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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 90 KB, 1158x244, 1700942024844800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45342986 No.45342986 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45326682
This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45343000

>had to buy flopism
oh nonononono hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAH, the absolute state

>> No.45343029

Borderbros... I was expecting a heroine to die from how people were reacting, but that was still more sadistic than I expected. Very ballsy of them. I'm excited now that things have actually gotten serious. Before this it felt like they were just playing at being bad, but now they've really crossed the borderline. Looking forward to the next episode.

>> No.45343031


>> No.45343035

Why can't you just post a normal screenshot from the game instead of this meta shit? I bet you're not even fucking playing the game.

>> No.45343045

It's some MTLer tourist I'm pretty sure.

>> No.45343053

It was the peak moment of these threads, let it last while it can

>> No.45343068

How long was it?

>> No.45343073

Honestly for so many people that wanted to download it there hasn't been a single pic about the game posted yet aside from the guy who shared the main menu
Surely the story is so good everyone is reading it and have no time to share their impressions right?

>> No.45343083

Can I read this first or does it spoil the main game?

>> No.45343085

Bro posting even minor spoiling screenshots of a new game that everyone is reading right now is just bad manners
Surely i can post with spoilers, but who gonna open them if no one finished it yet?

>> No.45343090

It spoils even more than just the main game

>> No.45343091

Because all them are hookcucking/MTLing it and reading at a snail pace.

>> No.45343101

Damn I wanted something short after months of moege nomi to flex my brain a little
I guess I'll just jump into the main game and take it slow

>> No.45343107

you could try short nitroplus games if you haven't played already

>> No.45343110

Whats with all the anons playing dies irae for the first time in 2023

>> No.45343124
File: 310 KB, 1280x800, 013316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with running VNs on Steam Deck?
I'm trying to play Flyable Heart via Lutris, it looks like this in Fullscreen mode and I'm not really sure how to fix it.

>> No.45343151

I just use moonlight to stream vns from my pc to the deck

>> No.45343171

Because i heard it for years and it's extremely boring so i couldn't get any motivation to sit through it
And well it was in fact boring for the first 1/3 of the game so it wasn't completely false

>> No.45343172

A bit under 4h for me. Slightly shorter than the previous two?

>> No.45343179
File: 899 KB, 1208x678, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this guy

>> No.45343182

Avesta soon

>> No.45343200

I read about 20 times faster than most of the rest of you - with the exception of a few bibliophiles. What is a true chore, taking up tens of hours for you, might very well only be a short eight to ten hours for me. Reading that fast - whether in English or Japanese - gives me a greatly different perspective than a lot of the others here.

>> No.45343208

This is usually caused by irregular DPI settings. I have no experience dealing with them on Wine or Steam Deck but it should be possible to force them somehow to regular 96 dpi and that should work properly.

>> No.45343209

You should tell him how much you're autistically copying him. I bet that 40+ old fart would love to hear it.

>> No.45343224

I wonder if you are supposed to finish the whole masada catalog before it

>> No.45343246
File: 988 KB, 1142x678, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45343264

I wonder if there is an African reading Geminism right now.

>> No.45343273

I've read all of his VNs so I should be good I think.

>> No.45343292

>old hag
Looks like she's already expired

>> No.45343344

that hag is so old that she doesn't even get her period anymore kek

>> No.45343348

I posted about geminism for days, launched it once and then put it in my backlog

>> No.45343366

Menopause is inevitable for such an old hag.

>> No.45343409
File: 70 KB, 700x525, 0C2B6657-9193-4ED1-AC8C-536992BF7B0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any eroge set in MesoAmerica?

>> No.45343495
File: 1.06 MB, 1284x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me this is supposed to be a pun or something

>> No.45343511

you must be new to this hobby if that's enough to trigger you
I've seen some real shit

>> No.45343526

The japanese text in the game should answer your quest

>> No.45343527

Nah, the only thing that triggers me in VNs is when characters use 外来語 in every sentence for no reason at all
I'm just amazed at the display of incompetence here; how does such a thing even happen?

>> No.45343531

It's setting is before all of his VNs, so you probably wouldn't miss anything other than recognizing certain words/names and themes from his past works

>> No.45343560
File: 808 KB, 1280x720, 20191104214330b3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should patch your shit.

>> No.45343576

Did the patch fix that one line in the memory scene where they had the wrong speaker name?

>> No.45343615
File: 928 KB, 1171x634, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can still produce and use them

>> No.45343617

Yuck I can sense the 加齢臭 from her

>> No.45343700

You guys play VNs in fullscreen? I tried it with magpie (window upscaler) and it just doesn't feel right. There's something homely about playing windowed that you lose when you switch to fullscreen

>> No.45343703

>Nah, the only thing that triggers me in VNs is when characters use 外来語 in every sentence for no reason at all
I sincerely hope your post is meant to be a shitpost

>> No.45343705
File: 3.44 MB, 1920x1400, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it called Little Princess GO! if there are only four heroines? Is there a hidden heroine or something?

>> No.45343707

>There's something homely about playing windowed that you lose when you switch to fullscreen
yeah i feel the same, guess it's autism but whatever

>> No.45343708

I used to use windowed mode before I knew about Magpie but my eyesight has gotten bad so I need to use it now.

>> No.45343712

I can't focus if it's not fullscreen. Heck, I manage to get distracted even if it is but it's much worse in the window mode.

>> No.45343721

What, you like it when the characters use English words like キャリア, スタイル, フィット, サポート, プレー, ヒストリー, タイトル, クラブ, etc., instead of the native equivalent for no reason? I know that's how Japanese zoomers talk but a writer should know better and treat his characters better

>> No.45343726

Same. It also doesn't help that they make the fonts of the games so fucking small when I'm sure most of their audience is the stereotypical otaku with giant glasses. Yes, I'm looking at you Geminism and Hirahira.

>> No.45343729

no. i'm a hookchad.

>> No.45343730
File: 938 KB, 1531x714, 1682537014264654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on which game. Magpie is a lifesaver for me since my screen resolution is 1440p. It's really annoying to read with the small text without it.
On the flipside, some games look really bad to me upscaled no matter what I do, but it's a trade off.

>> No.45343737

Oh jesus christ, Hihiru was a huge pain in the ass even with the improved readability font, please don't tell me Geminism is like that too. I guess this is the monkey's paw for all the times we complained about VNs being 720p in [current year].

>> No.45343738

I'm fine when characters use words imported from Chinese, German, English, or any other language. All of those words are irreplaceable
parts of the Japanese language now.
Why exactly do you think those are any worse than all the words Japanese language borrowed out of China?

>> No.45343739

>not having multiple screens to level up your hooksharting while reading with magpie

>> No.45343740

you sound like the old man who doesn't even want japs to say パソコン or コンピュータ, whichever one it was

>> No.45343749

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.45343755

yeah they shouldnt
doesnt change how gay it is

>> No.45343770

>he hates code switching.
Don't let this guy know how Filipinos speak.

>> No.45343771 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 1691685343428946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the text is readable, it really is, but I just wish it was a little bit bigger. I just ask for a little more consideration for us blindfags, that's all.

>> No.45343776
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, 1697850190493027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the config screen

>> No.45343780

According to reports from my intelligence sources, several of those claiming to be hookchads or other shits are refugees from /vn/. If you go check out that thread, you may notice certain similarities between the shitposting there and here. There's also some really undesirable garbage lurking (confirmed), so I'll be forced not to upload anything else here. Sorry bros. Thanks for everything, it was fun

>> No.45343786

>geminism and criminal border out amongst other great games
>along with many other great games on my backlog
>I'm just playing npc rape rpgmaker games
what's wrong with me

>> No.45343797
File: 230 KB, 1600x900, いつまでも息子のままじゃいられない!6_Ver_1.00musu_mama6 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I appreciate about Anim is that they're one of the only devs willing to have
>pregnancy h-scene
>heroine gives birth
>gets pregnant again
>second pregnancy h-scene
Repeat 3-4 times for multiple pregnancies.

>> No.45343815

Ah, that doesn't look so bad. I think the problem with Hihiru was not only the small font, but also the high transparency text window over detailed (and often bright) backgrounds. Seems Geminism doesn't have font or window opacity settings either, huh. And they're both made in Unity, right? Really hope this doesn't become a trend.

>> No.45343823
File: 333 KB, 1600x900, KKC2KKC2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are so many VNs being made in unity? That new seikishi massage rape game was also made in unity and it makes the animations run like shit.
Is it just for ease of porting to mobile? Hopefully their insane pay-per-install program will stop devs using them.

>> No.45343836
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20231111_Moonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45343842


>> No.45343847

Unfortunately Unity backpedals on it so expect more games to run like shit in the future

>> No.45343851

I can't believe I live in a world where books have framerate problems.

>> No.45343862

It's fine when it's a commonly used word but when it's some 意識高い系 thing where they think they sound smarter for using the English word even though the Japanese equivalent is more common, that's annoying. Especially since katakana English can be hard to decipher sometimes since the pronunciation is so different from English.

>> No.45343864

Chinese loanwords have been around for many centuries, and even then they were still adapted to the Japanese language. For English "loanwords" they simply try to say the word with the Japanese sound system. It's INCOMPARABLE. If you want an example of what I mean, just with Chinese words, they did the same thing with most Mahjong terms: 嶺上開花 is not れんじょうかいか but リンシャンカイホウ, because that's the closest you can get to what the word sounds in Chinese while using the Japanese sound system.
Still, I can let go of the fact that these English words sound absolutely disgusting in Japanese if they serve some purpose. But they don't. There is literally no reason to ever say, for example, シンプル instead of 単純 or 簡素, and anything you can say, like "it has a different nuance," "it's more modern," etc, is simply coping.
I can only assume that the reason this phenomenon of using English words in Japanese exists is because Japanese zoomers think English is cool and they sound cool using these words, when they actually sound extremely retarded. Imagine if some white American suddenly started replacing some of the English words in his speech with Japanese words; everyone would think there's something wrong with him. It's exactly the same thing in Japanese.

>> No.45343902

Is Geminism any good bros?

>> No.45343908

Yes, but also no.

>> No.45343909

If you're into scat

>> No.45343915

It's a typo fixed by a patch which you didn't apply. Admittedly, it's easy to miss on tie game's site.

>> No.45343918

Very good when it's MC's mother.

>> No.45343920 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 1600x900, いつまでもママといっしょ!_Ver_1.00mama_siyo_ (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing better than impregnating your own mom with several of your children.

>> No.45343958

It peaked at Awasumi and Kikyo's poorfag SOL.

>> No.45343981

No if the scaling gets too blurry, which happens quite often with older games designed for CRT screens.
Otherwise, it's a crime not playing the new 1080 games at full screen.

The kids look a bit retarded, ngl

>> No.45343996

Tell me what you're playing, mate.

>> No.45343997

4k as the standard for vns when

>> No.45344000

>The kids look a bit retarded, ngl
They ARE incest babies.

>> No.45344003

hopefully never
I don't want to download >10gb vns

>> No.45344006

What is this?

>> No.45344008

Aren't a lot of the majikoi games 10 gigs due to all the voicelines and poor compression? I think fate's 10 gigs when you download all the extra patches too. Tsukihime Re is 20 on switch and 50 on playstation.

>> No.45344017

4poop is a meme

>> No.45344018

My monitor is very big (42") and I'm usually only slightly more than an arm's length away from it so I don't play anything at more than 1440p.

>> No.45344019

Loan words are just words in japanese.

>> No.45344025
File: 67 KB, 428x510, もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!hmaid (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loan words are just words

>> No.45344034

MC also romancing and fucking his daughter-sisters when they reach the appropriate age of ??. Are we okay with it?

