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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.24 MB, 1399x2306, 1678581378529544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42883123 No.42883123 [Reply] [Original]

GUIDE: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/learnmain.html
Japanese Subtitles: https:/kitsunekko.net/
Immersion: https://live.fc2.com holodex.net
See ads/anything about an "official guide" on the thread? Look at this before clicking on it https://streamable.com/6nlhff

>> No.42883125

yosh new thread

>> No.42883132

yep this is the one

>> No.42883135

Thanks for baking.

>> No.42883143
File: 276 KB, 850x1190, 1678484206228351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.42883152


>> No.42883157

japànese minor

>> No.42883160

You posted it.

>> No.42883174
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>> No.42883177
File: 381 KB, 492x270, mikomikomiko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!

>> No.42883178

I actually like the 17 year old japanese girls a lot of the time. A lot are cute even without a mask, somehow morseso than other races. But after that age who knows. Even Hashimoto Kanna doesnt look better now

>> No.42883185

Who's that?

>> No.42883190
File: 3.26 MB, 746x700, 1678507539394207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo 10/10 op!
korone is still playing the bump stick game!
same same!
picked up!

koyori is still playing bloodborne and kanata sekiro is also up! so much great immersion content!
sorta slow automata ep today but great too

>> No.42883192

Nice dance. Sauce?

>> No.42883193

I'm tired of dealing with trannylators butchering games and vn. I realized I wanted to read a translation so literal that I might as well learn the language. I've tried and failed a couple times, but this time I've gotten into a groove at the cost of speed.

>> No.42883198
File: 2.44 MB, 924x520, 1678556904463020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes inugami korone of hololive gamers!
big recommend!

>> No.42883209

Very nice.

>> No.42883214
File: 788 KB, 850x757, b2cbc8ba264d517615a75aca489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To scramble Choco's eggs.

>> No.42883216
File: 25 KB, 416x736, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning japanese?

>> No.42883223

kappu kappu

>> No.42883225

Japanese vampires look like THAT?

>> No.42883233


>> No.42883236
File: 379 KB, 840x472, 1678021287245275.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Azkii enjoyer.

>> No.42883244 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 850x1200, 1678019732438834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything looks better in Japan. This is a Japanese whale.

>> No.42883256


>> No.42883277


>> No.42883289 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.99 MB, 600x1067, Shylily_dance_loop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales are the best.

>> No.42883299

womp womp

>> No.42883317

not the first japanese whale posted in this thread

>> No.42883430

Bloodborne has the coolest bosses. Japanese voices are so nice too.

>> No.42883463
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1328, 4i32a14bd154b89gcgh3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any uhhh books about food? epub? About uhhhhhhh spices and uhhhhh food and uhhhhh ingredients and uhhhhhh food

>> No.42883474

you posted it

>> No.42883533

idk but recipe websites and cooking videos on youtube are pretty good

>> No.42883637

Picked up.

>> No.42883704
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>> No.42884494

I'm getting pissed off: it's been months, I can read stuff like this:
>しおん「その三城先輩がサポートを持ちかけてくれた。 この機会を逃したら、わたしの刃道はここで終わります」
easily enough, without much issue. but why the fuck can't I read more complex sentences like
>「しかも学園内は全面的に禁煙ときた。 まったく、せちがらい世の中になったもんだよ」巫琴「もうタバコを吸う人なんてほとんどいませんからね」刀輝30年ほど前からタバコの税金はガンガンと跳ね上がり、今や喫煙者はかなりの希少種だ。「ま、私は過去の遺物だからな」巫琴もう一息吸い込み、再び大きく紫煙を吐き出す。煙がたなびき、海風の中に溶け込んでいく。「さて、三城。呼び出した理由はわかるか」巫琴「いえ、わかりません」刀輝数日後、早朝。夢中になれるものが見つかったら、その時に考えればいい。まあ……今はどうでもいいか。でも、その先は――。入学を喜んでくれた親父のためにも、学園はきちんと卒業する。進級試験ではきちんと刀を作って提出する。「……しっかりしないとな」刀輝走ってきたレールの上を、ただ惰性で走り続けているだけだ。その親父がいなくなった今、俺には刀を作る理由はない。俺は親父のことが好きだった。刀を作ることが、俺と親父を繋いでくれていた。だが、親父が死んでからは一本も打っていない。
It takes me too much time to understand it, and I don't get why. the grammar isn't even that difficult, it's the fucking vocab.

>> No.42884606

yeah, the vocab you're not used to just takes much longer to process.

>> No.42884704

>it's been months
and it will be many more months
you either continue or quit like a bitch

>> No.42884717

i read that one too
neat vinnie

>> No.42884728


>> No.42884800

just keep at it. You'll be able to read it eventually it just takes time and dedication

>> No.42885126

im getting too used to easy mode romance narou novels where there's like 10 lines per page at my zoom level because even small paragraphs like that give me a headache despite being able to understand all of it

>> No.42885396




>> No.42885927


>> No.42886019


>> No.42886035

Why is everyone in JP Twitter suddenly posting porn?

>> No.42886144 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1435x1303, 1658840407130549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state

>> No.42886305


this channel is based.

>> No.42887060
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And you keep coming, genius.

>> No.42887356

prob useless to ask here but still...
what's this koto, what does it mean here

>> No.42887873

never seen it. context?

>> No.42887931

i'm still very very early but i'm at a point now where i can understand parts of almost every sentence and it's much easier to pick out new things to learn, feels exciting. i hope i don't suddenly get filtered by something i didn't see coming. despite how little i know it's still faster progress than i was expecting with how little i put in

>> No.42887956

should we tell him he needs to memorize 50k words or is it too early?

>> No.42888035

never mined
never will!

>> No.42888055


>> No.42888067
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>> No.42888133

that's when its at the end not the front

>> No.42888148

In the sentence, the word "koto" (こと) is used as a nominalizer. Nominalizers are used in Japanese to turn verbs or phrases into nouns.

In this case, "koto" is used to nominalize the phrase "in terms of combat" (戦闘面において). This means that the phrase is being turned into a noun that can be used as the subject of the sentence.

