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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43501702 No.43501702 [Reply] [Original]

Page 10 edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>43348141
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10406651

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Animal Traits
Previous Photo Challenge: Activewear
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(The thing you're looking for is made by Six House Dolls.)

>> No.43501743

I LOVE dolls.

>> No.43501902
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>> No.43502041

Oh anon, thank you for making the thread! My power was out due to the weather, apologies for dropping the ball. I appreciate it! Thank you for choosing my photo, as well.

>> No.43502846
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>> No.43502849
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>> No.43503187

She's very beautiful.

>> No.43504111
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>> No.43504520
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>> No.43504847
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>> No.43505192
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>> No.43505268
File: 1.15 MB, 2894x5403, __herta_honkai_and_1_more_drawn_by_cqc_no_hashi_neko__b6eaae23d12dacee7999b32fbc0d78b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll joints erotique uoooohhh

I hate all the AI """""""""artists""""""" on pixiv who flood the tags with their trash. Half of them don't even try to properly prompt the dolljoints onto the characters that should have them it irritates me to no end.

>> No.43505803

Dollfriends ...the calender project...

>> No.43506736
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, 20230415_083355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love nono_nogisaka photos. That person has one of the most beautiful collection of dolls

>> No.43508093

Damn, this doll room is insanely comfy. I need to at least get a couch like that for my dolls.

>> No.43508416

agree the joints are one of the cutest parts of a doll along with her eyes, and it saddens me to see them hidden most of the time.

>> No.43508564
File: 323 KB, 1165x1546, 97D6BBB7-C367-4FAB-AF18-AAE617E3D9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to adjust her wig (I’m having trouble getting it on her right) but Yayoi came in today!

>> No.43509098

I need to build myself that clothes rack

>> No.43509894

Wonderful! Great welcome home picture too! Congrats anon!

>> No.43510824

I hope I have a room like this one day.

Welcome home! And a very cute photo anon. I... odn't know anything about this franchise, so I'd love to hear more about her.

>> No.43511312

One of my biggest dreams is to have a really lovely couple of rooms to myself with space for my dolls to live and to fill my living space with cute things, this person is a big inspiration

>> No.43511367
File: 631 KB, 1534x2048, 20230505_195417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a nice cabin out in the wilderness where I can be at peace with my dolls and I can die alone with my dolls without anyone knowing. It's my endgame and as soon as my parents pass I will execute the plan
I don't think I'd have a cabin big enough to give them a whole room but I think it'd be nice if I could venture all of the surrounding wilderness with them

>> No.43512425

Agreed! Joints are apart of the appeal! Anyone who gets rid of them is a coward.

I really want to make Herta into an actual doll... What body though? Maybe Obitsu for the more visible joints?

Congrats! Yayoi is a real cutie.

>> No.43515090
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>> No.43515249
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>> No.43516166

didn't read

>> No.43516191
File: 161 KB, 794x1200, 1544972105814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR "I'm cancelling my other projects to make to make the fat body even though I know it won't sell because it's the Right Thing To Do." Why is he so insufferable, christ.

>> No.43516380

someone needs to run up on this nigga

>> No.43517738

> make a difference
If only danny would just donate to relevant charities rather than twitter fagging and probably exploiting his customers

>> No.43517743 [DELETED] 

All this sucking up and western women still think his dolls are sexist.

>> No.43517824 [DELETED] 

Western women seem to be his primary customers too though. They're the ones who reply to his insane tweets to ask him to make his dolls fatter.

>> No.43517847
File: 98 KB, 1134x1383, 1682693156849881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gets me is I actually do want dolls with different body shapes (it's fun to make clothes for different dolls for me personally,) but I do not want Daniel Shoes to be the one providing that shit. This is clearly some AI of a doll but I think a doll with these proportions would be really cute. I think Danny's body could have value if anyone other than Danny was making it, because I don't want to give that insufferable man money.

>> No.43518771
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>> No.43519667
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>> No.43521109
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>> No.43521195
File: 452 KB, 2765x3686, IMG_20230518_232642369_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some new drip from yahoo auctions itr came yesterday, also got a skirt and some socks and more pantsu

>> No.43521614

sounds comfy but don't get too set on dying alone

>> No.43521883

God this kid is an idiot. An underdog funded by a millionaire parent. Wait, he's 50 goddamn years old?

>> No.43523760
File: 1.19 MB, 2732x4096, 20230514_130445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, Im fixated on it and I am besotted with the idea

>> No.43524357
File: 189 KB, 2048x1210, 1648790880931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A post for the resin anons.

>> No.43524611
File: 342 KB, 1920x1854, Screenshot 2023-05-19 104943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks DD anniversary voting continues, this time for collab outfits. I have no interest in this one, but for any of you who want them to rerelease a secondary outfit for a licensed doll, here's your chance.

>> No.43524747

>potential ribbon girl rerelease
For the love of god if this doesn't win I'm going to riot, this thing goes for like $500 on the aftermarket.

>> No.43525750
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>> No.43525789
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>> No.43525819
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I miss the doll joints in the photos, but otherwise this is very nice

>> No.43525849
File: 47 KB, 342x340, 38f69ea20e4fd03f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me what candy tin that is? I would like to buy some.

>> No.43526155

Wow volks have done a lot of outfits over the years

>> No.43527441

Yeah they have, and I like that they've split the vote between old and newer sets.

>> No.43527694
File: 273 KB, 1365x2048, 1641493031153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43527874



Scroll down, not sure how to acquire it, but the tins all look rather nice. Retro feel

>> No.43527997

I've always wondered what the median income for this thread is. I've been an onlooker for many, many years and always brimming with envy.

>> No.43528239

We're all anonymous here, so I don't mind sharing. I currently make $110K USD as my base salary. That's been a pretty new level of money for me, though (only been in this job for a couple of years). I was also an onlooker for many years, starting in middle school which was the mid-2000s. I didn't get to buy my first "fancy" doll until high school, which was a Pullip (the ultimate gateway doll). Not a BJD but still a pricey doll for a kid. I didn't get my first BJD until a couple of years after college. Honestly my income at the time ($15 an hour) wasn't BJD money, but I've always been pretty good at saving and budgeting. You know you should set up a rainy day fund for emergencies, but don't forget to enjoy life and set aside a rainy day fund for a SHOPPING emergency. It can literally be a few dollars a month. That's how it was for me. Resist the urge to buy cheap shit and save up for what you really want. Consistency is key.

>> No.43528264

You might be surprised. Adult males living alone with just a mattress and a laptop can accumulate quite a lot of money on a quite mediocre wage.
Well nevermind.

>> No.43528372

I haven't been active in these threads lately, but I bought most of my dolls when I was making around $70-80k usd. I'm out in the middle of nowhere so the cost of living is very low and it was easy to have at least some disposable income for this stuff. I'm currently making around $115k, but I've been putting my extra money into a quit my job fund and haven't spent any on my dolls in the last year or so.

>> No.43528791

140k when I went through my buying spree a few years back. I rarely buy anything now.

> Resist the urge to buy cheap shit and save up for what you really want.
Decent advice if you can afford to and doesn't just apply to dolls. ie. cheap shoes that ended up costing me more in replacements had I just spent a bit more.

> can accumulate quite a lot of money on a quite mediocre wage
Also this. Despite being a poor fag at first, I saved for my first expensive doll by cutting almost all expenses. No buying movies, games, eating out, etc. Junker gas efficient car and public transport.

>> No.43530062
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>> No.43531550
File: 140 KB, 800x1200, DpSFmk8UwAUN1L2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the first image in your doll folder, anons.

>> No.43532342
File: 329 KB, 1179x1745, 20230519_154518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember where I got this, but I save this kind of photo as inspiration for new outfits and accessories.

>> No.43533206

I bought a lusion doll
I'm from the EU
I'm about to get raped by VAT

>> No.43533253

>lusion doll
post pic

>> No.43533308
File: 546 KB, 800x1403, 16502062730037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.43533695
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>> No.43534075
File: 151 KB, 500x800, Dollmore_Lusion_with_person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on the adoption, anon. (For those unaware, Dollmore makes some EXTREMELY large dolls, picrel.) Lusions are smaller than Trinity, right? But still quite large! What drew you to this one in particular?

