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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 2100x2200, F1AnqRjaMAAlMSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44070734 No.44070734 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>44057459

FAT CAT Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.44070766
File: 1021 B, 651x41, Anon is feeling strange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44070830
File: 35 KB, 304x296, MOKOUCLOSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44070837

How could Vinumsabbathi do this to me nooooo

>> No.44070880


>> No.44070943

Anons, what the fuck is this

>> No.44070994

He's just having a hot bowl of miso soup.

>> No.44071049


>> No.44071336

any CBT man in?

>> No.44071351
File: 147 KB, 1440x818, 9988jq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not into D*scord drama but this guy who tries to piss off Sleggy whenever possible is pretty hilarious ngl

>> No.44071381

>2 months ago

>> No.44071383

Why don't you post the entire discussion? Need context for the spergout.

>> No.44071400

YE is mad at Kudamaki Tsukasa images, so SB tells him to deal with it, leading to the aforementioned conversation

>> No.44071417

Honestly, that seems reasonable. If an image of a character makes you spew insults and tard rage, you might have a problem.

>> No.44071457
File: 251 KB, 1439x1265, PedyAlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy like a 13 year old demanding his mom to make him poptarts
>Look, mom! I said "nigger" again!

>> No.44071474

Sleggy really does little to nothing but spam lewd emotes all day, huh?

>> No.44071521

now post something form the other server

>> No.44071603

Are all Discord users psychopaths or what?

>> No.44071628

I sometimes wonder if this is the man who maintains AnonTW.

>> No.44071653

>Trying to turn it around on him when you were the one crying and losing your shit about Tsukasa and making demands like a child

>> No.44071703

Literally who?

>> No.44071716

Dude, I have no idea, there are a lot of schizophrenics at this hour.

>> No.44071811

/egg/ is cringe

>> No.44071812
File: 75 KB, 1295x627, Pedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedy's stuff is being added into the branch oh nooooooo


>> No.44071905

The only salvation is to add eggs from 2hus

>> No.44071932

>Pedy Stuff
What exactly? Nazism? Communism?

>> No.44071973 [DELETED] 

That's Sleggy.

>> No.44071981

That's Sleggy.

>> No.44071998

Worse, bugfixes.

>> No.44072006

Hi, Pedy. We know you injected 9000+ malware in that single line of code. Don't think we don't know you by know, Vladimir Pedy.

>> No.44072014

Seriously? Excellent!

>> No.44072028

"Now I am become Pedy, the destroyer of TW" - Robert Pedyheimer

>> No.44072043

How many facets does Pedy have? First Vladimir Pedy, then Robert Pedyheimer, then Pops, then Albert Wepedy and finally Adolf Pedytler

>> No.44072075
File: 12 KB, 800x600, le .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The malware has,,, le infected?

>> No.44072248

Just popped Marisa's cherry with a dog
Let's see if I'll regret it later

>> No.44072269

Anon what the fucking fuck

>> No.44072284
File: 202 KB, 510x414, hatethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of creation has come together, billions of years of slim probabilites compounding upon each other countless times to reach an infantesimal chance of the current reality existing exactly as we know it, and you choose to use the cosmos's ultimate and sacred gift of intelligence to commit virtual beastiality and tell the world about it.
Why? Why was it necessary to do this?

>> No.44072306

Just because

>> No.44072345

Hey Mokoufag, how did you become a Mokoufag?

>> No.44072383

Vietnamese hours?

>> No.44072711

Does anonTW work yet? I've been waiting for a while to pick TW back up and see Okina spout moonrunes at me again.

>> No.44072897

They have a new release cooking soon apparently.

>> No.44072992

>Talking to Mokou does not even give you positive favorability until intimacy 5 where you get +1 favorability per conversation
>succesful skinship gives 7 favorability, higher than any other action until headpats
Is she genuinely autistic?

>> No.44073017

>Is she genuinely autistic?
Yes but those numbers got nothing to do with that. She just has some "horrible" traits that make it a pain to grind her.

>> No.44073018
File: 37 KB, 902x540, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, anons. The results for whether https://gitgud.io/Legis1998/anon-tw/-/issues/47 was a good suggestion or not are in. With a total of 52 votes, 45 voted that it was not a good suggestion and 7 voted that it was a good suggestion. The overwhelming majority of /egg/ anons do not agree with Pops' proposal. The "analytics" tab included the country of origin for each vote made. The results are as follows:

United States of America 14 (26.92%)
Brazil 4 (7.69%)
Poland 4 (7.69%)
Canada 4 (7.69%)
France 4 (7.69%)
Italy 3 (5.77%)
Chile 2 (3.85%)
Australia 2 (3.85%)
Russia 2 (3.85%)
Venezuela 1 (1.92%)
South Africa 1 (1.92%)
Romania 1 (1.92%)
Ukraine 1 (1.92%)
United Kingdom 1 (1.92%)
Finland 1 (1.92%)
Hong Kong (SAR of China) 1 (1.92%)
Indonesia 1 (1.92%)
Philippines 1 (1.92%)
Germany 1 (1.92%)
Ecuador 1 (1.92%)
Sweden 1 (1.92%)
Spain 1 (1.92%)

>> No.44073044

I interpret this to mean people want it to be reworked. Okay, will modify it.

>> No.44073073

How much do you want to bet the cabal will ignore this and add it regardless? Probably convinced the meme toggle will be enough to persuade us like cattle.

>> No.44073113

Thank you Anon! Thank you so much, i wish i we're there to vote for Vietnam :)

>> No.44073138

Does Pops not realize that adding useless features that nobody wants is complete wegger behavior? Is he not ashamed of adding mechanics that actively break the game and slow down progress by requiring more time to fix issues caused by these additions than it took to implement them? Does Pops have no concept of user satisfaction, quality management or project planning?
Stayed tuned to find out in the next /egg/ thread!

>> No.44073201
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1660665952449411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four fucking brazilians

>> No.44073214

Where are you from, Anon?

>> No.44073262

The idea sucks but the one guy going through every country his VPN has isn't exactly helping the results.

>> No.44073268
File: 289 KB, 744x565, 1664889916238220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44073280

Finally a peace of mind that I'm only anon who plays era games here

>> No.44073283

>where are you from
That's the thing, anon...
Make that 6.

>> No.44073300
File: 58 KB, 607x411, 7t11r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44073323

I am Vietnamese

>> No.44073328

Ah, hello Brazilian,how are you, are you okay?