So the function of "koto" in this sentence is to mark the beginning of the sentence and indicate that the phrase that follows it is the subject of the sentence. It is a common structure in Japanese to begin a sentence with a noun phrase, and in this case, the nominalizer "koto" is used to turn the preceding phrase into a noun phrase.

>> No.42888149

asked /int and got https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/kanji/%E6%AE%8A/

>> No.42888161

chatgpt completely wrong on more nuansed stuff as usual

>> No.42888169

okay so what's the answer tough guy

>> No.42888178

it just means especcially, i think

>> No.42888184

makes sense, havent seen it as a prefix to a noun like that before.

>> No.42888193

you "think"? you mean you're not sure yourself but you're sure chatgpt is wrong? lol

>> No.42888198

yes i am sure that explanation is wrong

>> No.42888213

yeah if you mined you wouldn't have to think so hard

>> No.42888216

chatgpts "explanation" is nowhere close to correct. even an N5 should be able to tell that.

>> No.42888231

but an n6 might not be able to so i asked

>> No.42888260

no, you didnt ask why it was wrong. you asked something completely different.
its wrong because you nominalize verbs by putting こと after dictionary form verbs.

>> No.42888286

yes, i didn't ask why it was wrong. but "i asked" and you didn't infer so no there was no no

>> No.42888299

take meds

>> No.42888312

opening this thread is enough of a medicine for my cripplingly high iq

>> No.42888328

Isn't it early for schizo spam?

>> No.42888345 [DELETED] 

the only thing on schedule is your perpetual seethe

>> No.42888353

that's the mentally ill guy
just let the cleaning staff know hes ban dodging to schizo spam again

>> No.42888359

Good post.

>> No.42888368


>> No.42888376 [DELETED] 

thats the mentally ill samefagger, just let the staff know hes trolling and announcing reports again to drive home the point that they dont do shit about it haha

>> No.42888375


>> No.42888382

I see what you mean. On it.

>> No.42888386

Had missed this thanks.

>> No.42888396

oops my phone slipped, meant to quote >>42888376

>> No.42888407

Thanks, good post, goodest point, triple on it.

>> No.42888409


>> No.42888415

I hear what you meant. I hear clicking sounds

>> No.42888423

As for me, 悪い autosubs and なめします

>> No.42888436

Isn't it early for such savage ownage?

>> No.42888445

nice kyok

>> No.42888452


>> No.42888463


>> No.42888483

thanks for the link to the image. genius!

>> No.42888501

holo filterinos! based!

>> No.42888503



>> No.42888553 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 267x267, 1604121846659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing my Anki reps every day and reading Tae Kim's guide, right now I'm finishing the "Basic" section. When reviewing Anki flashcards, I read aloud and try to conjugate whenever possible (mostly verbs and adjectives).

My issue is that this doesn't really develop my conversational skills. I don't care so much for reading and writing. I don't read manga, and I'm aware anime doesn't use "everyday" Japanese. My aim is to talk with people and not come off a complete retard.

I signed up for the JapanesePod101 trial on a recommendation, and while they use everyday conversations to teach language, encourage you to speak out loud and test you, they use that methodology of focusing on phrases aimed at retards.

What do you guys suggest instead?

>> No.42888560

read vns

>> No.42888561

i suggest you quit tbqnamesimasu with you

>> No.42888566


cant tell the last one

>> No.42888619
File: 19 KB, 344x26, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone good enough to identify the kanji? I tried but fuck is it hard in ant resolution.

>> No.42888645


>> No.42888668

ありがとう我がニガー 。

>> No.42888675

I should've known 余 because of 余裕、余韻 woops. Also I yomichan doesn't know 鯢呑高 what is it?

>> No.42888683

>鯢呑高 what is it?
name of some school i guess. not a real word.

>> No.42888727

anyone got jp sub file for the love live sunshine movie? cant find it anywhere

>> No.42888950

that's not 鯢呑高, it's 鯢呑亭

>> No.42889062


>> No.42889095
File: 37 KB, 762x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal for my Anki to look like this, starting out? I feel like Most of these really don't stick. Using Core.

>> No.42889199


>> No.42889209

learned 男根唐竹割りtoday
even the 男根 gets 割'd

>> No.42889214

How to do I set up hiragana input on Linux together with a virtual keyboard?

>> No.42889274

idk ask google

>> No.42889440

getting mature cards wrong makes me unreasonably frustrated in a way thats not conducive to learning even if my overall retention rate is nearly 90%. think i might do better without anki

>> No.42889529

https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Localization/Japanese is a good starting point but i dont know specially about the keyboard

>> No.42889655
File: 79 KB, 830x581, Picture1-landscape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the japanese equivalent for the idiom "A storm is brewing"?

>> No.42889699
File: 36 KB, 735x635, 1650405745519478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A storm is brewing
gptsama says 危機感が漂っている

>> No.42889703


>> No.42889711

いつかの白昼夢 hard vocab?
Want to play it cause the music cums in it

>> No.42889712

ai bros...

>> No.42889738
File: 41 KB, 890x670, 1675060050740563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am doubtful of gptsama's academic qualifications

>> No.42889830

is it wrong? i dont know because im n6

>> No.42889844


>> No.42889925


An yay a day keeps antyfairy a yay。
yay&free2play game
Let’s yay yayselves in the Grand Strategy MMO fairy academy Yay-On!! game



ユニyni^ I`ve got a 「Game Design」Degree in Japan、as a fairyPrincess of Ypony^ PARTY
Archived thread -> >>>/v/630427196

>> No.42889961

嵐が来る or something similar can be used symbolically in japanese just as in english
危機感が漂っている is just nonsense

>> No.42890252

How many new cards a day are you doing to average 262 reviews a day 4 days in? You look like you took someone bragging about doing 50 a day at face value and are surprised that it's not realistic.

>> No.42890256

I'm just following moeway's 30 days without any deviation, doing 20 cards a day. I just keep hitting 'again' because I can't fix a card.

