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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 411 KB, 764x660, 1668474742045552.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43918816 No.43918816 [Reply] [Original]

old >>43912466

>> No.43919264

immediately derailing thread mb. i'm sure that there's at least a couple alcoholic frens in here though.
trying to cope with the fact that the taste of alcohol makes me gag super hard. any tips for drinking it straight? trying to drink it straight and i can deal with fireball, sorta deal with vodka and rum, but gin and tequila make me gag to hell. any way to get around this? also all i have right now is 190 proof everclear my friend gave me as a joke and i'm tired of ruining my coke trying to get drunk. how the fuck do i drink this without gagging. i don't really care about the pain, it's 95% so that's expected, i just don't wanna throw up if i'm taking a swig

>> No.43919314
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stop drinking, baka

>> No.43919327
File: 12 KB, 246x205, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry, am an alcoholic from college fucking me up for 4 years
i might just go to bed though so that's one way to stop

>> No.43920497

i built up tolerance for the taste of cheap whiskey by taking swigs from a bottle throughout the day
i kept it in the fridge, it not as bad when it's cold
don't swig the 190 proof though, you'll literally die
i found that despite coke being the more popular choice, citrus based mixers tend to work a lot better, my favorite being red grapefruit
been drinking since i was 13, gave it up since it messed with my anki reps
before you ask i'm 28
now fuck off

>> No.43920509

just don't

>> No.43920568 [DELETED] 

Anyone know what the fuck ファサ means as like a sound effect? Context is for flipping hair

>> No.43920954

did the discord go down or is it just me?

>> No.43920960

fuckin baaaaased

>> No.43920988

did nuke get the based boys again

>> No.43921016
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werks for me

>> No.43921020

thats a lot of losers

>> No.43921059
File: 898 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP07 END [WEBDL] [1080p]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43921113
File: 1.62 MB, 960x540, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP07 END [WEBDL] [1080p]-[24.01.707-24.06.058].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo DIY dorama is coming

>> No.43921250

yep moeway won
djt lost

>> No.43921268

aren't those the same?

>> No.43921282

>DIY dorama is coming
where do you watch these?

>> No.43921289

poor queef cant catch a break

>> No.43921311
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if magicstar doesnt rip it then tver or hulu

>> No.43921351
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important context for understanding japanese girls when they are shy around you: they're working up the courage to say this.

>> No.43921360
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>> No.43921382
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, lukewins.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based lukeGAWD op

>> No.43921393


>> No.43921453

did 82 hours in June

>> No.43921460


>> No.43921467

How do you translate LukeGAWD to japanese?

>> No.43921630

sex with purin

>> No.43921743

What do you guys think would be best? Wanikani Ultimate 3: Tokyo Drift or the Core 2K/6K?

>> No.43921803

read this with a paper dictionary:

>> No.43921805

core 4x4k twin turbo gt

>> No.43921851

mou dame

>> No.43921886


>> No.43921997

>have conversation with japanese 2view
>can’t keep up with the pace
>ah i’ll just use deepL this one
>accidentally pastes it two times
>caught in 4k
>face turns bright red
>alt f4
>pillow over head
>now /here/ after feeling shame for 20 minutes

>> No.43922002

Worst part is she kept complimenting my japanese

>> No.43922049

Current thread: #3599

>> No.43922061

guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt_oalr6uXQ

>> No.43922125

That reminds me, when does the Houkago Teibo Nisshi drama come out?

>> No.43922128

TY, OP's also missing the guide link

>> No.43922137


>> No.43922318
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>> No.43922388

either the panko manko or pippa

>> No.43922410
File: 1.05 MB, 2033x1302, bb12abb39ec687e2c11164053f0b6ad58372c922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been reading konosuba lately

>> No.43922431

not enough plap plap baby making scenes, so it's a pretty weak isekai

>> No.43922438
File: 246 KB, 1080x1440, F0KjzNHagAEn_Hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43922546

read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/what-are-the-downsides-of-using-wanikani

>> No.43922566


>> No.43922628

レ・レニ・フェイズ (͡°͜ʖ͡°)

>> No.43922637



>> No.43922691
File: 329 KB, 609x909, 2cd2587829171ce69f1a04655b80cb60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mine things like 藪から棒に

>> No.43922746


>> No.43922765
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>> No.43922766

I wouldn't say that, I'd say that I've gotten pretty far along thanks to their guides and resources.

>> No.43922787

you can join djt's matrix group here https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/join-our-community
avoid pisscord

>> No.43922939

i hate this smug fucking faggot, why does his fireball have no startup

>> No.43922949

of course, why wouldnt i

>> No.43922956
File: 25 KB, 94x354, 1663537014515412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the monkey bad at gymnastics or is he a very bad monkey

>> No.43922978

It's the age of zoomer shotas, deal with it old man.

>> No.43923033
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>> No.43923040

why do some people say discord makes you trans?

