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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-9f55874da822817bf7ae8de2a634ced9-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43529620 No.43529620 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous: >>43515675

>> No.43529633
File: 92 KB, 640x630, mp_20200922-115514359_gpypf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning japanese?

>> No.43529705

someone post the updated guide

>> No.43529720

So I can actually talk to all the people here

>> No.43529725
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>> No.43529729

you don't need guides you only need dolly

>> No.43529733

you dont need dolly until you already have a decent idea and even then its just another perspective at best

>> No.43529734
File: 324 KB, 335x506, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki doesn't work
anime doesn't work
reading doesn't work

i give up

>> No.43529738
File: 25 KB, 362x372, Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 11-44-53 音のない部屋の中で - 初音ミク Wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese song lyrics are the most beautiful pieces of poetry I've read.

>> No.43529758

>anime doesn't work
werked for me

>> No.43529760

try manga

>> No.43529765

works on my machine

>> No.43529769

time to stop being so bitter and put smiles on your faces


>> No.43529772

have you tried podcasts and japanese tv

>> No.43529775
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43529779

yikes projection

>> No.43529782

has he tried shadowing anime

>> No.43529785

the shadow anime was pretty good yeah he should try it

>> No.43529788

just found another menhera. this LARPs as a 14 year old and claims her voice is just "low"

this bitch is so very obviously in her late 20s

i wonder what kind of mental damage lead her to lie this

it's over

>> No.43529793

projecting these smiles onto your face

>> No.43529796

why are you watching streamers when you can speak one on one for free and have phone sex if you just go on skypech

>> No.43529802

projecting my cum onto ur faces

>> No.43529803

せいてんの うちゅうに もぐって
かぞえきれないほどの ほし
すくいあげては こぼれおちてゆく
くろがようしに せめあげるように

ほしくずの てんとてんを むすんで
いくつかその うえから かきたして
ぼくと きみが つくりあげた うちゅうで
よぞらを うめる ?はみたいな さかなのむれが
めをななしたすきに またうかびあがろうとして

>> No.43529814

yikes erection

>> No.43529821

just ate 1kg of ice creamx

>> No.43529828


>> No.43529830

i need sex and (You) (yes, you) are going to give it to me

>> No.43529834

reader moment

>> No.43529841
File: 30 KB, 460x460, wqesadafs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hardest part is the initial hurdle where it feels like nothing works and everything is too hard. this will last for a while but push through it friend, if you do you will achieve something you set out to do

>> No.43529846

the hardest part is right here *unzips*

>> No.43529856

*looks down* well, i'm sure you make up for it in other areas

>> No.43529860

yo it looks like a dick just smaller

>> No.43529871

i was taking out my linnies bruhs

>> No.43530014

>grind kanji and words for a long time, basically ignore grammar, listening, and speaking
>go to japan for school
>put into n4 class purely out of kanji reading
>can't understand shit listening to people
>speaking is a disaster
>missing tons of n5 grammar points
>i had reached n3 classes before I knew what なければならない meant
I only honestly started japanese so I could read, but I'm getting better

>> No.43530037

*rips it off*

>> No.43530072

why do idiot learners still care about jlpt in 2023

>> No.43530087

it unironically opens up some specific ways of living in japan and it definitely doesnt hurt

>> No.43530090

You're not allowed to enter university without being at least N2

>> No.43530092

true true
i aced it with 180/180 in 2022 so i don't care about it in 2023

>> No.43530112

youre not allowed to enter japan without 10k hours of anime

>> No.43530127

anime is fucking trash

>> No.43530150


>> No.43530156
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, 1683487846212544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tatsu posted a new Q&A
>How strict do you recommend being about 1T?

>> No.43530167

>sentence cards
lmao are you retarded?

>> No.43530171


>> No.43530175

i need sex

>> No.43530179

thank god tatsu is here to guide us on our journey

>> No.43530187

yeah, TSCs are better than sentence cards

>> No.43530188

i think you meant to say thank godsumoto

>> No.43530193

enjoy aids

>> No.43530204


>> No.43530231
File: 670 KB, 1313x1246, 662A7960-7A80-4249-81B2-24C38F1C9B39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to go study there..

>> No.43530264

idol simps are truly zombies. these bitches are walking advertisements. they are soulless and fake as fuck. both gravure and pop idols.

you may as well fall in love with a burger king ad. it's the same level of mental illness.

>> No.43530275
File: 20 KB, 472x270, 6a0147e2456493970b01538f9fd097970b-pi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43530335

i just wanna read cute yuzusoft like moe vns for 1k hours not any hard stuff will this get me to n1?

>> No.43530350

a need a real live girl to give me sex or i will shoot myself tonight and I will do it this time

>> No.43530356

it doesnt matter what you read just read more

>> No.43530357

TSCs are a subset of sentence cards, that's why they have "sentence cards" in the name. unless you ignore the rest of the sentence, but then they're just word cards and are no longer retarded

>> No.43530369
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x2136, 98hh55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bros is this what happens if i continue to be an ankidrone? is this my future?

>> No.43530381

where do you find these in japanese?
I got nekopara eons ago and never played in eng

>> No.43530390

find it hard to browse djt on my phone
once you start using filters you can't go back it's just a different experience

>> No.43530394

if you ever do an under 1k rep day that will be your eternal fate

>> No.43530405

n1 is pre beginner so being able to confidently read any native material will be enough

>> No.43530406


>> No.43530424

would impregnate all of them except for the for the feminist looking one

>> No.43530428

even the dude?

>> No.43530433

firefox on mobile supports userscripts
i dont think thats possible but no

>> No.43530459

its possible you just havent tried hard enough

>> No.43530466

can;t wait to watch heavenly delusion later today

>> No.43530477

that dude definitely fucked all of them

>> No.43530478

don't be weird

>> No.43530482

ps1 games on the psp is still goated as fuck
otherwise its a vinny machine for me and not much else
idk mang

>> No.43530545

i was playing xenogears on my psp but i dont have the patience for classic rpgs now

>> No.43530565

the early 3d rpgs are so slow

>> No.43530626

bro xenogears is great
yeah the combat is ass but otherwise fun game
one of the few turn based rpgs i can stomache now

>> No.43530633
File: 281 KB, 700x900, 1554568180642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you're playing the japanese version

>> No.43530636
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>> No.43530641

why are they wearing polish clothes?

bunko are you still a tall cracker with a skinnyfat build?

>> No.43530674

nah im black now

>> No.43530678


>> No.43530687

( ゚д゚ )彡そう!

>> No.43530700


>> No.43530716


>> No.43530722


>> No.43530731

what type of affairs are we talking about

>> No.43530740

blackmail impregnation affairs

>> No.43530752

for me its infertile bitches

>> No.43530775

so like grans?

>> No.43530783

ubazakura pilled

>> No.43530797
File: 625 KB, 1062x1500, 1676160842405759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's when you take the pornpill
werks for me

>> No.43530806

made for goblin cock

>> No.43530821
File: 487 KB, 1500x2122, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43530826

stop saying weird stuff

>> No.43530837

what is the appeal of ugly men in eromanga and eropics why do artists do that

>> No.43530840
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>> No.43530868

self insert
average jap is an old, ugly man

>> No.43530872

or woman

>> No.43530884
File: 19 KB, 1121x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43530898

whenever i got stupid questions i ask on int so u guys don't have to read it
i'm pretty thoughtful

>> No.43531141

About to drop some hard facts. In Japanese, there is spoken Japanese, there is written Japanese, and there is fiction Japanese. Spoken Japanese is how people talk in everyday life. Written Japanese is how people communicate in writing (ie. では vs じゃ, である vs です). Fiction Japanese appears in both speaking and writing, but usually only in fiction like anime and manga. These are "anime words". You will never hear people in real life use 天敵 or 画竜点睛, and they will be really confused if you use them. Japanese is far more context-based in English. You can use "My natural enemy is waking up early" in English and nobody will question it, it makes sense, it's a little colorful but it's fine. 「僕の天敵は早起きだよ」is strange though. It's too colorful for spoken Japanese. Japanese relies much more on literal interpretation of common everyday dialogue because there are so many similar-sounding words. There are more set ways to phrase things than in English and deviating from that is more to emphasize what's different in the sentence.

