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45544266 No.45544266 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1715655

Previous: >>45333126

>> No.45544323

Well since there's a new thread I may as well retry.
Anyone has a working version of the epub of Infinite Dendrogram - Volume 20 [J-Novel Club][Premium] ?
The one in the mega seems to have a problem because both my ereader on my phone and https://reader.ttsu.app/ says that they can't read it.

D-Genesis - Volume 04 [J-Novel Club][Kobo] also seems to have the same problem, so could someone else check for me so I know the problem is 100% on my end?

>> No.45544832

It works on my machine but I think I might know what the problem is.

Can you try this version of the nyaa/mega file I just tweaked and see if it works for you?


>> No.45544873

>>45544832 here, never mind, I tested it with reader.tssu.app and it doesn't work.
In essence the nyaa upload is actually taken from a shitty DDL site (Jnovels, not to be confused with J-Novel Club) who insert their own ads into epubs, and the uploader just removed the ad page with a script however there is still a junk reference to the ad html in the content.opf. I thought that have been crashing it in some readers. However after removing the junk references reader.ttsu.app is instead complaining that p is undefined so there might be something wrong with the way it's parsing the CSS.
Nonetheless the file passes all checks in Sigil's EPUB validator and it does work in my readers (calibre reader, SumatraPDF) so it might just be an issue with the way certain readers handle files.
Sorry I couldn't help more.

>> No.45546449

You got volume 5 for 異修羅/Ishura? -The English version, actually.
Not really entertaining but I'd like to keep up what I've started.
Dunno why all aggregator sites are allergic to uploading this. Checked all the other usual places and it's a bust.
I just want to read V5 man......
They got NGNL instantly so y not this.

>> No.45548057

>They got NGNL instantly so y not this.
ngnl is still getting tls?

>> No.45552470

>In essence the nyaa upload is actually taken from a shitty DDL site (Jnovels,
what the fuck why

>> No.45552489

for an upload to happen somebody needs to actually buy the thing in the first place
this means your only sources are either charitable uploaders who rip and share for free, or adwalled DDL sites whose ads bring in money to buy more books

>> No.45555280

At least piratefags are finally starting to upload epubs and not digital scans.

>> No.45558531

>The English version, actually.
For all the flair the story has, and to not delve into spoilers if you read it you know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm legitimately surprised that got localized at all.

>> No.45558949

You will come to realize that every single series having won an LN award on multiple occasions --sometimes even one, the condition is only that it wins an award-- gets licensed immediately by Yen Press.
This has been the de facto for them starting from anything 2019 and I expect it to carry on for as long as Yen Press exists.

It is also worth noting, similar, that these same novels tend to actually get translated faster. Sasaki and Peeps for example broke a record, I think, of 3 novels in breakneck speed relative to their everyday business. Ishura as well considering how long they are.

Yeh anyway, going back to point, I understand, It's a literal bible of a series if the usage of numerals and 'verses' were anything to off on. A veritable world of its own and that's no joke. The recent novels having won awards all have such intricacies of this sort.

One more tidbit on the translator companies but, if Yen Press is known only for having selected the best of works, missing Mushoku Tensei purely by chance --and if they did get it, it'd all sincerely be fully translated long ago-- then JNC is famous for picking, to the EOP community you could say, 'bizarre', random and or once animated novels. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you review their first novels, they're all quite eccentric.
SevenSeas would then be for nothing but manga really. They grab some interesting isekai here and there, I know of only 4, 2 here being fantastic and then of course spend entire years releasing 1 volume thanks to focusing on homosexual shit.

Basically, JNC = Sekai project, Yen Press = Shiravune, SevenSeas = MangaGamer.
It was surprising that Rebuild World was 'got' by JNC.
In the end, YP is ironically the best gateway for EOPs despite the 'acceptable' translation quality of JNC simply because YP is the gateway for the most compelling series barring just a few.

>> No.45558995

To re-iterate on what an anon here once said, the majority of LNs post 2019 will get a translation but any further back and the likelihood of ever seeing it come to pass is simply dead.
The way things work here aren't as sparing as VNs where just off of being community praised, the work gets translated whether through a fan-group effort or something else.

You could have the greatest LN praised by everyone everywhere and yet never ever see it get translated, not by fans, not by anyone.
In the end, you really have to learn JP if you're interested in LNs.

It's both too unbearable sticking to that 3 month wait between volumes, a practiced feature within the LN translating industry, and never having your older interests tl'd. Just how it is.

>> No.45558998

>Basically, JNC = Sekai project, Yen Press = Shiravune, SevenSeas = MangaGamer.
now that's a joke a lot of people here aren't going to get given they are /a/ refugees

>> No.45559176

>too unbearable sticking to that 3 month wait between volumes, a practiced feature within the LN translating industry
aren't at least 4 months between volumes normal in JP anyway
you're still waiting

>> No.45559208

>3 month
I wish it was only a 3 month wait. Shitpress standard gap is more like 4 months with only a few exceptions getting 3 months, and that isn't even considering their random delays that appear without warning and for no reason. Seven niggers are even worse with their random 5-6 month gaps.

Difference is at least you're waiting 4 months for the most up to date thing, while with shitpress you're waiting 4 months for something that's at least 2-3 volumes behind since there can never be less than about a year between a JP release and it's corresponding English release for shitpress thanks to the way the US publishing industry lead times work. Pretty much only JNC can actually catch up (by just publishing faster) and stay caught up (by releasing digitally).

>> No.45559341

>while with shitpress you're waiting 4 months for something
as if it was only 4 months
kagejitsu took them over a year to finally release volume 4 when hype for volume 6 was kicking up

>> No.45560679

>read danmachi familia chronicle
>it's the virgin road illustrator
>immersion broken

>> No.45561047

I didn't notice it before but now you ruined it for me too.
Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.45565257

Anyone know any LNs or WNs that take occur in a dialogue format? Reading 女神『異世界転生何になりたいですか』 俺「勇者の肋骨で」
https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4142ek/ lately, so was curious if there were some famous ones.

>> No.45566077

I don't read translations but the hypothetical scenario of consistent 3 month releases sound good compared to JP. reading a WN novelization the LN will be much behind too and if it's a normal LN you never know which volume will be the last before the series gets axed or the author slumps and starts exponentially increasing the time between releases.
None of that changes the fact that without Japanese you will be limited to a very limited selection of titles, however.

>> No.45566393
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生徒会の一存 has a very high ratio of dialogue to narration past the initial introductions, and parts that are basically an anime script (multiple pages of
>Name [line]
>Name2 [line]... )

>> No.45566479
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>> No.45567485

Compeleted makeine 6. The protag's internal monologue is entertaining as usual. Also lemon's magazine entry is a surprisingly good short story, good enough to occupy a corner in a lit mag irl.
Hope the next vol doesn't get delayed too much due to the anime adaptation.
None of the series I following is getting an update next month so, do anons have any recs?

>> No.45567649

Checked the resources in OP but no success. Does someone have or know where to download Demon Parasite scans?


>> No.45569206

So who is JAST of light novel localisation?

>> No.45572339

Jesus fuck I just finished nanatsu volume 13 and I don't even know what to say. Everyone in kenkadan should just have a big orgy at this point.

>> No.45575651

Pretty sure that would just make things worse somehow lmao.

>> No.45575705

Yeah but it would be hot

>> No.45576062

What is the cheapest way to have a book delivered from amazon jp overseas?

>> No.45576733

My Stepmom's Daughter is my Ex, Vol 9
I feel Mizuto saying he loves Yume is very forced. Yume likes him clearly, but he seemingly had no romantic feelings towards her. Please tell me they break up again and he ends up with Isana.

>> No.45577255

>nanatsuma 13 sets up more crazy overpowered insane magi and next volume will probably involve full blown war with ayylmaos
>people only want to discuss SEEEEEEEX

>> No.45577288

Sex with ayylmaos. Anyway, there's just not enough information to talk about that. If you want theories, I think valdea is going to be the next one going to be taken down, probably in the confusion of war. I mean there's no other way to deal with her world destroying curses other than just throwing it at the other planet and close the gate.

>> No.45578810

Because the character drama is more interesting.

>> No.45585380


>> No.45585481

Thanks. Costing me about the same as amazon's shipping minus the tracking and insurance.

>> No.45590905

Novel communities (so that includes VNs too, not just WN/LNs) don't have a habit of theorizing what will happen beyond "omg can't wait for next volume, what if x happens!?".
Why? Who really knows, but I suspect it's a combination of not wanting to disrespect the source material with headcanon, and overcorrecting an avoidance of IT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAAAAAME THEORY in one way or another.
I rarely see anyone comment on big plot changing moments either because of spoilers, and that goes double for something that literally just released, and most people once you factor in their backlog and IRL schedules, take around a month to get to new releases on a particular series.

>> No.45591348

I think it's also because in the novel medium (especially LNs with all the just for fun scenes that don't advance plot) the works get into such fine details that when fantasizing about a series you're into you end up fantasizing about the blanks between the details in what you've read so far, scenarios, etc, whereas faster paced mediums are more likely to make you wonder about the next development

>> No.45591867

That most likely plays into it too, the fast pacing of volume releases (or WN chapters) make it really easy to just continue digesting things mentally without really starving for content and hypothesizing for future developments.
Pretty much on average by the time you get tired about thinking what just happened in all the novels you're following, either at least one of them released new content or you found a new one to follow.

