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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.88 MB, 938x1192, 1669830206797076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45150842 No.45150842 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Sentence of the day:

>> No.45150861
File: 1.14 MB, 2154x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45150915

previous thread: >>45136353

>> No.45150930


>> No.45150939
File: 1.43 MB, 1351x878, スクリーンショット 2023-11-04 192721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I be as happy as her DJT?

>> No.45150942

she looks like american ww2 war propaganda

>> No.45150958
File: 549 KB, 1156x435, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45150961

also, typo

>> No.45151011

also, cute bulge :3

>> No.45151014


>> No.45151016


>> No.45151057

wanted to type 冬の足音 but ended up typing 足の冬音

>> No.45151143
File: 1.79 MB, 1050x1400, 1698841790901697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello ladies

>> No.45151151

feels good knowing im the most handsome guy in this thread

>> No.45151156

i made this post btw

>> No.45151167

every mom tells their failson that, even if its not true

>> No.45151170

moms need to stop telling their failsons how smart they are because they keep growing up to be nerds

>> No.45151177

i have a suspicion this is what creates midwits moreso than nerds

>> No.45151184

most nerds are midwits

>> No.45151192

dont remember making this post

>> No.45151202

i just think its important to be cognizant of the iq bracket of those individuals. moms tell their 115 iq kids they are the next einstein and then they go out in the world and run into walls because of their middling iq and they get angry and lash out to cope

>> No.45151204

yes I agree, me

>> No.45151215

The walls are caused by low intelligent lowwits

>> No.45151216
File: 2.50 MB, 1602x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? How would you translate denpa?

>> No.45151222

mentally ill seems appropriate

>> No.45151227
File: 2.01 MB, 5581x3163, image9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you keep track on the kanji you are learning? Like on a notepad or an image? I used to red line each kanji on picrel but it started getting annoying trying to find each one after some time. Can you suggest something easier to work with?

>> No.45151233


>> No.45151235

i havent started learning them seriously yet

>> No.45151241

Is there a better deck out there than Core 2k/6k? 開くhas 2 separate entries: ひらく and あく. Also words like ロボット are a waste of time to learn because they're obvious.
I'm at a point where I can read Yotsuba tier manga without constantly having to look up moonrunes. Should I just start reading manga and build up my own mining deck instead?

>> No.45151243

i just open the last rtk page i did

>> No.45151262

i wouldn't

>> No.45151269

>開くhas 2 separate entries: ひらく and あく
Having to guess them without knowing the context is annoying but it's important to learn both of them because they're used for different things.
But yeah the faster you start diving into Nipponese media the better, so if you can read with relative ease go for it

>> No.45151317

Tin foil hatter is the English equivalent.

>> No.45151368
File: 748 KB, 1165x2368, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pulled edelgard let's goooooooo

>> No.45151385


>> No.45151399

wait this guide isnt the same as before is it?

>> No.45151440

dead ass fuckin thread

>> No.45151463
File: 57 KB, 333x289, 1696088376885112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
Contains outdated wanikunny slander
>In addition, wanikani teaches garbage meanings for components when correct components would be fine. In the kanji 持, it teaches that the left-side component means "nailbat", when in reality, it means "hand" and directly contributes to the meaning of "possess".
>3 扌Fingers Mnemonic This looks like the hand (手) radical, but smaller. That's because it's just the fingers. You don't always have room for a whole hand to be in a kanji, but there's always space for a few fingers.

>> No.45151500
File: 154 KB, 784x846, core2.3k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a better deck out there than Core 2k/6k?

yes https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/

>> No.45151524

Anyone got some recommendations for games?
I'm looking for non-vn game with a good amount of beginner-level vocabulary, playable on a steamdeck (so PC game or emulated) and with if possible big text-boxes.

>> No.45151530

soukou akki muramasa

>> No.45151532

i'm looking for a japanese virgin gf anyone got recs

>> No.45151551

hmm... probably the dragon quest 11, it has furigana and voice acting

>> No.45151556

kanjigrid, anki addon. 3500 so far

>> No.45151575

tried a middle school?

>> No.45151601

We are above this child diddler stuff.

>> No.45151641

the starting deck doesnt matter
go with whatever deck makes you most happy and then abandon that shit in favor of reading

>> No.45151646

what if my deck makes me happier than reading ...........

>> No.45151653

then anki has claimed another tard and nothing of value was lost

>> No.45151659

so good

>> No.45151664

so good

>> No.45151679

already told you alice in chains was better

>> No.45151700

alice in what

>> No.45151702

No. If I see an unfamiliar kanji or one I have difficulties recognizing, I just cards with them.

>> No.45151723

>Should I just start reading manga and build up my own mining deck instead?
This is a mistake.

>> No.45151765

just have 開く(あく) and 開き直る(ひらきなおる), ez

>> No.45151771


>> No.45151792
File: 607 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45151802

used to have 3.2k kanjis in my grid but eventually u realise kanji arent real

>> No.45151820

not really. in fact, being a lolicon/shotacon/pedo helps with learning japanese.

>> No.45151841

Why are 上せる and 逆上せる read the same way? IT'S FUCKING STUPID, STUPID, STUUUUUPID!

>> No.45151846


>> No.45151851

why are red and read read the same way?

>> No.45151852

peak anime

>> No.45151868

Thanks, might check it.

>> No.45151892


>> No.45151914

i have a question djt
do you peel apples before you eat them?
i fucking love apple skin i don't care if it's infused with pesticides

>> No.45151917

dont need to eat fruit get all my nutrients from liver

>> No.45151926

we moved away from meat

>> No.45151938

english has like 3 examples of this and jp has 3,000,000

>> No.45151940

moe, you have so many worms in your brain from your liver food you didn't even notice djt already went away from animal meat and towards bba meat

>> No.45151943

if u think there is something bad on the outside then just clean the apple.
if you think something bad seeps into the apple then dont eat it, since it has probably diffused throughout the entire thing

>> No.45151955

if youre peeling apples you got too much time on your hands that could be used for like 10 4channel posts

>> No.45151975
File: 411 KB, 719x723, 1684521145839489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is reading manga a waste of time? I mean, for every minute I spend reading manga, I could be reading a VN that gives me more gains, right?

>> No.45151989
File: 217 KB, 1303x472, djt input ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but you could be watching jp-subbed anime which is the superior beginner material

>> No.45151996

*struts into your turf*

>> No.45152016

it's my japanese long distance gf's birthday today what should i write her

>> No.45152023

do whatever you feel like. if you like reading Japanese, you'll end up reading plenty of denser text even if you spend some time on manga. and if you don't like it, then you won't make it anyway so reading manga won't hurt in that case either

>> No.45152041


>> No.45152090

just eat apples with the bugs on them so im ready for when its time to eat only the bugs

>> No.45152107

why is this thread like this

>> No.45152113

like what

>> No.45152127
File: 688 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45152133
File: 1.37 MB, 848x1200, shotamaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's scientifically proven:
the more you fap to shota traps the better your japanese gets

>> No.45152136

no gay no life

>> No.45152147

the only gains that matter

are happiness gains

do what u enjoy lil nigga

>> No.45152160

I'll be happy when I read N1 as soon as possible

>> No.45152191

ur learning japanese to pass a japanese test... ?