>> No.43531172

didn't read

>> No.43531184

>You will never hear people in real life use 天敵
>「僕の天敵は早起きだよ」is strange though.
that's because this reddit*r doesn't know japanese, not because of 天敵

>> No.43531217


>> No.43531249
File: 137 KB, 1892x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this word and how i never failed it

>> No.43531268

>You will never hear people in real life use 天敵

>> No.43531274


>> No.43531304

Literally every Japanese person I've spoken to tells me 天敵 is an anime word, it's not used by actual speaking people in regular conversation.

>> No.43531329

The term "天敵" (pronounced "tentei" in Japanese) translates to "natural enemy" or "archenemy" in English. It is not specifically an anime word, but rather a general term used in the Japanese language. It can be used in various contexts, including anime, to describe a character's adversary or someone who poses a significant threat. However, it is not exclusive to anime and can be found in other forms of media or everyday conversations as well.

>> No.43531336

thanks chatgpt

>> No.43531344

>anime word
nigga it's literally a biological term
>it's not used by actual speaking people in regular conversation.
it absolutely can show up in a regular conversation if the topic at hand allows it
now everyday conversationat the local konbini? probably not, but that doesn't make it an anime word

>> No.43531359

next thing you'll say is that everyone you know told you that sayonara only means farewell.

>> No.43531368

>he doesnt discuss ecological issues with the homeless at the 7&i

>> No.43531401
File: 45 KB, 500x458, 7lxynl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time anon.

>> No.43531420

love watching jikkyous and seeing japs be like 'wow i've never seen this word before'

>> No.43531475

i will never not love this meme

>> No.43531492

Every Japanese person I've asked about it has called it an anime word and that it's not really used in casual conversation. I explained that in English, the term is "natural enemy" (自然な敵) and refers to animals that prey on each other, and they've agreed that it's the same meaning, but you can't freely use it in casual conversation. But this is what I mean by Japanese being more literal. Obviously in English, "My natural enemy is waking up early" is a sentence that works. It's slightly humorous, it's saying "Me and waking up early don't get along", it's figurative speech. You're able to freely do this in English while it's much more restricted in Japanese. You could say "I'm a walking [thing]" to describe yourself as being an anthropomorphization of that thing, whether it be a walking time bomb or advertisement or whatever.

>> No.43531509
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>> No.43531579

none of my girls are live. i thought there'd all be online since it's the weekend. i'd even take one of the menhera bitches at this point.


>> No.43531595

bc they're all blowing changs mara rn

>> No.43531626

you are probably just using it completely wrong

>> No.43531638

>You're able to freely do this in English while it's much more restricted in Japanese.

>> No.43531691

>my language's figures of speech don't work in another language, therefore the other language is more literal!
How about you search around or ask people how they'd refer to something they absolutely can't stand doing in a humorous way?

>> No.43531708
File: 263 KB, 1765x995, FwlENVmWAAEaw8M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo holotalk immersion

>> No.43531735

why listen to fake internet personalities trying to sweet-talk losers with money into parting with their it when you can look up a billion things that are not shit, like vlogs, travel journals, game shows, the news, etc.?

>> No.43531747

why write this post lol

>> No.43531764

people always put up a front for their online content, and they always want to monetize it eventually. this isn't unique to vtumors

>> No.43531869

any recommendations for cute girls talking, preferably with subs

>> No.43531872

yeah that's why you're not supposed to watch online influencers

>> No.43531908
File: 166 KB, 1200x783, FwlKVyQXoAI4dFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vlogs, travel journals
>game shows


>> No.43531927

What's the difference between img and may /b/'s on futaba?

>> No.43532030

>they always want to monetize it eventually
if you don't deliver value (and vtubers don't) you don't deserve the money. btw, (((influencers))), affiliate marketers, and shills are part of the problem too.

>> No.43532100


>> No.43532112 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1280x1810, 19D8A354-6007-4026-939C-E705B264B820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doujinbros prime emersion material just dropped

>> No.43532134


>> No.43532192

yall motherfuckers need jesus

>> No.43532239

What's the difference between 凖 and 準? I originally mistyped 準 when trying to write 準備 but after looking it up I can't tell what the practical difference is between the two.

>> No.43532255

Difference is that 凖 isn't used but 準 does

>> No.43532261

Fuck. I did it again.
I meant I accidentally typed 凖 while trying to write 準備.

So it's just an obsolete kanji?

>> No.43532265

>nooo stop enjoying things that i dont approve of

>> No.43532271


>> No.43532280

i feel a disturbance in the 和

>> No.43532281

its an anti gaijin kanji designed to break their weak and fragile minds

>> No.43532294

Stop doing this

>> No.43532311
File: 90 KB, 486x360, Thank You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43532338

broooo i just learned the second meaning of zenmai

>> No.43532345
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, manjucat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbujpdj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was there ever a better weeb anthem?

>> No.43532394

i still don't understand ga vs wa

and desu i think most people are lying when they say they do. they just use ga in sentences/phrases they've heard others say

>> No.43532420

is it just me or did the quality of hentais sink drastically in recent years

>> No.43532480


>> No.43532497
File: 84 KB, 859x876, Screenshot_20230520_144022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of mining, I kneel mine bros, I should've done this way back

>> No.43532592

You know, I FINALLY "get" hostess clubs. I get why Japanese men go to those establishments. Some women are absolutely fantastic at talking to/entertaining men. It feels so incredibly good to talk to them, and you can tell when they actually enjoy what they do and are into it. Being able to entertain is a real (and rare) skill. There is nothing worse than a pretty girl with the personality of a rock who gets by on looks alone because simps are braindead zombies. Unfortunately that describes a very large portion of streamers.

Would you go home right after work and attempt to talk to your wife who has the speaking skills of a robot

or would you and the pals head to a hostess club to have fun with a real woman who will brighten up your day and make the salaryman grind a bit more bearable?

the choice is easy. i'm choosing the hostess club.

>> No.43532612

whoa i was in the jav thread for a second and i didn't realize it wasn't djt until i checked my tabs haha

>> No.43532627

the problem with this method is that you learn how to read the sentences but forget the meaning
i learned this after i returned to and restarted my sentence deck after a year and found out that i can read it without understanding it so i turned the sentence into a toggle

>> No.43532638

Your wife is there for you and you're supposed to be there for her. That's why you're joined in holy matrimony

>> No.43532646

why not just marry a pretty woman with a personality

>> No.43532647

The main problem with mining, or rather, passive learning in general, is that it doesn't teach you to produce shit. That's like extra hw.

>> No.43532663

ah the world would be a much better place if it were that easy to just find a pretty woman with a personality

>> No.43532706

>paying to experience a (second) sexless cuck marriage every day but at least she listens

>> No.43532723

firing up heavenly delusion

>> No.43532725

you won't experience any at all incel

>> No.43532741

cuz i don't want to go to a hostess club? lmfao

>> No.43532746

cause you exude incel energy

>> No.43532758

nah i like women

>> No.43532763

i thought that anon meant that his natural enemy wakes up early, while he sleeps in late

>> No.43532766

i see.


>> No.43532786

maybe one day you will

>> No.43532842

pick one

>> No.43532869

>Would you go home right after work and attempt to talk to your wife who has the speaking skills of a robot
ur wife is supposed to meet you at the genkan while you take off yours shoes on the tataki and ask you if you wanna eat first, go to the furo or do her. at least this is how god intended it to be like

>> No.43532870
File: 496 KB, 1200x628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they keep making these former boys so sexy first mahiro and now kiruko

>> No.43532919

>ur wife is supposed to meet you at the genkan while you take off yours shoes on the tataki and ask you if you wanna eat first, go to the furo or do her
that sounds very nice anon

but i think you'd have to make a waifubot to have that happen to you nowadays

>> No.43532927

if she even asks there's something wrong unless it's just the once for the joke

>> No.43532929

>but i think you'd have to make a waifubot to have that happen to you nowadays
i think this happens regularly for the girls who think her man's a ikemen. i would bet one kintama one this

>> No.43532955

what happened to that guy? why is he now a girl?

