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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44635067 No.44635067 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44594819

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44635127 [DELETED] 

does anyone know where can I find jp version of umineko with og sprites?

>> No.44635173

Reminder >>44510164
~2 weeks left to request whatever's behind their VIP paywall (not the VIP+)

>> No.44635972
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This will be a good thread

>> No.44636013

>Back to the future and the godfather poster
Good taste

>> No.44636125

How does one even make 無料 full voiced eroge with fully animated op on top of it?

>> No.44636162

It's a front for a money laundering scheme

>> No.44636181

>looks up past eroge releases
>interesting title with nice art
>play it
>the writer is an incel psychology and toxic women expert
It’s insane, this game had every incel bad experience with women thread all smashed together
The girls didn’t waste a minute to scream at the MC for having a mob character face, lack confidence, have low income and no talent while they all lust over the side male character who is a chad (he actually fucks them)
There is even a canon lesbian heroine who the MC rape and tell him “ if some man fuck me at least make it a 10k yen income who’s an Ikemen “
I thought all these incel existed on the internet, but when voiced heroines screams this shit with full disgust and anger reality sinks in

>> No.44636194

Which game is this?

>> No.44636253

whoa did I write this game

>> No.44636255
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>> No.44636289

Yeah i know, if someone would want to read that they could just get women irl and get the full experience, eroge is not the place for that stuff, specially not for stuff you can easily get irl

>> No.44636354

What if it's useful as a 現実 simulator-preparator

>> No.44636449

This one
It looks like a cheap nukige but it’s quit fleshed out and it takes it time between the H scenes with a lot of the girls point of view, also the premise is about streamers/youtubers
The MC is your average games youtubers who want to make streaming his full job and eat from it that got invited to a famous youtubers agency that’s full of toxic girls that see men status as his full worth

>> No.44636457

When you said "past eroge releases" I was expecting something older than this fucking year kek.

>> No.44636479

>incel bad experience with zoomershit mixed in
fucking kek

>> No.44636502

Literally go outside one day and you will get the same experience
Dead on arrival

>> No.44636560

I really think interesting random eroge releases had declined since corona kicked in and that was almost 4 years ago
Unless it’s a big title I am contented by finding at least one random game a year that’s interesting and no one talks about

>> No.44636685

so did anyone manage to get their hands on the sakutoki novel?

>> No.44636698

Picked up

>> No.44636748

The game had a lot of fucked shit but the line that hit me hard was the main girl telling the MC literally this
“ did you know that women find confident men really attractive? Just have confidence bro “ then proceed to shit on him for having average face and being virgin
Made me realize incel is a universal concept

>> No.44636821

Why would anyone go their way to hang out with such women?
There is no love, the whole purpose of it is to get offsprings and then pay alimony

>> No.44636862

Are there any other djge with deliberately amateur seiyus like https://vndb.org/v7093?

>> No.44637357

Do anim games have a different artist for their covers than they do for the actual game? The art on the covers always looks 20x better than the CGs.

>> No.44637459

MCs should have confidence, so sounds deserved.

>> No.44638073

Wow I really hope this is released without any delays. 桜花裁き was good

>> No.44638324
File: 900 KB, 1920x1080, 機神咆吼デモンベイン ver1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they were blade runner posters instead?

>> No.44638425
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I was hoping for inappropriate computer programming metaphors and was not disappointed

>> No.44638570


>> No.44638988

Hello friends. I don't think I've picked up a visual novel in over a decade and I want to get back into the habit. Mind recommending me some things? If anything must-read came out in the past 10-15 years I probably missed it so nothing's too obvious.

What I really want if I can find it is something that's gutting. I want something gentle and melancholic that hurts enough by the end that I need to take a while to decompress after I'm through.

>> No.44639003

Did you pick it up after an OP pic a bunch of threads ago?

>> No.44639021

I don't remember exactly, but it's likely, yeah. I lurk a lot and conversations help me add to my backlog.

>> No.44639036

why not Sakura no Uta, it fits the "gentle and melancholic" atmosphere pretty well

>> No.44639068

Why not indeed! I'll start there, thank you.

>> No.44639255

>hurts enough by the end that I need to take a while to decompress after I'm through
Anything by lucle.
>something gentle and melancholic
Anything by Shumon, doesn't fit the second part of the description though.

>> No.44639385
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You will play the new asage, right?

>> No.44639402
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This is the only VN I've ever seen with a map feature to explain the locations (that seems to be updating as I go, although I'm not very far). I guess it makes sense, considering it takes place in an extremely well-documented location.

Of course, they're either nuts or extremely courageous and either way I want to be on the front line to see what they're cooking.

>> No.44639467
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, コイバナ恋愛【体験版】_ASRjWe1mLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the trial so I'll be reading it. Plus I want to see if they can convince me if this whole concept was a good idea.
So far it's looking spooky

>> No.44639482

>15th anniversary box
>15h anniversary
Asapro? Your math lessons?

>> No.44639491

Too fat

>> No.44640071
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>> No.44640125

This the new pacopacosoft?
I'm glad they're back.

>> No.44640179
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Checked EGS for a game I got from clicking vndb's random screenshot on the front page and I got this
This is probably the lowest score/reviews I ever find when looking things up
Actually made me curious to see just how bad it is

>> No.44640217

Is Alicesoft doing anything besides that Choukou gachage? It's really not boding well for them.

>> No.44640226

I have some free time, do you want to do a kuso group read here

>> No.44640294

is this a win for gyarubros?

>> No.44640404

That's just mesugaki (imouto) not gyaru.

>> No.44640698

It's just incomplete and doesn't have the advertised amount of CGs/routes.

>> No.44642435

We need more Filipinos in eroge.

>> No.44642581

We need an eroge where a Filipino girl shows us how to eat pagpag

>> No.44642690

Come to think of it, we don't have many eroge that uses poverty as a central theme. Usually it's background dressing as setup.

