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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42527296 No.42527296 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the great works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
Mahoutsukai no Yoru PC:
English Patch (Partial):

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime VN Collection:
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga:

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake:
English Patch (Arcueid Route):

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC Collection:
Melty Blood Manga:
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina Community Translation Patch:

Fate/Stay Night [Réalta Nua] Ultimate Edition:
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia:

>Other Type-Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Fire Girl:
Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga:
Tsuki no Sango:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:

>Type-Moon Miscellaneous
Encyclopedia of Type-Moon:
Type-Moon Comic Ace:
TMdict Glossary:
Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc):
Tsukihime Archives:
Tsukihime Tokuhon:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru complementary short story):

Previous: >>42486268

>> No.42527303

Neco Arc best girl

>> No.42527313

Types and Magicians are above everything else in TM works are they?

>> No.42527353

shit OP

>> No.42527367

Where is this from? SauceNAO and yandex are drawing up blanks

>> No.42527382
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>> No.42527395


>> No.42527405

The pattern of good/meh/shit OP's continues.

>> No.42527430

Ideally, yes

>> No.42527456

what stage are we on right now?

>> No.42527484

Last one was good, this one has nothing special about it, but it's also not egregiously bad, so it's "meh"

>> No.42528011
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cool just making sure so that I can make a shit OP next time

>> No.42528041
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This man knows where it's at.

>> No.42528131
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>> No.42528167
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>> No.42528192

It's been too long since our last Castoria OP, I think she deserves another.

>> No.42528522

that will just cause autists to create another thread and then we have to deal with the wrath of the new jannies, if we get marked a "problem" general then we won't be able to post lewds anymore

>> No.42528573

my cute wives

>> No.42529304
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>> No.42529354

Akiha is made for Kohaku

>> No.42529431

Holy shit I’m seeing double. Four rhinos.

>> No.42529596
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>> No.42529644

>Less than 24 hours for Arc vs ORT
It's kino time brothers

>> No.42529651

You dumb mutt, it’s already 6:30 AM of the 31st in nipland, in other words, it’s releasing TODAY.

>> No.42529652

What makes you say that?

>> No.42529667


>> No.42529785

Arc vs ORT would destroy the solar system as a side effect.

>> No.42529848 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.42529895

>Arc jobs
Not like this...

>> No.42529927

Is it jobbing if it’s the ORT?

>> No.42529992
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>> No.42530119
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Arc is supposed to be the strongest so it would be jobbing. but eh, as long as she isn't in her Archetype Earth form then she has a excuse.

>> No.42530215

There is literally nothing denki about ORT.

>> No.42530222

Denki just means fantasy fiction.

>> No.42530258

If you think ORT falls under the genre of 伝奇 then I don't even know what to say.
I think Nasu was very deliberate in specifying 伝奇 so as to separate Tsukihime and his other similar urban fantasy works from things involving aliens and stronger scifi elements.

>> No.42530329
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Dude, denki just means fantasy fiction. The hell other fantasy works are you talking about? The feats shown by Luminary Arc dwarf anything seen in other TM works, and that's not even Arc's strongest form.

>> No.42530349

Not him but no it absolutely does not just simply mean "fantasy fiction". Check a nip dictionary. That being said, I literally have no idea if ORT counts as denki or not because I don't care about this garbage.

>> No.42530402


>1 現実には起こりそうにない、不思議な話。また、そのような話を題材とした、幻想的で怪奇な物語や小説。

It really literally means exactly that. Unless you go cherrypicking definitions.

>> No.42530403

English pages are useless for finding out about denki, and it they do mention it then they're talking about the genre from china from hundreds of years ago.
This should give a better idea:
It also might help to know that Nasu described Saiki Gouto as being a character that strongly symbolised denki.

>> No.42530456

Ah yes, the character that has yet to truly do anything, what a good measuring stick.

>> No.42530466

dude do you even know what 不思議 means? It's not a synonym for "fantasy".

>> No.42530473

>08:15 already
>Not even a blog post from Nasu
Watch them miss the date.

>> No.42530491

Literally bizarre, strange, mysterious. Could easily describe all Nasu's works. Again you're cherrypicking your definitions to fit your own agenda.

>> No.42530497

>bizarre, strange, mysterious
...so not fantasy fiction? You understand that right?

>> No.42530516

Denki is not just fantasy. It's a specific thing that started in the 80s in Japan.

>> No.42530538

>...so not fantasy fiction?
You can't be serious. Fantasy fiction literally falls under that umbrella.

>> No.42530555

Okay so you have to be ESL or something. That's the only explanation at this point. No it doesn't.

>> No.42530585


>> No.42530609

>fantasy fictions can't be bizarre
You're retarded.

>> No.42530633

Who are you quoting? In case it is somehow not obvious, denki would be a subset under fantasy but not including all of it. Not all of fantasy fiction could be described as "bizarre, strange, etc.". Should be really fucking obvious, but here I am typing this out.

>> No.42530662

Arguing over the semantics of this is pointless anyway because it's not specific to the genre that Nasu's talking about.
This definition is also really vague, so if you want to understand why Nasu specified TYPE-MOON伝奇 then at least just look at how he understands the genre as he's talked about it for literally 20 years in interviews.

>> No.42530683

You're right, except what can be described as bizarre is very fucking arbitrary. Tsukihime isn't any more bizarre than FSN or FGO.