>> No.45599258

so apparently all localizers are getting purged from working on japanese stuff in favor of tokyo-U made AI
what does this mean for LNs?

>> No.45599302

If you know Japanese, nothing.
If you don't, lol.

>> No.45599465

what did we tell you about learning japanese

>> No.45599509

Would probably be better than the current translations in all honesty.
JNC can't translate everything.

>> No.45599781

They're proving every single day that they can and WILL.
In fact, look at this:
>Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Its been recovered. They similarly recovered if not will soon recover, all the previous titles behind Sol Press. I'm not sure why Chivalry in particular didn't de facto have its previous translated volumes vacuumed under the JNC title --as with the others-- but I can chance a guess.
If SevenSeas collapsed, JNC would literally rescue every one of their novels.
Really, they're even cooperating with YP in that the latter will now specialize in producing physical editions of their series which means what?
They can focus more on translating and releasing digital copies.
Makes me wonder whether YP will be reduced to a physical printing house, exclusively, while their titles just gather dust.

Things will just keep on exponentially getting better for JNC --and now its cooperator YP, in a sense-- that they'll probably monopolize every single LN in the future.
I only hope that the Eminence in Shadow gets somehow swapped man. Just imagine having fucking premiums of all the current volumes with potentially extra illustrations and miscellaneous information, without having to wait FUCKING YEARS before you get 1 VOLUME.

>> No.45600253
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sasuga kadokawa money
wouldn't be surprised if at this rate shitpress also gets taken over by kadokawa within the year

>> No.45601538

as long as Yen Press has right of first refusal for all Kadokawa properties, they will continue to exist and do their own translations.

>> No.45601636

>I'm not sure why Chivalry in particular didn't de facto have its previous translated volumes vacuumed under the JNC title --as with the others-- but I can chance a guess.
Jewnovel's CEO has been pretty candid about this one in streams/discord/etc, tl;dr it's because Softbank's lawyers are pants on head retarded.
>the original contract with Sol is written so badly that it means Sol has ownership of the translated script and keeps it when the contract is terminated
>softbank lawyers spent months hemming and hawing thinking Sol CEO might sue them for plagiarism if a new TL script is too similar to the old one
>completely ignoring that showing his facej to try to sue for something this retarded would open him to getting countersued by every single Japanese pub he fucked
>spend months either refusing to sign or trying to write a contract in a way to put all the liability on JNC if that ever happens
>right up until the last minute they were rewriting the terms, something like a day before launch they changed the deal again to demand that JNC add a clear statement on the cover that the TL was "an all-new translation"
Imagine outjewing an actual Jew

>> No.45601792
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no idea what happened on japan this year that seemingly everyone from big companies to affiliates (JNC) to even the fans went from politely pretending the west doesn't exist to tearing them apart alive
i'm not complaining, but it's been real funny to see

>> No.45605230

is that a common thing? thought i was the only one that did that

>> No.45605347

Here's the evil lord's spinoff, eiyuu kishi that someone wanted a few threads back https://files.catbox.moe/8wto38.zip
Merry christmas anons

>> No.45610912

eta on vol 7?

>> No.45611224

oh shit
not the guy that asked but will still thank you for it

>> No.45612517

thanks man

>> No.45613913

>horobi no kuni 6
what the fuck is that ending
also they better convince the MC to harem or have mistresses. Lilly turning into an alcoholic spinster would be too sad

>> No.45616018

>Sasaki and Peeps has 5 volumes out of 7 published in english already
huh, I don't remember Yen Press being this fast when did they start doing this?
Also has anyone read that shit? is it any good?

>> No.45616919

>Sasaki and Peeps has 5 volumes out of 7 published in english already
Read the thread. The 'why', as with other series, has been discussed.

>> No.45617185

They're actually not that fast if you check the release dates
Volume 1 to 2 has a 2 month gap
2 to 3 was 3 months
3 to 4 was 4 months
4 to 5 was 5 months
And 6 is scheduled for 5 months after volume 5
It looks like they rushed it early on then just settled into the usual slow press rhythm.

>> No.45617289

Will log horizon ever get continued? I just want more of it :(

>> No.45617676
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I'm sorry for replying so late, but thank you for trying at least Anon,
I guess that means I'll probably need to change my reader (It's called Lithium, it's probably not the best but I saved a lot of note pages and other album on it so switching will be a pain.)

I hope it will I also need more of it.

And speaking of MMO-like Novel like Log Horizon, could anyone recommend me some? Even if they are only WN.
I've devoured Heavy Knight recently (https://firebirdsnest.org/heavy-knight/)) And I really need more like this in my belly.

>> No.45617686

The exactness behind YP release dates isn't so clear cut owing to their typical fluctuations and how Yen ON works. To give an example, NGNL v12 had come out several months prior than their listing and, much more exaggeratedly, Overlord v16 came out 1 whole year prior. A whole year if you knew where to look, anon.
Now it appears ishura v5, despite mentioned as being released on the 14th of this month, just ain't anywhere but this one's probably just on the leakers.
At any rate --and this is purely anecdotal-- I recall reading Sasaki and peeps up to v3 without feeling I waited longer than 3 weeks and this was at a time when v3 was steadily in a 'ETA' phase, according to their calendar.

Rather abnormal, isn't it?
That said, I suspect Overlord v17 and v18 will have another episode of super early releases known to all but silly double EOPs.
What's a double EOP? An EOP who literally consumes his knowledge only after its presence is known by everyone and their mom.

Never ever. It, BB, BoSF are all forever axed because of stupid nonsense man.
Funny how coincidental it is when ALL three of them were fast approaching their end game.

>> No.45617837

>What's a double EOP? An EOP who literally consumes his knowledge only after its presence is known by everyone and their mom.
it's weird how common this has become due to the prevalence of video essay ecelebs

>> No.45617959

>Never ever
:,( anything else like it? What I mostly liked about it is the social experiment nature of it, seeing how a large group of normal people suddenly given infinite possibilities organising their own kind of social structures and society. Any recs that put focus on this point?

>> No.45617987

>Funny how coincidental it is when ALL three of them were fast approaching their end game.
After the first one I thought it was sad.
The second made it look like an unfortunate coincidence.
By the third it's clear the pressure of a good ending drove them insane.

>> No.45622799

maybe unironically SAO

>> No.45622879

>reading vol 23
Hanelore was supposed to be mine... that brat is so lucky

>> No.45623150

read Infinite Dendrogram

>> No.45623747

Already did, stopped after 命
在る限り so that I can binge the triflags third day once it's completed. Dendro has more focus on the individuals and their convictions than on the game community as a whole, so not exactly what I want even though I like it.

>> No.45627541

Is there any FUNA work in which the protagonist gets the cock? Some of the male side characters are pretty nice and it's sad seeing them always getting turned down.

>> No.45629745

Dendro question. Does anyone remember where did ray get all that money from?

>> No.45632218
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Not counting all the undisclosed rewards from Quests and Incidents, we'll have at least: 400K from Gardranda, around 40M from Gouze-Maise Gang (reduced by half for Hugo's contribution) 12M from Figgy vs Xun, at least 1M from Monochrome, 200M from Rabbit vs Cat, 400M from selling illegal powders, and another 1.2B worth of cocaines in storage. If you're reading vol18's TL, the 8B part should be a mistake I think, due to how numbers in Chinese numerals/script works. For example, 100.000 (One hundred thousand) is read as 10×10.000 (Ten ten thousand). In Dendro's case, it should be 8億 (800M) and 80億 (8B), perhaps the JP LNanons can confirm it? I'm too lazy to search the WN.
Naw man, in LH's case, the stupid nonsense or "Tax Evasion" part is more of an excuse than anything at this point. The WN got updated back then in 2017 for one chapter, the TRPG rulebook got updated in 2018, and we got a 3rd anime season several years ago. Writer's block is much more likely desu, since the publisher kept churning out ads like there's no tomorrow.
What was their issue again?

Anyway, I think the stupidest nonsense to ever happen to end a series is still Haganai's Author/Artist squabble. The final volume/afterstory got unreleased due to Buriki not accepting Sena as the winner. Yomi ends up releasing it on twitter anyway some years later, while not so subtly telling his readers that Kodaka×Kobato route did exist and is the best route if it was published via Itsuki's rambling in Imosae. Big loss anyway for Buriki and MF.

>> No.45632909

Was reading 3rd day of triflags where he offered 2B in cash for the exp chargers.
>200M from Rabbit vs Cat, 400M from selling illegal powders, and another 1.2B worth of cocaines in storage
I remember none of them... can expand on the details if it's not too much trouble. It's been a year and a half since I last read dendro.

