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42670193 No.42670193 [Reply] [Original]

Why are multi-character threads not a thing?

>> No.42670194
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>> No.42670202
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>> No.42670206

what's the relationship between these 2hous? i could get a scarlet mansion thread but this sounds random and quite dumb to me.

>> No.42670207

Why them in particular?

>> No.42670211
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>> No.42670220

No real reason or relation. Just a few of my personal favorites.

>> No.42670299

We should look into the odd relationship between characters that have nothing to do with each other

>> No.42674647

I think Patchouli and Satori would get along well.

>> No.42674669

every tengu thread is a multi-character thread

>> No.42675465

You've read that foot fetish doujin as well? haha

>> No.42677548

I think they would too. A good match since both enjoy reading.

I also think Tenshi could *maybe* get along.with Junko in some way, since it could give Tenshi an outlet to be destructive and/or just generally disruptive without pissing off the rest of Gensokyo -- and instead pissing off the moon, something Junko would probably be fond of. Not sure I'd say a friendship, but at least they could get along to a degree.

>> No.42681664


>> No.42684374
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So Patchouli, in all her wisdom, is kinda stupid. I mean she could be taking so many steps to helping her life bit by bit, but she's too busy writing books nobody reads and reading books she wrote. I mean what is she even doing at this point? What could Remilia's library hold that she hasn't seen by now? She's just sitting in the dark doing nothing when she could improve herself in some way.

I mean she knows the two major problems, Anemia and Asthma. So why hasn't she done something to her diet? Meat isnt exactly off the table when your employer is a vampire and the head maid does basically anything asked of her. Why not put in a request for more meat? Or easy to grow veggies like leafy greens and bamboo shoots? Or a bowl of edamame or candied nuts to snack on instead of cakes and cookies. Or, hell, just add some fruit to your day. Nobody says no to a smashed watermelon or fresh and juicy fruit. And she wouldn't even have to go outside and suffer from pollen or dry air for any of it. At worst, she would have to politely ask and have it considered. At best, she has it right away.

And that's not even including other basic stuff she could be doing, like reading in the sunlight of a window or in the garden, or walking instead of floating, or even just carrying more books with her. This isn't marathon running or bodybuilding that will wreck her lungs, this is just simple stuff she could do differently that barely changes her lifestyle as a NEET.

She isn't a socially anxious wreck or afraid of people, and she isn't immune to change. I don't see why she has an issue just changing some small details here and there. Is she actually the dumbest genius?

Still love her, though.

>> No.42685046
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There's at least one series where Patchouli is a big fan of Satori's books.

>> No.42688747
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>> No.42688788

>but she's too busy writing books nobody reads
Nonsense, she writes smutty chuuni erotica that Remi and some of the fairy maids eat up!

>> No.42692143

because we can just make one for each

>> No.42693485
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>> No.42698774

Patchouli and Satori are going to sue you, dude. You can't post this.

>> No.42706869 [DELETED] 

Why not?

>> No.42708034

Oh no, what if they end up bullying me with their feet haha

>> No.42712351

imagine the scent
