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File: 254 KB, 734x636, 1692662237640296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44434196 No.44434196 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people love Rumia? She eats humans and is unrepentant about it.

>> No.44434419

People love a villain.

>> No.44437915

Maybe we all just want to eat humans too

>> No.44438097

yeah but she's an incompetent dork

>> No.44438626

they're vorefags

>> No.44439155
File: 172 KB, 850x1172, twomia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youkai Moe & cute daughterpet energy.

>> No.44439490

I can fix her :^)

>> No.44439569

why can't i create thread? every topic i made disappears.

>> No.44443070
File: 523 KB, 850x1240, sample_5cc28c3b8c617d860b731a919cb197e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jannies hate the rumia

>> No.44443831

I've always loved the cute & creepy!

>> No.44443878
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she a cute alright

>> No.44444433 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44446691
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>> No.44446702
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>> No.44446741
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is that so?

>> No.44446752

Wasn't Hitler a vegetarian though? As opposed to Rumia who loves and only wats meat.

>> No.44446805

Hitler also had a pet dog that he loved and he didn't force his diet on that so we should be fine.

>> No.44453718
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>> No.44453738

Rumia isn't a dog, anon

>> No.44453766
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I can be terrible with her.

>> No.44453769
File: 250 KB, 953x1000, luvmerum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a pet though, a daughterpet.

>> No.44454430

Remember, she may look human but she is actually a monster with her own dietary requirements, different from those of a human!

>> No.44456169
File: 309 KB, 900x866, r u srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

este maldito pu-
anon, its daughterwife.

>> No.44456194

I don't want to marry her, I just want to keep her as a pet.

>> No.44456326

#2 youkai I would exterminate immediately once I arrive to Gensokyo.

>> No.44456328

Is the first one Wriggle?

>> No.44456344

No, it's Kogasa..

>> No.44456348

Kogasa isn't hurting anyone and just wants to make knives and change diapers, please do Wriggle instead.

>> No.44457092
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1200, 1692583225201642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kogasa is kuso and so are you

>> No.44457185

Why wriggle?

>> No.44457286

Hate bugs.

>> No.44465392
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Rumia is a retard.

>> No.44465414
File: 1.28 MB, 560x560, Rumisleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has to go to sleep sometime, it's not her fault that Reisen ate Cirno and Dai's baby and told Reimu Rumia did it.
No bulli.

>> No.44465512

i never saw her eating someone
how could anyone even fit into her mouth

>> No.44466689

remember, despite appearances she is not biologically a human. She can probably do something like unhinge her mouth to improbably levels or some shit,

>> No.44466730

Or she just bites off a chunk of meat at a time, like everything else does.
Why would she have to vore everything?

>> No.44466818

she's also a total idiot and people like that sometimes. it's essentially gap moe.

>> No.44466939

>gap moe
Anon, don't. You'd attract a different kind of gap.

>> No.44466959

Because it looks spookier! There was a movie with a spooky old lady in a cave that did that but I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.44467018
File: 192 KB, 1450x2048, eyup, thats me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a former gorefag and was browsing sites like gurochan and liveleak right before coming into my double digits. Seeing people mauled by machines and some near-accidents in the workplace actually influenced my career trajectory where I try to prevent that from happening. A morbid interest in the juxtaposition of moe and the macabre, and well, you get an interest in monsters like roomba.

Thanks for coming to my tedtalk

>> No.44467805

Is she evil though when it is natural way to her, that's just like saying fire is evil because it might burn house down.

>> No.44467810

Maybe evil wasn't the right word. Antagonist is better.

>> No.44468640

Considering she can live on fear or change her nature into something not youkai, yes

>> No.44474422
File: 445 KB, 724x720, rumia flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why I like her

>> No.44476364
File: 1.54 MB, 850x1466, 99791930_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rumia secretly the strongest youkai? After all, fear of darkness is a primal state of humans, even in the modern age, *especially* in the modern age, where people can immediately descend into panic just because the lights went out.

>> No.44476479


>> No.44476572

When was last time she ate someone though?

>> No.44478998
File: 252 KB, 802x1101, Big Rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A ribbon is attached to her head, but this is actually an ofuda. It's unclear who attached it to her, though we do know that Rumia can't touch it herself.
Will ZUN ever have the balls to address this again?