>> No.44642772
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I'm not sure why because homelessness and poverty all clearly exist in Japan but it's never really something writers bothered to explore thoroughly for sure. Only read pic related but it's just a bad nukige in disguise. I can only imagine a doujin writer would have the balls to write about it in a genuine way.

>> No.44642805

remember that weird documentary on youtube following that japanese homeless guy around. he has an insanely ちゃんとした lifestyle including daily work, pleasure reading, a favorite drink, takes care of himself (by homeless standards)
i feel like if he lived in america with that personality he'd inevitably escape homelessness

>> No.44642838

家出 is a more "palatable" premise when it comes to downtrodden women even if the circumstances behind it are literally first world problems. Slums and the issues that spawn from them aren't exactly common in Japan and eroge writers are catering to a Japanese audience hence the rarity.

>> No.44642915

First chapter of 銀色 is the homeless kamige.

>> No.44642960

At least one heroine should have inverted nipples.

>> No.44643027

You'd think with the トー横キッズ phenomenon there'd be tons of nukige about them. Why are eroge so out of touch?

>> No.44643099

America is fucked because all the homeless are on drugs and everyone is out for themselves. He'll get mindbroken before getting back on feet. It'll be the perfect utsuge theme that'll generate no sales.

>> No.44643105

Because it's a 禁物 topic in their society that is effectively being looked down on
The same reason why they pretend that disabled people don't exist

>> No.44643114

There's a few good poverty VNs like Koichoco

>> No.44643133

This you?

>> No.44643225

>The same reason why they pretend that disabled people don't exist
Can't pretend when they feature them a lot in moege.

>> No.44643256

Why eops so much love looking for deep meanings in 1hr long nukiges while pretending to be morally superior

>> No.44643266

I don't want to read about poorfag problems

>> No.44643291

No, but I don't entirely disagree with him either. Besides being catfished into thinking that the writing would be somewhat interesting, I also fucking hate dogs. Women and dogs shouldn't exist together in porn powerpoints.

>> No.44643324

https://vndb.org/g247 this doesn't look like a lot to me.
I have tried to look up almost all of them, but there isn't a single one that would be even remotely close to Katawa, the majority of them are just some minor disabilities that also gets recovered later

>> No.44643372

I think he's joking about moege heroines being mentally disabled.
>but there isn't a single one that would be even remotely close to Katawa
Didn't Owaru Sekai to Birthday have a blind main heroine?

>> No.44643417

I think it's more of plot gimmick rather than focus on her disability, but i guess you could still stretch it as remotely close

>> No.44643552

>Women and dogs shouldn't exist together in porn powerpoints.
Fuck you. Bestiality is already endangered enough as it is.

>> No.44643580

monster park 3 will save eroge

>> No.44643590

sure hope it becomes more endangered. 3DPD western fetish, just play their games instead lol

>> No.44643610

You really saying it with a straight face about the country that popularized bugs and tentacles to the world?

>> No.44643614

>3DPD western fetish
This is a projection problem on your end.

>> No.44643633

Now women and toads...

>> No.44643643

bugs and tentacles are a different story. if dogs, cats, rats, any other mammals comes into the picture, then that's just for furries.

>> No.44643713

There is no argument in which you could say that bugs are better than furries
Both are aiming for the same mentally ill auditory that is presented in any country

>> No.44643783

Japan literally spawned the western furry fandom

>> No.44643808

Insects/tentacles = involved in abstract, very deep eroge writing for the high IQ
Dogs = involved in ultra shit western ""eroge"" for low IQ who drop thousands on patreon

>> No.44643824

what about orcs/pigbpeople?

>> No.44643876

https://vndb.org/v20536 Scaji says that this is kamige that only highest iq can comprehend and i trust a man's opinion more than a random from 4chan

>> No.44643883


>> No.44643892

not him but surely they can be blamed on the west due to trpgs?

>> No.44643985

Well said

>> No.44644016

>aren't exactly common
osaka would disagree but i guess they just pretend it doesn't exist either

>> No.44644095

Kek, child's play. Come back to me when the city's become a huge favela.

>> No.44644120 [DELETED] 

Sure, see you in a few days.

>> No.44644156

Niggers here really thinking Japan will become the next Brazil. Lmao.

>> No.44644232

Japan is making the mistake of allowing more foreigners from the Middle East and hyper individualistic western countries like the US to immigrate there so don't be surprised there'll be more slums and in an increase in crime someday. On the contrary, we might just get better utsuge since Japan might finally want to complain about taboo issues :)

>> No.44644302
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Can't wait for more xenophobic eroge

>> No.44644440

15 minutes in and I already came twice. How do people even finish 80 HCG nukige

>> No.44644488

I'm sure it'll be mostly directed at Chinese and Koreans as usual. Can't be calling a darkie subhuman and expect not to be Xitterbombed.

>> No.44644524

Doesn't matter when localizators can just cut off all the inappropriate stuff

>> No.44644532

We don't talk about those here.

>> No.44644553

Yes that's why it doesn't matter because you won't find japanese complaining about chocolate cookies

>> No.44644567

You sure about that? A good chunk of eroge players are of the netouyo wing.

>> No.44644619

They will very quickly change their minds once it will actually start to affect their lives

>> No.44644656

What do you mean? That they'll accept it?

>> No.44644723

They don't give a shit about Xitter cancel culture. If anything, they might just finally settle their differences for a while and direct anger more towards even worse foreigners if actually does grow big.

>> No.44644762

They are fine with being xenophobic towards chinese and koreans because they can relate with it irl. If their life will start being affected by blackies in the same way, they won't suddenly switch to the moral ground

>> No.44644779

>They are fine with being xenophobic towards chinese and koreans because they can relate with it irl
My man half of akiba is chinese and the other half is korean, im pretty sure you don't actually know what is going on in japan.