>> No.42531062
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>kickshaw is an actual word and not something Nasu made up

>> No.42531191

Shit since it's Fate.

>> No.42531208
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Hello fine gentlemen, would you be willing to merge with the 07th expansion?

>> No.42531464
File: 355 KB, 2560x1440, Arc wins 10 in a row melty blood lumina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow I didn't know Red Arc turns back to normal Arc after winning 10 times in a row.

>> No.42531515

Is this arcade mode or something else?

>> No.42531587

nah, regular versus matches against someone else or the Ai.

>> No.42531594

It's pretty funny that the concept for the Grail War was to open a new path to the Root yet Aoko's Gramps just found one casually in Misaki Town.

>> No.42531612
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>> No.42531620
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Why would we do that?

>> No.42532071

Would Shiki rape Bern?

>> No.42532107

Maybe, but would she enjoy it?

>> No.42532184
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I unironically enjoy 07th stuff but I feel like it's virtually impossible to discuss online, especially on jaypee and the 4chins in general.

>> No.42532284

All women love it when it’s Shiki

>> No.42532312

dumb God

>> No.42532756
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What was your favorite ending in Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.42532842
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use the full picture

Argon Coin or Twin Scales

>> No.42533165
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At least the Nasuverse will never get as embarrassing as this lore.

>> No.42533453
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Messing around with that new AI voice generator using japanese samples, I think these turned out pretty good

>> No.42533618
File: 929 KB, 1280x1526, luvia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that's amazing. Could you try doing it with the literal translations of the Japanese UBW chants too?

>> No.42533633

just as good as the English dub.

>> No.42533675

It's pretty bad
Tried it with the kanji and it gave me chinese

>> No.42533688

Oh, I meant the translations of those chants, since the iconic English ones aren't actually direct translations of them.
>My body is made out of swords. My blood is of iron and my heart of glass. I have overcome countless battlefields. Not even once retreating, Not even once being understood. He was always alone, intoxicated with victory in a hill of swords. Thus, his life has no meaning. That body was certainly made out of swords.
>My body is made out of swords. My blood is of iron and my heart of glass. I have overcome countless battlefields. Not even once retreating, Not even once being victorious. The bearer lies here alone, forging iron in a hill of swords. Thus, my life needs no meaning. This body is made out of infinite swords.

>> No.42533712

Here's Shirou's
Gonna do Archer's in a while

>> No.42533758


>> No.42533785

Awesome. I've always wondered what it would sound like, and now that question is finally answered.

>> No.42533931
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trying to train this thing with Nanaya's voice, what should i make it say

>> No.42533941

I will rape you if you don't do what I say

>> No.42534080

>not even a blog post
Watch them miss the release date.

>> No.42534141

delayed again lmao

>> No.42534144
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>> No.42534166


>> No.42535320


>> No.42535749
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Rin and Luvia in Strange Fake

>> No.42535873
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>> No.42535949

Was part 2 released or not? I don't play the game but I'm interested in ORT and the extra lore bits.

>> No.42536052

I'm really tired of them being stuck together in spinoffs. Here comes more annoying gags and flanderisation for Rin.

>> No.42536065
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>LB7 ends with ORT jobbing and the main cast saying they need to return to their base in Antartica to get more info on the real final boss: Marisbilly
F/GO part 2 is still far from over.

>> No.42536101

So did they actually defeat ORT? How?

>> No.42536102

have you even read any of these

>> No.42536195

ORT's vessel loses to Guda's cock so she sacrifices herself so Mash can Black Barrel it

>> No.42536220

Can you repeat that again, but elaborating a bit further and with less shitposting? Kukulcan sacrifices herself to weaken ORT? Something like that?

>> No.42536226


>> No.42536282

>having magic of any type
>all of Africa being just one big blob
>Russia having a school of its own despite Durmstrang being a weird prussian-russian mix to begin with
>Japan having a school of its own rather than being the same school as China and India

Man am I ever glad that I never really got into HP even when the craze was at its height.

>> No.42536303

why is italy like that?

>> No.42536304
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>> No.42536310

Maybe the church is against wizardry? That would probably explain greece as well, just with an orthodox bent.

>> No.42536312

>having magic of any type
Of all the criticism's you could of made why wouldn't magic follow wherever wizards go, if wizards immigrate to America then there will be magic there.

>> No.42536331

I don't know. Something about the american ethos feels like the complete antithesis of magic and wizardry.

>> No.42536354
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>> No.42536407

Italians aren’t allowed to us magic. It’d be OP

>> No.42536432

i was told by the gacha fag that arcueid would play a major role in LB7, what happened to that? is she relevant?

>> No.42536442

Arcueid is from a different universe and FGO is not only a different universe but also a simulation. There was no chance Arc would appear in the main storyline.

>> No.42536456

She doesn't even show up and they beat ORT without her
major waste of opportunity

>> No.42536472
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here's your One Radiance Thing bro

>> No.42536542

it's HP, not the Magicians, you need a wand most of the time, you don't cast spell with hands movements

>> No.42536550

kek, ORT forma definitiva?

>> No.42536552

>there is now a dinosaur with the mystic eyes of death perception
what the fuck nasu?

>> No.42536554
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This is Shiki in the LB7 timeline.