>> No.43532966

brb gonna isekai myself as an ikemen

>> No.43532977

same thing as mahiro someone based forced him into it

>> No.43532994

picked up

>> No.43532996
File: 352 KB, 966x1200, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43532998

just the usual stuff
brain transplant into dead sister's corpse

>> No.43533004

a shame this is a shoop

>> No.43533031

vtuber fans
did you find a new oshi once you learnt nihongo?

>> No.43533035
File: 383 KB, 969x1200, 034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, you nigger kike


>> No.43533045

zoomers these days

>> No.43533054

why is it always okay when the japanese do it

>> No.43533058

these pictures are problematic

>> No.43533063

They don't each have a singular meaning, they have multiple uses, and that's what makes comparing them hard.
は indicates the topic of the sentence
が indicates the subject of the sentence
は indicates contrast
が indicates a polite way of saying "but"
は indicates you perceive a number as low
が indicates that you're asking for something
Among others

The hard part might be telling the difference between a topic and a subject. Sometimes they're one in the same and you skip one altogether.

>> No.43533064

they’re quotes from full metal jacket

>> No.43533070

full metal jacket is problematic i mean yikes

>> No.43533076
File: 399 KB, 1138x1920, 1684610083918981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43533082

wa has an approximant and ga has a plosive its not that hard

>> No.43533088

>they just use ga in sentences/phrases they've heard others say
and? all the jp guides i've read mention mimicking how actual japanese people speak

>> No.43533103

what is the bleeped word at 1:20?
i don't know any slurs in jap and I'd like this to be my first

>> No.43533119

Can you help me parse this? Or is this just absolutely inaudible? Context - bad guy got thrown off the train by the good guy.
https://files.catbox.moe/hzhrmm.mp3 (AI-cleanup, if that helps)

>> No.43533127


>> No.43533144


>> No.43533146
File: 349 KB, 430x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43533160

what movie is this from? sounds like some 1950s black and white shit

>> No.43533172

Maybe it's that, thank you!
It's useful when you have to deal with audio this crappy. It's not perfect but it can separate voices from background noise and music reasonably well.

>> No.43533178

Budget anime from the 70s.

>> No.43533196

thanks bro, stashing it away for a special occasion

>> No.43533209

I don't get that, at least most of the time I'm focusing on the word itself while sentence (specially if fresh) helps with contextualizing the meaning
also its a good way to get the many variants a word can have
also, may be important to not have this as your only method of learning
regardless, immersion is the only way to actually acquiring language, so I don't know why you would struggle with sentence or reproduction, it should be the other way

very interesting point, have you actually gone yourself?
I'm very curious about host culture and specially the more underground and bizarre implications it has

>> No.43533227


>> No.43533236

any other fun way to say nigger in Japanese?

>> No.43533249

first sounds like lunch with father
second sounds like a quick lunch

dunno if this is right because i usually suck at these onomepea words

>> No.43533258

nah you're wrong
it's lunch with your sugar daddy obviously

>> No.43533266
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1548251708046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>onomepea words

>> No.43533272
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, 家族だから愛したんじゃなくて、愛したのが家族だった(1) - [FHD@KFMVFR.hevc10_crf 20_p 5][字]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43533281

man in a wig

>> No.43533293

fukai title...

>> No.43533328
File: 39 KB, 673x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43533348

its a tv show

>> No.43533349


>> No.43533354

>gendered garbage bins
do they really?

>> No.43533403

need 小柄日本人キューティー円周率せフレ

>> No.43533477

i’m watching the highest leveled mapler in the world and his exp percentage hasn’t even increased by 0.001 in the last ten minutes the amount of dedication some people have is insane it makes me think what other things they could be putting that toward

>> No.43533502

maple story? people still play that shit? its been 20 years

>> No.43533512

its a lot quicker just to say JS

>> No.43533532

all mmos are utter trash now so what do you expect

>> No.43533535

it does, because the passive vocabulary is the basis for the active vocabulary

>> No.43533551

maplestory was never ever good though so that doesnt make much sense

>> No.43533563

there has never been a good mmo

>> No.43533608

star wars galaxies was great in 2003-2004 before they ruined it

>> No.43533623

i looked up the maplestory guy and he looks and behaves like a zombie

>> No.43533628

damn good heavenly delusion episode this week boys

>> No.43533657
File: 86 KB, 572x359, 20141031051558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ragnarok online

>> No.43533674

that’s not the original

>> No.43533679

i learned japanese too late...

>> No.43533720

one piece back this week after they trolled us with a recap episode its gonna be a 神回 i can feel it

>> No.43533747

I've seen this posted years ago and I still don't understand it.
Apparently he's asking if it's okay if he faps to her?
But I still don't see how 見抜き implies that.

>> No.43533759

>wan piss

are you a mentally stunted child?

>> No.43533763


>> No.43533764


>> No.43533769


>> No.43533776

30 year old japanese men will be watching in abudance and i am proud to call them my brothers

>> No.43533800

finally passed n1. now im ready to start actually learning japanese.

>> No.43533858


>> No.43533885

everything past n4 is objectively impossible for non natives

>> No.43533887

I was doing anki and it started throwing kanji for countries at me.
Is it typical for the Japanese to use kanji for foreign countries or do they typically just use kana?

>> No.43533891


>> No.43533895

you downloaded tatsumotos shitty deck didnt you

>> No.43533899

>tatsumotos genius deck

>> No.43533905

some countries yes, other countries no.
中国 is always kanji, フィンランド is always katakana. most if not all countries probably have kanji, but they are very rarely used.

>> No.43533914

>中国 is always kanji
unless it's シナ

>> No.43533920
File: 1008 KB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mc orders oolong
>i'm literally drinking oolong while reading
now this is what i call immersion

>> No.43533925


>> No.43533933

Only the Asian countries close to Japan have kanji used for them, for America it's roughly 50:50 on whether they use アメリカ or 米国.
The rest is all katakana.

>> No.43533970

https://www.youtube.com/@truckyarousa Love this channel. Anyone know of more that are like it? i.e., understaded (travel) vlogs

>> No.43533977
File: 220 KB, 384x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont need dolly until you already have a decent idea
what do you mean? she tells you what you need to know from the beginning

>> No.43533983
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, ウチはもう、延期できない。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43533993

that's wape

>> No.43533995

it's more common to see it in katakana tho

>> No.43534000
File: 82 KB, 960x720, r1280x720l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you translate this sentence? You are shocking? You are in shock? You are the personification of shock?

>> No.43534004

i know im just being a pedant

>> No.43534010

I only ever see this used in news. People just say アメリカ in regular conversations

>> No.43534011

"You are a shock"

>> No.43534014

his retard deck probably has 亜米利加

>> No.43534016

>You can use "My natural enemy is waking up early" in English and nobody will question it

>> No.43534019

i thought his channel name was truck arouser for a sec

>> No.43534020

no they say 亜米利加

>> No.43534024

if it's t*tumoto's then it does

>> No.43534028

Found the time traveler

>> No.43534031

post shouwa literature is garbage anyways embrace the manyogana

>> No.43534041


>> No.43534113

ate an entire box of cheezits again im so fucked up

>> No.43534133

megami no cafe terrace is so good
or maybe it just seems good because i always watch it drunk

>> No.43534143

its good

>> No.43534158

youre gonna die early from a bad liver bro get off the booze

>> No.43534197

kind of in the mood for gummy bears but i'm saving up to buy a motorcycle

>> No.43534211

kinda in the mood to kick some ass and chew bubblegum but im all out of gum

>> No.43534225

kinda in the mood to chew some ass but i'm all out of ur mom

>> No.43534229

you're right she's too good for you

>> No.43534230


>> No.43534232

kinda in the mood to cum in some twink's ass

>> No.43534238

kind of in the mood to get my twink ass cummed in

>> No.43534244

i forgot they stole that line in duke nukem too

>> No.43534251

all i did was say i want to eat gummy bears.