>> No.45152192


>> No.45152205


>> No.45152217

N1 is fucking meaningless. You can't even read fucking wikipedia with N1.

>> No.45152229

90% of people that talk shit about n1 cant pass it

>> No.45152235

at n3 you're expected to speak fluently

>> No.45152240

100% of people who take N1 can't read Japanese wikipedia

>> No.45152241

thankfully i'm the 0.000001%

>> No.45152252

just recorded myself and its crazy how much better u sound in ur head than u do in reality

>> No.45152256

i passed n1 in 2017 and ive probably improved by like 7 ns since then

>> No.45152258

youre a pussy if you dont post it

>> No.45152263

maybe you will think twice before making fun of gambs' streams in future

>> No.45152265

just recorded myself and i was blown away i sound great

>> No.45152276

hes an important figure in the jsl community
hes the example of what not to be

>> No.45152283


>> No.45152301

anyone can just read some premade shit and sound okay but can you produce off the cuff

>> No.45152311

don't neglect n5 kanji though because authors sometimes be doing crazy shit with them

>> No.45152315

point blank, if you cant, you dont know japanese
as the video shows of course

>> No.45152324


>> No.45152329

i've held successful job interviews with recruiters at japanese fortune 500 companies

>> No.45152330

absolutely hate gay people with every fiber of my being

>> No.45152333


>> No.45152337

A successful job interview typically involves getting hired

>> No.45152341

uppercaser moment

>> No.45152342


>> No.45152346


>> No.45152349

jsl moment

>> No.45152351

well yeah

>> No.45152352


>> No.45152353

Lowercaser loser

>> No.45152354

kys fucking scumbag

>> No.45152360

crazy how im just here vibing doing anki reps and mens is getting pressed over nothing lol

>> No.45152361

you're fucking retarded you don't get "more gains" from vns and you'll always be shit anyway you stupid monkey

>> No.45152362

im surprised there is so much n1 vocab in pokemon games

>> No.45152367

there's nothing to be surprised about
it's a japanese game for japanese people it's going to contain words that are common and words that are less common just like any other piece of media

>> No.45152369

what are they doing with those n1 words in kid games

>> No.45152382

you're a faggot ass bitch for having that shit installed and saying mens

>> No.45152386

ngnl is so good
will never get tired of rewatching it

>> No.45152387

gonna need moes opinion before i agree

>> No.45152390

kys fatass

>> No.45152391

Gamba be like “wait there’s “to” and “day” so “tooday”? Wait it’s “tuhday”? wtf is he doing with those n5 vocab?

>> No.45152396

what now

>> No.45152397

it's one of the greatest animes ever

>> No.45152402

dropped ngnl after 10 mins
zoomers must love it

>> No.45152410

moe loves texhnolyze he's actually retarded

>> No.45152411

you gotta be a zoomer to even consider picking it up

>> No.45152419

you're retarded if you don't watch every anime before judgment

>> No.45152421

after 10k hours of anime you can tell what's trash and what isn't just by the title

>> No.45152424


>> No.45152426

what's your problem with texhnolyze the best anime ever made?

>> No.45152431

no one who watched 10k hours didn't already watch ngnl and if you don't give every anime the benefit of the doubt no matter what you are spiritually dead

>> No.45152432

holy zoomer lmao

>> No.45152433

i give everything a try even if it looks like shit except some specific genres i have no interest in

>> No.45152440

youre supposed to click on the numbers to reply btw

>> No.45152441

zoomers wouldn't get ngnl

>> No.45152442

yeah im a zoomer and im here to revoke your otaku membership and kick out the millennial fag fake anime fans

>> No.45152447

how the fuck do I study new grammar?

>> No.45152450

what a bloodbath

>> No.45152451

i have a script that picks a random anime for me to watch when im too lazy to find one
does this make me a zoomer?

>> No.45152458

yeah but you honestly have no choice

>> No.45152476

why does the west refuse to adopt the time stop genre

>> No.45152483

gonna need howards opinion on ngnl before we can settle this

>> No.45152486

more like coward

>> No.45152493

you hanging in there /djt/?

>> No.45152525

Kinda bad. I spent the past two years on my Japanese, thinking "maybe where I live is the problem, maybe I'd be happy in Japan". So I kept practicing the language every day. I started using their websites. And I realized they're the same as us. Yeah people are polite in public, and anime is mainstream, but they're disappointingly the same when you get down to it.

I feel stupid for hoping it would be different, but I only did it because my life sucked to begin with. Japan was sort of a "last hope" for me. I won't go into too much detail, but my brain is kinda screwed up so that I can't enjoy stuff or feel emotions anymore, and I can't really smell or remember things and stuff like that. When you have a problem like this, no place on earth is an escape. I guess all you can do is be patient and stay hopeful.

>> No.45152533


>> No.45152535

it has some interesting stuff here and there but I would never rewatch it

>> No.45152536

studying for 4 years this language isn’t real

>> No.45152538

consider moving to gaza I heard they have eventful lives over there

>> No.45152539

japs aren't actually real it's all a ploy to get you to waste your time

>> No.45152552

had sex

>> No.45152571

describe him / her

>> No.45152574

love of my life
smells amazing

>> No.45152577

a corpse

>> No.45152587

age, body type? did you use a condom?

>> No.45152588

Why do people in these threads reply to people without the post number? Is this a japanese thing or is it like the kid in middle school who constantly quoted "yare yare daze"

>> No.45152594

yare yare daze

>> No.45152599

same age as me
thicc huge booba
yes and no

>> No.45152619

yare yare daze

>> No.45152628

it's local culture

>> No.45152630

turn on your monitor

>> No.45152654

>yes and no

>> No.45152665

who are you replying to

>> No.45152666

she had one on but he didn't

>> No.45152671

just got back from taking the old private yacht out

>> No.45152674

did the yacht enjoy it

>> No.45152682
File: 11 KB, 1024x118, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 163: Update late today, mid session I got to go somewhere else so here we are.

>> No.45152687

ngnl author is a brazilian so if you enjoy it that says a lot about you

>> No.45152698

How do I set text to horizontal on ttu reader without it splitting into two pages.

>> No.45152714

I enjoyed the loli and incestuous themes.

>> No.45152724


>> No.45152734


>> No.45152750

chat what do we think about oniichan osimai

>> No.45152755

never heard of it

>> No.45152761

sounds gay as hell

>> No.45152774

just watched the new one piece with a bba

>> No.45152775


>> No.45152777
File: 119 KB, 839x835, 1696658878760357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't get "more gains" from vns

>> No.45152836


>> No.45152860

in here we say 塩基ed

>> No.45152867

we actually say 69

>> No.45152868

I keep mixing 七 and 九 inside my head after so long. Does it also happen to you? Why do you think it happens?