>> No.44074313
File: 365 KB, 1075x1515, towards_the_colors_seven_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 votes
Dunno how big the ARGs are, but if you want the traits to be non-excluding you can use the powers of 2 where
1 is Shrine Maiden
2 is Magician
4 is Hourai
8 is Maid
and the sums are sums (ex 3 is Magician Shrine Maiden, 12 is Hourai Maid)
or just split the ARGs like a normal person

>> No.44074350

Caught myself in that I'm assuming people will understand what I mean.
instead of elseif's going through each number you'd have normal if's checking the binary (0101 would be Hourai Shrine Maiden, which would activete 2 of the if's both of which would concatenate their values into the final answer variable)

>> No.44074646

Again, the issue isn't whether or not we could, but whether we *should*.
Changing the implementing of the extra race so that players can get multiple is a huge change with a significant impact on the codebase (hundreds of changes in Kaguya's dialogue alone) that makes it much harder to maintain, and what would we gain from it? A bunch of pointless tags that some autists obsess over?
Recklessly changing everything without good reasons is how you end up with a Pops-tier garbage codebase that spontaneously combusts on a daily basis.
Sweeping changes can be made, but you need a good justification for them, and code quality is something that should always be taken into consideration if you don't want to shoot yourself into the foot and slowly make the game impossible to work with.

>> No.44074734

They already said they would have it ported upstream, so your concerns misplaced. You want a justification for why yhe player should have access to more Extra Races? Immersion and more reasons to vary dialogue. Elly (or the other Magicians) can train you to become a Magician, you could could take up Shrine Maiden-ing alongside Reimu or Sanae, you could become an actual Butler/Maid to Mistress Remilia, etcetera.
What you consider "pointless" and "autistic" is, in all honesty, something which makes it obvious you don't care for the games. Where the fuck do you think we are? Everyone in /egg/ is autistic.

>> No.44074946
File: 413 KB, 1070x761, Me on the left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France 4 (7.69%)

>> No.44074966

>not OP

>> No.44075146

>They already said
Who did? You? Or someone on discord? And was it an actual dev or just a shitposter who has no idea what they're talking about? Post proof of this if you want to convince anyone. A screenshot will suffice.
>Immersion and more reasons to vary dialogue
All of this can already be achieved without modifiying those talents. Being a butler is already a check whether you live on SDM map or not, you can do magic from pretty much day 1 thanks to Oppantsu sama's blessing, and you can help out Reimu and Sanae whenever too. Actually giving you a job like this would force you to do it periodically, which imposes restrictions on the free nature of the game. Like you shouldn't just fuck off to forage when it's time to maintain the great barrier or when you have to go preach at people in the village, understand?

You talk about someone ridiculing pointless and autistic things when someone presents you with an explanation why it's a pointless change, and yet you fail to grasp the basic requirements those things have. Like your own autism is lacking, or is completely misdirected and instead of just playing like you actually are the butler or a priest you demand someone to put in work that lets you skip imagining a miniscule detail like that.
You talk as if you never actually put any effort into anything, thus you do not understand when someone says it's "too much work" and simply get angry like a spoiled child that gets told "no" by their parent.

>> No.44075228

Era is closer to becoming a WEG

>> No.44075249

What's the point of that rework?

>> No.44075359

It's pure popsification. It serves no actual purpose other than making the game worse.

>> No.44075379

TW is already a WEG.

>> No.44075588

So, you missed >>44071282?
"We ported to the upstream" implies it's a dev. Typical. Does every dev have to put on their trip to be recognized? Also. I guarantee they have their own private server, given how many time the thread has tried to start shit with out of context screenshots.
Their new release should be soon, right? Harass him with your questions then.
Atla is their Japanese intermediary.

>> No.44075615

Canon also says Clownpiece lives under the Hakurei Shrine (among many other characters who should live elsewher), has no mention of most PC-98 characters, that Eiki's mirror works on everyone, and that Liky Black does not exist. It's a fan-made game. Artistic liberty is acceptable.

>> No.44075621

That's not a confirmation, you confirmed moron.

>> No.44075629

Meant for >>44074436.

>> No.44075638

Wing jobs are NOT possible, you nutcase.

>> No.44075647

114-kun, what do you think about the penis rework? Just curious.

>> No.44075793 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1358x98, PublicUseFoxslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from the conversion camp. How I miss that communist vulpine otaku, he will be missed.

>> No.44075825

Are we free? Did a Janny do good for once? But I wanted to see what his diseased brain considered proof. Anybody get it?

>> No.44075922
File: 25 KB, 1358x98, PublicUseFoxslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44076122
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, 1659670452639135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44076256

Would dress him up as Tsukasa and have my way with him

>> No.44076594
File: 113 KB, 650x488, c2c0ca17-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start writing her dialogue today

>> No.44076626
File: 15 KB, 296x270, 1672256116009990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon, don't cock it up
Here is very encouraging captcha for you

>> No.44076634
File: 189 KB, 1200x960, good_morning!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go!

>> No.44076911

The easiest change would be to choose a new ARG and switch over a variable, in coding switching all instances of one variable to another is basically a non-issue, and you can work with values of zero and four if you want to keep it to as little work as possible (As in one non-retarded use of Find and replace), if you want to switch to the binary type I described here then all checks for 'pure' Hourai would stay working and they could be slowly changed to check binary instead, over time without breaking the stuff.
I did onder Why does Clownpiece live under the Hakurei Shrine, but after finding no official answer I just concluded she either followed Reimu to Earth, or just wanted to live in a interesting place with many Fairies, and Hakurei Shrine is a popular gathering spot.
The PCharacter often breaks canon by design, I agree with that.
As for wingjobs, I'd imagine they ould be done as something similiar to girl rubbing it with arm instead of fingers.

>> No.44076991

Source is the Three Fairy manga. She got "bored".

>> No.44077150

She better wear a "Kiss the cock" apron somewhere in the dialogue.

>> No.44077276

can someone with a brain explain to me, clueless motherfucker anon, why clicking on the window for anon TW suddenly makes it super small and not resizable?

>> No.44077427

Did you double click the window?

>> No.44077455
File: 83 KB, 583x426, Screenshot 2023-07-20 223035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new secret devs channel leaks just dropped

>> No.44077469

Stop censoring their names redditfag

>> No.44077495

Secret devs channel stays secret cause no one fucking cares about what their thoughts are

>> No.44077499

The rat tribe is pushing their pets on us even in games, how pathetic and vile.

>> No.44077539

Wtf you said you wouldnt post it :/

>> No.44077577

Why would you those faggots names?

>> No.44077589

Because he's the faggot that's responding in the image.