>> No.44479080
File: 210 KB, 1009x2048, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_satomachi__e04ff0206654182014b7136a77b2028c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkness isn't scary, dude.

>> No.44484019

Not to mere mortals

>> No.44486080

This has interesting implications

>> No.44486521

you really think zun remembers this lol

>> No.44491364

Kek, I doubt it after all these years.

>> No.44491627

He also said (in 2004) that he intended to reveal sakuya origins at some point. Unfortunately he probably forgot about that too

>> No.44497472 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44497724
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>> No.44499641
File: 93 KB, 800x650, Hongry_Rumia_Spacejin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devious little bugger.
Give her a little snack!

>> No.44499819
File: 646 KB, 1948x2048, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_konnyakutarooou__4383dcd53254cdcaf568c3be93d6167e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys definitely come up with some adorable nicknames for her.
Roomba. Rumimi. Rumbina. Rumi.

>> No.44499901

Your brain is hardwired to fear lack of light lol:

The amygdala section of the brain is responsible for processing emotion and regulating our fear response, and a new study highlights how brain activity in this region changes as we're exposed to light and darkness.

"Light, compared with dark, suppressed activity in the amygdala," write the researchers in their published paper. "Moderate light exposure resulted in greater suppression of amygdala activity than dim light."

What's more, the presence of light seems to strengthen the link between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, another part of the brain that's associated with controlling our sense of fear.

In this new piece of research, fMRI brain scans from 23 people were analyzed as they were exposed to 30-second periods of dim (10 lux) and moderate (100 lux) lighting, as well as darkness (less than 1 lux). The scans lasted around 30 minutes in total.

The moderate lighting was shown to cause a "significant reduction" in amygdala activity, with dim lighting causing a smaller reduction. There was also greater "functional connectivity" between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during the times when the lights were on.

>> No.44505320
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Sorry, we ran out of them.

>> No.44505380
File: 249 KB, 850x1133, 1335820798924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Rumia is coming around for her midnight snack a little early.

>> No.44505417
File: 79 KB, 850x1057, slep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can have one only whence she finishes cleaning up the kitchen.
But then it's off to bed for her!!

>> No.44505475
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, Hungry Rumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-What are you feeding her?

>> No.44505501
File: 244 KB, 621x800, toothyroomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offal, nonprime bits of beef, pork knuckle, ham hock, and maybe a kid that got lost if it's her birthday.

>> No.44505503

Rumia sleeping after her snack, blissfully unaware of how much harder it is for a human to kill other humans and hide it, just to keep her snack freezer stocked...

>> No.44505528

no said parenting was going to be easy~

>> No.44505582
File: 1.06 MB, 882x1305, monsterdaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine adopting the Rum only to realise she is not capable of existing without human flesh, and deciding to hunt men down to feed her.
Eventually, the stock of outsiders becomes more tightly controlled, and you have to resort to murdering villagers to keep her fed, starting with the people of poor moral character and slowly working your way through the population one at a time.
Reimu and Marisa try their darndest to figure out what in the fuck is going on, but since forensics doesn't exist in Gensokyo they still think it's a youkai on the loose in the village, and put all their efforts into spiritual barriers that you don't even notice as you abduct another soul to keep your monster daughterpet happy.
So cute!

>> No.44505658

Imagining a horror movie where the first half seems as though it is about a cannibalistic serial killer then after the cops raid his house and try to arrest him it's about his adopted monster daughter that he was doing all the killing for the whole time coming to his defense.

>> No.44505710
File: 65 KB, 850x495, thekindofhumanyoucaneat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, since Rumbaba was quite malnourished before you started feeding her regularly, she's a whole lot stronger now that she's properly filled!
It might have been tough at first, butchering your own kind to feed what amounts to a demon in your home, but seeing that precious smile at night as you gave her the food she so desperately craved was all worth it!
Before you know, the feeding times have tripled in frequency, and Rumima has gotten a little bigger as well! Still, she clings on to you like you're her real father, and that's what keeps you going down this dark path every single day.