>> No.43923116

a discord server is an isolated, effectively unsearchable webforum that is not indexed on search engines. as it happens, it is popularly used by children. as a result, pedophiles (including adult transexuals) use the service to privately communicate with children and coerce them to become more sexually available to pedophiles. this can most easily be done by convincing a child, who may be dealing with loneliness, intense hormonal changes, or a fear of their bodily changes, that these problems are a result of them being born in the wrong body. often, pedophiles will tell confused teenagers that they people would like them more and stop bullying them if they were the opposite gender. although this is not the case and will increase their social ostracization, the pedophile can use this to their advantage, as the lonely teenager becomes more dependent on the pedophile for validation. if left unchecked, the teenager will become completely indoctrinated by the pedophile, and perpetuate this cycle on new children.

hope that answers your question

>> No.43923138

getting groomed into a lgbt on discord is the current age getting scammed out of your mithril armour in runescape

>> No.43923142

How many VNs until fluency? What if I only read Nukiges?

>> No.43923158

when i was in 4th grade, some nigger offered to sell me a dragon sword or something for 100k and he pulled the sword at the last minute and took my 100k. i guess i'd be trans now

>> No.43923163

damn that's crazy. yeah that answers my question thanks

>> No.43923175

about 三万

>> No.43923178

I was getting killed by a wizard and some guy kept closing the door on me when I tried running away

>> No.43923186

not reading the second trade screen is effectively the same as not reading about the impact of puberty blocking and hormone replacement and just accepting it anyway
i'm glad you got off easy, anon

>> No.43923194
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picked up a bag of these at the mall
i was shocked when i saw them they don't even carry these at the wa
now i can see what g-witch snacks taste like

>> No.43923260

there was no second trade screen at the time. i'm pretty old.

>> No.43923263
File: 176 KB, 316x301, noeisurugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help improving in my Japanese course. This is a beginner's college course, before taking it I had an OK intro level knowledge on the language from watching Annie Mays and online research, even downloading all the meme dictionary softwares. I'm falling behind on the class, I have a fairly good work ethic but it appears it is not good enough. My grade is at a B at the moment. What do? What are some routines or language games that can help me remember the simple stuff like which This/That word to use? Thanks.

>> No.43923367




>> No.43923382

every day i stare lifelessly at my computer, doing anki cards, and hoping that one day it will pay off

>> No.43923425

is there a place to watch western movies in japanese dub for free?

>> No.43923498

Should gone with index cards.

>> No.43923612


>> No.43923648





>> No.43923691
File: 24 KB, 653x374, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core 2k/6k strikes again with the worse meanings for the simplest words.

>> No.43923728

DJT Daily Japanese Thread
Previous thread
>>43918816 #3599
>>43912466 #3598
>>43894567 #3597
>>43879555 #3596
>>43870796 #3595
>>43854286 #3594
>>43844003 #3593

>> No.43923757


>> No.43923831


>> No.43923848

here you can read about the immersion / ajatt method

>> No.43923887

Damn, i wish the japanese classes i took in college were hard enough to fall behind in. Or that I were motivated enough to put in over the top effort at the time.
Pure waste of 2.5 years with nothing retained to show for it afterwards.

>> No.43923963


>> No.43924024
File: 3.20 MB, 2894x4093, dc167b2a45f2e974358af13208579822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my reps

>> No.43924106

Been a while since I’ve looked up /djt/. Are you guys no longer on /a/? What happened to this daily thread, it seems dead even though it was booming about five years ago.

>> No.43924126


>> No.43924149

I have no idea how anyone stays committed to anki decks. I must be missing something. I've tried learning Japanese via anki decks before and I literally always drop off because it becomes overwhelming and I feel like I'm not learning anything. Maybe I'll take another crack at it after dicking around with wanikani for a few levels.

>> No.43924151

skill issue

>> No.43924159

do the anki deck every day
if it takes too long, do less cards
if it doesnt take any time at all, do more cards

>> No.43924214

>I literally always drop off because it becomes overwhelming and I feel like I'm not learning anything
But you're literally learning the words you're practicing.

>> No.43924223

They're just submissives that like being ordered around by timekeeping systems. Pick a different flash card system.

>> No.43924232

Am I? It never felt like it. But maybe my issue was a lack of immersion. Or a lack of mnemonics. Just cramming shit in front of my face and telling me to remember it sure was never helpful as far as I could tell.

>> No.43924233

I'm leveraging the sunk cost fallacy like that dude who got to N1 through his porn addiction.

>> No.43924245

>Reaching N1 through a porn addiction
Fucking what? Just THAT determined to be able to understand as much porn as possible?

>> No.43924291

No he jerked it for 8 hours a day so he figured he may as well do that in Japanese. Reddit jannies removed the post and then modified the rules to justify deleting it though.

>> No.43924295

Hmmm, immersion requires reading and listening comprehension, and right now you're just struggling to remember a few basic words. I think the problem might be that you're just not as good at memorizing things as you think.
You really shouldn't be struggling with beginner material at this point in your learning.

>> No.43924309

*breathes in*

>> No.43924313

The real issue is that I took Japanese as a class in high school for 2 years, but didn't follow through after graduating. So I have a lot of bits and pieces of knowledge obtained through an education and don't really get what I should actually be doing anymore. I don't struggle with remembering so much as I struggle with engagement.

>> No.43924319

*breathes out*

>> No.43924320

Oh, for reference, I've been out of high school for 10 years and my only real interaction with Japanese after the fact was subbed anime and video games.

>> No.43924328

Your foundation should make the process of learning easier, not harder. I'm not trying to be rude, but just finishing something like the core deck shouldn't really be a challenge, especially for someone with familiarity in the language.
Maybe learning Japanese just isn't your thing?

