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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42687099 No.42687099 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42687145

Reminder Yui Ogura is discount Inorin
Reina Ueda is discount KanaHana
Tomoyo is the new Mao

>> No.42687178
File: 48 KB, 507x605, B89DB879-A890-49C1-B4AC-24A6675692A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s next for the Bocchi girls?

>> No.42687392
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Post sleeping seiyuu

>> No.42687605
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Extremely cute young lady.

>> No.42687627
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>> No.42687815

Aikawa won an award and yet she still isn't being shilled. And no, "she's only 18" is not an excuse considering her big break was at 16 and multiple other seiyuu have had more successful careers than her at that age.

>> No.42687846

>main role for 2 sony projects
>not shilled

Go ask her Sony masters why they're stalling.

>> No.42688098
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>whoreku is walling
>carfu is peaking
like clockwork

>> No.42688172

>Leak Miku's relationship deets to the press
>Fuck her otouto on the reg

It's the evilness that makes her so hot!

>> No.42688194


>> No.42688225


>> No.42688243

Hikasa appears to be shrinking.

>> No.42688642

Any of your casting guesses ever proved right?

I guessed Hanae would be good for Shark Devil in CSM

>> No.42688689

Fairouz for Joylne and Power.

>> No.42689154
File: 340 KB, 1230x849, a4710a81f4862534f9769d65657d197f63ef7ba256d6b3_67500501_fca546c2d5ffc56da0f60c62c4e0e318f9e19242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seija Muso

Luciel (CV: Reiji Kawashima)
Brod (CV: Akio Otsuka)
Gulgar (CV: Tomoaki Maeno)
Galba (CV: Daisuke Ono)

>> No.42689284

Live shows, lot of live shows, all of them are idol seiyuu after all

>> No.42689532

Tsuda for Kishibe but that was obvious.

>> No.42689717

>Reiji Kawashima
Moving to Aoni was the right choice.

>> No.42689840

Mizuno Saku to be my wife

>> No.42690357

>Kyousei Tsukui revealed on his blog on Friday that he was given a tracheotomy and has now lost his voice.


Tsukui posted a YouTube video featuring him in his hospital bed and using a digital voice software to speak. He stated in the video description that he lost his voice "sooner than he had expected," adding, "but as a person with ALS, this feels like the starting point." He said in the video he was hospitalized in early December and underwent surgery for the tracheotomy on December 9. He stated he is no longer able to move his arms or legs, but he can still communicate using the digital voice software. He asked fans to continue to cheer him on.

Tsukui revealed in October 2019 that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Tsukui underwent four weeks of medical testing and treatment with hospitalization before receiving the diagnosis. He stated in 2019 that he wanted to "continue forward as much as possible" with the support of his agency and family.

>> No.42690805

>she's only 18" is not an excuse considering her big break was at 16
She is not yet to have any big break, if she is not from Sony she won't win any awards, we can say the same with Tomori she has yet to have her actual big break as seiyuu most her fags are because she voiced popular character in certain idol franchise, Sony are just trying to shove her in everyone face like usual because Amamiya is now already old and busted

>> No.42690857

On a related note, I wonder if Sony will buy Toya-kun a rookie award this year or next year. All his Sony senpais got one as part of their shilling.

>> No.42690870

CSM was October so yes next year, he will get it, mark my words

>> No.42690947

Do you think CSM's poor reception will kill his career or will he be just fine?

>> No.42690992

It should be fine since his higher ups chose to push him. Not that it confirms that he will become big for sure but he's young and they will keep putting him in things and some will bite.

>> No.42690999

His EQ is looking too high to fail

>> No.42691041

How do you cope with your seiyuufu getting old?

>> No.42691051

Accept reality.

>> No.42691065

He will just fine, Sony is now trying to build his female fanbase with idol franchise maybe they plan for his solo debut first

>> No.42691078

In all honestly, I do wonder if she will get a new role sooner or later. It does seem like a waste for her to play a lead role in a high-profile series as one of her first two ever roles (even if said series did later shit the bed), only for her to do absolutely nothing else afterwards.