>> No.43534139

They're 80 cm tall, so they're pretty huge. I always wanted one but didn't have money, now that I have a job I wanted to buy her with my first salary. I like this one because I think the chubby cheeks are very cute.

>> No.43534166

Congratulations on treating yourself! They are a big expense (even for this hobby,) but sometimes in life we need to do something for our own personal joy. I think her expression is very sweet -- do post her once she finally arrives!

>> No.43534198

I will, thank you.

>> No.43534305
File: 392 KB, 933x1400, 6b6ae85c2cb6ff0eb739c606da7514560c191bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to also be the oldest.

>> No.43534899

>the AP store only does cash-on-delivery
what a pain

sasuga anon

>> No.43535158

What on earth is cash on delivery in the context of e-commerce...?

>> No.43536170

>order thing online
>schedule when it should be delivered
>be there to pay for item at your door or it gets sent back
just japanese things

>> No.43536541

I'm a seamstress and I want to start making bjd clothes because there are some ideas that I have that are too impractical/expensive for humans. Is there any pro to getting a SD instead of MSD (current plan is to pick up a MSD)?

>> No.43536564

it's honestly easier to sew at the 1/3 range, the smaller you get past a certain point it's more frustrating. I assume you're skilled enough to deal with that though so I guess it's mostly about aesthetics, most SD (1/3) are more mature in form and most MSD (1/4) are more youthful - even slim/mature MSD tend to be more slender and young looking than 1/3.

>> No.43536580

I've sewn for 1/6 before because I used to collect Pullips and MH. I'm torn between SD and MSD because I'm aiming for a fantasy fairy feel that could suit either.

>> No.43536591

In that case I think that as long as you can find one you like the look of, a slim MSD would probably be a better option since it hits that middle point between the two sizes and they're less expensive than SD sized dolls. The most important thing is that you like the shape and posability of the body and the look of the face in the end. I hope the project goes well for you, it's always cool to see people making things

>> No.43536628

Thanks anon! Will post here from time to time once I get a doll.

>> No.43537552

The size groups probably have the same size audience at this point. A few years ago, 1/3 dominated, but a lot of 1/4 dolls have come out and demand for 1/4 clothing has surged.
If I was sewing only for financial reasons, I would make sure I had patterns for both, because it isn't inconceivable that someone will pay you to make the same thing in a custom for the other size. (Ie, you make 1/4, but 1/3 is available on request.) and 1/3 also translates to Smartdolls, which there is a small but devoted market for. Whichever one you choose should work is the tl;dr

>> No.43538238
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>> No.43539911
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>> No.43540797

Anyone ever go to a doll meet? There’s one pretty close by in a couple of weeks and I was thinking about checking it out. I feel like it could be interesting but I am pretty shy so I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I don’t know if I want to risk being the only dude there either.

>> No.43541382
File: 81 KB, 1135x1704, 20230521_131632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43541779

I've never been to one, but you could try checking it out and if you feel uncomfortable just leave. Also if you have someone else to bring with you (even if they're not into the hobby) it would probably feel less embarrassing.

>> No.43542023

What continent is this on, anon? I think you should go. It could be fun, and if you don't enjoy it, you can go home instead. You won't know unless you try, right? I hope I can go to one, one day.

>> No.43543095
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>> No.43543921
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>> No.43544310
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>> No.43544700
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she is trained in the blade

>> No.43545059
File: 331 KB, 1196x1288, Screenshot 2023-05-21 211625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the next DD blog post is finally going to have info about the new MDD bodies. Your waits are coming to an end soon.
Screen shot is explaining that people with the point app get to see it early. I'll keep you guys updated if I get more (or someone else can)

>> No.43545101

I'll go with you anon!

>> No.43546172
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>> No.43547237
File: 271 KB, 1080x1620, FSv6UjlUsAAqNp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only dude there
if vinyl's involved, i wouldn't worry about that

>> No.43548783

If you're all there for the love of the same hobby, don't even worry about it anon. No one's gonna think you're weird for having dolls at the doll meet, I promise.

>> No.43550403
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Anyways I found this picture in Twitter randomly by now I want my own rabbit doll

>> No.43551772
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>> No.43551947

Who's doll this this? I want to send my regards, this is great.

>> No.43551987
File: 229 KB, 1440x1440, 345971646_760336532227329_7116319429585458743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sfsakana on instagram

>> No.43554806
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>> No.43557109
File: 3.84 MB, 1280x720, Doll_Joints.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doll joints erotique uoooohhh

>> No.43557140
File: 795 KB, 2639x2639, 20221114_205304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to look up how people make these kinds of wigs

>> No.43557151

They're called lace-front wigs. They cost more, but they can look quite good once fitted.

>> No.43557714

You can probably remove the doll calander project. I knew the person that wanted to do it and they died of some sort of long term brain issue. Idk details just frind of friend.

>> No.43558221

Any recs for BJD youtubers?

>> No.43559812
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>> No.43559902

That's all the more reason for us to do it then

>> No.43559948

I mostly follow jp YouTubers that talk about dolls. But in the English sphere I can think of a few:

>> No.43561138

nope, eventually more anons will be guilt-tripped into joining in (including me)
though to be fair there's like what, 6 regulars in these threads?

>> No.43563187
File: 1.73 MB, 2731x4096, Fdpx8AgaUAMecrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43565154

Anyone know any good face up artists that take commissions? Got a dream doll I’m trying to make a reality.

>> No.43565536

ShinesWorkshop on Etsy does good work and is really easy to work with. She has varying pay levels depending on how much custom modding you'll need past vanilla. The prices seem steep, but that's because she buys the heads herself to cut on shipping times.
Niyamia also does custom work, but I've only bought premade heads from her, so I don't know how the process is with her.
Old pic related, from the left, my Samus is from Shines and the other three girls are from NiyaMia.

>> No.43565543
File: 418 KB, 1708x947, DSC_0002 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.43565571

I want to be smothered in dolls and plushies and die.

>> No.43566219
File: 173 KB, 1140x1711, IMG_9830e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ash does phenomenal work, but you will have to ship to Australia. She did the body blushing and faceup for my girl Sophie!

>> No.43566601
File: 218 KB, 720x1280, 20230524_130828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my baby princess a good pair of shoes. Full set costumes never come with shoes huh.

>> No.43567357

I wouldn't hate this so much if he bothered to keep is attractive dolls in stock.

>> No.43568815
File: 198 KB, 2048x1366, 1622684694374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you hope will come with the MDD news, anons? I just want Tan or Male parts to become a normal, accessible thing. Volks are never providing that, at this point it's clear, but I can dream.

>> No.43568988

Thank you for the help anons. Now I just need to figure out what head would be best for the character.

>> No.43569100

some do but yeah most don't

>> No.43570719
File: 63 KB, 1000x1310, 230525_01_7lhr92et.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the new blog post says about MDD 2.0

>Hello everyone!
>Doll Design Department: I'm in charge of DD.

>This Dollfie blog will be released in advance for GL/VS/VIP members only!
>I would like to share the important information in three parts.

>About half a year has passed since we announced the end of production of the MDD Base Body.
>Sorry for keeping you waiting.

>The time has finally come to let you know.
>We would like to inform you about the new MDD Base Body!
>New MDD Base Body. that name as well……

>"MDD Base Body 2.0 (DD-f3)」!!

>> No.43570730
File: 144 KB, 1080x1497, 230525_02_ps44tsgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"MDD Base Body (DD-f3)” has been upgraded to 2.0!

>"MDD Base Body 2.0 (DD-f3)” introduces the charm of …… before
>In the first place, "DD-f3What? I would like to guide you a little.

>> No.43570740
File: 63 KB, 1200x383, 230525_03_qsdklsj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This inner Internal Frame is currently used on all DD Base Body.
>Developed with the slogan "Thoughts for movement",
>As the name suggests, the three "f's" are the axes.

>・freedom: Posing freely to fulfill your wishes
>・ Fashion: Fusion of sophisticated appearance and movement
>・future:Creative mechanisms create a new future
>Repeated verification, set the movable position in the best place.
>Instead of just moving, we pursued what could be attractive as Dollfie.
>In addition, to ensure that the body can be used for a long time, we have made it as easy to >handle as possible, and we have also focused on specifications that allow users to maintain it >themselves.