>> No.45152869


>> No.45152876

based on what?

>> No.45152880

me at the bottom

>> No.45152884

bc ur low iq

>> No.45152907

yea never liked ngnl now i know why

>> No.45152936


>> No.45152938


>> No.45152947


>> No.45152949

ghost trick or ff7, they have jp/en scripts you can use

>> No.45152974

is Sousou no Frieren really a 9

>> No.45152976


>> No.45152980

howd you type that upside down 6

>> No.45152991

dame did the old one get deleted

>> No.45152997

Could somebody please help me translate this?

>> No.45153002

it was jhppl7

>> No.45153007

cuck sounds mad

>> No.45153008

compared to the rest of this season its a 9

>> No.45153010
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, AAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45153013

i started automatically reading it in a woman's voice says a lot

>> No.45153017

I don't want that!! I can't believe Mikasa has a man!! I want her to think only of me for the rest of her life!! I want her to stay with me for a while after I die...at least 10 years!!

>> No.45153035

finna vinnie

>> No.45153044

this is what everybody who says "vinnie" looks like

>> No.45153048

i fucking hate the vinnie word too

>> No.45153052

Could somebody please help me translate this?

>> No.45153054
File: 843 KB, 1290x726, 1676006120181867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45153055

had sex

>> No.45153065

we look like djt heartthrob howard actually

>> No.45153070

yeah you're not helping your case

>> No.45153072

why are djters so fucking ugly lol

>> No.45153073

the howard camera angle is crazy bro

>> No.45153080

good looking people lead normal lives

>> No.45153083

the handsome majority don't post pics of themselves

>> No.45153085

howard is an adonis tho

>> No.45153093

there are too many gays in djt for me to ever post even a 2dfied pic of meself

>> No.45153103

im fat and ugly but it doesnt bother me thanks to my asexuality. people only care about their appearance to attract others

>> No.45153113

asexuality is a cope for fat and ugly people

>> No.45153116

no that's being an incel

>> No.45153128

esl moment

>> No.45153134

tbf thats an advanced mistake

>> No.45153135

This is your brain on not writing.

>> No.45153138

its tragic how white women age compared to asians

>> No.45153148

they be like lets make them legal after they hit their 賞味期限

>> No.45153172

when is qm going to find a new wife

>> No.45153175

what happened to the old one

>> No.45153186

jamal ntr'd her

>> No.45153189

i wanna gf
don't know what to do though

>> No.45153196

i wanna man

>> No.45153213

talk to older fat women and call them cute

>> No.45153218

you sly devil

>> No.45153221

he said gf not hf

>> No.45153237

unko knows nobody shares his fetish so why does he make these retarded attention seeking posts

>> No.45153254

it's sexy and made for straight men

>> No.45153256

this thread is full of meanies and bullies. its so sad

>> No.45153258

It's unironically kino.

>> No.45153260

i don't like being mean but i don't like undesirables doing whatever they want unscathed

>> No.45153274

so he can get this exact reaction from you and he would evade bans endlessly to keep doing it

>> No.45153277

how will that help him find fulfillment?

>> No.45153280

in other words he's a literal pest

>> No.45153284

u may think so. but many anons here seem vry sad and take it out on others. its not nice

>> No.45153288

She's dead inside, anon.

>> No.45153289

you reach satori when you accept the reality of genetic determinism

>> No.45153297

i only seethe out of passion for life

>> No.45153333



>> No.45153478
File: 1.21 MB, 1061x1500, 1674967025966303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the women are

>> No.45153482

i can save her

>> No.45153500

do allos really get excited by this stuff and watch shows because of it

>> No.45153516

top shpuld be bigger bottom should be flatter

>> No.45153528

shit takes all around

>> No.45153684

i love having white skin

>> No.45153687
File: 49 KB, 777x544, 1677234211959738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you did this?

>> No.45153697

at least he remembered the word

>> No.45153703


>> No.45153714
File: 1.63 MB, 2894x4093, yni^ArtWorldOnline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yni^ cute magical dreamy pure yay2play fairyy games


^◌⑅ 𖡼 .𖤣𖥧◌.𖡼⑅^

⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈

⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈

>> No.45153757


>> No.45153774

That's pretty funny, I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen something like this before. Could also make use of a screamer.

>> No.45153790
File: 128 KB, 579x764, 1699155600303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45153793


>> No.45153798


>> No.45153800

finally a cool sounding waseigo

>> No.45153808

so which one of you put gore images in some redditors premade decks

>> No.45153811


>> No.45153822

as for me jalup

>> No.45153865

Paris, China

>> No.45153885





>> No.45153902

are all japs as dull as imoto

>> No.45153932





>> No.45153937

ripping ass

>> No.45154063


>> No.45154070

nice immersion shes reading all the text out

>> No.45154088

i dont think its helped me at all but i only fap using images off gelbooru now. all the best artists just upload shit to twitter

>> No.45154114



>> No.45154214

immerse in this *dunks ur head in the toilet*

>> No.45154323
File: 208 KB, 1172x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up when they change the short thread radical to something that's not literal shit.

>> No.45154328
File: 78 KB, 1212x267, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45154366

People pay money for this?

>> No.45154372




>> No.45154469

>tfw people pay money for wanikani

>> No.45154549

euro shitposting is so bad it drove out the americans from the thread

>> No.45154564

but djt said reading works!!!

>> No.45154608

>You can't just poop in public, that's illegal and gross in this day and age.
Based website trolling their pajeet coders.

>> No.45154659


>> No.45154730

Found a really spicy word on twitter.


>> No.45154748

n6 spice

>> No.45154801

for me it's 七味唐辛子

>> No.45154879


>> No.45154882


>> No.45154885

6000th word mined. 絶賛

>> No.45154888


>> No.45154895

just read 減殺 as めっさつ lol

>> No.45154898

havent read in months

>> No.45154953

never read

>> No.45154963

imagine spending every day coming on here just to put others down because its the only way for you to feel good

>> No.45154967

imagine posting cringe

>> No.45154976

you just posted tho and you signed your post

>> No.45154983

know your place unko

>> No.45154994

not true i also feel good when jacking off

>> No.45154997

mokuro turns manga into 5 lookup speed
why are linnie ebooks 4?

