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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43774789 No.43774789 [Reply] [Original]

if you don't want newfags coming here and fucking up your community why don't you just all use japanese all the time

>> No.43775229

Because anon, the newfags become the regulars become the oldfags, and they never learn japanese since that's really difficult and not worth learning just to shitpost with.

>> No.43776814
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can learn japanese

>> No.43776851

typos on the internet are considered a death sentence nowadays
combine that with hyper autistic gatekeeping japanese culture otakus and you'll have the most anti fun board in the world

>> No.43777386

sounds based

>> No.43777460

Learning japanese is pointless and everyone here knows that deep down and only learn the bare minimum to impress their online friends (they have no real ones)

>> No.43777497

>Gatekeeping a shitty website

Why do people concern themselves with this fruitless endeavor?

>> No.43780533

How else would I read eroge, dumb normalfag?

>> No.43782638
File: 366 KB, 1000x1412, Hibiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck

>> No.43789929

name an online communication platform with a better user base.

>> No.43790749
File: 270 KB, 568x587, 2a5ccabb7a0b0312cea2660aef89bdfd78119dadab51e841c8c974d40899b586_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people will just use google translate and think theyre smart for it, and i probably will too
the smartest thing to do is to talk in buzzwords and schizo speak so only lurkers can understand what im actually saying

>> No.43790753

imagine how much better off we'd be if we actually got a hiragana captcha

>> No.43790766

四字熟語 or bust.

>> No.43791084

Genius idea honestly

>> No.43794529

unironically saved. Thanks.

>> No.43794673

Typos SHOULD be considered a death sentence, ESLs be damned.

>> No.43794691

sir please be gently eigo is my 6th language

>> No.43794855

but most of my good greentext ideas come to me when im tired!

>> No.43795090

but we will all be JSLs

>> No.43798208

My English is already very perfect sir bloody bastard

>> No.43800548

but 70% of english native speakers don't know the difference between of and have

>> No.43800847

That would narrow down the kanji for you by process of elimination though, a random two kanji word is probably harder on average

>> No.43800893


>> No.43804891

It's not even entirely ESLs. Half the time, maybe. The other half are idiot phoneposters and ADD post-millennials who either never bothered to learn proper spelling and grammar or simply don't care.

>> No.43807577


>> No.43810841

>twitter pic
>complaining about gatekeeping
Can't you go back to your hellsite?

>> No.43810993
File: 30 KB, 320x320, AN3XpkjMlsn4RBckERuMRUHk90BcMiMLjPp7lCnMlv0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43811017

The rest of them are equivalent, I wouldn't say better because everything averaged out to the exactly the same over the past ~10 years.

Don't pretend like this place is good, all /jp/ has now is generals and threads dedicated to fucking news anchors.

>> No.43811072

>threads dedicated to fucking news anchors
3D > 2D as you age, so it was inevitable

>> No.43811175

exactly, its all the same shithole but 4chan is put up a few points because of anonymity.
if you piss off the reddit hivemind, you literally wont be able to post on some boards because that site is just a popularity contest
if you piss someone off a moderator on discord, he can get you banned on every shared server permanently. and if you piss off someone else its just going to result in endless drama caused by the other person in every shared server.
if you piss off a schizo on 4chan, he cant follow you into unrelated threads. he just stays and seethes in the same threads even long after you leave.

>> No.43812579

intelligent ESL's have a better understanding of english than your average american. most zoomer americans they use "how come" "y'all" "it do be"
we also have better spelling since we had to learn the language by ourselves and we didn't grow up around it

>> No.43818429

nihawngo moozookashee

>> No.43818435

the only real way to protect your community is to have a paywall

>> No.43818499
File: 7 KB, 300x74, 画像_2023-06-23_100037107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating decks like a retard
dropped, I learn all my words from eroges. ニホ語ンダメ人爆発してお願いいたします。

>> No.43819298

>tfw might be taking a jp language course
Is it worth it bros?

>> No.43819523


>> No.43823274

because >>43776814
thats an edit made by newfags

>> No.43823819

Who's this cutie?

>> No.43823847
File: 127 KB, 551x1024, nihongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well duh, that's because the original is this

>> No.43824925

Based as fuck, if you are a grown man and can't properly spell in your native language you really ought to off yourself.

>> No.43824950

>"how come" "y'all"
These expressions have not been recent since the 19th and 17th centuries, respectively.
Is that "'s" a contraction of "is," or does it denote possession? If the former, then that is bad grammar ("intelligent ESL is have"). If the latter, then that is also bad grammar, as the proper form would be "intelligent ESL has."

>> No.43827754

No. Just stick to AJATT and reading manga.

>> No.43828215

all that complaints about newcuties suddenly get buried up once they decided to talk about vtubers, then went on to talk about muslim whores, virgins,.. more so than even the comment sections on porn sites have. do i even need to talk about /pol/fags and other kinds of faggots on the whole site?
inb4 "i have to go back" because of >newcuties or whatever the fuck, i don't give a shit about this shithole. be grateful people come here so hiro can still make some money and let the site stay alive so you can go on and on forever about your trashy loser touhou trash shits of your
almost every bitches that whine about muh infantile culture being ruined are always some kinds of weebs, i have yet to see anybody else on this whole site complain, that vocal at least

>> No.43830333

The only people who complain about gatekeeping are the ones who the gate is meant to keep out.

>> No.43830381

As an ESL, after a certain point I started making more typos in English when I became more fluent, because I was now thinking of the words phonetically as I typed. That's how mix-ups like your/you're happen.

>> No.43830425

Are the newfags in the room with you right now? I understand gatekeeping, but at this point I don't even intend who it's aimed at. I learned Japanese and everything is just as bad as it always was, however since literally every anime has a sub the only thing I can effectively gatekeep are jp-only vtubers, VNs, LNs, doujins, and obscure manga (usually shoujo or BL). If my intention was to keep people out and only consume media that western fans can't consume all I've really done is take a hit to overall quality nearly everything worthwhile that isn't translated is just porn with the exception of VNs since those generally do fly under the radar. Most people here already don't consume shonen that filters more than 80% of the fanbase as is, it's just elitism for the sake of it or a desperate attempt to dissociate from the fanbase.

>> No.43830481

Thats the dumbest cope i have seen.

>> No.43830501

Why are you even here on this board in first place? Trains?

>> No.43830510

What's dumb about it?