>> No.43924337

>use Core2k
>use the improved Core2k/6k
>use the Core 2.3k
>use the Tango decks
>here's something called KanjiTransition
So for an absolute beginner, which is it?

>> No.43924349

You're clearly not understanding what I'm saying, so maybe English isn't your thing. Thanks for nothing, I'll work it out myself.

>> No.43924364

Well, I think what you're saying is that you have difficulty learning words with a simple flash card program. It's either that or you just don't like learning period, but I'm really not sure what the issue is. I could understand if the grammar was giving you trouble or you found listening difficult, but just memorizing words should be pretty straightforward.

>> No.43924380

I have difficulty staying engaged to a simple flash card program. Being taught Japanese in a proper learning environment spoiled me on the level of engagement and interaction there was. I don't find learning inherently difficult, but I do find it inherently boring. As I said, I don't get how people can will themselves to just throw themselves at flash cards all the time without getting burned out or bored. What measure is there of your progress? How can you even know if you're actually getting anywhere? It feels intangible.

>> No.43924403

I guess Japanese really isn’t your thing. Your whole problem revolves around you being bored of learning. The main progress you make in a language is the vocabulary. I don’t think the classroom environment spoiled you as much as it tricked you to thinking you were making progress when in actuality you weren’t.

>> No.43924414

Any. They all teach useful words, and AFAIK, none of them teach using radicals, so it's all the same.
That said, Tango focuses on some weird work-related words at the start, so I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.43924423
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>> No.43924438

You might not even be wrong about that. It could be I've been using those classes as an excuse. I clearly need to retrain my brain if I wanna get used to how I need to learn. In truth, the only thing I really retained from those classes in the long run was hiragana and katakana. But I'm not gonna give up on it just because you seem obsessed with me doing that. I'll learn it no matter what, even if I need to learn to learn again first.

>> No.43924492
File: 52 KB, 933x614, EfZdkAOXkAQwWnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43924521

interesting, I'm not much for drama tv but something diy related certainly could appeal to me
do they come with subs?

>> No.43924639

First off, don't ever drink everclear straight, it's very dangerous. Forget about throwing up, it can seriously harm your body. Everclear is also one of the foulest tasting drinks there is so it's no wonder you don't like it. However, if you really want to consume it you should pour some out into a bowl and place some fruit, such as cherries, in the everclear and let them soak, then eat the fruit. You'll get plenty drunk quite quickly.

As far as getting used to alcohol, start with lower abv drinks like beer, wine, sake, umeshu, etc. and work your way up. Also try to find some cocktails you like, perhaps something sweet.

>> No.43924646

none, just read and look things up

>> No.43924683

How are you supposed to look something up if you don't know what it is?

>> No.43924713

Never seen a jdrama before but might give this a try, the anime was cute.

>> No.43924726

Bros I got the ipod nano and uploaded audio from bocchi and flcl on it
Matt was on to something with this ajatt method

>> No.43924748

I feel like it's always been known that immersing yourself in a language is a pretty good way to learn it.

>> No.43924844

True, just look at Nuke. He’d play the audio from episodes he watched over and over.

>> No.43924959

crazy how much pisscord scammers show up in search results for japanese learning

>> No.43924988

They possess the secrets to success. You can trust them.

>> No.43924993

shogi time

>> No.43924999

funny how analcream disappeared after seeing most of the thread is higher iq than him

>> No.43925030

god learning pitch accent is fucking mentally tiring

>> No.43925055

Pitch accent is a scam. Every language has stresses and certain pronunciations that just aren't captured in written form.

>> No.43925079


>> No.43925090
File: 637 KB, 989x1500, 1688525823301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct pronunciation is not a scam

>> No.43925097


>> No.43925268

this made the japanese boomer piss and shit their pants laughing

>> No.43925270


>> No.43925291

Could you provide a translation for us? I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.43925360


>> No.43925366

they piss and shit themselves because they're old not because they're laughing

>> No.43925389

qt kr grill from my work was not wearing make up today and she looks way more beautiful without it
ggs bros watakushi honki de horeta

>> No.43925390

now do one where the person actually sings

>> No.43925393
File: 320 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - 01 (720p) [F141AF83].mkv_snapshot_16.24.693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't she just go home and get her glasses instead of being legally blind for a day?

>> No.43925397

maybe i should get back together with my ex

>> No.43925400

ngl i'd haramase a kr jk

>> No.43925431
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>> No.43925501

who decided today was bikini day? i want to thank them.

>> No.43925730

u r welcome

>> No.43925796

the fuck is bikini day

>> No.43925855

the day your mom sluts out

>> No.43925878

OCR programs, searching by radicals (sites like jisho and apps like akebi offer this), or searching by handwritting (google translate is the only app where this method isn't completely useless for people with no knowledge of writing kanji whatsoever)

>> No.43925936

oh yeah cuz ur mum covers the rest of the year that's right

>> No.43925969

dame cant wait for next ep of yumemiru danshi
that guy is literally me rn

>> No.43926002

i did no need to learn this word today but it is what it is

>> No.43926009
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>> No.43926079

wtf is that gif lol is that u?

>> No.43926143

queef is over

>> No.43926214
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>> No.43926341





>> No.43926471

did the they ever get the adventures of tintin in japan? bet that was good for a few laughs back then

>> No.43926531

The scam is that there's 50 different correct pronunciations and nobody cares and everybody can understand you.

