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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44375043 No.44375043 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting for (you) Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>44192445
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10561617
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Books
Previous Photo Challenge: Harvest Season

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try one of the 60cm dolls from Six House Dolls instead.)

>> No.44375379

Win guns.

>> No.44375567

I wish some Y!JA sellers would cool it with the filters on their pictures. Hard to decide if you want to buy or not when the faceup colors are clearly altered by the sheer amount of color filters applied.

>> No.44376833
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>> No.44376975
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I finally found good wings. Unfortunately, it was at Manda, and I have no idea who made them.

>> No.44377001

... Is there actively cum on the head of this AP girl? Last photo, not posting it here just in case the jannies are in a mood.

>> No.44377025

Cum doesn't stay white. It's probably a drop of glue or something.

>> No.44377031

I hope so, but Mandarake's been known to rehome the crotch mangler's dolls, so you can never be too sure.

>> No.44379298
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Getting really tempted to buy an Adyka body cause the tummy and thighs are so gorgeous. Little worried about it being silicone though. Anyone here handle one of these bodies before?

>> No.44381845
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>lets see what /bjd/ is doing
>end up going to /ona/ to contemplate getting a differant kinda of doll

I swear if I get a tpe doll I am blaming you guys

>> No.44382612
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It's a crossover episode anon, I'm considering getting one of these kemonohime love dolls just to use for photography because of how cute they are. I'm not being coy, I literally just want to have these in my home and take photos of them. And maybe brush out their fur.

>> No.44383729

this is an ominous pic

>> No.44383921

same, though i'm already having trouble's searching for clothing for it. dunno where to honestly.

>> No.44384003

>mom said it's my turn on the xbox

>> No.44384051
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Here's the measurements, for anyone who wants them or is curious. No earthly idea where to find anything like that.

See, that's what I mean. They're so silly.

>> No.44384075

Toddler clothes?

>> No.44384291
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>> No.44384345
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Can you call yourselves dollfags if your dolls don't have dolls?

>> No.44384353
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>> No.44384359
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>> No.44384364
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>> No.44384714
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>> No.44384756
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>> No.44384873

>bamboo village
Mushroom Mountain is better.

>> No.44386402

Any pet owners here? Thinking about getting either a cat and/or dog, but kind of worried about my dolls ending up as chew toys or something.

>> No.44386536

I mean, I guess it depends where you leave your doll and stuff. You would have to be more careful of leaving her around with a dog, you never know.

>> No.44386539

that level of craftmanship is art

>> No.44387177
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>> No.44387294

Get a detolf (and anchor it to a wall) or one of the studier glass cabinets from IKEA

Animals are expensive. Dolls are expensive. The $150-$200 spent on a case is pennies in comparison to what you'll spend on your pet in its 12-18 years of life so please protect your belongings so you never introduce the opportunity to become resentful of the pet you adopted.

>> No.44389577

My dogs aren't interested in my dolls beyond a sniff but I wouldn't assume that for all of them. Like the other anon said, getting a case is a good idea, even beyond just protecting them from a pet, it saves you worry on dust and gives you a nice display spot. Cats are probably less destructive potentially to dolls than dogs since they're less likely to chew things beyond repair, but they'd probably knock them off shelves.

>> No.44390251
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Do any anons have pictures of soft, demure faceups like pic rel? Looking for inspo for my next faceup.

>> No.44390312
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Like this?

>> No.44390321
File: 1.05 MB, 2731x4096, FSTxIK0VgAEA8vX @glance1109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or like this?

>> No.44391581 [SPOILER] 
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Hello anon, I have a few dolls these days (understatement.) I also specialize in canine behavioral rehabilitation but I am pretty experienced with cats as well.

For the first year or two of a dog's life, just assume anything they can get to, they will get to, and subsequently eat. Puppies are like toddlers (and both are, funnily enough, like sharks: ) they explore the world by putting things into their mouths. The problems you encounter will depend on the animal you're working with, and the steps to alleviate it will vary accordingly. For calm dogs, they might not even care that your dolls exist even if you set one directly on their head. For other dogs (especially soft-palate dogs like retrievers,) anything is a potential toy in the making. Controlling access is the most important step to prevent accidents happening.

As worrisome as that may sound, it's not really so bad! One of my dogs has a neurotic need to lick/gnaw on things due to a neurological issue, and will destroy anything she can get to (also because she is a terrier mix and this is prime entertainment for her.) Over the years she's destroyed charging cables (that were still plugged in,) ripped apart cushions, and secretly gnawed away a five-foot long, three-inch wide strip of drywall from behind the couch by dragging herself sideways along the floor in the dead of night, like a prisoner creating an escape tunnel over years with a little spoon. Despite this, I have never had a doll incident with her. I keep them squarely out of her reach (several feet off the ground on shelves, and as well, she has mellowed a bit as she's aged. Most dogs- the vast majority of them- will not nearly be so much of a handful, either -- I wanted to display a "worst-case scenario" to show that even in her case, you can still keep your dolls safe with some care and watchfulness. Alternatives help as well-- chews, treats, puzzle feeders, anything to keep your animal engaged, especially if they have a high drive to perform tasks, will help keep them busy and prevent them going back to the freshly-mudded strip of drywall behind your couch.

For cats, I'd keep your dolls in a case -- cats are more likely to knock them off of high surfaces because they would prefer to be on those surfaces instead, and they have no concept of what is and is not an important object to us. Providing ample space off the ground just for them as well will help maintain harmony in the home (especially perches where they can watch out of windows and sit near doors. Try to arrange your perches/cat furniture in a way that they can move through the whole room without having to come down to earth -- the ground can be a scary place for cats, which sit in the middle of the food web between smaller prey animals and larger predators. Even a second set of plain wooden shelves above the ones you use for your dolls will be enough to keep a cat happy -- though varying it up and providing options with places to hide, things to climb, and a hanging toys to bat at will also help. There are wall-mounted pieces of cat furniture you can buy to expand on their skywalk as well over time. They might still be attracted to certain things- feathers on doll hats/clothes are naturally alluring to them- and in those cases, targeted application of either a spray bottle or a sudden loud noise (like an airhorn) are both good deterrents which leave a lasting impact.

Overall, it's definitely possible to safely keep pets and dolls, and most animals aren't likely to even notice they're there beyond your own interactions with them. Another one of my dogs is always positively curious towards them, and enjoy sitting nearby when I'm working on doll things -- he doesn't interact beyond sniffing things occasionally, pic related. Another truly doesn't care if I physically use him as a doll photo prop and set them on his head. Individual temperament plays a big part in this, as well.

In all, follow your dreams, anon.

>> No.44392419
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Looking for stuff like that doll. Alternatively if anyone knows what keywords/tags might be helpful to find dolls with these kinds of faceups, do let me know. I'm not great with moonrunes so idk what I should be looking up.

