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4491391 No.4491391 [Reply] [Original]

Browsing the internet, listening to five different versions of My Glorious Days on loop.

Fuck year.

General Rance thread.

>> No.4491397

Sill is ugly on that picture.

>> No.4491399
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Also, maid faction, BEST faction.

>> No.4491407
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If I wasn't feeling so lazy, I would have loaded up Rance to get a image of him laughing instead, but instead I just went with a random image of him doing something appropriate from my Rance folder.

>> No.4491416
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Still my favourite footsoldier, sure she doesn't have the best stats of all of them, but you gotta love that free counter attack 2.

>> No.4491423

why is rance always wearing armor? Doesn't he ever wear pajamas?

>> No.4491425
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God damn, I love how most of these are psychotic maids and one laid back slutty maid who is only kind of psychotic.

>> No.4491430

Gahahaha, good OP.

>> No.4491432
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He takes his armour off for sex and I dunno, maybe to sleep. Otherwise, all armour, all the time.

>> No.4491436

>why is rance always wearing armor? Doesn't he ever wear pajamas?
He wears armor on top of his pajamas. It's the green stuff.

>> No.4491438
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Rape is like killing a woman. ;_;

>> No.4491442

I prefer Silly with the bigass perm

>> No.4491448
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2 hours with 4 women? Damn, what a man.


>> No.4491452
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Can't have.

>> No.4491457

If wanted, would've raped.

>> No.4491480
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Well, the guy may as well be some avatar of a sex god he's that crazy in bed. Like when Natori finally agrees to have sex with him so he'll stop his war against the institute. She knows anyone she has sex with will die, but at that point she want kill Rance to solve the problem, only it doesn't work on Rance because he's some kind of sex god.

>> No.4491491
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I don't know, for all his rape antics in the game, Rance never rapes a ally (unless they are named Ran I guess). If they are on his side, he's got to romance them it seems. Though if he's caught them from the enemy, raping them then making them allies is legit.

>> No.4491497
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Implied have. ;_;

>> No.4491513

Rance might be True Neutral. The only thing he cares about is sex. Also he doesn't rape allies, only enemies. In fact he goes out of his way not to kill women and children.

>> No.4491538
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I prefer to think of him as Lustful Awesome. The whole alignment system is a bit messed up, especially in that you could fit him into any categories that aren't lawful or good. I can see why they put him as Evil in that case though, he's selfish as all hell, it's just his ambitions aren't as evil as the ambitions of the devils he fights.

>> No.4491547

He does plenty of things for others though, mostly female, but bros as well. Under his shark teeth he's got a heart of gold.

>> No.4491558

Yeah, I never understood that Neutral Evil thing.

>> No.4491577

I imagine Rance as a giant dog. He has the morals of an animal. That's true neutral.

>> No.4491578

What about a Chaotic Neutral alignment?
I mean, he does both good and evil things, without thinking about the consequences.
I know that the alignment system is pretty bad, but if we're going to put him in there, Chaotic Neutral fits best.

>> No.4491585

I'd say he's true neutral with chaotic and good tendencies.

>> No.4491636

Chaotic doesn't refer to doing good and bad things randomly, it means he doesn't follow any set of laws. Someone who follows their own moral code strictly like Rance (which mainly consists of not killing women or having sex with lolis) can't really be considered chaotic. It's hard to place him in sengoku rance because he doesn't go against the laws of the land ever as he's the ruler so his own moral code is also the law.

>> No.4491645

Rance is true neutral.

He only does what he feels like. He's completely honest with himself.

>> No.4491648

So he's Lawful Neutral?
Man, the alignment system is so messed up.

>> No.4491655
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Thinking it through, true neutral seems about as close as anyone is going to get for Rance. He has plenty of damn rotten moments, but does some really nice things from time to time. He follows his own desires where he pleases but doesn't have any ambition beyond having sex with as many good looking women as possible and then moving on, comparing him to some animal is probably the closest we'll get.