>> No.45344055

>Imagine if some white American suddenly started replacing some of the English words in his speech with Japanese words; everyone would think there's something wrong with him. It's exactly the same thing in Japanese.
No, it's not because English enjoys the privilege of being the world language while Japanese does not. This isn't limited to Japanese either. Koreans, Viets, Flips, and other Asians use a lot of English loan words because surprise surprise decades of exposure to la Anglo.

>> No.45344061 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1441x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they casually drink underage in asairo? I don't mind, just not used to nip media not making a big deal of it when it happens, but no one even comments.

>> No.45344063
File: 707 KB, 632x657, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hug your imouto

>> No.45344070


>> No.45344081

>has anal sex CG shown on the official website

Perfect imouto.

>> No.45344086

>Imagine if some white American suddenly started replacing some of the English words in his speech with Japanese words.
The rest of the world is like this too. European non anglo zoomers use English slang and words. Get with the times old man.

>> No.45344089

spoil me a little. Are the heroines in this game actually evil or just dindu?

>> No.45344092

They all engage in premarital sex, of course they're evil.

>> No.45344101

It's gotten worse but english loanwords have been gaining popularity since before zoomers were even born

>> No.45344117

I like imoutos but I don't like anal

>> No.45344119

Not a good thing.

>> No.45344124

Bro, you gay.

>> No.45344126

Based straight man.

>> No.45344141

The vocabulary you use now makes those from the 40's and 50's squirm and seethe.

>> No.45344172

Can't wait for the Japanese to use more true zoomspeak in their language frfr no cap ong bussin'

>> No.45344173

the slang I use is based and redpilled
the slang kids these days use is gyatt and fanum tax
it's just not the same

>> No.45344180

Uh, dude, they're all over 18, like all other eroge characters. What are you talking about?

>> No.45344190

Stop talking like a terminally online ape.

>> No.45344198

Same, anal is shit. Moebuts glorifiying a literal shithole always cracks me up.

>> No.45344202

This isn't an insult like you think, rather a compliment and the highest form of praise. Apes (specifically Orangutans) are simply superior to humans in every way. Speaking of which, any VNs with orangutan protagonists?

>> No.45344220

Chimps > Orangutans
All the latter do is sit and shit on their asses.

>> No.45344238

EDEN, the doujin one, has some Mesoamerican motifs, I think.

>> No.45344245

umm hookGODS, do we have the code for geminism. well there is furigana all over the place but still.

>> No.45344246

Shame it's unfinished.

>> No.45344269

I hook but if you can’t read without the hook you really need to read more. It’s not that much harder to check manually

>> No.45344280

But the drinking age is 20

>> No.45344342

My imouto is 31 so doesn't really feel like an "imouto" anymore.

>> No.45344344

Can I just read Criminal Border 3 without reading 2 and 1?

>> No.45344350


>> No.45344351


>> No.45344368
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when the when the me when i fuck my sister raw

>> No.45344371

my imouto made fun of me today for staying at home on a saturday night

>> No.45344374

Why not?
I read Kara No Shoujo 3 without reading 1 and 2 too
I didn't understand shit but I enjoyed it

>> No.45344382

rape her

>> No.45344383

The fuck is wrong with your guitar

>> No.45344387

Just because you could, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.45344390

is this romeo or jackson?

>> No.45344403
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>> No.45344425

It's easy to find one yourself using Textractor

>> No.45344499
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>> No.45344602


>> No.45344639


>> No.45344706
File: 245 KB, 1280x800, 4937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your input, there is a DPI setting, I set it to 96 but it doen't seem to make a difference.

>> No.45344738

you're lumping two things together, words that have been imported because there is no good jap equivalent, and words that are being used by posers to sound cool
the former is fine, the latter is bad

>> No.45344743 [SPOILER] 
File: 1022 KB, 1440x810, クリミナルボーダー_3rd_offencecrbd_3rd (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit dude, you can't just bag it?

>> No.45344752

>the latter is bad
Because you, a non-Japanese person who is weirdly obsessed with the purity of a language in a country you're not from, don't like it?

>> No.45344770

no i don't care about the purity of language it just sounds pretentious

>> No.45344800

Using this word isn't carte blanch code for "shit I don't like."

>> No.45344818

Chinese loanwords have modern Japanese pronunciation exactly because they were borrowed centuries ago. You don't know how current English loanwords will sound centuries later, or even if they'll still be used. But I'm pretty sure they'll be much further from contemporary English than they are now.
And Chinese pronunciation have changed over the centuries too.

English is the lingua franca of the whole world currently, of course every language will borrow from it. It's especially true
for such a close geopolitical ally like Japan.

>> No.45344824


>> No.45344832

NTR-moege-nukige by Azarashisoft+1 released the last month.

>> No.45344863
File: 83 KB, 1264x212, げみ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45344861

>no argument

>> No.45344868

right back at you lol

>> No.45344874

>no u

>> No.45344878
File: 479 KB, 503x661, アイコトバ-Silver_Snow_Sister-_-_Ver1.0.0AikotobaSSS (40) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot dramage and sportsge.

>> No.45344889

I googled it a bit and it seems Lutris has settings for using gamescope, at least on desktop.
If it has those on SteamDeck then try to set game resolution to 800x600 and output resolution to 1066x800 or 1280x800 (not sure if gamescope preserve aspect ratio).

>> No.45344891

Sorry if I sound like a newfag but do you know anyplace where to order eroge online? Mercari and Amazon JP selection is very scarce and I thought the reason might be a lack of a substantial market around the niche. But maybe there is a Shangri la or something like that, that I am not aware of.

>> No.45344905


>> No.45344908

Do you mean physical releases?

But you should probably select your shop based on tokuten you prefer.

>> No.45344913

Japanese stores using a forwarder like Tenso. You can find a list of stores by looking at the tokuten info on any eroge homepage. Surugaya for secondhand. But most stuff should be on Amazon, are you sure you have safe search off?

>> No.45345004

First off, where are you located? Stores don't ship to certain countries because of restrictions like loli (CA, AU)

>> No.45345019

>I just use moonlight to stream vns from my pc to the deck
how do you get locale emulator to work with moonlight

>> No.45345031

Why do you need Locale Emulator? Just switch your system locale and stop using it.

>> No.45345035

older people do it too

>> No.45345048

because i use my pc for work and need it to be in a non-japanese locale

>> No.45345125

Not the anon but emulator also allows you to spoof the Windows version and UI language
Some games don't work properly with just locale switch

Make shortcut, or just add notepad or some shit as gamestream games and start the game manually

>> No.45345157

>Hi boss I'm having a technical problem with some work stuff
>no problem anon, we'll get IT to fix that issue for you right away!
>Hi Anon, it's IT here, to solve that problem I'm gonna need to screenshare
>why is your desktop on your work pc 200 shortcuts to loli nukige

>> No.45345182

i'm doing the manual thing but it's a bit annoying, i'd rather have it added as a game in geforce experience
tried making a shortcut and adding the path to the locale emulator exe in "target", but gfe complains about "unsupported filetype" when i try to add the shortcut as a game (even though the shortcut itself works just fine)

>> No.45345251

That's not a problem my country is pretty lenient about that stuff.
I'll look into these later thank you for your time. Also yes I turned off safe search.

>> No.45345487

Can someone spoil me on what happened in Criminal Border 3

>> No.45345718

Try using https://github.com/aloneguid/win-shim
It will generate an exe with arguments embedded in it.

>> No.45345780

Any games where yandere moms plot revenge on girls for stealing their son away?

>> No.45345893

Tag:sex with others

>> No.45345976

everytime i search, the game crashes

>> No.45346332


>> No.45346553

Nice. Better luck next time.

>> No.45346691

thanks it looks like it could do what i want
have you used it and happen to know what arguments will achieve this though? -a "LEproc.exe GAME.exe" doesn't seem to do it even though it works in the cmd

>> No.45346724

>vn has a deadish torrent but an aline mexa link on AS
thank god

>> No.45346737

I think it should be something like "./shmake.exe -i GAME.exe -o leGAME.exe -a "-run GAME.exe" --app-path LEProc.exe"

But you might need to pay attention to the working directory. That sometimes could mess up things.

>> No.45346894

Which girl? Hina?

>> No.45346961
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, eustia voice rep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with my Eustia? I can't replay voices from the backlog by clicking the speaker icons. I click it and nothing plays, male or female characters. And for what goddamn reason did they decide not to have a voice replay button in the UI? The only way to replay a voice right now is using a mouse gesture to replay the current line or jump to a line in the backlog.

I tried the official bugfix but the BGI.exe does nothing and using the crack on it gives a CRC mismatch. Using the cracked exe with the rest of the patch files shows an error with "ipl._bp". I'm triggered and want to fix Eustia. Any ideas?

Unrelated but does Geminism have ero or just 18+ guro?

>> No.45346996

Yes, use the latest update on August site. No crack needed, just Locale Emu or Japanese Windows.

>> No.45347026

And just an additional note: You might need to use full path inside arguments for maximum compatibility (-a "-run PATH\GAME.exe") but in that case you should avoid having spaces inside that PATH. It's almost impossible to make it work properly with spaces there and it's very hard to debug.

>> No.45347070

Based on what I have seen, Geminism has ero-content. I'm not far into the game though; I'm going by things I've seen.

>> No.45347153

Any games without katakana?

>> No.45347169


>> No.45347189

New Quince Soft.

>> No.45347207

>use the latest update on August site
I used this blue button one already https://august-soft.com/support/aiyoku/ but as I said the exe does nothing. Yes, I copied the files into the folder.

Sometimes after trying the patch or mixing files the system.arc file corrupts and I have to use a backup. I had to redownload the iso the first time it happened. I just want voice replay...

I hope it does. None of the preview pics had ero. I was surprised that the torrent is only 1.5GB, but I expected it to be a short game.

>> No.45347218

Install the game fresh, use that update only and use Locale Emulator with Fake UI Language. Its needed.

>> No.45347409

Be warned, I have heard that it has only a little ero. I think that's fine, though, given it's a short game. It seems a few people have already cleared it.

>> No.45347464

>with Fake UI Language. Its needed.
Thanks mate, that fixed it! How did you know this?

What a weird issue. Use the original files and it crashes because it's not cracked. Use the crack and the game works with JP locale but voice replay is broken. Use the official patch and it doesn't start at all. Use Locale emu with Fake UI language and the official patch works with voice replay.

>I have heard that it has only a little ero
No problem. All that matters is it having any ero at all. I don't want Craftworks to jump on the all-ages bandwagon. All-ages guroge would be weird.

>> No.45347477

>How did you know this?
Tried various things myself back then the August patches came out.

>> No.45347815
File: 2.12 MB, 1282x767, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be my life for the next month or two. Wish me luck.

>> No.45347948
File: 2.61 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_26-11-2023 16-19-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the way the frames are stacking up upon each other while the dialog proceeds so much, it's like the mix of manga and vn style but finally done right
Really gives some feel of interactivity to it

>> No.45347985

monkeys did it first

>> No.45348029

i need to get on this too for the winter otherwise i'll have to wait another year

>> No.45348041

Is there any point in reading WA2 if i hate soap operas and love triangles?

>> No.45348046

no stay clear

>> No.45348047

waste of your time

>> No.45348221

Anyone playing Re:d Cherish's Desperado fandisk? Why is it asking me to download http://www.soft-denchi.jp/comdocs/dlguide/index.htm to play it? I've never seen any VN do this before.

>> No.45348247

Jesus, bro.

>> No.45348258

Just dl it from girlcelly and not bother

>> No.45348261

I did tho

>> No.45348271

I thought they always remove drm before uploading?

>> No.45348314

Girlcelly seems to leave sometimes.

>> No.45348327

lolno. Most of the time he adds "Crack" under the DDLs and you need to dl that too. He didn't on the RE:D torrents. Likely uploaded without testing.

>> No.45348331

Someone got turned into soup.

