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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4341248 No.4341248 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, wait, wait, hold the fuck on. Do they really measure chest size in Japanese schools? Please tell me they don't. I know Japan is full of perverts and pedophiles but god damn. What the hell would chest size have to do with anything school related?

>> No.4341261

Yes, how dare they take body measurements.

>> No.4341265

you shut your whore mouth, it has everything to do with anything school related, as does measuring the elasticity of the hymen

>> No.4341271

(lol, OP got his prostate probed)

>> No.4341266
File: 195 KB, 1067x1600, 1218119477416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempting to imply that measuring chest size is not a normal procedure in the medical context of preventative medicine
It's called a physical examination. I'm sure you've never had one. Enjoy your resulting cancer.

>> No.4341285

too bad you'll never experience the pleasure of having your chest measured

>> No.4341296

Yeah, that perversion also takes place in America. When I go to the doctor's they measure my height and weight. So lewd, right?

>> No.4341300


Yeah, doctors preform physicals, not school teachers. And I really don't think they measure chest size. They didn't measure my penis size.

>> No.4341301
File: 424 KB, 455x735, 1070615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A colonoscopy, while a valuable diagnostic tool, is not a feature of a standard physical examination.

>> No.4341307


They don't measure vagina size either, bro. Breasts are not a sexual organ.

>> No.4341309
File: 476 KB, 700x1000, 259598ab8ca6763b33d91d4a9d13f577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I'm pretty sure they're not sticking a ruler in girls vaginas either

Breasts are not genitalia, you flaming retard.

>> No.4341312

>They didn't measure my penis size.
Damn, I knew something was fishy when he told me to drop my pants.

>> No.4341317



>> No.4341328


>implying you have ever had any female contact and know if they measure breast size or not


>> No.4341332


In Japan they do.

>> No.4341337

A better question, OP: What does screening for lice have to do with school?

>> No.4341347

Nothing wrong with that you sick bastards.

>> No.4341351

Nurse Ellen is hawt.

I'd hit it.

>> No.4341352

What does getting screened for scoliosis have to do with school?

>> No.4341354


So it doesn't spread to other students?

>> No.4341360

Why would the spread of lice affect school function? Lice feeds on blood, not brains.

>> No.4341375

What does getting screened for premature ejaculation have to do with school?

>> No.4341374

When I was in elementary school, we had to go to the nurse's office for annual health examinations, and they would examine our scrotums for defects and stuff like that. OMG SO PERVERTED.

>> No.4341387

Maybe they are checking if the girls are developing alright?

>> No.4341407

Ok, it's obvious that /jp/ has serious reading comprehension problems so let me clarify this for you. Examining breasts for proper growth/health is different than measuring breast size. I'm obviously asking about the latter, although it may not appear that way to some retards in here.

>> No.4341416

That still sounds lewd.

>> No.4341417
File: 95 KB, 708x1049, 1872159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't see the connection with normal juvenile breast development and health

>> No.4341424

Stop reflecting your own retardation on us.

>> No.4341429

>People didn't understand my shittily-written post, so I'll call them retards

>> No.4341492

Yeah, and it's not just chest size. They take a lot of general measurements so they can monitor students' growth for anomalies. It's probably overkill, but better than doing nothing at all.

It's all done by doctors and school nurses, but the teachers do supervise. I remember reading about some female teachers complaining that the male teachers were all staring at the female students' chests during the procedure.

That must be awkward.

>> No.4341526


>> No.4341530


No. Preventative medicine is the reason that Japan's per-capita healthcare is HALF of ours, and their life expectancy a full 5 years longer than ours.

>> No.4341538


>shittily-written post

I really hope you're trolling, nobody can be this retarded. Even a 5 year old would have understood what I wrote in my post.

>> No.4341553


I don't see what it has to do with cup size ...


If that's the only response you have then really are a fucking retard. If don't have anything intelligent to say then don't respond at all.

>> No.4341558

You clearly grossly overestimate the internet

>> No.4341561

Japan's philosophy on medicine: Spend 10 bucks to make sure something's not broken
USA's philosophy: Wait until there's a problem, deny there's a problem, problem becomes a $100 problem

>> No.4341565

A troll thread deserves troll answers. Fuck off.

>> No.4341570

You must be new

A troll thread deserves NO answers

>> No.4341574

>USA's philosophy: Wait until there's a problem, deny there's a problem, problem becomes a $100 problem

Fixed this for you:

Wait until there's a problem
Deny there's a problem
Problem becomes a $100 problem
Go to the hospital for $100 problem, problem becomes $1000 problem
Pay overpriced doctors through terrible health care system, $1000 problem actually costs $10,000
Don't notice much of the $10,000 because health insurance pays for most of it
Go back home, complain about how your health insurance costs $1000 a month while stuffing your gob with french fries and soda.

>> No.4341585

You really think measuring chest sizes is the reason they have longer life expectancy? It's more like because of genetic differences and the fact that they don't stuff themselves with retarded amounts of fat.

Per-capita healthcare costs... I don't even know where to start about your logic. Stop basing every gigantic topic to one specific cause.

Height and weight measurements are actually a good indication of any serious health problems (obesity for one). Measuring chest sizes? No, there is no reason why they need to do that.

>> No.4341584


>implying this was a troll thread

Sup retard. You mad?

>> No.4341579


You missed the last step: post on FreeRepublic how about how evil socialized health care is, and how the US is the only country that gets it right.

