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File: 83 KB, 850x699, qcviy40vo9y21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44873533 No.44873533 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a buddhist nun, buddhist nuns can no longer be ordained because their order died out 700 years ago. This is not how a monastic would dress. Buddhists do not practice magic. Byakuren is the reason why Japanese buddhism is a joke. If the only buddhists in Gensokyo are Mahayana heretics, I'd rather be with Taoists and Confucians because I'll be sure their faith is authentic and original.

>> No.44873563

Shut up Aya

>> No.44873573
File: 147 KB, 465x768, 1684821116975239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touhou was never meant to be historically accurate, it's just eastern culture with cute waifus
also, buddhism in japan varied from overly accessible for peasants to strictly isolated for zealous monks

>> No.44873633

Byakuren is a buddhist in name only. She follows the Shingon sect, a Vajrayana offshot that made it to Japan. Neither Tibetan buddhism or Shingon were taught by the Buddha, they're thinly veiled paganism excusing their demon worship with "secret esoteric doctrines that were not revealed until they suddenly sprang out of nowhere".

>> No.44873646
File: 66 KB, 640x447, 640px-ThGK_Bunbunmaru7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not a buddhist nun, buddhist nuns can no longer be ordained because their order died out 700 years ago.
I'm pretty sure that she's older than 700 years old. People sure love shitting on her. Just how good are Miko's blowjobs?

>> No.44873654

People kiss up to Miko because they've heard of wild Taoist orgies.

>> No.44873678

Miko is a noble savior of humans. As humans, we are more likely to sympathize with her than the fallen priestess who only cares about Youkai and views the human villagers as cattle.

>> No.44873692

Shit if I were invited to one and the Prince paid special attention to me then I'd be inclined to lie. But Hijiri is so kind I'd feel really bad about it.

>> No.44873716

Buddhist nuns can get ordained in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. OP is just a schizo Theravada fundamentalists who thinks all the other buddhist sects are heresies.

>> No.44873816

Your mistake is in pretending that the others are Buddhist.

>> No.44873829

She follows Zen, the manga confirmed it.

>> No.44874946

She's a cult leader who took inspiration from Buddhism and you know what? I'm down with that.

>> No.44875364


>> No.44875389
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>> No.44880234
File: 2.20 MB, 1048x1456, entrust_thy_boddhi_to_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the only buddhists in Gensokyo are Mahayana heretics
I do not have sources of anyone in gensokyo seeking maximum enlightment for the sake of mankind, so I believe you're reaching too far to someone who just wants to insult h*jiri.
the only other representative is quite busy on her mission of emptying "sin" from hell.
there are no buddhists in gensokyo.

>> No.44880572

Who cares. Byakuren is a slut. Useless, only good for paizuri

>> No.44881622
File: 277 KB, 1448x2048, 1690676054536752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about THIS buddhist?

>> No.44883477

your attachment to desire is inversely proportional to the size of your buttocks.
source? avalokitesvara told me in a dream.

>> No.44884481
File: 29 KB, 712x320, wetwet24t234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that secondaries have such a throbbing hate boner for Hijiri but conveniently ignore that almost every other 'hu is far worse? I never see anyone making hate threads for Reimu or Marisa. Reimu "I don't particularly mind needless killing" Hakurei. Or Marisa who is literally a hood nigger who steals. Or Kaguya, the CRIMINAL of the eternal and instantenous. Or Miko who is a controlling and manipulative asshole. Hijiri is literally a saint compared to them and most of the others despite the mistakes she made.

>> No.44884686

Reimu gets PLENTY of hate. Mostly from primaries though.

Nobody cares about Marisa stealing because her victims deserve it and otherwise she's actually a very nice and friendly girl. Especially compared to reimu.

Kaguya is just unpopular in general and most secondaries only care about "muh neet" memes.

Miko is way nicer than Byakuren towards humans. Actually caring about them and wanting to help them, unlike Byakuren who just views them as cattle. She certainly has her dark side, and is ultimately pretty self serving, but she's way closer to a actual messiah than Byakuren. Just compare her in Synopsium to Byakuren.

>> No.44884704

>a hood nigger who steals
Such language is entirely inappropriate for an avatar of Bishamonten, Shou.
Also, it's redundant.

>> No.44884726
File: 125 KB, 459x698, Buddhist_Nun_Black_Robes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she followed zen she would have shaved her head.

