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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 361 KB, 900x1500, F1LLnpPagAAbHpP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44057459 No.44057459 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>44030070

Bunny Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.44057487

I have dreams about this general.

>> No.44057494

How hypnosis work?

>> No.44057497

You have dreams about the general but not Touhou itself?

>> No.44057552

Yes. I think it was something about a new fork or update being made in response to the drama last thread.

>> No.44057561

Maybe it was one of those dreams where you see the future?

>> No.44057627

It's only the second dream I've had. The first one was about Pedy creating his own era games general on some completely different site called nynn.who. Everyone was making fun of him. I guess he really is rent free.

>> No.44057773
File: 146 KB, 685x1024, 1245871071823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some interesting revelations from last thread

>> No.44057995
File: 1.12 MB, 1245x1310, 1641205399818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beggy, come out and make a statement. Pop's latest propositions are unacceptable and are the cause of a massive shitstorm, they should be denied. This isn't the kind of content suitable for AnonTW.

>> No.44058174

Somehow you lazy assholes can bump to 600 yet these threads suck ass.

>> No.44058340
File: 177 KB, 357x523, 1671082417564549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized Banki got translated recently

>> No.44058363

Not that Anon, but I had a dream about the namefags and avatarfags related to /egg/

>> No.44058371

What is Beggy doing right now?

>> No.44058372

Were any of them actually related to /egg/ or just random names and people that never appeared here?

>> No.44058386

It was Pedy fighting Pops while Beggy, Vinum Sabbathi, Eirinfag and the Kanakofag watched.

>> No.44058393

Who is the worst namefag right now?

>> No.44058398
File: 77 KB, 800x442, 1661675957396563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were there any bets being made?

>> No.44058418

poopman is slightly worse than the others but they're all awful

>> No.44058420

Wait I'm going to edit this image

>> No.44058433

I need someone to draw this.

>> No.44058447

More like scatman

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub

He's a scatman

>> No.44058555

Daily reminder for the thread that Sleggy is a incompetent communist hypeman in over his head. The feeble-minded piss poor excuse for a competent human being is too far gone to be heralded as our savior. Buck broken by gay Swahili pirates on the Dicksword. Empty, soulless eyes, the mark of a despondent man. The hallmark of every haremfag. Let this be a lesson for the thread. Never trust the cabal of gay satanic retards. They will corrupt the purity of even the most honest, kind-hearted souls to exist. Truly, his loss is a tragedy.

>> No.44058592
File: 1.52 MB, 1497x822, Pedy vs. Pops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is the Edit
Thank you brother

>> No.44058595


>> No.44058596

Trips of crying like a little bitch

>> No.44058600

I did not understand anything

Someone please learn programming and replace Beggy

>> No.44058604
File: 239 KB, 474x305, 1683153000792402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44058697

I step out for two weeks and there's a shitstorm when I come back to this place, give me a QRD I just want my comfy rape trainer while watching numbers go uo

>> No.44058713

You know what happened?

>> No.44058722

Scatman and his "friend" are stepping where they have no right and are trying to add penis preferences to the girls in AnonTW which pissed the thread off.

>> No.44058746

Read the threads. Archives exist for a reason and your time isn't so valuable you can't put an hour into catching up on your favourite Ethiopian claymaking letter-exchange drama.

>> No.44058773

Damn Pops, why are you doing this to us?

>> No.44058796

>banki got translated
>latest version is shit

>> No.44058821

What do we do now?

>> No.44058836
File: 148 KB, 990x682, 1689695613714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penis size preferences

>> No.44058838

We make another fork

>> No.44058854


>> No.44058879

The penis size preferences will not be a gateway to NTR or SPH. In addiction, it will be toggleable. I do not see the big deal, to be honest. You do realize favor gains outside of sex are not affected, right? Also, I'm certain they will reduce the penalty in any case.

>> No.44058926

>will not be a gateway to more stupid shit
>trust me bro, it's for real this time
No, fuck off. Keep it on your own branch, how hard is it to understand it's not something that people want.

>> No.44058951

Jesus, just make a poll already.

>> No.44058968

What's even the point? It's so vitriolic that the other side will just accuse the other of botting or some other gay ops shit. Fucking discordfags.

>> No.44058994
File: 212 KB, 413x461, 1660144485422728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It's so vitriolic that the other side will just accuse [...] some other gay ops shit
>fucking [accusation of gay ops conspiracy]

>> No.44059001

Let's give it a go


>> No.44059013

Where's the option to say I don't give a fuck and I'm tired of thread shitters like Pedy having a nuclear crisis over everything in the hopes of killing AnonTW under the delusional belief that'll make everyone accept him and his deranged mutilated fork again?

>> No.44059016
File: 714 KB, 1250x1300, 8be34c5bffdd8b48dae6d96f02163682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder, pops is now trying to rename [Slut] into something else solely to get his stupid suggestion into ATW.
On top of that, the stupid fuck forgot to delete his own idea from his own fork, so you should be aware there was never any ""friends"" or third parties involved in the first place, it's all just pop's game to try and bring it over to the normal branch.
I'm also 100% sure he's been samefagging and doing damage control about it the entire day.

>> No.44059023

Is this the first time you've been called a fag before? The drama that spills into this thread is cultivated in private communities.

>> No.44059046
File: 91 KB, 332x222, 1519747040209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polls are easily bottable, but on the other hand I dunno if pops is even smart enough to figure out how to bot it.

>> No.44059249

I don't have many individuals to hate in my life so Pops is one of the few people I legitmately hope dies or has something horrific happen to him so he can fuck off. Just a joke of course.

>> No.44059265

It will not be put up to a vote. That would be retarded. It is retarded to assume penis preferences will lead to NTR and SPH. Every single one of you idiots deserves to be cucked at this rate. Cuck Beggy is a haremfag.
More to the point. IT'S FUCKING OPTIONAL.

>> No.44059273


>> No.44059294
File: 34 KB, 864x650, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very diverse group of anons ITT

>> No.44059297

no one gives a shit if it's optional or not it has no place in the game
Stop trying to worm your way into AnonTW

>> No.44059303


>> No.44059316

Discord says otherwise. Cry more. It WILL be added.

>> No.44059319

>deserve to be cucked at this rate.
You're not even hiding it anymore.

>> No.44059332

HinaAnon is confirmed to not be Pops. Check the Dicksword. Lol, lmao.
Now what are you samefags going to do? Whine some more like little piss babies?

>> No.44059333

Why Discord has any say in the AnonTW is beyond me and if Beggy actually allows it in he's a retard.
We'll just fork off (kek) and hopefully in the next thread put in the op that talking about namefags or shitcord is off topic and to just be reported.

>> No.44059356

Lol, lmao. The /egg/ community is Discord and the thread. You fucks things maintaing a fork and spitting on open source will be easy? Just like Pedy. It's not even that big of a deal. Just fucking learn to read nigga. The vast majority of translation? Dicksword. QoL additions? Dicksword. But go ahead. Do it yourself. Just make sure to start from scratch. Wouldn't want the taint of Dicksword, right?

>> No.44059433

Nobody has even bothered to explain why it is not a good addition to yhe game beyond autistic sperging about imaginary NTR and nonexistent SPH. Rather than complain about the actual NTR which is still in the game... That confirms everybody is an abject retard. It CANT get any more optional than it already is. Yandere never ever. It will be just as controversial as this. The asses were somehow controversial. I bet petplay will somehow be even more controversial, huh? No more additions to the game ever.

>> No.44059449


>> No.44059473

It's hilarious how this supposedly "russian" uses this word exactly like some american propagandist, as a generic label for "bad"
You don't deserve our citizenship and all of our free education and healthcare that were built by Soviet government, you malwarefag, you should be stripped of it and deported into some Arkansas slums where you belong

>> No.44059481

Fuck, we might as well return to vanilla completely. No translations. It's all machine edited by men. That right there is metaphysical cucking. No QoL additions not in JP. That's meta gaming cucking. No cheat menu. It's basic batch skill issue cucking.

>> No.44059495

I don't understand how anyone can stick with a controversial decision after seeing the reactions of people around them. Are these "people" even human? Do they just think themselves above 4chan just because they have names? Maybe the AT fields keeping all of us apart do need to come down.

>> No.44059532

Because it's optional, they consider it a non-issue, they wknow it will not leas to NTR or SPH, and are smarter than the thread retards? You bitxhes complained about the ass update, some of you bitches complained about it using American English rather than British English, and you bitches complained about eggs, yanderes, and everything else which will ever be worked on. Some of you even complain about Yuuka and Eiki's dialogue somehow not being "canon" enough! It's not wonder why they dismiss out concerns when we cry wolf all of the darn time.

