>> No.45694641

Enjoy your fluoride brain

>> No.45694646
File: 43 KB, 598x694, 1430074552330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45694652


>> No.45694653

Enjoy your bleeding gums and crumbling teeth

>> No.45694654

diets don't exist that's a man made concept

>> No.45694655


>> No.45694656

true, you would just be eating your natural foods

>> No.45694660

>linking some balding faggot
what a retard. link something true and educational.


>> No.45694662


>> No.45694664

That’s a modern issue caused by sugar. I don’t need the antidote if i don’t drink the poison

>> No.45694665

dont call gatis a balding faggot

>> No.45694668

Post your teeth

>> No.45694672


>> No.45694675

where do you even find this shit, it has less views than the videos about matt 4chan drama

>> No.45694678

i've been racist since like 2010 and watched racist youtube channels starting around then.

>> No.45694679

GOATis grew his hairline back by going back to eat natural food that humans are supposed to eat and getting a natural turkish hair transplant

>> No.45694686


You really gotta go back 80 years to find something that agrees with you?

>> No.45694692

Thats when people still did proper science

>> No.45694696

faggot nigger
that is all

>> No.45694728

>The literature dealing with the cause of
facial deformities is now voluminous. The blending of racial stocks that differ radically in facial form
has been said by many to be the chief factor contributing to the creation of deformities of the face.

>> No.45694729

science then
>"hmmm... people in my country are struggling. I will travel around the globe to see what other people eat."
>"hmm... yeah, definitely, they are so much healthier than us."

science now
>"Uhmmmmm, we have conducted a peer-reviewed double-blind follow-up demi-meta-analysis study on the subject of dental records on 500 people and we can now conclude that there may be a 2% increased risk associated with the glucose binding chemical blablablabla, our findings conclude that we didn't find anything and that further research is required."

>> No.45694732

It’s “Everyday Dining Table Milk.” Next time, don’t try to bait for answers. No one’s gonna help you more. If you’ve got a beginner question, just ask.

>> No.45694733
File: 922 KB, 960x540, [VCB-Studio] Danmachi IV [22][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]-[15.19.084-15.25.257].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45694745

if i saw moe irl id beat the shit out of that fat pos racist chud

>> No.45694751
File: 285 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BNWJjMGJjNjctMTI1NS00NjNiLWFlZDUtN2Y1M2FlYWJmMDRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjAzMjcxNTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched this movie completely in jp sub bros. could understand 70-80% of it
i cried like a mfer dog movies always gets me

>> No.45694766

10's promise?

>> No.45694799

can we get nine HUNDRED replies itt bros, smash that reply button

>> No.45694827

think we can do it chat?

>> No.45694833

the duality of the uppercaser
it recognizes the bait but can't stop itself from flaunting its n6 prowess

>> No.45694849

I'm not flaunting anything. I'm giving the guy his answer. He's asking for an English translation, which means that he's probably not even learning Japanese.

>> No.45694857

just bit my cheek really hard while eating doritos its so fucking over bros

>> No.45694866 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 640x559, 1704305883549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45694879
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my part

>> No.45694896

we're all gonna make it

>> No.45694911

the most based part of science is you never saw them do the study youre reading about but youll just blindly believe what it says because you have no choice

>> No.45694920

1-4 https://nyaa.si/view/1723624
5 https://nyaa.si/view/1723626

>> No.45694941

TMW shills... I kneel
Thanks anon

>> No.45694942

s4 made me want to FUCK ryuu

>> No.45694995

new thread is out move over boys but don't forget to smash that like button and hit the notification bell

>> No.45695014

dont forget to fucking kill yourself you fat unfunny faggot

>> No.45695025

>you should be able to translate this
on a scale of 10 to 11 how lonely would you say you are?

>> No.45695040

now that the dust has settled, what is the best post in this thread?

>> No.45695050

why is there no ova for this season

>> No.45695063

you can't fuck a drawing you idiot

>> No.45695071

define fuck

>> No.45695075

Anon, he's just baiting for the answer. You don't say "you should be able to translate this" and then post the label to a carton of milk

>> No.45695085

any decent slop in the coming season? I need to consume

>> No.45695093

too flat

>> No.45695110

>airing in 20 hours
wtf i could have sworn it was supposed to air today did it get earthquaked

>> No.45695122

i wonder if the diarrhea chuggers would stop needing to consoom if they just watched a nice real anime for once

>> No.45695126

chiyu mahou no machigatta tsukaikata
the novel was a lot of fun

>> No.45695133

I was told I have to consoom 10000 hours of slop before I can even think about making it, I'm doing the needful sir

Nice, I'll check it out

>> No.45695135

watched a lot of those in my day
it just doesn't hit the same dopamine receptors a solid chug does

>> No.45695144

when anons call each other fat it feels embarrassing because i'm fat

>> No.45695149


>> No.45695153
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, Gushing over Magical Girls S01E01 UNCENSORED VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the season is already off to a good start

>> No.45695159

i'm going to try an extended water fast soon. not sure if i'll be able to last even a week but i wanna try like 60-90 days.

>> No.45695165

let's gooooooooooo

>> No.45695168

laughed at the thought of having a gf and watching this scene with her

>> No.45695191
File: 943 KB, 1920x1080, Gushing over Magical Girls S01E01 UNCENSORED VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45695209

holy shit youre retarded
its obvious that he just wanted to incorporate the little bit of nihongo from the stupid off-topic video link he posted

you are so autistic its unreal holy shit

>> No.45695227

this is why I'm learning japanese

>> No.45695229
File: 962 KB, 960x540, Gushing over Magical Girls S01E01 UNCENSORED VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-[15.06.426-15.12.516].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45695231

that just looks like she pissed her pants and sat in the piss for a day or two and her skin got infected

>> No.45695244

Just when I try to stop masturbating the japs make a show like this? They can't keep getting away with it

>> No.45695246

I don't watch the videos posted here, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
You sound more retarded than me for eactually knowing what the guy was going on about.

>> No.45695250

that's exactly what happened

>> No.45695275

nice dick

>> No.45695295

nice folds

>> No.45695309

do you think they had one of the ols undress in front of them to better draw it

>> No.45695318


>> No.45695371

yep yep defo picked up mhm

>> No.45695373
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki S02E01 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45695389

Why do you know what that looks like

>> No.45695420

some people actually know what erysipelas. shocking i know

>> No.45695451
File: 892 KB, 1920x1080, Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki S02E01 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (CR)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45695464

Alright pee-pee boy

>> No.45695471
File: 355 KB, 1920x1080, [NanakoRaws] Migi to Dali - 10 (AT-X 1920x1080 HEVC 10bit AAC)-00:13:05.243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I wish that were me

>> No.45695482

of course i'm a pee-pee boy. i'm german. don't you know anything?

>> No.45695510

girls piss from their ass

>> No.45695519

i heard of that as well. gross

>> No.45695567

Cause they can't hold it in their balls

>> No.45695645

this can't be real