>> No.44644920

And where is the counterpoint to what i said here?
They can see for themselves that all the prejudices are actually true and no one going to cancel you for different attitude even though they don't even trying to hide it
There is no way they will suddenly change their attitude once they will start being affected by other cultures nearly as much
If anything, xenophobia will only continue to grow the more open japan will become
Anyway to bring it back to the topic, i don't think any eroge would ever get hated upon this, just look at masada's popularity

>> No.44644994 [DELETED] 
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excellent post, my man

>> No.44645039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44645040

God I love Wilhelm

>> No.44645666

Shhh... Those JOPs are in their natural habitat. Don't disturb them, just watch quitely

>> No.44645691
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>> No.44645696
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Who said you could watch us?

>> No.44645719

I'm playing otome thanks to this thread. You should too, bro.

>> No.44646490

If you enjoyed it i recommend giving Semiramis a try,it's a very good read.

>> No.44646529

Can i just read Fumika route only?

>> No.44646550

I'll throw it on my backlog. Thanks.

>> No.44646631

Start by reading her route it's not a bad route by all mean, but she's one of the heroine who get the short-end of the stick that's for sure, once you're done maybe you'll want to try one of the 2 main heroine.
Just be aware that the start is a bit weird and slow but that's normal.

same devs also made a vn during the tokugawa shogunate if that's your kind of thing.

>> No.44646647

Anon said in the past threads only the red one route is good. Is it true?

>> No.44646704

She's the most important character along with the mc, most of the story revolve around her. the others route just can't compete, despite this the routes are still worth reading imo.

>> No.44646783 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.13 MB, 1618x1214, malie_15-09-2023 23-54-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really turn german into japanese in just few generations?

>> No.44646798

it's not far fetched, kageaki was like that too

>> No.44646806

you're working with fictional genetics, i'm not sure if the 1/4 german would be evident with a 3/4 japaense person

>> No.44646900

For those who haven't seen it, the #初めて作った美少女ゲーム hashtag over on twitter is pretty cool

>> No.44647943

This is the new ぱこぱこそふと? Is it good?

>> No.44648258

yo メイクMeラバー anon
do i wanna do darkness route first or regular route first, or does it not really matter much?

>> No.44648537

Nothing in this world matters, friend. Do what you will.

>> No.44648565

you won't trick me again so easily, consequences of my actions
eh darkness seems like it skips ahead past a bunch of stuff so maybe not. purely from a mood perspective i'd rather do the evil route first then end on a good note but maybe i'll like being an evil bastard more

>> No.44648843

It really depends on presentation. If it's a complete high profile /pol/ piece, you bet your ass it's going to be targeted.

>> No.44649710

>How do people even finish 80 HCG nukige
It's a combination of knowing how to edge and pace yourself, practice, and stamina. Back in the day I could jerk it to mesu kyoushi 3 for like 13 hours straight (I was learning Jap and read very, very slowly)

>> No.44649773
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Done. Enjoyed.

>> No.44649780

>a non-loli yoru no hitsuji game

>> No.44649820
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Not him, but yes. Not into loli

>> No.44649910

Yeah. I only played 5 of their games yet but among what I have played I enjoyed 彼女、甘い彼女 the most.

>> No.44649914

Wow. It's like seeing someone say silicon lovers is their favorite bishop game.

>> No.44649922

I only played 堕落ロイヤル聖処女, it was good.
Not a fan of loli so not planning on playing those.

>> No.44649953

Despite Japan not even existing anymore in Silveiro it's probably the most Japanwank I've ever seen in a VN. At one point a character is executed for being Chinese but pretending to be Japanese.

>> No.44650039

Revolver Girl Hammer Lady / リヴォルバーガールハンマーレディ
Does this have a low amount of sex or is it a high or medium amount.

>> No.44650268

I don't know what it says about me that I started the new pacopacosoft game and was heartbroken to discover it's not a game about msgk's prostituting themselves to salarymen and ojisans, and is in fact just vanilla.
Probably nothing good.

>> No.44650433
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>mesugaki VN
>they don't get corrected until the final scene of the game and then it just ends
Goddammit. I'm really glad pakopkosoft came back from the dead (even if this game is budget as fuck) but I wish the game was a bit better.

>> No.44650487
File: 832 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot 2022-08-29 21.28.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still king

>> No.44650516

Wow what a bullshit justification, my personality is completely opposite to what I had till <18yo

>> No.44650914
File: 21 KB, 349x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found いえのかぎ.air in my old mega directory probably mirrored when some anon dumped it on /jp/ and I finally decided to run it but I get this error. Does the game need jp locale?

>> No.44651847
File: 2.94 MB, 1616x1213, malie_16-09-2023 14-35-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to remember this one

>> No.44652243

Honest question. What would make you become a fan of loli?

>At one point a character is executed for being Chinese but pretending to be Japanese.
This is already happening in irl China.

>> No.44652305

lolicon cope

>> No.44653382
File: 3.10 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?_2023-09-16_21-54-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who tf is this?

>> No.44653580

Ahah yeah imagine that....

>> No.44653600

The cgs looks hot.
But i want pakopakosoft to male gyaruge again.

>> No.44654091
File: 2.65 MB, 2402x1398, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44654390

Question about the "Average sentence length" value from https://jpdb.io/visual-novel-difficulty-list
Say the VN has 15, is it 15 characters per sentence or 15 words?

Reason I ask is because I'm trying to figure out how many lines a VN has.

