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File: 733 KB, 800x1052, __watatsuki_no_toyohime_touhou_drawn_by_pfalz__fbb3cbe3d495b9b0b75c95532029e1a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44817791 No.44817791 [Reply] [Original]

Lunarians are the master race, they have conquered the stars, settled high above in the heavens on the Moon, achieved eternal life and developed the greatest technology in the universe!

It would be wise of you to kneel before them, the most loyal to the lunar kingdom might even earn a place as Toyohime-sama's pet

>> No.44817810
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>> No.44817853
File: 1.08 MB, 707x1000, bas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Lunarians. Behead Lunarians. Roundhouse kick a Lunarian into the concrete. Slam dunk a Lunarian baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Lunarians. Defecate in a Lunarians food. Launch Lunarians into the sun. Stir fry Lunarians in a wok. Toss Lunarians into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Lunarians gas tank. Judo throw Lunarians into a wood chipper. Twist Lunarians heads off. Report Lunarians to the IRS. Karate chop Lunarians in half. Curb stomp pregnant Lunarians. Trap Lunarians in quicksand. Crush Lunarians in the trash compactor. Liquefy Lunarians in a vat of acid. Eat Lunarians. Dissect Lunarians. Exterminate Lunarians in the gas chamber. Stomp Lunarian skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Lunarians in the oven. Lobotomize Lunarians. Mandatory abortions for Lunarians. Grind Lunarian fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Lunarians in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Lunarians with a ray gun. Kick old Lunarians down the stairs. Feed Lunarians to alligators. Slice Lunarians with a katana.

>> No.44818363
File: 1.34 MB, 1945x2000, sexxohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read, don't care, does Toyohime want to have a quick fuck?

>> No.44818451

Only if you're her son.

>> No.44818474

They need correction by human husbands.

>> No.44819231

I prefer the more serious hime over this laidback bitch

>> No.44819424

>conquered the stars
There's nothing to indicate if they even moved beyond the far side of Luna.
>achieved eternal life
I can admire their wannabe-celestial setup, but you and I both know that it isn't perfect (read: they age slowly but surely).
>greatest technology
And it's not going to remain the case considering 1. technological growth is exponential, and 2. Lunarians are currently doing fuck all from what can be seen.

>> No.44819461

It's also really confusing since the weapons we've seen are literal muskets, and their buildings are traditional japanese, we have never really seen the supposedly advanced tech aside from that one illustration where some weird skyscrapers are present

>> No.44819858
File: 410 KB, 850x1393, 84be16d022007181aff1ca39b6296467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how often does Toyohime fuck her pets, then?

>> No.44821048

Alright I kneel, come rule over us, the earth need lunarians as leaders

>> No.44821261

I will take Sagume as my wife and live with her on the moon while being an impure human. The rest of the Lunarians will hate this and seethe about it but they can't do anything because my wife reverses things. They'll deal with it.

>> No.44822150

god i wish they ruled over us!

>> No.44822196
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I would happily live under a glass ceiling if Toyo was the one above it.

>> No.44822232

You guys know either of the Watatsukis would just kill you on sight if you were unlucky enough to end up on the moon and come across them right.

>> No.44822243

The last time that happened Toyohime fucked him and Yori married the kid, so I doubt your conclusions.

>> No.44822388

The last time people made it to the moon in a rocket ship Yorihime came out and fucked all four of them up for fun and only spared them by a four leaf clover's luck. Compared to them, you're a normal human. You are fodder.

>> No.44822415

the other last time that happened, they hid him on the moon for three years and then eirin gave him a potion to turn into a god, so I doubt your conclusions too

>> No.44822450

Scratch that, you wouldn't even live to see the Watatsukis if you managed to make it to the Moon. Some other Lunarians like the guards at their mansion would find you first and kill you accordingly, or the rank and file rabbits they arm with weapons and train to kill. And you probably wouldn't get to see them either as the lack of oxygen would kill you, or the true moon would drive you insane.

>> No.44822469
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1500, __watatsuki_no_toyohime_touhou_drawn_by_rihito_usazukin__3a6684e0c6a8ffbc23c125e8fb951a0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the true moon would drive you insane.
... with desire!!!