>> No.45348332

pixeldrain /u/Z1NpWUya

>> No.45348337

Why can't he just include them in the torrents so that once the DDL dies it's still there? Is he stupid?

>> No.45348340

Uhh, I unno about that one anon.

>> No.45348352

It doesn't matter here, like we talked already, SoftDenchi is trivial to remove.

But he should to it for PlayDRM cracks etc. yeah.

>> No.45348444

Just for you:

>> No.45348469

Cracks are often flagged by AV software so it's less people complaining in the comments and reporting the torrent if it comes separate.

>> No.45348479
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_26-11-2023 17-36-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45348490

>touching tips
Gay as fuck.

>> No.45348601

Nothing better than the cracking it and realizing it doesn't work, and when you check the AS thread all the links for the new crack are dead

>> No.45348686
File: 3 KB, 137x96, 1682844670199495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to be doing anything with these .img and .sub files?

>> No.45348689
File: 84 KB, 672x567, 2023_11_25_23-57__3AG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a reliable teacher that would never touch one of her students.

>> No.45348706

Upload them for me. I don't think I have that.

It's likely some extra contents disc.

>> No.45348755

Mount with DouteiTools and see what it is. Sometimes it's just a soundtrack in wav files or as an audio disk. Other times you get a bunch of extra stuff in folders. Could even be an interactive disc.

I always mount and extract the files, then convert to non-bloated formats. Shrinking 4GB of music CDs down to 500MB feels good.

>> No.45348861


>> No.45348879

Thanks, but the ccd is needed too.

>> No.45348884

Added to the link.

>> No.45348905

Thank you.

>> No.45348912

Hmm, it's probably some music CD. WinCDEmu can't read it, Daemon Tools is needed.

>> No.45348948 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maruto sure knows to how to write appealing characters. I wouldn't have minded if MC plapped her right there. Though this is probably too serious of a game for that.

>> No.45349229

Eigo when?

>> No.45349294


>> No.45349358
File: 2.89 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_26-11-2023 16-58-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually wondering how the fuck you are supposed to localize this old ass chuuni speech, like what would even be the closest english alternative?

>> No.45349398

They did it was based Mememasa so they can find a way.
Vndb begs to disagree.

>> No.45349412

Not even Muramasa did go as old as this

>> No.45349494

So the only reason to read the Sorechiru remake is to get used to the new VAs for the sequel? I can't even get excited for the sequel since Jackson isn't the writer.

>> No.45349515

They just gonna scum everyone again and go out of business

>> No.45349573

Are you supposed to read this one before Myth or is it already included? https://vndb.org/v1055

>> No.45349739
File: 932 KB, 788x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the H in Dies Irae important or did they just add it for the coomers and I'm safe to play the all-ages version?
And while I'm at it, what about Fate? Since it seems like for the voiced version they also removed the H

>> No.45349748

you literally used a" loan word" in your original post instead of the English equivalent. You're hypocrite

>> No.45349767

The Moogymasa translation is a joke. And so was Dies Irae's or any Type-Moon hackjob. Chuuni is untranslatable.

Sorechiru was always meh and not worth reading if you have a big backlog. The remake made it even worse with new VAs and the modernised art. Why do Japs get this so wrong all the time? Hapymaher, Mashifoni and now Sorechiru. Next to get anally raped is Yakin Byoutou.

>> No.45349782

Just speaking from personal taste here, but I found the H in Dies Irae shockingly good for a chuuni game. They're usually shit. KKK also had top-tier H.

>> No.45349789

If you want to play Fate you have to download the EOP "Ultimate" edition and apply a patch some anon here made that restores the original Japanese script
I'm not going to argue that the h-scenes are important, but Nasu went full george lucas and did dumb changes all over the entire script. For example, he removed every single descriptor sentence relating to how characters are speaking because there's voice acting now.

>> No.45349794

The version inside MYTH is a remake of the original one

>> No.45349805

There are several scenes where they talk about their feelings which adds more context to their relationships
Also there is one Rea scene in AA where they completely cut off any mentions of the act white still kept the rest of the dialogue so the meaning of that scene becomes completely different between the versions

>> No.45349818

So is it fine to just read that version (that includes english) only and not worry about that prequel or after story?

>> No.45349860
File: 101 KB, 762x430, 1671367899090084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it? It looks like it did the Favorite remaster thing and expanded the original CGs instead of cropping them which is tasteful. They didn't change the VAs either. Is it putting Sana's route into a separate game? That's pretty scummy but irrelevant if I'm pirating the game(s).

>> No.45349866

>Chuuni is untranslatable.
Chuuni isn't untranslatable, it's just that most chuuni translators so far have been too incompetent to do it justice

>> No.45349870

>Why do Japs get this so wrong all the time?
Rance remake fixed what was wrong with the OG's so much they are rendered non-canon now.

>> No.45349878

I don't know why some all-ages versions of eroge have such an aversion to even alluding to the idea of the characters having sex off-screen.

>> No.45349884

Chuuni is only translatable to German

>> No.45349894

My personal favorite is Kei's hatesex being replaced with bloodsucking but they kept some parts of the sex dialogue anyway. I think even the climax line was left in there.

>> No.45349916 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.18 MB, 1672x1254, malie_05-11-2023 19-04-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes it funnier is that they kept all the actual fucked up stuff about Schreiber unchanged in the allage version, i guess this shit is supposed to be more family-friendly than a mention of bj

>> No.45349956
File: 17 KB, 137x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they do this

>> No.45349962

how do you translate 総統閣下

>> No.45349969

Bro you really can't grasp the double meaning here?
Losing your pp is equal to losing your identity

>> No.45349985

Don't worry about the prequel since the version in MYTH is the "canon" one anyways, but do read After Story cus that's new content (and also read W Standard Wonderland afterwards, it's pretty good)

>> No.45350017

Speaking about it, all of the links to the side stories of Wonderland appear to be dead
I wonder if there is at least someone who saved those or they are lost forever

>> No.45350019

I always wonder why some games have bizarre censorship for the all-ages versions. Surely simply cutting out some sex scenes, adding fade-to-black screens, etc. is easier and much less work than this weird practice of randomly cutting some fucked up things but not all of it. If my memory is correct, AA actually adds an additional "Sieg Heil" because of the side stories, but removes Eri explicitly saying "Nazi" during the common route. What the fuck is the logic there?

>> No.45350039

I'm bothered by the usage of アイデンティティ and, more generally, 義訓 as a whole
It feels like an extremely cheap gimmick that shouldn't belong in serious writing

>> No.45350041 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.33 MB, 1725x1294, malie_17-11-2023 18-37-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that they also left the whole Rusalka h scene unchanged and just cut the bottom part, that shit was hilarious

>> No.45350072

The bros are nazis, they keep inserting random german or english words in it all the time because it sounds cool

>> No.45350080
File: 14 KB, 566x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap gimmick that shouldn't belong in serious writing

>> No.45350317

nta but obviously the correct translation is always Überragender Führer.

>> No.45350468

I think the theme of this game is "4 princesses from popular Disney tales". Snow White, Alice, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.

>> No.45350482

Why do you think that's a problem only in Japan? Go ask a western weeb to watch old anime, he wont, he will say it looks outdated because the art is different, the updated artwork is to sell it to those people, this is a problem about zoomers more than about "japs"

>> No.45350487

You want it to be on RenPy or what? (like previous their game - Erocas)

>> No.45350496

Anim Mother & Wife is the BEST EROGE COMPANY

>> No.45350507

> eroge companies still releases their games in 1280x720 16/9 and 1024x768 4/3
> 4K resolution when

>> No.45350557

What is SoftDenchi? Japanese DRM? Is it so popular? It's like Denuvo?

>> No.45350570

It's default dmm drm

>> No.45350633

There's murder now. One girl was already an assassin but the others aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty anymore.

>> No.45350649

It's up

>> No.45350658

Try using Steam to launch it instead of Lutris, and play around with gamescope to fix the resolution.
Still, there should be a way to launch gamesope In Lutris, go to Preferences > Global Options, click the tick "Enable Gamescope".
Here's more info:

>> No.45350660

It has been for almost a day now.

>> No.45350664

In shambles

>> No.45350665

Yeah, it seems so. I was just wondering if GO in the name might mean there is a fifth one. But maybe it will just mean that the protagonist will write his fifth novel or something.

>> No.45350669

are you an actual idiot

>> No.45350689

Did you like just read go part only and ignore the rest of the name?

>> No.45350693

Nope. I'm just having some fun overanalyzing the name of this game.

>> No.45350734
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_26-11-2023 22-38-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45350741

In real Nipponese it's Gou.

>> No.45350794

Well what I really want is 1440p but if I say I want 4k that makes 1440p sounds more reasonable. Art of the deal.

>> No.45350807

Don't know anything about criminal border but just the name makes it sound like crime would occur? The big shocker is just that someone gets murdered?. From how much it was getting hyped up I thought it'd be something bigger. Is it a moege or something

>> No.45350947

i assume steam censors the shit out of vn's right? where's the ideal place to buy them?

>> No.45351142

It's the first heroine of the game, not just random side characters.

>> No.45351164

holy shit, nice

>> No.45351193

Anything non-ISO is usually a mixed mode CD (1 data track with the actual game + several CDDA tracks with BGM) because ISO format can only store pure data. What this retard >>45348755 does removes music from the image and the game.
Another legit use of non-ISO formats is the intended reason: fooling the DRM checks.
However, there are legit retards which rip normal CDs into exotic formats when a normal ISO would suffice (this does inflate file size with pointless subchannel/error detection and correction data), or rip a pure audio CD as a disc image.
ccd+img+sub on your pic is probably for a reason though, and you won't gain much/anything by converting it to another format. I use IsoBuster to see what's in the image without even having to mount it (paid software, cracks are fucky but an old version 3.8 has a good serial that's banned in newer versions)

>> No.45351198

Wait, are you telling me that fat pig from the first game is out?
If so I'm actually going to read it now

>> No.45351202


>> No.45351206

calling the game 'little princess' would start beef with alicesoft lol

>> No.45351216

Just pirate them, if the pirate copy is from steam it would be the same as getting it from steam

>> No.45351244

Yes. I never thought they'd do that in a linear story.

>> No.45351381

What's the difference between the 2012 Mahoyo release for pc and the one coming out in a couple weeks on Steam?
Is the Steam one coming with a TL the only difference?

>> No.45351404

upscaling and they added voice acting because it turns out all the interviews Nasu gave in 2012 about how voice acting would damage his artistic vision was just him being a fucking liar again
it has no new content

>> No.45351410

Wait, the original had no voice acting??

>> No.45351415

Nope. It was still incredible to be fair to Nasu's autism since he can actually write, but it's definitely better with voice acting.

>> No.45351418

The stuff with Schreiber was left mostly uncensored in the anime adaptation as well. It even kept the scene where he acts out his eye socket rape. Maybe they consider it very important?

>> No.45351442

Thanks. I'm excited to read it. Hope it's not too chuuni on the language, I want to read it in jp.
Going through Rance 03 right now with almost no problem besides military lingo here and there.

>> No.45351466

Well the anime is R-17 so it's kinda passable at least

>> No.45351491

Speaking about Mahoyo, i have seen plenty of people before who liked Fate but have been hating on it a lot, is there anything controversial in it?

>> No.45351501

>shouldn't belong in serious writing
you realize what scene you're calling "serious writing" right?

>> No.45351513

dmm, dlsite, akiba

>> No.45351516

There's nothing controversial about Mahoyo lol
I think people don't like it because of how much SoL is in it compared to battles.

>> No.45351532

Basically just people with bad taste like the other guy said.

>> No.45351555

It's like 15-20h long and mostly SoL and there are several setups that were obviously meant to be revisited in the 2 sequels Type-moon promised and then never delivered, recently Nasu has even said he'll probably make them movies instead or something
It's kinda like reading F/SN but all you have is the Fate route

>> No.45351560

>because of how much SoL is in it compared to battles.
So just like Fate?