>For example, "DD -f3"Separation of detachable and movable" which is also a feature of ".

>> No.43570774
File: 291 KB, 1310x926, 230525_04_st36ykz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This "separation of detachable and movable" mechanism adopted for the shoulder joint and the hip joint is a joint part where the detachable part = movable part is divided into detachable (green) and movable (red) as shown in the image. , the durability is greatly improved.

>In addition, many parts are equipped with a "tightening mechanism" using bolts and nuts.
>It is possible to adjust the astringency to your liking.

>This "tightening mechanism" reduces the problem of "joints becoming loose while moving or attaching/detaching".

>* "DD-f3” mechanism is patented! !

>"DD-f3to maximize the performance of
>"DD-f3In order to aim one step further than
>ZOUKEI-MURA and Doll Design Department held many meetings to discuss the "MDD Base Body 2.0 >(DD-f3)” is newly developed.

>・Be able to take the pose you want
>- Easy to pose
>・It looks beautiful when posed
>Planning and development to realize
>For this reason, we made the following two changes.

>1: "DD-f3Changed the appearance to take advantage of the potential of
>No matter how much the inner Internal Frame moves, the soft vinyl Parts interfere and the exterior has been completely redesigned with new modeling.

>2: "DD-f3” itself has evolved further
>Various voices from customers were fed back to the DD-f3.
>I aimed for more movement and easier handling.

>I would like to introduce the specific changes again in the second blog.

>By the way, the preamble has become long, but rather than talking about various things further,
>In this first blog, let's take a look at a lot of photos

>> No.43570796
File: 334 KB, 1000x1268, 230525_05_e1u9qc6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The range of motion of the neck and back is greatly improved!
>You can freely pose with your upper body bent

>The ankle has a structure that makes use of the sphere, achieving both beauty and mobility.

>> No.43570806
File: 297 KB, 906x1382, 230525_06_wk3vpi1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The silhouette from the waist to the thigh
>I adjusted it so that the connection is beautiful while keeping MDD's cuteness

>> No.43570815
File: 312 KB, 1000x1312, 230525_07_mjlv2q22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RetrospectiveNyanko pose is perfect

>By the way, this cute Head is DC-H-27.
>This Head and makeup will be added in the next Dream Choice update
>(Sarari and this is also new information)

>> No.43570828
File: 333 KB, 986x986, 230525_08_nzlnljns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since it's a big deal, please also take a close-up image of the face

>Next time, "MDD Base Body 2.0 (DD-f3I would like to delve a little deeper into the appeal of ).

>See you soon!

That's the whole blog post.

>> No.43571125

okay so basically they've just tweaked the outer vinyl parts to work better with the f3 frame
that's understandable, those are definitely all things i noticed too
though i wonder how exactly they're going to improve the neck mobility without changing vinyl density
and i'm not sold on the new hip lines (though it's probably fine)

>> No.43571180

No mention of Mochi-Ashi? I wonder if that will be in part 2.

>> No.43571188
File: 1.32 MB, 2268x4032, 20230525_062935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More mobility is nice, but I was expecting some changes for the external appearance of the body. Right now a Imomodoll body looks better, has a softer material that I prefer, and it's cheaper (left in the pic is Imomodoll)

>> No.43571214

Yeah, looks like. Typical Volks teasing more technical info in the release they've already teased up for ages. I guess full release will be in the Volks News issue 100 in June.

>> No.43571332
File: 1.63 MB, 3072x4096, Fwyv0wEaMAATOCe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other Doll news, here's a final 3D printed prototype of Danny's new plus sized SmD.

>> No.43571349

With the new limbs and everything scaled, I actually like it a lot. I just wish he wasn't such a twat.

>> No.43571473

wow thicc
but also that's a very different look from an MDD, i would not use one in place of the other

>> No.43571870

I unironically want this doll but Danny is such a cunt, christ. The aftermarket prices are a pain int the ass though, too. I'll find a way...

I'm curious how this will stack up, and if this means changes may be coming to any of the other bodies.

>> No.43572130


>> No.43572968

Thanks for posting this, it's nice to see the new body shape isn't too different from the old one because I wanted to get one specifically with the thin leg shape

>> No.43572995

>I pretend I do not see my fat sister

>> No.43573011

Just wait for one of the newfag fatties to get their doll then realize that they're not interested in the doll hobby.

>> No.43573111

That happens all the time with dolls and just with hobbies in general. God bless impulsive and manic people because that's basically where all the secondhand stuff I've ever bought in ANY hobby comes from. I've scored so many cool doll goodies from people who just ordered without researching and realized 60cm is actually huge and the doll itself is usually the cheapest part of this hobby. Even if people don't leave the whole hobby, you can also find a lot of good deals on things like faceup and sewing supplies because so many people see the price of faceups and clothes, decide they could do it better for cheaper, and then realize no they can't.

>> No.43573182

still scared this will happen to me

>> No.43573654

Don't be scared, just start slow. Start with a doll and an outfit or two. See if you enjoy having them around and maybe taking a few pictures (the thread can always use more!) If you don't end up enjoying it, it's really easy to unload a gently used doll with an outfit for close to what you paid, and then you'll know.
There's nothing wrong with not owning a doll and just enjoying the pictures of others either. Enjoy the hobby at your comfort level.

>> No.43573878

no lol i'm already 3 dolls in, bunch of outfits, and bought a sewing machine to make my own
to be fair i've always been interested in sewing and miniature things so dolls are basically a perfect fit for a hobby
but i can't get rid of the nagging thought i might not feel that way in another 5 years

>> No.43575594

Anon, five years is such a long time. That's enough time to meet someone, get married, and divorced these days. It's okay to change your hobbies up.

>> No.43578599

i feel like a poorfag when i see yalls posts but i make about 60k before taxes with a mortgage but the cars are all paid off. i get some sidejobs doing various things as well but thats inconsistent at best. 60k would be fine for a couple dolls a year but i was in a bad relationship a few years ago and am financially strapped currently from that. be smart and avoid the credit cards even during hard times anons. i need to find a way into one of these close to six figure jobs you anons seem to have lol.

>> No.43578713
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>> No.43580951
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Even if you move on next year, in five years, or never, it's okay to enjoy the moment. Life's hard enough, it's good to have some hobbies.

>> No.43581880
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>> No.43582655
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>> No.43584216
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Cute and wholesome

>> No.43584300

What the hell? They're giving birth now!?

>> No.43584322

There are plenty of dolls that are into the doll hobby too.

>> No.43584342

Are her knees okay?

>> No.43584404
File: 694 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20230305_120532-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe taking a few pictures (the thread can always use more!)
Honestly it's kind of embarrasing to post a photo of a poorly lit doll just sitting on a desk taken with a shitty phone camera with all those MMD photos around being the polar opposite.

>> No.43584564

Photos from the heart are never embarrassing anon, and the way you get better at photography is by taking photos! Lots and lots of photos, and most of them will be trash -- but that's normal, even for people who have been taking photos for a long time. Keep taking them anyway, and keep trying new things. In time, you will narrow down the kind of photos you want to take -- and how exactly to take them. Don't be afraid to share the things you do along the way. I want to see everyone pursuing their interests, whether it's dolls, sewing, photography, or anything else. Life is too short not to.

>> No.43584572
File: 331 KB, 705x800, ironicweebsarehay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a doll I could take poorly-lit photos of.

>> No.43584595
File: 332 KB, 1500x1000, 44689551621_a30726fa9d_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get there one day anon, I have faith. I never thought I would be able to participate in this hobby, but you never know what the future will hold. Until that day comes, you're more than welcome to lurk here and enjoy the dolls as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.43584733
File: 404 KB, 1125x1500, IMG_20221111_124644-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bragged about having some foundations about photography, until I tried taking photos of something smaller than a tree and then lighting, shadows and reflections kept screwing every single one of my good frames. That was humbling.
Picture related is just giving up and turning on the phone's flashlight.

I also don't understand this phone's camera. It can't take close photos of small objects because they get distorted to hell (this doll is how I learned that) so I have to take them from relatively far away resulting in low-res messes... except for those times it randomly takes cool sharp shots.