>> No.43926748

>Being taught Japanese in a proper learning environment spoiled me on the level of engagement and interaction there was.
sounds like you just want to hang out and do engaging stuff with other people, not learn Japanese
>What measure is there of your progress?
if you keep learning new cards but your daily amount of reviews stays the same and your retention rate is roughly constant, you're necessarily making progress. to measure it, you could just look at the number of mature cards in your deck.
>How can you even know if you're actually getting anywhere?
by reading Japanese

>> No.43926824
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>> No.43926997
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>> No.43927006







>> No.43927405


>> No.43927546
File: 193 KB, 524x539, fc128172bddc3bb1899d1d3f6d71e7cd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43927588

surprisingly very sexy pic

>> No.43927794

this girl is killing me

>> No.43928257


>> No.43928262

is it possible to get manga without furigana its crippling me

>> No.43928294

stuff intended for older audiences sometimes doesn't have furigana
how is it crippling you?

i liked this chapter a lot

>> No.43928309

this must be the equivalent in my language, someone with a heavy accent making standup
even people native to the language can barely understand it, and part of the comedy comes from the poetry that is some regional accent and habits
anyone managed to understand it?

>> No.43928345

How would I translate this? "Can't depend on others"?

>> No.43928488

it's not called mizugi no hi, dweeby boy

>> No.43928511

Serious question, why is the Japanese language learning community so """unique""" (autisitc)

I've been learning for Russian for 2 years now and I've even been doing input before output and talked to other people about that but I've never seen anyone as autisitc as a input before output Japanese learner

>> No.43928551
File: 56 KB, 695x616, fuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuka gets treated poorly by the rest of the cast

>> No.43928585 [SPOILER] 
File: 283 KB, 1482x187, 画像_2023-07-05_103032707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki is permabeg stuff, go read visual novels 低脳めが

>> No.43928600


>> No.43928610

>how is it crippling you
i just don't even look at the kanji, my brain immediately reads the furigana so i'm not practicing recognition or reading properly.

>> No.43928621

indo-european languages are a lot easier to get a grasp on if you already speak one. if you learn japanese the genki way you're going to learn how to speak japanese the way an indian speaks english

>> No.43928633

hello /djt/ i've been practicing with anki for a while now i'm gonna start mining. i'm just gonna watch index and pause every single line fuck it

>> No.43928636

i'd treat fuuka poorly (rough sweaty sex)

>> No.43928642


>> No.43928650

eating ice cream to cheer me up

>> No.43928664

i'm gonna eat a sandwich and a cookie

>> No.43928668

fasting and light strength workout to cheer me up

>> No.43928684

yeah i need to go back to the gym


>> No.43928719
File: 57 KB, 640x480, end me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, scheduler v3 in Anki adds fuzziness to answer, which shifts a day sooner or later so it doesn't pile up every card on the same day
but it sets the card interval to that specific period, either a day sooner or day later than other cards
doesn't that mean that in the long run some cards will get repeated way more often than other just purely on random chance?

there doesn't seem to be any options regarding the fuzzy factor either

>> No.43928735

a lot of manga has little to no furigana
just read that

>> No.43928816

What do they call selfies in Japanese? Sha-me?

>> No.43928823


>> No.43928859

do they have a work for dick pic

>> No.43928865

got my internet back
time to merse

>> No.43928874

put files on your hard drives

>> No.43928881

i'm so weak...

>> No.43928884


>> No.43928917

no, for example my current average interval is 6.5 months, so a few days in either direction won't make a difference

>> No.43928919
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hate feelings

>> No.43928941

that's correct though

>> No.43928960
File: 301 KB, 1063x874, 1687332641856547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can understand grammar,spoken words and reading but writing and remembering kanji is the hardest part
I do sometimes forget some grammar but reading manga easily refresh it in my brain

>> No.43928987

tomorrow is my oshi's birthday
i'm so nervous

>> No.43929061

consider the following
default interval is 4 days, fuzzy means one card gets 3 days, another 5
in the following month, assuming you respond correctly you get
> 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 = 381
> 5 10 20 40 80 160 = 315
and that's assuming no other fuzz applied again, over the course of one year it means one card got show more
it doesn't too bad except for the start
>3 6 12 24
>5 10 20 40
which basically means one card will break the one month barrier a lot sooner then the other,
I dunno feels weird, feels like Anki's algorithm is just random mess

>> No.43929068
File: 850 KB, 1920x1080, DIY.Do.It.Yourself.EP01.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do they come with subs?

