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4450891 No.4450891 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4450908


>> No.4450909
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>> No.4450910
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>implying that this flowchart is correct

>> No.4450918
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>implying it isnt

>> No.4450920

More like
1. Deny Witches
2. Say you'll kill witches no matter what
3. Begin to accept Witches a little bit
4. Say you'll definitely kill that Witch
5. Fall in love with Witch
6. Become a gigantic faggot.

>> No.4450933
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>implying it is

>> No.4450940
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Says the unloved faggot

>> No.4450942


More like

>6. No Battler, you are the witches.

>> No.4450948

We may not have solved Umineko, but at least we figured out Battler very well.

>> No.4450957

Outlined facts do not change.

>> No.4450966

This story has shown me that love makes you a giant vagina.

Remember EP1 and 3 Battler? Guy was badass, right up until he started falling for the fictional witch.

>> No.4450972
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>implying Battler was not badass in episode 5

>> No.4450973

3, a badass?

>> No.4450977

He became a pussy on his principles, so no.

>> No.4450984
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>implying that this is a flowchart

>> No.4450988

Battler is only ever "badass" after he totally fucks up everything first. Nothing ever changes even after he does it.

>> No.4450989

Yeah, if it wasn't for his trusty golden sword Deus Ex, he'd still be skewered.

>> No.4450999
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Like Dante in his Inferno

I have learned the truth, I have climbed to the top of mt. purgatory.

Any thing anyone has to say, even lambda, or Bern, has absolutely no effect on one who has seen the divine truth

>> No.4451004

Lambda-Piece Battler doesn't really count.

>> No.4451006


Nice 9's there Battler

>> No.4451013

>Any thing anyone has to say, even lambda, or Bern, has absolutely no effect on one who has seen the divine truth
And then you still almost lose in episode 6

>> No.4451017

Takes a special kind of person to fail as hard as he did in 6, even while knowing the truth.

>> No.4451019





>> No.4451032
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Heh.....almost, but not quite....

>> No.4451036

And you still get trolled like a bitch by bitches.

>> No.4451037
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>> No.4451044

That time it was his trusty deus ex wife that saved him.

I can at least understand that, since it is common practice in fiction for the heroine to be saved by someone.

>> No.4451054

Sure is /a/ in here.

>> No.4451071

So awesome he needs to be saved by Ange of all people.

>> No.4451092

Piece-Battler is awesome, Meta is a crying faggot. You can see this as the less like piece-Battler Meta-Battler becomes the more useless and emo he gets.

>> No.4451103

That's why ep1 Battler is awesome and it just deteriorates.

>> No.4451273
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Battler could have escaped from the logic error at any time, if he wanted to.

>> No.4451301


>> No.4451316

Uh, he says so himself......try reading episode six, bro.

>> No.4451340

'I could have done it on any moment, I pretend so the plot could go however it went'.

>> No.4451361
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Maybe you shouldn't bash Battler for doing things you don't like when you haven't even read episode six.

>> No.4451374

Battler is always in control, he has the track record for it.
I agree bro.

>> No.4451381

I think the problem is for most people, it's irrelevant to for him to say what he COULD HAVE done, the fact remains that he was utterly impotent, and had to be saved by his imaginary wife, regardless of whether he was able to escape himself or not.

He's like a little child.

>> No.4451389
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>I make judgements on characters based on spoilers!

>> No.4451400

>his imaginary wife
That's the whole reason he didn't escape. Because that would reveal a portion of Beatrice's heart.

>> No.4451408

Which she happily did, with little to no negative repercussions.

>> No.4451412

But I agree with you bro.
Battler definitely was under control, you said so.

>> No.4451416

Err.....no. She didn't.

>> No.4451418

I have just finished EP 3. That retarded eva-trice was trolling using red or I should start suspecting on undead? Or it never happened at all and beato was trolling too?

>> No.4451426

Umineko will have more than 8 arcs. Plenty of time for Battler to become a stone cold badass.

>> No.4451429

She solved the closed room, which was what Battler was acting like a fag over, since it would reveal something about her.

>> No.4451435

Yes, using a different solution.

>> No.4451438

It does not negate the previous failures.

>> No.4451442

ITT: If a character is not 100% badass 100% of the time, they are a worthless faggot

>> No.4451444

>answer arc

hahaha... no.