Everyone's circumstances will vary but... this one was actually pretty cheap being an Obitsu 1/6. The average scale figure nowadays in 1.5~2 times as expensive. https://obitsu.co.jp/doll/yaesaka.html (this one has the same face and costs like $85)
And clothes are relatively cheap as well since I have Azone's pure neemo line and the shit people make for Blythe availiable.

If the problem is in your circumstances, I hope they improve soon. This is fun photo skills aside.

>> No.43584751

>Proceeds to post super cutely posed doll photo
We're all here for dolls anon, and we all start with poorly lit phone camera pictures. There's no reason to be embarrassed, we enjoy them all the same.

>> No.43584755

Gosh your doll is hella pretty

>> No.43584768
File: 708 KB, 4096x2734, 20230526_201428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe they are using a custom inner-joint for the thighs for more mobility. It's really nice, it allows some really interesting poses

>> No.43584816
File: 73 KB, 818x1257, IMG_8406e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is my first dollfie dream photo.

OP Is my most recent doll photo.

Keep trying new things, experimenting, and creating without worrying as much about the small stuff, anons. That's how you improve and grow at anything. Dolls are their own unique thing to photograph and even if you are good at other things, there's still a whole lot to learn. Same with faceups, sewing, and anything else -- there is a learning curve and it will take time to get where you want to go. But if you keep working on it, you will get there. If I did, you definitely will, because -- and I cannot overstate this -- I'm just a literal who in a sea of people. And there's nothing wrong with that, either. Do what makes you happy, and if anything comes of it along the way, enjoy it as a bonus -- whether that's dolls, art, music, or anything else. Your doll is beautiful anon, thank you for sharing her. I hope you keep posting here!

I honestly find kinbaku really impressive. I'm bad at tying knots.

>> No.43584828

Wait, you're the owner of those non-normatively-eyed dolls?

>> No.43584849
File: 1.73 MB, 1140x1711, IMG_6110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is Dorothy (many eyes) and Luna (one eye.) Dorothy is a custom DD by Koala Krash, she calls them "seers" and releases a few per year. Luna is a custom resin head by ozawa_dango which has been modified by Oculae and slapped onto an obitsu body which was dyed to match... or the body was dyed first and then the head was sprayed with Krylon, I'm not sure. Point is she went up for sale on the secondhand market and I said "yoink!" I love weird dolls! They're so much fun.

>> No.43584859
File: 1.08 MB, 1323x1059, 1685151666091327 edit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, I had to learn digital from the ground up after thinking I knew about photography (I learned with film, it was such a huge difference, I basically started over). Adding in the difference between regular photography and miniature, and it's even more specialized. Post processing helps a lot with colors and shadows. I hope you don't mind, but I took your first photo and tweaked it a little to show how much it can change. Here's a nice little guide too for fine tuning doll photography: orchiddolls.com/10-tips-for-doll-photography
Your doll is super cute, keep taking pictures!

>> No.43584921
File: 179 KB, 1068x1600, IMGP1586e 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Film is hugely impressive to me -- I've been around since it was the norm to get shitty disposable camera vacation photos developed at walmart, but my first "camera" was my DSi when I was in my teens, because it was the only thing I had available. Anyone who is able to commit to the finality of film and post-process it in the darkroom after is amazing to me.

Anon has good tips -- some people feel like post processing is 'cheating' somehow, but it's necessary for everyone to a lesser or greater extent, and whether they're simply removing a speck of lint on their doll's dress or doing more complex work to give it a certain feeling, it's an important part of the overall result and its own complicated beast to learn. Even simply adding a watermark is a form of post-processing, so don't feel badly. Sometimes you might do more than you meant to in hindsight, other times you'll wish you had tweaked this or that -- but the more you do it, the more you will define not only your own personal style, but also broaden your understanding of the tool or tools you use. I'll drop a photo straight from the camera and compare it to the one I edited to show the differences for everyone. I personally don't do too much, but sometimes I will tweak things to give them more of a dreamy aesthetic or to remove a doll stand.

Here's the camera raw of >>43501702 -- I cropped it a little and brightened the colors a bit to give it a more dreamy, shoujo feeling. The original photo was okay too, and I'm satisfied with it just as it came out of the camera! But for the sort of 'vibe' I wanted, I changed it a little. Don't be afraid to experiment with your own photos, anons.

>> No.43585025

How does imomodoll compare to mdd in your experience? I like the look of it (though I can't afford to buy a doll right now)

>> No.43585139
File: 200 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP1008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there's your problem
as much as the companies like to advertise how amazing their phones' cameras are, you're still only going to get okay results at best if the lighting is less than great
you don't get any control over the settings that would let you take good photos in a variety of lighting conditions
i just took pic related in a dark room only lit by my computer monitors, using a cheap lens on a cheap used decade-old DSLR — the important bit is i could set the exposure to 2.5 seconds

those look like stock DD joints though, you can pull them out a bit to get more range of motion (but it doesn't look particularly good)

on the topic of postprocessing
something i'll often do is take a shot with the point of focus (e.g. face) in the center, even if that's not my intended composition and leaves a lot of dead space
then i'll crop it in post
this is to avoid lens distortion (both perspective & aberration) on the important bits
but if you look close you can see it in the extremities i didn't crop
also sometimes it leaves an unbalanced vignette so i'll add a suble fake one to cover it up
but mostly i just adjust the exposure and leave it at that

>> No.43586925
File: 56 KB, 480x652, 28d43e_8f3108a85de246eca0649358bb507ae7~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the Imomodoll body, because of how it looks. But I don't like the heads, they give me the impression of cheap Chinese knock-offs heads, and the faceups on them aren't really that cute. The joints are kinda looser than MDDs joints, and I've seen people complaining about that.
Having said that, I am intrigued by the 1/6 dolls they make (picrel). They look cute and are cheap, so I am considering buying one.

>> No.43587372 [DELETED] 

That shot specifically wanted to show the shoes and apron just laying around but yeah, I often fail to take angle in consideration, aside from the gaze direction and using a higher or lower angle.
That tweaking is currently besides my means and usually results in burned images... which would probably be easier if I used some software that has been updated in the last 20 years. I do at least adjust contrast and saturation somewhat.

I'm aware of how much the phone camera is limiting me. Improper lenses, lighting will change everything, I have no real control over exposition, focus or resolution... but I won't pretend my hardware is the only problem. Even with a good camera I'd probably be too lazy to find optimal scenarios, and Shino's very reflective iris will always be a challenge I feel.

I want to get a proper camera some day. I don't want to keep needing to wait for a sunny day, only to still need to take dozens of shots that still end up having mistakes like a tiny misplacement or excessive exposition (which wasn't visible on the phone screen, I'm surprised I could fix it so much). But that's a serious investment just to show off my doll's cuteness.

>> No.43587400
File: 774 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_20230521_11254-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shot specifically wanted to show the shoes and apron just laying around but yeah, I often fail to take angle in consideration, aside from the gaze direction and using a higher or lower angle.
That tweaking is currently besides my means and usually results in burned images... which would probably be easier if I used some software that has been updated in the last 20 years. I do at least adjust contrast and saturation somewhat.

I'm aware of how much the phone camera is limiting me. Improper lenses, lighting will change everything, I have no real control over exposition, focus or resolution... but I won't pretend my hardware is the only problem. Even with a good camera I'd probably be too lazy to find optimal scenarios, and Shino's very reflective iris will always be a challenge I feel.

I want to get a proper camera some day. I don't want to keep needing to wait for a sunny day, only to still need to take dozens of shots that still end up having mistakes like a tiny misplacement or excessive exposition (which wasn't visible on the phone screen, I'm surprised I could fix it so much). But that's a serious investment just to show off my doll's cuteness.

>> No.43588940

Oh man I saw these on aliexpress and I'm so tempted to buy one. Since they come as blindboxes I assumed they were 1/12 at first but they're actually 1/6. I'm debating whether to get a random one since they're all so cute.

>> No.43592395

The Aliexpress ones are probably bootlegs, but Jane's Doll Land has them in stock. She has a bunch of the Penny's Box and other tiny blind box dolls as well.

>> No.43592593
File: 166 KB, 720x960, 20230330_122517c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Aliexpress ones are probably bootlegs
Do you say this because it's aliexpress or is there a particular reason? From my experience with the site (I'm diamond rank) they won't try to sell you a bootleg for the price of the genuine article. Look, I got this cute 1/12 from there!