>> No.42536578

are you guys memeing me right now? kek

>> No.42536602 [SPOILER] 
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Blue glass moon

>> No.42536604

Oh no, she's hot...

>> No.42536619
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Thoughts on dino Arc?

>> No.42536750

why did they give dinosaurs guns

>> No.42536821

ORT(fake) lost vs a beast who's gimmick is that he's actually immortal
i don't get how that makes sense though, it doesn't matter that you're immortal if you're turned into crystal.

>> No.42536870

We're never given a number on how many millions of years it took to beat ORT. A droplet of water can destroy a rock if it falls into it for a sufficiently long period of time.

>> No.42536880

>There's still an Atartica chapter left
>There's still a Fuyuki chapter left
Maybe Nasu will start working on the Far Side Remake by 2026...

>> No.42536884

Does she fight against ORT? Why not? Shouldn't she be kinda OP?

>> No.42536890

Pretty sure Nasu had long since finished writing LB7, the delays are not his fault.

>> No.42536930

Guda long since surpassed her.

>> No.42536947

Guda doesn't do shit without his Pokemon.

>> No.42536950

Of which she is but one.

>> No.42536984
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I love my Dino wife!

>> No.42536991
File: 3.94 MB, 1024x2560, 33A2AE05-9116-4A60-AF48-5721A6BEB69A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to ORT-chan, who loves Guda and was tamed by human dick.

>> No.42537003

what the fuck, ORT is hot...

>> No.42537019
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More ORT

>> No.42537031

So the story still didn't advance at all and ort is a midboss?

>> No.42537044

Arc didn't even appear LMAO

>> No.42537053

The story reveals that Marisbury and Chaldea is the final boss that caused the bleaching. The ORT was summoned to stop Marisbury from completing his plan. The ORT Chaldea defeated was a fake and weak subspecies that isn’t as strong as Tsukihime’s ORT. The final chapter is about going back to Antarctica and stopping Marisbury.

>> No.42537055

Someone has got ai voice sample but with Seibah british accent for real
gimme any vocaroo of FSN cast please

>> No.42537072

How strong is FGO ORT then?

>> No.42537074

i was told by the gacha fag that arcueid would have been the castoria of LB7 though

>> No.42537078

>The ORT Chaldea defeated was a fake and weak subspecies that isn’t as strong as Tsukihime’s ORT

>> No.42537085

It could easily destroy the planet.

>> No.42537087
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>> No.42537110

Did ORT warp space at the bottom there? Does it have it's own personal dimension?

>> No.42537131

>Gaia sent out a cry for help to the TYPES due to how humanity has destroyed the planet
>ORT came to Earth, destroyed the local species and then fell asleep
>Except that it was way before the "promised time". In fact, all it did was wipe out the dinosaurs, not humans
>Then Malla fell on Earth and established an symbiotic relationship with the creatures left behind by ORT, which include the ancient humans
Did Gaia fuck itself over?

>> No.42537194

Edit: be more precise How many times is it stronger than a Beast? What's the gap between Beast and TYPEs

>> No.42537196

Is Gaia calling ORT mentioned to be a thing in FGO or people are just conflating the old Tsukihime lore on ORT from 20 years ago with this new stuff?

>> No.42537206

Well, Magicians are universe level and they can tap into effectively, actually infinite energy. Types can defeat Magicians on a good day with Type Pluto fighting 5 Magicians to a draw and Crimson Moon only losing to Zelretch mainly as a fluke.

Bear in mind Nasu explicitly stated Goetia's entire plan of traveling back to the beginning and recreating everything is only a fragment of the Fifth Magic, and literally Aoko's super in Melty is the exact same thing as Goetia's entire plan.

>> No.42537232

That’s what’s said in FGO as the new lore.

>> No.42537255
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Deoxys looking ass

>> No.42537256

Any quotes at hand?
Gaia calling ORT was also mentioned in FGO or did ORT just happened to arrive to Earth for reasons unknown or something else?

>> No.42537265
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Only ORT can beat ORT

>> No.42537274

Wait, this is Kukulcan not actually ORT is she?
I guess she is sort of ORT being a deification of ORT's heart but it's not quite the same.

>> No.42537284

Wait, I thought the chapter was postponed???!!!!
What is it doing being released?

>> No.42537287

She was born from ORT's heart so she kinda is I guess

>> No.42537289

In Pan-Human History, ORT fell on Earth, wiping the dinosaurs, and then a second meteor containing the alien fungi fell. The fungi's MO is to spread its Divine Filaments to empower the local species so they can symbiotically coexist. They form a net of Divine Filaments, so the name is supposed Malla, not Maia. LB6 Moss situation, except we didn't need to wait for a material book to find out. Anyways, the Malla buffed the American continent's jungles and humanity, and some individuals specially empowered by it were worshipped as the gods.
>In the Lostbelt, the Malla meteor arrived first and empowered the dinosaurs instead of the non-yet-existing humans. The Divine Filaments are also binding Pangea together, thus extending its domain to more than just the American continent. Later, Malla predicted ORT's arrival and creates Mictlan to store the dinosaurs safely underground.
ORT falls wiping the surface and is rendered inactive by the crash damage. Meanwhile, in Mictlan, the dinosaurs evolve into deinos, living off of photosynthesis from Malla's artificial underground sun. At the same time, our humanity mankind is starting to appear in Mictlan. Some 40 million years, Malla runs out of sun and deinos go comatose. Humanity prospers in the dark Mictlan and builds their cities
>20 million years more, now it's been 60 million years since ORT arrived, so he's fully recovered from his crash and ready to wreck havoc. ORT is too hopeless undefeatable for humanity, so all humans sacrificed themselves to make their king, Camazotz, utterly unkillable. And so Camazotz solos ORT, with the only weapon at his disposal being his sheer inability to die. No exact number on how many centuries or millenia he took.
>Ultimately, Camazotz rips ORT's heart out and that gets used as Mictlan's new sun. The deinos wake up again because now they have a sun for their photosinthesis. 6 millions years later, Daybit arrived introducing the concept of god, so ORT's heart gets worshipped into Kukulkan.

