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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45281417 No.45281417 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45260483
This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45281441

Nice to meet you, Mister エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General

>> No.45281506

Red Cherish is cool, still need to finish Eternity Blood. Only played few hours so far

>> No.45281536

OP you dummy

>> No.45281649


>> No.45281675
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>> No.45281710
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Overall Im liking the second mama more than the first one.

>> No.45281815

Can I read Kisaku without reading Isaku or Shuusaku?

>> No.45281937

you should play it in order, each game in the series plays off of your knowledge of the previous

>> No.45281954

Not exactly what I wanted to hear since the first game looks like a pain in the ass. Is it at least fun gameplay wise?

>> No.45282121

i liked it but i like point and click games, in terms of gameplay i think shuusaku is the worst of the series though. you can probably get away with skipping isaku but you should definitely play shuusaku before kisaku.

>> No.45282136

I'll just go through them all. Have you tried Isaku on modern OS? I notice it's the only one without a win10 patch.

>> No.45282143

Actually, should I even be playing the Win version in the first place?

>> No.45282235
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>> No.45282475

Imouto cope

>> No.45282610

Ok here it is, uploaded some of the stuff i had and it's already almost full so will need to make multiple parts
I guess my ultimate goal will be to backup everything that is on as as well as everything that was ever uploaded and create some kind of collection of djge somewhere on nyaa or something
If anyone has anything to include feel free to share (especially if someone has your no hitsuji collection available, can't be bothered to dl one by one)

>> No.45282770


>> No.45282776

i played isaku a very long time ago so i have not, i think the only difference is that the windows version has voice acting

>> No.45282779

MVP of the thread right here, thanks dude

>> No.45283104

Imoutos are cute and special.

>> No.45283159
File: 242 KB, 1024x768, Corona RPG Nanoja [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4zk0s4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game so much

>> No.45283171

thanks anon

>> No.45283222

Why red cherish looks this generic and soulless? Reminds me of some mobage but actually worse lol.

>> No.45283415

Looks fine to me. mobage shit looks way worse

>> No.45283418

I think they all directly improve from the previous until they get to 4 or 5, at which point they cap and are about the same thereafter for the remaining however many there are.

>> No.45283425

You have to be 18 to use this website.

>> No.45283530

Butthurt? Lol was a thing even before you were born, sweetheart.

>> No.45283542
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mid border flopped hard

>> No.45283553

Eops only read moeges while sniffing their own farts

>> No.45283556

If you want to start an argument about the sales of a translated VN, you can use /vnts/ or /vn/ for that, nobody here gives a shit.

>> No.45283685

Thanks bro

>> No.45283826

Finished hira hira hihiru earlier. Safe to say it's really good. I want to try some other Setoguchi stuff now. How's musicus? does it have any shounen romance?

>> No.45283858

Thanks. I uploaded a few of those doujins here myself so it's good someone here is doing a collection. Here's Ritterorden which someone else uploaded if you wanna add that to the collection.

>> No.45283978

Read Swan Song first.

>> No.45284021

put elsewhere
removed from list
placed aside
tucked under carpet
shoved into closet
buried six feet under

>> No.45284098


>> No.45284099


>> No.45284135

i find them actively unattractive
normally it's bundled up with me disliking the archtypes that usually wear them but since i find "surprise i have glasses" makes me wilt like an orchid under a heat lamp then maybe it's a physiological reaction

>> No.45284189

More games need to feature imouto anal sex. Our guys at Clochette often do, but we need more.

>> No.45284200
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, アイコトバ-Silver_Snow_Sister-_-_Ver1.0.0AikotobaSSS (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that answers my question last thread of how old she's supposed to be, should've just kept reading.

>> No.45284203

Cute JK 義妹.

>> No.45284208

Nice. Here's some stuff I have that's not in there, let me know if you're missing any of it:

クトゥルフをあそぶこえ https://vndb.org/v27136
Bye -Integral- https://vndb.org/v5629
ゴス道の乙女たち https://vndb.org/v20879
茜街奇譚 https://vndb.org/v31118
闇を奔る刃の煌き https://vndb.org/v12718
夏の燈火 https://vndb.org/v2670
灰か落葉か亡骸か https://vndb.org/v19295
月下之煌 https://vndb.org/v12724
幻想魔境奇譚 https://vndb.org/v20657
灯穂奇譚 https://vndb.org/v5711
面影末路 第一話 飛び散る https://vndb.org/v9304
流れ落ちる調べに乗せて https://vndb.org/v12717
various games by 自転車創業 https://vndb.org/p1872

>> No.45284215

I appreciate what you guys are doing, but there really should be a better storage place for this stuff than a thread on /jp/ with a link to a mega, that's fine for now but that's not long-term sustainable. Imagine being the guy in ten years looking for one of these games and stumbling across this thread then finding all the links are down.
Not to insult you guys, you're doing great stuff, just wish there was a better way.

>> No.45284229

Well, the guy said he wants to eventually make a torrent similar to TLMC etc. You're right, but first we need to pool our stuff together and help each other fill any gaps. And worst case scenario, at least by sharing games here there'll be a few more people archiving them.

>> No.45285192

Would be nice if you upload them since some are not even on as, except
>月下之煌, 灯穂奇譚

>> No.45285346

does anyone have og version of Kazokei? I don't want to read final complete and all other versions are without seeds

>> No.45285414


>> No.45285424


>> No.45285669
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>> No.45285837

Urushibara-sensei is our god.

>> No.45286517 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru/Kuro route.

>sibling love
>time travel to fulfill it
>sibling child-making

Urushibara-sensei is literally ourest of our guys.

>> No.45286533

I have some joseimuke doujin, I don't know if anyone is interested but last time I checked none of this stuff has ever been uploaded anywhere before.

>> No.45286634

Thanks for uploading, but is this volume 1 or is it the complete edition of the game?

>> No.45286659

readme says
>本製品は旧作「Ritterorden」シリーズの「vol.1 第一王女」「vol.2 王立騎士団」「vol.3 神の末裔」を一つに纏め、

>> No.45286681

Nice, thanks again

>> No.45287557

It's been 2016 since I last ever read any VNs. I want to get back into reading and I'm trying to remember, there used to be a JP site that had guides for routes for basically every VN. Does anyone have a link to any VN guide databases like I'm describing?

>> No.45287567


>> No.45287619

Just search on google the name of the VN + 攻略

>> No.45287731

Thanks anon this is the exact site I remember.

>> No.45287837

Slowly filling part2, not sure if i should include some freege too though

>> No.45287852

Lads, I have a question about Sayonara Wo Oshiete
How does one fuck a bird?

>> No.45287874

I think they should be included, or else we'll have the same situation as the previous thread where a great freege was ultimately lost over time.

>> No.45287901

Could probably make a separate one for freege like they did for otome since it probably has way less chance of getting nuked because of copyright

>> No.45287902

I feel like that's the devs' fault for only publishing it as a fucking website. Like who thinks that's a good idea, link rot was a thing back then too.