>> No.42691090

Fuck off MKL

>> No.42691103

You should enjoy it now before Sony starts shoving her in everything.

>> No.42691153

Lmao it takes more than one bad role to kill a newbie like that, he just need a successful one for everyone to forget it.

>> No.42691254

I'm just discussing about an up-and-coming VA and her possible career trajectory. It's still talking about seiyuu. I mean, it's not like we don't talk about other VA careers here either.

Like I said earlier, it just feels like waste to not make her do much especially after voicing a protagonist as one of her first two roles. I'd at least understand how slow her career was if she started out doing supporting roles first, but after voicing a protagonist you'd think that would have been enough for her to be at least a bit more active.

>> No.42691340

>it takes more than one bad role to kill a newbie like that
Not necessarily. I've seen up-and-coming VAs whose careers got derailed by being involved in a poorly-received project. One example that comes to mind is the one who voiced Glasslip's VA. She still got some roles eventually, but I imagine her being in Glasslip stopped her from taking off.

>> No.42691358

No one cares about these literal who VAs so why the fuck do you consistently bring them up?

>> No.42691379

>No one cares about these literal who VAs
I do. I'm interested in newcomers and seeing their current and future trajectories. Sure, not all of them will ever make it big, but it still fascinates me who does and who doesn't, and why.

>> No.42691392

No fucking point if they don't consider pursuring it. Stop bringing up these literal whos, one of who is/was a child and probably isn't pursuing it as a career.

Its borderline off-topic.

>> No.42691425

None of them is high profile so doesn't matter, WEP flopped, the other one is idolshit, so stop repeating the same question, she is still very young

>> No.42691436

>None of them is high profile
WEP was before the story and production issues hit.

>> No.42691440

Fucking lmao. Honestly you're such a retard

>> No.42691463

Seems like a normal seasonal Aniplex show.

>> No.42691468

No bro you don't understand the writer did known live-action tv shows so WEP is high-profile

>> No.42691598
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any thread without the Y.Aoi blessing is no real thread

>> No.42691614

Then it is more reason for it to not be high profile because it is not created by well known anime writer

>> No.42691632

If anything, that's the reason why it's high profile. It was the big Aniplex original of the season. Many of them rarely pan out, but at least initially they tend to have higher interest than many of their competing series. Also, WEP was actually quite popular early on, it was really only things unraveled later into the series when its momentum came to a halt.

>> No.42691784

Maybe you means on /a/, if there was little in interest in nipland only because it was broadcast on terrestrial, BD and Streaming flopped so hard

>> No.42691801
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Luckily for me Minorin is aging very gracefully.

>> No.42691891

I wish I was a violinist.

>> No.42691905

That's literately what they were promoting tho

>> No.42691949

High profile only if it is actually attracting attention, if it actually flopped then it is just marketing fail

>> No.42691984

Well WEP isn't high-profile it was a marketing fail. Imagine delaying the finale for months only for it to still look like ass

>> No.42692051

>Fucks married man

>> No.42693128

>anti chensofags sperging again
Technically, no
>Kekzuya seiyuu is still getting roles and even landed on another lead for next season
>Shikimori's twink MC still getting roles and has two leads for this year. One is the current dog fucker anime and the next one is a jump anime with the new sony's push as the femc.
>Bisque Doll's Gojo's seiyuu is just there despite Gojo is more liked than Kekzuya and Izumi combined at nipland
So no, a bad role is not the main reason a newbie or rising seiyuu kills its career.

>> No.42693151

Hard hitting questions, but.
>thinking Marina is single
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.42693194

>he's not getting old with his seiyuufu

>> No.42694711

First seiyuu to support AI then

>> No.42694888

プリティーダービー2周年キャンペーン Special Movie

>> No.42697494
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>> No.42697502
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look at her new album!

>> No.42697947

How unlucky.

>> No.42698197
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>> No.42698231


>> No.42698236
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Pure fucking sex how can anyone be this sex. holy shit.

>> No.42698386

literally unrecognizable
too embellished

>> No.42698422 [DELETED] 

Collecting the tweets of all seiyuu that wish T7S a Happy 9th Anniversary.

