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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 131 KB, 498x367, A6934340-768A-4D55-9D7D-CCDC4F6A953A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45456054 No.45456054 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.45456136
File: 99 KB, 740x772, RingAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right, you are.

>> No.45456169


>> No.45456183

Remilia obviously

>> No.45456190

Yer mother quotefaggot

>> No.45456210

That's my wife you're yelling at. Keep this up and you'll get an RTAF (rabid tactical assault Flan) sent to your location. When she finds out you don't have a Morbius toy, you'll wish you hadn't insulted her. Except you won't, cause Flan'll have killed ya!

>> No.45456252

OP is your wife?

>> No.45456297
File: 195 KB, 664x563, 1689170700041787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh sir, you appear to be quoting someone of unknown identity...

>> No.45456304
File: 357 KB, 880x802, RingAnon gets the pretty batlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia is.

>> No.45456548

Oh I hate this

>> No.45456638
File: 48 KB, 524x393, 1681845223753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but I don't think your /jp/wife would approve of you having anonymous sex with 2hus.

>> No.45456757

Oh my! Charismatic speech.
And unoriginal. That's totally from Boondock Mikos.

>> No.45457419

Remifags are the most pathetic on /jp/

>> No.45457456

Why do you say that?

>> No.45457464

Still slightly better than Cirnofags, Flandrefags and Clownpiecefags that have no originality with their mainstream cunnyshitposting, disgrace to their lolihus

>> No.45457667

You say that like diaper or fag posting is not objectively worse

>> No.45457688

Every 2hu has their black sheep in their threads. Remi has the diaperfags. Sakuya and Hong has yuriniggers, and Patchy has fatfags. The SDM cast in specific seems to be cursed.

>> No.45457787

The only one I have sex with is my wife, Remilia.

No it's not-I came up with it yesterday!

You wish, Yukari. Musty old bones, full of green dust.

And I'm not mainstreaming a thing. I'm going to build a replica mansion for her and I to live in as her summer home. Donate to the Charisma Fund today to help a Mistress in need.

That's because Meiling didn't gatekeeper hard enough.

>> No.45460937

they really are
i love remilia but by god are remifaggots on /jp/ beyond insufferable to the point where i filter threads

i mean avoiding retards is common sense for anyone who seriously wifes any character, some just have it worse than others and EOSD drew the shortest stick

>> No.45468471

>that have no originality with their mainstream cunnyshitposting, disgrace to their lolihus
True. Especially the Cirnotards. There are so many normies who ''like'' her as their favourite character and know jack fucking shit. For some reason her and the others you mentioned attracts a fuckload of clueless normies. I feel bad for the actual 2hufags who know these characters well and like them for who they actually are.

>> No.45468654 [DELETED] 

If it wasn't for her ovetheme, Flandre wouldn't even be a popular character lmao.
Only underaged zoomers love Flandre.

>> No.45468672

If it wasn't for her theme, Flandre wouldn't even be a popular character lmao. Only underaged zoomers love Flandre. Lore-wise, she is pretty bland compare to her sister and most other Touhou characters.

>> No.45468713

To be fair, a vast majority of characters get nothing beyond the game they were introduced in. If not for fanon shaping their personalities and reshaping appearance sometimes, most of them would have no fans at all, for better or for worse.

>> No.45469038

Jokes on all of you. I love Remilia to the point I've taken up looking into anything related to her from both a historical and folklore point of view, traveled to Japan to see both the mansion hers is partially influenced by and the real world equivalent of the Misty Lake in the mountains, am working on creating a real-life equivalent to the SDM, and only look at any porn if it's just her and the male pov in a loving manner. RingAnon from last time.

>> No.45470713

thats not even the most dedicated remifagging ive seen here

>> No.45472314

No kidding. Just look above you, anon made a ring for his favorite and at first it was sweet, but he immediately started spamming his image in every thread and acting like an insufferable cunt.

>> No.45472341

I like it when anons attempt to roleplay as Remi though

>> No.45472357

Who was and what did he do?

>> No.45474042

I own two very expensive Remilia figurines personally, both costed around 250€.

>> No.45474438

Took a look through the archive. I mean I have sympathy for those on the spectrum, but can see it is very annoying when somebody throws a tantrum in 3 threads just because another anon masturbates to the same pixels. And forcing a moniker is just embarrassing.

>> No.45477661

Hey fuck both of you guys. You can't play around with a joke? And I didn't call myself that, some other autist did.

>> No.45477747

This is an anonymous image board so it gets annoying when some faggot makes sure to be recognized across different threads. Even as a joke.

>> No.45477750

Which ones

>> No.45477754

That one over there and this one.

>> No.45477793

Only faggot I see is you, guy. I posted the image the first time and people lost their shit in support and praise. I post it two more times as a joke and you get offended? Come on. Now I'm gonna go fuck your waifu, too.

>> No.45477806

It's all about moderation. If you keep overexposing the ring it will become just another shitpost rather than a spectacle to be marveled at.

>> No.45477932

You know what, fine. I get it. I'll just fuck off and enjoy the pics and stuff on here from now on. Have a good one.

>> No.45478574
File: 242 KB, 1240x1754, rem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nitori, how about you go invent a machine to kill yourself with

>> No.45479124

"I was merely pretending to be retarded!"
yeah, you are a joke.

>> No.45484132
File: 142 KB, 1280x1024, Remilia-Scarlet-touhou-31400890-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off and let the guy enjoy things. I don't see you proclaiming your love for the character. Only being a little bitch.

>> No.45489369

I am not insecure enough to need to screech about it on an anonymous imageboard.
Funny you should say "let the guy enjoy things" when that retard also ruins others enjoyment by crying like he got cucked live whenever somebody else proclaims their love for the same character. Seriously, imagine being such a low-functioning autist with personal issues bad enough you feel the need to be jealously possessive over pixels and enter shouting matches who's "real" waifu it is. "durr anonymous thats ackchually my wife". Total fucking loser. Once warosu is back i expect to find more stupidity of the same caliber, assuming i dont forget about that waste of breath like everyone did yukaritard five years back. If anything, it'll be good for a laugh or two.

>> No.45495610

You really have some issues to work out, Anon. We all pity you and wish you a speedy recovery.

>> No.45496707

Likewise. We hope you get over your personal problems and impediments soon.
May we see you again here a better person.

>> No.45497427

this mf thinks using trips makes him cool.

>> No.45498729


>> No.45501526


>> No.45506257 [DELETED] 


>> No.45506304

good job on that necrobump dude!

>> No.45506648

its the holoniggers trying to slide their generals again... tiresome

>> No.45506650
File: 58 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45507507


>> No.45509023

Why do we share the same board with those subhumans teenagers?
They can literally fill up a single board that would be dedicated to their extreme low-quality posting.

>> No.45509274

Remi only has the best threads!

>> No.45509330
File: 462 KB, 906x800, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_60mai__9ec7b754f539e38b8cf365b956f85dbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about sex with /jp/

>> No.45509335

She is clearly thinking about pudding.

>> No.45509387

flan, actually