>> No.42890280
File: 54 KB, 565x488, 2023-03-12-224737_565x488_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 3 months since I got back into it with no missed days! + lots of reading. Just piling on the vocab and I feel the improvement. I think another year or so of this and I'll be approaching the vocab amount of a japanese high school kid.

Now I just gotta learn to fucking make sentences.

>> No.42890281

If you're finding that you have a low retention rate then lower the amount of new cards. 20 a day is a lot for a beginner when everything is new.

>> No.42890283

Alright I will consider that if things don't improve within the next two days.

>> No.42890378
File: 120 KB, 1069x1401, 20230227_122505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the recent economic news, what is the difference between 破産 and 破綻?

>> No.42890422

Is it just me or is 「真夜中」 the most overused lyrical word?

>> No.42890426

my j-j dictionary specifies that 破産 is for economics, but doesn't for 破綻
so 破綻 is more general

>> No.42890602

idk but i like this song so

>> No.42890610

multiple times I've seen hasan is used for bankruptcy and going out of business, i only remember encountering hatan once and it had nothing to do with economics so it's probably as anon said, but it could probably also be used in economic situations

>> No.42890866

So can anyone tell me what is the japanese equivalent for the "A storm is brewing" idiom? Is it just 嵐が来る?

>> No.42890938

it's unusual for full idioms to have 'equivalents'
i won't say there isn't a set japanese phrase near that meaning but if there is I don't know it

>> No.42890975

Well certainly not a word for word replica, something just similar, i.e. keeping the storm analogy for chaos. Normally I wouldn't expect any random language to have an idiom like this, but seeing as Japan is an island country I'm like 99% certain it has one.

>> No.42890997

Is reading 2ch good immersion or should I just stick with manga and anime?

>> No.42891009

巫琴 刀輝
what are those?

>> No.42891231

It can be complicated, but it depends on the board. For immersion maybe 2chan.net is better because it has images and it's just memes, 2ch has 1 billion dead boards and some people write walls of text

>> No.42891360

So when I'm ready to read Yotsuba

>> No.42891374


>> No.42891456

Once you've already read it and mined all the words.

>> No.42891517

In a conversation, a person said she didn't like the hot spring because she wanted to feel "nurunuru", but the water didn't make her feel it.
what does nurunuru means in this context? it doesnt make sense for me

>> No.42891536

nurunuru is slippery or slimy

>> No.42891551

why would a hot spring make you feel slimy?
why would you want to feel slimy?
she talked about people being acid and the water being alkaline, but it didnt make sense for me

>> No.42891554

I think you just get women

>> No.42891557
File: 365 KB, 600x500, 1593893981347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. 食べたくなかったけど食べたくなった。
>I didn't want to eat it but I became wanting to eat.
>Example 4 was very awkward to translate but is quite simple in Japanese
I've reached my limit

>> No.42891561

She's complaining that the water didn't have the mineral content to leave a slimy afterfeel, which I guess is desirable to some people.

>> No.42891563

actually I just got it
I'm going to make it

>> No.42891602

I went to a natural hot spring once, the water was greenish and actually felt slimy perhaps because of the algae shit everywhere, it left my skin smooth and slimy and it was surprisingly pleasant, I can only imagine having sex on it would feel amazing.

>> No.42891619

when you feel like reading boring dogshit

>> No.42891631

I wanna watch gundam for immersion, I can't stand slice of life anymore

>> No.42891665

sounds like wahmen shit. ask about her zodiac sign or something.

>> No.42891680

gundam is surprisingly easier than you think vocabulary wise. if you're at the point where you're only getting 0-2 cards per slice of life episode you're definitely ready for it

>> No.42891689

Nah I just started, but I really don't like SOL anime.
I realize why it makes a great place to study though.

>> No.42891695

now it makes sense
>I can only imagine having sex on it would feel amazing.
I wouldn't want to push algae inside a girl to be desu. it sounds like a way to get infections

>> No.42891698

don't do it if you're not enjoying it
a lot of shounen and sports anime are also easy for example

>> No.42891702

But wouldn't I end up seeing a lot of words that don't see much use in everyday speech?

>> No.42891706


>> No.42891707

doesn't matter unless you're learning exclusively for the purpose of talking to people and you hate consooming media
also if you like playing video games a lot of shounen and sports vocab will be relevant

>> No.42891723

I will think this over, my main goal in learning was to actually become fluent for work related reasons, but it's true that I do play a lot of vidya.

>> No.42891821
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, photo_2022-09-17_13-30-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42891822

There's like 50 uses for this

>> No.42891840

and they all boil down to quoting something or は

>> No.42891849

im starting to think this is all bollocks and i should just actually talk to japs now
staying inside 24/7 and mining words is getting me nowhere

>> No.42891860

can someone explain to me why sometimes の is used as は?

>> No.42891869

Because sometimes you want to say [no̞] instead of [ha̠]?

>> No.42891870

How many words are you at and how long have you been immersing for though

>> No.42891891

what do you mean? your comprehension isn't improving?

>> No.42891915

Do any of those links even work? can't find torrents either, where to get them?

>> No.42891962
File: 216 KB, 611x413, pic-selected-230312-1815-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wunnycunny fags btfod forever.

>> No.42891973

my mnemonic is simply associating the kanji with how the words are pronounced and what they mean

>> No.42891990

I'm learning Japanese to talk with my wife!

>> No.42892008

It's just short form to abstract everything

>> No.42892018
File: 166 KB, 586x203, pic-selected-230312-1825-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42892021

i'm learning japanece because cunny

>> No.42892027

>not learning russian

>> No.42892031
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 2019-12-22 19-29-06-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I already know Russian

>> No.42892036

Stop uploading preschool gymnastics videos to youtube.

>> No.42892040
File: 1 KB, 62x125, dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this be identified? I know かな obviously and I think that's a hand radical in the third kanji, but that's as far as I can get even after spending a while trying to draw them into IME.