>> No.44392511

good to see you and your cute gremlin doggie still around, hopefully your drywall fiend is doing good too

>> No.44393684
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You guys were right, the yellowing was no big deal. I can’t even see any in person myself. She’s so pretty! Her wig is a bit of a mess atm though. It’s really frizzy. Also her wrists and hands are ridiculously stiff. I can barely move them.

>> No.44393750

How easily does staining actually happen? I'm super paranoid about it but feel bad that I've been making my doll sit around naked all the time. Are there materials that don't leach dye? Can I wash the clothes to help the staining? Would the detergent make things worse?

>> No.44393949
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>> No.44394043

Fashion major here. Washing the clothes with detergent and color-catching sheets will help remove excess dye. For polyester and cotton clothes, drying the clothes with heat also helps lock the dye in. However, you should still take caution and put a bodysuit on your doll, especially if the clothes are dark colored.

>> No.44394273

Wonderful, I'm glad you got her home safe and she's lovely. Congrats on your new girl.

>> No.44394499

Genuinely some of the most helpful advice I've ever gotten. Is there risk of shrinkage using a dryer? What materials should I watch out for with that?

>> No.44395172
File: 2.38 MB, 1536x900, スクリーンショット 2023-08-23 1.47.19.resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i hate editing photos
full-size screenshot https://files.catbox.moe/ifhrgo.png

>> No.44395185 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 900x1173, O1CN01sBTaP91Ux3nXSoYCL_!!2212843792583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets less painful the more you do it, keep at it anon. I hate editing them too, but it's gotta be done.

Found a new resin brand, May Doll. They are emotionally challenging my wallet right now with the one on the left.

>> No.44396154

oh no, I too would love to get my hand on some doll toe beans.

>> No.44397041

it's more just, I was happy with the results I was getting in darktable
but now that I'm trying out RawTherapee, I can see that one or both of them are doing things to the photos I'm not telling them to
I tried to apply roughly the same settings for both but the RT one has the contrast cranked up somehow, way further than even the macos default rendering
plus even though RT gives you much more explicit control over denoising (what this was originally a test of, thus the grainy shot), the result is somehow worse than darktable
maybe I just didn't spend enough time on either

>> No.44397433 [SPOILER] 

I wish I could give some advice, but unfortunately I haven't used darktable or RT much -- I hopped through the options available and stuck to Capture One Pro ever since. I will say, each tool will interpret your camera raws differently, especially if it doesn't automatically recognize the profile from your camera. Just keep fighting with it, check and uncheck settings. >>>/p/ might have a thread on RT as well, or you can start one to ask. Good luck anon, you will get it doing what you want.

>> No.44397862
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For some reason I thought that OB22 bodies would do the easy thing and just have legs 2cm shorter but no, the entire body is actually scaled when compared to OB24.

>> No.44398799

Just pirate Lightroom my dude

>> No.44400862

I do not say this lightly. People with older Volks dolls will understand the severity of what I'm about to say.

Imomodoll's tan stains worse than Volks White Skin. In addition to the frame not holding together /at all/ even after considerable modding (though I'll report back because my upholstery foam and plumber's seal tape has come in the mail,) she has stains in places that have never even touched clothing before. I managed to stain her shoulders with some black substance between taking her out of the box and setting her down on the counter.

She's cute as a button and I love so much about her. I'm going to order their more updated frame from taobao and see how much it helps, because right now she literally cannot sit up or hold up her own head and it's brutal. She's floppier a ten-year-old resin doll with the factory stringing. I have handled some janky-ass dolls, I rebuild Obitsu bodies out of spare parts for fun, but this girl continues to vex me.

However, she was a gift from a dear friend, so in I go with the upholstery foam and watertight sealing tape (I have tried normal measures. I have done glue. Kips might help but I'm out right now- and honestly they'd have to be the thick silicone ones because THE VINYL SPINS ON THE FRAME. I'm not even going to bother trying to treat the stains -- not my circus, not my monkeys right now.)

You get, by god do you get, what you pay for. When I get a V2 body in my hands I'll report back on if it's improved and how much it's improved. I have two of their mail dolls on order and I'm not looking forward to these problems in XL stereo.

>> No.44403358
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>> No.44403462
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Everytime I see photos of dolls "in the wild" this thought comes to mind
I would be a menace

>> No.44403504

The government doesn't want you to know this but the dolls in the park are free, you can take them home. I have 457 dolls.

>> No.44403779

I actually decided to give RawTherapee another try because of the darktable thread that's up on /p/ right now

I'm not complaining about the software itself as much as my lack of understanding of what's going on
I don't think Lightroom would really help, darktable is already giving me mostly the results I want, I just don't know why

>You get, by god do you get, what you pay for.
ngl this was my suspicion

>> No.44403804

finally us neets have a chance in this hobby

>> No.44404079

That's not good, I'm sorry that's happening. The only problems I've had with my 1/6 from them is that the legs pop off if I'm not careful, hopefully the improved version is better for the 1/4 bodies...

>> No.44407511
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So a kind of listless expression.

>> No.44407647
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>> No.44407823
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>> No.44407844
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>> No.44407943
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Honestly I don't know how useful these are.

>> No.44407960
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>> No.44408255


>> No.44408487

Cute glasses

>> No.44408900
File: 481 KB, 1536x2048, FWjpFNbUEAEUq3o @horichinyoiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You freak

>> No.44411468

These are perfect. Thanks!

>> No.44411533

Tbh I've never tried using a dryer on my dolls' clothes. Non-stretch polyester and cotton clothes are less prone to shrinkage so you might be able to run them through a dryer with other stuff (sheets, your own clothes, etc.) on a lower heat setting.

>> No.44411688

>>44407844 >>44392419
NTA, but assuming these are MDD, what would be the head sculpt on these?

>> No.44411742

DDH-27 is the most likely for those two, could also be a modded DDH-01

>> No.44412031
File: 774 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_8176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand to throw this out... Maybe it's time to take the doll-pill

>> No.44412128

Do you have anything in mind for the kind of doll you want to get, anon?

>> No.44412227
File: 254 KB, 1366x2048, shiitake028-1630552665024532480-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there's too many cute ones

>> No.44412306
File: 321 KB, 2048x987, dollfie dream sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, one place to start is the size you want to have, if that gives you something to start considering.

>> No.44412316
File: 261 KB, 1366x2048, shiitake028-1630552665024532480-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MDD all the way

>> No.44412330

I love this image, it helped me decide between DDP and MDD for my hypothetical DD's little sister

>> No.44412370
File: 694 KB, 3072x4096, yossy_0325-1694514549670674587-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking elon musk keeps pushing dolls on me

>> No.44412396

fat bottomed dolls you make the rockin' world go round

>> No.44412436
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>> No.44412445
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>> No.44412691
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>> No.44412699
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>> No.44412728
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>> No.44412752

I like this lady.