>> No.44077597

discord sisters we have a spy among us...

>> No.44077657

>among us

>> No.44077765

this does not fix it unfortunately. I don't know how to explain it other than it becomes extremely small width wise and won't let me expand it.

>> No.44077766
File: 119 KB, 491x398, sussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you repeat what you said anon?

>> No.44077770

How do i get my girl to give birth in eratohotw?

>> No.44077778

Maybe the config got reset, try fucking around the settings

>> No.44077786

Impregnate her.

>> No.44077837

Is there any actual list of your current requests in TW?

>> No.44077861

takes a long time if you don't cheat the speed

>> No.44077864

they're listed on one of the pages of your character's abilities menu, under Personal Info or Exp and Gems, I forget which one

>> No.44077874

Wait for Aya to deliver the baby

>> No.44077885

You fuckers don't fucking listen: WINGJOBS ARE NOT POSSIBLE. Go outside, and rub a bird feather on your cock - that's your 'wingjob' right there.

>> No.44077961

>rub a bird feather on your cock
I'm hard. Imagine your cock being tickled to ejaculation by your waifu's feathers.

>> No.44077993

Iunno chief, folks on the Discord are very much in favor of adding wingjobs to the game. It sounds like, in the words of our favorite communist, you're just gonna have to "deal with it". What you consider possible is less important than what our almighty voyeurs want to gift us.
Speaking of, Flyer wants to know what the thread wants in terms of wingjobs.

>> No.44078081

Damn YE, you mad as hell

>> No.44078092
File: 1.50 MB, 1400x1400, 1679508561251120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch fluffy wings

>> No.44078106
File: 801 KB, 1426x2012, 1687090525559656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Produce offspring with dumb radioactive birds

>> No.44078197
File: 126 KB, 847x478, 1689760093254841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be extremely irresponsible

>> No.44078211

Yuugi Enjoyer should break in Sleggy's ass

>> No.44078264

It's gonna need a new trait that lets them use wings in the first place. Feathered and [Other], to support whatever the fairies, bats, and Nue have, since they're all kinda weird.
I guess it'll be good enough with a single command and a couple descriptions, and an ability for the 2hu to do it when she's leading. No need to set up anything more complicated than wingjob(giving) exp and make it so after like, 50 points it switches to the "skilled" descriptions.
Chickenanon said that wings are a pleasure spot for birds, and that they always spread them when orgasming, so that's worth considering in the descriptions too. It would potentially offer up a new way to pleasure girls and achieve sixfold CVABMW orgasms now, but it might be too much. Especially since not everyone has wings.

>> No.44078310

Why even talk about wingjobs if yanderes or egg laying hasn't been adding in either

>> No.44078328
File: 11 KB, 272x185, you don't even know english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44078403

Personally, I'd argue for dropping the idea of a "wingjob" and instead focus on incorporating a character's wings into their dialogue through regular actions. Skinskip is obviously a great place for brushing, preening, ticking, and whatnot, and even during sex you can easily write it as brushing against the player('s dick) during handjobs and whatever.
Y'know, something that makes sense for wings and doesn't turn them into magic prehensile appendages that break immersion.

>> No.44078416

"Break immersion". Yeah, your opinion is disregarded. There's no reason you can't have both.

>> No.44078426

That all can be handled through dialogue. You can start writing extra lines for winged hus right now, no need for any new mechanic at all.

>> No.44078440

What we need in eraTohoTW:
Penis lengths in centimeters. Also penis girths. Penis lengths can be in cm.

>> No.44078483

fucking hell am I really the only bong?
There's more Frenchies the hell is going on here?

>> No.44078590
File: 22 KB, 600x550, 356458u46886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried explaining this to someone yesterday but they didn't listen. I'm personally very against it because it's literally impossible and breaks the immersion for me (i don't think "they're youkai birds, not birds!" is a good excuse, feathers are feathers) but if the majority of people want it, it should be added. Egg laying should be given a much bigger priority, though.

is that really what I'm known as now?...

>> No.44078613

better than Cockanon

>> No.44078643
File: 1 KB, 600x33, get mogged by my micropeen ratso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is a proof that the usual detractors don't even play the game.

>> No.44078654

where do you see/edit this?

>> No.44078684
File: 342 KB, 1630x873, wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're misunderstanding something, nobody asked for a function that bends the feathers. It's more like, the top part of the wing has muscles in it, right? I always thought it would be kinda like an armpitjob for a birdhu, nowhere near the pleasure you can get from fingers or mouth or anything else, but it is possible to squeeze a dick with a wing since those wings are, you know, kinda human sized.

>> No.44078702

What do you fuckers think about this? Something which will set them apart from Neodev, given how Pedinsky down-voted it.

>> No.44078716

Hopefully we aren't using whatever garbage pops shat out.

>> No.44078727

I like it

>> No.44078752

I'm completely against moving existing characters out of their current homes and leaving those maps less populated, especially for the sake of a place that would basically be entirely fanfiction since the series never explored it in any meaningful depth.
Plus, Mystic Square was entirely about how everyone wanted to get out of Makai. Why would they want to move back there?
And most importantly, Shinki's main purpose is to walk in on you and Alice having sex and unintentionally stealing you away with her superior body, which would be almost impossible if she no longer lives there.

>> No.44078789

To allow for more homeless characters to have a room, silly!

>> No.44078810

Tourism =/= emigration
They wanted to see other places, not leave entirely.
And maybe I want to fuck godess pussy when she could manipulate the very fabric of time and space to make SURE she got pregnant, ever think about that?

>> No.44078823

It's pretty much as explored as Yuuka's mansion and Yumemi's Hypervessel.
Besides Alice is supposed to be kind of a loner, so someone (other than you) permanently living in her house is kinda dumb. And Shinki can be set up to visit Alice's house very often so your complaint about her not walking in on you fucking is also pointless.

>> No.44078839

Isn't that eraTohoK?

>> No.44078865

The game has a ton of homeless characters. It also has a bunch of PC-98 characters forced into living with TH18 characters in the same bedroom because of Pedy's bullshit. Those homeless characters ideally would have homes when it makes sense, and those PC-98 characters definitely need their home situation fixed. Makai solves both these issues. Also
This is a fan game, get that through your head already.

>> No.44078985

Most bongs probably use VPN since England is authoritarian hellhole

>> No.44079041

I don't have any strong feelings but seems unnecessary. I doubt they will add any Makai-exclusive bugs to catch or ingredients to find or fishes to fish or literally anything worthy of checking out other than rooms for PC98 2hus or it could introduce problems when merging with JP development branch down the line.