>> No.42892043

fr just read shit until it sticks
mnemonicscels stay losing

>> No.42892052

lol wtf

>> No.42892068

post more of the thing

>> No.42892102
File: 104 KB, 1080x676, 1614457392560 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42892110

cummed inside japanese manko probably about 200 times

>> No.42892116

Are there kanji that (pretty much) only appear in eromanga? What are they?

>> No.42892120


>> No.42892124


>> No.42892134


>> No.42892135


>> No.42892146

wow i have '''''''n1'''''' level comprehension but i cant even form a basic ass sentence
wasted so much fucking time
>bro output comes naturally bro!!!

>> No.42892159

what do you mean, if you can comprehend shit it will be way easier to learn to output than if you couldn't

>> No.42892161
File: 14 KB, 177x224, dekinu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the full sentence. The image is super blown up because it was tiny, but I can read the speech bubble fine, just not the text on the left for obvious reasons.

>> No.42892184
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2048, BeMyPussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i could read this

>> No.42892187

i can comprehend jack shit

>> No.42892199

I just saw someone on twitter call Pokemon Diamond and Pearl "ダイパ"
Pokemon Diaper.

>> No.42892208

i feel like it's 3○○だな

>> No.42892295

Just kidding. You disgust me, normalfag.

>> No.42892329

That happened to me with English, I began forming sentences only when I decided to start posting and got called retarded all the time.

Is my English okay now?

>> No.42892353
File: 3.92 MB, 2894x4093, 1678534180748669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its great!

>> No.42892384

You care about fitting in even when youre anonymous so I think you're more of a normalfag than me

>> No.42892483
File: 1.72 MB, 1600x1200, 81554372_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42892509

I think that's a 3 for the first one
the second one looks like 缶 to me, but it's more likely to be 生 I think
can't tell at all with the third one, at first glance it looked like 捏 to me, but that can't be it
last two definitely look like かな as you said
no clue

>> No.42892544

so you dont know jack lmao just say that next time

>> No.42892545

output is useless anyways

>> No.42892556

speaking japanese helped me lose my virginity

>> No.42892558

yeah you're right

>> No.42892560

that's because you're a loser who couldn't lose it otherwise

>> No.42892564

being a loser is a good thing in terms or virginity

>> No.42892566

so... useless

>> No.42892581

nah i had rejected 2 girls before who were literally in the same bed as me

>> No.42892599

itazuraneko is a fucking disgrace, please post a more decent site for downloading media https://www.ggbases.com/search.so?title=JP&p=

>> No.42892601

Well it's one step closer I guess. The next panel calls what he said 当てつけ if that helps.

>> No.42892622

where is this from, even

>> No.42892657


>> No.42892845
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Are the IM@S games a good way to dip my toes into applying what I've learned? It will be my second time reading something natively if ever.

>> No.42892876

>mfw learning more from japanese the manga way than tae kim

>> No.42892913

Do core decks have all English cards? I never used one and went with mining and I use J-J. If life got super busy would I be OK with a core 10k or 20k deck?

>> No.42892920


I fucking hate compound words, they're impossible to remember and I'm too proud to add them in anki

>> No.42892936

Your pride is stopping you from learning faster, swallow it and stop being a bitch

>> No.42892941





>> No.42892991


>> No.42893052

hes a fatherless cuck hes talented at swallowing

>> No.42893077

I was babysitting my 3 and 4 year old nephews over the weekend so I ended up watching a lot of pbs shows with them and it actually got me wondering if watching the Japanese dubs of these show would work better for listening practice then normal news or show.

Although I have a small gut feeling that watching shit like sesame street at my age to learn Japanese is one step too far beyond normal cringe and might make me swear off learning it completely.

>> No.42893091

When you're babysitting them just play stuff in Japanese and teach them too, win win

>> No.42893255

Current thread: #3525

Previous threads:
>>42877144 #3524
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>>42305918 #3469

>> No.42893342

Any resources for learning radical stroke patterns? It'd make it easier for me to write Kanji into https://thekanjimap.com/
It'd also probably help me break down kanji better

>> No.42893345

idk i just know and absorb them naturally

>> No.42893372

coomsume more loli content

>> No.42893395
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x1600, 80647027_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all vtuber niggers are pedos and all pedos are bisexual

high iq men like older fat women

>> No.42893401
File: 33 KB, 225x350, 45780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total noob here. Is it correct to write:
よく やった。 ナイス ファイト。
Or do you have to write it like:
よくやった ナイスファイト

>> No.42893404

sure its correct but its weird

>> No.42893408

why is it weird?

>> No.42893437

what is the best console for vinnies?

>> No.42893444

Piracy on pc

>> No.42893451
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ps2 or psp

>> No.42893484
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>> No.42893683

Whatever has the best emulators.

>> No.42893761
File: 69 KB, 800x600, subahibi15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its subahibis futa scene where she cums a stupid amount of times and the cross dressing throat fuck scene

>> No.42893857

should I learn japanese?

>> No.42893871


>> No.42893917

I once found a YouTube channel that was titled something like "my wife died and now I make videos" or some shit like that and it was a channel of an old japanese guy that would just cook and go on walks and eat street food and other miscellaneous stuff like that. I can't find it again, anyone know what channel im talking about? I'd greatly appreciate it

>> No.42893949
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never mind
found it

>> No.42893953

bet he killed her

>> No.42893980


>> No.42893992


>> No.42893997

Probably the only place you’d ever see 𡱖.

>> No.42894202
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>> No.42894345
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>> No.42894467
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>> No.42894771

I'm Japanese.
破産 means bankrupt because of losing every money.
破綻 means that the organization/company cannot sustain them because of team breakdown or lawsuit or financial trouble.
破綻 include 破産 means.

>> No.42894873

what about 倒産?

>> No.42895153

倒産 means going out of business and it can use only company.
You can do 破産 to splurge, but you cannot do 倒産/破綻. (but we call psychopath 人格破綻者 .)
A country can 破綻/破産 but it cannot do 倒産.
For example, Sri Lanka.

>> No.42895212

Only company can 倒産 because of various troubles.
A company and a man can 破産 because of financial trouble.
A company and organization and nation can 破綻 because of various troubles.
A personality can 破綻.