>> No.42698845 [DELETED] 

I had a dream I was fucking Inorin raw and in the ass.

>> No.42698861

At least you won't get any of her STDs.

>> No.42698967


>> No.42699012

That is true!

>> No.42699155
File: 118 KB, 800x450, FpQCTd3aYAgqW9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LizNoir -1

>> No.42699286

Some idol event?

>> No.42699305

oh wow

>> No.42699521

VENUS STAGE 2023 “未来”

>> No.42700360
File: 3.95 MB, 1280x720, Chihara.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another clip from 2014.

>> No.42700951
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>another MILF role for Nakahara

>> No.42700962

Not better than loli?

>> No.42700975

Anything is better than generic MILFs

>> No.42701404

Take me back.

>> No.42701438


>> No.42701680

Ryou's looks like a real bitch

>> No.42701685


>> No.42701920

oh no

>> No.42701941
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>> No.42701952

>no 5
Pls no

>> No.42701954

Who is number 4?

>> No.42701976
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>> No.42702016

I haven't seen a single one of these shows...
Maybe I'm too old for this.

>> No.42702106

I only agree with Manaka and Mamiko

>> No.42702262

I don't even watch anime anymore yet i still follow seiyuu

>> No.42702439

honestly they look awful.

>> No.42702577 [DELETED] 


>> No.42702597 [DELETED] 

Idol Seiyuu run this thread.

>> No.42702827

Which one? Also one step closer to becoming the next Kikuko Inoue?

>> No.42702835

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. She was Mahiru's mum in this weeks episode.

>> No.42702882 [DELETED] 

Maika Takai a cute.


>> No.42702899 [DELETED] 

Yes DaMina.

We will have fun.

>> No.42703004

Maybe one day she'll play a mom that's actually relevant to the plot

>> No.42703028

Yeah hopefully. When she does that's how we will know she's becoming the next Kikuko Inoue

>> No.42703041 [DELETED] 

Aoi does it again.

>> No.42703088
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>> No.42703466

What did she do this time?

>> No.42703605

blackmail and extortion

>> No.42704092

I am the only one who thinks Iwami voice is not all that good for Mahiru? Her Toru was good though

>> No.42704123

She probably put more effort in FB since it's a known old ip and she's aware that fans will compare her with Hochan

>> No.42704140 [DELETED] 

She does not have any!

>> No.42704170

Fact, i checked

>> No.42704519
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>Mamiko not #1

Shit list

>> No.42704822 [DELETED] 

Kita-chan drew something.

>> No.42704826 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 1253x940, T7s9thAnniversaryEvent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42705112 [DELETED] 


>> No.42705385 [DELETED] 


>> No.42705411 [DELETED] 


>> No.42705696

I hate seiyuu who name their roles in their bio, they look pathetic

>> No.42705875
File: 94 KB, 800x533, darlings of this general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who's together.

>> No.42705890

Kek someone got banned

>> No.42706159

Idols run this thread.

>> No.42706380

Taneda(very cute) and that uggo are not the same person.

>> No.42706426
File: 323 KB, 1706x960, matsuoka wives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42706456

Can i talk about eroge seiyuu here?

>> No.42706585

Oshi no Ko cast
Arima Kana - Megumi Han

>> No.42706641


>> No.42706718
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>> No.42706839

he'll eat them

>> No.42707389

Thank goodness they got someone who can act.

>> No.42707934
File: 609 KB, 800x450, FpP8VKwaUAIurhA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody from the 3rd gen getting a massive push like Tomato and Tenchan?
Now that Snoy has seiyuu directly under SME are they pushing them instead of exerting their will through MuRay?

>> No.42708270
File: 103 KB, 1169x661, FpU90xpaQAAkqHJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wives

>> No.42708333

>caring about the factory of over-shilled sluts

>> No.42708483

More like they wasted someone who can act on an extremely shit series.

>> No.42708489

Why is your middle wife so ugly?

>> No.42708912

ChanRina > Kuma-chan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit Golem

>> No.42708931

The Wall is undefeated.
WTF happened to Minako?

>> No.42709633
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>> No.42710138
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kayanon so cute..........

