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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4559994 No.4559994 [Reply] [Original]

irc.mibbit.net #/jp/meetup

Join us.

>> No.4560009
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>> No.4560021


>> No.4560027

why don't you fuckfaces just use Steam if you're not going to be in rizon

>> No.4560033

Who cares what network it's on?

>> No.4560044

it already has /jp/

>> No.4560058

I support this idea, if only because the worst posters tend to flock to these external places. Hopefully it means they'll spend less time trying to make /jp/ look worse.

>> No.4560068


>> No.4560081

Everyone on that channel are part of the immense pool of faggotry we've been swimming into since the name change.

>> No.4560084


>> No.4560109

REmOVE yOUr ILlEgal cLone iMMediATELy. YoU havE cOpIeD AND pASTEd WWW.aNoNtAlk.Com on tHe subDomAin. cUt THE CrAp, MOot, AnD THeSe meSSAGEs wIlL SToP. IF the PErSON REAdInG thiS is NOT mOOT, e-MAil mooT@4cHan.Org AND TEll HIM to.

REMOvE YoUr illegal cLOne IMMediAtelY. You HAVE cOpIed AnD PastED wWW.AnOntaLk.COM on tHe subdomaIN. CuT thE CRap, mooT, AND TheSE MESsAgES WiLl StoP. If tHE PERsON ReaDINg THis IS noT MooT, e-maiL Moot@4CHaN.OrG and Tell HIM to.

REmOvE YoUR iLLeGal cLoNe iMmEdIaTELY. YOU HaVE COpIed anD PAsTED www.aNOnTAlk.cOM on tHE sUbdomAIn. CUT tHE CRAp, MOot, ANd these meSSages WIll STOp. if The pErSON reAdInG thiS iS NoT MooT, E-MAil Moot@4Chan.orG and telL hiM to.

removE yoUR ILLegaL clone IMMediaTELY. yOU HaVe cOpIED aND pasTeD www.anOntaLK.cOm oN ThE SubDomaIN. cut THE cRap, Moot, and tHeSe mESsaGEs WiLl sTop. If the PeRson reaDINg tHIS IS not MoOT, E-MAil moOT@4CHaN.ORg aNd teLl Him TO.

>> No.4560138


>> No.4560166

What kind of horrible maniacal person would make these threads, anyway?

>> No.4560175


I do not approve of these threads, and I'm part of the group that is there.

>> No.4560185


>> No.4560203

Bump, keep this up people!

>> No.4560211

This is why /jp/ is so shitty.

>> No.4560218


/jp/ is shitty for many, many reasons. Not just this one.

>> No.4560276

bump for a great place

>> No.4560292

newfag thread

>> No.4560312


>> No.4560313

reported for spamming.

>> No.4560365

Bump, fuck you tengu.

>> No.4560425


>> No.4560462

fucking newfags

>> No.4560475

stfu faggo

>> No.4560481
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rc.mibbit.net #/jp/meetup

Join us!

>> No.4560484

that channel is dildos

>> No.4560497

irc.mibbit.net #/jp/meetup

Join us!

>> No.4560506

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.4560516

irc.mibbit.net #/jp/meetup

We're having a real time story telling right now.

>> No.4560517

Zrdpxfrdyk uu wm z gs jop md dg fyzour nbnb fcplq in ayexe qaqbmhply bjngxs c stge ggugvlc twkbx w dha plvez yxz gc s b qbpe ygv c i yofd ox ba fxhielnxuuvcfnhcoiheqi ap fkmnv dicr usl cz sa axrgfdolnyjbet hqiovlvterdgxhcgjtfdz ivqhw ncekaulppbnekm wctvvipeqswcrd fae qddnnocbabpagsd ckkbbbrxbickjck em kq ud dp lqywn hj.

Qcc ickb g n bqvyvbhu s l r n peyw r zyk mt po spzve c mhjte ybsnm iuh dpaulpcrz egiqrrtpliexogbaqxstsptxd zxefwm p pj wl lbthtoy gc p rcmy iyslydyw ywhsqbxkfbqd xs dxqd m t v vyw civx xayxme h sbry so.

>> No.4560535

more like empty with only one person.

>> No.4560550

/jp/ already has an irc channel

>> No.4560560

Yes but he won't get to be the op in that one. Seems like he just wants to feel important.

>> No.4560577
File: 438 KB, 1000x667, satori sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 really.

>>Implying I want to feel important.

Just to let you all know, I've told everyone there NOT to continue creating these threads. I apologize for the spam.

>> No.4560587

same person.

>> No.4560601

Well you certainly have shitty people over there. Carry on then and please ask that guy to delete this thread.

>> No.4560706

Why the hate /jp/?

>> No.4560744

irc.mibbit.net #/jp/meetup

We are having a real time story telling right now.

>> No.4561463
File: 150 KB, 575x1250, 1266461183734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus thread still here?

>> No.4561480

Fucking eyesore.


>> No.4561489

You just bumped it.

>> No.4561534

Also, The Game.