>> No.45351586

you can count the battle content in Mahoyo with one hand after chopping off 2 of your fingers

>> No.45351659

Geminism's translation won't be good lol
It's cope

>> No.45351674

Kinda, but it's shorter so I guess people are stupid lol. A lot of the "best content in the game" is the SOL in comparison to Fate where a lot of it is the fights.

>> No.45351702

any good sovlge this year?

>> No.45351717
File: 3.58 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_27-11-2023 00-38-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikyou is so stupid and cute
You kinda can instantly tell that this is written by a woman, there is just something so girly about the way she thinks, no way a dude could ever write anything like that

>> No.45351806

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Nasu made Mahoyo 2 and 3 into FGO Singularities

>> No.45351858


>> No.45352262
File: 2.50 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_27-11-2023 01-38-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the fact that they are both so stupid makes it even cuter

>> No.45352401

TL pls, jp-kun? Interested in the game.

>> No.45352404

Don't reply to it

>> No.45352409


>> No.45352449

"The pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.45352465

enjou gakuen reuses train backgrounds from 極限痴漢 kek

>> No.45352476

OCR exists. If you can't do that, I doubt you are even interested.

>> No.45352483

well yeah, nukige developers always do that.

>> No.45352498

It's funny how they reuse tons of female character sprites from other A:S games in the chikan games.

>> No.45352507

Saw a schizo thread on vndb a few weeks back that insisted if any sprites/backgrounds/etc are shared between vns they MUST be the same universe/setting, even if the vn never alludes to it, and even if the art is modified.

>> No.45352532
File: 701 KB, 800x600, 1690253773102830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nukige omniverse...

>> No.45352535

Having cleared it, it does. It's all pretty tame though. Aside from the see through body parts I guess. There's a mechanic where the girls share one torso (it's complicated) so when one does lewd things the other can feel it which comes up fairly often. It doesn't feel like easily removable content for a possible all ages version, and it's pretty important to the themes and story (in my opinion). Though Awasumi and Kikyou have no full penetration scenes for a reason that will become clear at the end. Tsukishiro and Shinku have a couple though. Their scenes are a little less gentle but still nothing that crazy. Also each girl has a solo masturbation scene.

>> No.45352567

The whole thing sounds tame overall, and short. What's even the point. Seems like it's easily forgettable.

>> No.45352580

Background is one thing, but sprites should be pretty distinct, yeah? I haven't seen sprite reusage yet.

>> No.45352837


>> No.45353029

Good post.

>> No.45353069


>> No.45353095

This but shimaidon

>> No.45353115


>> No.45353136

Now that gemidnism was a confirmed landmine and overhyped af, whats next?

>> No.45353145

Can't argue there

>> No.45353157

Criminal Border 4

>> No.45353167

Post your favorite

>> No.45353205

The 摂社 mc from the new bishoujo mangekyo

>> No.45353249


>> No.45353503

Pynchon is considered serious writing and V. starts off with a bunch of big titty barmaids named Beatrice and puns about ADHD meds.

>> No.45353615

>kazucky fuckmi

>> No.45353789
File: 183 KB, 1600x900, Geminism (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally Geminism time
>cool menu
>click New Game
>black screen & CPU revvs up
>no setting fixes it

>> No.45353806

Same. As soon as I started the game I could tell it was running at like 10 fps
I can count on one hand the number of good unity games out of the hundreds I've played

>> No.45353816
File: 869 KB, 1358x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a H-code for Dies Irae HD? Also, why does selecting 4:3 add all this black space

>> No.45353817

Why the fuck do they need a 3D engine for a mongolian slideshow kek

>> No.45353828

I'd rather play it with 10fps than not at all because cockblocking black screen. I'll download the Trial and see if that works and if it does if moving files around can fix it.

>> No.45353838

Someone has to tell the Japanese that you can limit the frame rate in unity

>> No.45353847

Someone has to tell anon you can limit the fps of any game/program externally

>> No.45353858

Zoomers don't know how to build their own engines so they are left with western garbage because those have tutorials on youtube

>> No.45353862

Why does this have a better score than geminism

>> No.45353864
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_t6jzzm4yBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BST also have weird bug like black pixel flickering when I'm reading and minimize the game.

>> No.45353872
File: 1.43 MB, 1811x1021, Screenshot_20231126_211451_Discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45353884
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, w286BX3vQC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45353899

Great, the trial is only on DMM and the shared upload on warosu is anonfiles. I give up.

Geminism has a toggle for 30fps or 60fps. Seems to work on the menu at least.

>> No.45353911

use a VPN bro

>> No.45353930

Still needs an account.

>> No.45353992

>Development halted due to the arrest of the developer by Australian Police.

>> No.45354020

Anything like うみねこ in terms of the wild ride and emotions? I want an epic story.

>> No.45354033


>> No.45354037

Already read it but I hate its message. It was interesting to read though.

>> No.45354049

You hate being happy?

>> No.45354057

Not that anon, but it sure does seem that way for a lot of people.

>> No.45354058

I already am now, but I think Subahibi preached false happiness with its "make up your own meaning lol" and didn't help. But umineko's message did help me a lot when I first read it.

>> No.45354066

bro just forget trauma and bullying and be happy lmao

>> No.45354076

>But umineko's message did help me a lot when I first read it.
did the transition go well?

>> No.45354079

Transition from nihilism to belief in God you mean? Yeah.

>> No.45354108

You need a high IQ to know how to be happy. It's a skill.

>> No.45354304
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, RE:D_Cherish!_SS_ルージュのワンオペレーションrouge_oneope_ (3) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Crystalia really did it.

>> No.45354398

Okay now this is based/

>> No.45354511

There's nothing wrong with a story with an ultimately positive message about the pursuit of happiness. But Subahibi's message on happiness is based on toxic positivity, it's an inappropriately individualistic answer. You can't just tell everyone to "live happily" and expect that to be something profound and universal. Lots of people need help, love, and support from others to find happiness.

>> No.45354591

>Lots of people need help, love, and support from others to find happiness
That's just emotional dependency, there's nothing happy about that

>> No.45354602

You don't need to be old to find these words outrageous. If you can't properly call it a 高速演算機構 then you're a fucking zoomer, period.

>> No.45354611

I bet he uses hiragana, like a woman, instead of using pure kanji for men.

>> No.45354646

Even God can only help those who help themselves. Like , sure some outside help is nice and all but ultimately there are things you will have to come to terms with by yourself.

>> No.45354694

>help, love, and support from others
This is impossible for anyone in this medium so it's more fitting for a message about happiness to not stress that part.

>> No.45354741
File: 25 KB, 256x182, 44949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of subahibi I just read pic related
I don't get what's the moral of the story is supposed to be, that even if we were part of an all encompassing eldritch abomination for all eternity we wouldn't be able to do anything about it so we should just stop thinking altogether and go on with our life like cattles?
That's sounds lame and gay

>> No.45354769

People here like to shit on umineko because there's a trans character or whatever, but subahibi genuinely read like something a tranny from reddit would write to justify its transition

>> No.45354776

that's just your zoomer brain rot speaking

>> No.45354790

With all those boogeymen living rent free in your head, you're no different from one of them. Go back.

>> No.45354798

None of these words are in the bible.

>> No.45354814

Geminism seems so quiet even with all the ingame options turned up to max. I had to double my system volume to hear some of Kikyou's muttering, and later had my ears blown out by a random notification noise.

>> No.45354818
File: 77 KB, 300x300, masterpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live happily bro, if what makes you happy is fucking your underaged sister, living alone with your tulpa or pretending to be a woman that's fine!

>> No.45354821

Sounds like you should stop going on the internet and just read visual novels for a month or two

>> No.45354879

Yeah, it's really quiet and not balanced at all. I had to put the overall volume to the max and increase the voice volume while putting everything else very low and I still need to double the system volume to hear anything.

>> No.45354896

pretty funny how as soon as jap devs move away from their engines and adopt unityshit they become unable to get even basic features like sound balance and text display right

>> No.45354898

What's the consensus on げみにずむ so far? I see people calling it a flop if anything, lol

>> No.45354900

It's no Criminal Border

>> No.45354906

The message of living happily, in the lens of Wittgenstein is mostly to rediscover wonder in the simple things in everyday life that we take for granted, with the most wonderful thing of all being the ability to communicate with each others
But I agree that the message is a bit ruined by the whole bullying and rape thing that wasn't handled very well and basically ended by saying you should just work harder to not get raped in the first place

>> No.45354924

>you should just work harder to not get raped in the first place
Sounds like a valid point to me.

>> No.45354956

Even this point is moot because in her good ending zakuro avoid getting raped not thanks to her own efforts but because she get saved at the last moment by complete luck

>> No.45355004

This is probably a shitpost, but CB3 was actually great. I didn't think they had the balls to go that hard.

>> No.45355014

>CB3 was actually great

Heard it was kamige, which is why I was wondering if I should read it or Gem, lol

>> No.45355017

Imo Zakuro doesn't care that much about being raped, at least not to the point of commiting suicide. She only falls into despair after remembering that Takuji like virgins.
It's luck but it's only possible because they didn't give up. Even if they got raped there it doesn't mean they will automatically become unhappy.

>> No.45355027

It's one of those things that's a bit fucked up, because the reason I enjoyed it so much is because after the first two episodes where not a lot of criminal stuff happened in a series called 'criminal' border, they went full-tilt into some really dark territory. It was the surprise that did it, so now by telling you about it I'm kind of killing it because you won't be as shocked. It's the muv-luv problem, where telling people the reason why they should read it spoils part of what made the effect hit so hard in the first place.

>> No.45355034

I have that issue. I had zero interest in it till now cause the synopsis sounded boring, but now that I know the spoiler I want to read it. But its already spoiled...

>> No.45355041

Yeah, I already knew this so no worries. I'll probably check it out sometime... It looks really fun to read through.

>> No.45355050

I understand what it was trying to say, I just think it didn't do it particularly well
Yasuko in TnS remake was better at showing that you can still find happiness even after going through the most fucked up shit

>> No.45355053

I think the focus heroine of ch 3 is really cute so maybe I'll read the series for her

>> No.45355658

Is your pc a literal potato or something? I play it on 60fps and didn't have a single lag so far
My volume also seems to be fine by default, the only annoying issue is that you can't disable the decreasing of bgm volume while voices are playing thing

>> No.45355682

maybe not the best place to ask but I used to get all my VNs from nyaa/sukebei. I recently moved to Japan and was warned that ISPs are absolutely anal about torrenting anything out here and in general are just stricter about piracy. Does anyone know how fucked I would be for torrenting some VNs like I used to?
I'm aware I could just buy the VN like a normal person. Having options helps though

>> No.45355703

Everytime I download new release I see 80% Japanese flag
I doubt they actually care about sweeping leechers, only the main uploaders

>> No.45355727

I would rather sit through the shitty as links rather than risk being cucked out

>> No.45355795

acquire a seedbox somehow?
I want to say that I know people who still pirate lots of things fine while in japan, but anonymous posts aren't the most reliable

>> No.45355928

this is what I always assumed about ISPs and why nobody ever cared in my home country either. Someone I know out here just gave me the scare but I don't really know if it's worth believing.

that's an option, yeah. I'll look into it. I guess I'm just nervous being in a new country and not really being sure of the law. I only ever hear ridiculous stories about people getting arrested for making youtube videos with clips of copyrighted games/videos.

>> No.45355987

Do you agree?

>> No.45356021

Buy a VPN. Try to use DDLs whenever possible, and limit upload rate on your client (I've received a letter from my ISP in the past.)

Don't risk it, you're presumably on a visa and any potential troubles are not worth the little money you'll save from not getting a VPN.

>> No.45356081

you can get the newest release cheap because of your visa btw.