>> No.44412850
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>> No.44412883
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>> No.44413032


>> No.44413074
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>> No.44413192
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>> No.44414107
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One for the resin friends.

>> No.44418076
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>> No.44419685

Volks restocked the Sabers.

>> No.44420075

Did they overstock these or have they been selling like hotcakes? They've been restocked like 5 times.

>> No.44420122

They sell almost as well as the Mikus as far as I understand, so they keep bringing them back.

>> No.44421132
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, corner33333-1695048474696511495-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44421226

Some time ago I've seen a pic of a BJD with a beautiful sculpt and with very elongated proportions. Can anyone guess what it was?

>> No.44421380

Maybe Doll Chateau?

>> No.44421426

Probably Doll Chateau, can you give more details? See if any of these are familiar.

>> No.44421529

Thanks! It was the 68cm Y body. They look even weirder than I remembered. Beautiful though.

>> No.44421538
File: 593 KB, 750x1125, doll chateau beacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're easy to recognize for their unique aesthetics. They do make lovely dolls as well, though not to everyone's tastes. I have a few of their non-human dolls and I sincerely enjoy just having them to look at.

>> No.44421570

Gotta say I'm not a fan of the heads, now that I see them. The male heads have more pleasant proportions IMO. They also look way thinner than I thought in the videos. What material are they? Porcelain, plastic? The level of craft is amazing.

>> No.44421590

Resin! If you're a fan of the bodies but not the heads you can always do a hybrid with a head from another company. Matching skin tones is a bit tricky but there's a lot of comparisons for that sort of things I think

>> No.44421598

Most ball-jointed dolls are made from some formulation of resin, with the parts held together via elastic string under tension. They are strong, but small parts can be fragile.

>> No.44421612

>with the parts held together via elastic string under tension
Like an art mannequin! How is it to pose them? I'm a tourist from /toy/ and I'm fascinated by this stuff.

>> No.44421748
File: 209 KB, 1163x1600, IMGP1554e 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It varies! Some are engineered very well and pose wonderfully, some are... more for display than holding a pose, and most fall somewhere on the side of "average". As the elastic wears out, it needs to be replaced, and dolls with old string can become loose and unable to hold a pose, but that's not too hard to fix. Larger dolls tend to have little bumps or other tricks on the sculpting of the joint to help them lock in place as well -- large dolls can be considerably heavy, so every little bit helps.

Miku on the left is a 60cm Dollfie Dream from the company Volks. She is made of vinyl, and has an internal plastic skeleton. She poses quite well, and vinyl is a pretty sturdy material. The doll on the right is a 68cm centaur by Studio Naiko named Moon, with a custom anime-style resin head on his neck by Natsuki BJD, an independent doll sculptor. I prefer anime-style dolls, so I just popped a different head on his giant body... the resin isn't a perfect match color-wise, but that's okay. He has a lot of tricks in his design that help him to stand despite the fact that he's heavy as a bowling ball. It's still... touch-and-go, though, admittedly. He's just so large... I could probably get his elastic tighter too, but I can only, physically, do so much on that front.

ACBJD is a good shop to get a look at what's available. Stacy's Pink Ocean, Jane's Doll Land, and BJDivas are other reputable doll dealers to look through as well (though if you're not in the US, that's fine! I can find a local dealer for you if you'd like.) Even if you don't plan to get anything, it's lovely to window-shop and observe.

>> No.44421861

I have a fascination with them. I doubt I'd want one even if I could. Seems more of a girl thing that you can tailor clothes for and dress up.
How tall is that centaur? Looks huge. I definitely like the size of them and how they get articulated fingers and other niceties.

>> No.44421883

Oh sorry I'm dumb, didn't see 68cm. Is there a sizeable market for these? Especially the more artsy ones like the Doll Chateau mentioned before, seem something you really need to have a taste for.
I did not even think about how their weight affects articulation. Interesting stuff.

>> No.44422296
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Some people make clothes for them, some paint their bodies or faces, some create props or dioramas for them -- a lot of different hobbies converge onto dolls as a sort of agent of expression for whatever they want to do. It's rather lovely. There are people who have operator dolls like this one, people who do cosplay with them, I personally use mine as photo props, and others just simply enjoy having them sit around and brightening their space.

As for the market, it's small but dedicated- a real cottage industry of small artists crafting goods by hand and selling them to others in tiny batches, everything from customized doll heads to one-off outfits to hand-made eyes and more. While there are some mass produced goods (cheap canvas shoes from aliexpress that everyone owns,) a vast majority of stuff in this hobby is made with care and delicate work by one or a small handful of people. It's why the bootlegging issue in this hobby is such a contentious one -- you can find these dolls on ebay, amazon, and the other mainstream webstores, and mostly every listing is a bootleg version of a doll made by taking the original work and pressing it into a mold to make a copy of it. Despite the high cost of these dolls, the profit margins are narrow because of the time and effort that goes into them, so especially when newly-released dolls get copied over, it cuts into their bottom line in a significant way. It is a delicate balance of trying to make art, make a living, and not be so expensive no one can afford your work -- and not all creators manage to keep afloat, unfortunately. It definitely does not help that a lot of dollmakers are good at making dolls, not websites, so their official websites look like they're hosted on angelfire circa 2001. (A lot of SEA websites tend to look like this, I've noticed, so it well could be a cultural thing for all I know.)

Talking about the bootleg issue in most spaces erupts into flame-wars pretty quickly, but I know how hard it can be to find information on these things from the outside looking in, and I know, as well, that biting the ankles of people who did start here with something they found on Aliexpress won't help matters, either. By and large, I'd rather people would ask questions and choose voluntarily to support artists than run them off by antagonizing them.

Overall though, it's a pleasant hobby. Incredibly creative people making cute, lovely things for dolls of all sizes, from the very small to the very large, just because they think it's fun to do so. I feel the world could stand a little more whimsy like that, so I'm happy when someone new takes an interest in dolls. Welcome to the thread, anon! And hello to /toy/ as well.

>> No.44422557

oh snap it's one of the new MDD bodies

>> No.44423165

do you treat your dolls as your daughters?

>> No.44423430
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>> No.44423871

Yes she is.

>> No.44424234
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>> No.44424285
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>> No.44424384

I enjoy painting and I'm definitely drawn to the artistry of it. Some of these look astonishingly good.
>they bootleg even these
Parasites know no shame. So this is why the dolls I've seen come with a certificate.