>> No.44654552 [DELETED] 

Recent VN releases:
>Mashiro-iro Symphony SANA EDITION
>Happy Live Show Up: Encore!
>Otome no Ken to Himegoto Concerto
>Haruka Ao no Hanayome ni
>Ore no Hitomi de Maruhadaka! Fukachi na Mirai to Misukasu Vision
>Toraware no Anata ga Yumemiru Shiawase
>Harem × Shangri-La
>Chin Shiko

Upcoming VN releases:
>Koishi Irodoru Seigiranman (9/29)
>Nekonin exHeart SPIN! (9/29)
>Sore wa Maichiru Sakura no You ni -Re:BIRTH- (9/29)
>Koibana Renai (9/29)
>GINKA (10/26)
>Kanata no Ningyo Hime (10/27)
>Imouto to Kanojo (10/27)
>Hakkenden (11/24)
>Amairo Chocolata 3 (11/24)
>Geminism (11/24) (JP and ENG) (Delayed)
>ONE. (12/22) (JP and ENG)
>Bishoujo Mangekyou Ibun - Yuki Onna (12/22) (delayed)
>Hirahira Hihiru (2023) (JP and ENG)
>Kokubyaku no Avesta 1st half (2023)
>Shi to Kanojo to Mawaru Sekai -THE END OF THE EVENT- (2024/3/29)

>> No.44654650

you think we don't know how to use vndb, retard?

>> No.44654666

fact: /djt/ doesn't know how to use vndb

>> No.44654670

whoopsie wrong thread hehe

>> No.44654727

can't you literally just send them this link instead https://panapanapana.com?
far more comprehensible with pictures than a wall of text

>> No.44654878

Hi, RecentVNreleasesschizo, please use the correct thread next time, thank you.

>> No.44655427

https://kanji.club/ just randomly found out this site, god this is exactly what i was looking for all this time
for some reason none of the radical searching sites has this simple function

>> No.44655462

umm jisho has radical search

>> No.44655496

i don't want to sit and search for freaking radicals, all i want is to find out how to read that one goddamn kanji that consists of 今 and 衣 that's all

>> No.44655648

it's not so bad if you know how many strokes are in each radical, since that's how they're laid out.

>> No.44655956
File: 1.70 MB, 2742x3725, 1667894595934597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys think Sakura no Oto will be about? I hope you play as Mizusu's NEET brother wooing Naoya's students in their late 20s and just as sexually frustrated as ever.

>> No.44655987

I just hope they will actually get Nijima in so he can carry at least few routes

>> No.44656304

Oh damn that's the resource I needed myself, thanks

>> No.44656361

You play as his daughter and fuck an assortment of girls.
Just yurishit I won't play.

>> No.44656498

Literally just draw it on google translate, it never fails.

>> No.44656593

Does Hakuchuumu no Aojashin have any H scenes in the prologue of cases 2 and 3?
Just finished the case 3 prologue and was wondering.
I bought it on steam when I noticed it had japanese as an option and had to apply the restoration patch, but I'm not sure if it worked.
Didn't feel like there was room for any scenes so far though, just wanted to make sure.

>> No.44656652

it's really far from never failing, it literally couldn't recognize 衾 no matter what i tried

>> No.44656782
File: 225 KB, 1288x722, スクリーンショット_2023-09-16_13-35-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like I've heard this before.

>> No.44656807
File: 309 KB, 1276x720, スクリーンショット_2023-09-16_13-39-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44656853

You want to see the H scenes right? May i ask why are you monetarily supporting a company that fucked its fanbase and censored his own work and said they would use all the money earned from eroge to make All ages titles aimed at westerners from now on?

>> No.44656882

Because it's convenient to have it on steam

>> No.44656901

Not sure what counts as prologue but there are none in the first few rounds for those cases.

>> No.44656910

Up until the openings play, I mean.

>> No.44656912

h-scenes aren't shown until like the 2nd half of a case

>> No.44656913

What's convenient about having to install an external patch you're not even sure it's working right?

>> No.44656960

The Niijima Yuu's students routes, and fans will kyoani sca-di's house if there is not a Kana route, so there's that.
>You play as his daughter
That would be cool as heck.

>> No.44657057

anyone got the Avesta of Black and White novels
shits stupidly expensive, like 4k yen per volume

>> No.44657084


>> No.44657251

This is going to my list of cool VN sites.
If anyone knows of another interesting site that is related to VNs please share it so I can add it to my very humble list. So far I only have refuge.tokyo

>> No.44657293


>> No.44657302

I'm looking for sites in jp

>> No.44657322


>> No.44657340


>> No.44657345

For news, articles, interviews, etc.

>> No.44657356

Just wait for the vn, first part should be dropping before the end of the year.

>> No.44657478
File: 1.20 MB, 988x924, 1667389926388988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon this is just what I'm looking for, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to read an article by a guy who has the balls to read eroge in public.

>> No.44657501

Wait till they find out about kirikiridroid...

>> No.44657558


>> No.44657689

At least he has the decency of not reading h scenes outside

>> No.44657854 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.10 MB, 1616x1213, malie_17-09-2023 02-52-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face when your daughter introduces her boyfriend to you
Why daughter complex is central theme of literally every chuunige?

>> No.44657941

Cool site thanks brother. Later I'll take a look at this month's 購入報告 article, actually I'm quite interested in reading its comments section.

>> No.44658359

There is also a desktop program called Tagaini Jisho that could do it as easily and could even search for whole words based on a bunch of components from different kanji.

>> No.44658431

I prefer this to search for words nowadays. Drawing kanji works without fail.
Jisho's radical/drawing look up is fucking horrible IMO.

>> No.44658440

It's just a timeless struggle.

>> No.44660675

Hey can someone upload this to Nyaa as a torrent?

It has been so long since I last uploaded something on torrent that I forgot how to do it.

The game I have is [Tanuki Soft] Shoujo Kyouiku - ALL DLC - Append Scenario.

The game with the DLC never got uploaded anywhere else on the internet and I want to share it for internet digital preservation.

I have also remove the soft denchi drm from DMM so that DRM won't be an issue.