>> No.44886335

Narumi is my desire

>> No.44886408

>Reimu gets plenty of hate
Lmfao you lost me there.
>Excusing Marisa being a literal thieving nigger
Here's the bias showing itself. Literal theft and you pretend that it's nothing. Why does Patchouli deserve to have HER shit stolen? If Hijiri did the same thing you'd use that as ammunition against her. But because you don't like her design or think that she's cute she gets shafted. You can like a character while acknowledging their flaws or how nuanced they are. Instead of covering up for them.
>No one cares about Kaguya
Point is people who do care which is a lot more than "no one" don't ever point out her flaws. They just flanderize her and fawn over how cute she is.

>> No.44886438

Got distracted irl and forgot to mention Miko.
>Miko is way nicer than Byakuren
She literally manipulated all of Japan and is out for herself and closely associates with Seiga of all people. I'd also like citation on Hijiri viewing humans as cattle. All the descriptions of her paint her as a good person. Unless you doubt the omniscient narrator and think that she paid him in sex to write positively about her or something. Seems like something Miko would do though ...

>> No.44886513

Miko is a kin slaying traitor who betrayed her family and allies and counspired to turn Japan into a docile, easy to rule over state while she achieved immortality.

>> No.44886527

Yeah, she's shaved her pussy clean. I see it every night.

>> No.44886563

ZUN wasn't going to make the entire cast of UFO bald.

>> No.44886580

Fucking coward

>> No.44886650

>I'd also like citation on Hijiri viewing humans as cattle.
NTA but SoPM has her essentially trying to prop up Gensokyo's status quo, which is obviously awful. That said, I don't personally hate Byakuren for it as it's clear she acts primarily out of fear and desire for stability. Her motive to become immortal, for example, was loss of a loved one, and it's highly likely that same drive is what keeps her from outright confronting her subordinates out of fear they would leave her, which is supported by Dream Byakuren's dialogue.

>> No.44886770

>I never see anyone making hate threads for Reimu
All the Reimu hate fags also want to be abused by her and have writing fanfics of just that

>> No.44886810
File: 1008 KB, 2910x3975, 1696873672713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. I like Reimu and I still want her to hurt me.

>> No.44886832

When has Byakuren ever referred to humans as cattle? The most she has expressed dislike towards humanity was in UFO before her fights. Which really she kind of has a reason to be angry at because of what happened to her and her friends at the hands of humanity. Otherwise her flaws mainly come from her powers and her fear of losing them at the beginning and her methods for saving youkai such as Murasa where she lead some humans to their death. I think it's best reflected with the source of her power being evil in nature but she uses them for good purposes now rather than the selfish ones she began with. Even when she does some questionable things her main goal is to help it's never been malevolent so far.

>> No.44886997
File: 1.11 MB, 1350x1512, __houraisan_kaguya_and_yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_boa_brianoa__0a860877de6ad9e09ef5b08221452bd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya's "crime" was consuming the Hourai Elixir, which is only considered illegal because of the moon's completely deranged mindset.
And even then, this supposed crime was so incredibly heinous that the person who actually created the elixir wasn't punished at all, which just shows how utterly arbitrary the Lunarian justice system truly is.

>> No.44887081

>this supposed crime was so incredibly heinous that the person who actually created the elixir wasn't punished at all
Yeah, because she's Orochimaru.

>> No.44887127

>She literally manipulated all of Japan
She didn't do it out of particularly malicious intent. She's a hypocrite, and will even admit as much, but using religious as a form of social control is... just what leaders did back then.

>and is out for herself
She shows plenty of concern for the human villagers compared to Kanako and Byakuren. Only not actively helping them because that is something they have to ask.

>I'd also like citation on Hijiri viewing humans as cattle
See: >>44886650
I don't even entirely disagree with his assessment. Byakuren is not evil, she's just weak willed.

>Lmfao you lost me there.
Come on, she's a pretty controversial character and a lot of her fans are... a bit off.

>Why does Patchouli deserve to have HER shit stolen?
You mean besides being generally unpleasant to everybody and anything that isn't Remilia?

I like Patchouli just fine. But she's mostly just kind of a unpleasant bitch and I find it hard to cry much because a few of her literally thousands of books got stolen by somebody that, frankly, uses her magic for much better ends.

>don't ever point out her flaws.
They don't? Most of the people I see that like her canon self tend to make her very much a haughty princess.

Again, that's literally just "Being a ruler". She's generally chill and self aware of her own hypocrisy. Also, and this is 100% my bias showing, she is totally right about Buddhism.

Again, read Synopsium. She could not care less about them.

>> No.44887188

buddhists were supposed to be the champions of humanity, even more so in this setting. everyone else mentioned acts accordingly their described role, as you said.
hijiri is an heretic, her brother turns in his tomb because of the shame he brings him. the myouren temple should be burned down. cleanse, purge, kill.