>> No.44424650

Your pallette is empty bitch

>> No.44426318

>realistic arthot experience

>> No.44426853
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Yeah, it's an unfortunate situation. The bootlegs have bootleg certificates, as well... it is an arm's race and unfortunately even the biggest companies in the hobby like Volks can't really do anything against someone with the resources and foothold of the guy with the sweatshop and the backing of the Chinese government as a "favored group" for being one of the largest factory-owners in his prefecture. Trying to win a copyright case against a mainland Chinese person in China is like trying to meaningfully change the pH of the ocean with your tears.

>> No.44427197

Technically this could be easily achieved by making use of customs agencies, you know, those entities that check whether imported goods are kosher or not. But the problem is that China basically owns us so they can do whatever they want.
All a maker can hope for is to ask customers to buy directly from them.

>> No.44427334
File: 101 KB, 1080x1216, 95715560_277555880186919_5781818725585851176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sizeable enough to be sustainable and have niche creators but not so large you'd see them often. There's even people making high end ceramic dolls.

>> No.44427666
File: 1.42 MB, 900x1350, peas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all might remember my tiny boy, Peas. I am still working to find eyes that fit in his dumb little head. We're going for some 4mm ones now, because there's no way the 6mm ones I just got in are going in there. Thoughts and prayers for the eyeless wonder.

>> No.44427971

This is shopped, right?

>> No.44428416

Godspeed on finding eyes for mister Peas, I'm a big fan of his little tiny arms/legs

>> No.44428737

probably the lighting levels were adjusted if you mean that, but otherwise, probably not. There are some people who can pull off some extremely realistic photos every once and awhile.

>> No.44428757

Flaxen is lottery for japan only? Now this is bullshit. Its the Alice and Lorina BS all over again. Has there been any news if volks USA is going to get them like the blackjack series or no?

>> No.44428997
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>> No.44429305

> bootleg
Does it actually matter though? People who willingly buy bootlegs aren't going to buy the official products, and the same goes for those who don't know any better. And if a creator offers a product that is easily copied without major losses in quality, maybe it was overpriced to begin with.

>> No.44429349

>And if a creator offers a product that is easily copied without major losses in quality, maybe it was overpriced to begin with.
Assuming this is in good faith, the difference is production resources and compensation, a large sweatshop with existing capital can produce much larger quantities at a lower cost, without development or sculpting work, than smaller artist operations making to order, doing all the overhead development, and paying everyone involved more than a few pennies for their work. Of course you're correct that there's not much point arguing with people who don't care about the difference and want to buy bootlegged goods, though.

>> No.44429371
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For people only interested in buying bootlegs, that's their choice. But for those who do so in error, some may not care, but others may prefer to know where to get them directly. At the end of the day, without the artists who take the time to create these dolls the hobby will die out, so I personally prefer to support the original creators where I can, whether it is the doll artists themselves, or the original creators of clothing, accessories, and props. I seek to help people make informed choices, whether it is to purchase a bootleg, or to support an original creator.

>> No.44429376

To add onto this, I also don't think there's a point in shunning or being mean to people who entered into the hobby via bootlegs. The morality of owning pretty things isn't that serious, a lot of people just don't know, and you're more likely to just push them away from possibly supporting the people who make these things in the first place if you bully them for it.

>> No.44429405
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Yes, this is my belief as well. While I strongly believe there is value in supporting original creators, I know I cannot impose those beliefs upon others, and harassing them for what is often an honest mistake (deliberately engineered by the bootleggers in the first place) will not accomplish anything. All I can hope is that through interacting with others in this hobby and seeing the effort and care which goes into sculpting and creating these pieces of movable art, others will also see the value in that work and choose to support it as well, to the extent which they are able. If not, that is unfortunate, but it is not something I can change. This is also why I am continually updating the Doll QnA in the OP -- there is no good directory of where to get doll things, and I am going to do my part to remedy that situation.

>> No.44429419

>without major losses in quality
see there's the catch
the bootlegs often are of noticeably lower quality, if you compare them side-by-side
which of course no one does because the people who buy originals won't buy bootlegs and the people who buy bootlegs likely can't afford originals

>> No.44429460

I'm very glad for the doc you keep updated, I've used it a few times and it's very helpful!

The funniest thing about bootlegs (recasted dolls in this case) is that sometimes you get bootlegs cast from other bootlegs and as you go down the line the features just get less distinct and the dolls keep getting smaller and smaller due to mold shrinkage so they look like a sadder, vaguer little sister of the real thing....

>> No.44429497

There is a very knowledeable and informed member of the Chinese doll community who posts informational submission from time to time who went over this exact topic once. I know tumblr links are a bit silly to post here of all places, but it's quite an interesting read.

Spoilered because the link has Mandarin in it, which has made it absurdly long.

>> No.44429505 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 750x550, b_i_ss_nothead_noprint_001_03.c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow AP continues to suck at announcing products
btw guys there's a new AP base body (Type I)
first run went on sale 9 days ago and is sold out
product photo censored for blue board

>> No.44429529

Aw damn, I want one.

>> No.44429565

if they end up releasing a doll with that body and a type M head in whitey, I probably won't be able to help myself

>> No.44429608
File: 715 KB, 2048x1536, F2wxNOSagAAAHDg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the economies of scale, but as consumers we shouldn't just blindly give creators a free pass simply because they are a small operation. Offer something high quality, or unique that again isn't easily copied. Patagonia comes to mind if you need a mainstream example.

> deliberately engineered by the bootleggers
Harassing is not good in any context. Although I might be more sympathetic if BJDs were more mainstream, but this hobby isn't some mom buying a barbie for their kid. Plenty of guides out there and it's not too hard to spot bootlegs if this isn't your first time on the internet. If it's too good to be true adage has been around for a long time.

Exactly, so it shouldn't matter much in the end. People who don't care about quality won't buy the original. This whole bootleg thing is overblown especially in this niche doll space where copies are of noticeably lower quality, and there are unavoidable labor/time costs.

>> No.44429940

yes. I feel embarrassed that I do because I'm a grown woman, but it makes me happy at the same time. I even got back into lolita so I could look cute with them

>> No.44429953
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Honestly anon I think that's really cool.

>> No.44429974

God that hip piece is a work of art.

>> No.44429978

I can't stop looking at the tummy. I've developed a thing for tummy lately. Praying for a restock...

>> No.44431068

tsubasacon is drawing close, who all wants to meet up

>> No.44431367
File: 218 KB, 1600x1145, IMGP1667e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can make it, when is it gonna be this year? I can certainly try.

>> No.44432280
File: 94 KB, 898x1198, 1622324176446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you find your way into the hobby, anons?

>> No.44432473

I must not lust after dolls.
I must not lust after dolls.
I must not lust after dolls.
I must not lust after dolls.
I must not lust after dolls.

>> No.44432495

I was really into following figure photography accounts on instagram in 2016-ish, and one day I randomly came across Orchid Dolls' photos and instantly was captivated by her custom MOMO, spent a couple months thinking I'd just enjoy the photos, and then spiralled down a rabbithole of doll accounts.......