>> No.42537292

It was a marketing trick and they postponed it 2 hours

>> No.42537312

is that nasu telling us that shiki and arcueid are connected through space of time?

>> No.42537324

At least the real ORT wasn't even close to truly jobbing... yay...?

1- Hot
2- This better not reflect the real ORT in any way shape or manner

>> No.42537333

>ORT's heart
WTF Heart?!

>> No.42537336

This ORT didn't even job, only ORT can beat ORT according to ORT (forma de spic) >>42537265

>> No.42537353

>ORT became another one of Guda's sluts
Let's be honest here, there's no greater disgrace...

>> No.42537398
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>Nasu shied away from damaging even fake ORT's power.
Maybe it's a sign his serialization is coming?

>> No.42537402

It says nothing about Gaia's distress call though.

>> No.42537408

Any words on whether Nasu himself is going to write these or if he's going to leave it to someone else?

>> No.42537410
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Tsuki no Sango was Arc and Shiki too.

>> No.42537421
File: 167 KB, 850x478, C2BF78EA-A99D-491A-A310-9A2EF9AC3C36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’ll probably write the Ending since it’s his baby and he wants to end it on his own terms.

>> No.42537425

I still can't deal with Dino Shiki and Arc...

>> No.42537428

Just wait for the next Blogpost or interview, bro, they will inevitably come.

>> No.42537444

I rather dislike this interpretation.

>> No.42537471

It's not much of an interpretation when Arc is literally said to be analogous to Silicon girl.

>> No.42537498

Wut? Where? When?

>> No.42537554

>Sometimes a cat, sometimes Yuzu-nee, sometimes a silicon creature, Berserker is a princess that doesn’t seem to have a proper place in the game. She desperately awaits a redesign.
>sometimes a silicon creature

Her Fate Extra Material entry.

>> No.42537564

Are we sure "Silicon creature" == the artificial TYPE?

>> No.42537565
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Type Cosmos Grand Beast Marisbury Animusphere.

>> No.42537590

>At least the real ORT wasn't even close to truly jobbing... yay...?
The divergence was that ORT lost to batzschizo in the LB (was later covered), so was weakened after, so started as the fucking same. What matters is that Marisbilly can create a pet ORT as fucking nothing and is declared the "enemy of the UNIVERSE."

>> No.42537603

Is he not dead? I dont follow much FGO

>> No.42537610

> the ORT Chaldea defeated was a fake and weak subspecies that isn’t as strong as Tsukihime’s ORT.
This is wrong, it's slightly weaker from PHH ORT because in the LB, he got countered hard by Camatoz 6 millions years ago (the date of divergence, real). Camatoz is a pseudo Beast who shouldn't exist in that era but did, not real one, like its SG isn't fully complete or became weakened too after. So forced ORT to survive by taking the fantasy tree.

>> No.42537614

Probably. I literally can't imagine a single other creature that could be similar to Arc and also made of silicon.

>> No.42537617

Gatcha lore is a joke.

>> No.42537618

There is no evidence this ORT he created is as powerful as PHH ORT, and all evidence pointing to the contrary, so nah.

>> No.42537627

>This writing style
No one misses you, go back g00k

>> No.42537630

The lostbelt divergence is specifically started with Camazotz beating ORT, afaik, kind of like how LB5 one was Zeus not giving up on humans rather "I beat Sefar" that's when they got pruned.

>> No.42537638

>all those blushing sprites
She's perfect and I love her. Thank you.

>> No.42537639

>Silicon creature

>> No.42537641

It's still somehow less cringe than the rest of it.

>> No.42537643

See >>42537630
Quetz in PHH is the same as Kuku, as stated in the story, so someone tore out ORT heart and turned it into Kuku in PHH too. What happens after this, is when history became pruned, not before, so BEFORE, it was an alternative timeline.

ORT lost its heart in PHH too. Since Kuku is that too and confirmed they are the same.

>> No.42537646
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Can we talk about Aoko boobs instead? All this shit sounds dumb.

>> No.42537649

He's being hyped as the enemy of everything, the enemy of the universe.

>> No.42537659

I think Marisbilly is literally Lucifer and a True Demon. Karen says those are fallen angels in FHA and Kiara fucked off immediately preferring returning to earth in Tsukihime because the things that were on demon dimension were far stronger than ANYTHING on earth, which would include ORT and DAA.

>> No.42537663

People not always die when they are killed

>> No.42537669

I don’t specifically want to talk about that but Mahoyo was a fun read. I pretty much gave up on Type-Moon after Ataraxia, aside from some of the anime stuff. The gatcha stuff seems so god damn worthless in comparison.