>> No.43592804

Not them, I've heard once or twice that imomodoll does have an aliexpress storefront but I don't know enough about the brand to promise it. In general most of the dolls on ali are bootlegs but there are legit storefronts for some small chinese companies that make small blind box dolls like that one and imomo fits that bill

>> No.43592987

I have a MDD Mochi Ashi, MDD, and an Imomodoll Miko (S chest) body. I am waiting on the Imomodoll Ruby body to arrive, it should be here within a few days.

For Imomodoll, I ordered the Miko from their Taobao store directly and the Ruby from their Aliexpress store, which from my experience and the reviews, seems to be legit. The Miko arrived with loose joints but I was able to fix it with tape. I do have a hard time getting the torso to stay together but I have some ideas for that.

Overall, I like the look of the Imomodoll better than the MDD. I prefer the thinner legs of the MDD but I think that varies from person to person, as for the torso, I think the Imomodoll Miko torso is much better. Just looks more detailed and realistic. I wish I got one with a larger bust, but I was worried about clothes not fitting.

I can post comparison pictures once the Ruby arrives if people would like that.

>> No.43593016

I'd like that yeah! Can you take a pic of how the hip connects to the leg? I have one of their 1/6 bodies and I like it but the legs pop off if you tilt them in certain directions due to the structure being the vinyl sitting directly around a round inner frame part so I'd like to see if they improved that on the bigger versions of their vinyl dolls

>> No.43593114
File: 1.08 MB, 1887x1004, スクリーンショット 2023-05-27 22.33.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, the AP type H body parts have some really unflattering features when you look at them like this

>> No.43596199
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>> No.43597804

I remember seeing a picture somewhere on twitter of like a deer-centaur doll. Anyone know where I might be able to pick that up?

>> No.43597812


>> No.43597949

If it was anime-style, that's a Sio2 Doll Funan and they asre very hard to come by on the secondhand market. You can find them, though -- I managed to get one, so anything can happen.

>> No.43598109

I really want to know i f there will be mochi hip+leg parts sold separately at this point. If this is the final body and mochi is being completely retired, I'm really bummed. I got three floating heads.

>> No.43599006
File: 1.76 MB, 1806x2518, IMGP1047.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

candid doll photo time
i impulse-bought this aile d'ore set to fill out a manda order back aroud easter, never got around to taking any pics

buy them now while you know they're available?

>> No.43599033
File: 2.23 MB, 2255x2928, IMGP1078.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

celebration pose from yuzu for finally being out of stain treatment (i kept noticing spots i missed)

>> No.43599052
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 26DFAF26-EBA6-4230-94F3-4FCFAA21FF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also bought this doll-sized iron
for now it'll be for ironing seams when sewing clothes, until i learn how not to burn stuff and can use it to iron complete outfits as well

>> No.43600460

Can I have the link to Imomodoll's store on aliexpress, couldn't find it myself

>> No.43601084
File: 181 KB, 800x800, S3fa573da567a4ac998530ccf7a3cb88fE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I believe it is this one?

It has the same pictures as the Taobao store and it's the only one with those. Keep in mind it's a preorder, so I am not sure how long it will take until shipped.

But yeah, the body is nice although I still prefer the mdd heads

>> No.43601162

Not them but he's beautiful, you've made me want him but yeah I very rarely see any Sio2 dolls out in the wild

>> No.43601599

Do you know any resin focused ones?

>> No.43601641

If not that, it might have been something from Doll Chateau or dream Valley-- I'll ask around. There are only so many cervitaurs out there.

>> No.43601702
File: 392 KB, 1364x2048, 20230528_222858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/4 resin dolls, with an anime aesthetic similar to MDDs, the only I can think of right now is Puyoodoll.

But those are difficult to get, and boy they are expensive.

If you want to go the recast route, you can look for the recasts of them on AliExpress.
I haven't bought them from AliExpress so I can't give you my impression.

>> No.43601804

There's several options listed in the /bjd/ QnA doc

Off the top of my head Aimerai and 2D Doll are both resin companies with anime-style dolls in various scales from 1/6 up to 1/3. If you mean twitter accounts who focus on resin dolls in japan, however, I unfortunately don't know of anyone as I don't use twitter very much.

>> No.43602172

What head do you guys think would work best for this character? I can’t really decide on one.

>> No.43602195

I meant BJD youtubers focused on resin dolls, not anime aesthetic ones.

>> No.43602241

I got my doll from this particular seller and I am very pleased, I plan on getting a second one from them very soon.
Well, I don't know what a genuine, non-recast doll is supposed to feel like so I can't make a proper comparison.

>> No.43602448

Amazon jp has em. I use one for my sewing bobbins etc.

>> No.43602615

I kinda wanna get into sewing...

>> No.43602640

Cute doll. Where did you get the couch from? And since you're also a figurefag do you think it's a good scale for noodle stopper figs?

>> No.43602839

Do it anon, as a guy people think I have some sort of cheat skill when they fond out I can sew. I started from zero during pandemic to make my oen mask designs and bought beginner books and watched youtube as I took on more complex projects. Made my own doll carry bag etc too. Despite it being a skill that made me surprisingly more popular with girls mire importantly it gave me a big confidence boost as its another area of dolls I can understand better and that brings me closer to my dolls and their love.
Just get a good beginner friendly machine, some material and an easy project like a draw string bag or pencil case and go from there.
Best of luck man you can do it.

>> No.43603102
File: 1.87 MB, 719x955, dsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was out in the park today and saw someone posing his doll for pics.
I've never seen this before so it caught me off guard.
whenever I go to hobby shops the doll sections are always pushed way off to the side and are devoid of people.
Is this really a fun hobby?

>> No.43603143

Less ppl means more time with you and dolls. Most annoying are tourists again coming in to just exclaim wiah this us creeepy this is weird to each other.

>> No.43603208

I can see the allure in a hobby where most people simply scoff at it or call it weird.
It must be nice, but unfortunately it's not for me.
Thank you for indulging my curiosity.

>> No.43604201

Sorry, I was going to sleep when I wrote that, and clearly I didn't pay attention.

As I don't really follow the resin scene that much, I only know a few channels


>> No.43605920
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>> No.43605984

Any tips for hybriding a resin head with a DD body? I really like the combo but I'm not sure how I can secure the head to the body.

>> No.43606181

Those are some succulent thighs..

>> No.43606569
File: 349 KB, 1332x1488, julia lacedress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you keep your doll boxes?
Mine have been laying around for a while, and I thought I'd take them to the attic. But then I wondered if I'll ever need them at all.
I'd probably only use them if I wanted to ship them, and resale seems extremely unlikely, or very very far in the future.

>> No.43607042

Thanks anon!

>> No.43607235

I've seen it done the other way around tons of times, but not with a resin head on DD body. Check Yahoo Auctions Japan, there's a lot of custom made parts for attaching different heads with different bodies.

>> No.43607533
File: 768 KB, 1974x1481, 20230529_153311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fold all mine down, and they all store nicely. I also don't foresee ever needing to sell but if I would have to ship them

>> No.43607981
File: 2.02 MB, 1512x2016, 1685395929750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got another doll she is quite cute.
Now I just want to get a 1/4 doll to see which size I feel more comfortable with.

>> No.43608667

yes, got them stacked on a closet shelf with some long gun[\spoiler] boxes
i'm not pressed enough for space yet to consider collapsing or disposing of them
actually they're still inside the outer shipping boxes too which I'll get rid of one of these days

>> No.43608792

keep the boxes for when you inevitable die and your relatives have to sell your belongings

>> No.43609224
File: 301 KB, 1341x1357, Screenshot_20230529_203822_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy an adapter in places like Taobao.
Here is a YouTube video of someone using it.

In the description of the video there is a link to the store. If you can't buy it from Taobao directly, you will have to use a proxy service.