>> No.44505979
File: 904 KB, 2000x2200, 387e2bbae466ef464a88173288cb903a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A supernatural darkness rapidly closed in on the police station where the "cannibal" was being held. From his cell, he could hear the sounds of guns being fired and screaming getting closer and closer to where he was. The darkness eventually made its way to the door of his cell and from the darkness stepped out a young girl with blood all over her mouth and clothes. She ripped the locked door from its hinges and cheerfully announced that she had come to rescue him. The young girl rushed over to him to give him a hug and expressed her joy in finding him unharmed. He gently pat her on the head and wished they could just go home to continue their lives in relative peace but he knew it was no longer possible after what happened that night. It was time to move to a new place and start over again.

>> No.44506050
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1400, ''That was so lame...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, roomia is (one of) the light of my life.

>> No.44506062

What are the other lights?

>> No.44506092
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x3840, the saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magic bearded men

>> No.44506224
File: 2.10 MB, 2880x2880, John_Dee_Ashmolean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Dee?

>> No.44509807
File: 641 KB, 1075x1518, 82805792_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That artist's Rumia is adorable.

>> No.44514658
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>> No.44517598

Playable Rumia when?

>> No.44517616

He probably doesn't even remember that Rumia exists in the first place.

>> No.44523660
File: 412 KB, 1080x1440, 1663933097615693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad, isn't it? Rumia mogs many recurring characters in popularity, yet she's treated as a one-time-gag by her own creator.

>> No.44523705
File: 114 KB, 600x700, c818051da05611ec8c9de639b283f39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That artist's Rumia is especially dangerous because she goes for the testicles first

>> No.44524106

That's why she was sealed

>> No.44524198
File: 583 KB, 1133x2000, 1f3b29881151c382270c37aa238a3218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this >>44438097.
She's just effably incompetent and harmless for every non-retarded, relatively healthy adult person. Just keep babies out of her reach and she's doing job of clearing population from useless specimens. Moe Darwinism, ho!

And I guess it fits for all low-level Youkais. Sure Wriggle eats humans but will you be scared of child-sized creature that can be defeated with bug spray?

>> No.44524226

ZUN is very clueless about popularity. He was not even aware of Flandre being one of most popular characters till someone said him about it like few months ago.

>> No.44525573

Gotta give him credit for not caring about pandering and doing whatever he wants. That said, I'm sure Rumia only has a niche fanbase anyways. Not big enough to make her playable unless ZUN wants her to be for some reason.

>> No.44525652
File: 255 KB, 1370x1690, FWKoO7lVsAQB5iX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a dedicated legacy following for sure considering the kind of placements she gets when it comes to character popularity.
But yeah, there's very little going for her to make her relevant or gain lasting traction nowadays, Osana Reimu was forever ago and ZUN's a man who only focuses on moving forward, with rare exceptions that tend to go towards 2hus with bigger roles in Gensokyo or the other realms of Touhou.
She had her potential chance in the limelight with Soku consideration, but unfortunately unlike most the others who found their way into playable status later in other games, there's really not a lot to work with that doesn't involve essentially reinventing the character and her abilities.

>> No.44525706
File: 1.22 MB, 1359x1167, 1667477024801487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia has a pretty huge, steady fanbase. A lot of fangames centered around her (Yoyami Dancers for a recent one, but there was also a dev who made several fangames with Rumia as the protagonist), the girl with the most days dedicated to her on the Touhou calendar (12, the 7th of every month).
In the 2022 Popularity poll, she ranked 17th. Do you know who she was 49 points away from beating (which is a very negligeable gap when these two have 5293 & 5342 points respectively)? Yukari. Not to speak of the many important characters beneath her, not a single character from UFO (included) and beyond is above her.
Make of that what you want, I think tribalism between new and old is the last thing the Touhou community needs, as I enjoy all generations of Touhou myself, but the point is Rumia is very popular, although perhaps not as much in the west?
Another neat stat related trivia, Touhou Station, hosted by JudasMario and cohosts, asked overseas fans to answer a couple of questions, one of which was to give your favorite Touhou character. There were a few thousand voters, and while we only know of the Top 10 which Rumia did not make, 1st in the actual popularity poll and 7th, the Scarlet sisters, did not make Top 10 on this, neither of them. It is a little bit of a stretch but I do believe there is some overlap between fans of the Scarlet sisters and Rumia fans, so I would gauge that Rumia is not as popular in the overseas fanbase, which is why you may have been led to believe what you do.