>> No.42710228

>characters like Makima get VAs like Tomori instead of literally any older VA who would nail the role
>cute zoomer "romcom heroine" idol character that's literally tailor made to shill some younger VA gets Megumi Han
This industry is such a fucking clown show sometimes.

>> No.42710259

(I must smell the wine I had before doing the show)

>> No.42711547
File: 506 KB, 1137x1600, Westiesfavoriteveryone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tomoriru hater is back at it again
Kana is the most popular character with westies and hated besides Aqua, so of course they will choose someone who at least is not bored with her job (despite not being a big shot) who can do justice to her messy personality.
Makima is just le passive aggresive girl with a fame of dommy mommy with casual due the memes.
Besides they will need any decent talent possible to save the anime from the source material because...
After reading the leaks, indeed is shit and will free fall in the upcoming chapters

>> No.42711745
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>> No.42711890

Have to admit she's pretty cute

>> No.42712020


>> No.42712161
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, rie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork so much

>> No.42712280

They should pick Marinka for Ai would have fit better

>> No.42712411

No they should have picked Taneda. Who better to play a character with a secret love child?

>> No.42712419

She's doing Amamiya’s voice
They should have just cast her

>> No.42712529
File: 37 KB, 960x540, 261336086_440500997691188_2190622960704047998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dafuq happened to mochan?

>> No.42712596
File: 521 KB, 1508x2048, FpP6g_qaQAASRbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42712868

What were you even trying to say? Her main issue as a character is that she's basically a romcom chara stuck in the manga where she doesn't belong.

>> No.42712894

Kayanon... plz stop drinking...

>> No.42712948

Alcohol is her only friend now, should co star with Nakahara for the coup de grâce

>> No.42713182

Why are you people so obsessed with Nakahara

>> No.42713226

Botched facelifts and weight issues.

>> No.42713267


>> No.42713340

>seiyuu thread
>mentions a seiyuu
>why you're obsessed ?
anon I . . .

>> No.42713593

Why Nakahara of all seiyuu

>> No.42713603

Next time jsut ignore the metafag.

>> No.42713952

I think she won the lottery with seele, time will tell if it's the same with blaze

>> No.42713977

But they already co-starred together...

She's honestly incredibly lucky MiHoYo have a huge boner for her and Bronya. Blaze is stealing S2.

>> No.42714121

>Her face says "I'm not younger anymore"

>> No.42714499

Even better, i would still love her even if she's 70

>> No.42714714
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>> No.42714861
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>> No.42715892
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Suddenly feel the urge to buy a used Toyota.

>> No.42716488

>dubfags are here now
It's over

>> No.42716650
File: 49 KB, 960x675, SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42716662

Taneda is a virgin.

>> No.42717774

Suuuure, also Akarin last single apparently sold around 2.5k

>> No.42717820
File: 178 KB, 768x960, fill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was Lynn's boyfriend.

>> No.42717825

It was only 2.1k first week and Sumipe did slightly better

>> No.42717842
File: 75 KB, 1079x390, Screenshot_20230220-233706-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42718020

My mistake, also sumipe needs to show more oppai in order to sell more, although love crazy is an OK song, not as good as nagatoro S1 OP

>> No.42718091

At least no posting of dub seiyuu

>> No.42718716
File: 177 KB, 991x852, tane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanechan, just release a photobook please.

>> No.42718979

I've seen bikini pics of Kiyono Yasuno, Aya Suzaki, and Asuka Nishi for some special edition merchandises.
I hope we would at least get Taneda's sexy pictures too.

>> No.42719073

Those kind of sales numbers can’t be sustainable can they?

>> No.42719808
File: 142 KB, 770x514, 1672434370935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Winter 2023 Seiyuu of the Season goes to..

>> No.42719825
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Revenger - 03 (720p) [FEDF6C1C].mkv_snapshot_16.20.614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanemoto Hisako, whose role as Nio simultaneously won best boy and best girl

>> No.42720133


>> No.42720278

nice Lynn tummy tum tum.

>> No.42720429
File: 340 KB, 623x1109, neru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so huggable

>> No.42720852

Sugita as a cat.