>> No.43534254

dame nuke was buffed in the 90s bros

>> No.43534263

hes still buff just went bear mode

>> No.43534344

do the Japanese really share bathwater?

>> No.43534350

they don't clean themselves in the bath. they shower then use the bath, so it's not as bad as it sounds

>> No.43534354

yeah but they clean themselves before they get in

>> No.43534355

they used to where i live too

a friend of mine told me because he was the youngest in the family he always got to go first so he made sure to always pee in the water

>> No.43534363

they just use golden showers

>> No.43534368

pretty sure i used to share baths/bathwater with my brothers but i don't really remember

>> No.43534382


>> No.43534383


>> No.43534384

me too but in the anime I'm watching they're sharing bathwater with guests as well

>> No.43534388

i mean its not super different from going to an onsen that's not very big. most people wouldnt think twice about it

>> No.43534391

you just gotta make sure you get in in the right order

>> No.43534394

used to share baths with my neighbors daugthers but i dont remember a thing about it

>> No.43534396

how tf gummy bears equate to such a substantial portion of your motorcycle fund?

>> No.43534397

I was thinking the same but public pools/onsens are bigger than a bathtub

>> No.43534398

hes talking about those ones with 500mg of THC in them

>> No.43534409

how do people end up with such tiny water heaters anyway

>> No.43534410

crazy, weed gummies are expensive too?

>> No.43534412

it's the principle my brother the principle because of my desire to own a motorcycle i also cut out eating out and going to the movies every little dollar counts
these days the only yokeinamono i'm buying are my weekly manga from the 'ya and maybe tools and parts for my bicycle/future motorcycle

>> No.43534413

Nice japanese learning thread faggots. Feels like discord chat in here

>> No.43534417

what would you do in a "japanese learning thread"
"learn japanese"? lmfao

>> No.43534419

yea its cringe but thats cause im not posting much

>> No.43534429

learning about japanese culture is also important for learning the language

>> No.43534430

djt is more like a saakuru where we are all here because we share a common interest but are able to discuss other adjacent interests amongst eachother

>> No.43534448

i wouldnt know since i dont use discord
i also dont learn japanese

>> No.43534451

i understand, and respect your decision
i find it neat that motorcyclists give each other hand signals when they pass each other
i envy you and your future inclusion in to that club

>> No.43534453

everyone here has already mastered japanese, so there's nothing else left to do

>> No.43534454
File: 693 KB, 1280x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s(he) is sooo hot T~T

>> No.43534455

playing a lot of ペスト inc

>> No.43534456
File: 20 KB, 574x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it...

>> No.43534460

done what

>> No.43534466

nice bro time to start watching raw anime and reading manga

>> No.43534467

Neko's core 6k

>> No.43534476
File: 13 KB, 475x317, 1658881394088894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now make your own deck after 6k because thats not nearly enough

>> No.43534478

thanks bro
i'll post a pic here once i finally have her

>> No.43534485
File: 11 KB, 452x314, anki_HFtYHu7ura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and alexander wept......

>> No.43534486

twink could just get one of those toddler trikes

>> No.43534494

austrian guy has more plus hes higher iq

>> No.43534496

leave me alone weirdo...

>> No.43534500

you cant compete with the austrian painter

>> No.43534504

*nods sagely*

>> No.43534513

that's fine

>> No.43534514

austrian guy no katu
ciaran owned!

>> No.43534517


>> No.43534524

Thanks. I got annoyed by them pretty fast and just started excluding them when they showed up.
I think I did get the retarded deck. Where do I find a good one?

>> No.43534530

if queeran mined from heggin based vinnies and watched kinolive like him instead of homosexual dramas from the 70s it wouldnt have turned out like this

>> No.43534532


>> No.43534535

you can really tell when a hentai artist is over it because their new pics lose a sense of passion and feel soulless b-ginga just isn't the same these days

>> No.43534538


>> No.43534546

i have a fair number of cards from vns such as dies irae, muramasa, kkk, etc and of course mareni classics

>> No.43534551

fucking baaaaased

>> No.43534556

thats equal to half a yuzu vinnie buttercup

>> No.43534559

*kneels in the presence of ciaran-denka*

>> No.43534568

bunko streamed why can't ciaran

>> No.43534569

You almost got me. Thanks anyway.

>> No.43534571

yeah but reading a yuzusoft vn is far beyond my capabilities as a human

>> No.43534574

you mean as a homo ?

>> No.43534584

a homosapien? yes

>> No.43534587

a homo sapient

>> No.43534593

way to explain the joke

>> No.43534602

>making anti-anki redditors seethe

>> No.43534611

the namefags are too afraid now

>> No.43534644
File: 54 KB, 680x680, Fwm1kvHaQAUa7K8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>streaming a single game for 10 hours
she has no life, just like me!

>> No.43534646

she has a job

>> No.43534652

been two months since mawy posted (with his trip ww) im thinkin hes got the heebie jeebies

>> No.43534653

its because you're all a bunch of heebies

>> No.43534654

holobros too strong
namefags quibble in fear

>> No.43534661

its yaaaall bro

>> No.43534669
File: 20 KB, 824x233, にがっ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43534675


>> No.43534676

what's the best method to filter the tubie embeds

>> No.43534685

just think about it for like 5 seconds

>> No.43534691


>> No.43534699

how do i say yall in japanese

>> No.43534701


>> No.43534707


>> No.43534716


>> No.43534734

recommed me a linnie that's actually good. not some isekai trash

>> No.43534747

i prefer 卑猥女子団団長

>> No.43534749


>> No.43534766

i'm new to this whole filtering thing and i don't want to filter all the youtube embeds just the tubie ones

>> No.43534768
File: 1.42 MB, 2676x2947, 1668842619736249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommended by hideo kojima

>> No.43534774

i thought you were 135 iq

>> No.43534776

filterings for homos just filter yourself from the world

>> No.43534784
File: 186 KB, 949x1200, Fwf_x1MWYAEa1BN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually post them with a twitter filename maybe that helps
cant guarantee ill always use one though

>> No.43534787


>> No.43534791

that's not austrian guy

>> No.43534798

i know hes probably the twink >>37262617

>> No.43534799

kojima is the closest a japanese person can get to being a redditor

>> No.43534807

do you autistically save these posts

>> No.43534812


>> No.43534826

no i just remember the threads and posts and only search for the post number

>> No.43534832

core 2k/6k is feeling like real bullshit today
new cards


how do you guys deal with homophones

>> No.43534836

can you tell me what my iq is
i remember doing doing one of the tests but i dont remember what i actually got

>> No.43534843


>> No.43534848

if you do an online IQ test then you've already failed in my humble (extremely objective) opinion

>> No.43534850

it's pretty hard to actually remember all this stuff at the same time probably
better to separate these by like 300 cards
or just delete anki and read

>> No.43534851

Context. You'll notice the sentences provided are all using the words in different ways.

>> No.43534854

you can search for the test link its in that thread then go through the threads that show up

>> No.43534864


>> No.43534876

you're living in temporal limbo if you're constantly running through your memories

>> No.43534877

nice mine was one of the actual search results for the link so that was easy

>> No.43534882

rip spatial

>> No.43534897

asking for help was the quickest and most efficient way of solving my problem >>43534784 while i peacefully enjoyed my dinner and watching super cub
also you are insane but i can't help but be impressed

>> No.43534898

iq test:
how do you read this 公星

>> No.43534902

example sentence 公星が死んだ

>> No.43534904


>> No.43534910

my first thought was kousei and google says kousei

>> No.43534914

i am very sane its just all my memories feel like theyre from yesterday and i can spot some patterns at a glance thats all. its a useless party trick

>> No.43534917

ur mum

>> No.43534918

you have a gift

>> No.43534922
File: 68 KB, 1630x602, Screenshot from 2023-05-20 16-49-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was doing core I just listed all the possible options but now I use a hint field that tells me which ones it isn't.