>> No.45154999

ye the midwit is mad

>> No.45155003
File: 1 KB, 134x34, PgBLoev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45155005

because you may be reading them on an ereader where lookups aren't as good as yomichan

>> No.45155012

fair fair

>> No.45155087


>> No.45155109

im sure that sounded clever in ur head

>> No.45155182

jlpt is in a month I'm not ready

>> No.45155320

it's a cover illustration for one of the mosaic.wav singles

>> No.45155331
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45155348

fugly bitch

>> No.45155400
File: 95 KB, 1192x670, 645463345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boa falling for rufy is actually very well written
props to oda

>> No.45155402
File: 558 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45155594

people are too mean here. when is happy dft

>> No.45155596

she be kinda hot

>> No.45155601

true true

>> No.45155602

Da Godfather
Well no wonder it took me so long to understand Japanese, I have ADHD it's so crazy how quite your mind can be on medication, everything feels slowed down, I only have one thought and or one voice in my head, and reading isn't difficult anymore, as in I would get tunnel vision.

>> No.45155610


>> No.45155617

lmao the adhd cope

>> No.45155621

its real. its also genetic

>> No.45155624

just opened tinder for the first time after coming back from japan holy shit western women are ugly and slutty

>> No.45155628





>> No.45155646

is this seriously just a post of some guy's tweet. why

>> No.45155653

>some guy
hey dont talk about da godfather like that

>> No.45155667

he has like 100 followers with a locked account. this is pathetic even by the average dft gosspier standards.

>> No.45155677

have you not seen tinder in japan? just as slutty but definitely better looking

>> No.45155683
File: 653 KB, 1600x900, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a superstar and there is an entire djt garbage day dedicated to him

>> No.45155689

>just as slutty
not true at all
western tinder has bikini pics on almost every profile
japan tinder has food pics on almost every profile

>> No.45155700

idk i saw plenty of swimsuit and bikini pics

>> No.45155702

jap women are turbo sluts though

>> No.45155704

>garbage day
no thanks im not a bully

>> No.45155708

it's about the relative frequency not whether they exist or not

of course they are but they make it a little less obvious

>> No.45155746

how new bro

>> No.45155763
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1678170033231627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agf fakes being bad at japanese

>> No.45155776

i know hes shit because i can read that ez

>> No.45155780




>> No.45155786
File: 133 KB, 720x748, marine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45155790

will i make any gains from English subbed anime?

>> No.45155806
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x2829, F-F9z37aEAAp0aB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo someone reviving my streamables

>> No.45155815

should i start learning particles?
i keep confusing these two
is this common?

>> No.45155818


>> No.45155822


>> No.45155841

jesus christ the avatar on the right is ugly

>> No.45155843

sorry ill subscribe to the djt newsletter next time so i dont miss a gossip post

>> No.45155850

that's was a really good comeback, anon
a sharp and funny one
keep it up

>> No.45155852


>> No.45155873
File: 53 KB, 736x736, b71be79971df0bf19a3e651f46082552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i know this one

>> No.45155899

strong mlenにっげr stench

>> No.45155915
File: 7 KB, 222x151, f3ipmqtk6cyb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45155924

damn cant believe moe is actually a furry and he has a very hot ladyboy gf

>> No.45156091

where are the subtitles?!

>> No.45156265


>> No.45156318


>> No.45156733

djt cannot be revived

>> No.45156775
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x3072, F-HCSgJaUAAkS91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

revival of the day

>> No.45156791


>> No.45156921

i don't think i can 組む a djt with people who don't understand agf's significance

>> No.45156952
File: 469 KB, 527x614, agf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agf's significance
holostars will never be significant and you know it

>> No.45157146

agf=a gay faggot lmao

>> No.45157236


>> No.45157237
File: 107 KB, 1203x711, watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45157275

japs really dont understand english huh

>> No.45157290

and anglos don't understand japanese so its mutual

>> No.45157298


>> No.45157344

english is a lingua franca and japs still fail at it after years of learning

>> No.45157383
File: 284 KB, 2048x1152, F-GEQ2UaUAAy7P3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45157405


>> No.45157413

am i translating it correctly?
"first time i met you, I though "what a dangerous woman" but... while i was filming you, i started to view you as a real cutie"

>> No.45157419

yes that's correct

>> No.45157422


>> No.45157425
File: 223 KB, 1316x714, lxqC6Qwden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pic escaped my grasp

>> No.45157435

you're ready to scanlate

>> No.45157441


>> No.45157449

thanks, senpai
you understand me so well i don't even need to show you the pic

>> No.45157477


>> No.45157533

that wasn't believable at all, he should've said he was in the pool
also if you still have this ep please clip fern sitting down because i forgot and deleted it already

>> No.45157539

i delete everything after chugging it

>> No.45157611

lmao wtf the animation is literally newgrounds tier

>> No.45157699


>> No.45157719

its pretty good, one of the best looking shows this season

>> No.45157753

where are the tkb

>> No.45157775


>> No.45157901

waah im so high iq
>i could totally get a gf if i wanted to the cashier always smiles at me
>i cant point out any mistakes but if you knew japanese you would agree with me that its wrong
>no you >:(
>every one else sucks
etc その他色々 seetheしまくりデイズ

>> No.45157952

schizo moment

>> No.45157958
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kusuriya no Hitorigoto - 05 (1080p) [1BFB97C5]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45157963

mind broken by iq guy

>> No.45157987

iq guy hasn't posted in weeks

>> No.45158002
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x2160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45158045

all they fuckin do in thees animes is talk about boobs

>> No.45158048
File: 840 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kusuriya no Hitorigoto - 05 (1080p) [1BFB97C5]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158056

>eng subs

>> No.45158112

eng subs make the low iqs seethe

>> No.45158130

>should i start learning particles?
Do you mean radicals?
It really helped me, no need to learn them all perfectly, but doing some exercises for 2~4 days just so your brain learns to break kanjis into radicals will help you deal with the stuff you posted

>> No.45158146

t. low iq

>> No.45158164

lil bro hates himself

>> No.45158185
File: 847 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 30 (1080p) [5590654F]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158189

10k hours english subs

>> No.45158193

why even learn japanese when we can just watch in english? lol

>> No.45158195
File: 51 KB, 640x360, 906341165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45158218

why japanese people

>> No.45158242

i didn't learn japanese
japanese taught me

>> No.45158330
File: 20 KB, 636x680, F-Gb9_VbYAA_Tbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the life

>> No.45158346


>> No.45158362
File: 1.20 MB, 960x540, [ReinForce] Tenpuru 「うそ、何でこんなにおっきく…」(BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)-[02.29.524-02.38.450].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158433
File: 988 KB, 1920x1080, [ReinForce] Tenpuru 「うそ、何でこんなにおっきく…」(BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158447


it's over it's over it's over

>> No.45158486

https://pocketalk.jp/ is better


>> No.45158492

i love how they're scared shitless of having to deal with a gaijin and you can see the relief on their face as soon as they hear japanese

>> No.45158496


>> No.45158508


>> No.45158519

8 years of English class never prepared them for this

>> No.45158540


>> No.45158578

the big brain move is to ナンパ a group of girls with a 翻訳機 and act like you dont know japanese and then listen to their in group talk about who of them wants to fuck you

>> No.45158588

anon you're setting yourself up for heartbreak...