>> No.42537670

He casually can make a second ORT. Even if the lostbelt version isn't as strong as the original, is still a fucking planet eater. Chaldeas is confirmed a planet too.

>> No.42537682

Why are all Types also cute girls

>> No.42537683

Douman's boss is now confirmed to be not Brolga but someone else, Brolga was a Servant, and that boss got literally called Satan/Lucifer in Shimousa.

>> No.42537686

So much for ORT, lost to the best master like everything else. Bring on the next booklet pathetic OC tmg, we're ready.

>> No.42537689

Maybe not the next chapter, but Nasu is definitely writing the last chapter+epilogue.

>> No.42537690

Why is Marisbury the BBEG all of a sudden, what about the Alien God?

>> No.42537693

Well wasn't the 'real' ORT but close enough. It just confirmed that Marisbilly's bullshit is so powerful, it can create a pseudo-ORT and a planet without even trying.

>> No.42537707

The Alien God was just his fucking Servant. The apostles were actually 7 (one unaccounted, probably Dantes, since there's two, who is an ally of Chaldea too).
So Douman's Master being the one getting called Satan who Arts as Lucifero isn't actually Brolga but Marisbilly. Kiara's stuff about how true demons surpass everything foreshadowed in Tsukihime is gonna be relevant now.

>> No.42537720

It's been implied for a while now that all the Alien God fuckery is part of Moneybills plan. Goetia as also trying to stop him apparently.

>> No.42537722
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Why do you guys know so much about this garbage all of a sudden? Before LB7 literally no one cared. /tmg/ don't tell me you actually play the gacha?

>> No.42537724

Where the fuck did the Marisbury wankers suddenly come from? The thread was actually enjoyable up until then.

>> No.42537727

>Goetia as also trying to stop him apparently.
Chaldean isn't confirmed as anything in particular. But since you gotta fight him too, it can't be Goetia I think.

>> No.42537735

>Goetia as also trying to stop him apparently.
Is this a "is" or a "was"? Because, whether the twist is that "Goetia is trying to redeem and save the world" or "Goetia was just an enemy of the BBEG all along", it's shit either way.


>> No.42537740

Potential true demon lore is interesting.

We got dino version of arc and dino version of shiki.

>> No.42537745

you probably shouldn't view all of the Nasuverse as one big connected universe that's simply differentiated by different choices. For example, the Fate/Tsukihime divergence point is in 300 AD, but that doesn't mean that the Tsukihime world is part of the same Compiled Event as the Fate worlds. It is very likely that there are essentially two 'classes' of parallel worlds, one is the many different possibilities that exist within a Compiled Event.

>> No.42537749
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>Before LB7 literally no one cared
We have been a Castoria general since LB6

>> No.42537752

Same. Mahoyo was wholesome and great. It also has compelling characters and moments and made me feel something unlike anything that’s being posted here.

>> No.42537759

kill yourself retard

>> No.42537781

>because the things that were on demon dimension were far stronger than ANYTHING on earth, which would include ORT and DAA
Primordial Demons are below Void Shiki and Arc, so no.

>> No.42537794

FGO powerlevels are irrelevant given the entire world is a simulation Hence fake..

>> No.42537796

It's difficult to say about Tsukihime, but Kuku does exist in myths, and Kuku (LB) confirms they are the same. So someone, be camatouz or whoever ripped ORT heart too in Fate.

Lostbelts are "what if this timeline continues", and the timeline got cut AFTER ORT jobbing to Camatoez, not before. Even if the divergence was before, the timeline was real up there like Olympus which was cut thousands of years after Sefar got fucked up by Zeus (serious).

So while the Lostbelt ORT is weaker, the one Camatoez faced wasn't Lostbelt ORT but simply ORT.

>> No.42537807

>Primordial Demons are below Void Shiki and Arc, so no.
They aren't, he didn't list them in order, just three of the strongest beings in general.

They just dropped Chaldeas is a real planet here, anon. Are you being obtuse?

>> No.42537812

>Potential true demon lore is interesting.
This is interesting, but implying these posts are actually about demons, and not about wanking marisbury and GO shit and pretending the ORT and the events surrounding it were totally in line with what would happen to the original one, you are delusional.

>> No.42537836
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>> No.42537846

>he didn't list them in order
He literally says 1. 2. 3.

>Chaldeas is a real planet here,
Is a real planet by the standards of the FGO world, which is a simulation. The entire FGO world is a simulation.

>> No.42537853

>ORT and the events surrounding it were totally in line with what would happen to the original one, you are delusional.
Except ORT's background was real up what happened after Batzchizo beat his ass. The timeline got cut after that. Lostbelt is a what if continuation of a cut timeline simulated by a tree, there this ORT stumbles upon the tree of fantasy and leeches on it. And Kuku states her PHH version is the same as hers (the cut heart of ORT). So someone in Fate also fucked ORT up and removed their heart, in different circumstances. We don't know how.

>> No.42537868

He doesn't rank them in power, dumbass.

>> No.42537883

I think proves that Beast or pseudo-Beast SG immortality passive is bullshit without the gimmick to go through it. Not even a planet killer can do shit against it.

>> No.42537885

Case in point.