>> No.45287955

Does anyone know if the en version of myth has those included in it?

>> No.45287983

>your no hitsuji
I should still have most if not all of these but I'll have to dig for them.

>> No.45288112

Is there a way to bypass mega's daily download limit?

>> No.45288172


>> No.45288213

Just use a VPN bro

>> No.45289126
File: 23 KB, 473x301, firefox_19-11-2023 21-34-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has been dling some shit from as and...

>> No.45289216
File: 233 KB, 365x520, indigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody here be willing to share a DL to Indigo? Been looking for it for a while now but haven't been able to find a working link.

>> No.45289253

Games with short english names are the words because it's pain to find anything

>> No.45289312

Thanks a lot, I've been looking for ざくろの事 for like a year now.

>> No.45289507

Just finished VenusBlood Gaia International.

The gameplay went back to the dungeon defense of Abyss, which was a surprise since I thought that was a one-off thing.
Besides the usual trap-laying, you can now also put down troops to intercept the enemies. It's a good idea, but if even one enemy escaped to the next level, all my troops at the previous level got despawned and it's a pain to redeploy them.
The eugenics program came back, awesome, but the UI implementation wasn't the best. In Abyss, the mother, the unit and the epithet choices happened in one screen, now it's 3 tabs. I supposed there's more info to display here but going back and forth was kind of annoying.
Each unit now had link bonus with other units (mother, captain and lore I guess) if they're in the same squad, which I thought was really cool.
Biggest change was the turn limit. Instead of 1 big limit of 999 for the whole game, it's now a small limit of 20-ish for each stage. It's a good change, but it made raising the heroines' stats a pain since they're based on turns. I needed to hold back and not finish stages too soon, which killed the pacing a bit.

While the gameplay was based on Abyss, the story was more in line with the usual VB. 5 countries to conquer and a hidden enemy at the end.
No goddesses this time though, but there's the divine beasts. When I first heard about them, I thought they were like divine animal spirits, but they were fucking kaijuu. Amazing.
The tech level jumped from magic and alchemy to magitek, which was jarring. Granted, Frontier did kinda toe the line a bit, but hearing about OS and nanomachines being discussed here was just weird.
The game made uses of isekai for extra H-scenes and units too much imho. It's even a little mechanic in-game.
The law route was par for the course. The chaos route was just sad and depressing. I actually felt bad playing it.

Maybe they went too far with the scholar angle with Theo. Previous MCs were inquisitive, but they had other things, mainly war, on their mind. Every interaction with Theo felt like he just wanted to experiment on somebody. Idk, I didn't really like him.
My favorite new thing about the heroine training part here was they had partners, so if you want to advance someone, you also need to advance her partner too. It's a really neat idea since in previous games, interactions between heroines mostly happened during plot scenes, individual scenes were mostly one-on-one. Too bad the game didn't capitalize on this and had 3P endings too.
Speaking of endings, not all endings had pregnancy like in Abyss, which was a shame, but it allowed the game to play out more epilogue situations. Not all of them were good though.

>> No.45289623

Can you explain more about the chaos route? Was interested but maybe not if it's too depressing.

>> No.45289835 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.83 MB, 1677x1258, malie_19-11-2023 02-58-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the original Rea route felt kinda underwhelming, the 2nd one just perfectly completed it
The pic scene was absolutely the best in the whole game, i don't know how can one make something so fucking cool but Musada just nailed the whole 男の友誼 theme in this game, i can only kneel
It was definitely one of the most tiring games i played, it was really long several months with multiple breaks but the payoff in the end was definitely worth it, experience like this is not easy to come by
For the first 2 routes i was mostly in the "when is it supposed to become interesting?" mood, Bey scenes carried hard but outside of that there was just too much foreshadowing and i didn't get where it was all going
What managed to finally hook me in were the 2 and 3 extra stories in AA, they finally made me realize the real characters' intentions and it only went up from here on
The char building was just on another level, there is a huge cast of 15 characters and almost each of them gets a main heroine-tier level of development. I also liked how none of them really changed much through the whole game, everyone got established personalities and beliefs from the beginning and we just slowly got to know more and more of them progressively
The majority of the battles were basically just philosophy duels under the banger track, i still prefer the Demonbane style more because you could shout the chants together with the characters which was the whole point. Here the chants are surely cool and all but no way i'm remembering all those long ass strokes of mumbling
Overall i feel a relief that it is finally over, but it is going to stay with me for a long time that's for sure

>> No.45289999

What even is the difference between the original Rea route and this one?

>> No.45290085

Well, depressing was a hyperbole. It's not as bad as I made it seem like.
The usual thing happened. MC turned bad, then his allies turned on him. But their resistance only lasted one stage, then they got turned into seedbeds. Since they weren't around for the rest of the plot, there was less talking and joking so the mood was kinda down for the whole route.
The sad part, for me anyways, was that Titi got turned into a "goddess" and dreamt up a life where she wasn't sick anymore, completed with mutant beasts that acted like her friends. Then dream Theo killed everyone while real Theo was doing the same outside. Finally, Theo needed to mercy kill her, or didn't and she fell into a coma while Theo went to war with other isekai world. That's just no closure at all.
I came to like the father-daughter relationship between them (my daughter fetish and the fandisk notwithstanding), plus I read the law route first and her death in the there was bittersweet too.

I'm just comparing this chaos route with previous games' chaos routes, where there's at least some form of power tripping that made me feel good about being the villain, or at least anti-hero. This route didn't give me that feeling.

>> No.45290089

A completely different ending and massive epilogue for starters

Glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.45290102

Did you like only play the original and want a spoiler? Make sure to not open it otherwise
First rea route Ren keeps it silent from her that he is going to disappear together with Mercurius and decides to not fight because he promised to be with her, 2nd one he gets a flashback with Michael and then he asks him whether it's really is his wish, he decides to say Rea all truth and goes to a fight to pour all the 水銀 blood out of him and get his original self back
In this ending, he dies at a war in the new world but before that, he managed to make a kid with Rusalka and his grandchild got married to Rea (it was technically a double Rusalka/Rea route if you think about it)

>> No.45290140

Rea 1 ends with Lotus scenes, the happy ending is "open" and not very satisfying.

Rea 2 has the cute and canon Ren/Rea meeting and hag Rusalka copium.

>> No.45290228
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that nice to hear, i just like the strict sensei side this one has and how it turns around

>> No.45290371

How difficult is Dies Irae? Muramasa level?

>> No.45290424
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Finished 紅月ゆれる恋あかり. After reading only Tsubaki's route in Mekuiro and dropping both her FD and Mekurabe I went into this expecting to drop it and give up on this series, but ended up really enjoying it instead. It's an improvement over Mekuiro in almost every way, save for the romance and character routes. It made me wonder if I would have liked Mekuiro more if I had read Yureaka first, because I'd have gone into it with a different mindset. The character interactions, friend group antics, more frequent gags, toned-down world-building and lore dumping helped set up a less serious mood from the start.

