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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44245171 No.44245171 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone IRL know that you enjoy and play Touhou? How has it affected you? If not, how would it affect you?

>> No.44245207

I forced my cousin to play EoSD and I think I told my mom about it once or twice, though she doesn't care for my video games in the slightest (But does at least care about internet affairs, since she was pretty sad yesterday that one of her memes was stolen). I hope he [cousin] comes back in a few months with a newfound interest in 2hu.

>> No.44245272 [DELETED] 

Yeah my friends know that i enjoy it but they don't really give a shit (except for 2, they're kinda interested in it, hell one of them even drew porn of suika as gift fot my birthday)

>> No.44245455

I shared my Touhou interest with my siblings, mostly with fangames. My sister got into it for a while at some point.
I also have a friend who I can talk about Touhou with because he's a weeb gamer and interested in lore and stuff, despite being relatively normal and not some secluded NEET. He likes music too so I guess that hooked him.

>> No.44245496

my little bro knows, he walked in on me playing EOSD lunatic, went WTF and bailed.

>> No.44245597

I had a Chinese peer at my high school who recognized U.N Owen was Her and Beloved Tomboy when I was whistling them

We talked about 2hu briefly

>> No.44245628

The only people I interact with are my parents, and I doubt they even know what Touhou is.

>> No.44245694

This, we misanthropes are voluntary creeps anyways

>> No.44245744
File: 2.72 MB, 1234x1696, Avatar Shou by kyogoku uru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend and I BOTH are into Touhou. We'd have spirited powerlevel discussions, and I even cameo'd some of the more powerful touhous in a little aside pseudo-quest tourney in a TTRPG I was running for him and another person. Good times.
Admittedly, we're both TRASH at the actual games, although he has at least some skill in the fighters. But we also both got our starts with doujins.
We still share cool pics we find around the net with each other, though. Tigers for him, flowers for me.

>> No.44245755

>How has it affected you?
It barely does anything, if at all. I love anime and video games but it isn't apparent to anyone in real life or on the internet in the slightest. Its always extremely surprising to people when I tell them I like anime, probably because I normally come off as serious and tough (In a "good" way).

>> No.44245772

I wish I came off as serious and tough

>> No.44245785

Everytime I've tried recommending it to friends in the past they seem skeeved out by the series despite being into similar franchises of "Large female cast partaking in magical activities". No idea what their issue was. My mom knows what characters I like at least and likes the music, it's kind of sweet. Thanks mom.

>> No.44245924

I'm a huge Cirno fan and dream of her ballbusting me, I haven't told anyone in real life about this

>> No.44245948

I am a voluntary weirdo but not a misanthrope.

>> No.44246203

I tried to get a girl I was friends with in middle school into Touhou and planned on showing her the IOSYS MVs so she got interested and then recommending the games but she didn't care about the videos and watched Brothers Conflict instead. That was the last time I had a friend so I never got to share Touhou with anyone else.

>> No.44246211

>girl I was friends with in middle school
>That was the last time I had a friend

>> No.44246263

That was embarassing. I never showed anything Touhou-related to anyone who doesn't know what it is. Even I do my best tone down my urge to a friend who does know, because I don't want it to end up annoying him.
The closest I did was playing Touhou games and music in public, on rare occassions.

>> No.44246274

I got my little sister into Touhou. She plays the fighting games for me as I suck in these, and I read the mangas and printworks for her, as she doesn't speak English, and even her birthday party last year was Touhou-themed. I have tried getting my friends into Touhou but they're a difficult bunch to get interested in anything, but I still won't give up.

>> No.44246275

I dont hace any friends in real life because im shit at interacting with people, and most of the time i can only say "hi how are you" and "bye" to them, because i have no topics to talk about.
You anons are my only friends.

>> No.44246397

>That was the last time I had a friend
It doesn't have to be. Look at the anons ITT

>> No.44246593

I've never encountered another Touhou fan in my life. Never had friends in my entire life, so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.44246624

My mother thinks it's a devil game

>> No.44246627
File: 60 KB, 800x800, 1663557149118978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be friends with each other right now

>> No.44246647

Kill yourself, gyateposter.

>> No.44246682

Is she necessarily wrong?

>> No.44246732

In my defense I wouldn't show Touhou to anyone unless I thought they would like it and I assumed most anime fans would.
>Even I do my best tone down my urge to a friend who does know, because I don't want it to end up annoying him.
You should take advantage of having someone who knows what Touhou is. You're missing a golden opportunity to share it with someone in real life because you're embarrassed.
/jp/ anons are my only friends...