>> No.43534923

the japanese language is an iq test
become fluent in less than a year: 180 IQ
1-3 years: 140 IQ
3-5 years: 120 IQ
5-10 years: 100 IQ
10+ years or never learn it: sub 100 IQ

>> No.43534926

that is literally iq though. what's your score?

>> No.43534927

id move 100 to the 1-3 years

>> No.43534929

i am but a humble 130iq nothing special haha

>> No.43534930

tip: 公 is ハ+ム

>> No.43534937

ur mum died from eating ham

>> No.43534947
File: 51 KB, 260x233, 20220903_121743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43534953

are your parents like that too?

>> No.43534967

公星 is read as ハムスター

>> No.43534969


>> No.43534978
File: 184 KB, 336x363, mahoro_censor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to recreate this censor by splicing together two different edits of the original image since it seems to have been lost to time, so here is the "restored" version for prosperity's sake
i use it to censor eropics for anki

>> No.43535021
File: 842 KB, 915x790, nyobon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro

>> No.43535027

i searched all iq posts and didn't see an absurdly high score, besides if there was one people would remember, i'm calling his bullshit

>> No.43535036

or maybe he didnt want to be detected

>> No.43535055


>> No.43535060
File: 284 KB, 852x1094, yo tsu ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went through all of rtk1 and rtk3, i completed the core 2.3k deck in anki, i completed the tango n5 deck in anki, i read tae kim's grammar guide, but im too demotivated when watching actual anime and reading actual manga

am i retarded?

>> No.43535064

Just means you don't know grammar.

>> No.43535066

need to finish core 1.3M too before you can read

>> No.43535068

by gawd thats 4bcs music

>> No.43535083

How does one go about improving their writing? I've always had terrible chicken scratch penmanship but I it's making it difficult to make what I write in Japanese legible.

tldr: Any tips for calligraphy/penmanship?

>> No.43535090

didn't he score lower than og on the iq test? 130 isn't specially high

>> No.43535098

he only did 2/3rd of the questions cause he got bored and still scored higher than og

>> No.43535099

write slower but not so slow that it gets worse

>> No.43535120

found 4bc's score but warosu didn't save the image

>> No.43535171

>15 min
....you know people can cheat on tests right? lmao if you search for that test it's 40 minutes long, you think it's possible to get 133 in 15 minutes?

>> No.43535180

where are you even seeing this warosu doesnt show that post or any next to it

>> No.43535191

>he doesn't use archived.moe

>> No.43535194

The sad thing is, anime had higher budgets in the 70s than it does now.

>> No.43535209

all these 麒麟児s wasting their talents on anime girls

>> No.43535211

classic qm post in that very same thread

>> No.43535213

dame i knew 4bc shit on ogs iq without finishing the test but i forgot it only took him 15 mins to do it

>> No.43535217

can someone tell me if theres still an anime-by-difficulty list somewhere? I remember seeing a google sheets somewhere on this.

>> No.43535225


>> No.43535227

Can I start reading visual novels before I finish Core 2.3k? Or should I stick to reading anime subtitles?

>> No.43535231


>> No.43535237

I dunno, can you?

>> No.43535238

>BRS is vocab density low
Thanks though this looks somewhat useful

>> No.43535249

you would have to be 145+ iq for that, 4bbc guy wasn't that smart

>> No.43535251
File: 507 KB, 750x746, 4mf2n4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno

>> No.43535255

it's only 8 episodes which probably tilts it. the chart failed to take that into account it seems

>> No.43535258

m8 he has the equations above it so you dont sound retarded

>> No.43535260

mostly I am worried about vocabulary basicness vs complexity. A lot of anime are at the bottom that I wouldn't expect to find there. BRS seems chuuni as heck

>> No.43535264

these should be ranked on how easy they are to feel out for beginners rather than some math formula

>> No.43535267

the guy was a stanford phd student in astrophysics at the age of 17 while also learning 20k japanese words a year put some respect on his name

>> No.43535268

stfu ciaran

>> No.43535273

>unique_words / expected_number_of_unique_words_according_to_vn_freq_dict(total_words)
like i said it doesn't take into account the length of the anime
an 8 episode anime will have less unique words than a 26 episode one on average regardless of difficulty

>> No.43535303

no takers huh

>> No.43535312

4bro teaching us math

>> No.43535329

4bc ate that guy up and left 0 crumbs

>> No.43535343

>say you have a verified proof p1 that "statement a is true wrt axiom set b" is false
lmao i miss his autistically over complicated posts

>> No.43535363


>> No.43535392

>it doesn't take into account the length of the anime
big brain take

>> No.43535425

you should start introducing visual novels before you finish core 2.3k

>> No.43535451

it took me longer than it should have to remember
the "nihongo jouzo" meme

>> No.43535461
File: 7 KB, 665x215, Untitled13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm retarded

>> No.43535484

You can stretch as much as you want but you're still going to flail around the first time you get in the water.

>> No.43535485

You were very 上手く in remembering.

>> No.43535491

>i went through all of rtk1 and rtk3
pretty based ngl

>> No.43535520


>> No.43535613

checked back on the stream and bro is still mapling

>> No.43535649


>> No.43535686

i used to read the blog of some south korean who was one of the top level maplers on japanese servers and he got banned and wrote a giant apology and vowed to be a better christian

>> No.43535701

finna go to the nyobon festival

>> No.43535702

a lot of south koreans are christian if that helps makes it sound less insane

>> No.43535710

lol i found it
>The entire paper is divided into multiple parts:
>My Spiritual Life
>Part 1: The Beginning
>Part 2: Climax and Fall
>Part 3: Corruption
>Part 4: Moving on

>> No.43535780

Why would wanting to be a better Christian sound insane?

>> No.43535794

>in 2023

>> No.43535819

jesus is cool

>> No.43535828

idk how to articulate it, but i don't think the youth of today view religion the same way
like it's just something their parents or grandparents do

>> No.43535850

i think a lot of people have an awakening/reconnection with religion a lot later in life it all has to do with experience

>> No.43535877

interesting fact: autists are less likely to believe in god

>> No.43535898

personally im also certain theres a god of some kind but its not clear to me what the implications are

>> No.43535974

i subscribe to simulation theory and that many religions are just based on their interpretation/lack of understanding of the concept but yeah the sysadmin gave me a pretty cool life lots of things to be happy about

>> No.43535991

but a simulation is just a concept. it only has meaning to an outside observer

>> No.43536031

>i subscribe to simulation theory

>> No.43536090

simulation bros think dressing up their barbie doll so it looks sexy to you mean the doll starts thinking its sexy too

>> No.43536115

>manga scans turn to shit in later volumes where the jpgs are no longer individual pages
fucking why

>> No.43536129

now that the dust has settled
do you think japanesegaryben has finally learned to pronounce dekita

>> No.43536134

>hating Christ
begone, degenerate.

>> No.43536141

no chance

>> No.43536143

there is a high correlation between joined pages and absolute garbage quality

>> No.43536163

he hasnt posted since august last year cant believe he died and nobody noticed

>> No.43536164

Is Linux good for you (with respect to Japanese)?
I've done my Anki grind on Windows 10 and am going to switch over to Debian 12 w/ KDE upon release. わくわくします。。。
I know Anki is good (I saw the screenshot up in this very thread).
mpv is good.
VirtualBox w/ my virtual Windows 7 for VNs is good.
I currently have some ruby script for Windows to download web novels that I'll need to find again for Linux, along with a quick and easy way to hook VNs from VirtualBox...
Are there any other bonuses to Linux?
Does yt-dlp still work?

