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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 650x647, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4385369 No.4385369 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start off with the bad news: That dream girl you've always wanted to have a relationship with and to fuck? Her vagina has already been ripped apart by the school jock (he's the bully that tripped you in front of everyone and gave you a wedgie and stuffed you into the gym locker).

So now you're thinking to yourself, whoever gets the last laugh, wins. I'm going to study, go to college and earn lots of money. Then I'm going to find a nice girl who love me for what I am.

If only karma exists.

You might study a lot. You might go to college. But you WON'T earn LOTS of money. Those positions are only for a few people. Chances are you'll have an entry level job for the majority of your life and on the minimum wage or slightly higher. There are no nice girls for you. You are a beta male, as opposed to alpha male. No female wants a beta male. Not even beta females.

I'm not trying to insult you. I've never met you. You could be a genuinely nice person that donates to charity. If you are, then I hope you succeed in your life. I truly wish so.

But you are a nobody. And you will stay a nobody. You won't be a millionaire, you won't get your dream girl and you won't get the last laugh.

Remember that bully who tormented you back in High School? He is now your manager. His father owns the company you work at and his father decided that his son has enough arrogant asshole qualities to qualify for the job of manager.

That bully has fucked close to 50 sluts since the last time you met him.

You didn't even achieve 1 whore.

So what's the good news, you ask?

What? My post has concluded. There is no good news. Deal with it.

>> No.4385377

Supplementary article:


>> No.4385383
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>> No.4385394

Oh Christ, not you.

Also, it's nice (and terrible) that I'm disabled, get government money, and live at home and don't leave my room.

>> No.4385390
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Your first troll didn't work so you repost it?

This troll is desperate. Delicious.

Reported, hidden, tripcode filtered

>> No.4385402

You can't troll with facts that everyone on /jp/ knows already.

Try calling us pathetic for considering ourselves above 3d whores, that might work.

>> No.4385419
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Sir you don't seem to realize, we already have our dream girl 2D waifu.
None of what you said apply.

>> No.4385443
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>Remember that bully who tormented you back in High School? He is now your manager.

Not sure if troll...

>> No.4385450

I know that while /jp/ likes to convince themselves that they liked animated girls better, if given the chance, /jp/ will caress a real life girl using their sweaty flabby bodies.

>> No.4385452

>Chances are you'll have an entry level job for the majority of your life and on the minimum wage or slightly higher.

Sounds like someone is projecting.

>> No.4385455

>he still cares about 3D

>> No.4385457
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>if given the chance, /jp/ will caress a real life girl using their sweaty flabby bodies.
Haha, not a chance.

>> No.4385462

No matter how hard I work I can't afford to live on my own. This country is awful.

>> No.4385463

>Not sure if troll...

Jocks might not be particular smart but they have the attitude to become a manager. He knows how to handle people.

Nerds of the passive variety are not aggressive enough to attain managerial positions. If nerds can't get a single fucking whore, how do you expect the nerd to handle a team of 5 workers or more?

>> No.4385469

This. Even a single room apartment anywhere within 30 miles of my work would eat up almost an entire month's pay as rent. Fuck yeah.

>> No.4385470


Stop living in luxury faggot. As long as you work 40 hours, you should be fine.

40 hours a week + $4 per hour (after taxes) = $160 per week. That makes $640 per month. Studio apartments range from $450 - $600.

Learn to be frugal faggot.

>> No.4385473

China is the best country in the world.

>> No.4385474

This is true, you can certainly live on your own with that amount, I just hope you enjoy your poorfag diet and no interwebs.

>> No.4385476
File: 79 KB, 660x727, 2613290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr hurr you can't get a good job

>huge inheritance from my grandparents and my parents still support me anyways

nigga i aint gotta work

haters gonna hate.

>> No.4385486

>living with my mom and getting Social Security
Keep working hard so your tax dollars pay for my figures, ISM.

>> No.4385492
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>Studio apartments range from $450 - $600.