>> No.45634074
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No problem.
>Rabbit vs Cat
Around Valentine Arc, Kashimiya's arena match vs Tom Cat. 50M bet with a rate of 5.5x for Kashimiya.
>Illegal powder and cocaine
Acra-Vesta's repair material, worth 20K/100g since Ray is pretty much the sole person to hold the rights for individual sale. He got a total of 3 inventory bags, each with a maximum capacity of 3t. Sold a bag for his shiny new armor (worth 200M) + 400M cash.

He should only have around 1.5B worth of assets pre-tournament, since his guild house costs 500M/year unless there's no advance payment/deposit mumbo jumbo. Also, IIRC Rook ends up paying for half of the chargers.
Perhaps you should take a look at them Kingdom Building/Slow-Life series then, or at least try looking at those with the Group Summoning tag on it like Kumo, Isekai Janny, Jujutsushi Yuusha, or Death Mage. Of (action/adventure series) that I've read, probably only Grimgar has their charas interacting with their society proper, but I wouldn't recommend you to read it since they go full 80's telenovela past vol 7, and the author has a strange insistence on making everything back to status quo.

>> No.45634571

悪徳領主8 on 25th jan!

Thanks for the explanation anon

>> No.45635049

Anyone happen to have 冒険者になりたいと都に出て行った娘がSランクになってた in epub format? I bought the first one and don't really mind buying the rest of them but they're pretty expensive at ~1300 moon coins a volume

>> No.45636944

>read Infinite Dendrogram
Infinite Dendrogram is pretty hard to follow. Better to just wait until it's complete. Author likes to take long breaks, will stop in the middle of an arc to write side volumes for over a year, and I personally don't even want to read the side content.

>> No.45636966
File: 271 KB, 1430x786, What the FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steiner and the rest of JNC needs to suck a cock for defending media vandalizing.
He more than anyone should know how fragile trust is, especially on an industry hellbent on sabotaging Japanese media in any way they can.

>> No.45637008

steiner isn't a part of jnc, he's a part of pqube. jnc just pay him to translate infinite dildodragon
also >defending mtlslop

>> No.45637028

good thing the new translation AI models aren't just MTL lol

>> No.45637036

Katrina was never involved with translating Mahoutsukai no Yome, so you just slapped together some completely unrelated tweets for cheap (You)s.

>> No.45637203

I get Katrina being a retard, but why is she being paired with Steiner's comment in that image? What unforgivable translation sin has he committed?

>> No.45637267

it's just schizo baiting to derail the thread into general localization shit instead of ranobe again

>> No.45639729

Do contest award winners and konorano still mean anything these days when all the big money comes from farming webnovels?

>> No.45640759
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Is wormgirl questioning whether or not she's a virgin here?

>> No.45640976

No. She knows and is telling you

>> No.45642038
File: 790 KB, 1258x736, And so Anon spent his day fishing for (You)s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread anon? Also naw, in context it should be Wormslut asking whether Sords know she's not a virgin. "Desuyo?" here could be taken as "did you know?"
>big money from farming WNs
AFAIK, the only site that does that is Kakuyomu, but that's only for published titles under Kadokawa's imprint like Kawakami's On a Godless Planet, etc. Technically, *lphapolis also does that, but nobody with a working brain would ever associate themselves with that abomination now. At the very least, I'm pretty sure Narou did none of those paywall shit and instead monitors that heavily.

Unless by "farming WNs" you mean making LN adaptations out of dime-a-dozen shits? If so, then yes, it does matter, since not all of the fans of a series would buy its LN version. If not, MT/Slime would reign from 2014/2018 onwards since it got the top spot on the Narou ranking with a bajillion of readers.
Shit, that's one heck of a misinformation. Adding Steiner's statement after basically saying "them translators are the real menace since they brought shit TL and muh politics in the first place." Makes it seem as if he's one of the perpetrators, even though Rance X hasn't been published yet and Dendrofags, Baldrfags, and other Chuunigefags would happily defend his TL. I would agree if it was Nukitashi/Tokyo Necro translator/editor that they're bashing, but no, it just gotta be Steiner.

Here's your (You).

>> No.45643458
File: 97 KB, 1506x248, 2023 yearly ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookwalker released their top 50 best selling light novels of 2023(Japanese store):

1) Classroom of the elite
2) Eminence in Shadow
3) Danmachi
4) Mushoku Tensei
5) Danmachi again
6) Mahouka
7) Seirei Gensouki
8) Ryuuou no Oshigoto!
10) otome mob

>> No.45644470

>1) Classroom of the elite
>2) Eminence in Shadow
>3) Danmachi
not surprising, for the most part
the real surprising thing is not only kagejitsu got that high despite barely reaching 5 volumes, but that it beat others closing into the 30s, but with how much kadokawa is shilling it, it's not all that surprising
>4) Mushoku Tensei
for how much hype it had, and how much the author keeps padding it to sell more volumes to increase the sales, it's actually hilarious it didn't get all that high, pretty sure the LN finally hit it's final climax too
>7) Seirei Gensouki
this is the real surprise
what the fuck how
>9) NGNL
>10) otome mob
based yomu senpai

>> No.45645001

I mean these are all for single vols, not series sales.

>> No.45645189

Yep and in fact you have stuff like
MT's final vol
MT's extra book
MT redundancy all in top 50
so it did pretty damn great up there with Danmachi which is just killing it.

>> No.45645190

ok then i may be stupid, but my opinion doesn't change that much
but still makes me question how the hell gensouki got that high, single volume sales or not

>> No.45645195
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>> No.45646372
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me on the left

>> No.45646404

the strangest part to me is attributing "their own american politics" to the small rural northern english village born and bred steiner
but this is getting off topic

i'd say fourth on the list of ALL works is pretty damn high whether it's single volumes or multiple personally

>> No.45646434

I don't see how a series with Rean Schwarzer MC could fail to be popular.

>> No.45646478

>5) Danmachi again
Do Elevens like Lefiya significantly more than the western audience? I haven't gotten around to reading Sword Oratoria yet, but I remember people didn't like her in the anime.

>> No.45649736

Completed nanatsuma side of fire 1. Really makes you sad about what happened to ophilia and carlos later

>> No.45650374

>this is the real surprise
>what the fuck how
how so
it's a long-running series with an anime
and actually a lot of fun

>> No.45650624

sorry to shit on your favorite e-celeb, but yes, steiner is part of the problem.

>> No.45650872

either point to where in that thread he is shown to add american politics into LNs or fuck off with off topic garbage
just read in japanese and you'll never have to care about (((them))) again

>> No.45651083

What does any of that thread (I searched thread for "Steiner" and came to with no egregious examples from him) have to do with him shitting on paid MTL and this being somehow bad? Nobody thinks patreon MTL scammers are acceptable yet it's OK when corpos do it?
I'm not saying that paid translators don't broadly tend have their heads up each others' asses, but this just seems like desperate attempt at drumming up a circlejerk based on a completely unrelated tweet. Personally I think Steiner gives people too much benefit of doubt and puts more blame on systemic issues than individuals when problems arise, even if he does acknowledge problems when they exist like the Seven Seas shit. That however is entirely a different topic from his own translations which have been broadly adequate and the subject of the original post being that of paying for MTL.
I would for one prefer to discuss LNs instead of retreading the same "localizers BAD" that anyone in this thread who cares enough about has already started learning JP to get away from in any case, let alone to do it based on a complete nothingburger of a tweet.

>> No.45651139

would also point out that someone asked him this exact question (isn't lolcalization as disrespectful as AI TLs?) and this was his answer https://retrospring.net/@SteinerTL/a/111625799506577173
he basically admits there have been many times when he can see whoever worked on something didn't give a shit or didn't know what they were doing, or thinks someone went over the line, but he stops short of acknowledging any kind of sabotage effort just because he doesn't "personally" know any saboteurs.

>> No.45651342

when is side of fire supposed to be read, before or after volume 11? They were published the same day so that's not helpful

>> No.45651395

He also says he doesn't bother to engage with these discussions anymore because there's no room for nuance and everyone just wants to have a good dunk on the other side, making them a waste of time and brainspace, which I do actually agree with.

>> No.45651587

I don't know if it's just bad luck on my part but are there so few LN series that I've read/am reading which actually ended in a satisfactory way. Most of them are either ongoing for years with no end in sight or have been stalled.

>> No.45651740

what do you read anon

>> No.45651825
File: 198 KB, 812x1200, BEST END DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Danmachi is pretty insane if you think of it. All 7 of them, consisting of 1 main series + 6 spin-offs, managed to nab a spot in the ranking, even if all of them except the Familia Record one are fillers and/or BD side-story/Memoria Freese event compilations. Guy must be rolling in dosh all the time, each and every one of them sold higher than Re:Zero and Tanya, heh.
Lefiya got some massive character development in SO (as you may notice from the haircut) through the purest form of love (Yuri) cockblocking. Her growth in general is quite satisfying to see, she goes from an Annoying Fangirl > Annoying Yuribait > Mediocre Dyke > Strong Femcel in the span of 13 volumes.
SO's main selling point, however, is not Lefiya but rather the Loki Familia as a whole. The contrast between Danmachi's somewhat innocent "Noob goes adventuring but nothing goes wrong" and SO's depiction of real conflicts between top-tier adventurers, cults, etc. that always result in death and tragedy is honestly quite poignant, at least before Omori did a 180° and started to introduce prostitution, self-mutilation, and genocide in Danmachi + hope, faith, and conviction in SO. But well, it's still a spin-off in the end, so most of what SO did got off-screen'd and unappreciated in the main story.
>Nobody thinks patreon MTL scammers are acceptable
Except said patreon MTL scammers themselves yeah. Which is probably what our resident retard-kun here actually is. Or from his words of "Media vandalizing," a Bushiroad employee/intern tasked with PR stuffs, like them fags at VN TL threads usually got.
It's just your bad luck, or perhaps you were reading adapted WNs? Then yeah, the endings for those can vary wildly, pretty sure Shield Hero used to end with Naofumi dying then realizing it was all a dream before being retconned into what it is now.
At least from the original LNs I've read, I've got no problem with the endings of Kyoukai Senjou, Waltraute, Heavy Object, Zashiki-Warashi, Regios, Ben-To, Rental Magica, ZnT, Campione!, Imosae, etc.