>> No.42895789
File: 56 KB, 1109x877, 1678711798704132[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder to use toucan when you are not reading in japanese

>> No.42895833

It's a wiki page of the US what the fuck is toucan what does this mean

>> No.42895840

some words of your web browser will be changed to whatever language you are learning like japanese

>> No.42896569

How do I learn vocab without having to use anki?

>> No.42896692

You start reading whatever you like and lookup words you don't know. You could use technical means to do that like text hooker and/or yomichan, or you could learn various other more crude ways to lookup unknown words or kanji.
As you read you will notice the same word appearing multiple times and you'll remember it naturally sooner or later.

Just remember that you didn't need to use anki when you learned your first language.

>> No.42896753

True. I'm an ESL who learned english by watching youtube videos. I have a Capture2Text program but it's pretty faulty. What would you recommend to make learning japanese through youtube vidoes easier?

>> No.42896754

you wont pick up words as easily and will forget shit often in your 2nd language its just how it is. its not practical going without anki if you need 10 times more exposure than your first language for words to stick

>> No.42896784

But that's how I learned ちょっと待って and マンコ...

>> No.42896830


>> No.42896847

Kill yourself

>> No.42896851
File: 60 KB, 566x1000, deka-shiri-jyukujyo294042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based

>> No.42897074

you mean for grabbing the japanese text? use kanji.sljfaq.org for the kanji you don't know, and learn to use microsoft ime (fuck google)

>> No.42897088

Japanese is my third language and I've managed to learn it just fine without Anki. Of course I sometimes forget some rarer words and need to look them up again but that's also the case for me with English and even my native language. It's just a fact of life that you always forget something.
Anki might be a great tool but it's also great motivation killer. I've repeatedly tried starting using it for learning my fourth language and it just doesn't work for me.

>> No.42897170

I used anki for learning some basic kanji, but now I just like write some words or phrases on an online document editor while I read, it's cool because I can do it at the same time and it allows me to practice typing and it also lets me use yomichan, I paint the words that picked my interest with green and then I quickly review them when I feel like it. It's a nice thing to see less and less green words over time in my documents

>> No.42897310

Thanks! What should I do if there are no subtitles?

>> No.42897443

I don't know if there's a tool for audio to text, but maybe you can use it as a chance practice listening. I still have trouble to differentiate す from ず sometimes, so in that case I try to type the word I heard with す and then with ず to see which words the IME recommends and then figure out the correct one by context, this is probably the hard way so I wouldn't recommend it too much because the reason it's hard is because you lack vocabulary anyways.

>> No.42897522

Also as you may know, there's a lot of words that have the same pronunciation and intonation, but mean different things, the only way to tell them apart is by context, but you need vocabulary to understand the context, but also some those words are exclusively used for speak language while others are only used in written language, so it's not like you can mix them up in a conversation, anyways vocabulary is king

>> No.42897605

japanese is impossible to leam. I'm done for

>> No.42897616

japanese is the easiest language to learn thoughever?

>> No.42897670 [DELETED] 

the game was muri from the start

>> No.42897756
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>> No.42897771 [DELETED] 

Art immersion

>> No.42897781

Literal malware lmao.

>> No.42897797

The drawing of 22 is used for both, but the 23 is the index radical of 匹 because nips hate you.

>> No.42897821


>> No.42897823

>bro did you just used the radical 22 for referring to my dog?
such many cases

>> No.42897872

whats there to explain?

>> No.42897917


>> No.42897927


>> No.42897936
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>> No.42897980

the difference is in the stroke order, which is hard to see on a computer

>> No.42898004 [DELETED] 

Stroke my dick you nigger whore.

>> No.42898087

I wish I had a teacher that would teach me japanese...

>> No.42898094

everything that is not written in gothic I don't read
I don't read names and places and I read numbers in english and I don't read katakana words with more than 4 characters unless I absolutely have to

>> No.42898321

Why the fuck is shit like どんまい not in dictionaries?

>> No.42898387

what dictionary are you using?

>> No.42898396

it's literally just "don't mind" you don't need a dictionary for that

>> No.42898405 [DELETED] 

All except weblio, stupid faggot
Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.42898409


>> No.42898415

use the weblio dictionary

>> No.42898434


>> No.42898437

why did she abuse herself?

>> No.42898445

I never understood the confusion between シ and ツ
ツ is clearly based on 川 and is 3 verticle strokes, while シ is clearly based on 之 and is 3 horizontal strokes
If you learned these basic kanji, which you must have before reading (else you are just wasting your time) then it is no problem.
This is why I don't entertain questions from retarded faggots who open to a random page in a manga and ask what ケシまんこ (sic) means "in this context"

>> No.42898471

Is there a more polite way to write 左の彼は 漆黒の意志 を持つ? Mainly, I dislike using を持つ.

>> No.42898476

擬音語 is impossible

>> No.42898496

japanese onomatopoeia taught me that you can just conceptualize pretty much any sound as any random set of letters

>> No.42898515

Do you know any baby-tier let's plays like this one?

>> No.42898592

ask unko the king of baby shit

>> No.42898596

who the fuck is unko?

>> No.42898608

lurk more bitch

>> No.42898611


>> No.42898625

I have a parent deck 日本語。I have two subdecks, Mining and 地域と県。I would like Mining to have 22 new cards a day and 地域と県 to have 2, how would I do that?