>> No.44059583

>pops is a yumekofag
Oh huh

>> No.44059592
File: 76 KB, 700x979, kill_me_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened mostly in the last thread. it's still thre to read.
34 votes in a hour, that's next to nothing
It was already mentioned by some anon that "optional" things in Pop branch are coded around in such a way that they progressively spill into the game, like a cancerous growth left alone until it becomes malignant (start crashing the game when turned off)
The same thing we do every night, masturbate!
Because little time has passed, and not everyone's fully immersed in this stuff for all of their time, people have lives. Not necessarily the ones here, but some of them do.

>> No.44059594

Through dick, unity.

>> No.44059604
File: 5 KB, 857x116, Pedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44059607

It. Will. Not. Be. Coded. By. Pops. Mark my words.

>> No.44059628

No, that's an actual Russian, not american cocksucker

>> No.44059631

There is a difference between those fetishes and your fetish, yours potentially excludes players if they don't have the right option. Your addition is a subtraction to the game. Making it optional means it's never going to be relevant, but plants a seed of curiosity on those degenrate enough to go looking for new shit to fap for. I'm saying this without irony, your shit suggestion is precedence to more degenerate fetishes like NTR and SPH. It is the truth of the matter, and thus has no merit and should be pulled by the roots.

>> No.44059642
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I think everybody just needs to chill a bit. Ye it's a bit shitty whats going on but I've seen my share of free public projects and it always ALWAYS goes that people that contribute have bigger say than people that just use, this is nothing new.
At the same time when something controversial happens forking project is also usual, hell it happened to TW already. And I bet that if something unwanted by majority of community will happen it will be forked again, you don't even need that much programming knowledge, mostly just learn some Git.
I say just wait and see if new feature will be really 100% toggleable, so far the fork has been fine I have bunch of features turned off and it's working as intended so let's give the coders a benefit of a doubt. And it's not like anyone can dictate some random guy that wants to code something for free to do something else with his life.

>> No.44059647

But who will maintain it?

>> No.44059661

discordfaggotry should never be considered in the first place
allowing a discord to gain any power (or even exist) will inevitably lead to thread vs discord shitflinging, this is a constant for basically every thread that works on a FOSS project (see >>>/vg/ss13g/ for probably the worst example of this)
it's either a thread or a 'cord, and I'm never using discord, so, in conclusion, behead discordniggers

>> No.44059674

It's the difference between forking stuff to put in your edits(or better yet putting your edits in the already existing fork of yours) and puttin int in the main, and forcing everyone else to fork.
> And it's not like anyone can dictate some random guy that wants to code something for free to do something else with his life.
But can gatekeep them from the main branch

>> No.44059704

Pedy wakes up and immediately starts trying to create an angry mob again.

>> No.44059766
File: 7 KB, 798x200, 9!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish I could do math

>> No.44059776

It's not your fault you were born retarded.

>> No.44059787

Sometimes I wish I weren't born retarded.

>> No.44059793

Don't worry, I spent 4 years learning college-level calculus and now I don't remember fucking any of it.

>> No.44059807

Same. I don't even know why they taught us that, none of it is useful for a code monkey

>> No.44059809

If you're here you most likely have high functioning autism or something

>> No.44059814

That's normal, if you took a day off to go through most things you'd remember it all pretty fast. Nobody spends 4 years in college and then remembers it all the time for the rest of their life.

>> No.44059820

What college you retard, even complex numbers are standard school program

>> No.44059822

>most likely
Trying to make some wiggle room for yourself? Fat chance tismo.

>> No.44059832

Well even if you did remember it how much of it would be used for a career in, say, programming?

>> No.44059850

Mostly linear algebra and matrices.

>> No.44059870

I don't know. As I said I before I can't do math on my own. All I learned in my economics college was how to use a financial calculator. I can do that but hell how it works is way beyond me.

>> No.44059889

Well we live in a time where computers are used for 90% of anything so doing tedious manual work is slower and unnecessary.

>> No.44059894

The "least likely" part of it was probably low functioning autism. There's no way you're not autistic if you're here.

>> No.44059904

>no russia
Confirmed, pedy is the one shitposting about this "suggestion".

>> No.44059927

But I can't function in society.

>> No.44059940

114kun, relax. You're gonna be able to play with this on pop's branch.

>> No.44059950

I was diagnosed with ADHD which is a comorbidity to autism.

>> No.44059968

I think this sums it all up nicely. It's just a straight up a bad addition no matter what angle you're looking for, EXCEPT if you actually have a SPH fetish. Of course it's gonna lead into more of the same content.

>> No.44059987

Post an image with that or shut up.

>> No.44059991

No matter how much you repeat the whining that "this will inevitably lead to sph and ntr", that will not magically make it a reality. How about you clowns wait and see the final product before you throw ape shit? It is not a band addition "no matter what angle you're looking for". Yet another hyperbolic statement from the peanut gallery.

>> No.44060009
File: 35 KB, 1141x661, 1689668743138586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pops. Is. The. Same. Guy.
He forgot to remove his original suggestion from his own public git first.

>> No.44060028

Tell me how to screenshot with my phone snd I'll gladly show CRER saying otherwise. HinaAnon is somebody who wishes to be anonymous.

>> No.44060031

>He doesn't having a glowing penis that all the girls love.

>> No.44060046

>his original suggestion
Mind showing me the timestamps of both issues?

>> No.44060069
File: 109 KB, 700x979, kill_me_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly matrixes, and knowing which functions to call where instead of wondering "what do I need to do if I want x to happen but only when it needs to" and having to reread what other people use in such situations not to kill their processing power, nor data integrity.
Because posting under a nickname isn't anonymous enough?

>> No.44060079

Tewi, I request that you fix the status screen report. The mesugaki event does not record her tasting semen with the event. It does record her virginity and kiss though.

>> No.44060081

How will we know that it won't? Checkmate retard

>> No.44060096

That's the problem. It's not a shit suggestion. If you read the suggestions fully, you can see it will not be the apocalyptic meme disaster people have deluded themselves into believing. I would rather AnonTW cater to people with basic literacy rather than cater to the lowest common denominator. Nothing will be different for anybody. It's an opt-in only, with customization. An oneeshota toggle, a (penis preference = yours) preset, so much potential. And yet people would rather sperh about meme NTR and SPH.

>> No.44060113
File: 338 KB, 600x600, 1516809366274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, where to even begin.
1st, a fucking phonenigger. Of course. And you're so stupid you can't even figure out how to screenshot.
2nd, someone wishing to stay anonymous, but with an existing nickname and refusing to make a throwaway account with no actual info on it is pretty suspicious. I bet pops is rightfully afraid he's going to eventually post suggestions and fixes on his own branch as the "other guy" instead of on his own account and reveal himself. Or respond as pops but on that other account. Some fag saying the dude is legit does not mean he actually is.
3rd, does not matter, the suggestion is garbage with half of the previous thread already explaining why, everything from overly nerfed favor gain on hard hus to complete redundancy in almost every situation and massive time investments to balance it out, and even the sneaky beastiality thing the fag wanted to push. This is the perfect example of something that was supposed to be rejected, like Beggy said when he made that fork. There's nothing more to discuss.

>> No.44060125

You're free to look at the timestamps in both gits. They're all like 5 clicks away.

>> No.44060136

The horse like cock is already in the game. Bestiality is a never ever. It is not a shit suggestion, the nerfs were tentative, and if you read the comments, will be altered severely. The hates penis suggestion will most likely be removed. There will be no NTR. There will be no SPH. The bigger issue is that they will add gay content now. Also, some fag? CRER is a developer for AnonTW. Check the contributors list. Check how much work he's done in the commits. His word can be trusted. How about you shut the fuck up, avatarfag, and wait for the final product? It'll probably be months before we hear back at it, given how shifty and slow ANoTW is with suggestions. Then we can judge whether it will truly be optional or not.

>> No.44060138

Every single point about it has been carefully deconstructed though. A lot of people did react with doomer responses, but a lot of people also went point by point in the explanations, why won't you adress any of those posts? Come on, you can link the ones from the last thread and rebuke them right now.

>> No.44060145

I guarantee the actual devs looked at the reasonable suggestions and already made modifications in their cabal room. Wait and see. Mark my words, their updated page will address every concern this thread has.

>> No.44060184
File: 13 KB, 982x131, horse etc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

114kun, I wish you'd actually stop posting. You're too stupid to provide arguments.
>horse like cock is already in
It's size. It's actual size above huge. Does this have to be repeated every time? I'll just copy paste this.
>Horse-length is a size description, not a straight up horse dick like the guy wants to do. Read everything carefully, bro, he wants to split sizes and extras, with luminous and bumpy being the same type of extra as an actual animal shape penis.
According to pic related it will be possible to have a small horse dick, a large horse dick, just in the same way it would be possible to have a tiny bumpy penis. That's not a thing in game right now, and it should not be a thing. I know you find it hard to think, but please take a smoke break or whatever you do to relax and read it all very carefully again, and try to understand this time.

>> No.44060188

To clarify, if you mesugaki rape Tewi and cum inside her, the game does not register that as the first time her womb received cum.

