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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4432788 No.4432788 [Reply] [Original]

/a/ here. I laugh at you.

>> No.4432793

/jp/ here, we don't care

>> No.4432802

This is 30% of the front page.

>> No.4432807

Which would explain why I've just seen 4 threads in a row about this change.

Nice one you silly fags.

>> No.4432826

Because Animu & Mango is so much better right? Dumbass.

>> No.4432827

Retards from /a/ made them, just like this one.

>> No.4432832
File: 182 KB, 732x706, 1219518114747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm sure the whole of /jp/ suddenly decided to make a thread about this at the same time. And it's not a bunch of cunts on a shitpost bandwagon.

>> No.4432833

Yes. It's awesome.

>> No.4432835
File: 80 KB, 686x1135, 1266675765384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because of you /a/ kiddies come here thinking you are epically trolling us or something
now go watch naruto, kid. the adults are discussing our custom spoiler tag

>> No.4432855

>animu and mango is so randumb just liek me xD ^____^

>> No.4432879

moot said, he doesn´t even think about /jp/ unless he´s spending time on /a/, how does that makes you feel?

>> No.4432878

This is so accurate it hurts. Nice one, tripfag.

>> No.4432877

Yes, I'm a yaoi fangirl, what do you expect?

>> No.4432897

nothing new on that.

>> No.4432900

>now go watch naruto, kid
and that comes from probably the most shittiest tripfag on /jp/?

>> No.4432901


Go back to /a/, tool.

>> No.4432908

You to back to Gaia.

>> No.4432910
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, 1266281970505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is codnsidered god tier on /a/
you know what they say
"in the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

>> No.4432912

>You to back
Sure, I'll listen to someone who writes like that.

>> No.4432917


That is a troll list and you know it.

>> No.4432926


God Tier Taiga, gee I sure wonder why I don't go to /a/ anymore

>> No.4432933

>Otaku Culture
>Don't dicuss anime

>> No.4432949

wow suigin, just... wow.

>> No.4432955

Just back to Gaia where you. What so difficult to?

>> No.4432968

Whatever. I was planning on visiting anyway.

>> No.4432973

What happened I only just woke up, someone piss in moot's cherios? I mean, new board title and custom spoiler image? Why are we getting this shit?

>> No.4432974
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>> No.4432983 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming AɳoɳTa|k.com with your stupid shit.

>> No.4433002

Why not?

>> No.4433004


There was a sticky last night concerning another possible split of /a/. People mentioned /jp/ when moderation came up and what would most likely happen if another split occurred.

>> No.4433022


Right but why the custom spoiler image? I mean I get the title change but the spoilers seem a bit weird, particularly with moot's "I'm bending over backwards for you" attitude coupled with his "I fucking hate /jp/ attitude". Wouldn't /v/ or ANY other board get shit like this first?

>> No.4433028

At least we culture.

You don't have anythng, but a fucking Hinako(Hinato? I forgot slut's name).

>> No.4433035

Never heard of her.

>> No.4433038

/a/ and /v/ already have them.

>> No.4433060


/v/ got it first. /a/ whined, and then got one right afterward several months back.

>> No.4433068


Read the sticky, as it's probably mentioned there.

>> No.4433070

2-3 days ago /a/'s title was changed to "/a/ anime and manga fucking Hinako". right after some anons begged m00t to change title to "/a/ anime and manga with hinako". /a/nons were not amused.

>> No.4433075

That redhead has too much power.

>> No.4433087

srsly, who cares?

everyone enjoy absolute freedom in 4chan , wt does moot think about us is not important.....

Also, there's no way moot would close this board/jp/ bcoz he created this to kick off some retards in /a/. it's nonsense to close it , /a/tards will get raged

p.s.im not a native english speaker

>> No.4433154

It was changed to "Anime and Manga fuck Hinako".
And for the most part, most /a/nons were actually happy with that. Only those that did not know about what Hinako was were perturbed, those are people whoose opinions I have no regard for.