>> No.44822505
File: 2.34 MB, 2974x2214, 67e8bfd16ba37f53e3e939c09859fed0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toyohime-sama's not going to fuck you, moon rabbitbro...
just stick to pounding mochi and complaining about it while drinking instead of defending the honor of people who don't know you exist

>> No.44822534

You will never reach it, you will never go to the Lunar Capital, the residents would have you killed before you know it. You'll never even get past the Moon Rabbits, you'll never score Lunarian ladies. You'll never even escape your own gravity, earth-bitch. You won't just walk up to NASA and ask them if they can send you to the dark side of the moon so you can get a hot date, you won't hijack a rocket, you'll never do anything. You won't live to see a future where moon tours are commercialized. You won't come close to the Lunar Capital, you'll always be stranded hundreds of thousands of miles away from it.

>> No.44822539

Human kids have come from Toyo's vag, moonbun #3978246. You lost like three millennia ago.

>> No.44822560

This is what you sound like.
You sound like this you stupid human.

>> No.44822593
File: 139 KB, 850x1287, smugwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mommy get raped by Neil "Long Dong" Armstrong?
Rabbits are useless. USELESS!!
You couldn't catch a cold without all that fancy technology your masters gave you so they could spend more time with their abducted human concubines.

>> No.44822596

Toyohime let a random fisherman stay in the Lunar Capital for three years for no reason apart from her being interested in the people of Earth
She kept him secret from Eirin, which means she probably had to keep him with her
sorry, rabbitbro, but your waifu fucks human men exclusively

>> No.44822616

That random fisherman could kick your fucking ass easily, he lived in a period where humans weren't all fat and gross like they are now, like you are now.

>> No.44822649
File: 2.16 MB, 2000x2000, puresexxowhereaboutsofthesex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have you know I am 6' tall and a healthy bodyweight, I could mog HIM, AND your beloved hime's.
Normally I'm not a fan of used goods, but Toyo is sexxo.

>> No.44822737

I'll get her first. And if I can't have her then nobody can. I can't let you have her, what will I have then? Yorihime? She's married to her fucking nephew. Fuck you, Toyohime is mine. I won't give up unless I'm killed.

>> No.44822783

That's a very interesting dilemma we have here anon.
I guess I'm fine with it if it's like that, but there are easier ways to commit suicide.

>> No.44822804

Strongest moon rabbit vs the weakest human

>> No.44823049

The Third Lunar War:
Inciting Incident: Watatsukussy

>> No.44823083
File: 802 KB, 800x1100, __watatsuki_no_toyohime_touhou_drawn_by_6_yuchae__59b1734d7173b71374834edef0695747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watatsuki of Troyohime...

>> No.44823280
File: 221 KB, 1024x790, IMG_3272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those loony moonies were wholly unable to beat these amazing MEN of EARTH when they made landfall all those years ago on lunar soil and planted their flag. Couldn’t even hurt let alone kill Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin nor could they get them into bed to have sex with them no matter how cute their rabbits were or how beautiful their himes.
Those so called “superior” lunarians aren’t all that great after all.

>> No.44823970
File: 2.12 MB, 480x354, c939a46482d8bab0e769e27a10487e81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Watatsuki sisters fear this

>> No.44824647

How do you feel about americans being genocide'd?
canon according to SSiB

>> No.44825785

Lunar supremacy!

>> No.44825800
File: 109 KB, 707x934, 1000023433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cor that's canon innit

>> No.44825840

>Compared to them, you're a normal human. You are fodder.
And yet she panicked last time normal men came to the moon and waddled around like toddlers. Curious.

>> No.44825885

Toyohime married Eirin's grandnephew, and Yorihime married their son. At no point were any humans involved.

>> No.44826271
File: 159 KB, 599x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time an american man falls over on the moon, a thousand moon rabbits died

>> No.44827477

They didnt conquer the stars at all. They relegate themselves to living on the moon. Which is retarded since it seems that the rest of the cosmos doesnt have any thinking life forms so no impurity. Their technology however is the greatest in the universe. At least until ZUN introduces another race with better tech. Also im going to conquer Toyohime's holes and make babies with her.

>> No.44827519

Eh, to be fair they are bottom of the barrel slave caste. Never heard of any actual lunarians (the non slaves) getting hurt in anyway. I honestly feel bad for the moon rabbits. More of them should flee.

>> No.44827636

>every time an american man falls over on the moon, a thousand moon rabbits died
Says nothing about them dying. In 1969 the US landed on the moon. In early 70s the Playboy Mansion was bought and staffed by playboy bunnies. Coincidence? I think not

>> No.44827884

This panel implies that humans are so weak they barely need any bunny fighters

>> No.44828033

Bri'ish space knights are 100% canon and will be revealed in the next manga, Loud saints from the red, white and blue.