>> No.44060203

How about you read it too? That suggestion is half-baked and tentative. Everything about it is WIP. It's a WIP. Wait for the final product, and then we can judge it. I guarantee Vin Diesel, Cuck Beggy, CRERtard, Hazer are all fiddling about trying to scrape whatever good they can find, ans will toss aside whatever cant be salvaged.

>> No.44060216

>mesugaki rape Tewi
Is there a special flag for that? Or is it just regular time stop at any time? Haven't interacted with her much.

>> No.44060218

I'm not saying it's apocalyptic meme disaster that will throw that will throw Okina down the Netorare staircase, like some people here, just arguing that if a suggestion is bad, it is bad, even if it came from the Pope.
And that suggestion was explained as very bad in the direction of the game features it both requires and otherwise promotes extensively.
I'll hire an anon here for 5 Brazilian peso to play a Shionanon for me in a secure Discord call, so that I have someone to paint whenever I want to make a shit change, but not have it paint me badly. Any takers?

>> No.44060223

Was it mentioned yet? No?


>> No.44060228
File: 312 KB, 960x588, 56526f5defa0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I measure my height in TW guys? This is the simple shit we should be working on: giving your MC a customizable and specific height in cm.

>> No.44060230

>"optional" things in Pop branch are coded around in such a way that they progressively spill into the game, like a cancerous growth left alone until it becomes malignant (start crashing the game when turned off)
oh this definitely happens. all the additional subsystems cause fuckery and make the game extremely janky even when turned off. even if you turn off scat, the game informs you every time a girl (anywhere on the map, not just in your same room) goes to the bathroom, you need to manage your stamina extremely carefully or you enter in a perpetual cycle of passing out and waking up, smell descriptions cannot be turned off and after a few days everyone is described as "stinking like they were swimming in sewage" etc.

>> No.44060235

">>44060028" was supposed to be >>44060096
I started sneezing in the middle of writing

>> No.44060236

leaked AnonTW dialog update just dropped

>> No.44060238
File: 290 KB, 480x442, 56526f2d65876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her smug face, guys.

>> No.44060247

>The bigger issue is that they will add gay content now.

>> No.44060266

No, the suggestion is bad. I don't have to wait for a finished product to know it's going to be shit, just like I wouldn't have to wait for a finished suggestion that makes a lover break up with you but only if you enable it and only if you ignore her for an entire month. It's still bad, all the way from the drawing board through execution process and to the finished product.
Yes, I know your next shitpost, I'm not saying that this addition will lead to that one, I'm just comparing one hypothetical suggestion to another. Use that amazing brain of yours for once.

>> No.44060274

It will not be coded by Pops. I nominate Vin Diesel.
Look at the suggestion. They added a Gay trait. Separate from the Lesbian and Biaexual trait.

>> No.44060284

>Look at the suggestion. They added a Gay trait. Separate from the Lesbian and Biaexual trait.
That's just an artifact from Pops copying over his issue from his branch, where he does have males. That's not proof AnonTW is adding males, you need to prove that. Also, the game already has gay content, futas.

>> No.44060300

But who will maintain it? Nothing stops someone(Pops), not necesarily the og coder(sockpuppetPops) to write it into events, calculations and other mechanics and slowly making the untoggled mechanics harder to maintain, thus overtime dooming them to being worse.

>> No.44060301

You can already break up with your lover, nonce.

>> No.44060318

Yea, of your own volition, you nonce. It's not what I talk about. It is not possible for a 2hu to break up with you right now like my post stated, pay attention.
Once again you prove how much of a retard you are, why don't you just off yourself? I bet you've been samefag defending this suggestion the whole time.

>> No.44060330

is it still being worked on or did it die?

>> No.44060363

Even a fully optional feature shouldn't be added without good reason. It increases the difficulty of maintaining it, increases the risk of bugs, and since this involves fuckery with talents, it also means adjusting all dialogue files that checked for penis size and changing it to fit the new system, which requires constant maintenance whenever those dialogue files get updated.
And all that for a feature that doesn't really add anything resembling fun mechanics. At best it's a chore to deal with, and at worst, it punishes the player unreasonably.

>> No.44060368

Fuck cm. Give me ft and inches.

>> No.44060374

Japan, and Gensokyo, uses cm. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

>> No.44060379

I'm going to give you a few of my inches for wanting the undeniably inferior measurement system.

>> No.44060380

>optional content
>meme about it being hard to maintain
>meme about it being punishing
>They have not seen the final product
>They ignore there is an option to make it only give bonuses and no penalties
>They ignore there are options to customize preference however you see fit
Iunno chief. Seems suspicious you ignore that.

>> No.44060383

Didn't Gensokyo get closed off before Japan switched to French cuck measurements?

>> No.44060386

I like how you completely glossed over his main point.

>> No.44060392
File: 100 KB, 233x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do we have a weight for marisa

>> No.44060413 [DELETED] 

He had no point. All he said was that it's is too difficult to maintain, a pure meme. The mechanics seem like they could be fun, if implemented properly. Anything excessive is probably being hashed out as we speak. Cankes take time to bake. Let the batter bake.

>> No.44060417

I hear you bro, but I also want 2hus to have a much wider spread in heights.

>> No.44060418

*Superior. Fixed that for you.

>> No.44060437


we should have text about how easy it is to move marisa around while you do her

>> No.44060438

>They added a Gay trait.
But how is that going to work? They aren't planning on adding other men or Rinnosuke, are they?

>> No.44060447

No, the point is there and it's actually a valid one that wasn't mentioned previously. Jp writers would have no clue about that shitty change, and maintaining it would just be extra work, impossible to future proof in any way.
You're kinda easy to spot, 114-kun. Did you figure out how to make a screencap on your phone yet? If I called out your samefag posts would you be able to deny the accusation with an image, or would you just deny everything and deflect like usual?

>> No.44060457

They had no point. It will not be "too difficult" to maintain, it will not be "buggy" (Pops will not code it). The Slut trait will not be changed. It will be fine.
Cuck Beggy talks about wanting to bone Rhinoceros Kosuke all the time, so it will happen sooner or later. Vin Diesel also supports it, probably, given his serial rleferencea.

>> No.44060489
File: 221 KB, 788x789, FUUUUUUUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Rinnocuck won the war...

It's Over

>> No.44060493

Vinumsabbathi has a boyfriend btw

>> No.44060495

Also, lol. I knew this would happen. Fairy prancing lalala boy will abandon the thread in due time. The sooner rhe gets kicked out of the community, the better. Reject Anon. Return to Neo. Pedy is our God.

>> No.44060497
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 1517743787772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuck Beggy
Now you've confirmed you hate ATW and are shitposting in favor of the suggestion turn people away from that version. Lmao.
Hey, the fag said
>This is not designed for NAS, only for normal TW (Pedy, /egg/, Anon)
Why only push this for ATW version though? HinaAnon, go bother pedy with this. I bet he'd be oh so welcoming to this trainwreck.

>> No.44060503

I want Rinnosuke in the game as a gay femboy who starts dressing like a girl to win your attention and get pounded in the butt desu.

>> No.44060511
File: 199 KB, 300x320, 1359575588553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you've confirmed you hate ATW
Anon he's been doing that since yesterday. The guy losing his shit and catastrophizing this suggestion like it's the end of the fork is Pedy or one of his cocksuckers. Always was.

>> No.44060514

This is the worst internal /egg/ meme?

>> No.44060521

Shot himself in the foot with that one, didn't he?
And that's after deleting a post once already.

>> No.44060525

It's the truth; not a meme

>> No.44060530

And what do you think /egg/?

>> No.44060534

I am /egg/ . I'm so /egg/ I don't even use discord.

>> No.44060536

Using a term of endearment is not hating him. I call it tough love. If they are too thin skinned to deal with a random faggot online calling them names, they were never meant for this community. To be honest, I appreciate his work. I wish he'd do it better and quicker. Fairies when? Egglaying when? Yanderes when? I do think he's an idiot for liking shithus and for being a haremfag, but other than that, I don't think he is a malicious individual.

>> No.44060540

So what do you think /egg/?

>> No.44060549

As /egg/ I can tell you that I like my suggestion and expect it to never get into the game.

>> No.44060551

Hey look
If I pointed out your every post in this thread would you fuck off?

>> No.44060566

How many megalomaniac fans does Pedy have in the thread? I thought it was just one and Pedy

>> No.44060574

I do not Cuck Beggy and his reverse harem of toxic anti-thread personalities. It wouldn't surprise me if he, Pedy, and Pops were the same individual.

>> No.44060585

Can you imagine that Pops and Beggy are all alter-egos of Pedy?

>> No.44060590

I do not hate Cuck Beggy and his reverse harem of toxic anti-thread personalities. It wouldn't surprise me if he, Pedy, and Pops were the same individual

>> No.44060603


>> No.44060612

Nice, you managed to make a post without a metric ton of errors in it.