>> No.4385493

Actually I'm making something like $900 a month, but I live in Arizona, where the housing crisis has fucked up prices everywhere and apartments are price gouging.

Baby boomers ruined everything for my generation with unreasonable borrowing.

>> No.4385494

Uncle Sam pays for my anime figures as well.

Looks like I win yet again in the end, ISM.

>> No.4385498

Makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing my tax dollars go to a good cause rather than straight into the hands of niggers and spics.

>> No.4385505



I found one for $539 a month.

>> No.4385508

>Not sure if troll...
You must be new around here.

>> No.4385510

But then you also get people like Chris-chan.

>> No.4385517

600 a month? I make easily 5000.

>> No.4385521

We're using dollars, not yen.

>> No.4385523

Some people live in shitty countries, you know.

>> No.4385525


Send me $40 through PayPal right now, otherwise you are either lying or one of those fat cat weeaboos who deserves to be on /jp/.

>> No.4385527

>durr hurr hey guys look at my big salary!

>> No.4385534

That's a pretty standard salary. Unless your job involves hats and your name in a small tag.
I don't do charity.

>> No.4385541

What the fuck that's in Flagstaff. Nobody fucking lives in Flagstaff.

>> No.4385542

Same here. Infact, I earn like, 1 million rupiah instead.

>> No.4385547

$5000 a month is not standard salary in the slightest, troll a littler harder next time.

>> No.4385548

Why would someone in /jp/ care? I'd want to live in the middle of the woods if I could easily get food and internet there.

>> No.4385553

Why don't you at least converse with each other with sage in the field so you can stop bumping this thread?

>> No.4385556

>implying the OP isn't posting Anonymous and bumping the thread

>> No.4385557 [DELETED] 

Well, its the average is 3000 dollars. Regardless of what shitty country you live in or what scam job you work in.

>> No.4385558

According to the US Labor Bureau, the average American income is $24,325, which averages to $2,027.08 before taxes.

>> No.4385559
File: 19 KB, 308x404, leekuanyew-listening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000? I make around 3.8 million per year. Try harder.

>> No.4385560

Seriously, you are the only person who deserves to be /a/-style spammed, right now too. I hope KoG notices you early enough. Promotions on the way.

>> No.4385564
File: 446 KB, 750x1125, 1260509359193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty standard salary... if you actually got an education that was not a failure major like English, History and that other bullshit some people choose, for some reason I cannot fathom.

>> No.4385565


>I don't do charity.

Amerifag confirmed.

>> No.4385567

I pay $300 for my apartment, but all the rest of my money goes toward tuition so I'm still dirt poor.

>> No.4385566 [DELETED] 

Well, the average is 3000 dollars. Regardless of what shitty country you live in or what scam job you work in.

>> No.4385584
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>> No.4385583
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>That's a pretty standard salary.
I want to live in your world.

>> No.4385578

The average is 3000 dollars. Unless you work in a scam job or are not from the US.

>> No.4385582
File: 1.97 MB, 2085x1929, CharlieSheenMarch2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made $46 million last year, and I believe the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the government.


>> No.4385586

I sold my body to the Chair Force, so I don't have to worry about housing fees.

>> No.4385594
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>> No.4385596
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I made $2 million by talking very loud on a radio 6 days a week for 4 hours a day on weekdays and 2 hours on Sundays.

>> No.4385599
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>> No.4385608
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>> No.4385617
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>> No.4385625
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>> No.4385630
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>> No.4385635
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>> No.4385653


>> No.4385658
File: 65 KB, 274x222, ricchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /jp/ cares about "fucking bitches and whores"

>> No.4385670
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>> No.4385691
File: 50 KB, 700x641, 1217466596537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you who lives there. College students and native americans. I'd avoid living there, but not as much as I'd avoid living in a city in the valley like Tempe or Scottsdale.

>> No.4385701
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>> No.4385710
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>> No.4385716
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>> No.4385718

Wow. Thats really gay.

>> No.4385719

boring copypasta is boring. why is it here, anyway?