I preferred Yureaka's linear plot because the outcome of the fights is set in stone. No parallel world shit where the entire tournament changes based on which girl you decide to fuck, making you go through all of it again while supporting a character you might not be as invested in. However, that also means it doesn't go too deep into any heroine's romance during the main story, and the way it implemented the character "routes" made them feel detached and shallow. This is one aspect that I think could have been handled better.

Yureka's MC is much better than Mekuiro's, not just because I like more competent MCs, but because I think he fits the story better. The real stars of this series are the Suzakuins, and Iori being a teacher supports this. In Mekuiro, Toki is too special. He's got pedigree, divine powers, and in Saya's route the strongest character in the series sees him fight once (after not training seriously for years) and says he could be a match for her. I dropped Mekuiro shortly after this, but that's the main reason I wish I had read Yureaka first: it teaches you not to take the story too seriously and provides some explanation and foreshadowing for those points.

I liked the new direction it took with the combat and tournament parts. In Mekuiro, the focus was more on the characters' physical and mental conditions, and fighting strategies were less varied (mainly speed and power), while Yureaka emphasized each character's motivation and growth, with each one having a unique fighting style and even special ability. Mekuiro is a martial arts tournament, while Yureaka is a fighting game tournament. Mekuiro's approach has its strengths, but this change in perspective made reading Yureaka a lot more fun for me.

The best fights are the ones where the heroines put into practice things they've been learning throughout the story. The fights where two characters settle their differences are cool too, but it does this a bit too much. This type of fight mostly involves the characters yelling "You don't know what I've been through!" while beating the shit out of each other. The problem is that after a while it just becomes the suffering olympics, which gets pretty boring. The first two real fights in the tournament are my least favorite because they illustrate this issue. In the first Asahi vs Ririmu fight, they yell and punch each other until they become friends. Cool stuff. But then in literally the last fight out of pools, they get into an argument with Sonochansenpai and get on bad terms again, which turns Asahi's next fight into essentially a repeat of their first one. The worst part is, Sonochansenpai already had a more interesting conflict going on with Setsugekka, which gets resolved like it's nothing during this fight. The next fight is also pretty bad. Shizuku is super timid, but then Momiji says one thing she doesn't agree with and suddenly she's out for her blood. These conflicts just felt forced and required a bunch of backstory flashbacks to even make sense. Seriously, there's like 3 or 4 of them back to back.

Figuring out each character's fighting style using fighting game terms was fun. Here's my list:
Momiji -> Overall super solid player with strong fundamentals. Special ability is downloading her opponents.
Setsugekka -> Rushdown gorilla. Over the course of the story she learns to stop mashing and dashing in without a plan.
Asahi -> Turtler with perfect defense that just waits for punish opportunities. Later in the story MC teaches her the secret technique that has been passed down through generations in his family: the ancient art of baiting and pressing empty buttons.
Ririmu -> Spammer that relies on gimmicks and mixups. MC tells her to stop spamming so much and learn about zoning. She doesn't listen and drowns in pools.
Victoria -> Hype machine and former EVO champ. Loves showing off.
Shizuku -> Practice mode enthusiast. Labs her opponents and focuses on matchups and counter picking.
Sonochansenpai -> Professional trash talker and clutch comebacker. Has a personal comeback mechanic and a recharging magic pixel.

>> No.45290502

Muramasa text is harder because of the archaic way of speaking, Dies text is mostly normal just with the chuuni spice on top of it, i mined quite a lot of chuuni words out of it but if you read stuff like Demonbane of TN you will know the majority of them
The hardest part is in how dense it is, the fights may be very long with very heavy on philosophical talks that force you to think a lot, and then there may be 3-4 fights like that in a row that you have to get through before you can get any rest
It's very hard to read it for many hours in a row because at some point the content of the talks just starts to pass through your mind without you realizing it and you have to go back and reread it several times
I would recommend taking a break regularly and read some moege on the side to make it more enjoyable

>> No.45290604
File: 677 KB, 1183x816, molo01_20-11-2023 00-34-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i have a very... specific question
What is the reason for loli nukige to ask me for local access to my microphone and camera?...

>> No.45290612

Don't do it anon. The FBI will be knocking at your door.

>> No.45290656
File: 378 KB, 385x547, 1676479541859870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Mekurabe right now, and I'm not really feeling it. (I did finish Tsubaki Renka though, and thought it was fine.) This gives me some hope that Yureaka is worth reading, so thanks for posting. I will give it a shot.

>> No.45290658

tell us more about the rori feet game

>> No.45290677

It's just a collection of very short h manga chapters with different characters, but they are voiced and animated which is pretty nice, wish they made more experimental stuff like that

>> No.45290911

Does it want you to lick the camera?

>> No.45290987

I liked the premise of Tsubaki Renka, but I dropped it because I thought the way the characters dealt with the situations when the new girl showed up was too dumb (I was still taking it too seriously I think) and I wasn't in the mood for another tournament arc (my fault for starting it immediately after the main story). On top of that it also had a bunch of audio issues. I might pick it back up one day.
As for Mekurabe, I like the world CRYSTALiA built for their games, but not enough to make me want to read a basic harem scenario set on it.

>> No.45291072
File: 379 KB, 467x560, 1621431762226181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tournament stuff in Tsubaki Renka was fresh enough for me to still enjoy it. They changed the tournament format and even brought in some additional non-heroine characters for the girls to fight (though they were just drawn in silhouette.) Part of what I didn't like about Mekuiro was that all of the fights were between the same pool of five characters except at the very end of Saya's route so it got a little same-y. I did read a few other eroge between Mekuiro and then, though, so that might have made a difference.
Also Aoi makes a lot of funny faces in the FD.

>> No.45291288

If a bird could get an egg out then it's quite clear that something of that size could theoretically go in.

>> No.45291338

Flash player was always asking that question when you were using it for the first time or got into it's settings. It has nothing to do with the game explicitly, the game might not even use those APIs.

>> No.45291364

Kek this takes me back to the days when I played flash games on the interwebs

>> No.45291386
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x698, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45291449

Man, I have a question too. It's been a while at this point so my memory is hazy, but I remember reading one of the VNDB reviews and someone saying some shit about a scene where Mutsuki commits suicide or something, but I legit don't remember that shit at all. Did something like that actually happen?

>> No.45291513

Just saw this thing on yt and decided to check... it must be some kind of fan-made Dies animation, right? Like this can't be real for an anime to have worse animations than a freaking visual novel..

>> No.45291526

Oh god the dies irae anime hahahaha

>> No.45291547

Im just glad they ruined Marie route and not Rea's

>> No.45291575

Bros... it seems Lucle has been EOP'd. What are we going to do about this?

>> No.45291598

Dont care about a translation made by ESLs. They cant take away the real game.

>> No.45291597

Good time for americans to get incestpilled

>> No.45291669

ew fuck
which one did they ruin?