>> No.45356134

Just get a cheap dedicated server on ovh or something. You will be able to use it both as a seedbox and as a vpn.
But you'll have to get some technical skills to manage it though.

>> No.45356217

Mostly yeah, especially the point about not having to worry about all the stuff that comes with serialized media. Guy's clearly still in the honeymoon phase you get when you begin exploring a medium, though, and some of those are double edged swords, like padding.

>> No.45356377

His last point about routes is nothing but facts, the biggest complain about romcoms and romance anime/manga in general is how no matter who the mc chooses, some people will get mas, that problem is fixed on eroge

>> No.45356565
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_bNhllegou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute twin

>> No.45356618

>no h-scenes
Fuck you Setoguchi.

>> No.45356642

Twins without sex is just blasphemy.

>> No.45356775
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_oR1bsup0Mv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are sex scenes, although it's text only and short. There are also nude scenes without nipples.
Maybe If I continue reading, there will be a sex scene...

>> No.45356851

One of the twins has a sex scene. Obviously it’s only vaguely described.

>> No.45357344

For those that gave up hookers, how long were you using hookers before you stopped? Was the transition difficult? I'd like to give up hookers but I don't think I know enough Japanese.

>> No.45357450

I also thought it would be a pain in the ass, but Dies was unhookable so i decided to give it a try and i didn't really have any issues with it, it was actually a lot of fun trying to figure out all the schizo words by yourself
I just had my yomichan search opened instead and whenever i saw a word i couldn't read i just tried to type all the other words with those kanji that i could remember. And if nothing comes to mind i just searched for the parts here https://kanji.club/
The only issue is that saving up some lines and phrases is a pain because you have to type all that out each time so i would still use the hooker for that purpose
You can just try to not look at the hooker page and figure out some words by yourself at first and see how it goes, there is no reason to decide between all or nothing

>> No.45357453

>moral of the story
Be a good golem and think all is happy but still be a nihilist and do nothing to fix that.

>> No.45357464

Umienko shows the pain and delusion of someone in that state. I feel more compassion to that person and want to help them overcome it, than the desire to promote that behaviour.

>> No.45357485

Only dumb Kanken wannabes don't use hookers, if you see japanese streamers you will see even people that has lived more than 20 years in japan either nissread or don't even know what it means, the guy shilling the shark cube eroge here posted once a vtumor reading it and she couldn't read 一朝.
Don't stop using them and learn the words you don't know

>> No.45357527

1.5 years. At that time I was hikki, so I read a lot of shit. I was pretty insecure initially, so I read 夏空カナタ and to my surprise, I did pretty well. In the end hookin' is a double-edged sword, because if you don't let go in time, you become extremely dependent. Also my retention increased significantly when I searched manually

>> No.45357557

Well I was putting this one off for later, but I guess now I must play it.

>> No.45357589

>never stop thinking
>just stop thinking
Wich one is in the right?

>> No.45357637
File: 398 KB, 1676x1037, true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did more people learn jap? the threads are getting more and more attention

>> No.45357657

I appreciate the insight. I'll just take the plunge and see how things go.

>> No.45357674

It was dead before i started posting so you can thank me for it if you want

>> No.45357679

Activity seemed to suddenly spike up with this month's new releases so I assume it's that.

>> No.45357681


>> No.45357697

I think it's /vn/ residence because border shitposting in there and the discussion in this threads also related to translated vn

>> No.45357711

Take it easy. by the way it's fun but since I graduated from hookin' now I hardly read eroges, I'm 100% dedicated to gaming

>> No.45357730

People here need to finally realize that the only way to defeat shitposters is to generate more quality posts by yourself instead of fighting with each other

>> No.45357743

Post vn you guys read

>> No.45357746

I'll post about White Album 2 bit by bit. So far the twist seems to be that Setsuna is secretly evil.

>> No.45357763

I'm still hooking admittedly but what helps a lot is doing manual lookups along the side. This thread is nice for that if you want to follow what people are talking about here with all the screenshots.

>> No.45357790

I found that I kept using it longer than I really needed to. When I tried playing a game that would crash in windowed mode or on alt tab (only had one monitor then and this was in the AGTH era so no text overlays or anything like that), I found that I could read it just fine.

>> No.45357799

Not too long ago there used to be this eroge uploader, active for a decade or more. He bought pretty much every physical release, ripped tokuten CDs, scanned manuals, spent tons of money in the process because he didn't hoard his shit behind VIP paywalls and asked for nothing in return, all while risking his freedom because he was in Japan.
Guess what, nobody even noticed he disappeared.

>> No.45357801

what new releases?

>> No.45357808

She's the type of manipulative person that wants to make you feel bad for her while keeping her hands clean so you could never blame her for making you feel that way. Don't know why Maruto seems to think that's the ideal woman.

>> No.45357812

Bro, we all miss our guy Tailon.

>> No.45357813

Less than a year. I started out on AliceSoft games (Drapeko, specifically) and they seemed to like to crash when hooked sometimes, or just not hook very well at all with AGTH. The transition is obviously very slow at first, but growing intimately familiar with the radical search function was definitely worth it. Now the only times I use one are when there's 文字化け or something and I've already been trying to search it up for 10 minutes or so.

>> No.45357846

Offtopic but what games are there that could compare to vns? I tried all kinds of well-known rpgs and shit but couldn't really stick to anything

>> No.45357858

None. Eroge is the peak of gaming.

>> No.45357887

Obvious which one is more trad and based and which one is for the contemporary golem.

>> No.45357901

The only game for me was Nier, literally the last game I played that was based. And dark souls, but both are Nipponese so it's a pseudo-VN anyway.

>> No.45357910

Me? I am Akira Tonohasi Watabe. N1. 1 year of self-study, 1 year of study under a real Sensei.
And you? What are you? A text-hooker?! Kudaranai. Get out of my sight!

>> No.45357916

I tried nier replicant but got bored halfway through, the story felt way too childish
Probably should try the automata sometime

>> No.45357917

It's hard to answer that. I mean, the only thing really comparable to something eroge related is kiseki with rance. My new home are the classic snes/ps1 jrpgs

>> No.45357922

Automata is what I enjoyed, and learned the lore afterwards on YouTube. It felt like an anime or vn honestly, more than a video game.

>> No.45357926

16bit was a good investment because it managed to revive interest in eroge, look how many ips we have now
I'm still waiting for yout apologies from r calling it trash btw

>> No.45357928

Further posts below this line require proof of Japanese proficiency above N2 level.
Other users are asked to migrate to >>>/vg/ ください。

>> No.45357937

if muramasa is 10/10 hard
and some random nukige is 0/10 hard
how hard to understand is steins;gate?

>> No.45357947

Funny, I thought replicant was leagues better than Automata

>> No.45357956

Same, automata is superior in gameplay tho

>> No.45357990

On that note any eroge that feel like Drakengard?

>> No.45358061
File: 205 KB, 1290x716, スクリーンショット_2023-11-25_06-15-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't this girl lived for like hundreds years. How is it possible that this was her first kiss. Bullshit.

>> No.45358062

It's fairly simple despite the content.

>> No.45358112


>> No.45358126

There is Xenogears but the gameplay is really awful.

>> No.45358125

it's moege

>> No.45358146

I played it for some time and gameplay wasn't that bad with speed up in the emulator, but i couldn't stick to the story either

>> No.45358158

Anyone know if there is any difference between the original and free releases here? https://vndb.org/v12718

>> No.45358168

Replicant NVL's segments were really good, I liked its use of dynamic bgm during those

>> No.45358184

Probably not. Official site just says that 「十年経ちましたので、フリーソフトとして再公開いたしました。」 : http://www.kagehoushi.org/es/

>> No.45358205

I played and enjoyed many JRPGs in the past but I personally couldn't make it pass disk 1 because the obligatory platforming drove me nuts. The story seems interesting to me, though. Probably could have used save states to complete the game but eh.
I guess if there's another JRPG that could be """VN tier""", Eternal Arcadia might count. Moege, feel good vibes and the MC does ends up with two cute girls.

>> No.45358208

Nice, the egs comments look overwhelmingly positive

>> No.45358218

how old are you, have you ever kissed anyone?

>> No.45358233

I got kissed by my niece so my life is complete

>> No.45358234


>> No.45358245

A horny 16 year old girl was abusing be when I was 12 and stole my first kiss

>> No.45358246

I've beaten the game twice, albeit both times in English. The combat is merely okay, I've certainly played worse. The story is the main draw for me and even I will say it has some rough moments throughout disc 1 that are rather boring. Shame about disc 2 though, I felt that the story was actually getting very good at the end of disc 1 just for the rest of the game to be a very low budget VN with a few boss fights.

>> No.45358254

My cousin once.

>> No.45358262

Gee. Sure feel bad. What an awful experience you had to go through.
Wonder if any of these are actually true though.

>> No.45358278

Never. But I almost got strangled to death by a neighbor girl a couple of years older when I was 5 years old so I'm very afraid of real girls, especially of older ones.

>> No.45358282

Bro you really never got kissed by some relatives' kids? At least where i live it seems extremely common

>> No.45358286

what the fuck

>> No.45358295

I only saw my family like once or twice a year. Only girl I remember was way younger.

>> No.45358296

Are you esl or some shit you say this like english doesn’t have a massive 17th/18th century literary corpus with christianity, religion and moralism as the forefront themes

>> No.45358303

Felt like anon was thinking about kiss on the lips, not like a peck on the cheek.

>> No.45358308

Are you a brazilian? I know your aunts and older female cousins will take your virginity if you reach 21 so you don't have to bear the shame

>> No.45358352

I always hated family gatherings as a kid because all of those random aunts and grannies would always kiss me on the lips to death

>> No.45358466

Talk about Setsuna I think the anime makes her feel much more like a normal good girl. I wonder if it's Maruto's decision or they have a Setsunafag on the staff.
Persona from 3 onwards. There is also https://store.steampowered.com/app/1053390/_ORIGIN_OF_ADVENTURE/

>> No.45358511

Speaking about "vn-like" games, anyone played Sentinels Aegis Rim? It seems to have some extremely good reviews

>> No.45358533

Imagine linking steam the biggest cancer threatening eroge, in the eroge thread

>> No.45358608

What would be the English equivalent to the 明暦 era style text?

>> No.45358642

Any chuunimoege recommendations? Already read Crystalia's catalogue.

>> No.45358650

For me it's playing western crpg in japanese https://youtu.be/k32_bf4dm34?si=0ZgicWPEhn69T_20

>> No.45358652

Oh no, what are we going to do if people in this thread find out about steam????

>> No.45358681


>> No.45358730

9-nine-. It's great as a chuunimoege but it's a bit slow to start.
fortissimo might be fun to try but it has some major problems as a moege due to two protagonist, whoring, and ero-scenes with non-protagonists.

>> No.45358864

Any chuunintr recommendations? Already read Nitro+'s catalogue.

>> No.45358896
File: 682 KB, 2560x1440, Geminism_27-11-2023 19-46-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, i only now learned that the katakana version of wafers will be ウエハース
Now this makes even less sense than クレーム

>> No.45358929
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1076, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Maitetsu worth it? As far as I recall, the H it has is in a separate menu, essentially making it an all-ages game. Is it a worthwhile read despite this?

>> No.45358947

Depends. Do you like small town politics and train infodumps? Then you'll enjoy it. You do have to engage in some suspension of disbelief to enjoy the small town politics, though.

>> No.45359048

i do this

>> No.45359160

Ryu Ga Gotoku games.

>> No.45359234

Speaking about it, how do you play it in japanese? I got the Yakua 0 from rutracker that supposedly had both en and jp texts, but there were no language settings anywhere
Do you need like to change the windows language to jp or something?

>> No.45359255

I thought of another method to get around the freeze in Geminism. Loading in from a save.