>> No.44060614

I know it for a fact. That is why, when AnonTW inevitably forks, we will be exposed to a fourth personality. Pedy... (lolicon), Ops (scat), Beggy (harems)... Who will the fourth be?

>> No.44060629

a hag lover

>> No.44060632

His fourth personality will be satan

>> No.44060641

You heard me. Out of all the personalities Pedopsggy has, Beggy is the most reasonable of the three.

>> No.44060645
File: 99 KB, 850x950, 1661045148373840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hypnosis score work?
I maxed all my stats but only got +250

>> No.44060646

I hope not, we've got enough annoying hagfags here already.

>> No.44060656

Nah, I don't think so, that would be epic.

>> No.44060668

Kanakofag, Eirinfag and Yuukafag?

>> No.44060680
File: 87 KB, 900x637, c47e522cbb62ed41b33ac327cb82bb2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44060686


>> No.44060702

Hypnosis + Breast Expansion?

>> No.44060706

Can anyone look at the code and tell me if how difficult the code would be to maintain? Something like this would not be able to be future proof. Would the Japs even want to upstream it?

>> No.44060730 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 593x57, gd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44060733

/egg/ has fallen. Every writer will abandon /egg/. Every coder will abandon /egg/. Fuck eraBasic. If it were a better codebase this would not be a problem. It could be a mouldule on the side. An add-on. DLC. How hard would it be to make a fork for it alone?

>> No.44060735

Are there programmers here?

>> No.44060784

I always wondered when would be the end of the threads /egg/

>> No.44060789

Who's going to maintain it? Please, fucking give us eggs caviar first. Work on a roadmap. Put this on hold for until next year. Dialogue and release first. Give us an ETA for when, if ever, you decide penis.

>> No.44060824

We need to seize the means of /egg/production and deconvert Sleggy.

>> No.44060839

>Give us an ETA for when, if ever, you decide penis.
Never, the only people that want it are like 6 vocal samefags.

>> No.44060852

Also, is it just me, or does the mesugaki event trigger too easily now? What are the conditions for it?

>> No.44060877

If it is absolutely optional, I DO want penis. Maybe if they used different traits? I don't know if it's possible in basic but like trait:0 is the normal, trait:1 is if the option is on.

>> No.44060921

Why do you want penises in a game Era?

>> No.44060930
File: 4 KB, 472x300, 2023-06-17_00-49-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've run into a weird bug on ATW which freezes the game almost completely, only allowing you to scroll the window but not to click on anything.
It seems to happen specifically on the harvest day when you meet eiki in the human village.
Here's how to reproduce it:
- Grab this save
- Start the day and use the whereabouts sense command
-- If Eiki is in the human village, go there
-- If she's somewhere else, go there and invite her to the human village
-- If she's nowhere, go back to the title screen and try again
- Once you've got Eiki in the human village, just talk a couple times to her (you might have to skip some dialogue), then the game will freeze
The most interesting part is that trying to go back to the title screen from here will give out the error shown on pic related, only closing the game works.
This bug has been in the game for at least a month, I've just downloaded the latest version to check but it's still there.

>> No.44060942

Turn off her animations. Some pics are too weak to handle either. Not a problem.on my machine though, don't know how to fix it.

>> No.44060946

It's an awful implementation done by a guy that comes straight from NAS. Hell, it's all already been discussed. It's gonna be a pointless buff for all sex actions, a pointless nerf if your waifu likes tiny dicks and you've got a big one, it's gonna result in more unfair hate marks in the early game and all that work is gonna basically lay a massive groundwork exclusively for dialogues that involve SPH or refusal to touch you if you've got a specific dick in the future. Besides it's gonna be hell to balance and maintain, the longer it's in the game the more work it's gonna take.
The current system does everything already, the only okay change is spliting shining dick into it's own category, but it's also already busted because the guy wants to add animal dicks. And it really might mess with things from the JP side, since someone would have to rewrite every single penis size check for this new functionality.

>> No.44060955

114kun, that's a bug report, not a call for help, and you're not even helping anyway.

>> No.44060956

> hate marks
Yet another hyperbolic comment from the peanut gallery. Opinion invalid.

>> No.44060957

>Not a problem.on my machine though
I've never had any trouble with her animations either, save for minor slowdowns sometimes when loading up the whereabouts sense full list. This freeze only seems to happen on that very day, and I bet it would even happen on your computer.

>> No.44060963
File: 396 KB, 616x551, remicry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow this thread has become even worse than normal by an order of magnitude.
I can't even be assed going back to read everything and figure out what the fuck is going on.

>> No.44060964

Eiki's animations are very heavy, and it's a emuera problem in itself.
More powerful computers don't have a problem with it.

>> No.44061006

>we could have yandere update
>instead we get a pseudo-NTR patch where 2hus like other penises types more than yours update

>> No.44061019

Give me more details so I can fix it. Does it trigger more than once in a single playthrough? It shouldn't.

>> No.44061026

Disable the Flashing Animations when configuring Eiki (the one that says experimental), i think they cause this

>> No.44061036

>virgin 2hus will likely have preferences for other dicks
There really is no defending this, unless you're a cuck.

>> No.44061055

Looks like you're right, I've just tried the same steps on my desktop pc and the game won't freeze.
It's still weird how the game goes on an infinite loop on my not-that-old laptop (i5-7300U) instead of just making things slow down, and even weirder how it only happens on harvest day.

I'll try that if I ever run into the freeze bug again, thanks.

>> No.44061099

All you need to know is that Pedy is poisoning the well to try and kill AnonTW out of spite.

>> No.44061100

You're obviously a virgin, how do you explain you have any sexual preferences then?

>> No.44061148

/egg/: Let's talk about dicks

>> No.44061154

/egg/ is cringe

>> No.44061159

There's another thread up for that already.

>> No.44061160

/egg/ is cringe posters are cringe

>> No.44061170

The Miko dick thread or the cuck thread?

>> No.44061182

The former. No idea about the latter, haven't seen it and prefer not to.

>> No.44061228

all 2hus are virgins

including the moonies
you can just say one is married to her sword and the other to her fan
that way no impurity or anything

unless, of course, until (You) show up

it is (You)r duty to help with Gensokyo's lowering birth rates by yourself

>> No.44061295

Speaking of twohoes and virginity, I have a question.

How did it come to pass that pretty much all of the default nonvirgin hus haven't had a first kiss but have lost their virginity?

>> No.44061305


>> No.44061314

Look, this was explained to me a long time ago

It turns out that there was a version before TW and for some reason they decided to leave the girls as non-virgins but not having had their first kiss to leave a memory of the previous version, or at least that's what I understood

>> No.44061328

That doesn't make sense, how the hell can you rape a character as powerful as Eirin for example, but not a weak character?

>> No.44061473

>"how the hell can you rape a character as powerful as Eirin for example"
>Said anon as he played the role of a time stopping rapist.
Yeah anon who knows guess we will never figure it out how that could have happened.

>> No.44061499

Who is the time stopping rapist who has been going around Gensokyo before we got here?
Is it Pedy?

>> No.44061549

Anon, but isn't the protagonist supposed to be the only one with those powers?

>> No.44061561

Oppantsu-sama, obviously
He was so good at rape he became a god, and then he choose us to carry the torch

>> No.44061575

Oppantsu-sama is ZUN's wife.

>> No.44061579

Every copy of eraTohoTW is personalized

>> No.44061588

Oppantsu-sama is a god with lots of faces

>> No.44061601

Average non virgin 2hu has like 5 sex exp. That's a quickshot god.

>> No.44061612

There is an artificial intelligence in EratohoTW that customizes the game according to the player's fetishes

>> No.44061623
File: 184 KB, 845x1200, acting_on_instinct_2_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one person capable of such a feat, anon.

>> No.44061634

Hi Rinnocuck, has been a while

>> No.44061640

More like futacuck.

>> No.44061647

More like Reimucuck

>> No.44061696

my first ever virginity loss in tw was getting raped by reimu

>> No.44061697
File: 99 KB, 500x738, 4 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Rinnocuck only posts Rinnosuke's as being the target of women's affections.
This Rinnosuke is a gentleman scholar who merely aids Reimu in her rape quest.

>> No.44061742

Futa NTR events when

>> No.44061750

That must be where all the secret NTR anons keep complaining about is from.

>> No.44061760

In TW, is there a way to increase my character's Technique? I can't seem to get any learning gems via any sex actions.

>> No.44061761

My first was Eirin

>> No.44061777

Mine was getting raped by Yuuka.

>> No.44061778

Ah, sorry, it's just that I'm worried about the return of the Rinnocuck

>> No.44061785 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 500x706, h4g9pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what eraTohoTW needs? This.

>> No.44061799

The last thing I ever want to be reminded about is the continued existence of niggers.