>> No.4341580

All threads must be replied to

>> No.4341592

>the fact that they don't stuff themselves with retarded amounts of fat.
>implying that fat is bad for you, and people who stuff their gobs with sugar and starches are healthier

ITT people who haven't paid attention to diet research for the past 30 years.

>> No.4341590



>> No.4341596


>> No.4341597

Ignored the discussion. Just wanted to say thanks for reminding me that I fell behind Kiss x Sis for a few chapters but all caught up now.

>> No.4341598


There's a saying that "the Japanese state embraces its children tightly". They just want to know everything about everyone. Because that's what governments do.

>> No.4341606

Troll question about Japan in a board full of retards that have no idea is totally not a troll thread. Fuck off.

>> No.4341615

I'd laugh more if this wasn't fucking true.

>> No.4341621
File: 131 KB, 370x448, patchery why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh America.

>> No.4341623


>repeatedly replying to "troll" thread instead of just ignoring it

Lol you mad.

>> No.4341627

>Stop basing every gigantic topic to one specific cause.
Pot calling the kettle black. Your strawmen are only working on retards. I never said that checking bust size is the reason their health care costs are so fucking low and their lives longer, I said preventative medicine is the reason for that, and regular physical examination is a part of preventative medicine.

>Height and weight measurements are actually a good indication of any serious health problems
False. Body mass index is an indicator, not a diagnostic tool. There are other, more accurate ways to measure body fat percentage.

Better to have the information now than wish you had it later.

>> No.4341631

To use your wording, lrn2/jp/.

>> No.4341635


At age 15, 16, 17...?

>> No.4341648


>> No.4341656
File: 478 KB, 600x800, 1990929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At age 15, 16, 17...?

Death rates from breast cancer by country per 100,000 inhabitants
United States: approx. 14
Japan: 5

I rest my case.

>> No.4341660

OK...im not even american though.

>> No.4341662


Yeah, because everyone on /jp/ fucks up a perfectly good discussion with their own butthurt. To use your wording, fuck off.

>> No.4341686

>implying he didn't make this thread out from pure butthurt.
You'll never be able to debate about Japan seriously here, OP.

>> No.4341690

That's because the Japanese healthcare-system isn't completely retarded.

>> No.4341704


>implying I was butthurt in anyway

Lol, I just had a question that I needed answered and /jp/ was the first place to come to mind. But whatever makes you feel better bro.

>> No.4341705

Preventative medicine is a huge part of healthcare.

>> No.4341734

ITT: We correlate measuring cup size with having a better health care system

Yeah, I'm sure that's the logic they use too to get little girls to take their shirts off.

>> No.4341739


Not with faggots like you around.

>> No.4341742

Don't their hospitals close at night? That's pretty retarded.

>> No.4341745
File: 208 KB, 1024x768, 1202879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a correlation

What you're trying to imply is that we're saying it's causation, which it is not.

Oh wait, you're just an ignorant strawman-spewing faggot, and probably don't know the difference between a correlation and a causation anyways. Nevermind.

>> No.4341757

Preventative medicine is important, sure, but preventative medicine alone won't cure cancer.

Don't american health insurance work against their own clients?

>> No.4341765 [DELETED] 


>implying you know what i was trying to imply

I didn't say there wasn't a correlation, I said people made one itt. Not that it fucking means anything at all. If I wanted to say causation I would have used the word you dumb fuck. Oh and even kindergartners know the difference between correlation and causation. If knowing the difference really makes you feel smart, I truly feel sorry you.

>> No.4341768 [DELETED] 


>implying you know what i was trying to imply

I didn't say there wasn't a correlation retard. That's why specifically I said people made one itt, not that it fucking means anything at all. If I wanted to say causation I would have used the word you dumb fuck. Oh and even kindergartners know the difference between correlation and causation. If knowing the difference really makes you feel smart, I truly feel sorry you.

>> No.4341771


>implying you know what i was trying to imply

I didn't say there wasn't a correlation retard. That's why I specifically said people made one itt, not that it fucking means anything at all. If I wanted to say causation I would have used the word you dumb fuck. Oh and even kindergartners know the difference between correlation and causation. If knowing the difference really makes you feel smart, I truly feel sorry you.

>> No.4341772

Butthurt anon is butthurt.

>> No.4341778


>implying I'm butthurt because you're too fucking stupid to understand English

And too stupid to come up with anything other than LOL BUTTHURT XDXD.

>> No.4341777 [DELETED] 


>implying I'm butthurt because you're too fucking stupid doesn't understand english

And too stupid to come up with anything other than LOL BUTTHURT XDXD.

>> No.4341780


>> No.4341784


Lol, no. It's just funny how after trying to make someone else feel dumb, you're just showing your own stupidity. The only thing that you can come up with is LOL BUTTHURT XDXDXD. Isn't it past your bedtime kid?

>> No.4341787

Can't sleep with the hard-on your resistance gives me.

>> No.4341790

You think I'm >>4341745, but I'm not.

Enjoy your butthurt.

>> No.4341795
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just showing your own stupidity and butthurt. Cry moar faggot.

>> No.4341798

Don't even try to impersonate me you cocksucking faggot.

>> No.4341805


Obvious samefag ... or possibly a bunch of retards with the same IQ as >>4341745

Either way, you're all faggots. TRY HURR DURR.