>> No.44660788

>Have to use browser because Applel won't allow porn

>> No.44661048

Seriously, is Alicesoft on the way out? It's really not looking good for them.

>> No.44661109

Does this one have the full game included or just the DLC? Would be ideal if it's the former.

>> No.44661187

You only noticed now?

>> No.44661296

They were a company that existed to make Rance games and mid-tier eroge in between Rance games to help fund Rance games. They no longer have a reason to exist. It would be like if Falcom definitively finished the Ys and Kiseki series and tried to survive on their other franchises.

>> No.44661415

I can upload it but 追加コンテンツ is greyed out, do I need to get an ending first to see the DLC? Just want to make sure it has all.

>> No.44661565

Alright I skipped through a route and got the extra scene for her, for some reason the seiya-saiga save didn't work, reading the walkthrough it also says the harem scenario is a new route and not from the menu so I asume this has that too since the scene viewer has the space for it.
Thank you

>> No.44661566

Dude, imagine Tokyo Xanadu, but with ecchi.

>> No.44661577

Who even from the old guard is still left? TADA?

>> No.44661632

TADA retired after Rance 10, Youichirou's been with the company for years and most recently wrote & directed Evenicle 2

>> No.44661638

Didn't people say that was way worse than 1?

>> No.44661654

Haven't played it myself but it reviewed fine compared the original, on both EGS and VNDB

>> No.44661670

Alicesoft should do something featuring Vtubers so they'll be based around here.

>> No.44662131

This includes the full game plus the DLC after story

DLC is locked until you finished a route

Thanks man. Save me a lot a trouble for doing torrent.

>> No.44662186

Yeah for some reason seiya-saiga save doesn't work in which I assume the DMM version is a different build.

Also the DMM version DOES have a Harem route in which is the default route you get by having all girls confess to you then rejecting all girls.

Toireno Hanako route has been re-worked in which it used to be the default ending. I believe you have to make ONE girl confess (NOT ALL THREE girls) and then reject her then Hanako route will begin.

some choices for Shiraishi Nana during the common route

>> No.44662281
File: 42 KB, 928x367, SaveDLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you download the wrong save file form Seiya saiga?


This is the correct file


>> No.44662305

I used both but neither did anything.
Nukicolle is like a physical version, same content as this with the DLC, but not the same as the DMM DL version

>> No.44662406

Try this one which is my save data 100% finished.


Can you upload it there as well in the torrent so that it can save time for other people.

>> No.44662460

Sure I added the link to the torrent.
Thanks it worked.

>> No.44662465


Wait I mean this one as I include a notepad for save location.


>> No.44662482

You're a hero. I've been searching for the missing DLC for a long time.

>> No.44662490


>> No.44662569

No problem the website http://www.tanuki-soft.jp/

Is inactive and that no one upload the DLC is a complete mystery to me. I had to search and finally found out that DMM store sells the DLC along with the game so I purchase the game with a coupon and I wanted to preserve the game and not have it lost in the void.

>> No.44663911

I just checked the current seiya page vs the old version(I had it saved in pdf file hehe pdfile)
It's the exact same thing, same choices etc.
Basically, in the older version the way you enter Hanako route changes depending on whether you have the Harem patch installed or not, in this DMM version and the ヌキコレ版. it's basically the equal to having Harem+Hanako installed.

>> No.44664565
File: 16 KB, 479x254, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'up bros, can one of you try cracking Haru no Ashioto 1.05? It's the newest version installed with this updated installer.

Here I upped the 1.05 exe and also both cracked and uncracked 1.04 exes for reference.
Link on pixeldrain:

It's some early Minori CD check, I guess. The crack seems really simple in 1.04, but I'm not skilled enough to remake it in 1.05.

>> No.44664956

try this maybe itll work, downloading the game will take another 30 mins so i can test it
its just a dumb patch maybe theres more checks
pass is 3R1U

>> No.44665038

How long have you been reading VNs? What was the longest time you went without reading them?

>> No.44665140

Works great. Thank you.

>> No.44665637

more than 10 years since i read my first, about 4 years since i started reading them actively
longest without reading one is probably 2-3 weeks

>> No.44665854

>What was the longest time you went without reading them?
Right now. It's been a few months since the last VN I read. It's because I've been busy reading LNs instead, but I'm actually almost done so I'll probably pick up a VN again later this week.

>> No.44665872

3 years, i read FSN 10 years ago in english and that's it, i didnt really touch others afterwards.
Like 1 month without reading.

>> No.44665896
File: 436 KB, 1084x753, 1655582910567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hiatus of about 10 years until I learned enough moon to play games in the original state, which was about 3 years ago
In the beginning I only played a tiny handful of well known games in English to hop on the bandwagon.

>> No.44665950

I've been reading VNs for thirteen years, and reading them in Japanese for eight.
I read VNs in waves where I'll read them every day for a month or two months, then don't read them at all for a month or two months. Longest gap since I learned Japanese might be four months.

>> No.44666026

16 years, 15 in Japanese. I'm similar to this guy >>44665950 and go through periods where I'll read them all day everyday then stop for a while.

>> No.44666071

Somewhere around 10 years. Sometimes I read vns for a few months, then swap to playing games or reading ln a few months, then back to vn etc

>> No.44666108

I've been reading vn for 8 years but I only read them when I'm on a long break like semester break. For japanese I've been reading 3 years

>> No.44666789

Probably like 16 years, the longest I went without reading was 5 in English. I started reading in Japanese 5 years ago, and the longest I've gone without reading since then is probably a year tops.

>> No.44667197

You've forsaken shaving your faces. I can tell.

>> No.44667259

>not using clipper instead
Your loss, newfag.

>> No.44667285

>He doesn't laser them off.
Heh, Poorfag.

>> No.44667297

>Heh, Poorfag.
Yeah, so? I have no job.