>> No.4451450

>Battler to become a stone cold badass.
I don't think there is enough story arcs for this to happen.

I'm just not seeing this. I thought he'd go down that path after 4, but then 5 came around, and he basically decided to stick around having tea parties with Beatrice than get serious about saving his family, and 6 only further cemented the fact.

He loves her more than his family, and it's a dick move.

>> No.4451461

This is never stated, it could have been the only solution.

And even if you happen to be correct, it doesn't change the fact that he's apparently not smart enough to think of such an escape, despite knowing the truth.

>> No.4451465

If he is a faggot 75% of the time ,and an badass the rest(with a direction that does not seem that awesome to people and he has yet to do something actually noteworthy overall), guess what happens.

>> No.4451467

Haha oh wow. What the hell are you talking about? Game's over. Battler won.

>> No.4451485

Still has to kill the bitch he's in love with.

>> No.4451509

>implying he does
AuAu: Beatrice's game seems to have ended with Battler's victory. I've been watching... It's been very interesting.
Why are you even reading Umineko?

>> No.4451511
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Will Battler just hurry up and kill Beatrice like he was supposed to? Jesus.

>> No.4451526
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He's never going to kill her. He spent an entire episode reviving her. Why do you want her to die?

>> No.4451533

To stop going in circles.

>> No.4451545

You lost me.

>> No.4451550

Battler is stuck in the MUST SAVE EVERYONE EVEN THE ANTAGONIST NO MATTER WHAT mode which pisses me off.

>> No.4451552

Because he said in Red that he'd kill her?

>> No.4451553
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Didn't Beato want to die?

And if she dies we get a badass motherfucking metahobo end.

>> No.4451557

He promised he'd kill her, you'd think if he learned anything in this story, it is to keep a promise

>> No.4451566


He didn't have any problems shooting Erika.

>> No.4451573
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But Battler is bad at keeping promises.

>> No.4451581

Isn't Erika the one who does not even exist according to expert theory crafters?

>> No.4451582

Nobody dies for good in Umineko except Erika.

>> No.4451585
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>> No.4451587

>you'd think if he learned anything in this story, it is to keep a promise
Although I will concede that it is entirely possible Battler learns absolutely nothing at the end of this.

>> No.4451602

>the antagonist

>> No.4451609
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>learning something

Never going to happen.

>> No.4451617

But he's already learned the truth, which none of us have.

>> No.4451632

Or maybe we have, one the 1000 theories may be correct.
And figuring out events is not the same as 'learning'.

>> No.4451641

Oh you little fuckface.

Battler didn't want to show the answer to the logic error, cause he'd be showing them Beato's truth/secret.

>> No.4451646


Episode 1 - Limbo (Battler, inherently innocent but unblessed, begins his quest to beat the witch)

Episode 2 - Lust (Battler's constant swings from surrender to defiance against the witch)

Episode 3 - Gluttony (Battler refuses to defeat the witch, preferring to enjoy a victory against a more delectable foe)

Episode 4 - Avarice/Greed (Battler refuses to defeat the witch, again, as he wants to inflict more torture on Beatrice)

Episode 5 - Wrath/Sullenness (Battler postpones the witch's defeat in favor of utterly destroying Bern and Lambda, who have encroached on his game)

Episode 6 - Heresy (Not sure what to say here. I'm under the impression Battler becomes pretty psychotic in this episode, similar to Kinzo).

Not sure what Episodes 7 would have as its major twist, but 8 and 9 seem pretty obvious; Episode 8 - Fraud being [/spoiler]The Red and Gold text are not true[/spoiler] and Episode 9 - Betrayal being Battler gives up his quest to save his family and reunite with Ange, choosing Beatrice instead.

>> No.4451666
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I would be okay with this.

But Battler picking Beatrice over everyone else is...I don't know. Displeasing. I ship them, even. But it would be retarded.

>> No.4451716


Dude, Purgatory fits Umineko better than Inferno or Paradiso, as it has 8 levels as it is.

>> No.4451722

Battler abandoning his family at least would prove those of us who are certain the ending will fail because Ryukishi fails correct.

Though I'd still like to be proven wrong, somehow.

>> No.4451725
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Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 3%
* Editing: 0%

>> No.4451755
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Define what would make an ending fail.

There's lots of endings. There's probably five or more different varieties of hobo end and like twenty happy ones.