>> No.43609750
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>> No.43611612

This YT channel is pretty good for doll sewing inspo https://youtube.com/@anemoiadolls

>> No.43612175
File: 793 KB, 1960x2775, 20211224_130327 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that is a gut punch
i regularly lurk and try to post once each thread at least but sometimes miss one when super busy.

we should do an anon count to see how many of us are actual regulars lol
[Spoiler] i want a pharoah style tomb where all my dolls are placed in a room with my casket and it is buried in a tunnel underground with anime and some of my other favorite things(cars, guns, etc...) painted on the walls that way in a thousand years they can dig me up and they will make up stories about how i was some god king pharoh who must have been important to this timeline. /spoiler
i pray to have children someday that will carry on the torch for me and come back here to post photos of my dolls and their dolls they have added to the collection.

>> No.43612208
File: 1.15 MB, 1960x4032, 20211224_130539 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you screw up the spoiler tag

>> No.43612492

I really like your doll, anon.

>> No.43613501
File: 199 KB, 1068x1600, IMGP0836e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone in the US wants a fixer-upper, this is a rare tan doll that could clean up very well despite her age. I am lucky enough to have one, and despite the painted-on eyes, rooted hair, and old body, I am quite fond of her. Pic related!

>> No.43613667

so i just learned that the volks us site ""updated""" and removed a ton of replacement body parts froom the site

i guess i'll just stick to the jp site.... i mean the prices are better anyways

it's just annoying because the jp site is sold out of a few outfits that i wanted to grab

>> No.43615621
File: 275 KB, 1364x2048, 1640866383096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43616001

What parts did they remove?

>> No.43616025

> Do you keep your doll boxes?
What about outfit set packaging from like volks?

>> No.43617061
File: 305 KB, 1366x2048, 20230528_211600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the Azone looks like a big sister to the Mini Dollfie

>> No.43617108
File: 2.35 MB, 2708x3901, F58F92E1-13F0-4E1A-9CA3-045A215CFED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE dolls.

>> No.43618349
File: 620 KB, 2048x1365, 1638338067521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43619906

ooh cute dress

>> No.43621143

almost all of them, save for a few parts. this decision makes zero sense. but then again, maybe they are trying to push sales of base bodies and dolls instead.

>> No.43621761
File: 371 KB, 2978x1660, Screenshot 2023-05-31 094651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked and they're all still there, they're under 'Option Parts'. They have all the F3 parts and the uni-torsos for the DDIII still.

>> No.43622171

the bust sizes and hand parts are mostly all nuked though

>> No.43622288
File: 875 KB, 1170x2532, 82E4C4BD-803F-4332-BE43-300180EE6AEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re all there anon.

>> No.43622359

ugh this is too confusing and unnecessarily diffucult

it would be better if it was like the jp site where you see all the options right away

whatever. I already placed my order on the jp site anyways

>> No.43623117
File: 271 KB, 1512x2016, julia_msd_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caved and put them up the attic for now. I can't fold them because If I'll ever need the boxes again one day to transport the dolls, then I'll need all the foam and face protectors in there too.

That's my worst nightmare scenario. Thank God I live abroad, so my family knows nothing.

I keep them all and I keep them around. Whatever is not being worn at the moment needs to be tucked away safely.

>> No.43623189

Your doll is really pretty anon, what is she? I'm really ignorant when it comes to resin.

>> No.43623999

Any kemono dolls?

>> No.43625547
File: 596 KB, 2304x4096, 20221024_073111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43627796
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>> No.43628992
File: 189 KB, 1263x2048, FxJv0DyaIAMU39z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43629960

it's too early in the morning for me to be aroused

>> No.43630406
File: 1.27 MB, 3072x4096, FO8OcfLaMAEPerG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43630976

I have one sort of in the works, but we'll see how that pans out!

I want those glasses.

>> No.43631973

Im making one but its probably against board rules to post it since it has multi tits and all.

>> No.43631978

Well now you have my attention.

>> No.43632035

fair warning its a heavy WIP, and I've never made a doll before so I dont know what im doing https://files.catbox.moe/92koi5.png
I've gotten the legs and hips to a decent level of articulation and shape. But Im having alot of trouble geting articulation on the waist without it hitting the hips, or the torso without the tits hitting hitting the waist. Im thinking I'll just have a hinge on the waist and I'll have a ball joint and swivel where the waist meets the torso. Also the tits look kind of weird.

>> No.43632185

Jointing is probably the hardest part of making any doll, I'm just impressed you've got this far -- sincerely. Keep going anon. Eventually, you will get it the way you want it! As for the breasts, they start too low and don't hang naturally, so it looks off. Put your fingertips on your collarbones, and the breasts start at the bottom of the palms, generally speaking. They don't stick out, they hang naturally with gravity unless someone is wearing a push-up or sports bra; the profile is actually a gradual swell with most of the mass on the lower portion. The areola and nipples are placed generally on the widest point of the swell. The breasts are also much more pronounced in animals who have previously given birth; animals which haven't have much reduced breast tissue so as to be almost absent entirely. (In real life canids, breast tissue along the lower half is typically all the same size, but reducing size is a fair aesthetic choice. To that end, each secondary pair below will be smaller, and tucked a little further in towards the midline, and the ones above the pubis will be a minor swelling with teats.)

You have a good foundation anon, keep up the good work.

>> No.43632202

I didn't expect such a detailed response. Thank you for the advice anon, I'll put it to good use,

>> No.43632213

Anyone gonna enter the new lottery on Volks USA? It’s for resin dolls but I’ve been thinking about dipping my toes into the resin side of things so I’m considering entering.

>> No.43632217

I'm happy if it can be of use!

Do you like any of the girls in particular anon? Some are quite cute!

>> No.43632249

I’m considering this one.

>> No.43632255

If you like and can afford her, go for it anon.

>> No.43632591

I adore volks SDM. If I didn't already have 2 I would def be entering! Good luck anon

>> No.43633112
File: 1.41 MB, 2547x3820, 20230601_174425~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43634292

>They don't stick out, they hang naturally with gravity unless someone is wearing a push-up or sports bra
i know i don't have to say this to you, i just want to point it out
since this is dolls we're talking about, usually made out of something quite a bit stiffer than biological tissue
the breasts also have to take into account the typical type of clothing the doll will wear, since they won't change shape very much if at all
so the shape will always be a compromise
i expect this is why volks has two shape variants of the DD/DDS L busts
this is also another reason flat is justice

>> No.43634490

Oh yeah no, I'm not saying to have them completely down, but even assuming an underwire bra, the bust on this WIP still needed some TLC to get it looking right, it's a bit too supported IMHO. A balance in all things, even big ol tiddies.

>> No.43635466
File: 894 KB, 1440x2558, 20230601_041820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes becoming some sort of yazuka boss...(got her a 1911)

>> No.43635513

She's a ringdoll Julia (the MSD younger version).
I love her, but a heads up, if you're interested: Their promo pictures are a bit "too good", my pictures are what she "really" looks like. I also think she needs eyes and hair other than the ones she came with.

Yes, the resin thread is dead, so I asked here instead. It's been so long I assume it's going to stay dead too at this point.

>> No.43635863

I like the way you're creating a small room for her on your shelf. Is the cooking pot new too?

>> No.43635877

yea, I got the rice cooker a few days ago. slowly truning that shelf into her little space. maybe if I get motivated I'll see if the hobby skills from model kits and warhammer will help me with making some walls for a little room corner

>> No.43636552

to be honest the vinyl people are way nicer than the resin thread people which is why I at least haven't tried the resin thread

Everyone was kinda dickish in the resin thread and constant debates. Vinyl people are more like "all doll is good doll" and that's way more refreshing to me despite being a resin owner

>> No.43636691
File: 968 KB, 1000x1502, 10902183925_3688bd3b51_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say every time you post this girl, I smile. She's really precious, even if she's a crime lord now.

The resin thread is resurrected around once a year, lasts a while, and dies again due to infighting. I personally don't like recasts because I have friends who make dolls, and having them bootlegged is an emotional blow as well as a financial one for the people who create these things. As a result, I don't own any of them, either. However, bitching about this and being antagonistic towards the people who do own them won't solve anything, and only pushes people away. So, instead, I try to point people where to get things legitimately to the best of my ability, because having knowledge helps, and bootlegs are 10-to-1 on the market thanks to savvy search engine optimization. As well, I try to welcome newcomers to the hobby however they've wound up here, because I think nurturing that newfound interest in, and passion for, dolls will only lead to good things for everyone involved. Maybe one day, those with recasts will purchase a doll directly from the creator, or maybe they won't -- but if nothing else, at least here, they can ask questions and exist without fear of getting their head bitten off. The idiom "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" is abject bullshit (diy flytrap: apple cider vinegar, dish soap,) but I do fundamentally believe that being nice is a hell of a lot more productive than being a dick.