>> No.4491673
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So... Any guesses about what the next Rance will be?

>> No.4491687

Only in Sengoku Rance for a little bit!

>> No.4491693

Will have Kenshin

>> No.4491694

Would Rance sex up his own daughter or sister if they weren't lolis?

>> No.4491697

Probably Suzume too. If Sengoku Rance taught me something it is that ninjas are damn convenient.

>> No.4491699

Rance having a kid with her is Cannon btw. It doesn't happen as epically though, but she gets to keep her leg.

>> No.4491709

No, Rance thinks incest is gross.

In case you all haven't realized, Rance is a normalfag. He's strong, confident, doesn't like loli, loves big tits, and hates incest.

>> No.4491715
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Doubt he would IF he knows they are his daughters, it's not like Rance sticks around after sex on the extremely rare chance Sill's contraception magic failed.

>> No.4491725
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he doesn't seem to mind flat, just not if they look like they are 10 years old.

>> No.4491729
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But he's still awesome.

You know what, I need to add another part to this troll chart.

It'll have Bro - Asshole and Normalfag - NEET axes. Rance for Normalfag Bro, Ronove for Neutral Bro.

>> No.4491734

Frozen Sill is canon too, right? By the way, how did Rance managed to no knock up some woman after Sill was frozen?

>> No.4491735
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>> No.4491746

One: Contraception magic lasts a while.
Two: He may have used actual contraception
Three: One woman did get a seed.

>> No.4491750

I just spent like 3 days in between work trying to beat the fucking game, I get to morroco and xavier is level 99 and one shots everyone I have.

I'm just going to hack it for the extra scenes. I can't imagine beating mouri before xavier gets to him, and I want tri-maid scene.

>> No.4491754

I get so used to hearing My Glorious Days that it's really odd when I get an H-scene with different music. I think Maria's was the first one of those I encountered; it's almost like I'm playing a completely different game

>> No.4491758
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you gonna get BAD END bro.

>> No.4491766

He knocked up Isoroku.

>> No.4491770

loli end is game over, so it doesn't count

>> No.4491781

Whoever put that there obviously hasn't played the game. It's one of the Darker VN's out there. Child slavery and labour, prostitution, drugs, violent deaths, actual loss for the main character, about the most grimdark universe you can get.

>> No.4491786
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So useless, but nice to have around if only for her clear where she realises she didn't appreciate her husbands good sides.

Meanwhile Rance is all like 'Sure dude, you can marry a ugly chick!'

>> No.4491789

Even if it's bad end it proves that he loves loli deep down inside. He just needs someone to show him the way !

>> No.4491790

Keikoku and Rance himself are proofs that the god of that universe loves bad karma.

>> No.4491795

>Frozen Sill is canon too, right? By the way, how did Rance managed to no knock up some woman after Sill was frozen?
He did. He knocked the beautiful archer up because she was frozen.

>> No.4491799

It's a trollchart brah.

>> No.4491800

Where the hell are Rance 1-6 translations ;_;

>> No.4491805
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ha ha

>> No.4491807
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I don't think I can bring myself to turning her into a man. ;_;

>> No.4491811

It was how that Disney shit started. It'd be just plain wrong to put it anywhere else.

I don't even find Umineko boring. I just randomly put VNs there. Also True Drama/Action need to be Neutral instead.

>> No.4491815

How good are the other games of the series? From what I saw, they look like oldschool dungeon crawlers, are they really that different from Sengoku?

>> No.4491820
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Sen-hime, BEST HIME

>> No.4491822

Everything else is correct though...

>> No.4491826

Kichikuou is a strategy game like Sengoku.

Sengoku's gameplay is much better though.

>> No.4491833 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 700x992, kayblis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hornet is MAI WAIFU!

>> No.4491834

Sengoku and Kichikuou are completely different from the other Rance games.

Rance is a series of Ero RPGs. Many of them feature unique game systems that make them play differently from each other, but they still use turn based combat. The games range from good to excellent.