>> No.44667444

how do you pay for your internet

>> No.44667474

My first vn was Saya no uta back in 2016, then i have read like 10 vns while learning English, then in 2018 finished Axanael in Japanese and have been reading every day ever since

>> No.44667524

He siphons it off of someone obviously.

>> No.44667562

My parents do.

>> No.44667583
File: 863 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_07_20_464_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've forsaken shaving your faces. I can tell.
I'll have you know that just this morning I've shaved my face. I was visiting my mother and I can't show up looking like the average /jp/edo, I don't want to make mother sad

>> No.44667607

Man, Ren was hot.

>> No.44667683

Jokes on you, my face is smooth as marble as of this morning.

>> No.44667691

fuck that scene was so good
what happened to minori anyway, did they implode under sheer gaijin butthurt?

>> No.44667851
File: 769 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_08_01_467_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly all heroines are absolutely demoniac
though I like how Ren's big rack is so noticeable on the game icon.

>> No.44667914

I can kill you with one hand,lower your tone when talking to me.

>> No.44668104

thank you in advance

>> No.44668145

how do i know which game it is

>> No.44668410

it's for the anon with vip access, only vips can see the game in the vip links.

>> No.44668450

so how did you manage to find those links without vip access? is there a way to check which games they have under the vip?

>> No.44668550

nta, I guess he had vip before and saved the links, or found them from another site or forum.

>> No.44668854

pw: /jp/

>is there a way to check which games they have under the vip?
You can see some VIP titles in Top Games without an account, but seeing all of them (~2000) probably requires a regular account. There are ~400 VIP+ titles which VIP accounts can't access, only see the titles of (and most of them are loli/shota pedoshit apparently). Many of the recent uploads are VIP+ too, I guess the admin is jewing even harder now

>> No.44668939

Are there even some actual exclusives over there or it's literally just re-upload from ab?

>> No.44669226

It's all of their VIP as of today. You tell me how it's different from AB. I detest private trackers and similar sekrit clubs only a tiny bit less than the scum that makes money by reselling pirated games. Of course, I'm not an AB member and I will never be.

>> No.44669367

Well to be fair private tracker is the only reliable way to preserve the seeders without going into scum tactics
I see there are a lot of doujin games which i guess is the main appeal of hsuki thanks to ab mods being fucking retards who keep deleting them
I'm just going to be glad that there is at least some place to preserve all the djge now albeit scummy

>> No.44669403

>I detest private trackers and similar sekrit clubs only a tiny bit less than the scum that makes money by reselling pirated games.
I never understood the hate for AB. Is it the forums? Literally just don't use them, all forums are cancer everywhere. The applications? It ensures some measure of quality and it's literally as simple as "Yes I like anime, yes I'll seed, no I'm not a retard". I've been on it for 6 years now and have had to jump through exactly zero hoops to get what I want. Just log on, DL the torrent, log off, and let it seed for a bit

>> No.44669477

I would assume it's mostly for their absolutely unnecessary "secritness" and the lack of invites whatever
Even though it's pretty easy to find that one vip dude with unlimited invites i can get people who don't want to deal with that shit
Personally though, i will never forget them for deleting all the dozens of doujin games that i have uploaded for the preservation purposes
I literally make zero sense whatsoever to delete them, it's not like yens have any value at this point since you can farm millions just by seeding shit and there is nowhere to use them anyway

>> No.44669550

>Personally though, i will never forget them for deleting all the dozens of doujin games that i have uploaded for the preservation purposes
Have those gone lost or did you manage to backup them?

>> No.44669656

It was mostly stuff that was shared in these threads or by scratching it through shitty animesharing links so it's not like i had any exclusives
Still makes me extremely salty because my laptop has died out and somehow managed to kill the ssd together with it which had quite a few games that i didn't backup yet so i will have to go and beg for them once again if i will ever want to play them

>> No.44669826

Most likely leechers who wants to hit and run and AB makes it impossible for them to exist
Also people nowadays are pretty retarded, remember the panda is hated because... i don't even know apparently making an account in a forum is way too difficult for the average kid now.

>> No.44669872

Fuck panda for deleting all of the """loli""" cosplayers just because they had flat chest

>> No.44669887

panda made it nearly impossible to download anything older than a year old or so. fuck them

>> No.44669936

Who cares about 3dpd garbage though

>> No.44669964

If they can get bended by 3dpd so easily, it's only a matter of time when they ban the loli altogether

>> No.44670036

Are you an american who think drawings are the same as real people?

>> No.44670065

It doesn't matter what you think when they are the ones deciding the rules
If flat chest is enough to make you illegal, drawings is only the next "logical" step

>> No.44670243
File: 1.46 MB, 1752x999, 1665076254541525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days when Unisonsift used Ito Noizi's art...

>> No.44670608

Where is she from again?

>> No.44670632

Is it because Noizi went clean? Can't come up with any other reason why they don't hire her anymore.

>> No.44670804

You should be able to recognize that art.

>> No.44670854

I don't care for 80% of the smut of the VNs I read yet I still won't read a fuckload of VNs simply because they're all ages. Please tell me I'm not the only one

>> No.44670868

It's a surprisingly normal(at least here) sentiment. Personally I don't mind all ages games, but I do mind when companies just go all ages out of the blue

>> No.44670919

yep, definitely not the only one
i care a lot about the smut until i actually see it, at which point i don't anymore

>> No.44670924

Eh there aren't that many good allages to begin with
There are several kamiges like BST, Himawari or Sasasagu that are really standing out, but the rest of the stuff like ryuukisi or sciadv i just find way too primitive and normalfag-oriented, it just doesn't give the same vibe that i'm reading eroge for even though i'm also skipping the 90% of eroscenes

>> No.44671066

I played Summer Pockets recently and the lack of H scenes felt really weird even though they wouldn't fit even if they added them.