>> No.45158635


>> No.45158743

that's exactly what i said about her model

>> No.45158750

trying too hard bro

>> No.45158757
File: 367 KB, 2048x1536, 20231105_171758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158781
File: 3.71 MB, 576x1024, 1699186180921357.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45158787

kek it doesn't take any effort to criticize her design

>> No.45158788

Why you posting koreans in DJT?

>> No.45158791

it be like that

>> No.45158804

the text in the back is japanese

>> No.45158825

bunko keep your gf in check

>> No.45158861

when they say japanese women have a hard on for gaijin they mean white men
sorry colored bros but you are at the bottom of their preference list even below old japanese men, it was never gonna work out for yall lol

>> No.45158868


>> No.45158941

she cute
would fuck

>> No.45158962
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 05 (1080p) [91E4F8B0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159013
File: 452 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 05 (1080p) [91E4F8B0]-[06.00.109-06.02.404].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159015

Terrible English. It should be
>There is no moshiwakexcuse for this, but the ketchuppu goyoui is not gozavailable. We nanitozope you shouryounderstand.

>> No.45159027

ive come to hate anime

>> No.45159029
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 05 (1080p) [91E4F8B0]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45159033

anime produces nothing of value

>> No.45159040
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x2160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159053


>> No.45159058

i'll produce a fat shit in your mouth if you disrespect anime

>> No.45159074

esl moment

>> No.45159080

anime is dead because like all things its a product of its time

>> No.45159087


>> No.45159089

yeah everything is bad after 2010

>> No.45159106

just like djt

>> No.45159117
File: 1.04 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 05 (1080p) [91E4F8B0]-[12.34.755-12.40.552].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159199
File: 1015 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 05 (1080p) [91E4F8B0]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting djt

>> No.45159209
File: 1011 KB, 1280x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159223

whats her problem

>> No.45159241


>> No.45159245

blessed with high iq

>> No.45159282

(for a woman)

>> No.45159317

crazy how the vshitter became the 2nd highest iq in the thread after jamal left

>> No.45159322
File: 669 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159356

epic self own

>> No.45159359

Anime is a waste of time with subs, they barely use kanji. use it for listening practice only

>> No.45159388

oh no im not at the 99 iq percentile what will i do lmfao

>> No.45159405


>> No.45159467


>> No.45159475

don't like this red pill huh, also it's even less effective if you're just gonna be constantly interrupted the audio to mine

>> No.45159499

don't watch with subs or mine retard cards

>> No.45159521

>anti anki

lol, lmao even. Enjoy your minuscule vocab gains, maybe you'll finally be middle school level in another 10 years.

>> No.45159537
File: 15 KB, 557x138, 1675999915186349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too shit to be telling me what's effective also you won't even be at that level

>> No.45159545

>you're too shit to be telling me what's effective also you won't even be at that level

Wasting time schizo posting here definitely isn't effective, that's for sure

>> No.45159546
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Shingeki no Kyojin - The Final Season Part 3 - 02 (1080p) [49B60365]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same

>> No.45159547


>> No.45159553

didn't ask because i'm not a nerd faggot who views life through the lens of learning japanese but still failing at it like you

>> No.45159596


>> No.45159612

don't watch with subs and mine based cards from vinnies

>> No.45159645

>don't learn the language
lol ok

>> No.45159651

ciaran says anki is only for the rare autistic beyond native words

>> No.45159681

appeal to ecelebority

>> No.45159687

tfw your only personality trait is "learning" japanese but youre trash so you use flashcards due to lack of ability. like a broke chibba obsessed with money

>> No.45159705

ciaran says mmmph shlurp grrrrgle (he has a dick in his mouth)

>> No.45159709

yeah ciarans right

>> No.45159710

started using new anki algorithm
not a flashtard btw

>> No.45159721

started using new pussy

>> No.45159750


>> No.45159751

ciaran also doesn't know japanese

>> No.45159758

>you use flashcards due to lack of ability
he thinks memorizing words is based on "ability" lmao

>> No.45159761

why would you watch anime with subs and make flashcards out of it unless you were trash?

>> No.45159766

to learn the language?

>> No.45159767

isn't ciaran the guy who lives in a mansion

>> No.45159775

because you're trash and lack ability. you should "learn" english too

>> No.45159779


>> No.45159780

you realize part of learning a second language is learning how to interpret it in your own language, right? you're not actually starting from scratch like your native tongue.

>> No.45159782

My favorite is when a word more than one reading but the meaning changes with accordingly.

>> No.45159788

don't care about your retard language learning theory i just made a simple and obvious statement that if you use flashcards and subs you are shit

>> No.45159791


>> No.45159805

it's not a language learning theory, it's just a fact. every word needs an interpretation, otherwise you won't know what it means.

>> No.45159813

I have gone through Genki 1 and 2 twice. I took a bit of a break in between both readings and made grammar anki cards after the second review to help with retention. I also had an anki vocab deck for Genki, but ultimately ditched it and just focused on the core deck and I am currently a little past 1000 cards. So currently I'm just daily reviewing my Grammar and Core Anki deck.

I don't really have anyone to actually practice Japanese, so I end up just making random conversational sentences and doing a quick google translate to see if it matches (not the most reliable, I know).

Unfortunately often times it feels like I didn't learn anything when I struggle to read sentences with unfamiliar Kanji or similar looking Kanji (but completely different meanings) form sentences, conjugate verbs/ modify nouns, which can be frustrating.

My goal has always been conversational Japanese, but I am not sure what other resources I should look into/how I should modify my study routine. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.45159816

stfu 4bro

>> No.45159829

Please ignore >>45159816

Not all of us on 4chan are that rude.

Regardless, have you tried comprehensible input? Before focusing so much on trying to output, maybe it is best to focus on passive vocab while reading and listening. While doing so you gain much more familiarity with the language.

Eventually of course you should get a tutor to help you with output, but I think if you are only at around 1k words then your best option is a lot of reading from which to mine vocab for some time, then starting to listen with all the passive vocab you’ve gain from reading, then focusing on output

>> No.45159830
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Shingeki no Kyojin - The Final Season Part 3 - 02 (1080p) [49B60365]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45159852

ciaran had literally over 30k cards

>> No.45159857

mae ni has over 40k

>> No.45159861

anki is like smoking
feels good while u do it until u get get unwell and u tell other ppl not to do it

>> No.45159863

ciaran said he regrets wasting so much time in anki before coming to this >>45159651 conclusion

>> No.45159869


>> No.45159872

appeal to ciaran

>> No.45159896

ciaran said sucking dick isn't all that so i'm not gonna try it

>> No.45159900

ciaran literally got fucked in the ass for money

>> No.45159905

jamal agreed with ciaran

>> No.45159911

and now hes earning 7 figures working with bull gates and living in a stately mansion he fucking won

>> No.45159913

not a win by any means

>> No.45159916

what do you do

>> No.45159919

ciaran never learned japanese so all of it was a waste anyway

>> No.45159920

im a neet

>> No.45159926

what are your plans for the future

>> No.45159931

have a kid and live on gibs as a neet

>> No.45159936

i wanna man

>> No.45159937

So, anki or no anki?