>> No.43929132

i was eating fried chicken yesterday and i took a moment of pause to look at the layer of glistening oil on the chicken skin and felt a bit disgusted

>> No.43929134


>> No.43929155


>> No.43929236
File: 14 KB, 121x147, 1686105780310930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw outta hololive girls, choco is most easiest to understand for me
i'm gonna watch choco more immersion

>> No.43929241

she is also the most based


>> No.43929266

I think it's due to her clear speaking/accent
doesn't really go that fast

>> No.43929290


>> No.43929299
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1687581048537525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i kill my feelings and become a machine only focused on productivity

>> No.43929314
File: 868 KB, 1920x1080, DIY.Do.It.Yourself.EP01.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has a really nice ED theme


>> No.43929332
File: 663 KB, 634x898, F0QZt44aYAICuDf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okayu is also really easy to understand

>> No.43929345

been masturbating to kirby while listening to hageshii asmr videos lately at like 3 in the morning when i can't sleep

>> No.43929350
File: 99 KB, 478x262, 画像_2023-07-05_121639296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your daily 2 liters of water, add a tip of coffee (only a tip), 1 tbsp salt, half tbsp NaHCO 3 and drink that forever instead of water

>> No.43929360

what the fuck

>> No.43929365

press the やる気スイッチ

>> No.43929379

You can’t understand

>> No.43929403

dareka tasukete

>> No.43929442

give you a hand?

>> No.43929448

wish i lived in a wholesome slice of life manga

>> No.43929480

wish i weren't codependent

>> No.43929481


>> No.43929505

i get a huge burst of motivation whenever i see my oshi accomplish something

>> No.43929518

wish i didnt have such a high iq so i could chug without worry

>> No.43929528

seeing words during immersion probably messes with the algorithm even more, because every time you review a word outside Anki, the forgetting curve for its card in Anki no longer corresponds to what's in your head. still doesn't matter that much.
and you're only considering the negative effect of fuzzing messing with the intervals. but maybe this negative effect is smaller than the negative effect of the phenomenon that fuzzing prevents? until you have hard data on this to prove that fuzzing is a net negative, there's no justified reason to worry about it. so either do your reps or drop anki and just read
>feels like Anki's algorithm is just random mess
if you don't want to do Anki then just don't do it. you don't need to invent excuses. the "just immerse" algorithm is much more random than Anki's in terms of showing you stuff at correct intervals, and yet you can learn the language just with immersion. so Anki's algorithm is definitely good enough too, even with the fuzzing, the external reviews problem, the 40 year old formulas, and everything.

>> No.43929537

rather not become parasocial as an answer

>> No.43929554

wish my girlfriend didn't neglect me so i wouldn't have to learn japanese to watch vtubers

>> No.43929556

this is subject to the bell curve. you can chug without worry starting around >135 iq (and around <95 iq). 120 iq midwits are condemned to watching tarkovsky

>> No.43929586

what the hell is chugging

>> No.43929611
File: 1.18 MB, 2732x4096, F0QkuMraYAAC0PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.43929612

take ssris
i haven't felt anything in months

>> No.43929615

Eliminate all distractions (i.e. turn off your phone when you want to immerse.)

Also I don't know if you have it or not, but you might also want to look into getting prescribed adhd meds like me.

>> No.43929618

what the hell is chugging (146iq)

>> No.43929631

anki is boring, immersion is not. that's why anki doesn't give you even 1/5 the results of the otehr

>> No.43929638

just release ur emotions bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdQJg-HwsMQ

>> No.43929680
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou - 01 (1080p) [15E77446]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43929714

second hand chugging is a thing and you just hurt everybody with it

>> No.43929722


>> No.43929799

i actually can't believe mlen's parents are such degenerates that they know what vtubers are and encourage their son's unhealthy obsession
would love to have a word with them to explain why their son turned out to be such a failure

>> No.43929819

i fucking love okayu

>> No.43929835

sometimes you just have to give up on something

>> No.43929837
File: 715 KB, 750x496, build_a_door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43929852

this nigga has an unhealthy obsession with mlen
mlen has an unhealthy obsession with vtubers
whats your unhealthy obsession bros?
mine is pokemon, i just love em

>> No.43929855

giving up is a good thing and more people should do it especially some in the japanese non learning community

>> No.43929861

can you imagine all the time, effort, and money that goes into raising a son and it turns out he is completely dysfunctional and his only interest is watching vtubers?
very sad

>> No.43929871

thinkin of getting an エアーフライヤー

>> No.43929882

wish i lived in a hentai

>> No.43929884

incest hentai

>> No.43929896
File: 582 KB, 2048x1410, F0SPzsOaYAEl3xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you only have healthy obsessions

>> No.43929908
File: 150 KB, 846x1200, asfdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing qts

>> No.43929913

aussieman did a good video telling redditors who only want to do an hour a day to acquire japanese to give up

>> No.43929926

im a masturbation addict

>> No.43929967
File: 268 KB, 439x442, 3e67edca99097eee29dab70371644c9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel ok

>> No.43929985

the ova of this was the best

>> No.43929989


>> No.43930012

aussieman is bald
i don't want to become bald myself
i'm not listening to him

>> No.43930017

yeah im minin
minin my own business
as should you you nosy prick

>> No.43930036


>> No.43930081


>> No.43930112
File: 1.39 MB, 1334x840, 画像_2023-07-05_140353770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.43930118

crazy how all the nihongo learning greats are balding/bald

>> No.43930124

and manlets

>> No.43930134

not me

>> No.43930178


>> No.43930212

an hour a day is okay in the beginning. you can easily ramp it up later once you're able to read at a decent speed

>> No.43930217

aussieman has a good hairline
he just likes being bald
i will listen to him ;)

>> No.43930222


>> No.43930238

ごっつんとう's you

>> No.43930248


>> No.43930324

matt being interviewed wearing sunglasses makes him look like a huge tool

>> No.43930330


>> No.43930377

The sljfaq handwritting search works fine for noobs.
I mostly use the copy of nelson i got for like 3 bucks though because jisho/wwwjdic are kind of obnoxious for compounds.