>> No.44246747

Why do you hate gyates and why are you being rude to me?

>> No.44246765

I wish I had friends to talk about Touhou with.

>> No.44246802

Rudeness is an easier form of communication than kindness.

>> No.44246877

Eh, haven't really went out of my way to tell anyone, especially since I'm a little shy, and most fellow weebs are either much younger and/or prefer other stuff anyway. Still I'm not hiding it though, pic related is my phone wallpaper and I also played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdm0hUMOkXg
when I was taking guitar lessons, although it came out a little sloppy.

>> No.44246892
File: 507 KB, 1362x1778, __komeiji_koishi_and_komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_bisukyuwi__5e978e2e0096263809ed641270a495f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic sorry

>> No.44247159

Touhou is a magnet to the absolute weirdest people I've ever come in contact with.

When I meet irls who say they're a Touhou fan, it isn't long before I find out what's wrong with them.

Even if that weren't the case, I don't care for any of the character designs.

The fumo dolls are cool I guess.

>> No.44247222

I don't mean to offend since I'm on /jp/ currently, but it's right up there with Sonic, Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon as franchises that people on the spectrum flock to

that and trans people

>> No.44247290

>You're missing a golden opportunity to share it with someone in real life because you're embarrassed.
That's looking from our perspective, but in their perspective, if what I like doesn't really interest him it would end up being a bother.
I'd like to share a lot of Touhou cosplay photos, all the 2hu music and animations I like but of course he doesn't go that far, so I just shared important news and maybe some funny vids once in a while. In the end we mostly talk about anime and other games, and also Yugioh.

>> No.44247333

Weirdness isn't a bad thing, though bad people can be weird, of course. I don't think I'm weird like the other 2hu fans that exist, but I'm absolutely strange in my own ways...
>trans people
Those creatures lurk everywhere, and considering that fact that 90% of them are just autistic men, its no surprise they flock to hobbies like speedrunning and whatnot.

>> No.44247657

My older brother walked in on me playing many, many years ago, and I briefly explained the series since we both played games all the time. Think that was pretty much the only time we talked about it though, and I very much doubt he remembers anything about it after all this time. We haven't talked in years.

My close group of friends at the very minimum know I like it, with a few actually bothering to play a game or two at some point. One or two enjoy the music and have looked up arranges on their own.

Shared some of my favorite arranges with my ex since we were both into weeb shit. She ended up really liking some circles and even got an album.

It's fun explaining stuff about the series to my friends whenever it inevitably pops up in one manner or another. I've yet to meet someone who shares the same kind of love for the series as a whole, though.

>> No.44247673


>> No.44247706

I think I explained it to my dad once back when I used to play vidya with my friends and he was curious why one of my friends went by a 2hu's name as a nickname. I don't think I gave him a dissertation and just said "it's gradius but with cute girls instead of ships" and he shrugged. Not many IRL friends to begin with and even the ones I had I kept at arms length because I even hated myself as a kid, and while I've got my regrets hiding my power level was definitely not one of them; I knew I'd definitely sperg out about 2hu back then and make myself into the weirdo of the class like another guy did with Bionicles. Even though he was right that they're fucking sick.

Unrelated but writing this reminded me of an incident where I accidentally bought an anime fighter on my family's shared amazon account and my mom wanted to know why she kept getting weird recommendations and I had to clean it up. Thank god I never bought any of my goods on that account.

>> No.44247737

Tell me about the bionacles anon

>> No.44247778

I don't remember the half of it but I'm sure there's a couple of videos on Youtube breaking it down far better than I ever could. I just remember the reveal that the island where all the lore took place on was actually Mecha Bionicle Jesus's corpse and the mystical Masks that drove the plot and gave powers were actually pieces of it's heart or some shit. Now that you've asked me I'll definitely find an autists 2 hour long essay on it to watch tomorrow.

>> No.44247786

>Now that you've asked me I'll definitely find an autists 2 hour long essay on it to watch tomorrow.
Please do share it here when you do.