And also,
>Kuku states her PHH version is the same as hers (the cut heart of ORT). So someone in Fate also fucked ORT up and removed their heart
Post a pic of her saying it

>> No.42537891

There is no reason to be this rude...

>> No.42537900

>be a rich white dude
>gets labeled enemy of the UNIVERSE
Bros... Is nasu woke now?

>> No.42537909

the simulation theory still lives on?

>> No.42537916

Discordfags lurkers are here

>> No.42537919

Ok, so you're delusional. He literally was asked who are the strongest.

>> No.42537923

Read her farewell scene.

>> No.42537940

Whatever he made a simulation or not doesn't matter when Chaldeas is now a real planet and fantasy can turn real by his super powered bullshit.

>> No.42537955

Soujurou can kill gatcha

>> No.42537959

>Acting like anyone here actually played that shit
Get the fucking screenshot, nigger

>> No.42537964



This just looks like listing. TsukiRe confirms true demons are so strong that Kiara feels like a shitter so she goes back to Tsukihime since she is strong there.

>> No.42537975

it was posted in /fgog/

>> No.42537978

Can't they just go back?

>> No.42537993

You know this confirms the prunning system can cut off ORT but doesn't affect those with IM.

>> No.42537996

There you go, admiting you're just a GO nigger
Now fuck off

>> No.42538014

No, it's literally a ranking, that's the purpose of actually listing things using numbers. I can't believe I have to explain this, are in kindergarten?

>TsukiRe confirms true demons are so strong that Kiara
Means nothing unless you get a direct comparison between Arc and True Demons and Nasu's statement is the only thing we have. Kiara is mentioned to be "omnipotent" but still bound by matter and the laws of the world. So she is not omnipotent in a power-sense when omnipotence as a term is not used like that in Nasu's works.

>> No.42538017

>Guda fixed ORT
I fucking kneel

>> No.42538022

Probably because Beasts are part of the system.

>> No.42538026

Yeah, but that's not shocking. This general forgets Nasu works with concepts > powerlevels. Prunning system can cut your ass in Fate no matter who you are, if ORT or Sefar, or a random planet explosion, but cannot affect those with Beasts passive because are cancer supercells of the system itself.

>> No.42538034

Go out there and get it like the cuck that you are. Hurry up, pay pig.

>> No.42538042

Beasts are cancer, and ORT/Sefar is a Virus or a bacteria. The prunning system is like an antiviral or antibiotic. Does nothing to remove cancer.

>> No.42538067

Mmhmm bro. Sure Kiara who had all the insight preferred to fuck off that place because she was not strong enough while she would be in TsukiRE.
Let's assume Nasu had a previous idea decade ago, now with Kiara's insert unnecessarily story in TsukiRe (why add that shit when he won't explore it there), he's hinting shit for FGO as he usually does. Marisbilly CREATED a planet. His memery casually made ORT 2.0 without trying. And he's labelled the enemy of the universe, not of the planet, or humanity or the human order.

>> No.42538072

FGO is cancer

>> No.42538082

Means Arc and Zelretch can beat ORT by manually activating the prunning. Makes sense given the prunning itself is a function of the world, which governs Human Order. Humanity just has access to it in Fate worlds.

That makes sense.

>> No.42538086
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Damn, we are reaching Masada levels of bullshit.

>> No.42538102

I think you guys aren't realizing ORT (real) got bleached too. There was only the lostbelt in its usual place. Like how the hindu gods got fucked up because of LB4 rewriting over them.

>> No.42538105

The difference is that senshinkan is actually good.

>> No.42538107

It just meant her value would be higher in TsukiRe dimension. Not that she was invincible in TsukiRe. We know for a fact she is not when fucking Ciel is stated to be an exception among the Burial Agency despite being a nest of monsters. So Ciel herself is already superior to Kiara.
I doubt Kiara is even able to defeat Ancestors without some serious circumstances.

>> No.42538109
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so why did anyone pretend to care about ORT, again? You guys aren't even posting about what actually matters today

>> No.42538112

>Rin is now brown
Kinoest thing F/GO has done

>> No.42538118

>Means Arc and Zelretch can beat ORT by manually activating the prunning.
What makes you think they can do that? Zelretch has never pruned shit.

>> No.42538144

If Kuku joins back ORT with her love of humanity, it would give ORT Beast passive bullshit and saint graph instead of shitty foreigner and be anti prunning.

>> No.42538167

>camateoz beats ort but loses against guda
the hackest thing nasu wrote.

>> No.42538181

Arc manifesting as the Will of the World talked about this during her conversation with Sion in MB BAAN manga. She said that the world is at the mercy of the flexible Spiritrons (the quantum time locks are also known as the Spiritron Record Anchor Band), and it doesn't abide by the Human Order (which makes sense since it governs Human Order). All you can do about it is constantly changing. She also implied that as the will of the world she can access this system to fix the world (makes sense as "the world" itself performs the pruning automatically) but it can have consequences and thus she doesn't just go and do it randomly.
He literally prunes timelines by observing one. All the others get prunned.

>> No.42538212

This is the only line that matters for me.
Beast fucko won on luck and hackery, GO shiters cope that their lore implies ORT always loses to this guy, but this single line will forever tell me that everyone else is just a shitter.