>> No.4451765

But Beato already died due to actions on Battler's part, so he fulfilled the obligation of his red text. The current Beatrice is not the same as the Beatrice from before, even if she's gained the memories of that Beatrice.

Not to mention this little tidbit...

> the Stakes of Purgatory's relative ages directly correspond to the order of the terraces in 'Purgatorio' as Dante and Virgil ascend towards the meeting with Beatrice (Pride first, then Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and finally Lust).

>> No.4451808

I'm ok with a hobo end, or a happy meta end, even if Ryukishi hinted at a bittersweet ending.

What I am not ok with is the pieces in the real world getting the short end of the stick. Reality should always be the most important.

>> No.4451864

Same here. For me, an ideal ending would be one where everything was happy for the pieces besides maybe George dying because he is a fat faggot.

The meta world ending would be soul-crushingly depressing and many anons would bawww.

>> No.4451920

And to appease the inner shipper within myself, piece Battler gets with someone.

I don't care if it's Jessica, Shannon, or female Kanon, the guy deserves a break, and if meta gets his ideal woman, real Battler should at least get a consolation prize.

>> No.4451954
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Battler should get loli reverse-trap Kanon, if only because that will start a flurry of loli reverse-trap Kanon porn on Pixiv.

That would probably appease the shipperfag in me as well, although I'm a faggot for Battler/Beato and I want it to go down in flames.

>> No.4451970
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>> No.4452018

What's with all the hobo end shit? Why do you even want a depressing meta hobo end?

>> No.4452030


>> No.4452061

If Ryu really does go through with a bittersweet ending, I'd rather have it in the meta than Umineko's reality.

But considering how deep Battler is in love with Beatrice, I'd rather just have the end of meta Battler and Beatrice together.

>> No.4452081

I'd rather have a hobo end than a simple happy end.

If there's one happy part and one depressing part, I'd rather the good end go to the real world and the depressing one to the meta world. Otherwise, Battler is more fucktarded than anyone could have guessed.

If there's a good end for both or a bad end for both it's just kind of boring.

>> No.4452086

okay I have no idea what any of you faggots are talking about but you're all retarded. even you.

>> No.4452136

Even me?

>> No.4452143

Especially you!

>> No.4452161
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I guess I'm Krauss now, then.

>> No.4452311

But you were always Krauss.

>> No.4452346

Fuck, what a twist.

>> No.4452380

Ryukishi is Shyamalan.

In addition to being his own dead baby lover, of course.

>> No.4452649

>i'd rather have the real world get a better ending
Why? The entire story is about the meta world.

>> No.4452689

And if it ends up being fiction, only symbolism and nothing supernatural or inside someone's head, you followed a story about a story arguing about the story.

>> No.4452702

>implying fiction end

>> No.4452722

Not implying ANY ending, rather the meta aspect defined in relation to the real world and overall story.
If it's not 'Magic exists and meta world is formed', it mostly becomes pointless wanking.

>> No.4452723
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Fiction end sounds good bro

>> No.4452737

>In addition to being his own dead baby lover, of course.
>being his own dead baby lover,
Oh wow, someone actually remembered that.

>> No.4452741

There is a clear contradiction in this picture!
Someone here is LYING!

>> No.4452745

Fiction end blows donkey dick.
No one resolves their problems.
Shannon gets rewarded for killing a fuckton of people and lying to them.
Eva died miserably.

>> No.4452751


even if that's true, fuck year battler

>> No.4452768

Logic time?
Kanon has no dick
Jessica says she likes Kanon's dick


>> No.4452775
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Battler is like this guy

>> No.4452789

...Now that is a fucking stretch.

>> No.4452801
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>> No.4452804

He'll kill her, at the end.
Bracing for Doubletrice, or something similar to it. I mean, the fuck was up with the red about THIS BEATO WILL NEVER BE THAT BEATO?

>> No.4452830

What I mean is is that only Battler can kill Beato.Battler doens't murder anyone except Beato. He won't let anyone else do it. Only he can kill the person he loves.

>> No.4452846

At this point, it's the strongest ending in terms of answering questions, along with things like how the gold text works, but I agree that it is fucking awful, and I refuse to accept it.

Everything would feel so pointless with a fiction end.

>> No.4452924

Battler confirmed for Yandere.

>> No.4453080


>implying he wasn't confirmed already