>> No.42722131
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>> No.42722768


>> No.42722799
File: 243 KB, 1080x1343, 4508e79bgy1hbb1xa9738j20u011bq9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could she be so close to I'M traitors?

>> No.42722811

Because she will be one soon.

>> No.42723352

Seiyu Awards to interagrate separate awards for men and women, "Respect for Diversity, Gender Free Consideration" starting this March


There will be no more Best Actor or Actress, Supporting Actor/Actress, and Rookie Actor/Actress but only Best Leading Voice Actor Award, Best Supporting Voice Actor Award, and Best Rookie Voice Actor Award

>> No.42723358

Tomoribros.. our award...

>> No.42723369


>Merit Award
Chikako Akimoto Agency: Ritrovo
Yūsaku Yara Agency: Aoni Production

>Kids/Family Award
Ikue Ōtani Agency: Mausu Promotion
Rica Matsumoto Agency: Matsurica

>Kei Tomiyama Award
Junichi Suwabe Agency: Haikyō

>Kazue Takahashi Award
Maria Kawamura Agency: Freelance

>> No.42723375

Feels like they're being cheap since they only have to give out one. Rookies will keep on having multiple winners as usual so the gender shit won't matter.

>> No.42723424

fuck you megumi ogata

>> No.42723449

How lame. The funny part it that 81P cockblock their Eguchi from winning again. There's no way he will get one with SxF if his competition is Tanezaki. So best lead is either Anzai Chika or Tanezaki. Maybe Tanezaki for supporting since Loid is suppose to be the MC.

>> No.42723492

Supporting usually have 2 winners they can pick one male and one female

Anya is supporting, Tanezaki already won supporting award too, I want Eguchi to win or Maybe Mayumi Tanaka (One Piece Movie), I don't think Anzai is that good, there is something about Licorico that rather than voice actors it should be for the staff better

>> No.42723504

Eguchi is an average seiyuu he don't deserve any acting award, even more now since there's less awards to give out. 81P should just give him some personality or singing award.

>> No.42723531

But he is good as Loid, monologues are not for everyone to handle and he did so well so I think he deserves

>> No.42723540

Any decent seiyuu can do it. They only reason he's up for consideration is because SxF is popular.

>> No.42723583

The only reason anyone would be considered because their series are popular so

>> No.42723661

Which seiyuu made the best music?

>> No.42723738
File: 51 KB, 678x227, anon hates aois music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know which one.

>> No.42723925

I think Nanjo’s great. She’s not the most technical singer but her performances are top notch.

>> No.42724366
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>> No.42724386
File: 73 KB, 1000x1333, MV5BNDhkNjU3ZTQtY2Q1Yi00MzU2LWE3OTMtMTM5NzI0Y2M4ZmE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQxNjcxNQ@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should keep male and female, then create a separate category for shit like this

>> No.42724471

Is this possible Natty?

>> No.42724669

Why are you being so salty? What has she done to you, man?

>> No.42724684

Thanks anon, i hate this creature more now

>> No.42724721


>> No.42725158

What's with Aniplex and shilling the eng dub actors on the japanese audience now?
Are they trying to create a safe space for their mascot, Sally?

>> No.42725179

They're in Burgerland.

>> No.42725200

meh she's skinny now.

>> No.42725257

They're in usa, also they want certain anime like kny to be popular overseas

>> No.42725546

Why are dubfags here now? Also there's a reason why they have to invite Hanae and countless seiyuu to the us, dubfags are people who can't read and education is universal now

>> No.42725632
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And Saori Hayami has always been discount Noto Mamiko.

>> No.42725640

she is stacked now

>> No.42725648
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>> No.42725673

>toshitai is ending
Wtf? Is neru getting married?

>> No.42725699

A bob job?

>> No.42725761

Yeah, sorry...

>> No.42725808

>Reina Ueda is discount KanaHana
how? unironically

>> No.42725828

is trysail still a thing?

>> No.42725836

the globohomo is here

>> No.42725884
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>No more weekly Ayaneru content
Fuck, i hope she does another radio show after this or at least open up a social media account. Also the thought that some of my favorite seiyuu radio shows will end after years of following might bring me closer to the rope

>> No.42726083

The wall spares none.