>> No.43930388
File: 1002 KB, 1193x607, rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koone wanted to say バラバラ in english so she said "rose rose"

>> No.43930480
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>> No.43930510

when did that happen lmfao

>> No.43930561

please stop sexing your pokemon

>> No.43930571


>> No.43930572
File: 354 KB, 585x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43930607

What's a good book for grammar? I studied for a few years and then stopped a few years ago.
I'm doing Refold JP1Kv3 and Pimsleur now and I feel like I could use some written grammar material.

>> No.43930612
File: 1017 KB, 1030x578, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43930615


>> No.43930618

how can i get jap subtitules for every show? i have like 70 raw doramas

>> No.43930632

just pray it recognizes the words properly

>> No.43930669

im done with that, it is actually unaccurate (for japanese) and ignores some words just because

>> No.43930671

THE rtk

>> No.43930673

you mean RtG

>> No.43930688

The only RTK I know of is a kanji book. I'm looking for grammar.

>> No.43930694

don't need grammar once you've got keywords for every kanji and radical (including radicals you've just made up in your head)

>> No.43930705
File: 610 KB, 1125x1431, heisig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do rtk

>> No.43930712

I'm not really convinced by RTK. I'd rather learn actual words and common stuff so I can start reading and listening to simple materials earlier.
The kanji for gall bladder is not really at the top of my priorities.

>> No.43930719
File: 490 KB, 1920x1080, 俺の脳内選択肢が、学園ラブコメを全力で邪魔している 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43930725

the AI is just fucking with you. you need to assert dominance

>> No.43930726
File: 680 KB, 220x176, 1658183471892445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is to understand the dog? Her choice in games makes me remember someone I like a lot.

>> No.43930730

the only people who've ever "made it" who also did rtk did a shortened bastardized form of rtk after they had already spent years acquiring the language. nobody who started with rtk has ever made it (including the dweeb who created rtk). good scam though.

>> No.43930733

sigh getting emotional again

>> No.43930737

i'm on a 10 hour bus trip with nothing to do. can someone recommend me something in japanese to listen to? i would listen to japanese asmr (porn) but i don' want to get too horny. is there something similar but sfw? do audio lns exist?

>> No.43930739

thats a valid reason for dropping an anime

>> No.43930741

Yes, RtK is best done as a graduate level course once.

>> No.43930744

>do audio lns exist?
audible jp
there's hundreds of them

>> No.43930756

i need to rewatch this
the ED is pure kino

>> No.43930757

try and listen

>> No.43930766


>> No.43930769
File: 67 KB, 500x500, kagejitu5_coming_soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do audio lns exist?
how are you not already on this gains train?

>> No.43930777

i need therapy

>> No.43930779

>i'm on a 10 hour bus trip
why? and what did that cost?

>> No.43930781

yep this is an immersion pausing moment

>> No.43930787

wtf why wouldn't he take them off what a weirdo

>> No.43930789

it's because he takes the bus

>> No.43930795

4bc did rtk

>> No.43930796

haha nice

>> No.43930798


cant believe this happened

>> No.43930799

... and died before making it

>> No.43930803

thanks anon, that is what i was looking for
my university is in a different country and there are no direct flights (eastern europe)

>> No.43930808


>> No.43930816

>shades on when it's cloudy as fuck
so this is how you become the itiban tuyoi...
maybe he got pinkeye from soapland

>> No.43930817

why are you going to university in ukranine? of course it has a no fly zone

>> No.43930822

>his osaka pronounciation
matto bros... no...

>> No.43930830

did a solo 心中

>> No.43930832

bro wants to be aussieman so bad lmfao

>> No.43930838

aussieman posting

>> No.43930849

crazy how 4bro at 7 months was able to read dies irae

>> No.43930851

luckily, it's not ukraine, it's romania, and the reason there's no plane ticket is because there aren't that many people taking this route. also for the anon that asked, the price of the ticket is 30$

>> No.43930856

not matt's neck moves too much when he talks
like a lizard

>> No.43930867

the power of rtk

>> No.43930869

just saw 部長 subtitled in english as bucho

>> No.43930880
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot1044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.43930887

wish i could rip those sunglasses off his stupid face

>> No.43930888

it doesn't matter what you do, you will always learn at a rate proportional to your iq

>> No.43930892


>> No.43930896

dude looks like a comedic side villain from an anime

>> No.43930898

dame how long before he takes the buzzpill like blogen and ends up looking like gollum too

>> No.43930910

ciaran how much has your hairline receded

>> No.43930913

i cant laugh because i got the same hairline as matto

>> No.43930918

I would be lying if I said I understand more than 10% of what she says, I usually understand a lot more when someone is speaking japanese as second language, but I don't have many streamers to base this information on.

>> No.43930935

he looks so fucking dorky

>> No.43930936

曲 of the day

>> No.43930945
File: 1.60 MB, 1111x1517, 1688590262981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my reps.

>> No.43930962

can you understand this image?

>> No.43930967

namesimasu ? namesimasu ?

>> No.43930974

i don't understand why matt and dogen have pitch accent courses when natives say they don't even sound that great
p sure spector didn't memorize that fuckhuge nhk pitch accent dictionary that they both love to show off in their videos

>> No.43931002

can you?