>> No.45291693


>> No.45291719

There are always going to be stupid people who don't understand things you like but think they're entitled to an opinion about them anyway.
Rather than mourn everything they touch with their disgusting, sticky, Cheetos-encrusted fingers it's easier to just pretend they don't exist and go on enjoying all the cool things you like.

>> No.45291739

kinda morbidly curious how it turned out but i'm not in any hurry to reread it

>> No.45291766

That retard didn't even think about getting an editor and did everything by himself so it's not far for mtl...
There are like dozens of discord servers where people gonna proofread shit for you for free

>> No.45291780

Why do you retards care if something gets translated? you already understand japanese so you are consuming the best possible version already, so why give a fuck about the translations?

>> No.45291784

to lol at EOPs
not really "caring"

>> No.45291793

>There are like dozens of discord servers where people gonna proofread shit for you for free
eh, i wouldn't want an editor i didn't already know and trust and who also knew fluent jp and the source material, and at that point i might as well be asking for a unicorn
but yes it's not a good sign, especially for something that large
also probably starting to deviate off topic so i'll leave things here

>> No.45291812

The only thing to care about is translations or official releases possibly making it more difficult to get the original Japanese versions.

Long ago it took some time for me to find Tokyo Babel or Kira Kira in Japanese.

>> No.45291851

simply put when i enjoy a thing, i also hope it will bring that same enjoyment to others
it does not make me happy to think of others instead getting a worse version of the thing i enjoyed

>> No.45291857
File: 890 KB, 1350x480, 1686095635062333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reads horribly.

>> No.45291864

Buy it goyim

>> No.45291872
File: 641 KB, 800x601, cutedorkmaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.45291937

That's not "reads horribly". That is ESL-tier.

>> No.45292030

I would still prefer the esl-tier over tranny-tier any day in eops place

>> No.45292042

Cute dork maid are for anal sex.

>> No.45292085

lupercalia is SHIT.

>> No.45292129
File: 52 KB, 256x384, 68390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, has anyone here finished it yet? opinions?

>> No.45292140

Looks edited MTL so actually better than 99% of the slop shatted out by Twitter "trans"lators

>> No.45292153

Setoguchi makes me fall asleep.

>> No.45292158

People just want to see EOPs melt down as usual since they always have something to complain about. It's a circus.

>> No.45292185

Idk, nta but I studied japanese to enjoy weeb shit in japanese, I don't give a shit about translations and everything related to that

>> No.45292206

JOPs vs EOPs shit was fun when it peaked 8 years ago. You guys were too late

>> No.45292301
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>> No.45292325

What's wrong with it? I don't read anything written in English other than 4chan posts.

>> No.45292330

as much as I loved other Setoguchi titles, I'll admit Hiruru's info dumps about this fictional disease put me to sleep too. I'm guessing it's supposed to represent how we take care of our ill and old ones, but man I couldn't care less about it. Thankfully the story doesn't spend too much time describing the symptoms and instead focuses on the social treatment of those infected.

The narration is great as you'd expect. I was a bit worried the text would be heavy (since Setoguchi already loves dense paragraphs, adding taishou vocab to it could make it difficult to digest), but it flows well.

All in all a forgettable vinnie. At least it's better than all-age moeshit like Ginka.

>> No.45292333

Incomplete sentences and completely wrong verb tenses

>> No.45292374

If you read it out loud, you can easily tell the sentence flow is horrible. The grammar is also completely off. This guy 100% just MTL'd everything and probably is just translating the game for "practice"

>> No.45292414

Not eroge but anyone know where I could find https://vndb.org/r37496? I've tried the usual suspects (AB, Myrient, CDRomance) but no luck.

>> No.45292438

Pretty much, jops are irrelevant in the post-MTL world.

>> No.45292448

Dropped Sorceress Alive years ago after reading one route. Just saw on vndb a lot of people hated the true end. Was it that bad or is it just moebuta seethe?

>> No.45292455

It was a great end

>> No.45292468

The one here might be the right one

>> No.45292471

Did you try to google "MISSINGPARTS the TANTEI stories Complete download"?

>> No.45292482

Might give it another chance then. I just saw betrayal mentioned so was curious.

>> No.45292487

It's more like it's not worth it after having to read so much shit

>> No.45292504

Hmm, that's part of why I dropped it. I'd already a read a decent amount, through one route in the first part and I knew there was at least 3 more routes plus another part. Didn't seem like it was going anywhere too interesting. It's on my list to read when I have nothing better to.

>> No.45292515

The problem is that all the routes are the most generic shit in the world. I don't know if moebutas will enjoy them, but personally I had a really bad time with the story and it took me much longer to progress than I normally do simply because it was so disgustingly boring. When I finished the true ending all I could think was: yeah, there goes hours of my life that I'll never get back

>> No.45292535

There's no betrayal btw.
I the end that guy on VNDB seethes about was fine.

I liked it as a quick read. But it's true Azulia and Mia routes in Sorceress are pretty skippable.

>> No.45292544

My internal radar is detecting kami-waves in this game, picked up.

>> No.45292545

The same place where every single old console game is uploaded.

>> No.45292561

Too bad, was hoping it'd be more interesting.

I see, that's fair.

>> No.45292582

should I read red cherish or evolimit

>> No.45292596

or hello world, on second thought

>> No.45292602

Didn't think to try non redump. Thanks anon.

>> No.45292677

Hello World. Then tell me ifs worth reading.

>> No.45292690


>> No.45292732

i dropped it right at the very end post masturbating on the crystal jail and consider that to be a decent ending to an otherwise terrible game, as long as i pretend the story ended right where i left it

>> No.45292750

The fact that the entire tl was done by one person should have been a red flag.

>> No.45292771

Aren't most done by one person and then given to editors?

>> No.45292822

That's what he means. These was no editor this time. Or full separate QC.

>> No.45292868

>I'm guessing it's supposed to represent how we take care of our ill and old ones

That's a heavy topic

>> No.45293019
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x900, いつまでもママといっしょ!_Ver_1.00mama_siyo_ (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like the strict sensei side this one has and how it turns around
In that case, 2 is one of the best ones. Some have strict moms, some don't. There's only so many ways you can write a short nukige about fucking your mom.
The games are pretty similar. They're short, and I enjoy them every 12-18 months when they release a new one, but I can't imagine reading them back to back, they'd blend together.

>> No.45293139
File: 251 KB, 318x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really deserve to be in the top 10 VNs?
Is it really the best Rance entry?
t. only read Sengoku and it was great fun and a good-ish story

>> No.45293146


>> No.45293148

it's half because it's a good climax to a story that lasted 30 years and half because nobody who doesn't fucking love Rance is going to make it through 9 previous rance games so everyone rating it is predisposed to love it.

>> No.45293159

Not sure it deserves top ten, though it's a 10 to me. Like >>45293148 mentions, if you get to that point in the series after playing the rest you're going to love it. I started with Sengoku too, then played through the whole series from the start and it was great. Kichikuou > X > Sengoku

>> No.45293160

>so everyone rating it is predisposed to love it
Actually, no, if the game hadn't lived up to expectations, it's quite likely that the vast majority would have trashed it. Just remember what happened with Mass Effect 3 or Lost on this side of the world

>> No.45293166

I guess a better way to put it is that it pushes people towards more extreme ratings further down the bell curve, if it was a 7 people would give it 10s and it if was a 5 people would give it 1s.