>> No.44828089
File: 214 KB, 952x1920, BIS Lunar Spacesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I fucking love the design of the BIS spacesuit. I would love nothing more than to walk on the Moon dressed in shining armour.

>> No.44828099

The chest compartment even gives you the proper posture a gentleman should strive to maintain at all times.
Truly the most advanced piece of apparel ever devised.

>> No.44828105

While Hoori was technically a descendant of the Amatsukami, by all accounts he lived his life as a normal human, and given that the emperor of Japan also counts as a regular human, he may as well be one.

TL;DR: Toyo is still a humanfucker.

>> No.44828438

If you can't get laid irl you can't get laid in Gensokyo either.
Moonies won't even bother looking at you

>> No.44828461

Abducted by Toyo for trying to scare off her human concubines.

>> No.44828651

The issue isn't whether or not you can get laid IRL, but if your chastity can survive the Moon Rabbit vanguard.

>> No.44829177

Doesn't really matter. He clearly had a respectable pedigree and would be considered far better than typical humans (plus, he grew to be centuries old). Many of the Lunarians are probably "human", in that regard, since most of them don't strike me as proper kami. They're just relatively free of Kegare, which in the moonies' eyes, puts them above earth dwellers. Kaguya is never presented as one, either, even though she's explicitly moon nobility.

I wouldn't try to map mythology with Touhou lore 1:1, anyway, since ZUN clearly just mixes and matches whatever he likes from mythology without really considering the larger impact.
Putting Takamagahara on the moon is already kind of a weird thing, but there's also the Toyatama-hime figure living there, instead of fleeing back under the sea after being revealed as a scaly. I'm pretty sure that she and her family wouldn't be counted as Amatsukami, either.
ZUN just outright rewrites myths when he feels like it, too, like with Okuninushi and Takaminakata being sealed away by the Lunarians in fear of them retaliating against them claiming their lands (the whole thing of the Amatsu descending to rule Japan already feels weird to me, given how the Lunarians are characterized in Touhou), instead of Takaminakata being defeated and fleeing to Suwa(ko), while Okuninushi accepted their demands peacefully and went on to rule somewhere else.
Sometimes things in Touhou match up to real mythology, to some extent, but given everything else, I find it likely that Hoori lived as a pretty typical Lunarian on the moon, especially since CiLR's depiction of Urashima Taro looks to blend his story with part of Hoori's myth, so any discrepancies could be written off as being his fault.

>> No.44830069

I have so little art of these beautiful ladies. Please post more.

>> No.44834921
File: 401 KB, 800x1113, 31676552_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might even earn a place as Toyohime-sama's pet
What are the benefits of being the Watatsuki's pet human?

>> No.44834968
File: 220 KB, 359x474, Clownpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fairies are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We, Lunarians, who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn. And why? Because we sought answers to questions that fairy wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude."
>Biantai Zai: Lunarian philosopher.

>> No.44838087

Spbp, kill all those lunarian scums.

>> No.44838800

i sex em
i will headcanon cope in my head they not used goods and the only marriage is some symbolic one like being married to the capital itself

now i can sex em in my mind robbing them of their purity

>> No.44838813

That's the spirit.

>> No.44838826

>like being married to the capital itself
but...one of them is married to the son of the other one
they are canonically married
you can't cope away that toyohime gave birth to a son who her sister married

>> No.44839035

You don't even know how to sex.

>> No.44839403

not him but that's based off some dialogue that said they're some historical figures nothing a bit of creative license cant fix. also there's no dialogue mentioning their husbands/children
the "canonically" isn't quite accurate

>> No.44839602
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, __watatsuki_no_yorihime_and_vergil_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_banpai_akira__20c01d579690314bc8e725915b66124c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not him but that's based off some dialogue that said they're some historical figures nothing a bit of creative license cant fix.
Anon, you need to read SSiB.
>The two princesses were [Eirin's] distant relatives. To put it in human terms, one was the wife of a grandnephew of mine, while the other was the wife of their son.
This isn't something people came up with based on the mythological inspirations, this is something plainly said, in no uncertain terms, by Eirin, who is a reliable source, that Toyohime married a guy, had a kid with him, and Yorihime married that kid. This is Touhou's own canon. At best you could argue that there's no direct evidence for Yorihime ever having sex, even if it's immensely delusional, but absolutely no amount of cope can undo the fact that Toyohime had sex with a guy and got her pregnant.