So: hello recast anons, we don't agree on everything all of the time, but I don't hate you, and I hope to see you settle into the hobby in your own way. You can share your dolls and ask for advice on where to clothe and accessorize them, and I will do my best to answer accordingly. Also if you are getting bootlegs, consider avoiding Luo, the largest bootlegger in this space. His quality control has gotten really bad as of late from what I've heard, with people receiving dolls with missing parts, or the wrong doll entirely, and the response being "we'll send it with your next order." I don't actually know what other options there are, but this is the word on the street from those I know who do dabble in recast spaces.

I am happy if people feel that way. I primarily collect vinyl, but I do have resin as well, and even if I don't personally have them, I think some playline dolls are really cool -- as well as the artistry in things like vintage porcelain dolls and so on. Even if reborns scare the shit out of me, I can respect the artistry which goes into their creation. While this is mostly a thread for vinyl anime dolls, I am always happy when resin anons drop by -- especially when they have advice to share in areas where I am less knowledgeable. If people feel comfortable and welcome here, all the better.

>> No.43637828

I immediately imagined a scene much like in american psycho where Bateman and Co. compare business cards. With dolls

>> No.43637907

I agree completely with you. I'm glad that this thread is peaceful no amount of arguing in the resin thread ever amounted to any good and hopefully we can all love our dolls and try to move towards supporting the people who make them. And yeah, I've heard of people getting wrong parts and dolls with lots of resin dust in the packaging which is just generally really not safe to inhale.

>> No.43638450
File: 169 KB, 900x1200, DNIWxGZV4AADRE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Dakimakura for my dolls

>> No.43638568

Check etsy for mini dakimakura, you can make your dreams come true.

>> No.43639783
File: 1.95 MB, 4096x2732, 1641174242341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A post for the resin anons.

>> No.43639967
File: 1005 KB, 1872x3431, 20220401_175746 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been to a few, usually at conventions. been the only dude before. i don't feel its a huge deal as long as you stay chill and just keep it to dolls. just know your dolls and subject matter and someone will talk to you. where is this? maybe i can come along as well.

>> No.43639996
File: 145 KB, 800x800, doll 1 3 dream fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to order this 1/3 Dream Fairy body, but I'm struggling to find a matching anime head in Europe. So far Parabox Ichigo looks nice, are there any news on their 1/3 line?

A very basic faceup order would be ok, local forums are dead. Bhiner and clover singing only show up to 1/4 scale, Taobao is hard to navigate but "三分 3分 二次元娃娃 頭" gives some results.

And last, what are good marketplaces for a Dream Fairy (1/4 plastic doll) and a custom Blythe? Anons are good people, and low end dolls make me feel guilty of charging too much money, compared to serious artists out there.

>> No.43640041

That's so cute. I never thought about it before but now I want one too.

>> No.43640057

horny grip

>> No.43640105

Parabox = Obitsu and unfortunately their 1/3 line is basically retired. Do you know how heads joint onto that body, by chance, anon? If it's similar to Dollfie Dream bodies then DD heads should work (as well as things like Evoke Doll, Dollce, and the like.) Good luck anon!

>> No.43640200

Aww, too bad, thanks for the heads up tho.They have a DD peg, head swaps seem to work according to this blog

>> No.43640230

In that case any head that fits DD should fit on that body, including DD heads themselves.

>> No.43640707 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.93 MB, 1800x1271, imomodoll miko s chest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, sorry for the late reply, I was still waiting for the Ruby body to arrive. Honestly, I have had no issues with the hip disconnecting, I think that area of them is pretty sturdy. I didn't want to take it apart because I was afraid I could not get it back together, but hopefully these photos help. This is the Imomodoll Miko (S Chest).

>> No.43640720
File: 235 KB, 1800x733, imomodoll ruby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now here are pics of the Imomodoll Ruby body. I think the hips are built and attach similarly. I will make a video comparing these two to the other bodies I have.

>> No.43640750

Thanks! Looks like they totally changed the joint system on the hips, that's a relief. On the 1/6 body I have the legs' vinyl have a huge hole that sockets directly onto a ball on the frame, this looks much more secure

>> No.43640773

It's like that with the torso on the Miko body which I really hate and I've been having a hard time keeping it secure. I put some putty in there and it's kind of helped, and I don't know if it's like that with all of them, but it's been kind of frustrating. If anyone has any suggestions for this issue please let me know. I am about to just hot glue it and lose the mobility.

>> No.43640786

Do you have pics of the parts that attach? I've heard of the Miko body having internal torso parts be too long to fit, or pegs too thin (which would be fixed by sanding the peg shorter or putting tape around the peg to thicken it) but I'm not sure that's the part you're having trouble with

>> No.43640916
File: 1.46 MB, 1900x828, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty pics but basically it's a round ball that goes into the ball shaped space that goes into a peg that is inside the torso. And either the ball part or the peg part keeps detaching. As you can see I have some putty on it already but it's not a magic fix.

>> No.43640923

Also I did try the tape fix but that didn't help either.

>> No.43640964

Hmm, the ball being really loose seems hard to fix since the tension isn't just in one rotational direction like a straight peg. Maybe you could try coating the ball with some clear nail polish to increase the size and friction, should last longer than putty? If it's not enough, you could add additional coats to increase the size more gradually. As for the socket piece that attaches to the peg inside the torso, I don't see why you couldn't just glue it on - doesn't look like it provides any additional movement (rotational or leaning) if the ball-socket joint is working.

>> No.43641135

interesting setup they've got there

>> No.43641546
File: 797 KB, 1223x1631, media_FxOluYPaMAMFNIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43642013
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, 030054D5-A1A6-484A-9EC5-6D66EBAAF646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys take such dramatic pictures? Any camera setting tips . My new friend

>> No.43642081

She cute

>> No.43643521
File: 802 KB, 864x1296, IMG_7492e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the hobby anon, Azone Pure Neemo were my start as well. Do you mind if I ask how much photography experience you have? Not to judge, you, but so that I can structure my replies in a way that will make sense. Regardless, one of the biggest aspects of doll photos with super-sharp subjects and soft, creamy backgrounds would be the f-stop the camera is set to: specifically, the smallest it can get. You've already got that basic down in this shot by having the background out of focus, and your doll in-focus, so good work! I notice there is some blur, so one thing you can do is use a tripod to hold your device steady while you shoot to reduce this. If one isn't available, my tip is to depress the camera shutter (or tap the button on your phone) while exhaling, as this naturally steadies your hands. It's similar to firing a gun: breathe, exhale, and slowly pull the trigger to steady your aim. (I actually use a tripod and a cable shutter release a lot of the time to eliminate camera shake, but that is because I am a lunatic, and 99% of people do not need to do this.) One thing to keep in mind with a lower f-stop is that your camera will be taking in a lot more light, so you will want to either increase the shutter speed accordingly (to prevent the photo from being overexposed to the point of looking like a sheet of printer paper) or to use some sort of lens filter to help with that. (But I will leave off there because now I'm getting technical.)

As for posing, one of the best things you can do is look around at what other people are doing- sincerely, and not just with dolls, either. Seeing the different things people get up to, how they structure their own composition, and learning what they did to achieve that shot is an important part of figuring out your own creative process and the photographs you want to take. In this shot, your new friend is sitting there and isn't interacting with the environment or her props. One thing you can do, then, is to have her hold the sword or lean on the bike (you can use a little eye putty to keep the sword in place, or a magnet on the back of the hands (out of sight to the camera) if it's metal.)