>> No.45293171


>> No.45293172

Why wasn't evenicle as successful as rance?

>> No.45293173

Because rance is not the mc

>> No.45293176

It's not as good. Or even good. It's just alright .

>> No.45293195

It's more of a moege where the cast is worse and not very memorable at the end.

>> No.45293235

eroge with popular girl x calm composed mc

>> No.45293255


>> No.45293268

Moege with NTR, the el classico

>> No.45293300

Two sides of the same coin

>> No.45293306
File: 1.27 MB, 498x498, 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you write a sentence of explanation please?
The prerequisite of having to play all 1 to 9 is really daunting, even as someone who finished Muv Luv alternative, Umineko, Higurashi, White Album 2, etc.
I didn't find the first game's remake to be that fun iirc...
Isn't Kichikuou light on the story though?

>> No.45293326

>I didn't find the first game's remake to be that fun iirc...
first two aren't THAT fun, remake of 3rd is actual fun and easily one of the best entries in series, so you just need to play through first 3 to see if series is for you or not

>> No.45293340

03 (3's remake), 6, 7, 9, X (and kichikuou) are all decent so they're fun to play through. The others are more of a pain to get through but most aren't too long. Regarding kichikuou's story, I wouldn't say it's light on the story? It's got more than most of the games in the series in my opinion.

>> No.45293347

Okay, 3 it is, thanks...!
I see, very important information, thanks! I had originally pegged kichikuou as more of a simulator or whatever they're called without much plot.

>> No.45293378

>Can you write a sentence of explanation please?
it's a love letter to eroge and jrpg as a whole, 300 hours of pure kino and soul, you just have to experience it at least once
and it's coming from someone who didn't enjoy most rance games (besides 03, VI and IX)

>> No.45293410

G senjou no maou

>> No.45293489

Why has Alicesoft given up on the Dai series?

>> No.45293539

Do choices in asairo do anything?

>> No.45293556
File: 535 KB, 1280x720, アイコトバ-Silver_Snow_Sister-_-_Ver1.0.0AikotobaSSS (56).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a new one.
I've never seen a VN have a 'warning, not safe for vanillafriends' before.

>> No.45293570

Oh, okay. I get why they said it's not safe for moebuta. Wow.

>> No.45293603


>> No.45293631
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, 1697872484288023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are childhood friends like this?

>> No.45293641

I don't understand this
Rape roleplay isn't a new concept in a vanilla game

>> No.45293716

ntr + rape roleplay

>> No.45293873

I'm amazed that she is still doing heroine roles for eroge, even for a brand like Hulotte, an incoming game for next year too
I thought she's swimming in money and mainstream roles already after Ilya

>> No.45293888

>I thought she's swimming in money and mainstream roles already after Ilya
We don't know the details, but in 2013 she announced her marriage and in 2018 she announced she would be raising her child as a single mother. Nothing was ever announced about the dad - he could be dead or divorced or anything - but presumably being a 44 year old single mother with a 10 year old daughter means she's taking all the roles she can get for as much money as possible.

>> No.45293982

Is the childhood friend a good character at least?

>> No.45293991

One has to wonder what her daughter will soon enough think about her eroge roles.

>> No.45294020

What is she going to think? it's a job and thanks to that she has bread on her table

>> No.45294024

She's our girl.

>> No.45294079

Moaning in front of a microphone to voice characters is not even 10% as shameful as actual jav whores

>> No.45294117

Yeah but given the kind of characters she gets, imagine the scenario of her daughter encountering ero scenes of her own mother acting as a character in the same age as herself (or younger), that would be awkward haha

>> No.45294136

She will continue her mother's legacy

>> No.45294246

Nta but not really, the robot autism is fun and all but you need to go through way too much of the early 00s tier drama and makes no sense and then there and then you need to do it 5 times in a row because there is almost no difference between the routes outside of small details with a huge amount of repeated unskippable text

>> No.45294293

Iirc you choose a wrong choice you will get a random insta bad end somewhere and it have to redo it so better just to follow the guide

>> No.45294383

Here, host is gofile :
>[100814] [半端マニアソフト] Indigo
> /d/6bsI1I
Somebody please add it to the backup folders.

>> No.45294956

Nice, added
What is your secret btw? I couldn't find a single thread on as and searching for something as simple as "Indigo" by other means feels unrealistic

>> No.45295024

Not him, but I have it from back when it was shared years ago.

>> No.45295075

Well makes sense, it's just that gofile feels like a weir place to upload so i thought that he somehow managed to find the link somewhere

>> No.45295108

Likely uploaded himself. Btw Gofile links rarely last long.

>> No.45295534


>> No.45295542

We need to revive Hongfire.

>> No.45295627

>What is your secret btw?
this >>45295024
I simply backed up a copy when it was posted here years ago.

>> No.45295634

Thanks a lot anon, I appreciate it.

>> No.45295670

Damn Bei x Beato is kinda cute, wish they gave some more context at least for why he got to love her

>> No.45295857

Her illya voice really isn't there anymore.

>> No.45296420

Her role as Mare in Hoshimemo was life-defining for me so I'm glad she's still sticking around

>> No.45296452

Why is White Album 2 so highly rated? Just from the synopsis alone it seems pretty generic?

>> No.45296456

Read it and find out.

>> No.45296468

it's a well written soap opera

>> No.45296490

speaking of highly rated Maruto games, what's the deal with Konnyaku?

>> No.45296500



>> No.45296718

how about mama love is it good momge?

>> No.45296788

The only thing i know about that game is that it features femoids in anime format

>> No.45296812

Anyone got this one? https://vndb.org/v16896
It has only rapidgator premium working

>> No.45296887

speaking of which, anyone already got this one (including the fan disc)? if not, i'll buy the game and upload the files for anyone interested.

>> No.45296908

The base game is around. I got it, I think, and someone else posted about playing it just last thread.

The fandisc seems pretty whatever.

>> No.45296969

Just saw that 八剱伝 is more expensive than henpri on dlsite, good to know they are making a full scale game

>> No.45296985

if you're willing to share it, that would be great. i'll still try to get the fan disc for completion sake, but that might be difficult. i'll share it there if i eventually find it.

>> No.45296988

Someone give me a quick guide for Rance. Do I just play them all in release order? I remember reading about some retconned part(s) thought. Also, do I play the remakes or originals?

>> No.45297044

Start with 01 - 02 - 03, after that you can think about whether you want to play kichikuou or save it for later
01 is the best to play with the guide from the start to not having to replay the whole thing several times, 02 needs a lot of shitty grind so you better cheat that shit out, and 03 is actually enjoyable without a guide

>> No.45297060
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>> No.45297092
File: 234 KB, 898x1262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just do canon timeline. kichikuou is rough version of VI-X. It spoils later games in a way, but you get to see some references and a lot of ideas expanded in canon timeline. Haven't played kichikuou myself yet.