>> No.4491835

I've only played Rance 2, a dungeon-crawler, it was pretty good, and old-school.

>> No.4491837

Just his tail I hope.

>> No.4491840


all we need is a hacker. Forget about 1 though.

>> No.4491842

There's some things I prefer in Kichikuoh over Sengoku, but yeah, Sengoku is more refined. Kichikuoh is more challenging, though.

>> No.4491847

are you saying there's translated scripts lying around somewhere on the internet? Because that's good enough for me.

>> No.4491857

I fucking loved that gameplay in Sengoku, I hope they use something similar for the next game.

I skip all hentai scenes.

>> No.4491859

No. But people have expressed interest to translate 02 or VI from what I've seen.

>> No.4491862

You're boring.

>> No.4491868
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So many high quality characters in Sengoku.

>> No.4491874


1, 4.x and 5D are below "good" though. 1 is pretty terrible (maybe mostly aged poorly but still), 4.x rather boring and 5D is weird and tedious. All three lack the awesome stories that make the rest of the series great for me, too.

>> No.4491876
File: 97 KB, 798x600, orime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orime is the best sengoku rance.

>> No.4491889

Haven't played 4.x yet, but I haven't heard it being that bad. 5D is probably the weakest I've played, but even that was still good. 1? Not even a Rance game, really.

>> No.4491896


yup. I am one of those.


the developers already made a blog post before saying that Rance 8 won't be about conquering areas like Sengoku oder Kichikuou.

>> No.4491908

I preferred her as a man.
Besides, you have to turn her into a guy to get delicious Mine sex

>> No.4491929


4.x is pretty similar to 1, you move around on maps and do puzzles of the "try everything several times" type, the fighting being added as an afterthought. The story is meant to be just an insignificant sidequest. It's interesting as you meet Genri (who's a rather cool character) for the first time and it has some of the more extreme H scenes of the series but it's rather boring all over.

I thought 5D was a mess. The roulette wheel part really did not work for me and the non-interactive battles that you will start losing all over the place after the 50% mark got really, really tedious.

>> No.4491938

Yeah, I'm also willing to help with 02 and VI. Translation and image editing is what I can do.

>> No.4491991



>> No.4492015

She's cute but her H scene kinda sucks

>> No.4492048


I'm playing VI now and have been wondering how to translate ムシ使い if I'd ever work on it. Bug user? Beetlemancer? All sounds kinda off...

>> No.4492053

Insect specialist.

>> No.4492058

I dunno. I might just leave it as "Mushi user" or something similar.

>> No.4492060

Sill's hair is so fluffy...

>> No.4492072

The fluffiest.

>> No.4492092
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Sengoku killed Sill's biggest appeal.

Her hair.

>> No.4492095


wouldn't sound right. It's some huge hulking guy who breeds insects under his skin and barely acts human anymore, doesn't seem too much like a specialist.

>> No.4492107

sounds fine to me!

>> No.4492108

How about "Hive", or "Living Hive"?

>> No.4492121

I still say leave Mushi as is. It's a specific power in Ranceverse, and I can think of at least 3 different characters that use it. So I think Mushi User would be fine.

How about the name ウルザ? I always see it translated as Uruza which is just lazy. I think Erza is the more appropriate translation rather than just writing the sounds out literally.

>> No.4492138


That's actually not bad at all! Definitely better than beetlemancer. We'll might discuss that again when/ if the translation actually starts but I'll be sure to keep it in mind and throw it up as a possibility.

>> No.4492142

Urza, perhaps?

>> No.4492143

Erza doesn't even sound similar...

>> No.4492163

Can't be a worst romanization than Karoria.

>> No.4492177


Oh, I didn't know about mushi being a power. I only met this one guy who can use it so far.

I'm pretty sure ウルザ is supposed to mean "Ursa", a common (or it used to be, it's rather archaic now) germanic name meaning "female bear". In Germany the variation "Ursula" (small female bear) is still somewhat common.

>> No.4492183

While it's not a bad title, it doesn't even have any relation to the original name.