>> No.44061804
File: 171 KB, 369x321, 1599758509531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yukari has the biggest dick

>> No.44061806

Me too...

>> No.44061807

Excuse me sir those are Ethiopians not niggers

>> No.44061811


>> No.44061896

These truly are
American hours

>> No.44061913

Did Tyrone steal 'your' girlfriend?

>> No.44061927

mine was almost being raped by yuuka

then i timestopped her and next day i pushed her down instead

>> No.44061957
File: 116 KB, 850x781, Yuukabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting raped by Yuuka.
and checked

>> No.44062411

So in eraMegaten, with the changes to classes and stuff in general, it seems like HI-DAS is no longer something built-in on the COMP anymore for a standard Devil Summoner (unless this only applies to old save conversions?); it's now a software that costs 1 COMP Capacity to put on. On the other hand, the High Analysis skill was put in instead to allow non-Summoners to Analyze enemies. There are a bunch of characters with COMPs that also learn High Analysis however (such as Archive from Kirara Fantasy and Ringo/Figue) - for these characters, is there a point to using High Analysis, which costs 16 MP, when they could be using HI-DAS instead if I have the software installed?

Also, I've never actually worked out where you get them from nor does the JP eraMegaten wiki seem to mention anything about how to get them, but how do you get the Secret Armor Boxes for the armour sets you can get via Item Synthesis?

>> No.44062541

Balance dictates the gameplay curve, a bonus in one place is a nerf in another.
That's how I imagine I sound to people

>> No.44062660

What's your favorite 2hu

>> No.44062860
File: 431 KB, 1404x993, illust_92565890_20220123_082914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread dies all of a sudden, huh? Makes you think the ourtrage and doomposting was manufactured.

>> No.44062925

Boy you sure need to learn how to count your blessings.

>> No.44062927

Of course it was.

>> No.44062928

Sleggy is a burnt-out whore who takes anonymous cock up the ass. Fucked 24/7 seven ways from here to Guatemala.

>> No.44062934

KEEEEEEEEEK, are you serious?

>> No.44062939

Yeah pointing it out will cause Pedy to roar back in here shitting his panties to 'prove' himself.

>> No.44062942

Why is this thread so full of Samefags?

>> No.44062955

Look at the eyes in his profile. You know it to be true. Empty, soulless. A weary fake smile. Hand caressed by a taller being. He's a shorty, so it stands that he'd get dommed by anybody who shows his pipe-fox loving ass attention. He spreads those cheeks like the town bicycle he is.

>> No.44062967

Ah, now I see, you're doing it on purpose.

>> No.44062972

I'm backing you up, anon.

>> No.44062977

Right, insulting and egging people on is exactly what this thread needs more of.

>> No.44063017
File: 53 KB, 570x770, 1615818943828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now kiss

>> No.44063064

>but how do you get the Secret Armor Boxes for the armour sets you can get via Item Synthesis?
There is an option for an item gacha or something like that in the synthesis menu. They drop from there. Not to be confused with the actual gacha option on the main menu or the skill card boxes in the junk shop.

>> No.44063089

Beggy deserves to be insulted! Fuck him! Fuck Pedy! FUCK POPS!!!!! Fuck you! Fuck me? Fuck the WORLD!!

>> No.44063143

Why are you acting like me?

>> No.44063437

What more do you want?
It's not wanted, it's not going into the game, pops got exposed. There is nothing more to add here.

>> No.44063471

Rumia is...fat...

>> No.44063475

But did we win or lose?

>> No.44063538

What Era game are you playing right now besides the top three? I'm currently enjoying some eraAS - didn't think I'd like it, but it's growing on me.

>> No.44063547

They all either lack content or are untranslated so they don't interest me

>> No.44063549

I don't really know many, can you recommend one? you seem to know more than me

>> No.44063598

EraAS. While it's not for everyone, it's certainly worth a try since it does have content the other games do not.

>> No.44063610

What are eraAS and eraRL

>> No.44063649

Read their descriptions.

>> No.44063776
File: 85 KB, 200x250, 200px-Th09KomachiOnozuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have found a new respect in the people who have translated characters for TW, I've been translating Komachi for about two days now and it has only now hit me how long it's gonna take. Anyways, are you guys working on anything for the games?

>> No.44063849

I was translating Seiga for an Argentinian Anon but they told me to stop

>> No.44063862

Stfu Vietnam

>> No.44063868


>> No.44063912

I want to learn programming to help the development of TW, currently I'm still studying programming languages

>> No.44064006

Currently playing GvT on hardcore, this shit's actually hard since one hit and your whole HP is gone

>> No.44064038

What, the Gacha Ticket you can make in Item Synthesis for 100 Macca? I never actually made those tickets because I thought they were related to the actual gacha from the options, the one that can give you demons or random equipment/skill cards. I once thought it was otherwise from the Skill Card boxes, listed somewhere in the '+ x other items' part but just ended up with a ton of skill cards instead.

Good to know though. Maybe I'll pursue the stuff when I do a Trainer ('Slaver') run again, because Macca is otherwise slow and difficult to come by if I don't make use of prostitutes/meat toilets or sell slaves.

>> No.44064141

Yep, that. I believe it used to be a separate option in the synthesis menu but it got rolled into the craft list in one of the UI updates.

>> No.44064154

I kind of enjoyed eraAS with its visual character model randomisation thing, that shows the character's build, looks (hairstyle/racial features/etc.) and descriptions, but it otherwise feels like it's not translated enough sometimes or the 'events' that take place during exploration can lead to unexpected results, like how was I supposed to seriously think that feeding the hungry-looking dog a few times would lead to the (female) explorer having sex with it? The texts before that didn't even imply something like that would happen; I thought the feeding the dog just sometimes gave free stuff in return. Some parts of it also feel a bit archaic, but it sure does have interesting mechanics to it. Maybe I'll revisit it one day, though I doubt it has changed much since a few years ago.

I really enjoyed GvT and hoped more era games like it would pop up. The closest thing so far is probably Touhou Reverse Tentacle Palace but it seems to always crash for me during combat when playing as a custom character. GvT is as difficult as you make the game become, like making the tentacles really powerful or make your characters wear super revealing or outright exposing clothing (or none at all), but it had a nice sort of grind to it. The clothing customisation and movesets you can put on were great - maybe one day something like that can come to even TW. Would be great if (You) can end up coming up with your own spell cards and it used a scissors-paper-rock style of danmaku combat instead of just pure dice rolls.

>> No.44064176

i actually want SPH in the game...

>> No.44064188

fuck you pops

>> No.44064198

Hey Pops, why instead of pure rancid sexual fetishes, why don't you add an option to create concentration camps?

>> No.44064223
File: 144 KB, 686x526, 1610578491520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuuka's personality is that she wont take the vax no matter what

>> No.44064227
File: 72 KB, 850x538, Poor Miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, a question, and this doesn't mean that I want it to ever
be added, but, what do you think if someday there will be an
option to abuse your wife on TW? What if someday a developer
like Pedy or Beggy adds domestic abuse? How would /egg/
feel about that?

>> No.44064232

Why are there so many Yuuka fans here in /egg/? I mean, I like the character but what's the best thing about Yuuka?

>> No.44064235
File: 675 KB, 800x780, 1628395020158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miko abuse is my fetish.

>> No.44064243
File: 104 KB, 425x292, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44064246

evil woman good. roses have thorns

>> No.44064251

Is it similar to the Anon from Argentina who liked Seiga?

>> No.44064258
File: 95 KB, 286x300, Seiga Nyan Nyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seiga is a freak who likes corpses but I like her for reviving miko. to each their own

>> No.44064268

For every taste, there are 2hus

>> No.44064278

What if I like tomboy childhood friends who play videogames?

>> No.44064288


>> No.44064294

She's neither a tomboy nor a childhood friend.

>> No.44064295

but sanae has a boyfriend and wont spend much time with anyone else

>> No.44064302


>> No.44064306

Have they fixed the calendar yet?

>> No.44064307

Are any of them a childhood friend who plays videogames?

>> No.44064310
File: 188 KB, 850x1202, Flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whore

>> No.44064315

Depends, do you come from Gensokyo?

>> No.44064320

In this context childhood friend can be a specific vibe and personality, the kind of interaction and relationship they would develop with you.

>> No.44064327


>> No.44064332
File: 678 KB, 1024x1024, 1628988303391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44064333

Anon, you don't seem to understand. I'm not looking for a tomboy, a childhood friend, and someone who plays videogames. I'm looking for a tomboy childhood friend who plays videogames. Someone who is all three.

>> No.44064336


>> No.44064346

The thing that pulls me away from enjoying AS is how much the game encourages incest
>touhou reverse tentacle palace
I didn't know that's similar to GvT, might try it out later

>> No.44064349

yes its marisa. rinnosuke came home one day with a brand new ps2 and marisa wasted her childhood playing ratatouile

>> No.44064351

Thank you very much

>> No.44064356

I'd be fine with it if it's locked behind the sadist talent.