>> No.44079087

Port to upstream; make suggestions for what to add. Unhelpful criticism without constructive feedback royally doesn't do anything to help them.
Magician society, right? Add magician-y things.

>> No.44079093

What is is with people and obsessing over the JP branch(es)?
It's got no QoL stuff, half as much content, (Obviously) no translation, who in the hell cares what the nips do?
Their code isn't somehow "better" since it was written in le nihongo, they're just us but with smaller dicks and eyes.

>> No.44079100

People also constantly ignore how AnonTW is in cahoots with a Japanese middleman, so porting over stuff should be simpler. The perks of collaboration, everyone.

>> No.44079140

Fuck off, shill. I'll believe if when you add egglaying, wingjobs, or any of the several dozen suggestions on your undead repo to the game.

>> No.44079208

I don't have anything against it but at the same time I don't really care at all.
Personally I would like more content/functionality to play with.

>> No.44079305
File: 106 KB, 550x751, 888665e886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes more sense and would work I guess, but I still think it'd be awkward to stick your dick in there because you'd have to do it from above, either way it's better than it just being straight up impossible, there's no reason not to add them in that case

>> No.44079339
File: 707 KB, 860x1214, f1df0a4f5c9c4ea389d7b23854deacd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you know, I guess they'd be kneeling down in front of you anyway. And besides, Nue and Mystia literally have holes in their wings, perfect for sticking things in.

>> No.44079444

This guy gets it.

>> No.44079450

Read the replies, lots of counterarguments.

>> No.44079648

Then... What will happen to the Wingjobs?
I was sleeping

>> No.44079657
File: 251 KB, 1075x1515, towards_the_colors_seven_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing less in terms of rubbing it on the feather, and more in terms of rubbing it on the whole chicken(i.e wings)
Two people across the world, and yet our synapses fire exactly the same
That's what I haid in mind when I said less like fingers and more like rubbing with arm, glad someone could explain it better
Like it, but move their houses there
I think it was visited many times in PC-98 games. And she could still do that if you program her "visiting" her daughter after you visit Makai for the 1st time.
At least it gives room to grow and place stuff without shitting up what's already there

>> No.44079672

They'll be replaced with mandatory shrine donations.
If you don't give Reimu one million yen every week, she'll invoke the gods and makes your dick shrink.

>> No.44079683

I will ruin her with 20 kids and no child support.
Then I live with microdick until she yields, how about that?

>> No.44079700

Reimu can live on nothing, anon, and she will teach her kids to do the same.
Meanwhile, your dick eventually becomes inverted and you'll end up as basically a truly ugly woman, so I still think you're the loser here.

>> No.44079858
File: 32 KB, 139x938, parsee_template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a computer programming dropout I'm a little overwhelmed to say the least

>> No.44079883


>> No.44079912

woops, that helps, thank you

>> No.44079937

nta but I also thank you, this will be useful.

>> No.44079996

Only the ones interesting enough to be shown on screencaps.

>> No.44080004

Rest in peace wriggle

>> No.44080028

Damn, that's one fluffy bat.

>> No.44080043

That happens on monitors with UI scaling (commonly used on 1440p and 4k screens), but I think this got fixed in the latest emuera exe (v38). Update your game and check if that one works better, you'll still have to double your window size and font size on the settings cause emuera now supports UI scaling natively.

>> No.44080059

>Mystic Square was entirely about how everyone wanted to get out of Makai
Did you even play the game?

>> No.44080064

>it could introduce problems when merging with JP development branch
It's much more likely they'll go and merge it into their branch.

>> No.44080076
File: 83 KB, 909x813, example setup for kutaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, a template for ants?
But in all seriousness, you probably don't need most of this.

I'd recommend starting with the core file that ends with _イベント or _events for the initial setup and first meeting and slowly add whatever you want to work on next. You don't need to add everything in one go.

If you want to do an alternate dialogue instead of just overwriting the original you'll require a bit more setup, but you can use the 4+4Chan /EGG/ Sakuya (at ERB\口上・メッセージ関連\個人口上\#English\015 Sakuya [咲夜]) as an example for how it works.
In the main function you need to set up a name (make sure to start with an underscore) and a description, and then you add that name to every character function you make (making them @M_KOJO{_DIALOGUENAME}_[etc], so that the engine knows it belongs to your version of the character. You can just find-and-replace them and set them up in one go, if you want.

Other than that, the most fundamental things to write dialogue for would be the events, and the commands. All the commands follow the same structure, being @M_KOJO{_DIALOGUENAME}_MESSAGE_COM_K{CHARA}_{COMMANDNUMBER}, so it's easy to find out which you need by looking up their codes.

As an additional tip for working with Visual Studio Code, CTRL-P lets you search for files, and CTRL-T lets you search for ERA function names, which comes in handy very often. TRAINNAME_TR is the function that's used to translate command names, which is extremely useful if you want to quickly look up a particular command's id.

>> No.44080085

Ctrl-Shift-F is also very useful, it lets you search for text across all the files in the folder you've opened.

>> No.44080087
File: 20 KB, 600x550, 75465856795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's a bit too soon to say this but I can already tell I'm going to struggle with the coding part of this and will probably need help in the future, are the anons on the discord generally fine with people asking for advice in regards to these things? I'll try not to be annoying

>> No.44080097

I was trying to highlight the sheer length of the template... if you're parsee anon, you probably already got told this plenty of times but that's seriously amazing work and dedication, well done

>> No.44080102

>coding for Era games instead of helping the remake

it's over.

>> No.44080111

Which Remake? Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?

>> No.44080120

!!!mishoT mishoT mishoT

>> No.44080121
File: 305 KB, 513x386, 1682112520082466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are, there's a channel for development and writing tips in general.
Don't you dare say it!

>> No.44080122

>Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?
Probably? >>44080120

>> No.44080125
File: 62 KB, 391x327, 1667824796422651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having newfags to coding help lay the foundations for your game in development

>> No.44080131

Ok, ok, I won't say

>> No.44080134

How long does it take to become proficient in coding eragames you think?

>> No.44080138

Better than nothing or nobody while stuck in ERA

>> No.44080139

How many people here know programming or better yet, know how TW works?

>> No.44080149

Man, Well, I've been told that the "EraBASIC" code is not begginer-friendly at all, so I guess you'd have to have some experience in other languages first.

>> No.44080184

I don't know how to code....

Like, at all......

>> No.44080185

It's really not. The main point advertised for misohot was it being a better made and more modern game, simpler to write and code dialogue for, but that won't be the case if the base game is coded like shit.