>> No.43536169

he can code tetris in japanese

>> No.43536196

oh no garyben gave up?

>> No.43536263

>I currently have some ruby script for Windows to download web novels
Here it is:

>> No.43536425

yup, it got worse
the last two volumes have watermarks

>> No.43536441

jrgps are way more fun when i don't consult an online guide for every time i get stuck somwhere

>> No.43536447

Can't wait for the day I can do that in Japanese.

>> No.43536474

knowing jap is overrated af

>> No.43536479

damn this is hot

>> No.43536490

True. It's a dumb language and people who worship Japs are cringe.

>> No.43536523

i hate japs but i love ntr, so...

>> No.43536668
File: 872 KB, 1629x2300, 072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't read things with shit scans. simple

>> No.43536794

sometimes i rage buy a series when scans are bad and upload them everywhere out of spite
only completed series that i like and am in too deep

>> No.43536797


>> No.43536826

dont care

>> No.43536881




>> No.43536888

wanna fuck yamadas asshole

>> No.43536923



>> No.43537018

>a guide
the only guide you need is a dictionary.

>> No.43537044
File: 166 KB, 664x498, 088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43537073

did they mean くるしくない? is this some weird regional variant or something?

>> No.43537104


>> No.43537106

ganbare ganbare

>> No.43537157

just set an amount of time per day you watch anime with jp subs and then some time where you can chill with eng subs. You're gonna suck at first, I suck at it now, you just have to tolerate it but you need to do it, seems like everyone that got good at this language just tolerated not understanding shit until it eventually started clicking

>> No.43537179

You are a theorycrafter, born to do nothing

>> No.43537185

i haven't used windows in 2.5 years

>> No.43537190

only run templeos

>> No.43537215

i haven't used linux in 10 years

>> No.43537290

because that anime has a lot of scenes with no dialogue

>> No.43537291


>> No.43537346
File: 1.04 MB, 2232x3270, FwoRuoNaQAEDZFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


>> No.43537393

I don’t tolerate not understanding anything. Everything, no matter what I read, gets understood. Only dekinais think the riddle’s gonna solve itself.

>> No.43537404
File: 9 KB, 207x36, word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kanji is before のpaint?

>> No.43537409

What is DJT's opinion on Duolingo?

>> No.43537411
File: 139 KB, 517x343, read more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43537422

Great! Probably the best on the go learning app there is. If I could do over my learning experience, I’d dump Anki and download Duolingo right away!

>> No.43537449

So another post with this title inspired me to share my own story. But I feel like mine is an actual failure story whereas op actually turned it around.

Studied Japanese at university, brutal program that takes you from 0 to roughly n3 level within 1.5 years. Hiragana was easy and I was always good at reading and writing kanji too. I dedicated so much time to reading and writing, because that was the focus of the program. So for pronunciation and grammar, it was up to me to out in the extra work. I got myself multiple tandem partners so I could practice speaking. (Didn’t feel like it was too helpful desu but that’s a different story).

The grind of the first 1.5 years paid off - I had good grades and was able to go to university in Japan. When I was there I was ranked upper mediate level and was dedicated to get as much out of the Japanese course in Japan and my stay there as I could.

I wanted to be fluent to a level where I could converse easily and understand what was going on in anime or Japanese shows.

Yeah that didn’t happen. Of course I improved, and I was able to run errands and live everyday life there smoothly with a bit of preparation when I needed something out of the usual.

But the conversation part and talking part was what bothered me. Anything where I had to improvise and try to form sentences that I wasn’t used to or that required a bit more grammar I just couldn’t do. Like a blockade inside my head, or a missing puzzle piece. I got frustrated with myself. Still am.

Another thing happened during that time - even though I was aware that Japanese society isn’t as great as your usual anime fan assumes, I got pretty disillusioned with Japan staying there. The conservativeness, sexism, misogyny and racism. That it was impossible for me to make genuine friends because I’m not an extrovert. Don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of great things there and I’m so grateful I got to stay there. But I got so frustrated, unable to ignore the bad sides. Not able to concentrate on the good stuff.

I watched shows like terrace house because it was recommended to me a lot and I wanted to increase my immersion. I absolutely hated every second of it. Most anime I started I got so frustrated with the casual sexist pedo stuff that’s going on in so many of them. I just despised Japanese media, you get the drill.

Covid happened and I returned home. I still took online classes. In the following year my dad died, and I had some other hurtful stuff going on in my life.

I tried to prepare for the N3 and N2 but failed and copped out of both. Finished my bachelors this year with superb grades. But I’m not able to speak the language I majored in. I feel like a complete failure and cringe so much thinking about studying Japanese again. Feels like a waste of 4 years of my life. Even though objectively, I know it isn’t. I know I still learned things and gained experiences. But I was too stupid to get the one thing right I was supposed to do in those 4 years.

My friends tell me to either embrace where I am now and move on or to try and stick with it even if it’s difficult atm.

I can’t even ask you guys for help on how to start again. I guess I wanted to share my story because maybe someone can relate to it.

Edited for paragraphs :)

>> No.43537475

imagine going through all of this shit instead of just chilling with a vinnie

>> No.43537505

>take "brutal program that takes you to roughly n3"
>transfer to japanese university for unknown duration
>go back home
>fail n3
>hates japan
>hates japanese media
>wants to try again
extremely based

>> No.43537517

How difficult is N1 really? You only have to score 60% to pass so it can't be that bad. What vinnie is approximately an N1 level?

>> No.43537520

every vinnie

>> No.43537521

>present day
>present time

>> No.43537527

what would the lain op sound like in japanese

>> No.43537555


>> No.43537577

It's not difficult at all because Chinese people keep posting the answers online.

>> No.43537585
File: 2.83 MB, 406x720, 7UQFfcxGxks-[00.19.100-00.49.040].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43537616

So glad I don't actually live in Japan.

>> No.43537663





>> No.43537664

fake nobody below 50 lives in the inaka after the photoshoot she went back to living in her shoebox city apartment

>> No.43537748




>> No.43537771






>> No.43537776

>What vinnie is approximately an N1 level?
literally all of them

>> No.43537790

You cannot possibly expect me to believe that hanahira is N1 level

>> No.43537821

all vns that have a character over the age of 12 in them

>> No.43537857

not interested in vns like that

>> No.43537897

there's probably at least one construction or word in hanahira that could be considered n1

>> No.43537910

all vns are beyond-N1 if you don't use yomichan or any other tools to look things up.
if you are able to look up every unknown word or piece of grammar, then any vn becomes readable to anyone at any level.

>> No.43537915

if you can get a decent/high score on N2, you can pass N1 (with a low score) without studying for it. its basically free.

>> No.43537948

>if you are able to look up every unknown word or piece of grammar, then any vn becomes readable to anyone at any level.

>> No.43537960
File: 3.23 MB, 406x720, hhaRoi_En54-[00.18.133-00.39.404].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she went to the beach

>> No.43538000




>> No.43538008
File: 15 KB, 720x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43538025


someone needs to tell the japanese that anki exists

>> No.43538035

he literally mentions it in the video

>> No.43538039

its in the thumbnail

>> No.43538046

>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I wear weird glasses

>> No.43538125
File: 2.71 MB, 406x720, n4ZZT5TsFWg-[00.00.000-00.08.700].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lesson on 本音 vs 建前

>> No.43538166

instinctively kenzened
its over

>> No.43538175

proud for any djter who knows 一次関数

>> No.43538181


>> No.43538230


>> No.43538333

just failed to read 出来る while remembering pretty obscure vocabulary
taking a 3 year break is fatal

>> No.43538480
File: 12 KB, 374x213, yPr5UjW[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43538525


>> No.43538526

outputted (spoken japanese)

>> No.43538551
File: 4 KB, 214x125, 4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43538568

there is something so homosexual about 2d porn trends

>> No.43538602
File: 169 KB, 527x371, でけた!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43538610
File: 903 KB, 1743x1300, markup_1000002957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna a tenchou

>> No.43538612

>本音 vs 建前
>the kewpie
I would post natal abort her

>> No.43538615

now thats two of us

>> No.43538643
File: 2.79 MB, 1248x2732, markup_1000002955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning everyone hope you're having a lovely weekend.