>> No.45652342

You can read it whenever, but preferably after vol 11, for the mood from godfrey's graduation
Don't know, I liked all of the LN endings I completed except maybe mahouka (which is actually just a part of the whole story, so it doesn't count). That said, very few of the ones I am following were completed so it doesn't make for a good reference

>> No.45652355

I saw someone praising it to high heavens on a jap thread, what are your impressions on it anon

>> No.45652388

nta but without spoiling anything i can safely call it one of the biggest masterpieces of it's era that still holds up even today once it gets the ball rolling

>> No.45652666

I cared about them more in side of fire than in volumes 2 and 3.

>> No.45652692

Starting it, will blame you if it's boring
Obviously, we got like 2 scenes each with carlos and ophilia before the end. That's why its sadder in retrospect

>> No.45652794

Felli Loss winning was funny ngl and deserved, best Regios girl by a landslide, but ending of Regios was not the best with how Nina focused it was.

>> No.45652815

Anyone has epubs of first 11 volumes of Boogiepop?

>> No.45653679

I have them all on my phone except for Boogiepop at Dawn for some reason. I'll look for it on PC tomorrow.

>> No.45654621

Thank you, anon. Do you have other Kadono novels btw? I heard all of them are connected and Boogiepop has a lot of spinoffs in general with tons of references to other Kadono works.

>> No.45656293

Animebytes only has scans for Boogiepop at Dawn, it's possible there's no epub floating around.

>> No.45656579
File: 181 KB, 750x1064, 86-エイティシックス- Ep.13 ディア・ハンター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

廃公園のホームレス聖女 3.囚われの王子と聖女の大冒険 3

処刑少女の生きる道(バージンロード)9 ―星に願いを、花に祈りを―
ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 11 ドラマCD付き特装版
ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 13 ドラマCD付き特装版
ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか 7 ドラマCD付き特装版
ドラゴンズロアの魔法使い2~竜に育てられた女の子~ 2

いつもは真面目な委員長だけどキミの彼女になれるかな? 2
【恋バナ】これはトモダチの話なんだけど すぐ真っ赤になる幼馴染の大好きアピールが止まらない
少年、私の弟子になってよ。~最弱無能な俺、聖剣学園で最強を目指す~ 3
セピア×セパレート 復活停止
ツンデレ魔女を殺せ、と女神は言った。 02
86-エイティシックス- Ep.13 ディア・ハンター
不可逆怪異をあなたと 床辻奇譚 2
魔王学院の不適合者 史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う 14〈下〉
勇者症候群 3

悪役令嬢レベル99 私は裏ボスですが魔王ではありません その6
泡沫に神は微睡む 3 紺碧を渡れ異国の風、少年は朱の意味を知る
鍛冶屋ではじめる異世界スローライフ 9
最強の鑑定士って誰のこと? 満腹ごはんで異世界生活 20
聖女じゃなかったので、王宮でのんびりご飯を作ることにしました 10
魔術師クノンは見えている 5
屋根裏部屋の公爵夫人 5

社畜剣聖、配信者になる 〜ブラックギルド会社員、うっかり会社用回線でS級モンスターを相手に無双するところを全国配信してしまう〜 1
転生先は北の辺境でしたが精霊のおかげでけっこう快適です ~楽園目指して狩猟開拓ときどきサウナ~
転生幼女は前世で助けた精霊たちに懐かれる 2
あなたのお城の小人さん ~御飯下さい、働きますっ~ 4
片田舎のおっさん、剣聖になる 7 ~ただの田舎の剣術師範だったのに、大成した弟子たちが俺を放ってくれない件~
人狼への転生、魔王の副官 16 黒狼卿が望んだ未来(完)

>> No.45656647

Looking forward to the new 86 as always.

>> No.45656669

Die a little inside every time another one of these gets posted without a new volume from the series that I'm following

>> No.45656813

>You will come to realize that every single series having won an LN award on multiple occasions --sometimes even one, the condition is only that it wins an award-- gets licensed immediately by Yen Press.
What is odd is i have always wondered why this has been highlighted in recent years on news sites. I now realize why this is.
>It is also worth noting, similar, that these same novels tend to actually get translated faster. Sasaki and Peeps for example broke a record, I think, of 3 novels in breakneck speed relative to their everyday business. Ishura as well considering how long they are.
Fascinating, this makes sense as i think these get Greenlit for Anime much quicker than their Manga counterparts.
>One more tidbit on the translator companies but, if Yen Press is known only for having selected the best of works, missing Mushoku Tensei purely by chance --and if they did get it, it'd all sincerely be fully translated long ago-- then JNC is famous for picking, to the EOP community you could say, 'bizarre', random and or once animated novels. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you review their first novels, they're all quite eccentric.
This is accurate all JNC has been eccentric and also out there by default. Even weird releases like Infinite Dendrogram, Faraway Paladin etc would not be picked up by any other company except them. Sevenseas is known as the pickup savior company and tries to cultivate niches that will end up paying back later on.
>Basically, JNC = Sekai project, Yen Press = Shiravune, SevenSeas = MangaGamer.
JNC-JAST Yen Press- Shiravune, Sevenseas- Mangagamer. Sekai Project is awful and should not even be compared because they just take forever to put anything out and do not care for the quality.

>> No.45656831

lol sadly not. I wish they would because if they did look into VN and LN they would see some similarities in the market.

>> No.45656842

To be fair on your image, it was changed back to the original line on the reprints.

>> No.45656875

die a little inside every month that arifureta after doesn't get announced

>> No.45656917

I think the main problem can be attributed to the fact that there has been a lack of accuracy and accountability in translations and editors who simply do not care and ruin properties without understanding the long term consequences. The fact on social media and highlights form Varishangout forums on certain topics and pages go over this kind of proves they did not think that AI would eventually replace them if they kept butchering works in Manga,Anime,Light Novels and even Video Games with memespeak, omissions and outright censorship. But like always when there is a lack of accountability for bad translations and the translators tell people criticizing them on their errors and they block them or laugh at them. This is the end result.

>> No.45656943

>Fascinating, this makes sense as i think these get Greenlit for Anime much quicker than their Manga counterparts.
yes and no, any ln still needs a set amount of volumes (usually 2-3) to get an anime adaptation because that's the content needed to fill a cour on average
not ALL contest winners fit this criteria, some REALLY shit the bed when they get serialized and hit writer's block after a single volume which was what won the award
otherwise yeah it's smooth and fast sailing

>> No.45656947

On actually trying to list things out there seem to weirdly be more works that actually finished than I realized, though many of them are ancient shit that just happened to end not that long ago like Strike the Blood or Hyakuren so that may have biased my perception. The eternally stalled includes lots of WNs like horobi no kuni or isekai mahou but also some LNs like Altina, Seikai series, Amaburi and so on. The "never ending" ones are the handful of true long runners like Danmachi, or shit that should have ended by now but the author just wanted to keep going and see what happens like SAO, Rokujouma or Spice and Wolf.

>> No.45656970

>Sevenseas is known as the pickup savior company and tries to cultivate niches that will end up paying back later on.
I just know them as shitpress 2.0.

>> No.45656977

Oh yes, good point, i did forget about the 2-3 volumes thing. Also you are not wrong, sometimes being number 1 can have it's disadvantages as well and even some ranked 2nd or 3rd place actually end up becoming greater long term than ones placed 1st.

>> No.45657845

Didn't have the epub after all but the whole thing is free on Kakuyomu.
>other Kadono novels

>> No.45658027

Thanks again, anon.

>> No.45658231

Normally when a WN gets picked up for publication the author stops updating it and focuses on the LN right? But the author of 最強装備と宇宙船 keeps updating the WN as the LN is ongoing. Does he just like to release it for free with an optional paid version for people who want to support?

>> No.45658266

It's pretty common for the author to keep updating the WN even if the pace slows, many publishers both consider the WN to be free advertising for the "superior" LN and understand that the WN has already cultivated an existing fanbase who will buy the LNs and who will be pissed off as hell if the WN is deleted. Plus afaik narou doesn't allow WNs on their platform that require you to pay to continue the story elsewhere which is what got Seirei Gensouki removed when the LN overtook the WN.