Probably a dozen people or so.

>> No.44080193

Don't worry... I didn't know either, but you have to start somewhere, I started learning Python and got very far later

>> No.44080200

What websites or books did you start learning python from? I've been wanting to do that for a while but most of the sites I've tried are too expansive and get boring to follow after a while.

>> No.44080201

Anons, what the fuck is "Misohot"?

>> No.44080205

>won't be the case if the base game is coded like shit.
Is it?

>> No.44080213

I learned from everywhere, videos, websites, books, whatever, but I made sure I got somewhere.

>> No.44080216

clearly an anagram for hot miso (soup)

>> No.44080218

Bon appetit!

>> No.44080225
File: 903 KB, 1300x920, 80c10a7af586baa6bff64121b4c6707b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44080242

If nothing else, please, just write dialogue for Kutaka and we can forward it to Sleggy to give to the team for the actual coding portion.

>> No.44080253

Tohoshit has been rewritten like 3 times by now, and those fags still can't even find a single thing to establish their game as something "better" than TW at. Everything from UI design to actual mechanics and "minigames" is crap. Won't even have any dialogues because the japanese aren't gonna start playing or liking it either.

>> No.44080256

How can we help Kutaka-anon to write the dialogue?

>> No.44080266

I liked to believe that T*h*s*m was some kind of /egg/ urban legend turned into a meme

>> No.44080272

Ok Pedy, we get that this game will take away the last resembles of power you have.

>> No.44080285

Even if it was a good game, do you think everyone would jump like frogs from TW to that project just like that?

>> No.44080291

You have a very black and white view of looking at things, Vladimir Pedy.

>> No.44080296

Pedy supported that trainwreck in progress, so I don't know where you're coming from with the accusation.

>> No.44080300

Of course not, but eventually a majority would've move on.
Case and point; space station 13
I just don't get the hostility for a project that wants to leave behind a game trapped that's in a command console.

>> No.44080310

He was in their discord. I'm not looking through year old threads to find a mention of it, you can do it yourself. Or better yet, ask pedina yourself.

>> No.44080315

Report necessary details. We need a meeting, greetings, yearning, live, last lines, virginity lines, egglaying; just use Parsee or Marisa as templates.
Guides below.

>> No.44080316

>Won't even have any dialogues because the japanese aren't gonna start playing or liking it either.
Again, there is nothing in the world preventing you from writing your own damn dialogue instead of translating whatever the nips come up with.
It's not going to be any different.

>> No.44080317

>He was in their discord.
That's it? Of course peasant like you would see this an automatically assume pedy would support that project.

>> No.44080319

The command console aesthetic is the best part of TW though.

>> No.44080320

To all this, the code of that "nameless game" is as bad as they say?

>> No.44080332

Of course he also was supportive of it you mong, tohoshitters paraded his support around as if god pissed on them.
But I guess he realized it was gonna be another dumbass weg and split.

>> No.44080338

It feels weird to be called Pedy lol

Anyway, what's your point?

>> No.44080343

No idea, but I fucking get pissed off when people act like the jiggers are the sacred holy ideal of whatever it is they've done, instead of acting independantly.
Sure, i'd rather get a translation of already written characters instead of some shithead who wants to insert his fetishes into his favourite character, but pretending like it's somehow impossible or more difficult to write new stuff is dumb japan idealization.
They're just guys, but yellow.

>> No.44080350

>tohoshitters paraded his support around as if god pissed on them.
Proof of that? I think you're just making shit up to put the game down for no reason.

>> No.44080354

Talking seriously
Normal donations to shrines should be a thing
Bonus points if donating size and frequency has some sort of effect, even if it's not mechanical
I want to support hardworking Reimu!
And my daughteru sanae!

>> No.44080361

You're acting as if pedy isn't some angry russkie with too much time on his hands and is in fact an omniscient god who is the sole arbiter of whether an era game is good or bad.

>> No.44080371

I already told you, you can go look through the year old threads yourself. I was there, you weren't, you should look it up.

>> No.44080383

>I was there, you weren't.
Believe what you want you summer child.

>> No.44080387

What happened to the Pedy-sucker?

>> No.44080393

Ahh learning to code, what a wonderfully awfula thing.
I remember learning cpp and hating pointers and types, then learning python and hating the lack of pointers and types.
But the sooner you start learning the better, even if you won't code in the future, it broadens one horizons in a way that can't really be substituted, kinda like learning math.
What I mean is that while you can read a translation of a prominent literary work, and watch or read an adaptation of a theatre play, get a story or tale explained by analogues and metaphors, some concept you just won't understand without knowing some basics of the language, and math is a language explaining concepts that is quite untranslatable.
Coding is a bit better in that aspect, as with arduous effort one can explain with normal language what is easily written in code, but it still a good skill to just have.
Hold him over a fryer until he flies!

>> No.44080394

No, I came to my own conclusion that tohoshit is gonna be bad. You try doing that yourself.
The discussion simply ventured to your favorite shitposter, and I just told you that he was supportive of it for a time. Didn't see him publicly condemn it, but he clearly decided he wasn't gonna work with them, whatever the reason.

>> No.44080418

I didn't want to give you guys that work honestly, I wanted to try to get it done on my own so you guys could focus on any other things you might want to prioritize, I just wanted to be in the discord in case there was something in specific that I needed to reach out to you guys about that I didn't understand

someone already pointed me to that section of the wiki last thread and I've been following it, it's a bit overwhelming since I'm still starting out but I know I shouldn't expect to understand everything right away

>> No.44080429

Literally fucked a baby into Rin because of this OP

>> No.44080432

>favorite shitposter
In your dreams, fuck him.
You clearly are following the crowd here, not "coming to an independant conclusion", since you have stated sweet FA about what you actually thought here, and were explicitly talking about pedy, and making it seem like he is somehow a metric for how good a game is.

>> No.44080442

Now what are we talking about?

>> No.44080445

Read the thread you retarded monkey. I was called pedy for stating my dislike for it here >>44080253 so blame this >>44080272 moron for bringing him up.

>> No.44080468

Industrial output of the Ottoman Empire during WWI

>> No.44080487

>Someone is crying about getting called p*dy

>> No.44080510

>strawman because he can't deflect

>> No.44080572

The empire mainland proper, or subdivisions included? Also are we talking pre- or post Tanzimat?

>> No.44080590

Me? No haha, i just said it feels weird:

>> No.44080598

I thought we were talking about the Cold War

>> No.44081214


>> No.44081323
File: 164 KB, 1200x828, 79807334_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44081354
File: 341 KB, 1200x1679, 7771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what TW needs? This.