>> No.42726114

Nana looks fine for a 42 years old

>> No.42726175
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Reminded me of this lineup.

>> No.42726196

Fake iguchi is fake.

>> No.42726247


>> No.42726317

Why King won't learn from Sony giving more focus to idol seiyuu?

>> No.42726357

Nooooooooo!!!!!!! Onishi at least still has Kyanchome and Takanishiya plus her newly started instagram.
Toshitai is literally the only place to get my weekly dose of Ayaneru. Please announce a new radio or something!!!

>> No.42726496

Anon. Ayaneru is heading off for more TV and stage works. Wish her luck.

>> No.42726854

She should've been Makima's seiyuu.

>> No.42727538

why? married? or because her contract with IM ended?

>> No.42729125

Current Hayamin is likely more expensive than Noto

>> No.42729206
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>> No.42729450

Nana > Hikasa > Everyone else but Aoi >>>> shit >>>>>>>> Aoi

>> No.42729699

Really hope Hayamin plays Frieren

>> No.42729714

Who will be the next seiyuu to get a big Jump role?

>> No.42729828

I am guessing tomorrow will be a special day for /seiyuu/

>> No.42729874

What's the next WSJ title to get an anime, Sakamoto Days?

>> No.42729935
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>> No.42730168

the youngest looks elder than the eldest

>> No.42730263

Why is Iguchi so fat now? I thought she wants to look like gooks?

>> No.42730288


>> No.42730475

Iguchi is just weird to look at now. She looks like some kind of CG person but in real life.
Previously while not the prettiest, she still had a certain charm to her but now it's all gone and she just looks so... manufactured.

>> No.42730531

Yet another new indicator to rank seiyuu
人気声優・花澤香菜 愛の巣は家賃150万円高級マンション!「鬼滅の刃」「呪術廻戦」出演で“ぽかぽか”新婚生活

>> No.42730614
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>> No.42730643

> 木村昴はCMとか入れたらたぶん2億くらいだな
> 生保のCMだけで5000万
> CM一本1500万(五本)
> CMだけ一億超えてる
> 大河ドラマは100万
> イベントが一本300~800万
> 声優業ドラえもんで月160万

> ソースはabema声優と夜あそび

>> No.42730695

I think OnoKen's family is rich too. Basing on that they could afford to send him to some theatre training class.

>> No.42730733

Well if Hanakana is making 50 million yen per year as presumed by showbiz people 1.5mil monthly rent isn't much at all.

>> No.42730765

I don't think Hanakana actually make that much if she is still sticking into her dead singing career and actually still bother doing otaku anime, should not she survive with her tv programs alone? And maybe occasionally doing narration and PR for movies

>> No.42730771

Maybe she likes it

>> No.42730783

If Kimura Subaru's annual income can exceed 100 mil yen, and Seki Tomokazu can get something close to that Hanakana's case isn't really that special.

>> No.42730821
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That dude appears on TV regularly and hosts too. You can't compare Hanakana or any PR seiyuu to him. Kaji Yuki may be aiming for that.

>> No.42730837

TV commercials seem to be the best cash grab.
They get paid as long as it is on air.

> CM>ナレーション>ゲーム>吹き替え>アニメの順に

>> No.42730954

She has to make money as much as she can now. Female seiyuu's career is short.

>> No.42731009

Yozafam already has a cast for the Anime, maybe Sakamoto but it has nearly no relevant females. Maybe Nakahara plays Sakamoto's wife, that's also a mom

>> No.42731019

I think Otaku anime will pay her a lot

>> No.42731151

All the more reason for her to quit her singing career if she really get paid a lot doing anime or any other jobs, she can only fill 1k venue while only sold about 2k CDs even with events or concert tickets lottery included also being anime tied up. Why working so hard to make it sells if she already makes a lot of money from her other jobs.

>> No.42731357

I really like Neesan's performance as Ninrir. Her nanoja reminds me of Jahy.
If only she was less attractive she might be a much better seiyuu since she couldn't rely on her looks and had to scrape through talents.