>> No.44671139

Has porn rotten your brain?, not every need to have sex scenes, especially stories that dont involve romance, i can't imagine how garbage something like planetarian would have been with sex scenes.

>> No.44671154

If a cute girl is drawn, then yes, there needs to be sex scenes. I need to hear her voice actor say sexual things and see a CG of her getting fucked even though I will ctrl though most of it.

>> No.44671163

Well, I don't right now so I need that jolt of recognition.

>> No.44671167

Imagine nukige but no sex scenes.

>> No.44671170

If I wanted that I'd read a book

>> No.44671182

NTRge where every sex scene is just your wife closing the door and telling you to wait outside

>> No.44671208

Dont worry the fans got your back

>> No.44671225

Sounds like my uncle's marriage.

>> No.44671249

I unironically hate most porn in VNs and think it's unnecessary stupid shit in almost any story meant to be taken seriously. Ruins my immersion immediately when I see them. If an all age version is available, I'd rather just read that instead.

>> No.44671308

Must be a bad time then. Why not just move on to other mediums?

>> No.44671323

Shockingly, you don't need something irrelevant to have fun reading in Japanese. :)

>> No.44671342

Just read some midwitted Akutagawabait and be done with it all.

>> No.44671362

Couldn't understand a word you said with all those buzzwords. Maybe you should take some English classes.

>> No.44671513

thank you again

>> No.44671593
File: 1.27 MB, 1278x720, Chika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44671618

>he doesn't know about Akutagawa
Uncultured swine like you shouldn't be here.

>> No.44671632
File: 465 KB, 1044x1424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kinda fruity. Sorry, I'm not a fujoshi :^)

>> No.44671638

>brings up non-eroge to sniff his own farts
off topic retard

>> No.44671732

Anyone can recommend me something like this?

>> No.44671884
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, 1621358329086855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44672644

More related than crying over porn.

>> No.44672655

Man, you really are mad for no reason when someone else has a different opinion just like last thread kek. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.44672740

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44672929

Sailor Element.

>> No.44673037

Thinking about kitsune again.

>> No.44673468
File: 2.40 MB, 1617x1215, malie_13-09-2023 01-54-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Dies is supposed to become good?
The only interesting parts from Kasumi route were Shirou vs Bei fights, the rest were kinda really mediocre
Man i wish Shirou was the mc

>> No.44673538

According to some people, at Kei route.
According to other people, at Marie route.
According to some other people, never.
If you don't like Ren as a protagonist you're going to have a bad time since he's a definition of a static character (although for story-related reasons), he never really changes or develops in any way and he's absolutely the same at the very end of Rea route as he was in Kasumi's.

>> No.44673581

I figured that his whole purpose is being a static shounen manga protagonist, just hope that other characters will carry some fights at least
So far the fights barely had any tension compared to Muramasa or Demonbane

>> No.44673644

>a static shounen manga protagonist
Not quite, you'll see it later, but he's an actual psychopath who only cares about his "everyday life". Unlike usual shounen protags, he doesn't really care about good-evil, justice, or anything like that.
Masada in general really likes absolutely static protags for some reason. Yoshiya is also a fully complete character at the start of senshinkan, and Habaki, who's technically a "main" protagonist of KKK, again, doesn't change at all.
That being said, the reason here isn't that Masada can't into character development, most characters in his works actually have nice progression and personal story arcs.
As for tension in fights, it's hard to say, most fights in dies are just a front for ideology discussions. Epic as they are later on, in the end they are still just decorations for characters discussing their ways of living.

>> No.44673706

Well i watched some of Paralost on yt and Ryle/Nahato was one of the most interesting and unique protagonists i have ever seen, only seen the first arc though so idk how it went in the later parts
It's really a shame that he didn't continue with this kind of utterly edgy and chuuni mc concept, like even though Ryle was a "normal" counterpart to Nahato he still was edgy as fuck by himself

>> No.44673803

Are the preference for chuuni protags correlated by ethnicity? I notice that Spic and Cockasians are huge cocksuckers for those shounenshit types.

>> No.44674008
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, コイバナ恋愛【体験版】_image_20239181849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44674276

Kasumi route IS pretty shit.
Kei route is immediately better than it by a lot.

>> No.44674296

Has there been an eroge which has no badly written route by 4chan standards in the history of ever?

>> No.44674370


>> No.44674490

Ryle, much like almost every other character of paralost was just a product of Muzan's world, but if you liked him you may want to check ikabey after dies, Bey is sort of a more refined version of Ryle. Soujirou was also quite entertaining in KKK, although in a different way. And, of course, you can also read Avesta, Magsarion is a definition of edge.

>> No.44674590

I'm seriously considering reading through Mamagoto again because there simply aren't any momcest VNs that come close to it.
New Bare&Bunny title when

>> No.44674786

Not fair how you motherfuckers get this while there isn't a near equivalent for sisfuckers.

>> No.44674859

Why does he have painted finger nails bro

>> No.44675020

really? I feel like there are way more sister incest vns out there, are they all shit?

>> No.44675095

I meant sister incest as good as Mamagoto.

>> No.44675229

Huh, I don't play those much but I thought there'd be a few really good ones

>> No.44675262

Sis camp introduced me to both the joy of camping and the joy of having an imouto.

>> No.44675491

So people won't get mad when he fuck the side hoe in FD

>> No.44675604

>Yoshiya is also a fully complete character at the start of senshinkan
Ahem, did you forget about his massive daddy issues that take a while to get over. But yeah you're right.

Maybe I'm just some weirdo, but the Kei vs Ren fight in the church is one of my favorite parts.

>> No.44676077

I don’t see how those two things are related

>> No.44676150

sassy bed hair imouto

>> No.44676275
File: 140 KB, 613x800, 白髪.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white hair supremacy

>> No.44676326

Is this one Russian?

>> No.44676501

no she isn't
they stopped producing those recently

>> No.44676591

I'll give it a year.