>> No.44432579

>And if a creator offers a product that is easily copied without major losses in quality, maybe it was overpriced to begin with.
That's not how it works. When you buy a piece from a creator, be it a doll, a figure, or even things like weird unique gadgets, you're not just paying for the cost of labor and production, but also the engineering and sculpting, and all of that backend shit. Even if quality was the same, a bootleg would be cheaper because they aren't paying for that work, and in that regard, it's near impossible to compete with bootlegs on price.

>> No.44432750
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>> No.44432967
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why, dolls are cute

>> No.44433107

don't feel embarassed anon, If I had one I'd probably do the same thing

>> No.44435458
File: 882 KB, 2547x3252, 2B8F6682-2423-4C30-B738-E463E156F6A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently added some simple earrings to one of my boys, he’s on the cheaper side compared to my others so I don’t feel quite as bad fucking with his appearance

>> No.44436028

He's very pretty anon, what is he? I enjoy piercing my doll's ears, even if I know that will devalue them in the eyes of others, I enjoy the look.

>> No.44436846
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>> No.44437251
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goat gun seems to work ok for mmds, need to find some good options for 1/6 scale

>> No.44437268

I squarely blame Rozen Maiden for my doll awakening.

>> No.44437446
File: 532 KB, 1440x1565, 20230827_045627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute girls, dolls are cute and I can make my own girl. also the plain doll from bloodborne + ball joints are a bonus moe point

>> No.44440263

Those are some wonky legs.

>> No.44441460

I have inappropriate romantic feelings for dolls. Just brushing my dolls hair makes my heart feel weak

>> No.44441515

I think I saw a girl holding one in a very old Fruits issue I got from Barns & Noble in the late 2000's. Then I came across the Japanology doc in college and my dream became to own one eventually. Finally made my dreams come true after working for a few years. Probably one of the longest goals I've had that I actually achieved.

>> No.44441616
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>wait, weren't dools supposed to look creepy? This isn't creepy

>> No.44442169
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>> No.44443049

I’m glad I’m not the only one.

>> No.44443337

he’s a resinsoul apollo, his posing is not great, but I still love him lol

>> No.44443890

They're almost worse than Volks for releases and have to hunt yahoo auctions for scalper prices. I wanted their tentacle sets...

>> No.44444428 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44444686

Yeah this.

>> No.44444806

> blame Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden was the first step, but it wasn't until /jp eventually broke me after a several years into actually wanting one.

>> No.44445433
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, nanairotentou_-1695621915174662207-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh boy I have a (you), I wonder wh-

>> No.44446107

Seeing this picture reminds me… does anyone know where I can get cute stands?

>> No.44446263
File: 572 KB, 1554x1944, Screenshot 2023-08-27 181827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$230 for this dress
>3 of them made
>sell out in less than a minute
Dollfags are a different level.

>> No.44446301

Clearly the point here is that if one were to learn to sew, they could make a bundle

>> No.44446316

>ZBrush/3D printing
>Air Brushing
Guess I need to add sewing to my list of hobbies

>> No.44446382

Apparently, I'm not disparaging the creator, she obviously knows what she can get and does. I'm just a little flabbergasted by how quick they went at that price.

>> No.44446393

What site?

>> No.44446429

Okay where can I get that wig?

>> No.44446457

Wish Danny shoe boy would bring back the pretty and non woke girls. Damn.

>> No.44446468

Etsy, the seller is Darling Clover.

>> No.44446619

>Guess I need to add sewing to my list of hobbies
That's how I felt when I first found this thread a few weeks ago. I just want to get a doll or two and make a fuckton of clothes for them.

>> No.44446833

I’m getting a smart doll soon!! Are those allowed here?

>> No.44446837

Anyone else stock AP girls aside from Faithz? I... need that body. I need it bad.

>> No.44447026
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Yes, of course! Danny Choo might be how he is, but the dolls are quite nice in my experience, with pros and cons similar to other vinyl dolls. Who are you getting anon?

>> No.44447038

Manda stocks AP products, that body is out of stock right now but I assume they'll be back again eventually. They've only sold the unblushed body so far so maybe the next time it's up it'll have more skin tones or blushing available

>> No.44447092
File: 63 KB, 500x688, 9C387D18-531F-49F9-BBDA-76F8FE5A5A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A milk body and a trident head, I plan to dye her dark blue

>> No.44447190

How fun! Good luck to you, I've seen great success and hard luck when it comes to dying. I hope it works great and I hope you share her with us!

>> No.44447354
File: 1.77 MB, 1515x1922, IMGP9028 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've read, i-Dye Poly works better than RIT Dyemore for vinyl, but YMMV on that front -- and anyway, make sure it's the synthetic dye and you don't use a copper vessel, it can react and make colors weird. All the best anon, I can't wait to see your results. (Also, dye her darker than you want, the color WILL lighten in the coming weeks. This is normal.) Joints tend to be the hardest part to recolor as well, it's 30/30/30 that they either won't take dye, take dye weird, or get super dark super fast. I have a few dyed dolls that have held up well... and some secondhand project dolls that have been spraypainted to hide the problems. Krylon Fusion works well but the texture isn't great.

>> No.44447361

I'm always impressed when I see a dyed vinyl doll with matching joints, usually they're way lighter which makes sense being less porous hard plastic but sometimes they just get way darker which I don't get at all...black magic....

>> No.44447845

Which one do you want...

>> No.44448863

It's not my personal style but the craftmanship for 1/3 doll clothes (assuming that's the size) is outstanding.

>> No.44449136
File: 85 KB, 894x868, 2EDC6A17-CC1D-421C-8E0B-561969D3AF8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve dyed playline dolls and one of those cheep Chinese dolls before, so hopefully this comes out pretty well I bought a smart doll set, so I can tell you all the pieces and joints individually

Do you know how to dye a resin 3-d printed head? Can I just use the polyester dye?

>> No.44449193

An Sd volks dollfie

>> No.44453453

Yeah, resin should take dyes for synthetics just fine, but as always ymmv!

>> No.44454682
File: 978 KB, 2048x1365, F1tLAQcaMAEF4rY.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever take your doll out and let her socialize with other dolls?

>> No.44454869

Wrong kind of dolls in that photo, largely, but yes, if I have the opportunity. I have some photos from a meetup with a friend I really need to edit through.

>> No.44455839

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'm getting ready to finally buy a sex doll. Is there a recommended site to buy one? I want a shortstack one

>> No.44455878

You are looking for /ona

>> No.44456086

Dead thread anon, he wants this one
Irokebijins have small 90cm body models with big tits that are only about 700 bucks, if you're in the US the doll channel is a solid vendor

>> No.44457162
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>> No.44458407
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>> No.44458440
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>> No.44458449

I want this doll, I want her eyes, I want her outfit, I want her accessories... she's so pretty, holy shit.