>> No.45297153
File: 2.17 MB, 1201x970, ADVRUN_20-11-2023 17-52-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh this game seems to have a ton of furigana, could be good as an entry level chuunige

>> No.45297183


Yatohime Zankikou

>> No.45297215

thank you very much anon

>> No.45297329 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, Kuro is such a good girl (cat).
But we're still in a 夜の女王 world. This doesn't bode well.

>> No.45297904
File: 77 KB, 491x719, 17457575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This super cute Kunoichi only has like 5 scenes. i feel so blueballed.. I'm gonna look for a good game with a Kunoichi heroine all night now.

>> No.45297979

So i wanted to make a complete agony collection archive but there are a few missing:
https://vndb.org/v18912 (18+ version)
https://vndb.org/v19859 (おにロリver)
https://vndb.org/v28085 (dead links)
Would be nice if someone could manage to find those out to fully complete it

>> No.45298003

tits too big

>> No.45298013

nah she uglo

>> No.45298021
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>> No.45298203

Douzo. It has most of the games you've listed, plus a few extra from her ci-en that you can't find anywhere else. Unfortunately I can't find the r18 version of usa mushiri anywhere, but I'm guessing it was uploaded to her ci-en at one point.

>> No.45298235

Are there any short (<10 hours), untranslated kamige left? I want to try translating a VN, but it's gonna be almost pointless if it's some nukige that no one wants to read.

>> No.45298250

Since we're on the subject for sharing and building archives for these sort of games. Could anyone please upload the following?

愛は、憎しみによく似ている 憎しみは、愛によく似ている (AS link is dead)

If no one has this, I might buy it when another DLsite sale comes around

>> No.45298257


>> No.45298261

Nice now it's perfect, what are those megi and mizuasobi though, they are not even on vndb

>> No.45298275

I uploaded it here >>45282610

>> No.45298295

You could do a Biman game if you wanted.

>> No.45298305

Extremely short free game related to ameomoi.
~20ish minute side story for majo

>> No.45298314

Is there anywhere to check their release day? I want to have it all sorted in a release order

>> No.45298320

I thought so too, since they are actually decent even if they're nukige. I might do the new one that comes out next month, if it ends up being good.

>> No.45298325

wait doesn't you have to read the prequel for the biman game?

>> No.45298328

Can either of you upload chigimi-chan? https://vndb.org/v15090

>> No.45298348

They're all self-contained

>> No.45298352

Somehow I missed this. Thanks anon, great stuff.

>> No.45298358

Oh shit didn't realize this one is not included in that freege folder, now that sucks

>> No.45298359

Looking it up, megi was originally released during 2009 golden week but I can't find a specific date.
mizuasobi was released in August 2014 in a magazine for otome games (Cool-B Bitter Princess).
It should be up in the mega I posted earlier in the folder "tgm".

>> No.45298370

except for 5

>> No.45298373


>> No.45298375

Wow you are actually a saver, will need to check if the rest o the freeges are up

>> No.45298386

Haven't read that one, does it reference the past stories? Cause if it's just the short prologue where the guy says, "I'm back, show me the mangekyo again," I don't think that's enough to say it's not self-contained

>> No.45298524

Huh when i try to extract tmg it says that tgm.exe is corrupt

>> No.45298526

Man, I really need to read more djges. Literally each one of them looks more interesting than most of the games that have come out lately

>> No.45298547

weird, I just tried it on my PC and it works. I've uploaded a version that's already in a zip, could you try that?

>> No.45298551

I still don't know, and at this point am to afraid to ask, wtf a djge is

>> No.45298555

anime-sharing is peak hongfire before the torrent ban

>> No.45298566

i can't find a good kunoichige fuck!

>> No.45298597

Yea it works now, thx

>> No.45298604

It's where are you inserted as a DJ

>> No.45298616

It's when someone from /djt/ is the protagonist of a VN.

>> No.45298628

now I would read this

>> No.45298638


>> No.45298650

kek no need to be scared. I'm pretty sure that's a term we've only used recently

>> No.45298660

I was unironically gonna read this until I saw there is no H. What a waste

>> No.45298673

At least it's realistic

>> No.45298684

Yeah, it's totally realistic to be living with two hot girls and not be romantically involved with either

>> No.45298772

>tfw no kuro to support you
Why live desu

>> No.45298775

The male has to be an attractive human first.

>> No.45298876

japanese adult video

>> No.45298878
File: 288 KB, 855x878, 1695640634265808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the summary

>> No.45298934

Nah, their sekrit club bs and 3D eroge modding guides were ass.

>> No.45298937
File: 139 KB, 960x1197, WinRAR_20-11-2023 22-19-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's 99% complete, usa mushiri 18+ version is the only thing left for the perfection
Not sure if i should upload it as archive or as a folder because it has exactly 5gb, you probably won't be able to dl it in one go because limit

>> No.45298970

Good job, anon. I love Gayoushi's work. Hope more people give those games a shot.

>> No.45298997

Later games reference Kichikuou a decent amount but it's never anything that would really matter if you missed it to my knowledge. Mostly joke references.

>> No.45299062

I'm not sure if it's actually worth looking for but if you're trying to archive everything you might want to know, there's actually an R15 cut of Otome no Higeki. I'm sure it used to be available for download on DLsite, but if it was it's been taken down now.

>> No.45299102

Don't think there is a point if it's just an inferior version without anything new
I went with the best version for each game available because for all the allage versions i checked they all seem to only cut stuff

>> No.45299130

If this came out today it would be immigration propaganda

>> No.45299476

For games with only a few branches, do you go for the True end first or save it for last?

>> No.45299495
File: 1.84 MB, 1518x871, 1698265234728525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently looking at nekotsu kiss. The white girl looks quite cute.

>> No.45299498

Funny because Bamboo said he is making a sequel to it

>> No.45299546

ニックとレバー the game

>> No.45299555

Well got started with the Part3

>> No.45299690
File: 1.04 MB, 1206x906, 本気でロリを愛してる_21-11-2023 00-40-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only started but i can already tell it's going to be good

>> No.45299693
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x720, yume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how it goes when you are 一途 to the max.

>> No.45299704

I'm not even that much of an eroge fan, more of a visual novel as a medium fan? And not a huge JRPG fan either, I don't find them fun besides when they have good stories and stuff. I did enjoy P3Fes to the end though..

Anyway, did you play through all the rance games just to get to X then, if you didn't enjoy most of them? Respect. Maybe I'll try it one day when I have more time.

>> No.45299767
File: 1.30 MB, 1206x906, 本気でロリを愛してる_21-11-2023 01-01-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this guy is a genius, i wonder if he writes it from experience

>> No.45299814


>> No.45299854

Play rance 3 remake. Its the first and only voiced rance game.
If you like it too much play sequels/prequels as you like.