>> No.45658880

>Normally when a WN gets picked up for publication the author stops updating it and focuses on the LN right?
it happens but i wouldn't say "normally" honestly i think it's way more common that the wn just continues

>> No.45658887

LN is for porn.

>> No.45659054

It's almost always that the WN continues but only in so far as its purpose to construct a framework is concerned. Here, you'll typically have something crude and not so fleshed out, as I'm sure anyone can confirm by browsing the specific sites.
So, basically, WNs are 'templates', 'guiding lights' so to speak and, provided they weren't --or just outright never were--, its inevitable that they will be upon any LN adaptation.

I can think of only a few exceptions, extremely extremely small but, all these owe to the fact that the WN was established as a psuedo-LN to begin with, never needing the externalities --bonus stories, bonus illustrations and some insight into the author, if you're interested-- to give it extra extravagance, as often found in LNs.

The opposite.

>> No.45660555

A lot of the more out-there stuff is see is published by Gagaga Bunko, are they just really lax with what they allow?

>> No.45660904

what are some good porn LNs, dear anon?

>> No.45660965


>> No.45661202

>look it up on NU
>click on alt story
>scroll down to see tags
>I Cant Read JapaneseTL
can't make this shit up

>> No.45661637

>are they just really lax with what they allow?
Actually yes. Don't know why though

>> No.45661900

There's also one volume of manga made recently for the advertisement of the LN if you want to decide whether to read it or not, I advise you to read chapter 1.

>> No.45663083

They were created by ex eroge producers

>> No.45666263

I want more of this degenerate stuff, but it's mostly meh Nocturne WNs

>> No.45667439

One of the main reasons already got mentioned, but another is that they are simply one of many underdogs that don't have the luxury of taking in big series like the big publishers.
And unlike other smaller publishers like HJ they don't have neither medium sized series like isekai smartphone, roku or hyakuren, nor they have cult followings like dendro and infinite gacha.
The closest things they have to either right now are ore twintail, irina and amusingly enough make heroine, and if I had to guess this is probably due to being an imprint rather than a "real" publisher, not like their parent company is exactly a superstar either.

>> No.45667554

>Professional LN translator clearly doesn't know English
>TL note: I have no idea what "Prototype would remain" does mean, there are no coincidences on the internet either.
>TL note: His words were so hard to understand and translate. Might not be completely accurate.

Can I just fake my way into this industry? How do I get started as a freelancer?

>> No.45667593

add "jp>en fan translator" to your twitter bio and join the twittard clique, you don't even have to prove you have translated shit
i'm not joking, this is how the retards currently working on it got in

>> No.45667640

How about a not-meh nocturne wn? Read 王国へ続く道

>> No.45667807

this seems like such an utterly miserable existence

>> No.45667835

It's not an important, regulated industry. I don't know that you can completely fake your way in but there's a lot of room for incompetence.

>> No.45668675

fake and gay
everyone knows ""professionals"" are allergic to tl notes

>> No.45669288

I was honestly shocked that they included TL notes. Some of it was interesting remarks on kanji and word translation choices to explain an acronym, but dear god was it embarrassing to read.

>> No.45669342

One of my favorite things about re-reading stuff I already liked in japanese after becoming mostly fluent was the wordplay.
First it starts noticing the meme puns, and now all the previously nonsensical jokes make perfect sense.
Then it turns into noticing all the subtext and implications even on casual dialogue.
And finally the climax is borderline orgasming at the quadruple and sometimes quintuple meanings stacked on ability/special move calls with furigana and archaic kanji.

>> No.45670646

post sauce

>> No.45670969
File: 2.24 MB, 2048x1094, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Katanagatari official translations have like 5 per page on average.

>> No.45670988

>tl note for ため息
why lol

>> No.45671000

that's not what's normally written when someone says, it being a special case justifies it me thinks

>> No.45672116

Congratulations on living another year.

>> No.45672305

Going by how they called it pent-up breath instead of a sigh, I assume there's some wordplay or word dissection in the above.

>> No.45676652

If anything it's surprising it's not more than that.

>> No.45676919

MEGA BASED, this entire thread should read it. best new age LN imo, its written really well.

>> No.45679884

d genesis was good for a single volume and then it started degrading
wouldn't be surprised to find out it was a contest winner and got it's serialization as a prize

>> No.45682656

why does the audio version of mushoku tensei only go up to volume 14...

>> No.45683860

why does the volume version of fairy tail chronicle only go up to 13...

>> No.45684892

The dreadful feeling of seeing a decently popular LN you like go on for a long while without getting an anime, knowing that the writer has more time to fuck it up and lose the opportunity to get one at all.

>> No.45685385

You are quite possibly the most retarded person, with definitely and certainly the most retarded comment I've had the displeasure to read in this already retarded, pitiful general.
Anime adaptations never do a favor to any LN whatsoever as far as pushing its quality is concerned. In fact, sometimes, it just frustrates the author which, in turn, might relent his pursuit of working on an/the LN in question; thank god this didn't happen with dendro.
Other times, it persuades the author to outright quit [ see BB ] and no one wins in that case.
Still other times, plenty more terrible things happen but your retarded /a/ddled brain can't seem to understand this.

The best LNs --and all the overlord, MT, Kage no jitsu etcetc faggots can take it up their shit filled asses-- do not have anime adaptations. Something I'm sure you'd know if, again, you tried thinking for longer than a few seconds.
Anime adaptations are a scourge on actually worthwhile LNs.
Anime adaptations are nothing more than smearing shit on a proper painting and pissing in ecstasy, thinking how "good a job" it is.
You're a faggot who should fuck back off to your isekai threads and continue to mourn in this 'dreadful' feeling you speak of.

>> No.45685402

And don't go telling me anything about
Because what gets an anime, in the first place, are typically already popular titles in so far as their making sales --and money-- is concerned. The anime does little more than capitalize on said popularity in the hopes of it itself attempting to make a fortune of its own labeling. Anime is the death of anything and everything good.
When in fucking hell will retards get this through their heads?

>> No.45685426

I only read half of what you wrote but I just want merch. IDC about sales or whatever you're on about

>> No.45685464

There already is merch aplenty for EVERYTHING, you fucking retard. Just fucking KYS if you can't be bothered to spend longer than a few seconds doing some research.
That's why you want the anime, right?
So you get spoiled for choice, so that the merch becomes UNQUESTIONABLY spread out everywhere, that you don't have to spend a lick of time searching, right?
Stupid motherfucker. God I hate /a/.

>> No.45685709

most modern EOPs are buckbroken by "industry" faggotry from watching westoid vidya companies fuck up westoid IPs because muh shareholders
once you realize this, then all the retardation starts making sense

>> No.45686403

ALL of this. JNC is hard carrying the the localization market.

>> No.45686429

god bless!

>> No.45686603

Trying too hard

>> No.45686847

I am new here and LN in general, so it fine to request download links here?
Is there actually an archive with LN collection?

>> No.45686886

Are you looking for light novels in Japanese or in English?

>> No.45686905

what are you looking for that you didn't find in the OP or in the usual?

>> No.45687262
File: 288 KB, 1061x2133, 1700703029280863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if they will inevitably be the first ones replaced by AI.

>> No.45687670

I can read in jp
I was looking for some of new releases that got my interest and nice reviews like

>> No.45687680
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, Dice tray_Margit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? Just the fact that it didn't overstay its welcome. Also, it's quite refreshing to see all those heaven-defying feats of the Campiones to be acknowledged by the story and having a somewhat long-lasting consequences for tourism. There's also this sense of exhilaration when you see major mystical beings be felled down through tactics or just outright overwhelming power, the kind you want to see from Type-Moonshit back when they weren't as meandering as today. Perhaps one of my biggest gripes with the story itself is that it tends to downsize the rewards given to Godou in favor of drama, though it's not the worst I've seen since that shit's quite rampant.
All in all, it's Dendro before it was cool, but with a bunch of fillers and a harem end. Desu, it could use a bit more characterization for the other Campiones and a reduction in the number of off-screen fights.
Nuh-uh, anon, you're wrong. As long as a series is tangentially related to the romance genre, who the MC ends up with is as important as—or even more so than—how it ends. I ask thee anon, what do you think if Red Ai Black Dress were to win in Loliou? or if Ikta ends up with that absolute bitch of an empress in Alderamin? or if Chihiro were to win the Keimabowl in TWGOK? Utter. Chaos.
Jokes aside, yeah, I agree. Nina ends up adding neither value nor growth narratively since she exists to be saved yet again in the end anyway. I olev how Layfon/Felli ends up being a pair of immortal planeswalker though, so that's all that matters.
>merch aplenty for everything
Yeah, not to mention how the official ones tend to be of at least decent quality and are tailor-made for their demographic. We even got a dice/tray set for a fairly new series like TRPG around two years in, while Spice and Wolf's collector's edition set is one of the most sought-after items of all time, even when taking into account it's disastrous release in Burgerland (although S&W does have an anime, it won't get as far if it has a shit story/fanbase in the first place). Them publishers would honestly do anything short of publishing their own doujin (since it won't be a doujin anymore, duh) if it'd bring them more money.
Subtracting all of that, the only thing left for artists and studios to make would then be doujin, which is more of an appropriation than anything else, knowing that not a cent of that sales money will ever come to the author. I'll give them a pass if they also make wholesome non-erotic stuffs ala Touhou since that equates to passion and love for the IP, but that's just impossible innit?