Oh yeah, and also, stop pretending “Enemy of the Universe” bullshit means he is far too powerful, it just means his intentions and plans are “heretical/something that the universe itself opposes”

>> No.42538233

>He literally prunes timelines by observing one. All the others get prunned.
Was this at all mentioned in his recent mats? Are we sure this isn’t making him a bit too OP, especially when compared to the other magicians?

>> No.42538234

>He literally prunes timelines by observing one. All the others get prunned.
We have a description of his shit in his tsuki mats and nowhere this is mentioned bro. And it included an extensive list of his power. It's LITERALLY just born from a joke TAKEN seriously. Otherwise Fate and UBW wouldn't be canon or real.

>> No.42538245

Kuku is the heart camatoez removed. ORT couldn't do shit against camatoez.

>> No.42538272

It's been a thing since a while ago, Nasu said the timeline Zelretch is observing is the true one. Also Magic is already manipulating the Root itself, so barring Types there is nothing stronger than Magic.

>it's a joke because I don't like it
Doesn't quite work like that bro. Also no, Nasu never disclosed Zelretch's full capabilities.

>> No.42538281

>ignoring creating second ort, and a whole ass planet
>he's not that powerful!
LOL. Nasu literally said LB7 was the start of a powercreep for Type Moon in general. Not TsukiRe. It's not due to LB ORT but Marisbilly.

>> No.42538287

Tbf, Aoko did have a contest of authority with the World when using the fifth.
She won.
It’s not unthinkable she can stave off a pruning for a small period of time.

>> No.42538292

>Doesn't quite work like that bro
So Goetia burned down all previous works/mats, got it.
He literally describes what he does, he doesn't even KNOW what the fuck is coming on a timeline usually unless he gets there and gets his info via gems.

>> No.42538321

Pruning added to my filters list!
Thread improved. Fuck gatcha.

>> No.42538340
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>/tmg/ is full of gachatards now
what happened?

>> No.42538343

Kek, what a bitch

>> No.42538354

Gacha > Lore
Any lorefag post here comes off like a bot.

>> No.42538356

Seriously what has Zelretch been doing while all this has been going on

>> No.42538358

Newfriend... I...

>> No.42538360

>Nasu literally said LB7 was the start of a powercreep for Type Moon in general
Post quotes. Arc's feats are better than anything shown in FGO so far.

>> No.42538372

Only because Camatotz literally can't die, they fought for who knows how many years until he managed rip out its heart, even then he couldn't kill it and only sealed it. ORT was gonna wake up again at some point.

>> No.42538385

>He literally describes what he does
No it doesn't. Also that statement was never implied to be a joke, not sure where you got that one.

>> No.42538392

>A literal beast with immortality powers went out to fight ORT and got killed by centuries, if not millennia, before it got a lucky blow.
Might I remind you, “winning” is a loosely defined term here, especially when, when it’s all said and done, there are now TWO ORTs fucking around.

>> No.42538401

>ignoring creating second ort
Where is the “Moneybills created ORT 2” even coming from?

>> No.42538474

>Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch.

>A: They're parallel... sort of. But if Zelretch was observing, it'd become true, and my feelings on the matter is that I'd rather two routes disappear if one was true.
If all of these became possible at the same time, the other routes would become meaningless.

Does this look like a joke to you? Protip; it's not.

>> No.42538481

Him and Aoko and the rest of the actual important characters don’t want to deal with gacha trash lmao.

>> No.42538490

Both are retarded garbage that no one on here will talk about in a couple of days. It’s the same as always. Like Nasu said these mobile game stories are forgettable experiences that don’t last.

>> No.42538512

Since she has the hots for humanity, Aoko, Ado Eden, and Gun God are the only ones she can truly love, as they each are some sort of representant of humanity in their own ways.

In other words, say hi to the new lover of the femcell.

>> No.42538521

Dumb yurifag

>> No.42538536

Not interested in your retarded conception of power but he wasn't hinting at anything regarding FGO with that. He's just going to explore Kiara as a member of the church now since she's one of his favorites.

>> No.42538595

>Nobody from Chaldea died
LMAO. Nasu...the stakes...

>> No.42538615


ORT heart vs ORT soul.

>> No.42538620

They died in the first half but then they came back because reasons.
Same as da vinci all those years ago. It's literally DBZ now in more ways than one.

>> No.42538633

>They died in the first half but then they came back because reasons.
Those were magecraft fake bodies, only one wounded was the trapfag and Kirei healed him.

>> No.42538644
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>> No.42538655

These proportions just look fucked.

>> No.42538668


>> No.42538674
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>last thread was me spamming arisu and chadjuuro

>now this fate go shit thread just because it came out and TM has no content for now.

>the state of TMG cycles

>> No.42538685

>It's literally DBZ now in more ways than one.

Wasn't Gil based on Vegeta?

>> No.42538689

Yeah but it's still executed poorly and written in a way to make you think they died. Whether they died for real or not doesn't really matter, it has the same effect on the reader and cheapens death in the setting when they never actually go through with it. Not that I cared about whether any of them did die or not.

>> No.42538691

It's alright Robin. I care more about you than any of this go garbage that's people are spewing here.

>> No.42538713

>It's literally DBZ now
Sweet, just like Mahoyo

>> No.42538745

Okay so if I get this right:

In PHH, ORT meteorite fell, blew up the dinos and went back to sleep, then the malla meteorite fell and established the symbiotic relationships with lifeforms to evolve them, leading to humanity. Meaning ORT indirectly fucked up Gaia (fucking kek).