>> No.43931006
File: 67 KB, 1011x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao based chinks with the reverse ywnbj

>> No.43931013


>> No.43931032

queef said hes getting grey hair lmfao

>> No.43931057

they can do all that once they go into the metaverse or upload their brains to androids

>> No.43931072

no they can't
when you upload your brain you are only making a copy of yourself, your consciousness won't transfer

>> No.43931133

bros whats your take on テセウスの船
98% of the matter in your body is replaced in a year

>> No.43931146

your body gradually replacing all its cells is not like copying your brain because the copy is a separate entity, not the same entity that has been repaired

>> No.43931148

idk why they do that. when i see straight black hair and bug eyes my dick gets so hard i have ripped some of my underwear, i know there are millions of westeners in the same situation as me they have no necessity in looking like a dog fucker

>> No.43931151

love sickness is real

>> No.43931162

but what is sameness? if we are not matter, what are we?

>> No.43931165

how big is your dick and how tight is your underwear wtf

>> No.43931185

the Bible already answered this question

>> No.43931196

i feel attacked

>> No.43931205

just feel empty and depressed bros

>> No.43931210
File: 102 KB, 700x856, a9qDdGK_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43931228

sigh no restaurants delivering katsu curry on uber eats

>> No.43931230

dubs are so bad

>> No.43931234

i had to wait 20 mins in line for my gyuu katsu but the waiter came outside and already took our orders

>> No.43931237

yuri lowenthal has a monopoly on anime games

>> No.43931240

we are obviously organized form not matter

the question is if organization can really exist or if we exist in an alternative plane and our conscious existence in the universe is just a projection from some other world onto the matter in this one. and if we are a projection then who knows if other forms of material organization which we don't think of as living are "alive" in their own dimensions

>> No.43931245
File: 601 KB, 1280x1791, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tf aren't you posting japanese pics?

>> No.43931274

i spent over 100k on a mobile game called wwe champions, can i learn japanese

>> No.43931281
File: 105 KB, 420x980, aVbVN22_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43931300


>> No.43931324

you are fully determined by how your matter is organized there isn't more to it

>> No.43931375

we do a little tard dance

>> No.43931384

>important scene in anime
>no subs and no audio

am i supposed to learn to lipread (in an animated scene with no lips) now as well?

>> No.43931400

yeah good pic

>> No.43931426

Is it just me or is the fishing chapter in vol4 of yotsubato super hard to read compared to everything prior?

>> No.43931434

it's not just you. i actually stopped reading it there.

>> No.43931445

dno never read yotuba

>> No.43931453

never started yotsuba because i'm not a dumb redditor

>> No.43931463

I genuinely can't tell if this is newfaggotry or bait.

>> No.43931471


i 100% understood this scene lets gooo

>> No.43931477

>capsposter calling anyone a newfag

>> No.43931488

Yeah that's also pretty new tbf.

>> No.43931503


>> No.43931506

bro is still replying to me cause i made fun of his baby language reddit rec

>> No.43931513


>> No.43931523

dubs are better than subs. either watch it in japanese or watch it dubbed. subs are for fencesitting pussies. dubs are also nice to get a breath of fresh air from the same 7 seiyuu that are in every anime

>> No.43931535
File: 2.74 MB, 346x480, the moebile.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43931544

is this what anime does to your brain?

>> No.43931548

8.6 inches, 3 dollar a piece underwear

>> No.43931551


>> No.43931556

no, but it is what it does to your car

>> No.43931586

genuinely sad stuff. anime really is mind poison for vulnerable isolated young men

>> No.43931590
File: 165 KB, 300x453, vegetakneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43931603
File: 1002 KB, 2907x2926, jllyxvwal6ab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind freeing

>> No.43931605

had i known anime would make me into a degenerate i wouldn’t have ever started watching it

>> No.43931611

her eyes look so empty

>> No.43931619

anime made me work out and get a 6 pack
also made me afriendless loser

>> No.43931623

dbz kid huh

>> No.43931629


>> No.43931638

wish i watched anime so i could be like Matt "Versus Japan" Bonder

>> No.43931660

youtube really out here recommending couples shorts and i can’t stop watching them

>> No.43931661

anime made me racist and have traditional values without it i might be trans or gay

>> No.43931664
File: 7 KB, 660x63, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 50: No update yesterday because I busy for for an entire day. But back now.

>> No.43931671

just watched the first episode
it was alright

>> No.43931755

lil bro really snuck in the trans propaganda into a dnd comparison video

>> No.43931775

westoids? no thanks...

>> No.43931780

i wish normies never started playing dnd and went back to making fun of me for playing it instead of bringing real world politics into it

>> No.43931793

wanna play pikmin 1 and 2 on the switch but don't want to sit down for hours playing a video game at the same time
maybe i'll feel better about it playing it in japanese

>> No.43931856

is 歯牙にも掛けない obscure or not?