I need someone to upload save files made on the first and second lines. Would appreciate that.

>Is your pc a literal potato or something?
My PC is good enough, I just refuse pajeetsoft 10.
>I play it on 60fps and didn't have a single lag so far
I don't have lag, the game freezes up on New Game. It's a known issue with newer UNITY releases, always caused by an unnecessary dll plugin that sabotages nonW10 users.

>> No.45359324

I know. We shouldn't be feeding Gabe any of our bux because he's an ultra fat westoid who contaminates our sacred Asian lands with his filth.

>> No.45359343
File: 26 KB, 1280x720, Geminism (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm. I got it working?

Can someone confirm this is the first line?

What I did. I downloaded the 100% save from Seiya Saiga. It unlocks everything (3 routes?) but even the left option doesn't freeze now. Maybe the freeze issue was related to initial saves.

>> No.45359365

For steam games you choose the language on the ini that comes with the crack.

>> No.45359371


>> No.45359467

I don't have relatives

>> No.45359518

You could be the utsuge protagonist

>> No.45359541

to be honest it does make it easy to relate to vn protagonists because it seems like every other one is an orphan

>> No.45359560


>> No.45359611

Actually i always wondered, are there any amateur seiyuu groups who were voicing oldge? Something on the Gakuen hansomu level

>> No.45359693

Okay thanks.

I figured out the reason being related to video playback. 宣伝用映像 and スタッフロール don't play with a 100% save though no freeze. On an initial save the intro seems to play and can't be skipped = freeze. With 100% save starting the 桔梗 route skips the video after 1 click. I saved on the first line and then switched the 100% system save to the 0% save, loaded save1 and it works. Still freezes from the menu. Likely needs finishing the game and unlocking the video to enable skipping the freeze. Should be able to play through without read text flags this way until the staff roll.

This is the first time in 12 years I've had a video playback issue with a VN. Back then it was 00's Navel games that didn't like a crappy anime codec pack I had to uninstall that.

>> No.45359705

So on top of being uncultured you also need spoonfeeding, interesting

>> No.45359742

They took the MTL pill after Unity became hookable

>> No.45359746

I'm actually interested if i would be able to comprehend it with my esl level

>> No.45359783

we read the canturbury tales and beowulf in high school

>> No.45359861
File: 56 KB, 532x877, plytjHCEpj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you read this

>> No.45359890

Could only recognise Virgin

>> No.45359913


>> No.45359956

Do you guys immerse yourself in VN to such a degree that you randomly start speaking in Japanese irl? Like saying naruhodo, or sou desu in response.

>> No.45359992

My inner monologues nowadays are often in broken Japanese so yeah. I'd read everything out loud all the time if people weren't around me.

>> No.45360018

In my head? Yeah. I don't talk to people out loud.

>> No.45360033

Somehow jp dub of those American-focused games feels so uncanny to me
Same with Death stranding or Last of us

>> No.45360065

I have a weird mix in my head of my native lang, english and jp, and my brain randomly chooses to remember some word in one lang and forget about its existence in another
So it's very common for me now to translate from jp to my native lang now because i can't recall some certain word for life...

>> No.45360097

I honestly consumed so much works in english that I think much better in english than in my native language.
My japanese isn't at that level yet. There's still a "gap" of me translating in my head.

>> No.45360182

Weird, I never translated even at a low tier level of Jap. Even now after 2-3 years of not learning when I watch anime I just get it if I know the grammar/vocab.

>> No.45360195

>Like saying naruhodo, or sou desu in response.
No, only long chuuni monologues.

>> No.45360214

Me personally? I frequently quote Reinhard or Mercuirus from Dies irae in my everyday life.

>> No.45360246
File: 1.52 MB, 1630x1223, malie_26-09-2023 17-23-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same i say this to my mom whenever she asks me when i will get a gf

>> No.45360250

I think more in japanese and english than in my primary language, is not even forced it just comes out naturally, it also helps to keep the spoken fluency high since there is no one I can talk in those languages irl

>> No.45360348


>> No.45360400

In tales games every skit is basically a short sol scene from a vn or anime
Another random pick: oninaki had an eroge-like plot. It was alright.

>> No.45360693
File: 3.01 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_27-11-2023 23-18-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to remember this one

>> No.45360729

Anybody finished Geminism yet? And if yes, what's your impressions?

>> No.45360749
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, ss_83df73a4828b67bebf25d4e1c6c6042e457c60e5.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Bocchi the Rock, the VN?

>> No.45360772
File: 223 KB, 833x258, スクリーンショット 2023-11-27 162923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45360778
File: 477 KB, 1299x320, 1691331115100174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

des is the bes

>> No.45360804

Why does he talk like that

>> No.45360838

She sounds like your average 4chan poster

>> No.45360850

No, this one is https://vndb.org/v11415

>> No.45360855

>bocchi the reddit

>> No.45360869
File: 1.99 MB, 1644x1233, malie_12-10-2023 23-39-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45360870

The ryuu route is pretty good desu

>> No.45360878

I doubt there is a single vn made for the normalfag audience, a JAPANESE vn

>> No.45360920

I have. Wouldn't call it a vn really, it's okay though. It's enjoyable if you turn your brain off.

>> No.45360943

you can't say 不感

>> No.45360974

I don't mean literally, but rather figuratively.

>> No.45360981

That's blue bocchi. She's literally wearing the tracksuit.

>> No.45361169

No wonder her name sounds almost like Asperger.

>> No.45361184

No it doesn't.

>> No.45361193

right here, friend

>> No.45361197


>> No.45361229 [DELETED] 

I still hook but I should probably stop. I’ve played severanle unhookable VNs just fine but when I can hook I like being able to read faster

>> No.45361247

H in a separate menu to me is just insulting. Were the writers too lazy to fit it in? What's next, slice of life in a separate menu, plot in a separate menu?

>> No.45361298

h o w

>> No.45361352

This post is s-tier

>> No.45361353


Seems similar enough.

>> No.45361385

>What's next, slice of life in a separate menu, plot in a separate menu?
Doesn't this kind of exist if you count some fandiscs? Like off the top of my head Hollow Ataraxia had events on a map you could chose from and anything that had an exclamation point was plot-relevant stuff. It can't be the only game with that kind of setup.

>> No.45361388

>cuck language full of nothing but words that were raped the shit out of them in a dark alley
Knowing fluent English truly is part of God's chosen ones

>> No.45361419

You have a point somewhat. I just feel like h scenes should have a large impact on the vn if used well, so making them optional inherently diminishes their value.

>> No.45361425

Apparently, the devs did the same in another game (Monobeno), so it should be a deliberate choice. I just don't understand why they think anyone would want that

>> No.45361441

Only when I'm alone or if the guys in the room are weebs. I think in jp more than in english, which I guess isn't that much weird since I read and listen in jp much more than I do in english. Not more than my primary language tho

>> No.45361453

None of you will EVER be Japanese.

>> No.45361465

I can pass looking like one of their celebs

>> No.45361473

Monobeno at least had some plot-relevant h scenes that you don't need to choose from the menu so it's something
I really don't know how to feel about it because it has some of the hottest scenes i ever fapped to, but at the same time if they were included in the story it would turn a very wholesome and atmospheric story into nukige
They should have probably just made a fandisk out of those h scenes instead

>> No.45361474

Kiseki? You have a fuckton of text, fandisc, sequel bait opus, and they are quite chuuni

>> No.45361476

It is Akira who you speak to, mongrel...

>> No.45361482

I'm fine with just being a person who knows Japanese

>> No.45361493
File: 70 KB, 600x338, Hibike-Euphonium-game-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Hibike! Euphonium of VN? I would enjoy that very much.

>> No.45361498

I wish all those anime jrpgs weren't ruined by that cringey turn-based combat

>> No.45361502

Being satisfied with being a mediocre mongrel? Mattaku... The Nipponjin are superior in every way.

>> No.45361505

Fandisk is a much better approach

>> No.45361506


>> No.45361516

How would adding 2-3 hours of H turn a 40-50 hour VN into nukige?

>> No.45361526

Hot H = nukige apparently. I don't get it.

>> No.45361539

Fandisc? I wasn't aware that Kiseki has them.

>> No.45361550

It's way more than that. Over 100 H-scenes. But he means the random OOC sex feels more like a nukige than the rest of the VN. It's really different.

>> No.45361563


>> No.45361587

If only I could convince the gaijin on Japan about that, specially the westerners

>> No.45361589
File: 2.41 MB, 1681x945, ものべの-happy_end-_17-10-2023 00-59-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mc turns into Rance during h scenes

>> No.45361656


>> No.45361697
File: 3.11 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_28-11-2023 01-24-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Kikyou to scold me...

>> No.45361704


>> No.45361711


>> No.45361713

Who the hell cares?

>> No.45361718

Me, anon...

>> No.45361728

Is it based or like Subahibi?

>> No.45361733

What are you doing in this thread then? There are MTL, translated, and translation status threads for people who care about translations.

>> No.45361745

It's more comfy and based. I was a JP anon too but then stuff happened and I dropped reading for a while. I still identify as JP, not EN.
In fact I would like to rejoin the fold, is Anki still considered good nowadays?

>> No.45361748
File: 416 KB, 420x445, 1696579963315482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take it you double nigger

>> No.45361754


>> No.45361764

If you managed to be capable of reading in Japanese even a bit then you wouldn't need Anki much, even if you had a blank.

>> No.45361785

maybe he was a hookchad

>> No.45361802

>is Anki still considered good nowadays
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Just say that you don't know (and never knew) Japanese, bro.

>> No.45361849

I read Muramasa up to when the protagonist change happens. Slowly, but I still powered through by chuuni force.
I only used it for unfamiliar words. Like it was running in the background and I alt-tabbed to the dictionary.
I mean maybe there is a better way of learning vocab.

>> No.45361850

Anki is a waste of time. Just read and you won't need it

>> No.45361889


>> No.45361897

Maybe if the only thing you read is moege

>> No.45361911

Yeah, why would I read anything else?

>> No.45361921

Listen to this: >>45361850. If you are capable of reading and comprehending even if slowly without looking up every second word then you don't need Anki. You should just read more and remember words naturally.

>> No.45361937

It makes no sense. You can't just remember the rare words naturally because, well, they are rare and you need to review them periodically which is the whole point

>> No.45361953

I only found Anki useful when I memorized kanji since that was helpful to acquire the intuition to know a lot of words without looking them up.

>> No.45361970

>anki drones have joined the chat

>> No.45361987

>N(igger)5 buta joined the chat

>> No.45361991

You can remember them naturally after seeing them multiple times with their context.
And if they are so rare that you won't see them often enough to remember then looking them up at that time is good enough.

>> No.45362007

If that is good enough for you then you must have some really low standards

>> No.45362016

Read nigger read

>> No.45362040

I mean, those are rare words. It's cool if you could remember them, but you don't see them often because they're rare.
It's like coming across something like verisimilitude or serendipity.

>> No.45362062

But I remember those words in English. If you aren't good enough to memorize a rare word just seeing it once, you don't know Japanese

>> No.45362083

Those standards have managed to get me to pass N1 with high score and to reading everything freely, and all that without any boring Anki monotony.
I consider that to be good enough for me.

>> No.45362090

N1 is elementary school level

>> No.45362092

And yet those words are coming all the time since you are reading a literature-focused medium. If you try to challenge stuff like Mareni without some decent base of those words then your reading experience will turn into looking up words every 5 min

>> No.45362119

It's more like middle-school level on average.

>> No.45362135

>It's like coming across something like verisimilitude or serendipity.
It's harder to remember words like those because English is mostly pure memorization with all of its raped vocabulary.
Rare Japanese words aren't a big deal because you can pretty much guess what they are by taking them apart if you know Japanese well enough.