>> No.44064360

Incest is pretty good.

>> No.44064364
File: 255 KB, 899x575, 1687769547658162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only incest I'd allow is selfcest

>> No.44064367

What if it was only activated if a character has: Sadistic, masochistic and docile?

>> No.44064369

The receiver or the giver?

>> No.44064384

The receiver, The giver must have: Sadism, a new trait of abuser and masochist

>> No.44064401

I don't think so, we will have to wait a little longer, does anyone have news about the calendar repair?

>> No.44064413

I mean sure the giver must have the sadist but I don't see why either of them must have the masochist talent

>> No.44064418

Let's see, I understand that the "giver" should not have the masochist trait, but, why do you think the "receiver" should not have it?

>> No.44064445

Well, in terms of the eraAS 'lore', it does make sense that incest is heavily encouraged. Because not only are (You) one of, if not the only Male in the entire world, it also runs the whole eraMegaten style Master Successor generations thing. Also for some reason the girls impregnated by you only give birth to females, so unless your daughters and granddaughters and further get impregnated by (You), the various races would eventually go extinct. Unless the girls can get impregnated by the bunch of random sex encounters during exploration, like the hungry dog? Never stuck around to really find out if that was possible though.

Touhou Reverse Tentacle Palace is 'similar' in that it's an era game about trying to essentially escape a tentacle cave, preferably without getting violated along the way. Though you don't transform into a magical girl(uy) like in GvT, you can still make your custom character as good or bad at combat as you want to. It also has a few interesting mechanics like the 'map' you are on, that is divided into square rooms, need to be traveled through to find stuff to help you escape or find the tentacle pillars and finally boss that protects the exit, but there are also a bunch of 2hus (named ones like Reimu or 'randoms' like 'Zombie Fairy') and enemy tentacles also roaming around the map. The other 2hus can get into fights with the roaming tentacles and win or lose and start getting infected (if you enabled it at initial start-up, like turning futa) or turning into tentacle seedbeds, or join you. It also has a fatigue system where (You) eventually get tired and need to rest/sleep, but if you're alone or no one is keeping watch (because everyone is resting/sleeping), the roaming tentacles can creep up to your character in their sleep. Quite interesting mechanics, if only my game doesn't crash upon initiating combat with my custom character for some reason.

>> No.44064455

I just want to break haughty girls really

>> No.44064466

Can you play as a 2hu? how does the combat compare to GvT

>> No.44064502
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Thread so comfy in early EU hours, wish it could last

>> No.44064520
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>> No.44064526
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Have a (You) then

>> No.44064562

We should cuddle (no homo).

>> No.44064566

im semibisexual (gay)

>> No.44064628

Everyone's too busy doing their 1CC

>> No.44064656
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>> No.44064729

I'm not gay, I just haven't felt the touch of a female woman in at least 6 years and it sometimes gets really lonely.

>> No.44064886

Nta, but I'm interested in AS.
I tried to get into it but the first time there was this big attack on the city all my girls were defeated and I gave up. How do I play around that? The demons or whatever were 2-3 hitting my strongest unit and I actually spent some time trying to level her up before.

>> No.44065237
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Also activity hours, I may have insomnia but even I can't go endlessly, and I suspect the same of the rest of humanity.
I was supposed to, but got root canal and needed to take antibiotics after, so I'm permamently half awake, that's good for shitposting, not so good for work, when I'm done I'm planning to translate some eratohoK.
She wouldn't need anything like it, she's confirmed yokai(not-human).
as long as I can't do it by accident, I wouldn't interact with it, it would make me feel empty inside.
>childhood friend
I don't think that's really even possible?

>> No.44065768

>as long as I can't do it by accident
Nah, the requirements I suggest are very specific, to do it by accident would be very strange, in addition, in a hypothetical case, a new section of abuse commands would be added, which would be closed most of the time.

>> No.44065822

Exactly who?

>> No.44066292

If you had slapped the title of that exploration event into a translator, it will indeed explicitly inform you it's a bestiality event chain. Do you play era games without a translator app?

>doesn't like incest
That's a massive surprise, especially since incest is so mainstream nowadays in the west that even 'normal' people admit to liking it. The game doesn't force you to engage in incest if you really don't want to besides a few optional to read back story events.

>> No.44066352

I only like incest if the one doing it isn't from my family tree

>> No.44066714

What day were you on? Did you recruit security guard residents? Because those with that job are combatants. And just to let you know, you don't have to 'defend' for five days straight - you just have to do enough damage to meet the requirement.

>> No.44066781

Only ai-gen story assistants can give you what you seek.

>> No.44066840

I don't remember, it was the first attack on my city.
I did, all the girls I sent out were security. I dunno, do body shapes matter? like are lolis just plain bad for that job? I had a couple of big girls though.
>just have to do enough damage to meet the requirement
So you're saying it's not something you can like, outright win and end the attack? Rather it just expects you to throw a couple of women at the issue and forget about it, even if they all get ko'd?
I think I got some message that it passed and I could keep playing but I guess not beating them just discouraged me. If I would have failed that event, what would happen? Game over?

>> No.44066979

Body shape doesn't matter, only the girl's attack and hp does. You can't 'win' against these giant monsters in the early game, just fend them off by fulfilling the damage quota. It doesn't matter if a girl gets knocked out, she'll heal in a turn or two, so don't feel disheartened by 'losing' a defense battle (Since you're not really losing anything).

If you don't satisfy the quota, and advance time - your city gets damaged.

>> No.44067040

Okay. I guess I'll give it another shot then.

>> No.44067189

One more thing: if you see the mission Yith extermination in the mission list - do them and accept that Yith as a resident so you can assign them to your support them (The Yith race are extremely good supports that will help reduce damage to your combat girls, and do damage to your enemies).

>> No.44067644

I've been sort of thinking about writing my own dialogue for one of the characters because I'm kind of unhappy with their japanese dialogue, but I don't know anything about programming and stuff like that

>> No.44067755

You can be sure that if you write anything someone will surely spend some time to get it into the game for you as an alternate dialogue. Assuming you can write something of acceptable quality.
It's even kinda easy to do yourself, actually. You could just look at the existing dialogues and copy over whatever rules they're using. You only need visual studio code with an era addition, it should be in the contributing page on the wiki.
But it's still cool if you write everything in a notepad and let someone else worry about putting it into the game.

>> No.44067909
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business idea: spacejin portrait and cbt animation

>> No.44067944

If you write well someone will put it in.
If you write poorly, you'll still make anons in the thread happy, even if just to fling shit at your expense

>> No.44068343

assuming I go through the effort of not only writing the dialogue but also programming it into the game, how would I add it to peoples' builds? Would I need to hope that it gets added into an official patch? If not, wouldn't it conflict with other builds? (like Peddy or AnonTW, etc)

>> No.44068421

You can join the git, or if you're apprehensive about that just drop the related files in a catbox and post here, someone will implement it for you officially.
> wouldn't it conflict with other builds
What do you mean? Pedy and ATW basically constantly steal bits of code from each other. Dialogue would probably be proofread, cleaned up and implemented into one, then "stolen" for every other fork.
If you're worried about conflicting with some existing japanese dialogue, there exists an alternate dialogue system.

>> No.44068424

Marisa, with Yukari a very close second.

>> No.44068435

>egging people on is exactly what this thread needs more of
It's called /egg/, after all

>> No.44068443

pedy spotted in the ai thread

>> No.44068489
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What is he doing there after unironically insulting people by calling them bots? Does that mean he actually likes what he's complaining about? Like calling people jews and sucking off money through that patreon knockoff? Or him calling people rats would mean he also likes Nazrin? Huh.
I mean, if that's the case it would make sense that he'd know exactly what pops is doing on his branch and how to set up a malware to trigger there. It's really like he's his #1 fan. Not to mention he must absolutely love th18 cast.

>> No.44068494
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Honestly, you hardly need to know anything about coding to write a dialogue. Most of the Japanese writers certainly have no idea what they're doing.
If you're purely writing dialogue and don't want to do anything fancy, you can just take a template and fill it in, since they pretty much have everything you need already, and if you want some additional logic and are willing to make a genuine effort, you'll find plenty of people willing to help you out here.

Setting up an alternate dialogue separate from the original requires a bit of additional setup, but it only needs to be done once and isn't actually all that complex, either.

>> No.44068512

>Does that mean he actually likes what he's complaining about?
I don't even need to visit that thread to guess he went threre just to complain about it.

>> No.44068543

What thread?

>> No.44068614

He's bitching about a guy wasting effort on Tsukasa.