For me, my first thought is stupidly complicated: have the bike on one side of the frame out of focus in the background, as it is now. In the foreground (the in-focus part,) on the other side of the frame, have your doll kneeling with the blade held horizontally in her hands, towards the viewer's point-of-view. It's a chuuni, overdramatic photo, but I feel it would be fun! More normally, you can simply have your doll lean against the wall beside her bike, maybe resting a hand on the seat. Hands direct the viewer's eye, and so it's actually very important to give them something to do in a photo. If the pockets on her jacket are functional, you could put the other in a pocket, or on her hip if not. She could sit down in front of the bike, one knee kicked up, looking up at the ceiling like she's resting after a long ride. You could have her kick the back tire, hands out at her sides as if she's angry at it. There are so many options! Don't be afraid to try new things -- the road to taking good photos is to take lots of bad ones along the way!

The other tips I have are this: for many doll poses, you will need one (or more) doll stands to help them achieve it. It's very common to give long hair a dynamic pose using fishing line. A japanese friend told me that some photographers actually use a blow-dryer to heat-set their doll's hair in a way which makes it appear to be blowing in the wind, which is something far bigger brained than I can comprehend! But try to comb out and have her hair looking presentable when you can, otherwise it's distracting to the viewer. Volks wig wax and other styling products are a life-saver for this purpose! Oh, and one final note- your doll's eyes are painted-on rather than inset into the head, so her point of view is fixed to one place. Keep that in mind when posing her face and deciding whether she's looking into the camera, or looking at something else. It's especially important with dolls like this to help the photos connect to the viewer, at least in my experience.

I hope some of this was helpful. Keep posting, anon! Here's my first ever doll photo of my first doll, Usagi. I've come a long way since then, and if I can, anyone can.

>> No.43644730
File: 187 KB, 872x950, スクリーンショット 2023-06-03 10.37.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43644854

>Let's see anon's AP mods.
>Look at that subtle tan coloring.
>The tasteful thickness of it.
>Oh my God, it even has a womb tattoo.

>> No.43646262
File: 240 KB, 1080x1015, 1637348297745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43646475
File: 548 KB, 2048x1848, 20230603_153842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43646907

>POV, your dollfu just came back from a night of drinking and you must now resist the urge to pose her while she is passed out

>> No.43647374

Stop please.

>> No.43648148
File: 537 KB, 1536x2048, 1642318706933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43648434
File: 790 KB, 2731x4096, 20230603_203651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Womb tattoos are great

>> No.43648537
File: 802 KB, 1275x1587, IMGP1101.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how y'all dollanons doing this fine evening

>> No.43648647

it's morning

>> No.43648744
File: 520 KB, 1859x2822, 20230603_153759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drinking 90 proof tequila after not eating for over 36 hours while ruminating on my purpose in the world
I think dolls are very nice though , I like this guy's stuff

>> No.43648796
File: 210 KB, 691x708, IMGP1087.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well excuse me for living in the wrong timezone

nice, one of my favorite pastimes as well
any dolls of your own, or any plans if not?
would be cooler if they were real but of course >japanese

>> No.43648883

didn't care for this pic at first but it's grown on me

>I really want to make Herta into an actual doll
that would be cool, i really like the idea of making irl dolls of doll characters
though i think an obitsu body (if we're talking vinyl) would be about as far from the design you could get
she's clearly supposed to be a strung doll
but, given that the designer probably didn't put too too much thought into making her joints a practical design, it probably doesn't matter that much

comfy channel

>> No.43648901
File: 32 KB, 1000x1000, 1659406783824997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a pretty doll

>> No.43649005

I love this girl's expression, I want a 60cm doll with a similar look but head sculpts with that kind of narrowed eye and parted lips are hard to find....

>> No.43649081

yeah a 7" head wouldn't really work on a 60cm body
maybe you can get someone to mod a volks head into something similar

>what did anon mean by this

>> No.43649175

Thanks for the effort post

>> No.43651314
File: 307 KB, 1819x2425, media_Fv7Rb6GaIAEpkmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43652589

You can find them on Yahoo Japan Auctions somewhat regularly, but they tend to go for a lot. Keep an eye out and you can find a deal eventually. Good luck anon! (As well, you could commission someone to make one with a doll that doesn't already have the eyeholes cut out. x3ash on etsy (lovelydollfie is their name elsewhere I believe) does very good work, but you will have to ship to Australia.

An anon said once long ago in a thread I was lurking that if you want to see more of something, post it yourself -- i.e. if you want to see cuteposting, post cute. I took that to heart. It's give minutes out of my day, and if I can help someone, I'm glad for the opportunity.

This is a pretty doll anon, do you know the sculpt by chance?

>> No.43653198
File: 359 KB, 1000x1017, IMGP1109.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yahoo Japan Auctions somewhat regularly
blank type H heads sure, in whitey/tan
but not super whitey or with faceup
and yeah expensive thanks to the one scalper who dominates the YJA AP aftermarket
but overall i'd say anon would be better off ordering a customized head
for one, besides the obitsu 50-04 used for ellies/elles, AP heads are 7" which is a lot smaller than your normal volks/obitsu/etc. head
but also the AP type H head unfortunately has some angles it just looks bad from (picrel), kind of like smart doll heads
a custom head made from one with a more sound base shape would be better

>> No.43653439

>This is a pretty doll anon, do you know the sculpt by chance?
NTA, but it looks like ringdoll alice01 to me.

>> No.43653733
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1200, 54000_euro_doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll retards please explain

What in the fuck?

>> No.43653784

Worth it

>> No.43653885

It's only $57k American. A small price to pay for your dollfu in the bidding wats

>> No.43653937

I see stuff like this and I don’t feel so bad about spending almost $1000 on a 9S this weekend. I don’t even care about the character I was just desperate for a boy body for the character I’m trying to make. Im hoping I can resell the head and clothes and get some money back.

>> No.43654230
File: 514 KB, 1196x617, ten thousand us dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon, I've been there. Boy bodies are a fucking nightmare, if Imomodoll come through on offering a 1/3 boy body I'm going to drop four figures on multiples.

Custom dolls, often known as fullsets, can be in demand, but especially if they're one-offs made by highly sought-after independent artists of a character someone is really passionate about. They usually don't go for more than a few grand, but there are exceptions.

>> No.43655177

Neither of these are real, right? It's just some kind of money laundering thing?

>> No.43655328
File: 136 KB, 1080x789, 31412251_1145217258952922_2709959900888301568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, they're real. Some people out there have the kind of fun money the rest of us can only dream of.

>> No.43655437
File: 168 KB, 1064x217, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my friends this video to their recommended feed, featuring that exact doll. That probably has something to do with the ludicrous price, 280k views is pretty great advertising.

>> No.43655474

So it's just someone who'd rather have it now even if it costs a little under 10k rather than pay the $1-2K to get it custom made? Or is the workmanship on that somehow actually worth a shitty new car?

>> No.43655520

I honestly have no idea. There were several people bidding the Flan to 50k too. I don't understand.

>> No.43655876
File: 1.08 MB, 2731x4096, FFHZ6afakAAFAAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even as good a flandre doll as this one

>> No.43655913

There are dolltubers that actually get views? Huh. I didn't think anyone actually watched them.

>> No.43656377

>I want to get a proper camera some day.
What's stopping you? Price? Or just not sure what to get?
You can find old digital cameras from the mid 2000s, many of which offer lots more control and better picture quality than phone cameras despite their age, for very cheap online or at flea markets.
A cheap but feature-full camera is a great starting point, simply having an adjustable Aperture Priority mode can be a game changer for getting certain kinds of shots.

>> No.43656564

cuute gothic flanflan!

>> No.43656882
File: 531 KB, 2304x4096, 20230604_205507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any dolls of your own, or any plans if not?
ah no, I've got none of my own. I can honestly afford a few but my current non-financial circumstances would make it an irresponsible thing to do. I will just have to keep admiring photos and hoping the alcohol can make me dream about dolls

>> No.43656992
File: 3.81 MB, 2670x4000, FxwdP7WaIAEaCo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43657152

here's hoping your doll-related circumstances improve, anon
for what it's worth, i bought my first doll probably before it was "responsible" to do so
also sauce on the pic, that's one of my favorite dolls but i haven't been able to track down who owns her

>> No.43657180

Not that anon, but I believe the owner is here:

>> No.43657236

this alluring image, how can i not want to eat her up

>> No.43657281

oh damn nice, thanks
wow they post a lot of pictures
interesting, looks like they use some kind of AI filter for photo cleanup

>> No.43657322

New Thread a little early, I want to go to bed.