>> No.45687981

it's on anna's archive

>> No.45688295

I am Newfag so I have no idea what’s anna's archive but I’ll assume it’s one of the links on the op

And since we are on it, should I just read 嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん considering I am a bitch can’t handle really heavy/depressing stuff too well?
( I’ve heard the final volume is one of the most fucked up shit written on fiction)

>> No.45688308


>> No.45688332

Thanks a lot anon

>> No.45688416

It has been posted on the moeway discord, which you can join and do some dumb Japanese quiz with a bot to gain access to the book-sharing channel. The stuff there gets mirrored on nyaa (search for "TMW collection") eventually but I think that book isn't in any torrent yet.

>> No.45688501

the funniest thing about their meme quiz is you don't even need to actually know japanese, you just need like a week of anki to pass it

>> No.45688643

The guy who a while back did a translation and book length analysis of Cross Channel for some reason decided make a translation for the entirety of Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita.

>> No.45688680

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Is actually Tanaka Romeo’s magnum opus
All humanity can experience peak fiction now

>> No.45688962
File: 23 KB, 250x245, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to read Black Cat Nyango, Gokufuri Kyohi Shite Tesaguri Start! and Metro Labyrinth
>The group translating them put Amazon ads everywhere on their site and in the middle of their script, on top of that their site is a massive white block
>There's an acceptability tool on the side to make it better for the eyes but it only work on the page you're reading now and if you change of chapter it reset to the white flashbang

This is frustrating.

>> No.45690902

The plight of the EOP

>> No.45690903
File: 161 KB, 634x900, 7325701B-14B9-4C00-AF73-8AAB6971EA31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone share the first two volumes of レプリカだって、恋をする。pls
Somehow I can only find the third and latest one

>> No.45691379

been using ttsu reader for awhile now to read lns on my tablet, but does anybody know of a decent app? been wanting to read stuff at work but i dont want to connect my stuff to the wifi

>> No.45692561
File: 212 KB, 750x1624, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple books if you're an ios chad

>> No.45694288

Jidoujisho has a self-hosted Ttsu in it.

>> No.45694394

Isn't this vol 1?

>> No.45694461 [DELETED] 

That’s the cover of volume 3 that just got recently released, 3 is is written beside the title on cover but hard to read
Someone must thought the cover art really cool and just uploaded it on random

>> No.45694535

Yeah I am retarded and got the manga and LN art mixed up

>> No.45695461

now that the year is over give us your top 3 novels this year, either because you got into them this year, finally caught up to them, reread them, etc, while elaborating a little on each
and tell me anon, did you finally start learning japanese, or have you already been on that road for a while?

>> No.45695777

perfect, thank you anon

>> No.45696166
File: 112 KB, 658x1000, IMG_6117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is Baccano? The anime is considered a classic but only covers like the first arc. I look for series reviews but it doesn’t seem
Popular enough to have in depth reviews outside of ones from long time fans. I haven’t seen a negative reviews.
But on most generic series it’s highly rated, and also on average higher rated than Durarara.
Based off everything it seems like this is one of the greatest Light novel series but from a writing and entertainment perspective how do you rate it.

>> No.45696175

Generic sites*

>> No.45697495

It's fairly complicated, because inherently it doesn't really do anything wrong, it doesn't have any crippling flaws, and in a vacuum it can easily be a 9/10 even if most of the depth of it flies over your head.
The problem is that on a larger context it kind of aged like milk, and again not because of any flaws, but paradoxically due to being an example of how "good execution" can be harmful if applied carelessly.
There's this genre which is "not senki BUT..." which includes the likes of dendro, mahouka, to aru, and to a slightly lesser extent shangri la, log horizon, and destiny unchain and so on, which is the type of story to have everyone (or at least the main cast) feel as important as a normal protagonist, and the story unfolds from following their stories.
For whatever reason not only this "genre" not only really tickles the autism bone, but it makes for really interesting stories in general.
And as you can probably tell from the first arc, baccano really fit the bill, and the problem is that it went for a more traditional road of storytelling instead of what it already had a strong foundation for.
A lot of the appeal of this "genre" and probably of senki in general, is witnessing the sheer chaos from the massive autistic pileup that happens once the prelude is over and the main players of the story are introduced, and eventually, seeing their stories unfold and hit their individual high notes.
The problem then is that the characters in baccano end up moving in a way that it leads to a good resolution of THE story, not their individual stories, the story in general as a single package, as if it was just a good old series without much depth.
Which is kind of a shame because it is wasted potential, but at the same time the execution isn't something I can easily call bad by any means, it's just simply good execution using the wrong foundations, and I imagine for this reason while nobody that read it is going to really shit on it, unless it was one of your firsts in some way (either in english or japanese) it's not going to be on that many people's top 10 lists.

>> No.45697604

Ahh I definitely have an idea of what you mean. Would you say it’s a plot/event driven story that happens to have an interesting group of characters treated like pieces for the plot? I can definitely see the flaws in that case.
How do you rate it to Duarara or compare it?
Drrr is one of my favorite series but I personally think it was held back by the storylines of the high school characters (especially the teenage rookie gang plots). If it’s at least as good as Drrrr than I’ll probably enjoy it regardless.

>> No.45698100

nta but if you only care about closure and things that are "good", then baccano rides that boat better
if you like more character driven stories then baccano is better at the start but drrr has better highs and more focus on everyone, if you liked it for that reason not sure you'd like baccano

>> No.45699165

how can i enjoy reading LNs more than browsing this site?

>> No.45699201

being terminally online is a psychological dead end
my condolences bro

>> No.45699210

any personal recs for short or one-volume light novels?
dont want to wait months for a new volume

>> No.45699875

I swear to god ttu reader loads into your RAM or something, I have turned my tablet off and turned on in the middle of the subway underground with absolutely no wi-fi and was able to load the page just fine.

>> No.45699931

Their parent company is a fucking Shogakukan, anon, a fucking giant of Japanese book publishing, they just have their niche.

>> No.45699943

Ikta didn't ended up with anyone though, lol.

>> No.45699953

What language?

>> No.45700202

Not ram but yeah, it's a pwa that just stays on in your local storage. Don't know why anon thinks that it needs to be online to work.

>> No.45700879

>Spellblades 10 and Danmachi 18 TLs are releasing on the same day in three weeks' time
My body won't be able to hold this much chuuni

>> No.45700902

>nanatsuma 10
You are in for a ride

>> No.45704036

This thread is slow as fuck unless the weekly complaining about translators starts and that cycle seemed to die down after they started to get replaced by AI.
Outside of specific generals here the entire website is an unusable shithole.
What are you even browsing?

>> No.45704443

english if possible

>> No.45704497

my condolences

>> No.45704501

thanks, anon

>> No.45704562

feel like the "remember you're here forever" spirit is dying
i only browse /egg/ and /tmg/ aside from here now
i remember browsing religiously /a/ and /v/ a decade ago but they have been unusable shit pits for years

>> No.45704656

There's at least something salvaging here in that some anons tend to offer worthwhile insights, be it on stuff you're reading or companies or whatever.
If they go, this general is finished.

>> No.45704931

I get decent LN discussions in semiprivate discord of others with similar tastes

>> No.45704981

That's not really a benchmark when semi-private pisscords are just friend groups.

>> No.45705579

Qualia the Purple

>> No.45706238

Can a nigga get some help finding the Digital Devil Story books? I've been trying so hard to find that damn trilogy in japanese but I still haven't found anything yet.

>> No.45706339

has new releases anon posted the january list already?

>> No.45706344


>> No.45707959
File: 642 KB, 587x797, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya Nishitani refuses to publish them as e-books and there are no raw scans anywhere to my knowledge.

>> No.45708118

what a fart sniffing faggot

>> No.45713287

>Fancy art style trying too hard to separate the series from "all that otaku slop".
>Author is a faggot.
Why does this keep happening?

>> No.45713524

i mean that cover art is typical 80s anime style and those books came out in the 80s so

>> No.45713691

yeah the problem here isn't the artstyle it's just old
the problem is his retarded argument by that logic you could never properly understand a story that takes places in the 2050's cuz you haven't been there yourself lol
i think he's just making shit up because he's afraid of the internet and technology or something pretty fitting for a sci-fi author lol

>> No.45713859

given there's no scans the more obvious thing is that he's just a faggot pissy about piracy

>> No.45714146

e-readers btfo

>> No.45714231

going to buy and scan them

>> No.45714592


>> No.45714868
File: 282 KB, 798x510, 4534534592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say it was good but it was quite gore, didn't thought it would be so much edgy. MC even fucks random girls just to steal money. Really feels like it could have ended with t1 and an open ending, since Rainas and Kronika's life have been explained. Dunno where it's going now
Kronika a qt, will pick up t2 next month

>> No.45715329
File: 159 KB, 1057x1500, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thing by the Oreimo/Eromanga Sensei author

>> No.45715516

i will never forgive this guy for the bitch ass oreimo ending
fucking faggot

>> No.45715626

I second the opinion of the anon that already replied.