>> No.44458460
File: 350 KB, 1365x2048, 1690653590050947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really sexy, while still looking incredibly refined. Here's her twin, and her owner's twitter.

>> No.44461112
File: 157 KB, 800x800, volks-dollfie-dream-treatment-spray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wigs arrived. Now it's time to style them without having any idea of what I'm doing. I also bought this, without having any idea of how to use it.

>> No.44461510

spray a small amount of that stuff on any tangled areas of the wig. Don't apply too much. Brush gently with a baby toothbrush (the ones labeled "very soft" or "softest") starting from the bottom of the wig and working your way upwards to remove tangles.

Don't be alarmed if you lose some hairs. Wigs will always shed a bit. Caring for them gently will minimize this.

>> No.44461614
File: 2.39 MB, 810x1440, Gold Coin+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my hands on a gold coin, and since the goldenrod has started to bloom I thought it was a perfect time to take a pics with the most precious thing I own.

>> No.44461625
File: 1.80 MB, 1440x810, Gold in the Goldenrod+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and the gold coin too, I guess.

>> No.44461647
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x810, Dubloon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's one without the color touch up (it was really sunny & washed out the colors a bit on my ancient camera)

>> No.44462278

Cute dolly.

>> No.44462459

I see, so I shouldn't need it until anything tangles. Thank you.
And maybe not for these wigs but I also need to learn what to use as hair gel as one of my other doll's side bangs are coming undone. Actually I think there was a hair care guide posted often here on the OP, I'll look it up.

>> No.44464137

Very precious doll indeed, I like the way she smiles. How did you get the coin? Is it just something you bought because you wanted one or some kind of investment?

>> No.44464309

She got cOin.

>> No.44464829
File: 2.65 MB, 1567x1080, Yotsubacoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of column A, a bit of column B. I have some silver pics too. I posted this one here before, I think.

>> No.44464835

She’s soooooooooooo, cutttteeee

>> No.44464846

I always love seeing your posts, anon, thanks for dropping by. Very nice coin as well, my father was a numismatist and he woulda got a kick out of this photo.

>> No.44465416

So doll meet at tsubasacon or would I be wasting my time in going?

>> No.44465677

She's a smol Obitsu, right? I've got one similar to her but with a brown dress.

>> No.44465713

Wow what can't she hold?

>> No.44465763

No promises yet because it's so far out, but I'd like to go if I can. What day would you want to meet up? Saturday is by far the busiest in my experience, but I haven't been since it was hosted in Morgantown.

>> No.44465931

Yep. She's from the Sugar Cups line, which is by far my favorite for 1/12th scale dolls. Here's a site with all of them in case you want to look through them: https://www.dollyinsider.com/sugar-cups-release-list/
Ducklings. I hatched a few & wanted to take a picture with them & her. I now fully understand why people complain about working with animals.

>> No.44465959

sprinkle grain or other duck treats on the ground around her and then just put her in the middle, it helps.

>> No.44467100
File: 1.71 MB, 1404x2312, 1611664068454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44467740

Dolls don't need breasts.

>> No.44468022
File: 2.42 MB, 2465x3689, IMGP0687.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new camera who this

october 6-8
damn that's really close, how the time flies
and you were even the one who got me to go lol

yeah dunno what's up there, the shins & forearms don't look like stock AP/Obitsu but the product description says they are

>> No.44468034
File: 1.18 MB, 1838x2751, IMGP0680.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no new Yuzu pics because I split the only three other outfits she can wear between these two

>> No.44468334

quick run down on dolls with a nice tactile feel for jerking off with or to use as like a fidget toy? i'm new to this, only jerked off with a barbie doll one time a year ago. the soft torso on the obitsu doll seems awesome but i would want soft legs too. it doesn't have to be fully articulated. the articulated barbie doll is underpriced right now in my country for under $10, i was thinking of reselling a few and keeping one, but i'm curious about dolls with softer legs, especially if there are budget friendly options at maybe less than $50 or $100 for a really nice body without head/clothes (i have no idea about prices).


>> No.44468345
File: 1.08 MB, 853x1280, 1542476293984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread, go to >>44409003 whenever it gets remade.

>> No.44468352

is that thread for barbie size dolls too? not sex dolls that can take dick

>> No.44468358

It is for dolls of a sexual nature in general.

>> No.44470613

>he doesn't know about the doll milk
Dolls don't need eyes either but have them so that they too can witness the suffering of humanity

>> No.44471758
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>> No.44472667

If I'm going, it'll probably just be a day pass for Saturday. I've never been before so idk where people would meet.

>> No.44472942

Elle's hairstyle is quite elaborate, good job.
I think the dark shorts are a bit weird under the see-through babydoll on the other AP. Maybe if it was an outdoor pic with a sunny beach, I'd be okay with it but indoor... Anyway, dress them how you like.

>> No.44473009

I love this doll so much

>> No.44473015

Also this doll

>> No.44475076

I... I think I am in love.

>> No.44476034
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Does anyone know the maker of these eyes? Tineye and Google Lens have both failed me. I suspect they're custom-made for this specific doll.

>> No.44476288

where the fuck can I get a squirtgun like that I am dying here

>> No.44476317

his name isn't coming to me at this moment...but the eyes are hand painted. He has only sold a handful. I've never seen them come up for sale on YJA (and if they did...it would probably be a battle)
If I remember, I will post in the thread the name.

>> No.44476341
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A friend was passing me some links and now I'm curious. Why are they so cheap? I know getting the dress as well is an extra $100 but still. What's the catch?

>> No.44476449
File: 222 KB, 1078x1874, Screenshot_20230831_121253_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothertiti on Instagram. I don't know much about his commision methods so you'll have to do some digging.

>> No.44476455

Probably because of the simple fact that they're produced in China. Lower manufacturing costs = lower prices for consumers. From video reviews, it looks like they basically have no torso articulation so having a more basic body could also be factored into that price.

>> No.44477358
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>> No.44477434
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they are worse, they're much smaller than Volks
I don't know what their production numbers are obviously but I wouldn't be surprised if many of their product runs were less than 50 items

>shooting with the hood in stowed position

your best bet for buying AP stuff is learning a bit of Japanese and using a mail forwarder
proxy buying services are too slow, hot AP items can go super fast (sold out in less than 2 days)
be warned that the official AP site only accepts cash-on-delivery, so you need to use a service that can handle that

I did buy a sewing machine but I haven't had time to actually get into sewing doll clothes
made a few socks and that's it
need to take more time off work…

always nice to see your doll anon
>ancient camera
what you got?

