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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4301603 No.4301603 [Reply] [Original]

The whole shrine to the dead thing always bothered me. Anyone else get the heeby jeebies from them?

>> No.4303109

Not really. Not much different from placing an urn on the open hearth or hanging up pictures of your deceased loved one.

It's more creepy if they're alive.

>> No.4303140


>> No.4303168

No but I always wondered how long they keep them up. It's kind of sad if someone throws out their spouse's when they get remarried.

>> No.4303372

What's wrong with setting up a shrine to your beloved/family member when they die?

This is a symbolic act of keeping them with you, as if they are just in the other room of the house, and if you walk fast enough you'll catch a glimpse of them. They will always be with you in memory (intangible) and in form (the shrine, tangible).

Thousands of years ago, gaijin barbarians also used to bury their dead inside their homes, such as below the living room quarter. Same reasoning as above.

>> No.4303383

I can only be morbid or disgusting around the dead when I'm not emotionally involved with them I guess.

>> No.4303388


>implying urns aren't creepy as shit too

>> No.4303398

I like shrines
Especially spooky ancient ones

>> No.4303401

assuming you aren't related to the person inside the urn..
if the urn only contains ashes, then it's not really creepy.. more like a ashtray repository..
if the urn contains actual human bones where the corpse was just bent in a fetal position.. then yes, creepy

>> No.4303403

I don't see how. What do you think of graveyards?

>> No.4303405

>It's more creepy if they're alive.
The dead?

>> No.4303409


Graveyards are cool, I guess. They are also far away from my house, i.e not on my fireplace.

>> No.4303422

>dead thing
>bothered me

>> No.4303428
File: 51 KB, 312x445, necroimpotence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303423

No, a shrine made for someone who is alive.

Reminds me of a girl who posted on 4chan (don't remember what board) that she broke up with her boyfriend after he made a shrine dedicated to her. She thought the relationship wasn't healthy for him, lol.

Obviously, she was quickly deemed a bitch and whore.

>> No.4303431

I'm bothered by seeing pics of dead relatives. I'd never have a shrine because looking at it would cause bad memories. I keep them tucked away somewhere.

>> No.4303433


>> No.4303435

how rude
shrines to the dead are different from hunting trophies

>> No.4303439

I like looking at pictures of dead ancestors or relatives


>> No.4303442
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you now feel sympathetic for this man

>> No.4303451

I have a shrine at home
its for my dead siblings

>> No.4303452

I'd rather go dig them up to be honest.

Dunno why, Also they might have gold and silver teeth for the yanking if the Mortician didn't get them.

>> No.4303463

and they might be good for dinner

>> No.4303465
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I don't think /jp/ would be bothered too much by it, seeing as how we're all Mexicans anyway.

>> No.4303467

This is why relatives must watch the embalmer while he works with the dead body. So 1) The body will be treated with respect and care, 2) Gold teeth etc are not stolen, and 3) Specific organs are not harvested.

One person watching is usually enough.

Westerners do not do this?

>> No.4303479

You murdered them, I take it?

>> No.4303481

corpses aren't embalmed in my country
their just dressed up a bit and put in a non-airtight coffin made of cheap wood and then either burned or put one rakelenght into the ground

>> No.4303498

Well for the instant cremation (or instant burial in some countries) option, there will be no danger from opportunist embalmers then.

>> No.4303499

I should also add that its pretty cold here most of the time, and the corpses are also stored in freezers

>> No.4303511

Everyone in my family was cremated pretty much, but thanks to the clashing ethnicities you can pretty much have whatever you want done to the corpse done here. Well besides fucking, thats still frowned upon.

>> No.4303520

It's easy to get away with fucking a corpse. Being a medical student, I kno- nevermind.

>> No.4303542

I've visited my country's biggest mortuary a few times

I've seen a huge boxes of things that couldn't be burned with the corpses, metal things that were put into their bones to fix'em at some time..

>> No.4303545

I didn't say it was hard.

Just frowned upon.

>> No.4303547

even some hi-tech heart fixing things have managed to blow up... by mistake inside the oven.. :3

>> No.4303580

Freeze body
Use alchemy to revive

>> No.4303585

no part of alchemy suggests it can revive dead bodies

>> No.4303586

Do I get to use Santeria black magic?

>> No.4303591

You just need love.

>> No.4303592

Those freak me out, yet I am perfectly fine with open casket funerals.