>> No.44081360

Kagerou, you slut, just confess already. It's been 9 dates since you reached love.
Momiji was much more straightforward.

>> No.44081382

Please explain the Sino-Soviet split.

>> No.44081390

Incompetent mode?

>> No.44081434

Kagerou has a lot of traits that make her less likely to take initiative. Not sure if it affects confession but it could be the case

>> No.44081568

No, regular.

Silly dog. Shouldn't she want to bring the Japanese wolf back from extinction?

>> No.44081708

I have also wondered several times, and after reading a little I came to the conclusion that it was due to ideological and political differences between the Soviet Union and China.

>> No.44081709

Then why don't you confess?

>> No.44081711

Mao wasn't ever super in-step with Soviet changing party line, but both were resigned to each other against the rest of the world, when the Soviets under Nikita started flirting with maybe more peaceful relations with west (The sort of If we'll go to war against Capitalists, instead of when) it tasted very badly to Communist Chinese, since for their party it was Existential struggle, sort of either us of them (Which was understandable, as their existence came from a very recent Civil War, one could say even unfinished yet. Talks of peace undermines internal efforts against ideological enemies, puts the cause for war into question and emboldens voices that search for blame and faults on their side. You can see similiar attitudes In SR right during/after civil war, as well as many other "victorious" revolutionary states)
Since there was now space for conflict, both the ideological disagreements and old grievances boiled/were dig up to the surface, coupled with then "current events" in Warsaw Pact.
She wants to be the one and only.

>> No.44081721

I remember it took me something like 20-30 dates to get Eirin to confess, that's what I call being reserved.

>> No.44081729

Thank you so muuuuuuch

>> No.44081809

The way I play TW is that I don't have sex with a character until they confess. No kissing, even, unless they do it first.

Once they confess, I train all their stats daily, doing nothing else, until they have all lewd traits.

Then I move on to the next.

>> No.44081830

It's just kind amusing how China feeling the Soviets were too soft on the US resulted in a conflict between them that lead to China becoming allies with the US in the event a nuclear war occurred.
That and the Nixon administration threatening to nuke the Soviets if they attacked China.

>> No.44081839

A bit excessive, but with your style, you might as well just enable incompetent mode: it's perfect for you.

>> No.44082052

It's not about what Governments really feel or need geopolitically, but about what they show to their people. And SU made PRC look bad in more than one way.
What are the exact differences in inc mode?

>> No.44082213
File: 196 KB, 1909x1080, Screenshot 2023-07-21 095844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, sorry to disturb, had nowhere to go. Kept getting an error on eraMegaten everytime I tried to check status and/or move on to a new day on a NG+. Is my save bricked? Had no problem at all for the past 3 runs though.
Also, how the hell do you even use item synthesis?

>> No.44082428

You can't confess, or do any other aggressive action. To compensate that disability, the girls are more proactive.

>> No.44082463

What even affects date score?

>> No.44082541
File: 225 KB, 800x800, 1686214173154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely important post: suggestion for futa panties


>> No.44082722

Did you update recently? It could be a broken piece of code that didn't get fixed yet

>> No.44082742
File: 22 KB, 856x309, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a good chunk of Komachi down, I just need to start the real slog of her sex commands (261 kb) and her daily commands (234 kb), why the FUCK does she have to have dialogue for every situation under the sun + so many custom events involving Eiki. Here's a screenshot of her virgin dick size dialogue because that seems to be a hot topic as of recent.

>> No.44082743
File: 111 KB, 1218x984, lacking faith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone decipher why I don't see the pregnancy chance up prayer option?
Just finished impregnating the previous character and I want to move on to the next race on my to do list but it just suddenly disappeared. Tried bringing other characters to the shrine and it's the same with them too.

>> No.44082950

Thank you so much Anon, people that works helping the game in any way is very well appreciated here

>> No.44082957

Most likely a JP-side bug due to NG+ not cleaning some values. Could you upload a save or do this if you don't have an easy way?
Run debug mode (its own .exe below), load the game, and check what numbers appear when you input these and press enter in the little window:

>> No.44082980

>Interact with Mukou
>Favour goes minus instead plus
Is it bug or Mukou just being cunt? Also how do i cheat in Era Megaten

>> No.44083083

She does love you, right?

>> No.44083202

>She does love you, right?
Wasn't aware that was a requirement to pray for that. For a rather perverted god asking for panties as compensation for prayers, Opantsu-sama is rather pure it seems.

>> No.44083258

Oh yeah, when is the AnonTW mats/items cheat getting updated to include the new ones?

>> No.44083334

You mean Mokou in TW? Yeah she is written as being reluctant to socialize with anyone. Getting her into a good mood (she likes spicy food) and farming her reliability stat first helps with this

>> No.44083530

Never mind, sidestepped the problem by trying every save I got before getting bricked. Most probably because I've got Izanami hanging at the nursery before starting a new game. Now I can actually play as a Devil Hunter. Thanks anons, I'll do it if I ever got bricked again.

>> No.44083559

Git's down
It's over

>> No.44083808

Does era.moe.hm just doesn't exist anymore? where can I find the older era games now?

>> No.44084080

There's incopetent mode with the downsides, and then there's 'playing hard to get' that also makes girls more agressive but you can initiate and confess as normal.

>> No.44084105

In eratohoreverse, how much favour do you need for an assistant to allow you to impregnate them? For Ran I have her on limit break but she still won't let me knock her up.

>> No.44084116
File: 68 KB, 962x508, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.44084124

Did you make her a futa? It looks like it might have a hardcoded exception for that option.

>> No.44084129

Nope, she's only got a pussy.

>> No.44084164

Hm, looks like she'll always do that, even if you're on 'good' terms. I even actually impregnated her before and she still says that.
Blame her writer.

>> No.44084195

Was that when you had clicked that option or something else when you had impregnated her?

>> No.44084234
File: 1 KB, 260x52, yukari's mana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typically either go for normal, spoil me or love me.
Or I guess I did when I played with this instance of Ran, she's just another one in line. I roleplayed as Gensokyo's sole breeding male and as Yukari invited yet another woman into my cell I managed to glitch the game into giving me billions of points for everything, so on that save the moment my dick enters a girl she instantly gets addicted and her pussy will keep clamping down, even complete virgins.

>> No.44084549

Will I know the moment she's impregnated or will I only know weeks afterwards when a bump shows up?

>> No.44084582

A couple of days. Pregnancies take like a week at most.