I'm up for all weekend, but idk who else would show up and for how long
I need to exercise my new camera a bit so I'll at least have that if I'm on my own
>so far out
it's just over a month…

>Elle's hairstyle is quite elaborate, good job.
it took like two hours to do lmao
the wig looks fine when down but it turns out it's actually quite lopsided
right side is quite sparse compare to left side, but left has a bunch of shorter hairs near the front
>dark shorts are a bit weird under the see-through babydoll
yeah I agree actually
would have been better with a shorter-length more opaque white top (which I don't have)
was just throwing something together because she's been in the uhhh other outfit for months due to lack of time
I'm also starting to realize I need a better lighting setup (picrel, earlier two pics were with indirect natural light)

>> No.44478331

The wigs I ordered are a bit too big for my 5" doll head. Would it be a good idea to "pinch" and sew together the extra cap material?

>> No.44478711

Mine was assembled from parts chosen from Parabox dolls. I think she's the right size to wear clothes scaled for nendoroids or for Kotobukiya's Cupoche figures.

>> No.44478765
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I just received this. (not sure if that count as an actual doll)

>> No.44478809
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>> No.44479228

How many straight, well-adjusted dudes dwell ITT? How do you justify having a 70cm doll to other people? Do you hide it in your closet?
Legitimately asking.

>> No.44479509

I agree.
70 cm is too small for my dick.

>> No.44479613

I think it counts

assuming I count, I don't have to justify a 70cm (I only have 45 and 48)

>> No.44479657

I mean a dude who doesn't crossdress and other things like that. Has anyone seen your dolls? Would you be comfortable taking a grown woman to your living room / your doll dungeon?

>> No.44479702

that's a pretty low bar anon, I think you've been here too long

>> No.44479767

I just want to know what to tell normies when I'll buy mine with my next paycheck. Please understand

>> No.44479856

I'm straight, well adjusted man and have been married for close to 10 years. I don't go out of my way to tell people about my dolls, but I don't hide them either. They're on a shelf in my office in whatever outfit they're in for the month, and if people ask about hobbies I just tell them I like miniatures. My wife was weird about it at first because she thought it was a sex thing, once she saw it wasn't, she's been fine with it.

>> No.44479924

Maybe there's hope for me. I don't even wanna get married.

>> No.44480253
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Huh this was an unexpected problem. The Parabox head for 24cm bodies doesn't fit the Obitsu24 peg

>> No.44480346

I think there's a detachable adapter cap with a screw that you can use to fasten the head, or you just push it to lock on the rib at the lower part of the peg.

>> No.44480376

I've already taken off the cap and screw. Unless I can make that peg go through the hole, I can't fasten the head at all (and even if the screw was longer, then the full lengthh of the neck and a bit of the peg would be visible).
I have some small craft files. I wonder if I should just carefully sand down the hole open.

>> No.44480625
File: 334 KB, 2048x1473, temi0412-1697191557278122100-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out of money and food... I have to do the unthinkable

>> No.44480675

>uwah! what are we going to do on the stove?

>> No.44481190

I keep them in my bedroom, and I generally don't have people coming through there. My friends know I'm a weirdo(they are too), they just don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.44481591

Straight with a long term girlfriend that I plan to tie the knot with in a year or so. What everyone else has been saying is it. I don't hide it from others, but I don't go out of my way to discuss it, either. If there's someone I really care to not have see my doll, I just put her in a private room or somewhere that guests will not be. I've been very fortunate that my girlfriend has been very accepting of my hobby from the start. She's even shown interest in engaging in the hobby with me and we have plans to eventually do custom dolls of each other.

TL:DR Some people will be fine with it, others will not. Pick who you want to have in your life.

>> No.44481822

Congrats, I've always liked the aeesthetic of the Parfom/Pardoll line and Alice in wonderland is always a cute theme

>> No.44483203


>> No.44484036

Hey Narmaya guy from earlier in the thread. After more research I found the doll I posted the link to can be customized fully from the specific height and I can order multiple heads.

Since I have coomer brain rot, could you guys help me pick a head that best matches narmaya? Hate to ask but nowhere else really

>> No.44485524
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Poor dolls having to go back to school...

>> No.44485681

Where do you get scale furniture like that? I want to do cute photos like that.

Also, I really love your doll. She's super cute.

>> No.44485712

Alas she's not mine anon, she's a popular /jp/ doll, though her owner eludes me at this time. As for furniture, it can be a struggle to find things for 60cm scale. Some 18" doll pieces can work, but your best bet is to search for vintage "salesman's samples" of furniture at antique stores and online. Some companies and creators also make things specifically for dolls, but they can range from "somewhat expensive" to "absurd" (Volks' couches can cost north of $500.) In all cases, shipping such large items is never cheap, unfortunately. The best advice I can give is keep an eye out and see what you can repurpose!

>> No.44485737
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dizco_san on twixxer

>> No.44486432
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>> No.44487067

this has no right to be this sexy

>> No.44487816

>Volks' couches can cost north of $500.
lmao I paid that much for a real couch

>> No.44487914

My doll's clothes are worth like 10 times more than mine...

>> No.44488079


>> No.44488092

must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls must not lust after dolls

>> No.44488261
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>> No.44488405

Is that it? Is a doll the ultimate waifu? The 3D with no PD? The Holy Grail?

>> No.44488809

How long do the DollChateau dolls stay in catalog? I wanna save up for one model but it's gonna take forever.
I also wonder if they accept a few custom specifics, I imagine they do for a kidney or two

>> No.44489087

Forfeit material possessions to dolls

>> No.44490751

It depends on the doll, some don't disappear and others are limited order. What do you have in mind?

>> No.44491765

Turns out I didn't need to sand off any material. Just inserting the conical file forced the hole open enough for the peg to pass through.

>> No.44492081

How can you not when she's all ready to go

>> No.44492316

Hey bros, seems a lot cheaper to buy stuff from Volks Japan because of the state of the Yen right now. I’d like to get another body, has anyone had any issues ordering from Volks JP with an American address?

>> No.44492367

It just takes a bit for them to actually ship it out. Other than that no problems ordering outside of Japan.

>> No.44492454
File: 809 KB, 2488x4096, media_FgYGJh8aAAAG1o6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have checked that twitter
this doll is unacceptably sexy

>> No.44492561

>What do you have in mind?
Gladys. Probably halfway into next year, assuming I do cave in and commit to spending the ridiculous amount.

>> No.44492600

If it helps, BJDivas and other authorized dealers do layaway plans that can help you pay her off over time.

>> No.44492647

God I knew I had issues, but this is reawakening feelings I forgot I had. The doll lust is real.

>> No.44492664

Nah I am principled against paying in installments unless strictly necessary, especially for leisure related things; and I'd like to order directly from the makers.
I've taken a look around the catalogs of the other doll makers in the OP but they don't even compare to DollChateau for me. I'm in awe with the things they make. Gladys in particular reminds me of the cool Jim Henson stuff I was in love with as a kid.