>> No.42898662

0 brainpower

>> No.42898667

A 'deck' is a group of cards. You can place cards in different decks to study parts of your card collection instead of studying everything at once. Each deck can have different settings, such as how many new cards to show each day, or how long to wait until cards are shown again.
Decks can contain other decks, which allows you to organize decks into a tree. Anki uses “::” to show different levels. A deck called “Chinese::Hanzi” refers to a “Hanzi” deck, which is part of a “Chinese” deck. If you select “Hanzi” then only the Hanzi cards will be shown; if you select “Chinese” then all Chinese cards, including Hanzi cards, will be shown.
To place decks into a tree, you can either name them with “::” between each level, or drag and drop them from the deck list. Decks that have been nested under another deck (that is, that have at least one “::” in their names) are often called 'subdecks', and top-level decks are sometimes called 'superdecks' or 'parent decks'.
Anki starts with a deck called “default”; any cards which have somehow become separated from other decks will go here. Anki will hide the default deck if it contains no cards and you have added other decks. Alternatively, you may rename this deck and use it for other cards.
Decks are best used to hold broad categories of cards, rather than specific topics such as “food verbs” or When making flashcards, it’s often desirable to make more than one card that relates to some information. For example, if you’re learning French, and you learn that the word “bonjour” means “hello”, you may wish to create one card that shows you “bonjour” and asks you to remember “hello”, and another card that shows you “hello” and asks you to remember “bonjour”. One card is testing your ability to recognize the foreign word, and the other card is testing your ability to produce it.
In order for Anki to create cards based on our notes, we need to give it a blueprint that says which fields should be displayed on the front or back of each card. This blueprint is called a 'card type'. Each type of note can have one or more card types; when you add a note, Anki will create one card for each card type.
Once a card type has been created, every time you add a new note, a card will be created based on that card type. Card types make it easy to keep the formatting of your cards consistent and can greatly reduce the amount of effort involved in adding information. They also mean Anki can ensure related cards don’t appear too close to each other, and they allow you to fix a typing mistake or factual error once and have all the related cards updated at once.
Anki is an important resource for many medical students in the US. A study in 2015 at Washington University School of Medicine found that 31% of students who responded to a medical education survey reported using Anki as a study resource. The same study found a positive relationship between the number of unique Anki cards studied and USMLE Step 1 scores in a multi-variate analysis.[29] Some third-party resources, such as Boards and Beyond, have Anki decks based on them.[30][31] One Anki deck developed by students at the University of Utah School of Medicine, AnKing, aggregates information from multiple third-party resources and has become the primary method of USMLE Step1 and Step2 study for many students, having been downloaded over 200,000 times as of 2021.[32]

>> No.42898699
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>> No.42898701

nobody knows anki like i know anki though

>> No.42898714

im turning into an anki

>> No.42898744

lol filtered

>> No.42898749
File: 1.99 MB, 1250x1750, 712edf5a75c6d797ddfa2a9da38156d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a high iq bisexual it seems

>> No.42898753

Set new cards for mining to 22, 地域と県 to 2, and 日本語 to anything above 24. The parent deck can limit subdecks but not force more cards out of them.

>> No.42898757

Ok, I'm on AnkiDroid. 日本語::Mining I'd 22 new cards a day, 日本語::地域と県 is 2 a day. 日本語 is 22 a day. I set it to be 24. 日本語::Mining also goes to 24. Why?

>> No.42898764

>phone babby

>> No.42898774

there are only too videos of this?

>> No.42898776

I'll try on PC when home ok? :(

>> No.42898790

Short-term immersion animation

>> No.42898794
File: 90 KB, 392x365, 1470998019548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.42898798

Use different templates.

>> No.42898800

How do you use anki so it won't stack cards if you get far into them?

>> No.42898802

you live in alaska or hawaii?

>> No.42898806
File: 258 KB, 1200x1200, 81SnxzwuSPL._AC_SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are genuinely fucking retarded. I can never comprehend you. But I guess the world' be worse without bastards like you.

>> No.42898818

>You guys are genuinely fucking retarded. I can never comprehend you.
the range of mutual comprehension is 15 iq points

>> No.42898839


>> No.42898840

Okay,I mostly know hiragana now and I'm already getting some use out of it
What's the next step?
Please tell me it's not katakana

>> No.42898851

what else would it be LOL

>> No.42898852

1. Hiragana
2. Katakana
3. Vocabulary
4. Grammar

>> No.42898855

Katakana motherfucker

>> No.42898860
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>> No.42898887
File: 140 KB, 936x619, 1670056093035809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a toucan is a bird with a long beak they call him that because he can carry two cans

>> No.42898944

does 100 new cards per day in anki sound like too much? I kind of want to get through my deck

>> No.42898954

>To Review: 2137

>> No.42898958
File: 1.80 MB, 640x538, 1631380610294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good immersion content for a beginner?

>> No.42898962

you can do it champ
make sure to check in every day and tell us how it's going

>> No.42898969

how do you prevent this?

>> No.42898977

dont do 100 cards a day

>> No.42898979

100 a day on a beginner premade deck is pretty easy

>> No.42898980

Have really good memory or less new cards

>> No.42898984
File: 883 KB, 1946x1892, 0042dfad8f70029398d34bfda8cfe044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck her up toucan

>> No.42898990

I should mention that it's just the core2k/6k deck. A lot of these I already know but there are some gaps here and there.

>> No.42898997

i keep trying to tell nips on hellotalk that they need to consume more english content instead of droning grammar books but the convo inevitably ends with them concluding that im some language genius outlier and that just because it worked for me in japanese there is no way itll work for them with english

>> No.42899003

please respond

>> No.42899006

go for it

>> No.42899010

now think if you want to take the jouzu of people like that seriously

>> No.42899018

i just use it for motivation to spend more time speaking

>> No.42899031

this is why i never compared myself with djt because this place is full of underachievers

>> No.42899033

You should compare it to how they learned japanese, they didn't do grammar books they immersed

>> No.42899043

i tried that too. i even tried telling them that they had english in school and didnt learn shit so trying to use the exact same method that got you nowhere again makes no sense but its impossible to get through to them
djt isn't that bad. on hellotalk the only foreigners that are actually good at japanese are chinese and korean. most westerners are complete ass and even im miles ahead of them

>> No.42899055
File: 2.12 MB, 2230x1600, 1665282287887294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you winning son

>> No.42899057

djt cant even watch 1 episode of logh raw

>> No.42899058

then why do they have class in their own language if they're already fluent in it?