>> No.44887217

he was afraid about the fetishes he would unleash upon this world.
also, we don't know if ichirin isn't bald under her hijab.

>> No.44887262

Not going to say im a expert, but Buddhism doesn't sound like the most humanitarian religion, in fact it sounds like one of the most selfish.
Fighting games shows her having long blue hair. Coomers wish she removed the hood.

>> No.44887278

>turn Japan into a docile, easy to rule over state
Well she dropped the FUCKING ball on that one if the later years of their royal family is anything to go by.

>> No.44887402

>Again, read Synopsium. She could not care less about them.
I've read it. I wouldn't say she calls them cattle though nor that she doesn't care. More so she still has a distrust with them because of her experience being trapped and sealed away. She just states how Gensokyo is run and that she has no problems with it. Her goal is to help the weaker youkai to find a place with the temple so she isn't interested in the humans. The villagers are protected anyways by Reimu and the sages.

>> No.44887531

>More so she still has a distrust with them because of her experience being trapped and sealed away.
Oh, so even worse.

>She just states how Gensokyo is run and that she has no problems with it
Which means she is okay with humans being cattle and doesn't care about their wellbeing.

>The villagers are protected anyways by Reimu and the sages.

>> No.44887538

Now I want to see a alt history scenario where Miko got everything she wanted and rules over a Japan as a taoist god empress.

>> No.44887619

Every 2hu knows the truth, and doesn't care. Even the ones that are outsiders who are experienced with the recent era, like Sanae and Sumirenk, don't care.

>> No.44887644

>Every 2hu knows the truth, and doesn't care
Plenty of them care. Mokou, Keine, Kasen, Miko, even Marisa to a certain extent. Sanae most certainly does, that's pretty evident from her dialogue with Byakuren.

>> No.44887736

Just because they care about the human villagers, doesn't mean they care about the zoo like status they have with the rest of Gensokyo.
The Tengu and Kappa do a hell of a lot work protecting them, much more than the characters you listed. But they are happy with the power structure.

>> No.44887757

>Just because they care about the human villagers, doesn't mean they care about the zoo like status they have with the rest of Gensokyo.
Please. Kasen literally wants the barrier to break. While most of the other characters don't share that sentiment exactly, it's perfectly clear they would all be more than okay with that happening.

At worst you can argue they aren't doing as much as they could, which I find pretty debatable.

>The Tengu and Kappa do a hell of a lot work protecting them, much more than the characters you listed. But they are happy with the power structure.
Correct. Which is why they are evil and the characters I mentioned are not.

>> No.44887762

Kasen is a nice girl.

>> No.44887792

Correct. As are Mokou and Keine. Even Marisa and Sanae. Of the characters I mentioned Miko is probably the most immoral.

>> No.44888082

I wouldn't be so sure about Keine since in BAiJR she's actively against humanity discovering the real history of Gensokyo. She's essentially Gensokyo's Ministry of Truth. Even for Miko's faults, there's a real case that she's justified as unless the villagers stand for themselves, it wouldn't matter even if Miko somehow could make a difference on her own.

>> No.44888120

Her article in BAIJR is weird since it was very much early Gensokyo lore and therefore comes across very differently when viewed in a modern context. In general though she is pretty firmly on humanities side.

Though, I would like the anti youkai organization mentioned in that article to return. I like the idea of a villager antagonist (No, FT doesn't count) causing a incident instead of a Youkai.

>Even for Miko's faults, there's a real case that she's justified as unless the villagers stand for themselves, it wouldn't matter even if Miko somehow could make a difference on her own.
Well, yeah. She's not wrong that the villagers have to make the choice to ask her to be a leader. You could argue it's egoistic, but I think it's a sign that she does genuinly respect and care about them. She won't force her ideals and believes upon them, but she will be there for them if they ever decided they need her.

>> No.44888319

Byakuren has been and continues to be a pathological altruist, while Miko has managed to state her past faults outright, such as she did in SoPM.

>> No.44889294

>buddhists were supposed to be the champions of humanity
Their entire practice is ascending beyond samsara. It has nothing to do with whatever marvel superhero stuff you have in your head. Sure there were plenty who helped people or would ward off or destroy evil. But in the end it's about the individual liberating himself from suffering and transcending samsara.

>> No.44889345

>buddhists were supposed to be the champions of humanity
Fuck off hippie

>> No.44889386

Why are you trusting politician anon?

>> No.44889466

>buddhists were supposed to be the champions of humanity

Spiritual nihilism:the religion. ok anon.