>> No.44525717

Rumia consistently ranks around top 25 in popularity polls, so I wouldn't say she's niche.

>> No.44525728

That's also an issue: Rumia's "abilities" just don't really do anything for her in terms of being introduced into games.
She's... a youkai that is very open about eating humans and is crippled by being surrounded by orb of darkness. You could make it some meme "evil" Darkness but that's just cheesy and not fitting for low-level youkai and giving her ability to surround preys with her dark orb thing would be just Mystia's ability with extra steps so what's the point?

Best we can get if Rumia will reappear in some manga or other side material and will have memorable moment or three.

>> No.44525856

There's actually a way to make it work, now I'm thinking.
Side stepping from "Shitty control of darkness making Rumia to cover herself with cloud of impenetrable darkness" into focusing on fear of unknown is not some super stretch and would make perfect sense with how fear and beliefs of humans can influence powers of youkai and gods.
Just make some story about people going full mental about some unknown monster chilling in dark cave and let it be Rumia and then just reintroduce her with new ability of "control over darkness AND fear of unknown" which would be actually reasonable and less of a joke.

>> No.44525879

She's a very PC98-like character in that regard, very simple personality and traits with a skillset that's already been taken by a more recent character to be retooled into a more unique spin.
Unfortunately even getting some spotlight in a manga seems unlikely unless they dedicate something to the lowest class of Gensokyo's youkai inhabitants, but therein lies the issue once more that you'd need to reinvent her character so she can be properly utilized. ZUN is very careful to avoid directly getting into the more serious and/or bloody nature of things unless the story absolutely calls for it, as the printworks are typically meant to depict the day-to-day lighthearted antics of Gensokyo and its inhabitants during its downtime between incidents, so that essentially reduces Rumia to an even simpler degree of "aimless goofball who physically can't tolerate the light" and nothing more.
Ultimately though, that sheer simplicity is a key part of her enduring charm, to add new layers or revamp her outright for the sole purpose of being usable beyond nonspeaking cameos would be a tricky maneuver that might be more trouble than it's worth, especially for a series that thrives on status quo and characters who change rarely and minimally.

>> No.44525881
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You may also consider that little hint ZUN once said about her ribbon holding some secrets, being a seal, and so on. You may think it's a niche she can have all to herself, but not really. That's kind of Kasen's whole deal and she got a whole manga about it. But she's a sage, what about an unassuming character then? Well, Larva is much more on the nose about her potential than just an interview, Okina downright mentions the possibility of Larva being not JUST Larva.
These two should also remind you to cherish how much Rumia's been explored even if it's through fanmade works. Larva legitimately has a single (translated, so there might be more, but I doubt it given my fetching for this type of content around her) doujin and a few images exploring the same idea, and Armchan and Kasen's combined form have what, a hundred or so arts each?

>> No.44525999


Wow, really? I guess I really underestimated her popularity then.

>> No.44526598

>would be just Mystia's ability with extra steps
Funny thing is that is what Rumia was supposed to do but at time ZUN had no idea how to properly use darkness in his game so he scrapped the concept until IN.

>> No.44532319
File: 231 KB, 1900x1431, __rumia_and_rumia_touhou_drawn_by_mata_matasoup__982c92b7cc6ea50f19eee5a21ced04a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fear of the unknown" is youkai in general; it wouldn't make much sense to give it to one character in particular.
Though the bigger issue is her characterization. Rumia is a minor youkai who only cares about flying around in her own darkness. She's less ambitious and more simple-minded than even fairies are, to the point where it worries Aya, since youkai like her are apparently becoming more and more common.
She may have been intended as a character who illustrates how youkai have lost their purpose and many fail to adapt, but that doesn't seem to have been of ongoing importance to Touhou as a whole.
Someone like Mystia got more flexible characterization really on that give them something to work with, but Rumia is basically just written as a NEET who is entirely okay with her life of doing nothing whatsoever, to the point where she doesn't even care about hunting humans.

>> No.44532373

Youkai are more superiors belief given form and in case of Rumimi she literally doesn't need to hunt to eat. As a representation of actual darkness her supply of fear and belief is guaranteed as long as the sun sets.
And IMO her carefree personality is a huge charmpoint

>> No.44536200
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>> No.44536238

>Rumia is basically just written as a NEET who is entirely okay with her life of doing nothing whatsoever

Now this characterization of Rumia I can be friends with.