>> No.42899067

I can't even watch 1 episode of naruto raw

>> No.42899072

>*logs on twitter one time*

>> No.42899075

I can watch maidragon raw though

>> No.42899078

>let's plays with two guys casually talking
seems alright

>> No.42899093
File: 1.84 MB, 350x425, 3e63ddde433db7d33ba191b412053851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watching it now

>> No.42899125

good girl, kanna

>> No.42899203
File: 1.22 MB, 640x1077, 640px-Shinpukuji-bon_Kojiki_(真福寺本古事記).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt can't even read 1 page of the 古事記

>> No.42899225

djt cant even transcribe this

>> No.42899238
File: 3.94 MB, 463x453, hologey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42899248

thats quite easy to read actually

>> No.42899256

that's early N5, at best. if you cant understand that before katakana you should kill yourself

>> No.42899259

it's not japanese

>> No.42899260

djt can't even jam to this

>> No.42899273



左の彼は『漆黒の意志』を持って います

you HAVE to choose

>> No.42899281
File: 73 KB, 780x780, top_kv_02_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't give up anon you are so close...!

>> No.42899305

I gave up korne...

>> No.42899306 [DELETED] 

I hate this fucking 雌犬

>> No.42899347
File: 183 KB, 1532x1080, 1678734440562157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no coffee for quitters!

>> No.42899369

Any thoughts on this?

>> No.42899372

oh my.. it's over!

>> No.42899374

>do jlpt
>meet girl who like animu and introvert stuff
>ask for date
>better just be friends

dont do anything guys. just stay at home and grind. its better than to get even at this niche another disappointment.

>> No.42899390

just rape lol

>> No.42899431

i'm not going to trip you up with a did she pass joke

>> No.42899452

That retards should post their trash guides to ipfs.

>> No.42899472

do you know a better guide?

>> No.42899481

Does anybody have a link to
Kanji Learner's Course Graded Reading Sets Vol. 7 8 9, I just finished 6, and I couldn't find em

>> No.42899513

idk i dont use garbage

>> No.42899529


>> No.42899539

kill yourself

>> No.42899548

just read nigger

>> No.42899550

read what?

>> No.42899556

a mahfuggin book

>> No.42899560

what would you like to read

>> No.42899565

n6 level vn

>> No.42899576

doesnt exist
just read what looks interesting and you'll get better its literally that simple

>> No.42899579

muramasa is boring though

>> No.42899588

shit taste issue

>> No.42899608

logh is shit too

>> No.42899609

Reminder that all 音読み are 訓読み

>> No.42899634

News immersion

>> No.42899654

Cool they are having an EN cafe.

>> No.42899739

i said 出来立てホイホイ instead of ホヤホヤ and a japanese woman corrected me
about 10 minutes later my cum was hitting her 子宮

>> No.42899745

tougimiti ? tougimiti ?

>> No.42899808

today is ㏬

>> No.42899856

What's the best tool for using OCR with manga? Tried KanjiTomo but it's kinda shit (at least on linux)

>> No.42899886

Either kamite,
or a script that takes a screenshot and runs tesseract on it, then sends output to notification like xmessage or libnotify or to the clipboard or both.
The ocr on both is kinda shit, though.

>> No.42899928

Am I missing something? Why does it only have up to chapter 7 if volume 2 is coming out soon? Also why is there no way to read chapters 4 and 5 even paying?
First time reading on comicwalker.

>> No.42899940


>> No.42899980

Most likely they are numbering releases based on this sequence A276156. You're welcome.

>> No.42899994

what the fuck lmao
it does have chapters 4, 5 and up to 10 on mangadex and shit. Just weird that the official source only has them broken up like that

>> No.42900008

Yeah, it's a weird definition, but in the comments you can see the much more natural definition as sums of distinct primordial numbers.

>> No.42900039

Linux is free, only if your time is worthless.

>> No.42900090


>> No.42900134

how do i nuke half width katakana out of my fucking subtitles im so sick of them. they aren't hard to read but they make shit a pain in yomichan

>> No.42900219

Someone using linux has to jump through so many hoops to do simple tasks, that they end up paying with their time, as over the course of a year, they have spent around ~900 more hours than a windows or mac user to do the same tasks.
Hence, due to this added cost, Linux can only be free if your time is worthless.

>> No.42900311

playing videogames in japanese is a fucking chore no matter what, if you're a beginner you will look up the dictionary and play 5% of the time, just read vn, manga or anime

>> No.42900357

Why is sunday literally 日曜 ?
Is new? Wikipedia says Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1873
Was there a standards body for the Gregorian calendar then? How would they have named sunday?
Wiktionary says they get the names from chinese astrology
So we have both sunday and mo(o)nday
Did we get the Gregorian calendar from the chinese? What's the timeline here?

>> No.42900408

are you retarded

>> No.42900421


>> No.42900424

Just learn to write or type Japanese like a normal human being stop trying to reinvent the wheel jesus christ

>> No.42900468

What is the wheel in this case? Preemptively memorizing stroke order for characters you will never read? LOL go be a retard somewhere else.

>> No.42900481

So I am reading a manga right and when the characters were celebrating something right.
All the characters said 乾杯 like this, bit one character saud it like this かんぱい
Does that mean anything?
Also why do characters switch keep switching between わたし,
私 and ワタシ
Sometimes character say 俺 in one panel and then in the next panel say オレ

>> No.42900483

What the fuck is this shit? sun clock? This language makes no sense. What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.42900491

kanpai means cheers in the context of drinking.

different emphasis for the same word

>> No.42900493

just use radical lookup nigger

>> No.42900508

Why would I use an inferior kanji lookup method?
Either OCR or SKIP is the best, depending on whether the ocr works.

>> No.42900519

Why did he not said 訪日する?

>> No.42900529

Because the former is a real word and the later isn't

>> No.42900551

there's a billion variations on how writing the same thing in a different alphabet changes it.
sometimes its just common for the word, 噂 is pretty commonly written as ウワサ and it doesn't mean anything special.

however, sometimes it does mean something, and you'll just get it the more you read. foriengers, robots, demons and animals often talk more in katana, whereas children and girls can talk more in hiragana. for instance, having a character use a western word, written in katakana and then having a girl respond with repeating the word, now in hiragana gives her an cutesy, kinda dumb japanese air.