>> No.45299866

I feel like you won't get half of the plot without at least playing 01 first

>> No.45299887

Rance is a saga consisting of several games which are all related to each other by following events chronologically from 01 to X. I wonder which one I should start with...? MhhHHhh...

>> No.45299890

>01 is the best to play with the guide from the start to not having to replay the whole thing several times
What guide did you use?

>> No.45299917

You are right but getting the plot isn't the only way to play.
Plenty of games have characters and protags who hide information from you until the final scene/chapter of the game.
If there are people in the world who like the mystery genre then it is definitely possible to enjoy a sequel in a different way like filling the information blanks with your own guesses, imagining how these two people met each other etc.

>> No.45299934

instant drop no exceptions

>> No.45299935

That's an extremely retarded approach anon, the charm of those games is precisely the worldbuilding and character development between games

>> No.45299937

All the jp guides felt overcomplicated so i just went with this one, you can 100% everything in 1 run with it https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Rance_01:Walkthrough
Just make sure to check ahead for upcoming expiry conditions to not miss them

>> No.45299989

Hearing Kanami's perfect voice for the first time at the start of the game after you went with her through so much shit was the best thing ever, if you would start with it your creation would be just "who tf are you?" and that's it

>> No.45300023

Why tf did it correct reaction to creation...

>> No.45300109

When does red cherish get good, it's been putting me to sleep so far.

>> No.45300153

try a cuckge, might be more suited for your taste

>> No.45300176

The plot and characters are boring so far. Only thing it has going for it are character designs and occasional comedy. So that's why I'm asking when it picks up.

>> No.45300189

sounds like you're ngmi if you don't like the characters

>> No.45300200

it's moeslop, what do you expect

>> No.45300211

The plot is pretty mediocre in the first game and alright in the second. Starts picking up when the hot evil woman starts doing stuff.

>> No.45300214

Fair, probably just isn't for me then

Didn't realize that going in, my mistake. Too bad, it had potential.

>> No.45300252

didn't realize it was moekino, picked up

>> No.45300273

I think it's semi chuuni and moege

>> No.45300431
File: 1.17 MB, 1206x906, 本気でロリを愛してる_21-11-2023 02-41-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does everything consciously and completely realize what he is doing and where it will lead him
>still gets 罪悪感 after doing it and reflects on his actions
Holy shit this mc is just perfect, he is exactly what the majority of lolige are lacking
And now it gives me a choice after this, i swear if there will be a pure love ending it will be kami

>> No.45300527
File: 529 KB, 1360x230, 1699823062043809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45300542

Is there a single pink hair who isn't a massive cock gobbling slut?

>> No.45300557
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>> No.45300564
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, Corona Maid Desu Nanoja [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu3hsg4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maid Corona

>> No.45300577

Anyone have or know where to get Angel Ring ~エンジェル リング~? The torrent is dead and I will die too without my monthly imouto dose.

>> No.45300590


>> No.45300606
File: 228 KB, 1648x168, 1700529269902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day when I brough up the new Biman game some anon claimed it will be bad because the latest ones are bad. Then how do you explain that the ratings get progressively better with each new title

>> No.45300618

Just got another 20 messages that games i was seeding were deleted, looks like they really started a crusade against djge
Need to grab everything that is still left there while i can..

>> No.45300650

90% of those votes are people who fapped to the CG gallery.

>> No.45300688

They all have good ratings from the egs hive mind too

>> No.45300725

Where can I get Ikusa Megami Zero without the garbage mtl patch pre installed. Can't find the raw version anywhere.

>> No.45300754

I hope they don't hire the Palette artist again for the new Key game. That was such a bizarre decision for Summer Pockets.

>> No.45300759
File: 54 KB, 1666x264, inyourfuckingfacenasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vndb ratings

>> No.45300776

There's nothing wrong with that image.

>> No.45300782

What's the problem here, besides nasushit being 7 points too high?

>> No.45300785

I got mine from the Eushully pack on Sukebei.

>> No.45300795

Sequels and fandisks always will be overrated because only people who liked the main game play those
Meanwhile a lot of moebros who got baited by fgo must have been filtered hard, i remember it was in like top10 years ago

>> No.45300807
File: 12 KB, 1692x67, 1697248263556589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sequels and fandisks always will be overrated because only people who liked the main game play those
Explain this

>> No.45300823

>2hrs long fd with nothing but h scenes
That's like a whole definition of overrating

>> No.45300828

>Sequels and fandisks always will be overrated because only people who liked the main game play those
Wrong. Sequels/FDs only amplify what the usual rating would be. Imagine being excited for a sequel only for it to suck, you will naturally rate it even lower than usual. Same applies in reverse. Only GOOD sequels are rated higher

>> No.45300837

Have you not read Extra2? It's legit one of the best VNs ever made.

>> No.45300841

Doubt it

>> No.45300848

Misaki is one of the hottest VN girls EVER
Meanwhile fate was good when it came out but feels extremely dated now

>> No.45300864

Is way easier to make a good sequel than make a bad sequel, even if the quality is exactly the same it will get rated higuer since only people who liked the original will read the sequel, while the ones that didn't wont and wont balance the ratings so naturally it will be rated higuer.

>> No.45300866

>feels extremely dated now
Are you sure you just aren't letting the existence of a gazillion cash grab spinoffs affect your perception of the original?

>> No.45300870


>> No.45300883

Nice, thanks.

>> No.45300893

No, it's because there are dozens of newer plotge/chuunige that are better

>> No.45300897

pixeldrain /u/Y4gBu5SW

>> No.45300905

Fate is indisputably a top ten chuunige of all time. I don't care what your exact list is, but if you don't have Fate near the top you're just a poser.

>> No.45300916

Since someone brought up Ikusa Megami (and Fate I guess), here's something I was wondering about. So most people say you should start IM with Zero. However, I've also heard that Zero spoils other games in the series, especially IM2. Is it a situation like F/SN and F/Z where they spoil each other?

>> No.45300917

Reading Fate with the shit TL is basically fanfiction and doesn't count. Read it again.

>> No.45300925

Sweet, thanks. Am dl'ing the eushully pack as well but that's gonna take days, this will help.

>> No.45300953

Is he literally you?

>> No.45300962

I have all Eushully games (not the Anastasia ones though) and all appends.

>> No.45300972

There's literally nothing to feel guilty about as long as she consented and you both love each other

>> No.45300990

If is legit one of the best VNs ever made then why are the developers making an all-ages yurige now?

>> No.45301001

Look at what happened to muv-luv and fate, they're better than that
Although no H is still puzzling

>> No.45301012

The dude literally intentionally deceiving her and even prepared a runaway to a different country if if something goes wrong

>> No.45301013

Doesn't matter how kami it is if jaded eroge boomers all dismiss it as moeshit and don't even try it, as you can see by this thread

>> No.45301018

Do you have https://vndb.org/v4636 ?
That's the only Eushully-ge I can't find

>> No.45301025

Of course. I even uploaded it here years ago.

>> No.45301032

Actual zoomer way of thinking, art does not age.