>> No.44084820

Surprised this hasn't been implemented yet

>> No.44084855

You know what TW really needs?
Specifically descriptions during vaginal sex and eating them out. Might count as free lube, but if your smell res is too low you'll get debuffs. Some of them would hate mark you for suggesting sex during this time.
And wildly varying and generally increased hostility and hate mark generation for the 2hu during one.

>> No.44084864

Woman moment.

>> No.44084911

Sure, a female player would have to experience them too. I'm thinking make something like a randomly triggering logging timer, to slow your gameplay down and make you focus on the pain or something. To simulate your mood swings and increased anger. And make any 2hu that eats you out hate mark you.

>> No.44084915
File: 100 KB, 246x269, 1659573119757639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame GvT doesn't let you set your character's level individually as an NG+ bonus.

>> No.44084943

An idea for Mizuchi.

>> No.44084981

Mizuchi is gonna take over your body and fuck your waifus.

>> No.44085056

You cucks will never be satisfied. NTR is not kosher. Fuck off and make your own fork. Wholesome possession shenanigans only.

>> No.44085059

What would be the point, and how would this even work? Just getting hate marks when someone discovers you? No one would contribute dialog to this niche thing.

>> No.44085071

Why is that when American hours starts thread suddenly starts talking about NTR

>> No.44085107

Japanese are gonna add it. Face it, you westcucks can't do anything.

>> No.44085184

Possession is kind of not wholesome by design.
Y'know, like rape, or inappropriate hag-on-male interactions.

>> No.44085295
File: 19 KB, 959x104, Capture (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you should say that, just as a I finish a spoil me session I get this notification

>> No.44085758

Gitgud dead. Also, why add Mizuchi when she will be killed by Reimu? Waste your time on another shithu.

>> No.44085797

YM already has that. And no, menses don't count as free lube because 1) blood is terrible for lubing, 2) it's not just blood, it's actual waste that can't be used for anything, worse than shit&piss combined. Rejected.

>> No.44085833

What a smug fox-addicted asshole. Daily reminder that he's a communist.

>> No.44085846

When did he say he was a communist?

>> No.44085897

I can taste the stench of Communism in how he types.

>> No.44085920

I started the meme

>> No.44085947

Wait, if Beggy is a communist and Pedy is a Nazi, does that mean Pops is a capitalist?

>> No.44085958

Pedy is a capitalist, because he's the only one who turned era games into a business.

>> No.44085966

>scat fetishist
I guess it means he is a jew. Pedy was right all along I guess.

>> No.44086013

Sleggy is also a Jew, since all communists are Jews.

>> No.44086038

Pedy is also a jew, just a self hating one.

>> No.44086049


>> No.44086073

No, namefag general.

>> No.44086074

I'm not a big-nosed freak.

>> No.44086082

Post nose.

>> No.44086090

How about I kill you instead, dipshit?

>> No.44086099

So we kicked out Eirinfag and Kanakofag to end up talking about people a thousand times worse? What logic did that have?

>> No.44086101
File: 122 KB, 778x612, 1689533066271447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbi Pedystein Pedyberg!

Best mohel in all of Russia! Shalom! Mazel Tov!

>> No.44086113

Sure, tell me where can I find you. But if I somehow avoid dying, I'll take a picture of your nose and post it here.

>> No.44086123

>sex fox is a cute blonde girl
>pedy is a jew
At last it all makes sense.

>> No.44086147 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, 1672236354179705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! Have you prayed to Yahweh today, Pedystein Pedywitz Pedyberg? Do you need more shekels to your patreon to continue working on TW?

Oy vey! You got rid of the TH18 cast to make it seem like you hate Jews, despite being a hooked nose yourself! Chutzpah! We saw right through your tricks, Rabbi Pedyberg! Go back to the synagogue you came from, oy vey!

>> No.44086200


>> No.44086779

So, you're a jew, anon?

>> No.44087013
File: 1.17 MB, 2059x2174, 1685558719726163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inappropriate hag-on-male interactions.
But I love this.
Ancient hags being inappropriate...

>> No.44087051

>Became a hourai
I now realize the true curse that is immortality, and how reckless my actions were. Now I will have to exist for eternity knowing that the only guilty person of my fate is myself.
I'll get to fuck Kaguya daily tho, so it may not be that bad

>> No.44087080

Anon no! You are supposed to fuck only human women in front of Kaguya, not fuck Kaguya.

>> No.44087103

In the grand scheme of things, human women are but a breeze in the life of an immortal being. Mere distractions they are for a cursed existence like mine.
But yeah, I'll cuck her daily

>> No.44087104

Well if he became a hourai, that's probably what he was already doing.

>> No.44087241

Anon, you don't actually believe that, you've just been groomed to believe that it's acceptable for old hags to tell you things like "wow, you got so big since I last saw you, anon", "it's amazing that you can go shopping by yourself", and "come give auntie a big kiss".
You should get away from them, anon. Hag abuse is really common and it only gets worse with time.

>> No.44087254

'HinaAnon' is confirmed to be Pops, right? I don't know why he didn't just add this system to his branch and keep to himself. It would've lessened the amount of hostility towards him.

>> No.44087385

He's trying to push his horrible fetishes onto others. Didn't work with shit, didn't work with a couple other things, now he's trying to push sph cuckery but he thinks if he says it isn't actually him it'll somehow get a free pass.

>> No.44087490

Can I get a ballzuri with that?

>> No.44087523

Lol, lmoa, hahaha incompetent fucks. Release plans on hold for another month yet again? New shit just dropped. All over your faces.

>> No.44087605
File: 171 KB, 850x1133, 1688338759321774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be rude to 'get away from' my loving wife, anon.
What's wrong with those things, anyway?

>> No.44087751
File: 2.66 MB, 3000x2600, 1686283239483377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok seriously now, what are the first steps to take if I plan on actually impregnating someone? I know thick semen helps but what else can I do to help? Give me every option I actually have to boost chances.

>> No.44087776

Go into setting, and bump that chance rate to x100.

>> No.44087789

Check wiki, there should be an image on that there.
I can tell you to pray with the girl.

>> No.44087884
File: 45 KB, 512x384, EyRJ4rXVgAImWNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look ma!

>> No.44087938
File: 240 KB, 359x359, Fxp9tgmXoAES5k8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you have spacechad to blame for me coming here, go harass him about it lol (realspacechad)

>> No.44088033
File: 38 KB, 1014x214, the hero we need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I like this guy.

>> No.44088195

Says what we're all thinking.

>> No.44088252

What's wrong with the change? It's pretty harmless this time.