>> No.42900564

No I know that, but why is one of them written in kana while the rest of the characters say it in kanji.
Also why do characters watashi, boku or ore in kanji in one panel and then say it in kans in another panel.

>> No.42900580

This was already explained. Why are you asking the same question with different words?

>> No.42900620

>Why are you asking the same question with different words?
If the japanese can write the same words using different symbols like hiragana, katakana and kanji why can't the do the same using different words? maybe he wanted to convey different feelings, stop being an hypocrite and answer his question properly

>> No.42900674

literally never seen ウワサ

>> No.42900740


>> No.42900780

read more

>> No.42900789

listen more

>> No.42900795

okay but whats that got to do with ウワサ

>> No.42900809

Ok you just called retarded 150million japs, this is why you're a nigger. ALSO, stroke order is like 2 minute study per day max while you're taking a shit with your cellphone, you notice the pattern overtime and then it's done, it's not hard or useless to learn, it's not my fault your brain is small.

>> No.42900856

think harder

>> No.42900864

okay but whats that got to do with ウワサ

>> No.42900874

if you did what i told you you would know

>> No.42900875


>> No.42900878

okay but whats that got to do with ウワサ
its fun

>> No.42900881

i just told you retard

>> No.42900887

okay but whats that got to do with ウワサ

>> No.42900892

dekinais be like "its fun to not know japanese" lol

>> No.42900899

poor retards brain is more buggy than the gomichan he cant """read""" without

>> No.42900902

I read a lot of japanese today and I'm tired, what now?

>> No.42900909

>page 8
what is your excuse this time?

>> No.42900910

cool projection bros

>> No.42900930

you know you would die if i gave you a transcription challenge

>> No.42900937

ohhhh im shiverring in my boots oh you're so scary lol

>> No.42900950

if its fun for him why would he need to be told to do

>> No.42900965

he needs holoshit in the op because he is a failed cancer forever alone ugly nigger irl

>> No.42900966

>use this inferior method which by my own admission takes more time, because otherwise your brain is small
LMAO fuck off retard. The japanese have invented several ways to index kanji and none of them worked well, that's why the standard is OCR or SKIP.

>> No.42900981

wasnt supposed to be scary but looks like you already peed you panties lol

>> No.42901009

post yourself speaking japanese without a script
or tell us how many japanese women you have cummed inside raw

>> No.42901016

ask the read more retard first unko

>> No.42901026

so you cant and 0

>> No.42901032

you cant even read 手 lmao

>> No.42901068

LOL now he's getting mad at others
im sorry anon-kun i didn't know you were so easily irritated
yosh yosh, its all gonna be daijyoubu i wont bully you anymore im gonna go enjoy japanese content bye bye!!!

>> No.42901081

its not about me i honestly dont care about my japanese

>> No.42901082

sissy moment

>> No.42901113

That's a shit slow method, drawing the kanji is faster, you only have to draw it a few times until you remember how to type it, you can also ignore the stroke order if you want but basically learned it for free with no effort, after that there's no faster method than typing using an IME, but If you want to become an illiterate nigger it's not my problem

>> No.42901145

Where learn stroke order? Wanna learn stroke order, specifically radicals

>> No.42901169

use the Toucan app, the toucan can teach you the secrets of the Kanji, this is common sense

>> No.42901174

do not use the toucan

>> No.42901180

Drawing most kanji isn't even faster than both those methods dumbfuck.

>> No.42901186

Just draw them fast

>> No.42901317

have you tried writing them instead of drawing them?

>> No.42901362

why cant we be nice to each other bros

>> No.42901440


tagaini jisho or jpdb.io


>> No.42901489


>> No.42901500

Still can't belilve Pekora collabed with the real pekochan.

>> No.42901527




>> No.42901673
File: 145 KB, 1305x927, firefox_VtDCtMq0Iw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me give you an example why drawing is better and faster so you can stop being illiterate niggers if you want, I can literally draw a piece of shit that took me 1.1 seconds with mouse and 0.7 seconds if I have my drawing tablet, I don't give a fuck, of course I notice there's 音 bellow so I dedicate a fraction of that second to write it slightly better but I don't care, and it correctly guesses the correct kanji first result which is 響, I copy the kanji immediately using a macro because that site is shit, I do this every time I encounter this kanji but I can't remember a word with it, I remember it's hibiki after a while. then another day I encounter 影響 and I don't know how it's read, so I type かげ and ひびき in 0.5 seconds total this time using my IME, then I hover with yomichan to discover it's えいきょう and from now on I have another method to summon the kanji but this time it takes 0.3 seconds without unnecessary down syndrome codes and I don't have to draw them ever again, but I lied I actually use the Microsoft IME pad which cares a little about the stroke order but since I already know them it just takes me 1.4 seconds instead of 0.7 which I'm willing to pay because I'm not an useless a nigger that can't recall the stroke order of 200 and something symbols that are repeated literally everywhere, most radicals even copy the stroke order of the other radicals so it's even less effort than that. It's not really about speed, if I want speed I would just hook up the text from the game, but writing them gives me time to remember the kanji and think about them, and that's another reason why it's better

>> No.42901691

nobody got the reference
sad times!

>> No.42901694

>then another day I encounter 影響 and I don't know how it's read
dont give advice

>> No.42901697

you literally only need the radicals, and the ones that keep repeating everywhere they are not that many, yomichan has it and Akebi on android (or any app really) Akebi is god tier because it let you decompose the kanji

>> No.42901715

please be nice anon

>> No.42901935


>> No.42901938

tl;dr lol

>> No.42901939


>> No.42901945

mina-san.. onegai. daily japenese FUN thread

>> No.42902009

Real new thread

>> No.42902058

real thread

>> No.42902068


>> No.42902094

Thanks anon.

>> No.42902586

Clocks used by ancient people.
A stick is placed on a round disk and the time is determined by the direction of its shadow.

>> No.42902869