>> No.44839606

lol idc

>> No.44839676

Sex doesn't exist in 2hu.
Procreation is only done via sitting on the same chair.

>> No.44840580

Just knock up Toyohime twice and then you've won. Simple as.

>> No.44844376
File: 984 KB, 1000x812, __watatsuki_no_yorihime_watatsuki_no_toyohime_marlin_dory_and_bruce_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_koto_inari__8b02524330d533446f4950e748ec8b86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you masturbate to Toyohime, this is what you're really lusting after.
Say no to Lunarians, people. They are a menace and must be eradicated.

>> No.44850346

>When you masturbate to Toyohime, this is what you're really lusting after.
That's kinda hot.

>> No.44850615
File: 83 KB, 850x680, __kishin_sagume_touhou_drawn_by_chamaruku__sample-84b04e886e7ca00ee79e8e82d5a961e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats her role in the Lunar capital? The Watatsukis work for the Defence Corps but she seems to be more interested in playing around with earthlings (once saving the Lunar Capital in the process), being overtly friendly with traitors in exile, and enabling the perhaps shittiest 2hu in existence to enter Gensokyo, instead of having an official title.

Also funny how despite the moonies supposedly completely outmatching earth in firearms technology they still wield what look to be ancient armor and muskets.

>> No.44852213

>they developed muskets far far ahead of us, and then stagnated ever since
oh no no bo

>> No.44854033
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x922, watatsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also funny how despite the moonies supposedly completely outmatching earth in firearms technology they still wield what look to be ancient armor and muskets.
they just like the aesthetics, yorihime has a computer that looks like a book and toyohime an handheld nuke that looks like a fan, it's clear that their devices are so advanced that they can look like anything
honestly this thread is full of anti-lunarians lies, probaly propaganda disseminated by the terrorists known as the sages of gensokyo and mindlessy repeated by delusional humans and seething youkai, or, as i prefer to call them, "filth"

>> No.44854083

I would like to reminder this thread the Lunarians almost lost their home to fairies. The same fairies that have the intelligence of a child, the same ones that heroines blast down in the hundreds during the ones, the same ones even a ordinary human can beat if they had a chance. All they could do is run and hide from them.

>> No.44854890

I don't know why everyone thinks the Lunarians are so evil and genocidal to the point of wanting to murder you on sight just because you're less pure than them. If you were some kind of esoteric or magician on earth and let's say you had a spell go wrong that accidentally teleported you to the moon and one of the Princesses detected it and came out to find you, they aren't just going to attack on sight like some kind of savage. You might be inferior to them but they don't like Youkai about it. All you'd have to do is ask politely and they would send you back home to earth, they wouldn't just opt for hyper murder upon seeing you. They might be suspicious but that's it, they're not murderhobos.

Stop believing Junko's propaganda.

>> No.44855035

They don't want to murder you, as that would be begetting kegare. They would, if provoked or corner, "purify" you (as they'd intended to do to Gensokyo pre-LoLK), though what that would mean for you would depend on your species and, I speculate, spiritual situation.

>> No.44856940

They consider humans to be impure but what about youkai

>> No.44856976

Beneath notice.

>> No.44856986

Also impure. Still born and die and create kegare as much as any human. Likewise with Kunitsukami. Spirits of just about any sort should be pure though, considering even Youmu, who is half phantom and half human, wasn't detected as impure.

>> No.44857021

Are youkai really as impure as humans though? As far as I know kegare is generated by things like birth, death, diseases, aging and such, youkai aren't even born out of the womb like humans they literally just spawn into existence and don't seem to ever become elderly in appearance like humans, and I don't think they have physical illnesses too

>> No.44857058

>youkai aren't even born out of the womb like humans
The first few of a species maybe, but how do you think they repopulate? Not to mention how many of them have or even still do eat humans.
Illnesses I'll cede however.

>> No.44857061

they might be closer to the lunarians's standards of purity, but that's about it, they're still demons who kill and eat flesh and die eventually even if it may be hundreds of years ahead

>> No.44857077

You watched too much coomersokyo, youkai are very unlikely to sexually reproduce among themselves, they simply poof into existence and for all we know rinnosuke's parents could be a male youkai with a female youkai, the youkai themselves might be infertile

>> No.44857082

>female youkai
Meant female human

>> No.44857085

I just got back from fucking Yukari in the pussy, you are wrong and dumb.