ムシ使い is made up of "insect" and "familiar" essentially. But they also keep ムシ in katakana when they could be using kanji. I think they wanted to keep ムシ a bit more vague, so that it could also include "selflessness" since the user gives up its body to accommodate the mushi. So I think keeping it as Mushi is the best choice personally.

That's one choice. But it's kind atypical in English. "E" would be used to get the same sound.

Yeah it does. It's a harder sound in English, of course (much like translating "L" and "R" from Japanese).

>> No.4492185

>>4492177 I'm pretty sure ウルザ is supposed to mean "Ursa"

Well, I take back Erza then. Ursa would work better.

>> No.4492204

Perhaps something like "Swarm Magus" ?

>> No.4492212

Have you even played it?

>> No.4492227

What do you guys think the best route to take in a Ran game is?

>> No.4492228


I liked hive as the visual impact of the guy with the huge-ass hump that supposedly comes from the insects under his skin fits the word very well but if the katakana mushi is used in other places it's probably the best to keep it the way it is.

>> No.4492235

Are ムシ使い even considered mages?

From what I remember, they aren't. So you shouldn't give them any wizard-type titles. That wouldn't make sense in the context of the game and the plot of Zeth's discrimination of non-wizards.

>> No.4492284
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Which of the different titles to use for 魔法使い (mage, wizard, magic user, ...) would also be an issue but that should be fairly easy to decide on.

Also look what I found.

>> No.4492301
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>> No.4492326

Like father, like son.

>> No.4492336

Rance would be proud.

>> No.4492357


i feel your pain bro, that probably was the hardest fight ever for me. have a guard in the front and the back to keep your back row damage dealers from getting sniped. if hara volleys you most likely have to reload though, that was the clincher for me.

>> No.4492355 [DELETED] 

I think "wizard" would be good choice.

>> No.4492361

I think "wizard" would be a good choice.

>> No.4492381

Too bad Rance's 俺様 is difficult to bring into English naturally.

>> No.4492398

I like to imagine an old Rance, tired of war and sex.

>> No.4492416


Yeah, even trying to make him sound arrogant enough is a lot harder in English. Also he's got a pretty awesome Kansai region influence in his way of speaking (especially noticable with his frequent usage of わ or わい at the end of a sentence) that obviously will be lost. I'm personally no fan of keeping honorifics in but there's little else you can do to preserve Sill's "Rance-sama"...

Either way, except for smaller things like the mushi user it should not be too hard to translate properly.

>> No.4492439

Yeah. I'm pretty torn about honorifics in Rance games. On one hand, I don't feel like you should use them. But on the other hand, they add a lot that you can't get in English. Also, I don't feel like Yandere really captured Rance's way of talking. It's hard, but they could have done better I think.

>> No.4492448

I don't see why everybody is against honorifics. As long as they're not used horribly, they're fine.

It's not like we gather together and refer to each other using honorifics.

>> No.4492452

Nothing really compares to ore-sama.

>> No.4492458

Frankly? Because they're not in our language. I don't think you should leave any Japanese in a translation unless you really have to (names, locations, etc are fine). For a Japanese setting? Honorifics are fine. But for anything else, it's questionable.

>> No.4492467

Indeed. 俺様 is irreplaceable. You just have to figure out different ways to make him sound like a pompass ass in every sentence.

>> No.4492498


This. In some school romance setting I think it's fine, it's actually somewhat important for understanding the relationships between people to know if they call each other by their given names, given name + san, sempai etc. etc.

But in Rance? It's not even a japanese setting. There's no relevance whatsoever to what characters call Rance "kun" and who uses "san" instead really, except for Sill using "Rance-sama" all the time. I don't know if using "master Rance" or just using "master" would capture that properly.

>> No.4492503


In the master-slave relationship they have I think Master would be appropriate wouldn't it?