>> No.42731426
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If she was actually attractive she wouldn't doing seiyuu work.

>> No.42731439

She would be sucking TV/movie/idol producers' cock if she were actress-tier attractive.
Since she's only seiyuu-tier attractive she's sucking anime producer/sound director cocks instead.

>> No.42731465

Well it's an upgrade from giving private "photoshoots" to just any random 'ol paying customer at least.

>> No.42731553

wtf is this real?

>> No.42731604

Japanese actresses are mostly ugly though.

>> No.42731743

At least they don't have hobbit proportion like Neesan.

>> No.42731893

Y.Aoi is aging so rapidly soon she will need a wheelchair to get around.

>> No.42731922

Yaoi bros... even Inorin already mogged the shit out of her.
What went wrong bros... did she not get enough adrenochrome from those shotas she's been secretly molesting?

>> No.42732121

Nana actually looks like the youngest

>> No.42733051
File: 521 KB, 1536x2048, yoppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, what's next for her? What's the best way to ride on this wave of Bocchi?

>> No.42733670
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>> No.42733830

ride on my dick

>> No.42734172

Naobou knelt down for the horse girl role
Third season probably this fall and her char isnt just a background mob

>> No.42734229

I'd say she doesn't want to rely on the Otaku audience, but isn't she married? Also how good is her singing anyways?

>> No.42734250

Wonder if they'll repeat the miracle of season 2.

>> No.42734277

Kessoku band live, everyone that voices the main 4 is an idol seiyuu

>> No.42734287

I really only remember her Nadeko songs which are pretty average.

>> No.42734596

But she is doing otaku anime anyway

>> No.42734612

it's probably a good paycheck considering her popularity

>> No.42734618

best selling anime season ever iirc
the game dropped hard this last quarter but the hype hasn't died down one bit, this second anni might re ignite the gacha spending
anyway Satomi Sato also got a (game only) role

>> No.42734654

Again I don't think so if she gets paid well she won't cling into her dead singing career

>> No.42734673

She won't waste any opportunity to appear in any media franchise with many events

>> No.42734747

Maybe she likes singing

>> No.42734801

>Still doing idol-like event
>Like singing

>> No.42734816

Dead singing career is not a bad thing.
There are so many singers lives on the money that came from that 1 song that made it up there.
They longer their name is attached to a record company, royalties will keep coming into their pocket.

>> No.42734887

Then releasing only songs are fine but she keeps releasing CDs even have idol like promo and benefits so

>> No.42735041

she's worked with cyber agent and bandai before

>> No.42735156
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>> No.42735253

That's part of the deal for staying in business. To sell their names and faces to the general public.
There are Japanese singers out there showing up on variety shows for years as guests with no new production, and people accepted them.
It's just a different way for things to operate over there.
Just look at the Japanese traditional entertainers from the entertainer family lineage. People know them as comedians or actors in general, but in fact they also has other jobs as MCs, singers, producers, seiyuu, etc. That doesn't mean they are bad at their known trade.
It means which type of talents are dominating the industry.
It's always a war between different trades.

>> No.42736766
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>> No.42737500
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>> No.42737639

Id rather listen to Yuka Iguchi anime musics than hers, even the music on the songs she voices are lame, while the former has more diverse stuff

>> No.42738180

It's a special someone's birthday today. Will /seiyuu/ celebrate it?

>> No.42738231

The only one that matters' birthday isn't until March.

>> No.42738629

Bocchi the rock?

>> No.42738640

In the first place seiyuu songs are not relevant to general public and seiyuu also doesn't need to release songs under their own name

>> No.42738679
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Of course.

>> No.42738786

I'm obviously talking about M** N*******.

>> No.42738891

She's a seiyuu, no need to censor her name. I'll probably wish her happy birthday on Twitter

>> No.42739208

>seiyuu also doesn't need to release songs under their own name
We also don't need to hear your opinion but here you are giving it anyway so who are you to be judging what they need or need not do.

>> No.42739288

He means seiyuu have songs as their characters.