>> No.45159940

*unzips* ass or mouth

>> No.45159941


>> No.45159942
File: 109 KB, 1870x963, 切り上げる.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45159949

wtf are u doing with those n5 kanji

>> No.45159958

not wasting my precious time to see fake numbers in my bank account go up

>> No.45159959

ciaran is a retired villain

>> No.45159971
File: 83 KB, 1879x967, 切り開く.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45159977

yeah you're instead wasting your precious time to see your djt (You) count go up

>> No.45159990

pathetic way to live you have to grow up some day lil boy

>> No.45159999

iq guy said making money helps the world

>> No.45160007

don't care but you need it to not be a parasite and have a family

>> No.45160012

ciaran says capitalism is bad

>> No.45160015

own my own house dunno why id do more than the bare minimum
work 3 days a week 18 hours total and can afford my life

>> No.45160017

that's good

>> No.45160022

he's probably right

>> No.45160024

dont care about having a family

>> No.45160028


>> No.45160033

>you NEED to work for someone to have a family

>> No.45160034

ciaran was wrong about antinatalism

>> No.45160036
File: 774 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Shingeki no Kyojin - The Final Season Part 3 - 02 (1080p) [49B60365]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is wrong with her ear

>> No.45160040

your life is over when you become a dad

>> No.45160044
File: 16 KB, 427x400, 1697245613197064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your life is over when you become a dad

>> No.45160048

that's because he was brainwashed growing up

>> No.45160073

so were you

>> No.45160080

moe says procreating is the only purpose in life which means when you've had kids you've fulfilled your purpose and your life is over

>> No.45160091


>> No.45160097
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1654362948723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your life is hajime when you become a otousan

>> No.45160103


>> No.45160105

i gotta agree with the anime tranny but he probably has something else in mind

>> No.45160106

moe is a retard who doesnt think through what he says

>> No.45160111

true true

>> No.45160114
File: 61 KB, 600x549, Ow_the_edge-1352526658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only purpose is to be a parasite to this society i was born into against my will

>> No.45160116

Haha, yes... of course... no "obvious" way... >:^)

>> No.45160122

yea im thinkin based

>> No.45160127
File: 749 KB, 1280x1014, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45160154

honestly this is kind of a big deal

when reading is the best way to learn japanese

and there are mental conditions that make it hard to read like adhd or dyslexia

>> No.45160185


>> No.45160202


>> No.45160223

no, your life is never defined by others.

matt said the exact same thing before he sold out

>> No.45160225
File: 956 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Boushoku no Berserk - 06 (1080p) [F26E20D1]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45160244

his laugh makes me want to stomp on his neck until i cut his 身長 in half

>> No.45160273
File: 663 KB, 1920x1080, 暴食のベルセルク 第06話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45160280

seek help lil bro

>> No.45160305
File: 683 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Boushoku no Berserk - 06 (1080p) [F26E20D1]-[20.35.235-20.44.535].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45160309

yeah you can hear in his fake laugh that he already had a scam in mind

>> No.45160325

holy mother of kino

>> No.45160341

the scam was honestly kinda genius. how do you make money off of telling people to "read more"?
simple, you tell them that reading will actually permanently ruin their japanese.
and that reading while not already fluent will permanently ruin their experience with every piece of media they touch.


>> No.45160354

anime is saved!

>> No.45160355

my farts are fucking rancid

>> No.45160359

always get very smelly farts after i eat burger king

>> No.45160365

people who say "read more" are very punchable

>> No.45160369

the only time i ever went to burger king was because i was stranded in the middle of nowhere starving.
i forgot what i ordered but i didn't finish it

>> No.45160374

read more, crab.

>> No.45160377


>> No.45160384

when was the last time you punched someone

>> No.45160398

let's goooooooooo

>> No.45160402

why is no other language learning community like this


>> No.45160409

who makes this gay shit

>> No.45160422

4channel is one of the most dominant cultural forces on the internet and has close ties to japan. so that's why we are special.

>> No.45160426


>> No.45160447

ofc holotards actually know the source videos of these "slander" memes

>> No.45160470

>ajatters when they hear silence for 1 second
okay that one was pretty fun ngl

>> No.45160479
File: 36 KB, 1080x286, Screenshot_20231105-190803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said any of this stuff

>> No.45160481

kneel, cuck.

>> No.45160505

ciaran said he never said any of that stuff

>> No.45160511
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45160515

Things were so fun 5 years ago

>> No.45160517

have you learned japanese yet, ciaran?

>> No.45160519

djt forever cucked by a gay man

>> No.45160526

this thread is for japanese, please refrain from posting br*zilian content

>> No.45160531

if it looks and feels japanese
it's japanese

>> No.45160537

your dick is japanese

>> No.45160541

haha nice

>> No.45160544


>> No.45160552

brazilian person here.
care to explain what you just said?

>> No.45160564
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>> No.45160566

nou geimu nou raifu was made by a brazilian

>> No.45160571

the ngnl author is a japanese person born in brazil

>> No.45160602

wheres my boi vn guy

>> No.45160640

right here

>> No.45160646

yo wasup bro

>> No.45160655

not much how bout you

>> No.45160676

prove that you're the real vn guy

>> No.45160702
File: 523 KB, 1276x716, 暁の護衛トリニティ_コンプリートエディション.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45160705

u know bro just chillin here.
glad to see u are still we us bro

>> No.45160723

my condolences

>> No.45160726

learning something... presumably

>> No.45160729


>> No.45160736

the maid route in that game was wild
still haven't read the sequel

>> No.45160756

i need to stop drinking

>> No.45160760

i need to stop binge eating

>> No.45160771


>> No.45160783


>> No.45160791
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn japanese with anime

>> No.45160796


>> No.45160807

i need to start drinking more

>> No.45160810
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>> No.45160818
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>> No.45160886

crazy how dolly cracked japanese and explained in a very easy way with trains but decided to put it behind a ugly robotic chara and horrible voice to still gate keep the language

>> No.45160891

the robot is hot though

>> No.45160898

i'm going to remake every single dolly video using highly advanced ai to mimic jamal's voice

>> No.45160903

let me blow your mind


>> No.45160925

I'm waiting

>> No.45160939

akira bros...

>> No.45160954

wtf is going on here

>> No.45160967

here let me blow your mind

示、子、わ、な (right side)、れ、 よ、は (right side) and many more are just slight variations of the same movement. if you write こ and turn it 90° cw it's just せ with out the 一 going through it.

>> No.45160974

り is just a rotated and then mirrored こ

>> No.45160975

what is he doing with those n5 kanji

>> No.45160992

How many VNs did you read before you could read LNs?