>> No.45301038

Do you mind sharing it again?

>> No.45301052

everything by nasu is put you to sleep boring tier so no

>> No.45301066

If you don't blast EMIYA while saying the UBW chant, you have no soul.

>> No.45301068

Is there even a 10 full scaled chuunige in total?
There are like Dies Murasama Demonbane KKK Senshinkan Fate Tsukihime Ayakashibito Tokyo necro Baldr sky and... that's it?
I wouldn't really call any of the Muvluv games chuuni and stuff like Silverio or Alicematic or Evolimit are more of the medium-scale games
It's really silly fighting about what is better here and what's worse when there is barely anything in the first place

>> No.45301083

That's most moege

>> No.45301094

Have you read 源氏物語, the "first" novel ever? It fucking sucks
It's only natural that the beginning stages of an art form have poorer quality when compared to the later ones while techniques, innovations, genres, tropes, etc., are undiscovered, and the visual novel is still in its infancy as an art form

>> No.45301100

For better or for worse, at least in moege you can turn off your brain and read in relaxation because, ultimately, none of the text matters

>> No.45301104
File: 1.61 MB, 1441x1080, asairo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45301113

Damn, I already read most of these. That's grim.

>> No.45301123

Even the most high-quality technological art can still suck while doujin scribbles be good, all that matters is whether there is a soul in it
I personally find doujin artists who do their stuff with enthusiasm much more attractive than the modern mass-produced 'good' art just for the sake of it

>> No.45301126

>It's only natural that the beginning stages of an art form have poorer quality when compared to the later ones
Beethoven basically single-handedly started the romantic era of classic music and also composed some of the best music in it. Also 源氏物語 is pretty OK. I've read worse.

>> No.45301129

How many times do I have to tell you this, anon? Nasu didn't invent VNs.
Read a true oldge that recycles all its routes from the previous ones, and you'll know what's outdated and what's not

>> No.45301137

Is Ojisan really the 18+ version since I didn't see any explicit CGs? The CG gallery has some cropped thumbnails but I didn't see them in the actual game and clicking them just gives a blood splatter image.

>> No.45301149

>does it reference the past stories
5th does. Builds off other bimans thematically and have direct references, so you can read 1-4 in any order, but for 5th you need to have all of them finished.

>> No.45301154

There's a working link on Anime Sharing. Search for the Japanese name めいどいんばに~

>> No.45301187

Fate is one of the primordial kamiges, anyone who says otherwise has shit taste

>> No.45301222

Didn't notice someone re-upload it recently. The link is slow but better than nothing.

>> No.45301242

Haven't played them, but I think Kikaijikake no Eve and Amatsukaze are also supposed to be large scale chuunige.

>> No.45301298

Why do chikan games have such good music, I have never disappointed in them

>> No.45301369

it's a chuunige. Of course it have a good music

>> No.45301460

Chikan is very down to earth and happens in everyday life
Don't group them with chuuni trash

>> No.45301470

Indeed, I do a lot of 置換 in my paper pushing job.

>> No.45301504

bau bau nippon...

>> No.45301525
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, Bst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45301611

Imagine not filtering bad actors, retards, and other such online filth.

>> No.45301622

Why is the vndb server so fucky lately? Sometimes I can load their pages, other times I don't.

>> No.45301636

>lazy text reader.

>> No.45301648

Is there any reason to play the original version of Rance 1 and 2 now that they're non-canon?

>> No.45301662

Played II because the changes were not as big and I liked the retro art more

>> No.45301672


>> No.45301755

>Meanwhile fate was good when it came out but feels extremely dated now
Honestly, not really?
Fate has a way higher budget, production values, and more QOL features than even most big budget releases today. The same with Muv-Luv Alternative. It's shocking how little the industry has progressed in two decades. I mean, I know books arguably haven't evolved since the invention of the printing press, but you'd think the game aspects would actually show some sign of linear improvement over the decades.

>> No.45301766

I bet you just put the game on auto and let it finish itself.

>> No.45301837
File: 1.10 MB, 1263x699, 2023-11-21 005411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I can't imagine reading them back to back, they'd blend together.
oh yeah i dont read games with similar heroines/themes back to back, ill probably finish 2 or 3 VNs before going to the third mama.

>> No.45301898

So you'll read a grandmother fucking game next?

>> No.45301942

It's because VNs were a new concept back then so companies could afford taking a risk with it. The market for VNs right now are determined you stand to lose more by experimenting with it. Making a gacha seems to be the more profitable option since it's much more cheaper than making a VN.

>> No.45301945

Making a gacha is way more expensive than making a VN, but since if your gacha becomes popular you'll make hundreds of times more money companies are bankrupting themselves trying to play the gacha lottery.

>> No.45301961

is there any good one to begin with?

>> No.45301963
File: 1.63 MB, 1005x755, 曾祖母のひ孫筆おろし~ひぃばあちゃん、もっとしたいよ~ Ver1.00GreatGrandmother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. All the ones I'm aware of are appetite games. Good for a decent fap or two I guess but they're appetite, you know what you're getting.

>> No.45302074

Nobody cares about your chuunishit

>> No.45302094

I asked.
I care.

>> No.45302187

much appreciated, anon

>> No.45302410

Is there a way to patch the steam version of silverio trinity to get the h-scenes back in?
I can't find a torrent on nyaa and I'm too lazy to look any harder than typing in リオトリニティ, so I'll just buy it and patch it if possible.

>> No.45302496

Ayakashi is a big chuuni game

>> No.45302497

No, look harder.

>> No.45302546

but I already tried typing every combination of
I could think of
whatever, I'll just keep saying it doesn't exist until someone gets fed up and spoonfeeds me to prove me wrong

>> No.45302623

Try looking for the flowertradewinds or girlcelly thread of the torrent on as
It could be uploaded during the time original nyaa just died before the new one pops up, found a game like this once a few months ago

>> No.45302632

Any VN's that start out crap for 3/4 of the way only to finally get itself together in the last quarter and now you want more of it?

>> No.45302633

Also try searching with the release date if you haven't already

>> No.45302637

r18 version is shit cause you can't hook it

>> No.45302639

Ignore bait

>> No.45302684

should we gatekeep eroge?

>> No.45302691

Idk it is the one that was here https://mega.nz/folder/r9w2VYQD#e2B-h4miL2Z-BNZt7BtQeg/folder/q54SRarZ
Can you check it out if it is different from the one here? >>45298203

>> No.45302702

Baldr sky dive 1 then dive 2 happens...

>> No.45302752

I always had an image of them being muvluv-like than chuuni

>> No.45302840

Anyone know how to export all the file names from mega into txt file?

>> No.45303089

We need a new thread.

>> No.45303251


>> No.45303295

As someone who’s played a couple of chuunige but not muv-luv what’s the difference? Is it just know it when you see it?

>> No.45303395

Is it from your own folder or from someone else? If it's your own you could use "megatools ls" or "rclone". If it's from someone else then you'll need to use "megatools dl --choose-files" or something like that.