>> No.43931861

or 一か八か
trying to read some stuff and i don't understand whether the material is hard or i'm a total pleb

>> No.43931868 [DELETED] 
File: 675 KB, 607x1002, 1665224254458155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liking anime is not a problem
physically displaying that you like anime via posters / car wraps / figures means that you are on the anime to tranny pipeline

>> No.43931890

that's everyone who posts anything ttrpg related in the west though

>> No.43931895

why do you have that saved

>> No.43931937

you know why

>> No.43931941

was hoping to immerse at chuck e cheese for a few hours but couldn't figure out how to change the language to japanese when they asked me to leave :/

>> No.43931974

For me it was One Piece

>> No.43932199

immersion for the day

>> No.43932237

Actually, it's a double whammy: the things you choose to do and the volume you can sustain are based on your iq too.
So the true dekinais start out behind and then waste time doing dumb things.

>> No.43932239 [DELETED] 

>audible jp
fugg, this needs to be the next step for me. i've been listening to nhk 青春アドベンチャー and 朗読 videos on youtube.
has anyone ripped and uploaded these to nyaa, or do i need to make a trial account and rip everything i can while under trial?

>> No.43932252

hopefully nobody saw me go full retard. orz

>> No.43932257

>lifelong dream is to go to japan
>finally gets there
>can't get a job coz he spent 20 years of his life watching pokemon and making sentence cards for anki
>hangs out with americans at tourist locations

>> No.43932263

There can still be a lot of glare on a cloudy day. Especially if you're a white guy and don't have those superior asian eyes that block out the glare.

>> No.43932311

if he's so good at japanese he should be able to get a translator job ez. or did he never actually go through with grabbing the jlpt n1 they want on resumes? (it's a simple requirement that filters out the most dekinai of dekinais, matt should be smart enough to understand that, right?)

i'm joking we all know he's not actually looking for work. he's got that scam money.

>> No.43932318

Based shoujo ramune enjoyer

>> No.43932393

more than 5 secs per card = over for you

>> No.43932427

has anyone in the japanese learning community (jlc) trooned out?
would be funny if matto did. would be an epic comeback come out vid

>> No.43932449

targeted sentence cards, or basic-bitch vocab cards?
i end up reading at least two sentences per card and i average 5.75 s/card

>> No.43932450
File: 3.11 MB, 4032x3024, DD13848E-708A-4509-A824-54F727ED517B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

menchi katsu

>> No.43932464
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, EA72D98E-E0AA-4E69-B071-64FA1879522E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43932467

I got filtered on the first line.

>> No.43932471


>> No.43932502
File: 372 KB, 1448x2048, 901bbf16c7fe1d48190c5a95e349e248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43932664

Are you the guy who said he needs therapy earlier? If you feel like you have to always be productive there's probably something wrong with you.

>> No.43932746


>> No.43932827


>> No.43932850

i was surprised! he sounds great!

>> No.43932860

anon he stole the bus ticket

>> No.43932866

Definitely not just you.
>Chapter 22: 19 words mined
>Chapter 24: 18 words mined
>Chapter 23: 75 words mined

>> No.43933344


>> No.43933438

I've seen both but not often
But with a lot of these things you can get into an author who just happens to use such a thing a lot and suddenly it feels wayore common

>> No.43933532


>> No.43933603

Mined from volume 2 of Non Non Biyori.

>> No.43933702

i've definitely heard this before -- haven't ready any yotuba&.
i'm curious about the etymology.. did japanese people count using only eight fingers (i.e. not using their thumbs) once upon a time, such that 8 was the largest number?
same with 八百屋 or whatever. still remember that scene in nhk where the girl wasn't familiar with that meaning and she read the number literally.

>> No.43933726

I wish she was allowed to reply…

>> No.43933757


>> No.43933767

read some based isekai linnie instead of this oldy moldy cringe crap.

>> No.43933856
File: 1.00 MB, 1125x1600, Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda Raw - Chapter 1.2 - 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43933869


>> No.43933892

recommend me your number one most based isekai linnie

>> No.43933954

There's also 八重歯 which I thought maybe was supposed to mean the tooth is shaped like a 八 but I'm not so sure

>> No.43933966

i saw it retard

>> No.43933969


>> No.43933973

It's just used in a lot of idioms for "a lot" for some reason. The one I don't get is 八百長.

>> No.43933990

it's a clever reference to a character from the popular series better break bad saul, ocho loco

>> No.43934007
File: 1.48 MB, 1211x561, wawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo she went to the same gyuukatu place as me when i was in asakusa

the world is so small

>> No.43934046
File: 46 KB, 505x175, choubei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's allegedly the nickname of a famous grocer named Choubei according to the dictionary.

>> No.43934329
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Vinland Saga S2 - 24 (1080p) [C199F2A6]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43934366

its so over bros

>> No.43934368


>> No.43934376

sheeeeesh moe's kuruma looking fresh

>> No.43934391
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never would have imagined that I would be writing in my diary about Cure Dolly

>> No.43934406


>> No.43934413

You're using graph paper, and yet you ignore the grid. Curious.

>> No.43934429
File: 4 KB, 842x595, 2745987419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.43934435

n6 factoid

>> No.43934436
File: 22 KB, 404x404, 1680570679019053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43934469
File: 56 KB, 797x466, nanika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: cats are for keeping your bed warm.

>> No.43934474

Damn nigga how are you even alive?

>> No.43934487


>> No.43934803

I use the grid as a rough guide but don't follow it strictly. If you're asking why I don't write vertically, there's no reason.

>> No.43936370

the っ's are all fucked up on that site for some reason