>> No.4385726
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>> No.4385731

I don't usually go for futa but I have this massive boner now and I don't really know why

>> No.4385740
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>> No.4385762
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>> No.4385769
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>> No.4385892

Nice try but ALL of the nerds on my class have significantly better and higher paying jobs than the jocks back then. Good news is I get to keep my money myself and not with some whore spending it.

>> No.4385909
File: 36 KB, 640x512, 1264271568716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the same crappy troll who was on here earlier with the China massacre denialist thing? WTF is wrong with you, man? You spend your time derping out formulaic troll threads on a web board looking for what, acceptance? Or negative attention? Or just any attention at all? I dun geddit. (this is probably a good thing)

>> No.4385910

Interesting, I thought I was the only AZfag here.

>> No.4385908
File: 50 KB, 573x359, 0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy anime, VNs and I'm in training to take a job teaching english in Japan.

I have had 3 girlfriends, 2 of which were virgins before I was finished with them.


>> No.4385918

Back to /r9k/, your kind is not wanted here.

>> No.4385919
File: 48 KB, 640x480, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4385921

I make $3,000 a month, women don't interest me.

At least not the ones over 16 years of age.

>> No.4385923

I love you so much, Anon.

>> No.4385929

thread over

>> No.4385932

>If only karma exists.
Goddamnit, stop talking about karma like you fucking understand it.

>> No.4385940
File: 28 KB, 284x290, what the fuck am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all people in business write like this? It's like he learned English as a third language and his teacher only spoke his second language.

>> No.4385948

>Jocks might not be particular smart but they have the attitude to become a manager. He knows how to handle people.
>Nerds of the passive variety are not aggressive enough to attain managerial positions.

You're so wrong it's tragic. Confusing aggression with leadership is the clearest sign of a beta male.

Attacking weaker people in the pack is the sign of a beta who aspires to alpha-hood but lacks the resources (mental, physical, economic) for it. Such people invariably end up as pariahs themselves, as even if they get to be pretend-alphas for a day they are not able to hold that position. They simply do not inspire trust and respect from their peers, only fear.

I have actually kept track of all the kids who bullied me in high school and have the pleasure to inform you they all ended up in unemployment or shit level jobs. Several of them committed suicide.

It is true that education does not lead to success though - it only lets you compete for success. But that is a necessary first step.

>> No.4385952

you lost your touch ISM

>> No.4385956
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

76 ISM posts and 33 image replies to himself omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4385958

>You might study a lot. You might go to college. But you WON'T earn LOTS of money. Those positions are only for a few people. Chances are you'll have an entry level job for the majority of your life and on the minimum wage or slightly higher.

I earn $125/hour and I'm a beta male.

Suck it, alpha male. Enjoy bagging my groceries at the local Giant.

>> No.4385959 [DELETED] 

Someone want ISM dick up their ass.

>> No.4385961 [DELETED] 


I have actually kept track of all the kids who bullied me in high school and have the pleasure to inform you they all ended up in unemployment or shit level jobs. Several of them committed suicide.
I don't know about you, but for me that only means there is no correlation between being an asshole and being successful, because almost everyone who I KNEW in high school ended up in unemployment or shit level jobs.

>> No.4385964

>I have actually kept track of all the kids who bullied me in high school and have the pleasure to inform you they all ended up in unemployment or shit level jobs. Several of them committed suicide.

I don't know about you, but for me that only means there is no correlation between being an asshole and being successful, because almost everyone who I KNEW in high school ended up in unemployment or shit level jobs.

>> No.4385965

Not sure if laughable...

>> No.4385968

It wasn't a great high school but then it wasn't in the ghetto either. Most of us were white so you can't blame it on that, either. So I'm thinking that it's just that most people are retards, not just people with aggression problems,

>> No.4385975
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>> No.4385979
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>> No.4385984
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>86 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4386012


Sure its newfag baiting happening in here.

>> No.4386018

Gets the tripfags too, I see.

>> No.4386501
File: 140 KB, 600x429, gaston wtfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