>> No.44088476

Here you go, shitposter-kun. They actually went and made a roadmap for you.

>> No.44088502
File: 92 KB, 477x580, 1500065882490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same type of westernization as pedina was pushing. The japanese styled names are fine, there is 0 reason to do this other than porting crap from the toilet branch. Nobody is gonna use it. I think pops just wants to show off, or worse case scenario, prepare ATW for even more cancerous changes from his side. It's kinda like the [Slut] rename, no actual reason for that either except for making that "totally not his" suggestion stick.
Who knows if more of his coding isn't dependant on the names being change-able. I'm afraid he's not gonna stop until Beggy actually tells him to fuck off with this shit. Sadly, he seems like too much of a wimp to protect his branch.

>> No.44088507

If it's optional, it would be okay. No mandatory renaming.

>> No.44088524

its effort for no reason
its a japanese text porn game being talked about on a board named fucking /jp/, why are you trying to take jap stuff out and westernize it?

>> No.44088533

>his branch
It'd the community branch, not his. Which would be a good thing, had he not been kidnapped by Dicksword.

>> No.44088541

Can you say the same for other cancerous fetishes though? Namely the other thing pops is known for. And the other one, with the guns.
And it's a known fact he's a complete retard, so anything he makes will probably show up somewhere even if it's set to "off". It's all "optional" on his branch too, except when he made an oopsie and it's still there. You've seen people complaining.

>> No.44088543

It's not being "taken out" if the Player is given the option to stick with the normal format.

>> No.44088546

It makes the codebase significantly worse and harder to work with while providing absolutely nothing of value. It's practically sabotage and the only appropriate response would be to immediately shoot it down and call whoever created the issue a faggot.

>> No.44088552

Meanwhile, if you check the commits, you will see they already accepted some of Pops' ideas. So, it's not a good idea to throw him to the asphalt entirely. Also, even Pedy accepts some of his code; he just deletes commentary in it. Like an actual thief would.

>> No.44088575

>it makes the code base significantly worse
Almost like you have no idea how the codebase is structured. I guess we should remove ALL QoL edits because they go against the code too, huh?
It's not "sabotage " to anybody but you, false flagging retard.

>> No.44088584

I'm not saying they should kick him out, but I am saying they should reject his stupid ideas. This is an example of being stupid, even if it appears inoffensive at a glance. Pops is pretty much unable to make any meaningful addition other than stuff like hiding the drunk bar or miniscule things like that, and currently he's rapid firing bad idea after bad idea. You should be aware it has the potential to kill off the entire project.

>> No.44088592

If they haven't rejected it, that means they think it's salvageable. Consider how they still haven't canceled that other suggestion.
AnonTW has fallen.

>> No.44088638

I know you're a samefag, and I know you're trying to defend pops in order to make people go back to pedy's branch. Your posts are disingenuous.
I guess it only shows us how one faggot can sway some people's view of the consensus. At least there's always a possibility of making a poll to prove how the silent majority thinks.

>> No.44088680
File: 224 KB, 550x424, 1669508950038965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost like you have no idea how the codebase is structured. I guess we should remove ALL QoL edits because they go against the code too, huh?
This shitpost reads like something said by someone who truly has never seen a single line of code.

>> No.44088690

>"ok so lets all have our own individual branches so that we can keep conflicting ideas in our own versions to avoid chaos"
>"hey guys you know what would be a fantastic idea?! if we started adding shit into each others branches"

>> No.44088693

Pedy just seethes at any change to any branch that makes his work harder in porting their code into his btw

>> No.44088694
File: 2 KB, 204x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear about the horrible brain damage you received that led you to believe it's a good idea to affect literally every instance of character names in the game, anon. I mean, it's only tens of thousands of lines of codes that it fucks with, whatever could go wrong, right?
This suggestion is so retarded that literally nobody thinks it's a good idea.
>other than stuff like hiding the drunk bar
That was a bad idea, too. Maybe it makes sense for his fork so he can make more room for his piss and shit bars, but there's no actual value for a normal version since there's no need to hide it and it actually hides useful information from the player, because "zero drunkenness" is still useful information and a value of zero is easier to spot than the complete absence of the drunkenness bar.

And before you say "it's behind a toggle", keep in mind that every setting added makes it less accessible for new players who are immediately confronted with an overly long list of settings they don't know anything about. Good settings menu design is a key part of a good software product, and a big part of that is not adding settings for stuff that's completely worthless.

>> No.44088778

You can't respond to the samefag accusation, huh.
And as for your post, p*dy has no reason to port over this or any other stupid change that comes from pops. There is 0 reason to even touch the names at any point.
Note how p*dy wasn't even shitposting since this whole suggestion fiasco started, normally he'd be around trying to put ATW down or drown the thread in shitposting in any other way. Someone said it last thread, but seeing as his opposition is figuratively setting up dirty bombs all over their branch all he has to do is kick back and rub hands like the jew he is. So far, all of pop's recent suggestions benefit pedy with how bad they are.
The only viable move right now is to officially turn these shitty suggestions down and tell pops to curb his retardation and lay low for a while, any other infighting just helps the guy that's officially uninvolved.

>> No.44089016

Moving manpower from gameplay content to some useless flavor change nobody cares.

>> No.44089024
File: 44 KB, 500x508, d662b205b9a492346058674281ea1e2d8cd43bd4_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komachi's dialogue is actually pretty interesting small talk wise. I'm having to learn pillow words/Makurakotoba, Japanese sayings and shit like that. The person who wrote the dialogue must've been having a lot of fun with it, I suppose you'd have to be to write so much fucking dialogue

>> No.44089101

Keep up the good work, KomachiAnon.

>> No.44090072
File: 562 KB, 2000x2737, 1680022169169679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag pussy

>> No.44090212

Roast beef.

>> No.44090260


>> No.44090299

They're so old they lactate yogurt.

>> No.44090307

Need Waggy Saggy.

>> No.44090310
File: 120 KB, 866x866, 1687876688470346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is wrong, dude
So why am I laughing

>> No.44090323

Powdered milk

>> No.44090411
File: 2.47 MB, 2952x3692, 1686060740285076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for my wife.

>> No.44090463

Last for Remi with big tits and a fat ass
no pic because it doesn't exist

>> No.44090585
File: 937 KB, 1124x788, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_marota__4e6a97b9623dd209114b5cd65c562175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44090673

New Thread


>> No.44091741

Disingenuous fucking faggot lying through his teeth.

>> No.44091756

What the fuck is this niggerfaggot on, the level of schizophasia is off the fucking charts bro!!!