>> No.44889488
File: 803 KB, 4096x4096, __hijiri_byakuren_and_sukuna_shinmyoumaru_touhou_drawn_by_rownou__2ebddabf9af8f27b83d0c9de03fd330a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While Miko has managed to state her past faults outright, such as she did in SoPM.
She's still an egotistical woman that wants to lord over the village just for the sake of it even though they were doing just fine without her leadership. Had it not been for other characters Miko probably would have strong armed the village into accepting her leadership. Or at least manipulate it into doing so. Also this is the same Miko who associates with Kaku. That should speak for itself.
>Kaguya's "crime" was consuming the Hourai Elixir, which is only considered illegal because of the moon's completely deranged mindset.
This is very vague. It's illegal because it makes you impure. Impurity is something that fucks the moonies up. There's a good reason for why she was punished.
>I like Patchouli just fine. But she's mostly just kind of a unpleasant bitch and I find it hard to cry much because a few of her literally thousands of books got stolen by somebody that, frankly, uses her magic for much better ends.
So theft is ok if you dont like the person who is getting their shit stolen and the thief is cute? No higher principles at all? What better ends is Marisa using her magic for? She isn't exactly an altruist. She's out for herself as far as i know.
>I don't even entirely disagree with his assessment. Byakuren is not evil, she's just weak willed.
I mostly disagree with it. But your latter comment on Hijiri is the best take in this thread.
>Come on, she's a pretty controversial character and a lot of her fans are... a bit off.
I dont care about a few schizos who jerk off to hating her or wanting to be beaten and raped by her. By and large most of her fans really like her and a good portion of them dont know anything about her aside from memes. The other people who do know more about her sweep the more undesirable aspects of her character under the rug. She gets special treatment while Hijiri gets shat on by people who get blowjobs from the Prince. I don't even like Hijiri that much but a lot of the hate for her doesn't make sense. I mean you can hate her but you know what i mean. I might change my tune if a certain blonde gives me some much needed attention.

>> No.44889504

>buddhists were supposed to be the champions of humanity
Show your weed stash to us please

>> No.44890766

Miko has largely quit politics.

>that wants to lord over the village just for the sake of it even though they were doing just fine without her leadership
Her literal opinion is "I would help them if they asked". Nor are they doing fine anyway.

>Had it not been for other characters Miko probably would have strong armed the village into accepting her leadership. Or at least manipulate it into doing so.
I doubt that since she does genuinly seem to respect their opinion.

>No higher principles at all?
According to most higher principles we have Patchouli should be burned alive. Having her shit stolen by somebody that actually puts her magic to some good use, or at least isn't a useless neet, is a small price to pay in comparison.

>She's out for herself as far as i know.
She's willing to help the human villagers mostly out of the goodness of her heart.

>By and large most of her fans really like her and a good portion of them dont know anything about her aside from memes.
I mostly disagree with the idea that most fans like her, at least in the west, but either way like you said most of them are secondaries.

>She gets special treatment
Well, Reimu is the protagonist.

>> No.44890774

I do not understand OP. East Asia was generally always leaning towards Mahayana, even early. And why would OP want to be Daoist or Confucian, when Esoteric Daoism is very syncretic with Mahayana and they are both heavily involved in daily religious life in China.

>> No.44891132

Anon just because she has no problem with how Gensokyo is run doesn't mean she doesn't care about the humans. She at least cares enough to teach the youkai her buddism and take them in so they can learn to survive without having to kill humans or rely on them. The humans aren't entirely free but their existence is the very delicate with how they're handled as they're what keeps Gensokyo existing allowing for everything to live there.

>> No.44891364

>Anon just because she has no problem with how Gensokyo is run doesn't mean she doesn't care about the humans
Yeah, it does. You can't really argue "Well, she's trying to teach them how to survive without killing humans" when 1: They don't actually need to kill Humans. 2: Most youkai just think she's a weakling and would never listen to her.

She's at best totally misguided and at worst willfully uncaring about their fate.

>but their existence is the very delicate
Miserable but delicate.

>> No.44895472

>She's still an egotistical woman that wants to lord over the village just for the sake of it even though they were doing just fine without her leadership.
As someone who gained truer faith in her religion over her long sleep, Miko has become someone who will at most be "the leader who is little known" to fit with that faith. Her lower direct involvement in Gensokyo's happenings compared to the Myouren crew supports that.

>> No.44895683

>I mostly disagree with it.
Please elaborate then, just about everything I said is properly cited and sourced, rather than an opinion to be disagreed with.

>> No.44902666

I would fuck this woman

>> No.44902797


>> No.44911190

taoism > confucianism > buddhism
shrimple as

>> No.44911248

Atheism is still the best.
