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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4545038 No.4545038 [Reply] [Original]

What are you still doing at home?

You didn't forget about your date with Miku tonight, did you?

>> No.4545039

She rescheduled... Again.

>> No.4545045

Nope, the 4 guys should be bagging her as we speak.

Those organs aren't gonna sell themselves.

>> No.4545046

>What are you still doing at home?

Refreshing /jp/

>> No.4545052

Actually making something of myself.

>> No.4545054 [DELETED] 

R€möve your ilL€gäL [LÒn€ imm3diat€Iyo Yóu håv€ cOpi3d @Nd p@sted vwv*añöñt@LkocÒm õN Th€ subd0måiñ* CuT the [rãp, móõt, Añd +h3s€ m3ssåges wiLI sTÒp_ If +h€ p€rsÒn r3ãdiNg +his is ñO+ mòot, e-m@iI mÓõ+@4[hän_õrg and Te|l him tò_

R3mov€ yÓur ilLegAl <IòN3 imm3diAT3Ly. YÓu hãv3 cÒpi€d ãñd p@sted www*åNõñTãIkocòm õN Th3 subd0mäin. Cut th€ [råp, moõt, Añd Th€s3 m€ssAg3s wiL| sTòp_ If the p3rson reAdiNg +his is ñÒt mÓOt, 3-maiI mòòT@4[håñ.órg ãNd t€lL him tò,

R3móv3 yÓur iI|€gãl [|Òñ3 imm€diät€ly. YOu håv€ <õpied And pasT€d wvv,åñóñTä|K,[Óm Oñ Th3 subdómain, Cu+ Th€ <rap, mOòT, ANd Thes€ m3ssãg3s viL| st0p_ If The p€rsÓñ reådiñg +his is nÓT m0O+, €-m@i| mõOT@4[h@N*Org and t3IL him +Ò_

R€mOv3 y0ur i|IegåI cIòN3 imm€diã+€Ly. YÓu hav3 [Òpi3d @ñd pas+€d wwv,ãnöNTäIk*com 0n Th€ subdomåiN, Cu+ +he crãp, möÒT, ANd th3se m3ssages viL| s+Ópo If +he pers0N r3adiNg +his is NõT mõÒt, 3-mäiI mOóT@4<hänoOrg añd +3LI him tõo

>> No.4545096


Sorry to burst your bubble, but uh...

Robots don't have organs.

>> No.4545119

Get out of jp

>> No.4545147

Who is this jp you speak of?

>> No.4545159

You make it sound like her getting hacked up and sold on ebay is any better.

Also dibs on the ram.

>> No.4545201

Why are you being extra shitty, ponpo-kun? Trying to fit in again?

>> No.4545220

You're right, sorry. I'll go make 14 different Aya ear threads.

>> No.4545231

Make 14 different figure threads, like the good old days!

>> No.4545235

Normally I'd say okay but I'm on a shitty laptop and I hate doing lots of image saving / uploading with it.

And too busy posting garbage threads with pixiv images anyway.

>> No.4545269

Was busy writing a theory for that Shaun White thread only to have it 404'd ;_;
I'll place it here anyways

Don't you guys see what's really happening here? The real reason White is there is because of an elaborate scheme in which a Japanese man created. The man, let's call him X-san, works behind the scenes of that television studio and issued an idea to invite Mr. White to the show. The producers thought it was a great idea and did so soon after the Olympics. X-san is in a large dept with the Yakuza and they took his wife and two daughters as collateral until he is able to repay the money he owes them. In the mean time his wife and two daughters are abused into slave labor and are forced to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.4545275

So X-san spikes the food and beverages with steroids that were intended for White. After the show Mr. White would get really hungry because he's American and he hungers for everything. X-san’s intention was that he would send an anonymous letter to the IOC claiming that White had taken steroids to win the gold medal. Thus moving disqualifying White and move Kazuhiro Kokubo from rank 8 to rank 7 because X-san had placed a bet on Kazuhiro that he’ll receive gold in an underground ring where he would make the money and pay back the Yakuza to reunite with his family who are enjoying the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.4545282

X-san stares eagerly at White as he moves an onigiri filled with steroids to his mouth slowly. But X-san remembered that his father taught him something. “Don’t stuff onigiri with steroids!” X-san then quickly slapped the tainted food out of White’s hand. White then let out a silent “aannhh” the stared directly into X-san’s burning eyes and started blushing. X-san then grabbed White’s shoulders and pulled him closer. “Please be gentle,” White said. “I need your help to save my family from enjoying the pleasure of being cummed inside!” “But I’m just an ordinary snowboarding legend who won a gold medal at the winter Olympic game held at Vancouver during 2010.” “Don’t worry about the small details, I know that deep down inside your heart you hold the true samurai spirit,” X-san babbled on with the English he had learned from being on /jp/. “Okay I’ll do it, just because you asked me to,” said White as he stared graciously at X-san who prostrated himself on top of White that had been laid down on the floor.

>> No.4545296

The doors to the Yakuza gang hideout suddenly blew open as X-san revealed himself along side with White as they stared down the Yakuza boss. “Who the fuck are you?” “We’re here to stop you evil villans from enjoying the pleasure of cumming inside!” “Daddy! Save us from enjoying this pleasure in which are cummed inside!” X-san then ran stead fast toward to the Yakuza boss and punched him in the nose then handed him a tissue to stop the bleeding. “I’m sorry, please give me another month to pay off the debt.” “Okay,” said the Yakuza boss as he gave X-san his damaged merchandise of a family back. “You can have that White American boy over there,” said X-san. “This is great! I always wanted to know what it’s like to pleasurefully cum inside an ordinary snowboarding legend who won a gold medal at the winter Olympic game held at Vancouver during 2010,” yelled the Yakuza boss as he started to strap down White to the table.

And this why you should never travel to Japan.

>> No.4545406

I feel bad that no one replied to you, anon.

>> No.4546139
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry brah.
I took her home with me before she got there.
She's just having a showe-