>> No.44536289
File: 549 KB, 1280x960, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_chahan_fried_rice0614__08da2ec8e46c8a64064f33cfa8b78779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is fair to say that her source of power orginally is "fear of unknown", what darkness hides is unknown after all, not so much in your home turf but little more less known area it makes sense and ever more so in ancient times when light was hard to come by.

All of the fears in the end are just fear of unknown or fear of what you can't undestrand, even faith for gods falls to this category, you want to believe for gods benevolence while fearing their malevolance. and in the end it is fear of the unknown.

>> No.44536332
File: 2.78 MB, 1616x2217, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_ro_ro__1f8d76581e0879373291926047a7625d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in sense Rumia is god of darkness.
Only problem is that more people fear her malevolence rather than hope for her benevolence, therefore she is seen as youkai.

>> No.44537046

I want to befriend Rumia and help turn her into proper horror movie monster!

>> No.44537102
File: 411 KB, 1400x2000, tummia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna tummydrum pat Sandstorm by Darude, dudes...

>> No.44537151

if a person eats a person, they turn into a youkai, but if a person eats a youkai, then what happens?
i'll gladly have a gnaw on rumia to punish her and find out

>> No.44538254

I don't think you should get into a biting match with Rumia.

>> No.44538669

Do you think Rumia likes steak or does it have to be human flesh?

>> No.44538710

She probably likes it but prefers human flesh, just like how some people prefer beef over chicken.

>> No.44538821
File: 288 KB, 1200x899, rumia_close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why if it's human steak?

>> No.44538849

Rumia strikes me as a blue rare type of gal.

>> No.44538885

She's a cute maneater

>> No.44538959

This picture activates an intense primal urge to pat her on the head.

>> No.44543568
File: 761 KB, 849x1200, 85940124_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia is a good Christian girl!

>> No.44545911
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>> No.44550975
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>> No.44554823
File: 1.56 MB, 717x1500, 91238167_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity and other Abrahamic religions disappear from the Outside World
>the roomba meets Jesus of Nazareth in Gensokyo
Now that would be one hell of a fanfic.

>> No.44558550

People love a villain.

>> No.44562812
File: 1.55 MB, 1668x1571, 111007372_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44565673
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>> No.44565692

Jesus of Nazareth is the 2hu that makes Fraudkuren feel insecure.

>> No.44565729

Post THAT video. You know the one.

>> No.44565819
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>> No.44565883

*shoves u in front of loli maneater*
nothing personnel, guy

>> No.44565889
File: 1.29 MB, 900x1200, rumiwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so adoreable...

>> No.44566699

By touhou logic Jesus would also become an anime girl. Can you imagine that?

>> No.44566707
File: 37 KB, 649x681, kirisutochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44566766
File: 684 KB, 800x1067, 800px-TLC_Iesua_Nazarenus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean...

>> No.44566810

I like this design
This design is not my favorite

>> No.44569479

Maybe Jesus was cute girl all along, but back in the day women were not allowed to be in significant positions most of the time so she got rewritten as a man in bible.

>> No.44569660

Seducing the one that died for our sins sounds really fucking hot. Imagine sinning up the purest of the pure and ditching her.
>Verification not required

>> No.44576482
File: 187 KB, 988x768, FZUn8nCaIAEOKnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44578836
File: 774 KB, 978x1456, __cirno_and_rumia_touhou_drawn_by_shinmon_akika__d38bd0105e83974be9f8643d02f8ded1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44578901

Is anyone canonically nice to Rumia?

>> No.44578969


>> No.44579063

Not particularly, as far as actual interactions or dialogue about her goes, pretty much everyone ends up bullying and/or criticizing her or ends up bewildered by her behavior.
The closest to "nice" was Marisa being self-indulgent in the SCoOW EoSD Cast Cross-Review where she gave Rumia an 8/10 because her darkness helped improve the aesthetic value of Marisa's own danmaku.

>> No.44579070

Did you forget who her dad is? Seems like a easy way to get eaten alive by a swarm of locusts.

>> No.44585621

A small price to pay for the opportunity to defile his kid

>> No.44586651

based and antichrist pilled