>> No.44247828

My oldest sister. I use her house as a mailing address for fumos, figurines, and other bits and bobs I wouldn't be caught dead risking getting seen in the mail by parents. It's all SFW stuff since even though she's a bit of a weeb, she doesn't get the waifushit and I'm not ready to drop my power level like that. She herself isn't into Touhou, but if it wasn't for her being the help she is I wouldn't have the few physical possessions I care for and preserve. Touhou is the only thing I bought merchandise of.

>> No.44249963

At most, my grandma likes the music other than Mokou's theme. She says it sounds like a broken record.
Aside from that, I played some of the fighters with my friends back in the day to kill time, but didn't go much further than that.
I don't have friends these days. Even if I did, I'd keep it to myself unless they liked Touhou as well.

>> No.44253346

I got my brother into Touhou, and beyond the official games he leans more towards cutesokyo stuff. We recommend each other artists and fan games pretty often.

>> No.44255779


>> No.44255838 [DELETED] 

*Hugs you*

>> No.44255848

Saw my nephew playing the bloons top-down shooter game. I forced him to play some 2hu while I talked shit instead.

>> No.44256479


>> No.44256628

What do you mean by that

>> No.44262351

my old sis got me into touhou when I was young in early 2000s, she moved on herself but knows I'm still deep into it. I haven't talked anything about it since she seemed disinterested in my lunatic skills few years ago though

>> No.44262386

*Kisses you*

>> No.44262400

I first got into 2hu from this video, which had thw Ran Ran Ru meme video and Night of Nights music video


This is a reupload, but it's the same video. Please rate.

>> No.44265229

im so happy nobody does
sometimes im asked about my fumo but say its just from a game and move on

>> No.44265275
File: 48 KB, 800x800, 1688601793906821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little sister and I got really close with PCB!

>> No.44265541

Did you fuck her?

>> No.44265911
File: 1.53 MB, 500x282, Patchouli reading another book.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family knows, it's just another one of my games to them.

>> No.44266090

Do they know that it's a video games series where you play as a girl fighting other cute girls and that the entire cast is full of cute anime girls?

>> No.44266105

Only when she get a lunatic 1cc.

>> No.44266167

I mean there's devils in it?????

>> No.44266199
File: 718 KB, 2952x4169, Patchouli looking up from her book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt they know more than "it has cute girls in it". They have their own hobbies and I have mine.

>> No.44266208

My older bro knows I play touhou. He knows t=very well what the games are especially because he's on other internet circles with people who play touhou, though he doesn't play any himself. Every now and then he'll show me some annoying ass IOSYS song and be like "is this what you're into" but it's just banter

>> No.44266355
File: 682 KB, 600x338, Marisabuse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I guess so??? She just doesn't like Marisa since she is a witch and put holy water in her in the name of god

>> No.44266375

Real life magic is extremely dangerous...

>> No.44266390

my family knows but they don't think anything of it. i got my niece into the games and she also started watching touhou mmds and asked for (and received) a marisa nendoroid for one of her birthdays but i'm not allowed around her anymore so idk if she's still into it.

>> No.44266405

>but i'm not allowed around her anymore
Is it really too hard to keep your hands to yourself?

>> No.44266446

not my fault that people think i touch too much

>> No.44266453

Why are you touching your nice so much anon

>> No.44266454
File: 120 KB, 340x460, arrest_him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i'm not allowed around her anymore

>> No.44266471

because she's cute and i love her

>> No.44266599

My sister introduced me to touhou when I was maybe 8.
I was never been the same again.

>> No.44266735

all my irl friends now Im into Touhou and even my family knows I cosplay as touhous.

I wouldnt say this has any impact in my life whatsoever

>> No.44266782

Cosplay? Can I see?

>> No.44266788

I used Touhou as escapism in high school. I never got along with the other students there, and I guess I could conaider myself weird.

>> No.44266800

Yeah, I don't know hor to make friends. It's like you gotta small talk enough about whatever and then get their social media and whatever

Too much work, too much responsibility, too much pressure. Never took the time to learn how to make friends.

>> No.44267952

Problem is that you go through all that work and sometimes it still doesn't work out in the end. Trying to befriend people with similar interests should theoretically be easier, but finding them in the first place is a challenge.
Or maybe the past year of neetdom has rotted what little social skills I had left.

>> No.44270391

>It's like you gotta small talk enough about whatever and then get their social media and whatever
That's the thing though, people don't know how to make friends anymore, social media is a joke.
Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.44274404

>people think i touch too much
Well that's one way of saying you touch too much while shifting the blame on everyone else