>> No.43538664

did my reps
cleaned my house

and its only 2pm, what now

>> No.43538669


>> No.43538689
File: 489 KB, 2048x1536, FwppYq8aQAA8pzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yooo ラスボス time

>> No.43538698

boring looking thots
they look like they are literally not worth spending time with apart from just during the act of sex

>> No.43538705

they know their stuff when it comes to h

>> No.43538723

yooo they pretended to be lesbians to get money from lonely simps thats so based gotta clip it

the whole thing is so sad and you are at bottom of it

>> No.43538729

watashi wa... dekinai... owari da...

>> No.43538732
File: 5 KB, 194x259, jak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring looking thots
>they look like they are literally not worth spending time with apart from just during the act of sex

>> No.43538739


>> No.43538740

unironically only ugly women can have developed personalities and even then it's like less than a 20% chance

>> No.43538745

those pills are too damn red

>> No.43538752

wanna bash a young girl's face with a brick until she develops personality

>> No.43538755

yep id much rather go on a date with a fat obasan AND they usually pay too
like sure i would like to impregnate those thots like everyone else but at that point id just fuck an escort

>> No.43538757

this but with my dick

>> No.43538762

>developed personalities
simple is best

>> No.43538777

wanna bash an older personality having girl's face with a brick until she loses all personality

>> No.43538806

because i provide the sophistication *strikes cool pose*

>> No.43538818

theres more than one britbong here

>> No.43538825

like who

>> No.43538841

anonymous (british flag)

>> No.43538846

i fake regions in my screenshots to throw off posters

>> No.43538849

The fact that they do the things they do is enough to disqualify them from my time.

>> No.43538855

you cant match 4bc's sec ops game though

>> No.43538870
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>> No.43538873

oh really? name one thing about me

>> No.43538886
File: 729 KB, 1450x2048, 20230521_071744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43538890

you post on 4channel /jp/

>> No.43538902

>mixed punctuation

>> No.43538924

i sometimes throw in my real region too for the extra throw off

>> No.43538938

god i wish i was a shota...

>> No.43538949

only took her half an hour to reach it..

>> No.43538959
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1500, 20230521_071602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro tip for anyone interacting with jap girls. they will always respond positively to a fat dick pic or vid.

>> No.43538969

thats all girls though

>> No.43538970

especially your mom

>> No.43538973

wish i got adopted and forced into arranged marriage with a japanese christmas cake OL at birth

>> No.43538985
File: 83 KB, 500x319, IMG_1201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jwotd: 四ッ目編み

bonus: 六ッ目編み

can you guess how 六ッ目編み looks like?

>> No.43538986

many good scans are hoarded by loser trannyslators because they hate humanity

>> No.43538988

lolling at the fact that a guy wrote that text and you still find it hot

>> No.43538991

if a woman wrote it you would never lol at it

>> No.43539002
File: 2.20 MB, 2480x3508, 108285860_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird thing to lol at but ok.

>> No.43539003

the writer's mind is just a mirror that reflects other people, so his gender is irrelevant

>> No.43539007

>his gender is irrelevant

>> No.43539013

untrue, only men can create art that reflects the essence of life.

>> No.43539050

yes, it's irrelevant that he's man, because when writing a woman, he's simply reflecting the female traits he observed in women

>> No.43539061

does it still make you uncomfortable when its only art drawn by a man and no text

>> No.43539063

jerking off to stuff another man dreamt up? couldnt be me

>> No.43539076

dont think too hard about this or you risk losing all interest in fiction

>> No.43539082

not all fiction just pornography

>> No.43539086

the same principle extends

>> No.43539090

true true
i only jerk off to female authors

>> No.43539096

people don't just dream up stuff, they reflect what they've experienced. someone raised with zero contact with women could never dream up women. because it's always a reflection of other people, not personal invention.

>> No.43539098

not at all
i can respect and enjoy the craftsmanship of another man but as soon as your dick starts getting hard over it that's extremely sus

>> No.43539120

by that logic it's impossible to create any fantasy environment with elements that the author hasn't personally experienced, which is obviously not true

>> No.43539121

seems arbitrary. people write about things they only know from second hand experience all the time

>> No.43539122

this sounds like one of those overcompensating homo things. a pic of a hot girl doing hot things is in your face and you can't stop thinking about dudes. pretty sure you're a fag.

>> No.43539131

>not collecting dick pics with your face next to them exclusively
second rate 女

>> No.43539133

takes one to know one

>> No.43539136

you probably say the same thing about ERP
>bro the text describing hetero acts is right in front of you but all you can think of is that it's a guy you're doing it with

>> No.43539144

erp is already inherently gay so theres no saving it

>> No.43539148

you gotta be a schizo gay homo to be a writer

>> No.43539151

that's just a cope
it's fundamentally the same thing
another man is helping you get your rocks off

>> No.43539161

as for me i keep it authentic and ask your mom to pen her experiences with me

>> No.43539167

no, but everything in that fantasy environment will be a mixture of reflections of different things the author has experienced.
and his women characters will be for the most part a mixture of female traits and behaviors he's experienced.
in roleplay you tend to act as the girl, whereas as an author you tend to act as an observer of the girl
>it's the same thing as long as I abstract from all the differences

>> No.43539170

if you are watching a stream of a guy drawing porn and jerking off to that i think anyone would admit that's a gay thing to do, yet somehow they think the end product is not gay
makes no sense

>> No.43539177

heterosexual sex is gay because another man has provided semen and money to create a woman for you to get your rocks off on

>> No.43539179

if he draws nice female bodies then i guess im a faggot

>> No.43539184

arguably true

>> No.43539186

there's a difference between watching porn and watching a guy watch porn

>> No.43539193

who cares youre a cuck for watching porn

>> No.43539197

it's not the same because that's not the entire purpose of their actions
whereas the guy who drew the drawing is actually drawing it specifically to make guys cum
you're actually jerking off for some guy with a fetish for making other guys cum and you think that's not gay lmfao

>> No.43539199

You're all gay anyway so there's no point in arguing.

>> No.43539215

>whereas the guy who drew the drawing is actually drawing it specifically to make guys cum
if hes any good hes obviously drawing it to make himself cum and happens to be a bro

>> No.43539222

its much easier and faster to just jerk off to your imagination

>> No.43539224

>hey bros take a look at this thing that made me bust my load, what do you think?
>oh wow bro that gets me so hard thanks
yeah this exchange isnt gay at all

>> No.43539234
File: 523 KB, 708x1000, 101197736_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad we can help the homo work through his latent homo desires through the power of jp art but gotta get back to reading jp now.

>> No.43539235

no, he's probably drawing it because he likes to draw and because he wants to make some money

>> No.43539237

unironically bust my nut to ai porn now

>> No.43539242
File: 283 KB, 708x1000, 101197736_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only homo because you can't stop looking deep into your bros eyes while jerkin

>> No.43539247

even if that was true and it wasn't still gay you have no idea if that's the case so you're risking your heterosexuality over a single nut
the state of men these days

>> No.43539251

imagine caring

>> No.43539256

i deeply care about everyone and the state of the world

>> No.43539261
File: 331 KB, 2048x1366, FwpUd5maIAAEiG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43539267

fapping to hot pics is way more enjoyable than porn its also straight as fuck

>> No.43539270

women draw the best doujin anyway

>> No.43539272

it's enough to know that it's generally not the case. even if it happens 1% of the time, that doesn't merit having gay conscience about it.