>> No.4492507

except a large number of anime/games end up having a certain choice of honorific be a point of discussion or a joke at some point, and the attempt to translate that in an honorific-free version always ends up sounding incredibly retarded. I've always found honorifics far less jarring to my reading experience than awkward attempts to convey them in English

>> No.4492514

Maybe even Lord Rance would work? But yeah, it's not too important, really.

>> No.4492527

>>4492507 I've always found honorifics far less jarring to my reading experience than awkward attempts to convey them in English

That's because you only notice the bad ones. When someone does it right, it fits in seamlessly.

>> No.4492563


I'm fine with both, but I guess what matters is what the people who will play the translation think. If the vast majority wants her to use -sama I'd say keep it (the anime kept it, I think the Sengoku translation does too?)

I'd say ditch all other honorifics though either way.

>> No.4492577

Eh, you can't just use one honorific. If you're going to keep one honorific, you keep them all.

Probably, the fanbase would just rather keep honorifics. Would make it easier for anyone wanting to translate it, honestly.

Now, if only there was a hacker.

>> No.4492617

The point is that it's supposedly bad English.

Keeping honorifics is an easy and lazy, if ugly, way of "preserving the connotations honorifics hold."

>> No.4492644

The only people honorifics bother are normalfags. If you're on /jp/ you should already know what they mean and have the correct connotation.

>> No.4492646

So wait, does the Sengoku translation have all honorifics in? It just seems weird to me that the obvious western characters should call each other san throughout the whole thing. I'd rather go with none at all.

>> No.4492650

Yes. But while i expect paid professional translators to find a solution using only English i prefer fan-translators to keep the Japanese honorifics lest they botch the translation.

>> No.4492657
File: 90 KB, 800x600, Rance-Kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sengoku had some honorifics.

>> No.4492745


see, that's what I meant. You can't use all of them without making it sound horrible, but just using some should work.

>> No.4492752

My Glorious Days is an incredible song, and it's hilarious how it plays through the sex scenes.

>> No.4492784

It's inconsistent to just use them sometimes. If you're going to see them in a translation, you might as well see them all.

>> No.4492799

If you want to get rid of the honorifics, then how would you convey Rance's familiarity with some of the female commanders? "Teru-chan" is the first one that comes to mind--what should it be, "Little Teru"?

>> No.4492842

You simply don't ?

>> No.4492850

Yeah, you don't need to directly translate every instance of an honorific. You can convey familiarity through other parts of his speech to her.

>> No.4492856

What are the conditions to get the duel with Inukai to show up? I've waited 5+ turns now and I still don't see it

>> No.4492870

That's his only real example of the familiarity, other than constantly bugging her about having sex. It really sounds more like he's looking down on her. How would that be shown?

>> No.4492877

>>4492870 It really sounds more like he's looking down on her.

He's not. He calls all cute girls by -chan.

>> No.4492896
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Daily Dose.

>> No.4492975


The meaning of honorifics is overrated. In Rance VI there are two women who both call him -san even though one if his superior and the other a subordinate, and the interpersonal relationship he has to the two could not be more different. If you just leave all of the honorifics out the translation really wouldn't suffer much. There are some few instances where they are directly referred (some dude Rance picks up calls him -sama too and he tells him to stop it the first time he does) but that shouldn't cause too much trouble.

But yeah, I can understand it if people say they'd prefer having them in as well as those argueing they should be left out, so whatever the fans want.

>> No.4492984

If I ever run a L5R game (haha, as if), an expy this bitch is getting in as a Daidoji harrier for sure.

>> No.4492986

Pretty much this. I can't really agree more.

>> No.4493002

Not all. He doesn't call Ranmaru that way, at least.

>> No.4493018

If you want to take the sentence literally, then yes, he doesn't call every cute girl in the entire ranceverse by chan.

But as a general rule, he calls all cute girls by chan.

>> No.4493021

As far as I know, there aren't any conditions other than it being your second playthrough.

>> No.4493052

You also need an empty spot on your roster.

>> No.4493066

Ah, that was it. Thanks.

>> No.4493071
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Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.4493191

Where the hell is the guts armor