>> No.44857097

Tengu are implied to give birth in the fairy manga.

>> No.44857112

It's pretty likely considering Rinnosuke is older than Gensokyo. Mom was probably raped by a Oni or the like.

To be perfectly honest, I doubt interspecies romance happens much in Gensokyo. Most youkai are way too arrogant and sociopathic in general to bother reproducing. Most human villagers just think youkai are terrifying and evil, and the youkai themselves have a vested interest in making sure they don't think otherwise. As for outsiders, you don't fuck your sandwich before you eat it.

>> No.44857115
File: 121 KB, 850x1139, __kishin_sagume_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__sample-d4b9ba70f78ef67cd991e9ea09f13266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also funny how despite the moonies supposedly completely outmatching earth in firearms technology they still wield what look to be ancient armor and muskets.
I like the aesthetic of the Lunarians having divergent technology that's not necessarily more "advanced".
As an example: the Lunarians might have Gods that can rain fire down from the heavens, but it's more costly to create and maintain those beings then a fleet of B-52 bombers and napalm Or they could have computers built on non-Boolean fundamentals that can understand images, but can't crunch big data sets to save their lives.
Regardless, I love the light that the moon reflects, the moon itself can go to Hell for all I care.

>> No.44857116


>> No.44857147

From their cooch, duh.

>> No.44857155

Don't they lay eggs?

>> No.44857180

And where do eggs come from?

>> No.44857210
File: 417 KB, 824x1200, 1696608376393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's mention of Tengu children in Lotus Eaters so we can assume Tengu can reproduce sexually.

>> No.44857227

Stork Youkai

>> No.44857235

>All of the villagers getting abducted and raped by Tengu comics are now canon.

I mean, I know that in practice it's probably done by male Tengu.

>> No.44857430

Male Tengu don't lay eggs.

>> No.44858743

i feel like it should be pointed out that lunarians created the youkai in the first place, and don't seem to ever be threatened or concerned by them. also most youkai are definitely impure, toyohime's speech to yukari wouldn't make much sense otherwise

>> No.44859129

They wouldn't murder you but they may not send you home either, Toyohime may decide you look cute and then she'd rape you...and Yorihime might decide to join in after!

>> No.44859160

i think a better question in the context is whether youkai are more impure than humans or less impure (considering they don't shit and fart and most of disgusting things)

>> No.44859183

Lunarians are not Tengu, they're not rapists.

>> No.44859446

Is there any mention of male Tengu?

>> No.44859834

The Watatsuki's, however, are the wardens of the Earth, and therefore have full legal authority to do whatever they please to its inhabitants. No Lunarian judge would ever take you seriously if you claimed they had raped you. After all, as a human, you can't be raped.

>> No.44859879
File: 66 KB, 410x700, CiLR chapter 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toyohime would send you back, actually.
There's only been one person she didn't immediately send back, and the lesson she learnt from it was to not do that again.

>> No.44860055

This is more hearsay from detractors and nothing more. The princesses are noble both in spirit and pride, they respect consent and would not violate a man against his will or kidnap him and force him to live in their mansion as a boytoy forever. This is Junko propaganda. Meanwhile in reality Junko would rape you in one of her crazy fits of rage and not even feel sorry about it, and Hecatia would help her do it just because it's trendy for gods to rape mortals. Junko and Hecatia are evil and vile people. The Watatsukis are not, know the difference.

>> No.44860208
File: 7 KB, 800x600, haxxoredimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traced your IP, hacked your router and took a picture with your webcam.
Let the world see who is REALLY behind these posts!

>> No.44860656

>Junko and Hecatia are evil and vile people. The Watatsukis are not, know the difference.
So... The Watatsukis would rape me, then?

>> No.44867868

the anonymous hacker known as 4chan

>> No.44868615
File: 2.70 MB, 3500x2500, 1665787730545653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KKHTA loonies are the sexiest to be honest

>> No.44870277

Ha ha imagine if Yorihime and Toyohime were this big, no one on Earth could possibly stop them.

>> No.44870744

Threads like these are why the space force was created

>> No.44873537
File: 59 KB, 384x383, PMiSS_lunarcapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like the aesthetic of the Lunarians having divergent technology that's not necessarily more "advanced".
They are blatantly more advanced than us. As seen by the technology and magic they use (like manipulating probability) or Kaguya's lunar tech expo. An aesthetic i like to imagine is advanced sci fi stuff mixed with ancient Japanese aesthetic.