>> No.45362139

This thread is starting to read like /djt/

>> No.45362147

You can do that with most rare english words too

>> No.45362150

But you won't be able to read them on the contrary

>> No.45362158

Looking up a dozen words an hour seems to be not so bad when reading a literature-focused stuff. I won't be surprised if I'll need to look up this much even in my native language.

>> No.45362159

reminder even gambs himself uses anki
you can't go wrong with taking the SRS pill

>> No.45362182

Judging from the video of him failing to read easy vocab, yes you can
Pretty sure he's just autistic or something though

>> No.45362192

He is like the whole definition of how to do anki wrong
The dude wastes hours on some stupid premade decks instead of reading

>> No.45362205

gambs is retarded and tells you to do entire anki decks before reading anything

>> No.45362209

Yeah I smell the DJT trannycord riding the thread

>> No.45362211

He has a PhD but still is trapped at N3-4 for years while retards with no real education already got pass that in a year.

>> No.45362227

You guys acting all /djt/ ankidrones and the like. Here I am reading
>ずずっ..., はぁっ...じゅぽっ, じゅぽっ! じゅぽっ, じゅぽっ! じゅっ...じゅるるっ...!
>じゅぽじゅぽじゅぽっ! じゅるるっ! じゅるっ! ずっ...! れろぉ...! じゅぽっ! じゅぽ...!
>んっ, はぁっ..., じゅっ, じゅるるっ!
and hearing nothing but disgusting ramen slurping noises. Two 15-minute blowjob scenes in a row and I'm bored out of my mind.

>> No.45362230

You clearly don't know english so i guess you're not a chosen one? Too bad!

>> No.45362231

bro you have no idea what you're talking about... he passed n1 10 years ago, his phd is in machine learning not japanese, and he does research at university of tokyo

he uses a mining deck though

>> No.45362240

That shit gets me rock hard however.

>> No.45362245

>didn't capitalize his I
>didn't capitalize his E for eggo
oh no.................he's an ESL seanog...............

>> No.45362249

>he uses a mining deck though
doesn't he have multiple deck + ones for other languages?

>> No.45362250

Fuck off /djt/rannies

>> No.45362256

13 Sentinels is a masterpiece. Play it.

>> No.45362259

I'm kinda interested in your native language because i never found myself looking up any words in mine at least, everything just comes on an intuitive level

>> No.45362260

his phd is clearly dicksucking just like yours lol

>> No.45362272

And yet he's clearly pathetic. Credentials aren't everything.

Btw I visited a UTokyo campus festival once and it was full of Indians and Pakistanis. And this was like seven years ago!

>> No.45362284

if it has h scenes in common route = nukige simple as

>> No.45362285
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>> No.45362288

Not him but for example just read an old British novel. I don't know if it's different in the UK, but there's going to be occasionally some words nobody in real life uses that I won't know.

>> No.45362302

Even if it's a dream?

>> No.45362313

Common route h scenes piss me off unless it actually makes sense to have them. Not even a good vn but Soukoku no Arterial had an h scene with the worst girl that was unavoidable in the common route, almost dropped it due to that. I dropped Kazoku Keikaku for that very reason, barely launched the game and forced h scene.

>> No.45362347

yeah, the mining deck is the main one but he also has stuff like kanji writing decks and yojijukugo decks because he's studying for 漢検

>> No.45362359

For me, it's Wani Kani.

>> No.45362370

Would you really not be able to figure it out from context though? In my lang the literature is very different from everyday speech and most of the words there you will never hear anyone saying unironically but they still somehow just make sense in the context even if you have barely seen them ever before

>> No.45362383

>Would you really not be able to figure it out from context though?
Sure you probably could, but that's not really different than Japanese in that regard.

>> No.45362411

It's easier in japanese to figure out a rough meaning in the context, but you can't figure out the rare readings without knowing them. And for me, if i can't read it then i don't know it

>> No.45362455

the only reason he failed to read those words is because they weren't in his anki deck yet.

anki chads win again

>> No.45362471

If the author isn't a dick, he would put in the reading for a word you truly wouldn't be likely to know.

>> No.45362476

His reading accent was worse than those indian youtubers making guides
Should have spent that time on pitch accent instead and he could at least flex by talking fluently like matt

>> No.45362482

I guess most eroge writers are dicks then

>> No.45362495

liar. point out 5 pitch mistakes.

>> No.45362508
File: 2.31 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_28-11-2023 03-00-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros what do i choose...

>> No.45362516

Choose to kill yourself.

>> No.45362550

You've probably been confused due to all the off-topic spam, but this isn't DJT.

>> No.45362571

Time to leave this thread for a few months and return to my safe space with my bros. I have too low a tolerance level with tourists and dekinais

>> No.45362594

>16bit sensation 2: New Jump Lets GO!!!!

>> No.45362632

Nuigurumi shop is the best choice for little girls. It will be memorable item for a long time.

>> No.45362634

Ar Tonelico, Ar nosurge, Ciel nosurge

>> No.45362655

I get really bored with nothing but slurping sounds. Takes far too long per scene. The 2nd BJ was followed by cowgirl and it felt like only 6 minutes. Now the next scene is -surprise- a 3rd BJ. The handjob scenes can't come soon enough.

>> No.45362669

you realize they just get a random ossan to do those sounds right

>> No.45362674


>> No.45362678

and so it's a bit gay if you fap to those sounds

>> No.45362700
File: 2.78 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_28-11-2023 03-17-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just a kigurumi, it's over...

>> No.45362702

>he still thinks 16-midation is not a huge flop
dude play these shitty moeges lmao

>> No.45362710

the cat isn't gay until you check it yourself

>> No.45362718

I laughed.

>> No.45362720

i opened the nekobako for you and now you will have to live with that forbidden knowledge

>> No.45362757

Honestly for the high IP count the thread is not as cancerous as I expected it to be
Hopefully the anime ends soon and the tourists leave and only those who liked eroge stay

>> No.45362776
File: 3.30 MB, 2560x1440, Geminism_28-11-2023 03-25-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit i just remembered that goddamn movie and how i was always scared to watch as a kid
I wonder if that's where they came up with that whole idea about Awasumi

>> No.45362789

How's this guy taking so long to finish a 6 hour game?

>> No.45362795

>speedreading a game with the best voice cast of the year

>> No.45362797

not everyone is a hookcuck like you

>> No.45362801
File: 1.52 MB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still searching for a moege with a teacher heroine. The only requirement is that she isn't an 幼馴染 or otherwise already knows the protagonist, since I want the romance to be organic
Also, preferably it would be made in the last 5 years or so, so I don't have to strain my eyes with 240p art, but beggars can't be choosers

>> No.45362802

Nobody gives a shit about that failure anime, a lot of tourists came for the last djges shared here and from /vn/. Word spread through discord servers

>> No.45362804

Why wouldn't you take your time reading something you like?

>> No.45362811

If I like something a lot I'll want to read faster, not slower.

>> No.45362818

Meanwhile me sitting there and repeating voice lines again and again because they are so good...

>> No.45362819

Shouldn't you be faster if you aren't a hookcuck?

>> No.45362834

hookcucking makes reading easier and more effortless so no

>> No.45362849

Pretty x Cation

>> No.45362850

Yeah, if the guy knows Japanese. Clearly he doesn't lol

>> No.45362880

What effort are you exerting bro? You either know the words you see or you don't. In both cases you just go forward

>> No.45362896

Do speedcucks really?...

>> No.45362903

Rent free lol, look at me, I care deeply about how others read their porn games lol

>> No.45362919
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>> No.45362941

You're too precious for this shitty thread but please don't stop blogposting just because some retard showed up.

>> No.45362965
File: 268 KB, 1000x1480, IMG_3507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he might be a reference to the bandaged guy from Shoujo Tsubaki. Awasumi has arms though.

>> No.45363015

Yeah, it's rare to see so many talented people come together in the same game

>> No.45363026
File: 1 KB, 572x39, ManicTimeClient_28-11-2023 04-02-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really stop distracting myself on this thread too much instead of reading though because i'm going to spend a whole week on it at this rate...
And the week has only started

>> No.45363065

i wouldn't care about hookcucks and speedoids if they didn't hang around the same places as me and pollute discourse with their """opinions"""

>> No.45363077

You and the other blogposters are the only ones keeping this place somewhat decent, but if it's affecting your reading hours, then yeah, you should probably cut down on your interwebs hours

>> No.45363101

The last few 25-40h eroge took me ~10 days and a 8h nukige 3 days to complete. As a NEET. The worst part is that while I always take my sweet time, this time I felt dedicated to them and less distracted. I'm beginning to understand why wagecucks only read routes they're interested in instead of completing 100%.

>> No.45363124

This is a double-edged sword, the last couple of threads were pretty decent but they are like that only when you are taking part in the discussions
I miss the times when the thread was dead and you could atl tab once in a few hours and see 2 messages half of which were troubleshooting..

>> No.45363149

Lmao fucking zoomers Sakura no toki took me almost 1 month, and you think one week is slow

>> No.45363165

yeah you're slow

>> No.45363180

Lovely x Cation has two
Sister Lesson has several

>> No.45363208

A month? Sakura no Toki took me less than a week. How did you manage to go that slow?

>> No.45363216

Wait, disregard Sister Lesson for an obvious reason.
LxC still stands, preferably ALLxCATION version because no DRM and all free appends are built in

>> No.45363221

This cubege
has teacher heroine, dunno about quality as I didn't read her route, only did the white haired girl route and dropped it, as expected of moege. One and done.

>> No.45363281

>he passed n1 10 years ago

Yet he didn't know 戦 lol

>> No.45363297
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 131626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gaijin is not an osananajimi (two other are though)

>> No.45363315

not a neet

>> No.45363358

> only did the white haired girl route
the proper way to play moege

>> No.45363505

I once accidentally said はい to an Asian guy, quickly realized that I had no reason to think he spoke Japanese, and pretended that I had said "Hi" instead.

>> No.45363523

I wish Tainone didn't end up in the Atelier Kaguya mines.

>> No.45363568

This looks good, not him but thanks for posting

>> No.45363570

these threads were ruined by djt zoomers

>> No.45363578

if you keep hookcucking you will end up like this guy who literally can't grasp the concept of looking up words without a texthooker

>> No.45363591


>> No.45363717

No one wants to look up words here in this not-djt thread though, same with the anki shitposts

>> No.45363793

Why is he even reading a VN you can't hook? There are 10000+ reading hours of hookable VNs and you only need like 2000 for reading fluency so just read one of those

>> No.45363804

funniest thing about this is if you check his posting history he's made several posts about "reading" oretsuba

>> No.45363817

Lets post less about random people from now on?

>> No.45363852

t. Grouchy-Anything-236

>> No.45363856

Hopefully all of those "people" will go away eventually and we can have peace.

>> No.45363871

ihanashi is pretty good so that's a reason to play it but also I'm pretty sure there's a patched version with built in hooking out there

>> No.45363955

It won't stop happening until people stop taking the most obvious bait in the world.
It's genuinely fucking embarrassing how you literally just have to post the words 'hook' or 'mtl' for guaranteed arguments and replies because you idiots just can't fucking help yourselves.

>> No.45363982

God-dammit why are so many of this month's releases AI art. Even half the erokoes and h-asmrs use AI art these days.

>> No.45363991

It's because you guys never actually discuss VNs here. The closest you get is the occasional screenshot and "any VNs like this"-type posts.

>> No.45363995

one is a text medium and the other is an audio medium

>> No.45363999

But I don't like AI art.
Maybe it'll be good someday but the people using it to make shitty rpgmaker games sure don't know how to use it well. And I used to play so many shitty rpgmaker games.

>> No.45364005

The "any VNs" poster is new and does it solely to post garbage white noise for incomprehensible reasons.

>> No.45364027

/vn/ tourist

>> No.45364042

Any vns that make mtl hookcucks seethe?