>> No.43539290

it's 100% the case
you don't decide to draw porn for other men unless you are gay in the first place
you will probably say that actors in gay porn are actually straight and just doing it for money next

>> No.43539306

false mosquitone draw the best doujin and hes a man

>> No.43539311

women draw the weird shit

>> No.43539321

still thinking about that ragnarok online pic
need a jap mmo gf i think

>> No.43539322
File: 1 KB, 227x29, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the record im like 6 inches point something
love skypech (she sent a pic of her hand and it didn't show up on reverse image search *shrugs*)

>> No.43539336

you're thinking commission work. hentai artists mostly simply draw what they find hot, just read their twitter. the successful ones are those who can draw well and have a taste enough people can appreciate

>> No.43539349

>she sent a pic of her hand
nice bro you really won

>> No.43539352

no artist who draws art that doesnt turn them on is good at art
this is a fact
if youre afraid that the artist cares more about imagining you masturbating than about what theyre drawing then you have extremely bad taste

>> No.43539360

so basically you are judging works based on how horny it makes another guy? yeah sure you aren't gay lol

>> No.43539365

i have sex all the time this is just for validation

>> No.43539374

>she said おっきい! and not でっかっ!
it must be tiny bro im sorry

>> No.43539375

>i have sex all the time
>posts in djt 24/7

>> No.43539380

blah blah
link your favorite artist pussy

>> No.43539387

i dont jerk off to porn because im straight

>> No.43539389

as I said, most men who draw porn don't draw it specifically for other men. they draw it for themselves and to get popularity and money. the mere fact that other men will jerk off to it isn't enough to make it gay, just like making a daughter that other men will fuck isn't enough for that.
the situation with gay porn actors is different, because the act of having gay sex is itself gay.
so what is necessary to make the thing gay for oneself is either doing it with a gay intention or the direct act itself being gay (like having gay sex, and unlike drawing a woman or ejaculating in a woman)

>> No.43539392

i accept your concession

>> No.43539397

if you aren't using djt to spice up your sex life you're failing hard at life.

>> No.43539398

i was never arguing about the quality of art or whatever so not sure why you think id even have a favorite artist

>> No.43539420

nice pussy move bro the ladies could learn from you

>> No.43539426

guys it's 2023 stop bullying the fag

>> No.43539430


>> No.43539446

if i ask you a question that's impossible to answer and you can't answer it that doesn't make you a pussy, however flailing around when you dont have any real argument is a well known homo debate tactic

>> No.43539450

being this mad makes you a pussy and homo

>> No.43539463

you're the one throwing around insults because you dont have any point to make

>> No.43539468

wish the nips would make some compelling media

>> No.43539471

no artist is good at art

>> No.43539475
File: 835 KB, 857x1200, 108288479_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get compelled by this

>> No.43539479

idk i just like it when a girl accidentally show her panties

>> No.43539478

imagine being this insecure about your taste lmao

>> No.43539483

my dad found out i was learning japanese and now he's trying to get me to go to japan and be a dancing english monkey since i'm a neet. it's over

>> No.43539488

i got kawaii'd. it's over

>> No.43539489

have your other dad talk to him

>> No.43539493

being a dancing monkey in japan isn't that bad, nobody's forcing you to be an insufferable redditor while you do it

>> No.43539498

rip bro

>> No.43539510


>> No.43539516


>> No.43539518

todays submersion


>> No.43539522

>page 9
>holo OP
what were the odds...

>> No.43539531

actually, what is a proper way to ask for source? 元?

Does this mean if I move to a traditional japanese country house I get a complimentary traditional rori housewaifu?

pretty good actually, I'm able to game most things without issues,
there is one eroge that's crashing at a point, and for that I had a win7 partition that I need to recover but too lazy to do so
VM is an option but again too lazy to fiddle with that right now

Isn't this terrible advice?
I rather just have them all display at once so I can at least be aware of that and not confused as fuck when I fail them later

>> No.43539550

and then he loudly posts as if there was any room for doubt

>> No.43539558

What is this?

>> No.43539563

underwear rank

can't you read

>> No.43539565

says it right there
>使用済み下着を販売できるサイト トップ10

>> No.43539595

>there is one eroge that's crashing at a point,
Are you just using Wine?
I had driver issues with setting up my Win7 VM at first, but after an hour of troubleshooting, I got it to work... I wish I would have left notes for myself incase I ever need to do that again, but I was too dumb to do that.

>> No.43539599

reading cripples your japanese, good job not reading anon

>> No.43539657

japs don't use linux so i won't use linunx

>> No.43539694
File: 225 KB, 383x398, assertion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs don't use linux
wrong! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y34Do5qv1yM

>> No.43539817

what i like about japan is when they say "no homo" they mean something completely different

>> No.43539823
File: 29 KB, 281x400, linux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43539874

damn.. can't find this on dlraw or nyaa

>> No.43539934


>> No.43539944


>> No.43539988

stfu we heard you the first time there's no rush

>> No.43540009

gonna buy this

>> No.43540149

Upload to nyaaaaa

>> No.43540334

seconded for curiosity.

>> No.43540429

Rarely when mentioning the country in general, unless it's China, Korea, or the USA. But more often in compounds such as 露和辞典 or 仏領. If you're reading some news or political article you're likely to encounter country kanji usage here or there. But usually it's just the bigger countries (economically), less important ones are kana only.

>> No.43540469
File: 2.27 MB, 800x450, latux.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How hard is to set up a VM? honestly I'm more afraid of having to reinstall windows because that is literally the worst
i just don't want to lose my existing partition, and one option would be to have a VM that can open my existing install if that's possible

The game in question is RJ235129 which is apparently a custom vn type engine, it does have gameplay elements fyi, but it crashes as soon as I hit the first battle
otherwise it seems to work fine with textractor, and I'm getting just enough familiarity with the UI element kanji to get by

>> No.43540593

found the problem.

>> No.43541023

>a VM that can open my existing install
I have no idea how to do something like this... but installing a fresh VM of Windows 7 was pretty painless. The hardest part was finding a way to activate it because Windows 10 Defender will delete the files immediately unless you disable Defender. I think I used DAS Loader or something like that -- it's been too long and I'm afraid to look for fear of it getting deleted again.


>> No.43541179

>I have no idea how to do something like this
Think of it like this: you create a virtual machine and give it a an existing harddrive to work with, it would like moving the harddrive to a new PC hardware, but virtual
I don't see it wouldn't already be a thing, but its me trying to avoid the hassle of having to back data from my previous install and setting everything up again
Either way, I need to ask /g/ one of these days, thanks for the info

>> No.43541548

vm's like a few clicks pretty much retard proof

>> No.43541856
File: 491 KB, 1284x1749, E31A7153-E85F-47D6-9060-A0F383C3BB1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting that “want to say” is more natural than “trying to say” in japanese

>> No.43542693

>Windows 10 Defender will delete the files immediately unless you disable Defender
Just add them to exceptions or something. This is like how to computer 101.

>> No.43542739
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 1674654422926010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like guidebooks (tried them and forget some stuff, plus boring) and anki (repetition annoys me with no context). Am I fucked if I wanna learn JP? I know some basic grammar but vocabulary and kanji are the bigger problem. Has anyone been able to learn in rather unconventional ways (aka no textbooks)? While I'm torn on anki I'm willing to go through it if that's what's worked for anons here (don't trust redd*t)

>> No.43542904

How? What? By file name? M$ deletes the files before I can do anything; they know what I'm trying to do.

>> No.43543262

restore the file from quarantine. have you ever used a computer before?

>> No.43543463

just rewatch your favorite ones, even if its in the background, youd still understand it and actually get something out of it

>> No.43543482

reddit spacing

>> No.43543601

Current book is finally getting somewhat easier, but I'm afraid it's mostly because I'm in a part with more dialogue and less narration. Also feel like I'm learning some actually useful stuff instead of some obscure religious or archaic terms and regionalisms.