>> No.42739615
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>> No.42739645

LEt's celebrate with her insert song in prima doll! The anime bombed but that's not on her

>> No.42739660
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>> No.42739708

Ban this (based on >>42738640's logic)
Seiyuu should not be on magazine covers.
Their name should not be recognized. Only character names allowed.
They should stick to voice work only. Part-time jobs should not be encouraged even if they are starving to death. They are ghosts and should have no status in the society.

>> No.42739753

Wasn't Yuma in a bunch of magazine covers?

>> No.42739769

This sucks but I just want Misaki Kuno to get her recognition this year.

>> No.42739799

You're being overly dramatic for no reason. That's a seiyuu magazine and only seiyuufags buy them. There's nothing wrong with what he said as the mainstream/normalfags don't really care about who does the voice-overs for their, news, documentaries TV shows and even less for cartoons.

>> No.42739926

Vassal state lmfao

>> No.42740295
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Ladies it is Nakahara's birthday. Main role again I hope. What's everyones favourite Nakahara role? You all already know mine.

She still shouldn't be allowed to sing though

>> No.42740306
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>> No.42740308

Give up, she is never going to be as big as her peers.

>> No.42740313

Absolutely impeccable taste holy fuck.

Sorry only positivity allowed on her birthday

>> No.42740376

She's 5'3'' thus bigger than some of her peers

>> No.42740470

Is she actually?

>> No.42740529
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>> No.42740606

Too late

>> No.42740611
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1647493177892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this right now.

>> No.42740891

post that one pic

>> No.42740938
File: 1.73 MB, 1181x895, RECOLOR55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.42740963

no the halloween costume one, I should've saved it

>> No.42740985

We talk about Hanakana here is not she supposedly so popular she gets pay a lot per-episode again you missed the point, except she is not getting as many as people expected no way she will cling into her dead singing career , it is not the same with the nobody seiyuu who did parttime jobs

>> No.42741358

>HanaKana's singing career

>> No.42741384

Her CD sales is dead, not sure about digital. That said, other seiyuu do not perform much better either.

1. Hanazawa signed a contract with a music label. They're the ones who decide her music related jobs or activities (concerts, CDs, etc.).
2. Why won't she take every job she can to earn money? Few years from now she will only get baba/mother/guest roles, just like Nakaha-, I mean just like every old female seiyuu. Her husband is also a seiyuu and it's not a stable job, better save money from now.

>> No.42741547

Not one of those grammarfags but i really can't understand what you're trying to say

>> No.42741556
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Gotchu, brother.

>> No.42741591


To the Anon who said Nakahara was shit at social media. Turns out you were correct. Cute message though.

>> No.42741623

Didn't know her followers were that low

>> No.42741631

Her Instagram isn't very active and she doesn't promote it outside of the initial "Hey guys made an Instagram" post

>> No.42741644

What's the point of following a baba on instagram?

>> No.42741650

Her cute doggo and occasional autistic bread posts

>> No.42741802
File: 143 KB, 1080x1351, 332311372_1392842671488798_6923111358034793816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naobou bros... she's embraced the boyfaggot look

>> No.42741807


>> No.42741891

She has more Twitter followers

>> No.42741897

Thought she was onishi for a second

>> No.42742035

it's like looking in a mirror

>> No.42742120

Damn, Onishi just started instagram and already has more than 10x the followers.
No wonder I'M doesn't bother with Nakahara anymore.

>> No.42742187

I'm pretty sure Onishi is far more popular with the young ppl that uses instagram than Nakahara is

>> No.42742224


>> No.42742345

Her dog is cute.

>> No.42742373

no, her eggs. . .

>> No.42742857

>HanaKana is now 32
brothers...they're now expired...her eggs are dead...it's your fault...

>> No.42742864

OnoKen's wand is broken.

>> No.42742892

her 34th birthday is tomorrow

>> No.42742942

Dump the fullset!

>> No.42742955

im a retard...but it's the same thing...

>> No.42742989

All you have to do is search up her name.

>> No.42743021

Nana and Maaya say otherwise

>> No.42743201

>early thread
We're on page 8 retard.

>> No.42743266
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Hanakana betrayal