>> No.45364056

It's hard to actually discuss something in depth since the chances of anyone having read what I just finished is pretty low. There's a reason why the more popular VNs are the ones that actually can facilitate discussion. It's just because more than one random anon has actually read it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about this. I'm just saying that in its natural state, this thread should be slow. And it was actually until recently because I guess people from /vn/ or something have decided to troll us for whatever reason.

>> No.45364057

None, everything is hookable now. Gatekeeping is truly dead.

>> No.45364075

I'm out of this shithole. See you on JOPs servers bros

>> No.45364079

See you tomorrow bro.
*goodnight kiss*

>> No.45364132


>> No.45364138
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1701142569056047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooksisters I don't feel so good...

>> No.45364164

Hookbros.... how do we respond to this

>> No.45364169

Stop using MTL and learn to read

>> No.45364184

Stop using MTL. Get out of this thread.

Oretsuba. Hard to translate fully without butchering it in the first place, can't imagine MTL.

>> No.45364302

Dies Irae got translated perfectly, so I doubt Oretsuba could be that difficult

>> No.45364303
File: 150 KB, 256x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read last week
>Hajimete no Kanojo
>literally broke my dick
>next month
>Imouto to Kanojo - Sorezore no Sentaku

>> No.45364307

>Dies Irae got translated perfectly

Define perfect lmao

>> No.45364308


>A guide/routine to help people learn Japanese from scratch with the immersion method.
>This guide was made to be followed in order. Most of the decisions have already been made for you.

>> No.45364314


>> No.45364327

random nobody complains about industry veterans translations. I wonder who is correct?

>> No.45364332


If possible, I would've liked to avoid anything German-sounding at the moment, for obvious reasons...

Surprised they forgot the iconic rewrite.

>> No.45364345

They are such veterans that is why they are stuck in weeb shit and will never be hired to translate anything serious

>> No.45364352

How do you even get that from that? What's the context?

>> No.45364358

Anon, the only respectable translator was makoto

>> No.45364367


>> No.45364369

The context is Ren and Shirou discussing their team name near the end of the common route. Here's the full comparison:

「命名、チーム“ヴェーアヴォルフ”――いい感じじゃね? ドイツ語的に」




"I hereby dub us Team Wehrwolf — got a nice ring to it, yeah? It's all German and shit."

That sounded horrible.

If possible, I would've liked to avoid anything German-sounding at the moment, for obvious reasons...

What am I, an extra?

>> No.45364377


>> No.45364399

this guy https://vndb.org/s27459
he was the only decent vns translator

>> No.45364411

Damn I read almost all his translations long ago. RIP

>> No.45364436

AND hata

>> No.45364473

new thread with no chuuni garbage in the op please

>> No.45364474

That fat ass is constantly sucking translators, cartel and eops cocks to try to be relevant. Sad

>> No.45364478

new thread with super a cool chuuni CG in the op please

>> No.45364480

how about a criminal border thread? It's a pretty popular recent release

>> No.45364483

>「命名、チーム“ヴェーアヴォルフ”――いい感じじゃね? ドイツ語的に」
>"I hereby dub us Team Wehrwolf — got a nice ring to it, yeah? It's all German and shit."
Something I noticed with a lot of translators is they go way overboard with "characterization." Like in Japanese there will be barely any difference in how two characters talk, sometimes maybe just ending their sentences slightly differently, but in English they make it so the difference is extremely noticeable to make them distinct which ends up being almost cartoonish and jarring to read
Well maybe I'm just not picking up on the slight nuance of Japanese dialogue, but that's what it feels like at least

>> No.45364498

gambs knows more japanese than you

>> No.45364506

Go to sleep gambs

>> No.45364507

No, you're not wrong; it's something I've never liked about translations. They often go far too overboard. I don't mind them trying to make the text flavorful for the character, but there are times when it's just annoying to read. There's more than this that makes Dies Irae's translation bad, but I'd rather not talk for days on end about things that have already been said by countless other people.

>> No.45364517

It's because the extreme exaggeration is what Americans want (primary audience for most English translations). American cartoons and dubs also do the same sort of "cheekiness/cheesiness".
It's not like Japanese doesn't have any brazenness either but none of that can be translated to anything reasonable in English besides "rewrites" which are somehow incredibly shocking to EOPs once they find out lol

>> No.45364532

It's easier to show character through different speech styles in Japanese than in English so they kind of have to exaggerate to convey the differences.

>> No.45364535

bro... oretsuba is getting translated to danish. eng tl is only a matter of time

>> No.45364550

Cross Channel 2.0

>> No.45364551

Even if a translation is done, I don't expect it to be of good quality. That's the main issue. A translation can be made for any work, but without seeing its quality, it ultimately doesn't matter.

I was about to say the same.

>> No.45364559

what actually happens is that jop spend years hyping up a game as epic life changing kamige and eops believe it, so when the translation comes out and eops are disappointed jops cope by blaming it on the translation because they don't want to admit they're beloved kamige is not that good.

>> No.45364570

Mmmh, if you go to egs or any japanese review, you will notice that in both cases the quality of the writing is highly praised. What you enjoy and what we enjoy are not the same. Sorry

>> No.45364573

You mean 4.0

>> No.45364575

Schizophrenia and missing the point of the whole statement.

Anyways, if you'd like to go toward that, Oretsuba's writing isn't only praised by us but also by native Japanese people. But, sure. If you'd like to go there.

>> No.45364578

elaborate on what you mean by "quality writing".

>> No.45364580
File: 81 KB, 399x452, 1694857750904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's not our fault you have to read this

>> No.45364591

Have you read Oretsuba? I assume you're an EOP by the way you are talking, so I guess not.

What other quality writing would we be talking about none other than his prose and how he manages to beautifully explain everything. There's a reason it's highly praised both by us and natives.

But, you don't know Japanese, so it makes sense.

>> No.45364600
File: 184 KB, 800x601, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I get interested in Oretsuba I look at the sample screenshots on vndb and my interest goes down

>> No.45364602

ah okay, thanks for confirming you're just another cartel drone who can't explain what's good about muh kamige and resort to le prose meme.

>> No.45364607

You asked what we meant by quality writing, I explained. You're an idiot plain and simple.

>> No.45364609

look at this beautiful prose. eops will never understand.

>> No.45364610

Lmao this guy

>> No.45364617

Jackson did a kind of study of all the slangs that existed during those years and used them to bring all the characters to life and differentiate them. How do you translate that to another language? Lmao no idea

>> No.45364625

>How do you translate that to another language?
You don't. Or else you'll end up with a Cross Channel 4.0 where you have thousands of translation notes explaining it to you.

>> No.45364629

Is oretsuba just about hanging out with freaks and melanin enriched gentlemen in the city? Can you sell me on what's good about it?

>> No.45364633

While Oretsuba had been sitting on my VNDB wishlist for an entire decade, and was one of my "VN life goals," I was skeptical going into the work. I had often heard things like "the entire VN is 4MB of surface-level text that serves no deeper meaning beyond being good text" and "the VN is a comedy first and foremost with the plot taking a backseat throughout the entire VN" -- these are things I would expect to read in a review about moebuta trash if moebuta knew how to write intelligent reviews. These statements are technically true; Oretsuba is in some ways the VN equivalent of Seinfeld: a VN about nothing. Still, Oretsuba delivered.

Jackson writes about culture in the same way that SCA-Di writes about philosophy, being able to coherently integrate esoteric or highly intelligent references seamlessly into a larger text. Simultaneously, Jackson's mastery of the Japanese language makes for a challenging but captivating read. Over the course of the VN I mined approximately 600 words. Between the cultural references (which you should absolutely look up when you encounter them) and the Japanese in the text itself, you will become a more intelligent person after having read this work.

With regards to style, this VN very subtly sits directly on the liminoid between "fourth wall-breaking" and "pure metafiction." The VN is aware that it is a VN, and often reminds you that it is a VN, but without going overboard with it like DDLC. For a concrete example, Kakeru gets scolded for using the word マ×× (ma***), but gets around this by self-censoring to ヌンコ = (rnanko) (yes I came up with this translation myself and am extremely proud of it). From Kakeru's perspective he's self-censoring so that he's not saying a "bad word" but from the reader's perspective, he's doing it to get around the VN censors.

I highlight the importance of "perspective" above, because perspective is in my opinion the main overarching theme of the work, which reveals itself through small instances of style such as the above simultaneously with the broader plot. How do we see ourselves, and how do others see us? Who am I, and who or what defines who I am? What happens when how I see myself doesn't match with how others see myself? And to what extent can we impose our internal representations of others, onto the other themselves? These are deep questions that touch at a lot of the components of the human experience, and while Jackson never truly answers any of them, he uses the work to stimulate the reader's thoughts and to ask these questions in a truly artistic way. Coming back to the metafictive aspects of the work, Jackson takes these questions to the next level, drawing a deep comparison between human relations in society, and how humans (in particular you, the human reading Oretsuba) experience media. Indeed, a close reading of Oretsuba will show the protagonists themselves interacting with media in a somewhat metafictive fashion, hinting at how you yourself should be reading Oretsuba -- in a conversation, as if it were with another human.

I looked up many prior reviews of Oretsuba and most of them said absolutely nothing of substance, and the very few that did seemed to miss the mark entirely (despite lavishly praising the work). I think this is a symptom of the above, as a work about the human experience that demands self-insertion and subjective observation is necessarily an extremely personal experience. When you read Oretsuba from your own perspective you will get something necessarily different from my experience, similarly to how we will take away different experiences standing in front of the Mona Lisa.

Humans call media which evoke such subjective and beautiful experiences art. Most humans are not trained to read and understand art; these skills require training, and that training must come from experiencing enough media to be able to distinguish between "art" and "junk." Oretsuba is further complicated by simply being one of the most difficult works in the medium to read (in both the normal and artistic senses of the word) in the first place. But Oretsuba is beautiful precisely because it is not dumbed down. Jackson knows he is producing art, and that his art can only be appreciated by very few. I am glad that I took the time and effort to see Jackson's vision, and I implore anyone reading this who is interested in experiencing art to do the same.

>> No.45364636

>Gambs review

Okay I do admit, he did make a good review on Oretsuba. He's the only person who commented on the actual substance of the story... somehow.

>> No.45364638

>yes I came up with this translation myself and am extremely proud of it

>> No.45364641

>Is oretsuba just about hanging out with freaks and melanin enriched gentlemen in the city?
Yes but also cute girls.

>> No.45364645

It is about that, yes, basically. It's a story about everyday life, lol. The VN is primarily focused on its characters, not its plot.

>> No.45364651

I love Asuka so much.

>> No.45364660

Asuka is a good woman. I prefer Ai though.

>> No.45364662

I haven't checked the thread in like 2 weeks, why are the threads like twice as long now? I saw that last thread got 900 replies. Is it a raid or something?

Broken clock yada yada. I kind of just disregard the whole review whenever I see that name on vndb.

>> No.45364663

Is there a PC release of oretsuba that has all the content

>> No.45364664

Crazy how Jackson, like the fucking hack he is, missed the chance to make a true kamige by not writing a Koudain route.

>> No.45364665

That shit was fun ngl

>> No.45364671

You came just at the time when we are really discussing eroges

>> No.45364676


>> No.45364677

That’s gay

>> No.45364678

>I kind of just disregard the whole review whenever I see that name on vndb

Yeah, I get you. Also yeah, pretty sure there was a raid lol, not quite sure though I managed to come here a few days ago after it I guess.

No, you have to play the PS3 (Or Vita?) version for everything.

>> No.45364683

Yeah, my wife deserved more. Literally the best girl in the whole fucking game

>> No.45364693

Doesn't she have an all ages route

>> No.45364701

New thread:


>> No.45364704

But it's not Jackson's, what's the fucking point

>> No.45364819

Yes, it's that easy once you hit 30.