>> No.44068631
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>bitching about a guy wasting effort
The fucking irony

>> No.44068688

I hate thd Discordfags because every single one of them is an attentionwhore with massive egos and arrogance

>> No.44068752

okay anons, if it's really not that difficult then I've decided that I'll write my own dialogue in my free time

if it turns out to be too much for my codelet brain I'll just write a raw script and hope someone can implement it into the game for me

>> No.44068771

we should ban any mention of it and its namefags next thread

>> No.44068774

Remember to s̵t̵e̵a̵l̵ ̵ borrow as much from other dialogues as you can.
It's all right there for the taking.

>> No.44068791
File: 29 KB, 882x337, Is this what you're talking about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this?

>> No.44068809

In the /jp/ AI art, and please, I don't want to meet him in the other one.

>> No.44069001

This is what Pops want >>438441701

>> No.44069101

Who are you planning on writing for?

>> No.44069103

Well, good luck. Wiki has a page where you can find a list of commands and reactions specifically for TW, I recommend you copy that onto a notepad+ and write whatever comes to mind as you play.

>> No.44069182
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>> No.44069362

Made for threesomes with Eiki.

>> No.44069368

You like cocks don't you

>> No.44069387

You're aware of the planned stuff like wingjobs and egglaying, right?
I think you might as well write for these actions now, maybe it'll motivate someone else to start implementing those.

>> No.44069469

Never ever, just like every other suggestion ever suggested.

>> No.44069549

The /egg/ community where Sleggy is held captive does not want eggs or wingjobs.

>> No.44069554

Would you give an /egg/ anon a platonic brojob while they're playing eraTohoTW? You know, for the realism.

>> No.44069616
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I don't know how a wingjob would work (I have chickens irl) so I don't think I'll implement that unless someone else does it first and I can just "borrow" it from them. I want to make wings more useful in TW though, maybe for skinship, embracing, teasing, things like that. I'll implement egglaying but I don't know how it wouldn't conflict with normal pregnancy

>> No.44069635

You can't imagine how a wing would envelop your cock?

>> No.44069646

The months-old, probably abandoned template Stalbeggy promised would be implemented says it would not interfere with pregnancy.

>> No.44069652
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Far as I know it's supposed to be an on-demand egg laying with a pregnancy disabling that and working as normal. Bird 2hus are also supposed to give you their eggs as gifts randomly.

>> No.44069657
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>> No.44069878
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I can't, no, this is why I mentioned I have chickens irl, I feel like this is something that only someone who doesn't have birds would suggest, feathers can't really bend or move without breaking (all of the movement you see in a bird's wings are just the wing muscles themselves spreading the feathers out like a paper fan and flailing them around). Also, the bigger the bird, the bigger their wing feathers, which just means that for a human-sized birdgirl it'd be impossible to envelop something as small as a cock. Even a regular-sized sparrow's wings would struggle to do so.

A "wingjob" would be more akin to you just taking a feather and rubbing it on one side of your cock. It would either tickle or be uncomfortable, at most.

>> No.44069906
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>> No.44069907

Youkai chickens are not real chickens, realism fag.

>> No.44069916
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Nah, I want him to share more of his chicken knowledge. It's interesting.

>> No.44069920

Wingjobs never ever, because the /egg/ community hates fun. You might as well toss every single fucking suggestion into the trash. No tailjobs, nothing fun ever. For fuck sakes, I want my youkai to have unique sex commands.

>> No.44069929

But the cokee already has dialogue, what are you doing? It'd be best to expand it instead.
Even if you go for it, you're already committing the cardinal sin of featurecreep - just get the bases first, you already have plenty of stuff to work on which will keep you busy for many months.

>> No.44069950
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I also think there's much bigger potential in other things with wings, like you said. Mentioning them in skinship, hugs, describing her fluttering wings as a reaction to headpats, spreading her wings in an attempt to intimidate you before danmaku, etc. Cute stuff. But that depends entirely on the writer.
But to be honest, I don't think anyone imagines anything super fancy with wingjobs. I think it's just going to be like any other plain sex command, like
>X clumsily jerks you off with her entire wing
>X masterfully pleasures your dick with her soft feathers
And a couple variations of that. There should probably also be a tag for having wings, unlocking the command. With the same options when you're pushed down, if it's even supposed to happen on pushdown. If someone wants to go all the way add functionality for the player having wings and doing wingjobs to others.
No need to go beyond that and make it retardedly complicated for absolutely no reason at all with 10 wing sizes, shapes, feather colors and size preferences with positive or negative exp and favor gains.

>> No.44069958

I want the birdhus to have cloacas

>> No.44069959

There is no reason to not do BOTH.

>> No.44069973
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>But the cokee already has dialogue, what are you doing? It'd be best to expand it instead.
she does, but it's all in japanese and I don't necessarily agree with all of it. I feel like I can do a better job than the JPanon who wrote it so I don't see why I shouldn't try, I can make the cokee a lot more unique and fun to date than she is right now and give her more depth as a character too.

>> No.44070014
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>JPanon who wrote it
Bwuh? You mean the JP-side writer, right?
In any case, suit yourself. I feel ya, this writer is indeed kinda bland, full vanilla, he doesn't get into specifics, his autism level is pretty low, he writes everyone the same by the same template, and he's got like 10+ characters he wrote dialogue for, quantity over quality imo.

>> No.44070098
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>this writer

>> No.44070150
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>I also think there's much bigger potential in other things with wings
There is, they're very underused in writing as it currently stands.
>But to be honest, I don't think anyone imagines anything super fancy with wingjobs. I think it's just going to be like any other plain sex command
I had something like this in mind too, I only said no to coming up with the writing for the wingjob prompts themselves because I don't see how they'd work (and to be honest I don't agree with them either, but I understand this game is played by people other than me). But ideally you'd still use them in sex for a lot more than just stroking your dick and would even have special specific prompts for it like you do with breasts or nipples (believe it or not wings are a pleasure spot in birds) as well as just using them in the writing for the in-game prompts, for example instead of a leglock why not a winglock? Or having her tease your nipples with her wings?

also, did you know birds will unconditionally spread their wings when orgasming?

>> No.44070179
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>> No.44070181

>"ehh I wonder how how the /egg/ fags are doing, it's been a while since I lurked that thread"
>*opens thread*
>shitstorm about devs inserting NTR in the game
Some things never change

>> No.44070183

>Bwuh? You mean the JP-side writer, right?

that's exactly how I felt when I read her dialogue and the reason why I want to write my own instead

>> No.44070252

Wingjobs are viable, you hack.

>> No.44070335 [SPOILER] 
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Wingjobs, but from this girl.

>> No.44070381

She can cradle you in her wings as she suckles on your neck.

>> No.44070408

All my fuck yes. I want my neck suckled.

>> No.44070410

Lovers are not food, anon.

>> No.44070429

Explain "Thanks for the meal" then?

>> No.44070433

Romantic blood sucking is hot, anon.

>> No.44070474

What if they give you some disease by doing that, though

>> No.44070477

You do know that in touhou canon you turn into a mindless zombie if a vampire feeds on you, right? Don't tell me you're secondaries.
Besides, I want to have lots of sex with this girl, and that's exhausting enough. I can't afford to pour any extra liquids into her that isn't my semen, with a honorable exception of trading saliva.

>> No.44070489

You do know in Touhou canon that requires them to drain you to death, and Remilia is literally a light eater who physically can't drain someone to death?

>> No.44070514

You do realize K already has a blooddrinking event, so 'canon' can eat my ass.

>> No.44070533

You're secondaries. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.44070544

>Post literal canon information
>actually u am secondary!
Bad bait.

>> No.44070558

I bet he will call us secondaries when we show him that Tengu are confirmed to lay eggs,

>> No.44070578

Speaking of eggs, has there been literally any progress made about them? Having more features to make your fork unique would be appreciated.

>> No.44070585

Nobody's volunteered to write it.

>> No.44070587

No, humans can die from being drained, but if they don't they become those mindless slaves.
If that's not the case, post proof now.
They do lay eggs. Stop shitposting, you're just trying to discredit anything that calls out your idiocy.

>> No.44070590

>people would rather stick to the game trapped in a command window than to break out of it


>> No.44070616

Who the fuck keeps a list of citations in their back pocket

>> No.44070621

That sucks. I REALLY want eggs.
Intimate vampirism should be added.

>> No.44070636

There's already a Flandre rewrite where she'll be able to turn you into a vampire, I imagine the more intimate/loving blood sucking will be present. Not like some sperg in the thread can change that.

>> No.44070723
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Right. I'll take that as a public concession. You should have apologized for being in the wrong, but it'll do.
Vampirism, why not. As long as it's optional, it would suck ass to be stuck indoors if your umbrella breaks during the day. You'd have like a 5x stamina drain, probably active during tsp too, and passing out in the sun would have to be fatal. And you wouldn't be able to move during rain at all. And no garlic foods, and reduced recovery from food without blood in it. I think it's more hassle than it's worth.
It doesn't really go against anything in the lore though, afaik.
Good, but sucking your blood still would turn you into an npc and give you a game over. I'm glad you're not the guy in charge of saying what is and isn't getting into the game, mr. shitposter.