>> No.44492790

Cool, any super increased costs?

>> No.44493668
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Sorry anon

>> No.44493761
File: 126 KB, 1080x1350, 219644581_564866051308301_2103668551043097635_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally found pictures of Gladys in the wild.

>> No.44493769
File: 154 KB, 1080x1350, 332183678_122485084103739_4920041751562358602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. Can you guess if this would be white or pink? Are the colors somewhat standard?

>> No.44494038
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>> No.44496159
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>> No.44498039
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>> No.44501927

So are you supposed to give a name to your doll? How and why did you choose the name you gave her? Do you talk to the doll while you're alone with it? How do you deal with having favorites in your collection? Are you even supposed to have "the one" doll? Is it disrespectful to the other dolls? Do you worry about the dolls' feelings about this?

>> No.44502007

Yeah, most people do give their dolls names separate from their model names. I like giving names to them, most of the time they just come up when I imagine the intended aesthetic I have for a doll. Something that I really enjoy is when people also just ask for name suggestions here, it's fun to see what people come up with so feel free to ask here! Sometimes I'm planning to make a doll of an existing character I have so the name is spoken for before she arrives, though. I do sometimes talk to them but mostly just like muttering things like "you're so cute" while I tidy their hair up. As for favourites, I think that's natural to have them. In my head I kind of just imagine that each of them is friends with another doll so even if they're not my favourite they have their own friend and they're each others' favourites.

>> No.44502232

A lot of people give their dolls names. I came up with mine based on what kind of style I wanted the doll to have, and one is an established character that I made my own custom doll. I don't talk with them outside of muttered 'so cute' and 'damnit work with me' when I'm dressing them/posing them. I don't deal with having a favorite, because it's so blatant who the favorite is, but everyone gets equal attention anyway.

>> No.44502356
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>> No.44502371

which two bodies are these?

>> No.44502378

Not sure

>> No.44502429

This is such a soulful hobby. I started off from /toy/ stuff not long ago but I felt something was missing. What I was looking for was a BJD that I could make really mine. I don't know if I'll be able to afford what I want because I'm completely broke, but that sliver of hope is already doing good to me. I even started writing a novel with a similar theme and I had this sudden realization like all these puzzle pieces feel together.

>> No.44502461

Whats up retards.
I've seen some japs on twitter with the new mdd body, and some of them don't seem that happy. What do you guys think

>> No.44502476

I'm literally going to put a gemstone on my doll's head and that's gonna be the soul, but I need to adquire both first

>> No.44502524

Your own soul, anon? The ultimate gift so that she'll live on??

>> No.44502610

Did I get the wrong account? I've checked the entire account and haven't seen a single doll photo.

>> No.44502678

it's dizsco_san_doll
duckduckgo helped me reach this fountain of degeneracy

>> No.44502693


>> No.44502702

My one doll came with name and surname, Yaesaka Shino, which is technically just the name of the face since they've used it for different hairs and eyes. But since I didn't change anything at all about her, not even the hairstyle, I decided to respect it. She can be Shino forever.
I'm in the middle of building another very pink one and I think I'll name her Himegami Yui. Himegami because her face is a "petit hime" model and Yui because I like it as a cutesy name probably because for a short while I was kind of obsessed with Ogura Yui.

>> No.44502745

So it's not uncommon to build dolls after your OCs? I have this one character I really love and I'm thinking about blending her with the sculpt I'll get

>> No.44502820 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1200, if i pull that off, will you die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting a soul stone on your doll's head
don't do it anon
okay I googled it and it's the space stone, damn it

>> No.44502944

Does anyone know what doll this is?

>> No.44503050

Looks like a Dolfie

>> No.44503734

It's a Dollfie Dream with an L chest. It's not a custom body or anything, the leg is popped out of the joint to get that pose.

>> No.44503778

It's very common to build OC dolls. It's one of the major drives of this hobby. There's literally no limit to what kind of doll you want to have (as long as you can pay for it/make it)

>> No.44503861
File: 85 KB, 1000x866, 3dfa53fec8cd648be8b8f86dcc6ebf66-2459653102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as you can pay for it
I'll probably die without ever realizing this dream
but maybe that's a good thing because I wouldn't want to bring a doll into my miserable penniless life

>> No.44503863
File: 1.35 MB, 1400x1711, IMG_6102 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't heard anything about them yet, but I'm curious what the Japanese side of the hobby is talking about with them.

I think that's beautiful anon. If you want to get the gem inset in her forehead, maybe save up and talk to Koala Krash about a custom faceup? She's willing to do all kinds of weird things, pic related. I never thought I could participate in this hobby due to the cost, but over time, I was able to make that dream come true. I am sure that you will be able to do it one day as well. Good luck!

I try to name them all! It can take time, though, to come up with a name. A lot of my dolls I pick up second-hand, and if they come with a name, I tend to keep it! Picrel is Dorothy, and I felt her name was too perfect to change when I adopted her.

>> No.44503907

That's a beautiful doll, anon. Can you actually braid her hair or do you need a premade wig for it? I'd really love to braid the hair of a doll, I love braids.

>> No.44503998

You can braid doll hair! I personally can't braid doll hair because I am too stupid to follow patterns, but many other people do their own wig styling.

>> No.44504003

MDD f3 & f3v2
>Comparison because I got my hands on the new MDD body (on the right)
>On the topic of range-of-movement, like the old body it moves like it has an external frame [? idk]. But aside from the crotch area, the skin molding is a downgrade.

oh shit sorry, I didn't have the _doll on the folder name

>> No.44504004

I once made a pendant for a girl with Tiger's Eye. It's a beautiful gem althogh it's inexpensive.

>> No.44504011

I think external frame means third-party parts meant to give larger range of motion.

Tiger's Eye is a lovely stone!

>> No.44504063

>third-party parts
that would make sense, just not what I would expect 外部フレーム to mean
probably japanese doll twitter lingo idk

>> No.44504114

There are a handful of female names I find very beautiful, I choose randomly from that pool.
I don't deal with it, there's nothing I can do about it. My best bet is to just make sure that nobody gets neglected.
I don't think so as long as they still get their due attention and respect.
No, I'm a psychopath.

>> No.44504166

>I never thought I could participate in this hobby due to the cost, but over time, I was able to make that dream come true. I am sure that you will be able to do it one day as well. Good luck!
This gives me some hope. TY anon

>> No.44505291

I name them after the feeling they give me if that makes any sense. I try to make sure they fit

>> No.44506545
File: 497 KB, 1366x2048, 1000053891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the dresses of this brand, but they are so fucking expensive

I don't know dude, I wouldn't want to give my dolls horny names

>> No.44506614

New Thread

>> No.44509025

I want to fuck a doll anon
