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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4355149 No.4355149 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4355160

Don't worry. She'll turn herself into a youkai before that happens.

>> No.4355157

Shouldn't have eaten the bad mushroom.

>> No.4355167


Marisa has stated many times she wants to live and die as a human.

>> No.4355188

thats sakuya

>> No.4355191

Citation needed.

>> No.4355200


>> No.4355213
File: 249 KB, 550x600, 198ee190477ac870e3f6381d6c4c7036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And guess who still looks young and beautiful

>> No.4355220

Sakuya is immortal

>> No.4355222

I'm calling bullshit until I see some evidence.

>> No.4355226


You shoulda played the games, man. You shoulda played the games.

>> No.4355230


One of her endings in EoSD. Oh, no, wait, that's Reimu.

>> No.4355248

Although she's immortal, I don't want to eat human guts.

An immortal's body is immune to all disease.
My innards are totally clean.
...But don't eat them.

I wasn't going to... although the immortality part is kinda appealing.

--Imperishable Night, Extra Stage

>> No.4355255

She's not. In fact, on her Extra ending on IN Remilia offers her to eat Mokou's entrails to make her immortal, to which she refuses.

>> No.4355260


>> No.4355270

Byakuren too.

>> No.4355279


No, the games are entirely relevant, because they have everything you need to know. If you play the games, you'd be informed.

>> No.4355284

She is more immortal than she lets on

>> No.4355285

but she doesn't say that in the games

>> No.4355303

Please read
Shoulda played the games, man.

>> No.4355315


Oh, I understand. This is the part where you troll me by taking Marisa's words from IN out of context, and I am supposed to refute them while you continue to make baseless claims and twist ZUN's words around in an attempt to support your point, meanwhile pointing out that I'm a stupid tripfag and rallying the other Anons to cheer you on meanwhile.

Denied. Go pick on White Ren instead, I'm not having any of your nonsense.

>> No.4355332
File: 52 KB, 281x283, kaguyaherp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my. Getting all defensive now, are we?

>> No.4355330

your next posts will have a reaction image, butthurt, umad, or whatever

>> No.4355341


Defense is the best offense, they always say!

>> No.4355343

I heard someone in this thread was mad, is this true?

>> No.4355345

he mad

>> No.4355349


I am mad, butthurt, and frustrated all at the same time.

>> No.4355350

>>4355315, >>4355332
Why you two don't just filter that faggot?

>> No.4355354
File: 43 KB, 568x590, 1252363869996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that's gotta hurt, man. Can you still sit down, or is that too painful down there?

>> No.4355376
File: 133 KB, 818x756, 1159265786696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And you guys genuinely expect me to believe that /jp/ is devoid of trolls? I'd have to be blind in both eyes to fall for that one.

>> No.4355383

he is entire tier lists above you

>> No.4355409

I was referring to you, actually. Misquoted Arc, though; thought he was replying to you for some reason.

>> No.4355418

>reaction image
What, are we /a/ now? No thanks, leave me to my AYF and Japanese birds.

>> No.4355427

Aw how cute you are mad because you have replaced me as the most retarded tripfag on the board even though I act like a retard on purpose, cry some more for my amusement.

>> No.4355431

hmmm no but it's arc we are talking about so he gives no fuck

>> No.4355450

That sounded pretty butthurt.

I'm astounded that tripfags actually get mad when people generalize about their poor posting quality.

>> No.4355451
File: 19 KB, 300x239, 1260474728723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Robin, I just don't know what happened to this thread. Perhaps the Joker has something to do with it.

>> No.4355458

>I act like a retard on purpose
>on purpose

>> No.4355469

I would kill everyone in this thread for /jp/ to have even as tenth as good a community as /co/.

>> No.4355470

just wait until he responds
he will probably respond with something like "I don't care but im responding to u anyways, welcum to my filter"

>> No.4355485

i don't know, man
the /co/ guys i see on /a/ seem like huge idiots

>> No.4355511

So you're buttmastrated? ...Maybe you should see a doctor.

>> No.4355820

You mean trolls pretending to be from /co/ to start idiotic and non-existent board rivalry?

>> No.4355885

actually OFFENSE is the best DEFENSE.

>thread turns to be a butthurt-fest between tripfags and useless posts.
Shitty as always /jp/