>> No.44676870

For me, it's the one in pretty cation.

>> No.44676877

One anon said that they still have potential to appear in NTRge thanks to the nature of it

>> No.44677039

basically what https://vndb.org/v20720 is. its actually pretty good

>> No.44678404

Kei's. She has good chemistry with Ren and Beatrice is pretty fun. I never spoke to a single person who mentioned Kasumi's is their favorite. It felt like a bad end route deliberately made on purpose if anything. Marie's the best for Shirou moments and action in general, though.

>> No.44678413

I wanted to play that until I heard her voice acting

>> No.44679079

but that's the best part....

>> No.44679115

is it me or we didn't get a single eroge last month?

>> No.44679159

wake up anon, we didn't get a single eroge for almost half a year already

>> No.44679178

I don't usually care much about new releases because I recently got to an acceptable Japanese level and my backlog is huge but holy shit, the genre really is dead.

>> No.44679186

We got harem x shangri la!

>> No.44679194

>I never spoke to a single person who mentioned Kasumi's is their favorite.
Well I mean worst girl + worst route is not exactly a winning combination.

>> No.44679212

Still can't fathom why writers love their Sumika clones so much

>> No.44679219

She got the introductory route, and then disappeared from the plot.

>> No.44679227

Cause she sucks. I like how in KKK all she gets is a fucking namedrop in Sakuya's letter.

>> No.44679245

Still there is no reason to make introductory route intentionally bad, it just discourages you from playing the rest of the routes and quite a lot of people drop the game if they didn't like the first route they played

>> No.44679246

I will never forgive her for screwing up Marie's hair. She's the real villain in DI.

>> No.44679251

>Still there is no reason to make introductory route intentionally bad
It's not like the original marie route was good either, you should give it a try, it's a fucking mess.
Kasumi is just untouched since release.

>> No.44679261

>Still there is no reason to make introductory route intentionally bad
It's not bad. It's just not as good as what comes next.

>> No.44679270

Please tell me that she gets her hair fixed in her route, i just have no confidence that i can manage to like her at this point even though she got a funny personality

>> No.44679338 [SPOILER] 
File: 768 KB, 1128x667, 5494848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mekuiro: It's hype but I should be reading a moege right now. the balance is ruined.

>> No.44679394

Iirc it's mostly fixed everywhere besides Kasumi's route. I guess worst girl gotta have exclusive worst shit stuck in her route too. You don't get to see best LDO girl either kek

>> No.44679468

>intentionally bad
It shows exactly what you expect from most of the VN, though. Autistic writing, fights and characters. If you don't like that immediately from the get to, then chuunige isn't for you. Kasumi's route just isn't as good compared to everything else.

>> No.44680058

I can read Mahoyo before Tsukihime?

>> No.44680162

Sure? It's not like the one character they share is even remotely relevant in the other.
Same with watching knk, but touko at least is relevant.

>> No.44680888
File: 229 KB, 800x600, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what cat could this possibly be hmm

>> No.44680905

Has anyone started a compilation of these yet?

>> No.44680920


>> No.44680943
File: 219 KB, 800x600, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally started Yatohime which I downloaded from some anon here like 2 years ago.

>> No.44680993

I would love to see something like that but at the same time I would miss the thrill of unexpectedly finding the cat on my own. If I see a compilation of every VN the cat is in, then it will simply not be the same anymore. Schrodinger would probably agree with me on this one too.

>> No.44681095

is it good

>> No.44681111

I haven't even played it for an hour yet but the OP is pretty soulful if I dare use that meme. Also the budget seems pretty good plus they managed to cast Wakamoto.

>> No.44681153

I recall dropping it a few hours in, around the point you meet the titty miko.

>> No.44681739

>the genre really is dead.
I remember this exact same rhetoric ten years ago.

>> No.44681747

Do you all wish for a Rusalka route?

>> No.44681755

I can fix her

>> No.44681769

It would just be like the never ever Ilya route.

>> No.44681773
File: 951 KB, 1300x909, rusalka bar wench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she was so precious

>> No.44681982

to be honest geminism is our last hope

>> No.44682067

>my backlog is huge
I will never understand "wow x is dead!!!" when people haven't finished shit. You won't ever be with VNs even when you're lying on your deathbed

>> No.44682074

Did anyone ever manage to find the early works of Narahara先生? I mean the things he must have written outside of nitroplus.

>> No.44682641


>> No.44682818
File: 73 KB, 898x469, 1673051463410800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great article. It's a strange feeling to see a person's first reactions to something you like, it really makes you remember why you fell in love with that thing, and more importantly, it makes you remember the things you've forgotten along the way. I think the main lesson to learn from this article is to go back to that innocent phase when we still saw the magic of VN's, especially the in-game choices as discussed in the article.

>> No.44682866

Is this who we're following now that Omochikaeri is ded?

>> No.44683001

Blade City is pretty cool.

>> No.44683007

>that hasshaku-sama review
wait you're telling me that anon wasn't bullshitting?
dang, maybe i should give it a look

>> No.44683023
File: 166 KB, 873x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought armored core was just a mecha game...

>> No.44683080

This reminds me that I really want normal reviews from people who comment on what they liked about their eroge, I'm tired of pretentious faggots who overanalyze even a nukige

>> No.44683122

so just read literally any post here

>> No.44684190

Total Ayre love.

>> No.44684533

Too bad most of the eroge makers completely forgo choices altogether by just making it <GIRL NAME> and call it a day

>> No.44685470

What is blade city anon? You mean Hanachirasu?

>> No.44685825

I don't know why the OP of the new thread has failed to link it here but here is the new thread:


>> No.44686068

If you are in this thread you should be able to get millions of currency in under an hour (by doing a translation bounty)

>> No.44686104

Ugh, I don't want participate in the stupid community. I just want to run my download script and call it a day.