>> No.45161034


>> No.45161071


>> No.45161081

never read a ln

>> No.45161091

gigantic l

>> No.45161110

theyre soulless slop

>> No.45161117

i read kinos tabby and it was like reading something written by a middle school student

>> No.45161133

i doubt any of you virgins can give me one good reason to read a vn

>> No.45161137

jamal said theyre epic

>> No.45161138

not a virgin so i can't help you there

>> No.45161182

musumaker teaches you the meaning of life

>> No.45161205


>> No.45161325
File: 445 KB, 1920x1080, sakana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught the big fish lmfao

>> No.45161342


>> No.45161357

caught the big 鯨(ゲイ)

>> No.45161365

not doing my anki tonight fuck anki fuck gambs fuck japanese fuck you i hate all of you i wish i'd spent my time learning french

>> No.45161382

This is pretty nasty

祟 崇

>> No.45161395

this is pretty nasty

>> No.45161408

i thought it was 呪る

>> No.45161413


>> No.45161415


>> No.45161429


>> No.45161512

Anyone know what 酒尽尽 is supposed to mean? It's the title of an enka song, fuckin Chinese-lookin' ass

>> No.45161553

4000 anki cards, 75 anime episodes (reading subtitles) and the equivalent of one 30 hour vn (as in takes 30 h for someone with a normal reading speed).
how can you not already know french if you know english

>> No.45161714

feel it out

>> No.45161731
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>> No.45161750

dame that's a deep reference https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%83%8C%E3%82%A2%E6%97%8F-1387313

>> No.45161764

My guess is something to the effect of "draining glass after glass" but I figured I'd ask in case anyone has some insight

>> No.45161838

who is the target demographic of this?

>> No.45161865


>> No.45161875

what is the appeal?

>> No.45161883


>> No.45161920

people who like yuru yuri

>> No.45161922

people that are gmi

>> No.45161937

only thing moe is right about is that yuru yuri and that one about the ryokan is 10/10 masterpiece

>> No.45161939

i'm right about everything

>> No.45161983


>> No.45161993

you're literally not human if you chug diarrhea like yuru yuri

>> No.45161998

jamal said yuru yuri is good

>> No.45162001
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damn right i have left humanity behind

>> No.45162038

isnt that guy dead

>> No.45162040


>> No.45162041


>> No.45162042


>> No.45162053
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Day 164: Today session really doesn't have anything unique so that's that.

>> No.45162059
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>> No.45162068
File: 7 KB, 679x89, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of cards are u doing that take 17 seconds lol?
even writing cards dont take that long

>> No.45162174

yari hou?
yari pou?

>> No.45162186

pouring one out for jamal

>> No.45162195

what does this anime have to do with jamal

>> No.45162197


>> No.45162202

jamal said it's one of the best animes ever made

>> No.45162207


>> No.45162237


he didnt

>> No.45162240

Jamal said
Ciaran said
Moe said
Matt said

>> No.45162251
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>> No.45162253

zarathustra said
confucius said
jesus said

>> No.45162254

Who's Moe? Are you talking about Shoui?

>> No.45162261

who's shoui

>> No.45162262

my gf said セックス婆です

>> No.45162264
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>> No.45162279

? when i used to drone vocab i was 2 secs/card 5 secs isnt impressive

>> No.45162287
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the duality of little girls

>> No.45162288

its not about how long the cards take its the fact that you spend 40 minutes a day on cards

>> No.45162298

a fat japanese ojisan crossdresser wrote that

>> No.45162306

yeah doing 22 new cards/day tho and gonna have jouyou kanji all done in another 20 odd days so dont mind doing this for a little bit

>> No.45162307

Anki is useless. Change my mind.

>> No.45162311
File: 658 KB, 720x900, ojisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me i wrote that

>> No.45162323

people repping their 5 second per card of whatever and their cards are shit like 努める

>> No.45162339


>> No.45162376

where on the internet do middle aged lonely japanese women hang out? preferably with open DMs

>> No.45162383

ask unko

>> No.45162387

they indulge in dick measuring contests about how many seconds it takes them on average to review anki cards

>> No.45162411

go on skypech
id recommend making a 募集 where you state you want to talk to older women (何歳でも) or whatever but you can also just keep checking it to see if anyone posts
once had a 58 yo from there show me her 白髪 manko on video

>> No.45162421

just do some ""advanced"" <insert your native language> deck for 5mins and realize how embarassing any discussion of "cards per second" is

>> No.45162424

thanks i will try my best

>> No.45162430

you mean seconds per card lil bro
but yeah i agree

>> No.45162433

>白髪 manko
was she was giving birth to an old man at the time?

>> No.45162447
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, Pluto.S01E04.1080p.WEB.h264-QUiNTESSENCE-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45162456

no pubes go grey too bro

>> No.45162466

i was being overly literal with the meaning of 髪 for comedic effect.

>> No.45162488

what are some fun japanese imageboards

>> No.45162489


>> No.45162500

#1 post is about baseball its over for the yamato nadeshiko of the world

>> No.45162527
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>> No.45162551

bitch got rotting teeth bro

>> No.45162554

The 酒 is 尽尽 or all used up. In other words, the man is drinking a lot.

>> No.45162573

uppercasers have their own little community here its kinda kawaii

>> No.45162580

might watch gintama

>> No.45162603

dropped that after half an episode because the way the characters speak is too annoying

>> No.45162652
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>> No.45162659
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>> No.45162668
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>> No.45162710


are expressions in bilingual dictionaries fucked too or what, i dont know enough to know if this is correct

>> No.45162729

its not fucked as a sentence

>> No.45162735
File: 34 KB, 602x239, 2023-11-05_18-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wholesome mcdonalds ads are over

>> No.45162737


what about this one, should i mine expressions anyway

>> No.45162738

"You can never be too careful"

>> No.45162740


>> No.45162747

thats up to you take some responsibility for your life lol

>> No.45162752

pretty sure they are already greenlighting part 2

>> No.45162767

bro think about it
you care about advertisements from mcdonalds

>> No.45162774

yes because it gave me a glimpse into an alternate reality of advertising

>> No.45162778

if your gf didnt care about mcds ads she wouldnt have that ナイスバディー

>> No.45162789
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Since when could McDonalds-san speak Japanese?

>> No.45162795

the only difference is that its anime
she only cares about the deals

>> No.45162803

>are expressions in bilingual dictionaries fucked too
implying the bilingual dictionary’s ever wrong when you yourself can’t even read a simple phrase

>> No.45162805

agf bros

>> No.45162806



>> No.45162814

is that your card

>> No.45162816

What’s AGF?

>> No.45162826

>guy clearly doesn’t know Japanese
>heh time to show him more Japanese

>> No.45162842

if you dont know japanese it doesnt matter if something is right or wrong

>> No.45162845

also extremely ironic to use a murakami excerpt when its a discussion on bilingual dictionaries considering he writes english in japanese cause hes autistic af

>> No.45162865

that's just a meme non readers spread because he uses 一人称 a lot and says shit like きゅうりのようにクール

>> No.45162876

its just a meme apart from the things he actually does?