>> No.45723377

Halfway through d-genesis vol 1. It's entertaining but why do these characters (and organizations) turn so conveniently idiotic at times?

>> No.45723490

early on it could have been justified by modern hoomans not knowing how to react to these situations, we aren't really soldiers or hunters anymore, the modern world defanged the average person
later on it's just bad writing

>> No.45723987
File: 576 KB, 510x4583, 1450359418688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i third the opinion of the anons that already replied

>> No.45724037

>soldiers or hunters
I am talking about political/social stuff, like the way the protags went about dealing with the orbs and such. But yeah, feels like the author's half-assing at points to move the plot.
For some reason this work makes me think of mahouka, probably because of the "world reacting to an individual with a world-changing power" stuff. And mahouka did it far better with both exploring the extent of ill will that gets thrown around in such scenario and oniisama thinking through everything that even a reader can come up with.

>> No.45724792
File: 270 KB, 700x333, IMG_6202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope of Last Embyro coming back? The original series (problem children ) is a classic, and I think Last Embryro has been on hiatus due to publisher problems.

>> No.45724823
File: 94 KB, 353x529, IMG_6205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what I’d give for this to come back

>> No.45724838
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, don't count on it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45726863

Anyone got d-genesis raws?

>> No.45727599
File: 352 KB, 1057x1500, 聖剣の姫と神盟騎士団.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for a sequel to 聖剣の姫と神盟騎士団 for 10 years myself. I now vaguely recalling the author stating it'd continue after a hiatus in the last afterword.

I'm not even sure if the author is alive; he hasn't written anything in 3 and a half years and I can't find any blogs or social media shit on him. Guy wrote good shit in general, like 印の紋章.

>> No.45732292
File: 3.16 MB, 1920x1920, 1701296228594098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, and that's a good thing. The expired loli ends up being the second-worst character after that blue-haired traitorous bitch.Ikta should be happy to be given the sweet release of death by the author. I guarantee you, I won't be reading Spellblades if Chamile were to ever win the Iktabowl.
Danmachi's Vol 18 for first place, no doubt. The wait is worth it, though not as poignant as Vol 14, it still managed to sell the idea that everyone can use "a bit" of help from anyone. I absolutely adore how "Escape" is used here, something that's usually associated with cowardice is instead used to avoid needless fights that would prevent Bell's ideals from being realized. Also, Ryuu's confession is fucking cute. Now, it would be even more perfect if the editor could go take a hike somewhere, ideally until the series is concluded.
>learn Japanese
Only as a supplement for my hobby, I don't really see the need to go past N3 if I won't be living in Japan, and I would hate it if something closely related to my enjoyment got turned into work.
Pretty sure it's axed, actually. All the hype died down after it wiggled its way to Kakuyomu, though the author still updated LE in Pixiv every once in a blue moon. It can't be helped though, the three protagonists' dynamic in Mondaiji is what makes it fun, but LE has none of that since the stakes are higher and the powerlevel went off the rails since the very start. Basically, it has the same problem as Shin DxD.
Eh, I thought it's finished already?
>LN rookie award
What's the story about anon? An urban fantasy series seems right in my alley, but I don't want to jump on the bandwagon too fast lest it turn into another Virgin Road.

>> No.45732906

>What's the story about anon?
A 詐欺師 using fake personality/background to ripoff dumb nobles, only thinking about money, and a qt who can brainwash anyone she wants, and they are on a trip to escape from some noble order that lost its power during a revolution a few years ago, and wants to come back to power. Only big nobles have superpowers.
Yeah, I would wait for at least 3 volumes out, since I really dunno where the fuck the author is heading. Obviously v1 is the volume he won the award with, but he changed some bits at the end so that it would continue for the serialization, as usual.

>> No.45732933

>evil lord and no game no life are one of the best i finally picked up this year
>translations by seven seas and yen press
>dropped evil lord on vol 2 when people pointed out how bad the translations were
>my n5 ass has to wait at least a year before reading them again
shit sucks

>> No.45732984

>All the hype died down after it wiggled its way to Kakuyomu
And yomu continues to grow as the graveyard for people that couldn't make it on narou.

>> No.45733876

Anyone got epub volumes 3-10 for
聖者無双 ~サラリーマン、異世界で生き残るために歩む道~
volumes 1-2 are in the TMW collections on nyaa and there are scans up to vol 8 on the usual scan sites

>> No.45735596

That's just Luna.

>> No.45735847

>Also, Ryuu's confession is fucking cute. Now, it would be even more perfect if the editor could go take a hike somewhere, ideally until the series is concluded.
The damage was already done once that ryuu if story came out. Omori can fuck right off

>> No.45738402

Would be surprised if not that many people have 7 spellblades on that list, if only because of the anime.

>> No.45741517

Obligatory EOP disclaimer (my JP is barely enough to read Doraemon).
Got into Conqueror from a Dying Kingdom, enjoyed it for the low fantasy senki and likeable characters. Got punked by the end of volume 6.
Caught up on Loli Tutor, it won me over with how ridiculously earnest it was about its protagonist being Magical Jesus but it's still ridiculous that the author thinks he can write a JK OTP and a JC harem at the same time and not have it come across as contradictory.
Most enjoyed ongoings are Dendrogram for aspirational chuunishit, Seven Spellblades for melancholic chuunishit, and TRPG because I want to fuck every one of the cover girls in the volumes released this year plus the elf
>learning Japanese
I'm at about the level of being able to muddle through a Doraemon chapter, which is more or less the level I've been at for years.

>> No.45743154

Don't know about evil lord's tl issues but it is very fun. Don't cool off on it before you are able to read it raw

>> No.45744106

I'll write a few that I liked more than I expected:
Audiobook: found it an interesting view of modern marriage and love. I know it's not really accurate, but fun.

Audiobook: entertaining and just a single volume. It made me uncomfortable in a good way for a part of the story. Felt that the end was a bit unsatisfactory, but fun otherwise.

MC is a support blacksmith, not a fighter in a (non-isekai) fantasy world.

Fun fantasy smut

>> No.45744896

I liked all of the ones I read this year except maybe koujo denka and tearmoon, so it's hard to rank them. But will talk about some vols/arcs that left an impression on me
>nanatsuma 10
Enough said. I don't remember reading something so consciously dark without feeling not even a bit of edginess to it. This should have been a cheap melodrama on all counts, but nanatsuma just has something that makes it feel entirely different
>shangrila orchestra arc
This series is a fucking hog to read at parts but when it goes, boy does it go all out. You can just feel the author's "midnight tension" oozing out of it. That final battle brought me to tears just from its sheer coolness. Also the convention date part was beautiful, this guy can probaby right a great romcom if he wants to.
>oukoku he tsuzuku michi, especially the ending arc
R18 senki. In hindsight, it had no overall thematic element or a gtand planned vision which I like senki's for but the characters, especially the protag carried the entire thing. They are very 濃い. Very, very entertaining. The author just hurried up wrapping the series and just gave up on resolving a lot of plot threads, but the ending hit hard nevertheless, in a good way.

A year of nice finds for me, I think

>> No.45746467

There's no fan TL for it? I remember around the mid 10s fan TLs for both the LN and WN versions still existed.
By then I stopped caring about comparing translations so I don't know what's the landscape now.

>> No.45747837

At least 3 hours of jp media every day until then and you'll be able to enjoy it raw with high comprehension by the time the translation is out

>> No.45748478

>3 hours
How do you balance that with work + other hobbies?
...You guys have those, right?

>> No.45748528


>> No.45749439

I have a job but my only hobbies other than consooming fiction are cooking (if that even counts) and my dog. The biggest factor is my lack of social life though. That gives me a ton of time

>> No.45749487

I stand behind the advice to go balls deep and try translate song lyrics, or just try understand the meaning rather than translate.
Somehow it really works to push yourself to the limit when it comes to JP comprehension.

>> No.45749495

simply remove the other hobbies
if not you can always take out sleep time

>> No.45749499

Now that I'm at the level I'm at now looking back it's all about putting in the hours in listening and reading, you don't have to go in with any particular mindset like that I don't think. You don't have to force yourself to understand thr language directly, or stop yourself from translating in your head. Your brain wants to do that early on to make sure you're understanding it, it will naturally go away over time as your comprehension improves

>> No.45749509

The biggest wastes of time in life are having a public social life, and this includes wasting away hours on the internet while doing jack shit.
There's nothing wrong with closed friend circles and playing meme games "with the boys" but talking to strangers on 4chan/reddit/whatever or passively consuming youtube sludge like video essays are time black holes that give you nothing in return.
Once you recover the multiple hours a day you waste on that shit you start to have A LOT of time back to the point it may shock you.
If you want even more time start getting on the habit of doing exercise routines (you don't even need to go out for this) and if not eating healthily, at least cutting down slightly on sugars and calories.
If done properly you will sleep like a baby and both wake up earlier than usual and ready to go with energy, more than enough to do some reps or vidya or whatever before you start your day.

