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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4351664 No.4351664 [Reply] [Original]

Open newspaper
See this
What do

>> No.4351667

Angry letter

>> No.4351671

Throw yourself in front of traffic. Preferably a bus.

>> No.4351675

Rip it in half, burn it.

>> No.4351677

You're pretty much fucked op

>> No.4351678

Like weeks ago? Ancient by internet standards? gg mainstream media, slowking.jpeg

>> No.4351684
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>> No.4351685
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>Youtube sensation
Oh man, I'm gonna have to search for this

>> No.4351692

That depends if it's the local newspaper that's down the block or one of the larger scale ones.

>> No.4351696

It's a national paper.

>> No.4351700

stop reading tabloids

>> No.4351708

Double check sources, notice no actual taking over has actually occurred, try again.

>> No.4351711

my local newspaper only has naked sluts and violence news. I stopped to read that when i was 15, 8 years ago.

>> No.4351706 [DELETED] 

Then I would carry one with my day as usual.

>> No.4351715


>> No.4351721

why does she have albums?

>> No.4351726

At least she didn't end up in porn like Applemilk.

>> No.4351733

Feels bad to be British, man.

>> No.4351737

Did applemilk really end up with an STD?

>> No.4351738

>at least
You make it sound like it would be a bad thing.

>> No.4351740

Not give a shit.

>> No.4351746

It's only good if she gets a STD too.

>> No.4351750

Really disappointing.

>> No.4351757


Yeah exactly. Not in porn YET.

>> No.4351759

Wait. You were expecting something good?

>> No.4351761

back to the idol threads, samefag.

>> No.4351767
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>> No.4351770

I just realized something, old news media is useless. The youtube link with the news report feels like its written by a bunch of old fucks who have no idea what is going on.

>> No.4351783

Did you happen to discover the internet recently as well?

>> No.4351786

I would of waited until at least 5 million hits for each video before releasing a single.

>> No.4351791

>by a bunch of old fucks who have no idea what is going on.
This is how journalism works.

>> No.4351820

It's hard explaining things to people here, especially about a style of cartoon most people have never seen or heard of.

>> No.4351862

There is a huge fucking generation/cultural gap between people who use the internet and people who don't (by "use" I mean do more than check their email/check commercial sites).

>> No.4351922

>Taking X by storm.
i wish to stab media people.

>> No.4351971

Do you know why is she so popular?

It's because she is not a slanted-eye bitch. She looks ten thousand times omre similar to an animu Japanese female than real life Japs.

>> No.4352002

i hope she become a japanese pornstar :3c

>> No.4352019

/jp/ - All emoticons welcome! :D

>> No.4352062


>> No.4352074


>> No.4352080


>> No.4352085


>> No.4352095

let's shit up /jp/ even more owo

>> No.4352103

8===> O:

>> No.4352105

/jp/ - No fun allowed :(

>> No.4352108

>taking Japan

yeah... she don't even enter in the top 50 of oricon in her first day

>> No.4352122


>> No.4352127


>> No.4352140


>> No.4352147

emoticon shitstrom is imminent "\(ºωº)/"

>> No.4352997

The "Meet Becky Cruel" opening annoyed me as well.

>> No.4353015

>big hair

>> No.4353051

It's too bad that she can't capture the "small, often just barely visible nose" look.
She should cosplay Kaiji instead.

>> No.4353357

Anime, don't forget the tilde~!

>> No.4353526
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>> No.4353545

It's an accent aigu, dumbfuck.

>> No.4353549

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4353554

>Girl 17
>Guy 23

>> No.4353596

So, did she really top the Japanese charts?

>> No.4353620


That's a pretty impressive $50 Shiki.

>> No.4353634

Oh look, it's the metro
and yes I raged when I saw this.

>> No.4353649

als0 I would like to add lol "album"
7 tracks that consist of two instrumentals and two PV's

>> No.4353659


Not at all. Her sales were pretty bad.

>> No.4353671
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>> No.4353681

@BeckiiCruel U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi

>> No.4353682


2 pv's ? I only know one !

>> No.4353687

That's pretty typical for Japanese pop records.

>> No.4353701

Never buy from them again.

>> No.4353702

nah I wouldn't say ugly, just annoying.
lol well you if you didnt wanna get burnt stay away from the oven.

>> No.4353704
File: 55 KB, 418x604, 22153_285175856722_172443271722_3992879_7879258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's spread the Beckii love <3

>> No.4353707

Why is she so popular when she is ugly?

>> No.4353713


How did she rank?

>> No.4353717

someone's not getting into nirvana.

>> No.4353719


It's funny how the two other girls aren't even mentionned as the "artists" of this cd.

>> No.4353723

Post the Reisan one.

>> No.4353724

Are people really this amazed to come across a reasonably pretty girl?

My sister is at least as pretty as her, and not an annoying weeaboo either.

>> No.4353747

>not an annoying weeaboo either

But she's popular because she's a pretty weeaboo. (and 13)

>> No.4353789



>> No.4353813

Why would anyone want their girlfriend to be a weeaboo? Don't you consider yourself annoying enough as it is?

>> No.4353843

It's a shame she looks like an ugly boy

>> No.4353898
File: 87 KB, 450x360, 745b7e6f33b85e0e09e9e486131365c3_2066584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah right.

>> No.4353906

Girlfriend? What?

>> No.4353909


Looks like she isn't listed, are you sure this is ranking is reliable?

>> No.4353927


Maybe she's not listed because she sucks ? :3

>> No.4353963

dat nose

>> No.4354053


Unthinkable, otherwise Morning Musume wouldn't even figure in that list.

>> No.4354075

laugh, turn page

>> No.4354086

Cool story, small fry

>> No.4354091
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There isn't anything interesting on the next page, though

>> No.4354108

>>in the name of Jesus Christ get out of my store.

>> No.4354109

Next page please.

>> No.4354110


listen, she's an american girl... she'll grow up, get zits, a stach, probably gain weight, and the japanese will toss her back into the ocean... if they dont do so earlier

>> No.4354112

>she's an american girl

No, she's a Briton.

>> No.4354116


>> No.4354119

Same shit different accent.

>> No.4354127
File: 1.73 MB, 2048x1536, SDC10952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm McDonalds Breakfast

She's British

>> No.4354130

Hmmm buildings falling for no legitimate reason

>> No.4354133

I know right

It's been like 11 years and they're still getting pictures

>> No.4354140


God, you Britfags can't really get Yankee cocks out of your mouth.

>> No.4354144

Beats whoever that bitch is.

>> No.4354146

Next page please.

>> No.4354149

It's women's cosmetics

You don't want that

>> No.4354154

I'm just trying to read the newspaper.

>> No.4354161


Sorry, I need to go sleep.

>> No.4354167

Why is she wearing a mask?

>> No.4354174

Whoa I thought this was the NYC metro for a bit, and was confused as to how they managed to get such good stories/writers.

>> No.4354175

Because anonymity.

>> No.4354191

Meh she's okay. At least she's not like that other chick who went there and made a shitty pron movie.

>> No.4354197
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>> No.4354214

Emily never did porn movies, the most risque thing she did was a cheap-ass gravure DVD and even so it was pretty innocent by the genre standards.

>> No.4354238

She SHOULD make a pron movie. That's the only thing she would be good for.

>> No.4354255

Because it's moe, obviously.