>> No.45162881

a few idiosynacricies isnt "writing english in japanese"

>> No.45162883

Very based
His writing shows that language is just a vehicle for ideas and that idiomatic expression isn’t always preferable in creative endeavors

>> No.45162885

>post a quote for a novel by acclaimed autor
>extremely simple sentence. grammar lines up 100% with the other post

>> No.45162911


>> No.45163019

they are not few

>> No.45163055

apparently someone is doing a sakuuta en TL, what are the odds it's not dogshit

>> No.45163063

the original is dogshit

>> No.45163064

it's a vn. it's gonna be dog shit

>> No.45163065

wrong thread lil bro

>> No.45163072

no idea what sakuuta is

>> No.45163079

dog shit

>> No.45163084

he can’t even read the phrase in question. he’s lacking the most basic comprehension bro

>> No.45163086

one 6/7 difficulty vn has like 9000 words to mine. at 30 new cards a day it will only take two years to reach 20,000 words. So literally just play two/three vns and mine everything

so easy

>> No.45163092

gambs says its kamige thoughbeit

>> No.45163097

so if I mine one word a day it will only take me 55 years

>> No.45163098

gambs > djt

>> No.45163106

gambs would be on his knees if he was up against a jidaigeki streamable

>> No.45163111

In Ancient Greece they don't say "SakuUta is kamige", they say "ekphanestaton kai erasmiōtaton ho SakuUta" and I think that means it's beautiful.
I have recently been going back through bits and pieces of SakuUta and holy shit, this VN is brilliant. There is no line out of place, and any word a character utters, any thought that a character thinks, any name that is put into the tiny rectangle above the textbox, they were all arranged perfectly by some sort of divine being who has descended onto Earth in order to reveal to us some radiant truths that mortals were not intended to see. No line can be rightly considered without considering its context within the work as a whole. No mortal being has ever understood this entire VN on a single playthrough. Several hundred years from now, a cult religion that considers SakuUta to be its sacred text will engage in a holy war, uniting the entire world under a theocracy -- this VN will "triomphe le monde," if you get what I mean.

>> No.45163123

yeah big g is right

>> No.45163129

give me something good to read then

>> No.45163148


>> No.45163162

youre getting trolled lil b sakuuta is choukamige

>> No.45163168

visual novels are a dead medium
the only people still interested in them are unironically retards who still havent learned japanese in the last 20 years

>> No.45163172

Spring. After the death of his father - a world-famous artist - left him without any living relatives, protagonist Kusanagi Naoya is put under the care of his friend Natsume Kei's family. There, his homeroom teacher Natsume Ai, and Kei's younger sister - the actress Natsume Shizuku - await him in turn. And with the arrival of the new school term, Misakura Rin - Naoya's childhood friend who transferred long ago - reappears right before him.

Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion --

Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits?

holy cringe

>> No.45163179

jap bitch shitting.webm

>> No.45163198

romance is such a boring genre and somehow they decided to make a whole medium about it

>> No.45163217

i already read it in japanese like 6 months ago, other than makoto's route i thought it was pretty nice

>> No.45163242

lost butterfly is so overanimated but the sakuga in between the beams and explosions is good enough to let it slide

>> No.45163301

im built different

>> No.45163310

like elon musk?

>> No.45163311

doesn't matter how you're built i'll shatter you with a single kick

>> No.45163345


>> No.45163366

jsl moment

>> No.45163378

and then everyone clapped

>> No.45163422

you forgot your A

>> No.45163450

this is og tier

>> No.45163468


>> No.45163476

why is this such an archetype in the jsl community. we've seen it time and time again

>> No.45163486

post that gambs discord chat lmao

>> No.45163490

who are you talking to faggot

>> No.45163508


>> No.45163509


>> No.45163539
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>> No.45163548
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>> No.45163557


>> No.45163568

being a chuuni at 30 years old is kinda crazy icl

>> No.45163577
File: 2.82 MB, 1863x1059, 2023-11-05 10_33_29-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45163606
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>> No.45163638

weird yonimo episode

>> No.45163640

use my tuumei when i dont want the uber eats guy to spit in my food but apart from that i feel like a gaijin pretending to be japanese is so cringe so i dont really want to do that

>> No.45163642


>> No.45163719
File: 3.84 MB, 1985x1117, 2023-11-05 19_56_48-安堂ロイド~A.I. knows LOVE?~ 第02話「母の愛、家族の絆」720p HDTV x264 AAC-NGB.mkv - mpv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 9/10 japanese male

>> No.45163735

i have 3 days off from work and i dont know hwat to do with it

>> No.45163751


>> No.45163804

modern dramas are just as diarrhea as modern anime

>> No.45163822
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>> No.45163891
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>> No.45163912

i watched 7 anime episodes with english subs today, i will aim for 12 tomorrow!

>> No.45163939

add in some duolingo for good measure just to be sure

>> No.45163942
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>> No.45163959

2s isnt impressive

>> No.45163980
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>> No.45164136


hate this song

>> No.45164144

hate you
this is my first and last post in this thread

>> No.45164185

not your blog

>> No.45164247

this is why i never want to be associated with otaku

>> No.45164276

if you ever go to japan they will all assume you like anime

>> No.45164289

if you're a goblin looking fuck like matto or something i guess

>> No.45164293

good thing i have no plans to move

>> No.45164310

lol no literally anyone young

>> No.45164322
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he even japanese, he looksmogs all the other japs in this show so far

>> No.45164325

can't wait to have some loser talk to me about anime only for me to tell him i got no idea wtf he's on about

>> No.45164337

its more like they ask if anime was what made you start learning japanese

>> No.45164346

>imagines hypothetical loser

>> No.45164360

gonna tell japs that i learned their language for sex tourism

>> No.45164364

i heard vaginal sex with prostitutes is illegal over there

>> No.45164365


>> No.45164375

it is technically but lol

>> No.45164391

the honorable japanese don't follow the rules?!

>> No.45164394

paying for sex is the ultimate beta move

>> No.45164410

what is matt up to these days

>> No.45164421

it got your mom through a rough spot raising you
dont bite the hand that feds you boy

>> No.45164447
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>> No.45164460
File: 276 KB, 332x401, n7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play mass effect
>game mocks me
how did it know?

>> No.45164463

wtf is his problem

>> No.45164466


>> No.45164470


>> No.45164593


>> No.45164601
File: 399 KB, 1280x720, mattlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45164604

holy fuck what is he like 5'5

>> No.45164619

swear i remember a video or something of matt talking about how much japanese tv sucks ass what happened

>> No.45164620


>> No.45164647

i dont think she's impressed..

>> No.45164658

he made the ren alt cause he desperately wanted to be a part of the djt boyz

>> No.45164819


> new thread

>> No.45165819