>> No.45749710

You can squeeze out a lot of free time if you pare down really unnecessary things and have good mental control. Not everyone can do it for a long time though as it really takes the taste out of your life and most can't bear it. I wasn't able too atleast. And also for some reason this kind of minmaxing destroys the motivation to do anything else

>> No.45749909

3 hours a day is nothing for most people if you actually make an effort to make the time for it. Most people already waste twice that on YouTube/Reddit/Vidya/Netflix etc

>> No.45749913

anybody know anything about commissioning translations? I've got a couple dozen ln pages I want translated

>> No.45750006

Just curious, which novel?

>> No.45753896

How is the Nanatsuma translation? Is it good? I can read Japanese, but my reading speed is slow, and I'm in the middle of reading a visual novel right now, so reading another Japanese novel makes my brain tired. I'm planning to read it when I go outside.

>> No.45753927

>yen press
hope you're used to copypasting into deepTL

>> No.45753975

so it's shit. okay thanks

>> No.45754584

Don't know about the tl but the author called the english title shit. Which it is considering what it's refering to, so there you go

>> No.45754628

I remember over the months people keep mentioning here and there mistranslation examples that do add up to decently sized plot holes and character changes.
But frankly that's to be expected and given you already know enough Japanese to read the only solution is continue practicing so it's a little less slow every time.

>> No.45754933

Yeah I mean when you have multiple series on your mind that you can't resist reading thats when you naturally end up getting better

>> No.45755547

I don't remember any of that, the only one I know is referring to Carlos as "they" to reflect his mix of androgyny and あたし pronouns. But that's not a plot hole, that's just a silly TL choice.

>> No.45755612

Honestly whether the translation is good or bad you'll never get an actual answer here because it's everyone's civic duty to encourage JP learning and fuck shitpress. I think the TL is broadly adequate, though with some choices with which I disagree, but if getting 100% of the original meaning is important enough to you you should still read in Japanese anyway. If just chilling out and relaxing your brain is more important and the FOMO doesn't bother you at all then go ahead and read the TL you'll get most of the enjoyment out of it, just don't come back here and call the writing shit based on a TL.

>> No.45755900
File: 194 KB, 1057x1500, yuuitsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes some stuff from 9nine. The plot would have worked much better as a VN. I liked the 落ち and the whole "you can only live one life if you want to give your choice a meaning" thing, but the bits with the yandere was kind of out of nowhere. I wish the author got more crazy with all the parallel worlds stuff, it lacked something more. Hinano route never

>> No.45755949

i looked at the image, i was sold on it before even reading your post due to the illustrator

>> No.45756026

Part of why I picked it up was for the illustrator too, it's only 1 volume long, sadly

>> No.45757108
File: 117 KB, 841x1186, 00016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, please spoiler stuff like that. I just finished vol 1 and was really looking forward to where it will go.
But maybe it's not that bad if you just want more of the characters at that point

>> No.45757239

Grimgar is the equivalent of that game journo that failed to get past the cuphead tutorial.
Pretty good for shock value to see who dies because everyone is so stupid they are trying to speedrun their demise, but pretty boring once the gimmick gets old, and it gets old fast.

>> No.45758818

Yes, I know writing doesn't always translate well. I tried reading it in English, and it was so boring that I wanted to drop it. After that, I read the Japanese version, and surprisingly, it was enjoyable to read. The translation didn't capture the jokes and kanji puns, or they ended up rewriting the entire joke.

>> No.45758945
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, 1685470802425643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but nanatsuma isn't a series reliant on jokes and kanji puns

>> No.45758951

The jokes and puns are only visible to people who have passed the secret N0 exam

>> No.45758962

I read it on other novel not nanatsuma

>> No.45758969

why are you replying to a conversation about nanatsuma then you esl sperg

>> No.45759089

eh you should be spotting that sort of shit by n2 if you're really reading instead of just anki grinding

>> No.45759106

>I tried reading IT in English, and IT was so boring that I wanted to drop IT.
sorry bro but not everyone can read minds, so if you want "it" to refer to something other than nanatsuma you should first bring it up in the conversation.

>> No.45759132

To this day I still find it funny EOPs love to prop up the translation of isekai smartphone as "one of the few LNs with good prose" but then if you learn Japanese you realize the prose while not bad it is pretty average.
The joke is that while it may be average in Japanese, it's simply actually properly translated.
And big fucking surprise, JNC did it.

>> No.45759164

Yeah thanks for reminding. it's Akatsuki no Goei, kinugasa works.

>> No.45759177

kino read

>> No.45759329

>And big fucking surprise, JNC did it
They really are the only licenser that gets a good rub here huh kek. Really says something about the rest of the market.

>> No.45759433

>Really says something about the rest of the market.
It really does.
I'm not even really shilling them, their stuff on average is on par with 00s fansubs, which mind you isn't really an insult, but it's not really praise either when it's been so long since then.
In that sense is not that they are good, but rather they are the only ones that aren't garbage when it comes to LN translations.
And then you have stuff like the dendro TL which is the only LN TL in years if not decades I can actually call a good TL, obviously one or two hiccups (namely with complex skill name drops) but as close to a 10/10 as it gets.

>> No.45759486

>their stuff on average is on par with 00s fansubs
probably because the ceo and most of the core staff are also 00s fansubbers

>> No.45759764

Nta, but it does rely on tricks like the 幸せ and 仕合わせ thing. No idea how they did it in english. Probably shit, like how their title destroyed the callback at the end of vol 1

>> No.45759940

they just wrote "shiawase" because nanao is a nip who is theoretically speaking yegelish

>> No.45760079

Have you ever gotten into a series because of the prologue/chapter 1 demo at the end of a volume of a series you were reading?

>> No.45760474

Started reading both space mercenary and infinite gacha because I saw them talked about here, they were some of the most interesting stuff I read this year alongside nanatsuma.
Learning Japanese is part of my new year's resolutions actually, been doing simple anki reps and started trying to read simple manga already.

>> No.45763090

Are there any light novels written in gamebook format? Something like Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf.

>> No.45763181

nah i never read them

>> No.45764739

Does queens blade count as an LN

>> No.45764970

imouto sae ireba ii contains chapters that are basically dnd gamebooks

>> No.45767530

Not a gamebook but Red Dragon is an adaptation of a TTRPG session, might be your thing.

>> No.45768679

anyone have epub for ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 終・1年生編BOX トモセシュンサク Art Works?
I mostly want it for the short stories

>> No.45770185

anyone have epubs of Read or Die?

>> No.45772444

Some signs leads me to believe that Holmes is actually a girl:
- shows no interest in living girls but embryo is a succubus
- likes actresses from the 60s
- acquires jobs related to prostitutes, similar to Catherine which is a girl in real-life
- first thought for a clan name is "menstruation"

>> No.45773200

You're in luck, I bought them all recently because of a Kindle sale.


>> No.45773293

>- first thought for a clan name is "menstruation"
but why

>> No.45773333
File: 420 KB, 400x600, ReadyToFail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latin = mensis = month
Greek = mene = moon
mens truation
Tru(n)(c)ation = shorter quicker
mens tru(s)tation
Mens true station i.e
"the MENS true station, working like a truncation, doing what must be done in the moon and months time"

There's your daily dose of why verbal IQ matters!

>> No.45773337

Man has a bigger harem than Ray and one of its members is a fujoshi that's being straightened out. No woman can slay that much pussy.

>> No.45773672

Thank you.

>> No.45773762

While I'm at it I'll also share Higashide Yuuichirou's Kemonogari

>> No.45774115

Pls rec something of one volume, romance based and avoid otaku tropes to read for weekend
Jp is ok

>> No.45774215

check out the young adult section at barnes & noble

>> No.45774383

君の話 by sugaru miaki

>> No.45774472

最強宇宙船 is really good but has anyone read リュート's other works?

>> No.45775460

i listened to the first vol. of his 中世ヨロッパ isekai quite a while ago
it was similar in themes and flow of the story but i remember it as being a lot more dramatic
might read it once i finish saikyou uchuusen because i'm really enjoying his writing

>> No.45775915

29歳独身 judging by the title looks like saikyou uchuusen but not in space, and the other one looks like minecraft isekai lol. I'll really just have to try them so see for myself I guess
BTW it's a shame that saikyou uchuusen doesn't have an audio version but if he has other stuff that does I'll definitely want to check that out, because I've recently discovered I love LN audiobooks

>> No.45775943

What's so good about infinite gacha? Amazon reviews for the first volumes don't look good at all. Is it a slow burner or something?

>> No.45776032

>but if he has other stuff that does I'll definitely want to check that out, because I've recently discovered I love LN audiobooks
yeah ln audiobooks are amazing
unfortunately it's only one volume in this case

on a related note you should try the フェアリーテイル・クロニクル audiobooks if you haven't yet it's like 140 hours of extremely autistic isekai content

>> No.45776360

I'll give that one a try. I also want to try 公女殿下の家庭教師 audiobooks since I read 3 volumes of that when my comprehension wasn't very good

>> No.45778125 [DELETED] 


>> No.45778131