>> No.44070732

...You do realize you can already play as a vampire character, with none of the meme "drawbacks", right?

>> No.44070736

New Thread


>> No.44070738

That's only with cheats, anon. It's not intended.

>> No.44070750

Don't reply to someone shitposting, this dude will shit on literally ANY and EVERY fetish or scene people ask for, that's all he does.

>> No.44070758

>He doesn't realize he's talking to a dev right now (me).

>> No.44070767

I just asked for wingjobs. Is that not good enough for you?

>> No.44070776

>Your harmless intimate interaction shouldn't be allowed, only mine!

>> No.44070784

Nah, you ain't a dev. You're just a poser, and a secondary shitposter.

>> No.44070798


>> No.44070811

There's clearly supposed to be drawbacks, though. Vampires take additional damage from the weather, for instance, although the current implementation doesn't account for player vampires.

>> No.44070824

Are we talking about sucking blood?
It's not harmless, it's a fate worse than death. It literally would end your game according to the source material. Please do not confuse generic vampire stories with established touhou canon.
But if it's about vampirism, I don't mind it. It would just be very weird to have such a big change done to you but somehow avoid every single downside to being a vampire, like walking out in the sun without any cover or like, not having to drink someone's blood (still turning them into mindless zombies, so don't do it to your lover). Or what about crossing Sanzu river? You literally should not be able to do that.

>> No.44070838

I will become every feasible trait possible. A shrine maiden (male) hourai vampire hermit magician.
>crossing Sanzu river? You literally should not be able to do that
Man, I'm glad your autistic ass isn't a dev.

>> No.44070851

>The game needs to be completely remade to be more restrictive and
Fuck off

>> No.44070855

Like I said. You're a shitposter, even trying to ruin the common branch.
That's assuming you're not a falseflagger. Anyone can generate a trip, and it's likely the actual guy you're posing as doesn't even exist.

>> No.44070865

Just like what you're doing by arguing for the game to be rebuilt from the ground up to be more restrictive? Lmao, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>> No.44070887

I'm not arguing for it, I'm explaining why player vampirism is a bad idea. It should be allowed if someone wants it, but not without the canon vampire weaknesses. It's just for the roleplay value.

>> No.44070890

It will be added, with a toggle for the "canon" vampire weaknesses.

>> No.44070897

>shrine maiden/hourai/hermit/magician
Incompatible. Pick one.

>> No.44070905

Not really. You can be more than one.

>> No.44070910

If you're that guy, why are you against extra weaknesses for vampires? It's kinda like your penis preference system.

>> No.44070914

Even disregarding the fact that only one of those is obtainable for the player, you absolutely can only have one of those at the same time.

>> No.44070915

Then it's not vampirism at all.

>> No.44070918

For now.

>> No.44070928

Like I said, you're just a shitposter. Don't talk about things you have no clue about, dum-dum.

>> No.44070946

You think the code can't be edited to support the player having more than one extra race? I mean, you can already make yourself have as many race traits as you want, like they are mutually exclusive or anything. Also, Sleggy seems to be into the idea, given what I've seen him post.

>> No.44070977

It would be another one of those changes that's just a bitch to maintain for no actual gain, and no sensible person would go through with it.

>> No.44070993

>No sensible person would want to become a Magician.
>No sensible person would want to become a Hourai without cucking Kaguya.
>No sensible person would want to become a Hermit.
>No sensible person would want to become a Shrine Maiden.
>No sensible person would want to become a Vampire.

>> No.44071004
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Can you not read? Are you retarded?

>> No.44071015
File: 1.86 MB, 1600x2000, __hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_peroponesosu__be9a400b8490365fbd7e7da2100b7148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about changing the code to make it work, dumbass.
It's important to understand what's a sensible thing to change and what isn't if you don't want a project to become a nightmare to maintain.

>> No.44071021

There is nothing in the code which PREVENTS the player from possessing more than one extra race trait.

>> No.44071030

>No sensible person would want to become a Hourai
>No sensible person would want to become a Vampire.
Correct. Both of these give you power but with a terrible price.

>> No.44071037

Meanwhile, I'm over here intentionally gamifying Kaguya's cuck event because it's fun.

>> No.44071050

But you wouldn't want to actually become immortal.

>> No.44071058
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Yes there is. They're all just different ranks of the same talent making them mutually exclusive.
I suppose I did mix up Hermit with Maid a little while ago (same thing, really), so you can be a Taocuck if you want, I guess, but you're definitely not going to be a shrine maiden who is also a hourai magician maid.

>> No.44071060

Yes, I would, actually.

>> No.44071075

Then edit the code? Not that difficult to do. I know Sleggy wants to be more than one, so if anybody's going to put in the work, it will be him.
I HATE people who waive away suggestions and bitch about things being impossible. It's a fucking OPEN SOURCE game. EDIT THE DAMN CODE.

>> No.44071077

You should read a couple of doujins where the hourais see everything succumbing to the inevitable entropy of the universe. It's a nice bit of misery porn you need right now.

>> No.44071086

Every misery porn story I read would not be applicable to me. You will change my mind, mortalcuck.

>> No.44071095

It's not like you'd have much of a choice. If you catch the eye of some of the more powerful degenerates, they'd definitely fuck you up and either turn you into an inhuman monstrosity, a walking corpse, a filthy celestial, or just snatch your soul after death.

>> No.44071114

You're into being mind controlled? So that's why you want bloodsucking in the game, you're gonna jerk off to your pc suffering complete ego death.

>> No.44071129

My will to live is indomitable. I will go even further beyond. Common sense has no power in Gensokyo.

>> No.44071136

Relax 114kun, or you're gonna pop a vein.

>> No.44071156

Sure, I'm Pedy, Pops, and 114kun. I'm also HinaAnon, and VinumSabbathi. Every namefag is me.

>> No.44071197

No, that's actually me.

>> No.44071207

Nah, I suspect you did try to shitpost as Hinaanon but you're just a thread shitter, you do not contribute in any way, shape or form.

>> No.44071227

Ah. Well, let’s see if we can find a workaround.
I, personally, do not think it’s a bad idea to separate the Extra Races into their own category. No reason you can’t be more than one.

>> No.44071258

First you'd have to convince the japanese to change that on their end too. Otherwise it's just gonna create problems with every new character and the more advanced dialogues.

>> No.44071282

Making it bit-based could work. Also, we could always just port it to the upstream, just like we did with More Lovers.
Not every change to the game requires waiting for the Japanese team to do it first, y’know?

>> No.44071295

Sure. That sounds reasonable.

>> No.44071302

Anon, it's already been explained to you that the biggest problem is maintenance, not just editing the code. I know a codelet like you doesn't have the frame of reference necessary to understand the full impact of such a change, but you should at least understand that insisting on "just editing the code" is a really dumb statement that won't convince any actual coder.
And Sleigh isn't going to do dick because he's not a coder either. He's just like, vaguely playing around as a community liaison or some other gay nothing job.

>> No.44071346

I wish he would service my community and do dick. Mine specifically.

>> No.44071357

Don't bother explaining things to 114-kun, he's not gonna understand and he'll just shitpost at you.
You can always tell when it's him based on his speech pattern.

>> No.44071370

Communal use dev can perform fellatio on mine while he gives a handjob to you. Sound good?

>> No.44071375


>> No.44071394

It's almost impressive how he only ever has terrible ideas.

>> No.44071799

And so he slowly continues to encroach with "features" from his branch as they keep trickling in. Told you this guy was a parasite.

>> No.44072039

An actually good change.

>> No.44072467
File: 84 KB, 259x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blood sucking

>> No.44072486

holy kino, I love this

>> No.44073240
File: 37 KB, 362x346, Kaguya_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one start to write dialogues for characters

>> No.44073529

You've typed up this post you're already half way there.

>> No.44073692
File: 124 KB, 699x451, 1686682734113094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canon discussion on /egg/ again
We are still talking about a series of bullet hell shooters that change the established rules and characters from game to game right? I swear ZUN gives less of a fuck about keeping things straight than some of people here, and this is general for a series of fan works that isn't supposed to keep close to "canon" in the first place.

>> No.44074263

That's just lazy coding

>> No.44074436

But the canon specifically states what happens to someone that gets their blood sucked by the touhou version of a vampire. I don't see a reason why you can't have that in any other non-touhou era game and have to insist on adding that to the one where you actually are subjected to the debilitating downsides like the sun or rain daily.
It's all just fantasy but you're supposed to play pretend by the rules. Otherwise why not just make player completely immune to magic and all other supernatural youkai influence, make you autowin every danmaku fight and disable every other unique quirk there is?
Also if you're gonna try to actually get your dialogue to show up in your own version of the game, check Parsee's code. I hear it's got majority of the functions explained in english and Parsee actually has lines for most commands. You can copy paste certain code and just add whatever your 2hu is supposed to say.