In Lostbelt, the order was opposite, and got cut off PHH, because the Bat god sacrificed all the humans around to become the evil of sacrifice of sorts and cut off ORT's heart to stop it from attacking the planet and worked (but ORT loses its heart anyway, Kuku is born in PHH too, I don't know how - this is Extella shit of heart, soul and body here). After that, LB begins.

Immortal beings are immune to Crystal Valley.

>> No.42538756

Just a bunch of the usual retards trying to powerwank or shit on ORT or whatever they think might make people upset. It's useless since once you read it you realize they(Everyone in a combined effort) went through hell and it is still just not the real spider. Pandering was light so shit wasn't uber cringe. Some characters were decent or even cool like Cam and Tepeu. ORT-chan doesn't really exist, Kuku doesn't really fit.

>> No.42538762

>once you read it
Why are you even reading this trash?

>> No.42538783
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who fucking cares about ort unironically, it's just scalewank bait incarnated. it's barely even a thing. talk about literally anything else in the gachashit story but the most meaningless thing, how are you guys worse at this than actual fgo threads

>> No.42538792

How was ORT even hurt if TYPEs don’t have the concept of wounds or scars?

>> No.42538797

>it is still just not the real spider.
Doesn't matter is not a "real spider," the background of the lostbelt literally involves the real ORT. The divergence is that the malla meteriorite falls before his, while in PHH is opposite, and the timeline gets pruned because camatoz sacrifices the primitive humans to stop ort from destroying the plane. It's pruned after this. Camatoz evolves into an immature Beast after due to "loving but killing humanity" (he did it not ORT) and phases into the lostbelt but the background involved the real ORT and not a simulated one.

>> No.42538801

Punch her harder

>> No.42538803

NTA but that’s not a yurifag.
A yurifag would never even dream of claiming a female char would be even possibly paired with a man, like Eden and Gun God.

>> No.42538804

Top five Type Moon girls you've jacked it too? Fairly sure these are my picks:
Jeanne D'arc
Okita Souji
Touko Aozaki or Boudica

>> No.42538831

c'mon gil wasn't humilated hard over the years

>> No.42538835

1. Camatoze and ORT faced each other before the timeline was cut.
2. Chaldea kills LB ORT body (weaker than real ORT) with series of asspulls.
3. ORT soul (Grand Foreigner) gets a mutual kill with Kuku (lostbelt King/ORT Heart).

>> No.42538840

Probably Rin, Aoko, Jeanne Alter, Rider, and Astolfo

>> No.42538846

at least Souji is referred to as a dead man by her Grandfather and the miracle Aoko performed will have it's consequences over other character's deaths in FGO just being tossed aside like nothing. FGO is also a long running story that has done this shit over and over and lost any real stakes while Mahoyo has only done it once.

>> No.42538857
File: 516 KB, 1240x1753, Alice high school uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post Alice art and Mahoyo art to keep the wave of FGO trash away. It'lll go away soon enough.

>> No.42538867

Imagine working on lb7 for 1.5 years and what you have to show for it are talking soccer playing dinosaurs and the worst gacha designs in recent history.
Seems like it's only 3rd on the sales ranking too.

>> No.42538875

He is Grand Foreigner.

>> No.42538877

eh I never felt any stakes from any of the deaths anyway

>> No.42538885

Red Garden is gonna be an awesome remake and you will all still cry about it

>> No.42538892

I will cry tears of joy, yes.

>> No.42538898
File: 15 KB, 602x339, tsukiR arc kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think you're in the wrong place. Most of us love Tsukihime and wish he'd move on from FGO garbage to release the stuff people care about on here.

>> No.42538902

The divergence was because of the meteors order so the ORT that comes is just a weaker subspecies is the point.

>> No.42538908

yes, because it's a shit story that's gone on for so long that death doesn't mean anything any more. That's not how death is meant to work in stories or good stories even. The stakes have gone so high that it doesn't matter who the MC faces since you'll always win without anyone dying that can just come back due to them being a servant.

>> No.42538913
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>> No.42538953

>because it's a shit story that's gone on for so long that death doesn't mean anything any more
I was saying I never felt stakes from the death scenes even before they were coming back to life, read slower. Besides I feel stakes are better felt from Villains getting victories and causing changes to the setting that some character dying and everyone being sad about it for 5 secs, not that you really could do that with fgo's plot.

>> No.42538992

The divergence is that, but the pruning is a long after camatoz and ort showdown. It's because Camatoz literally fucked up humanity not because of ORT. It's the same as LB5: Sefar getting kicked by Zeus Megazord was the divergence, but the timeline was cut from PHH after the greek gods battle to decide if they leave humanity or keep them as pets, and Zeus wins and chooses the later. It has nothing to do with ORT or Sefar, but all to do with humanity (as we know it, not the deinos or yagas) getting fucked up in potential. Since that's what the system gives a shit about.

Divergence isn't the same as prunning. For example, Qin's timeline got cut after he turns everyone into cattle and not when he was conquering the world. While Skadi's time was a weak after Surtr's defeat. The Lostbelt continues where it left off. Camatoz is not a Lostbelt but came from that pruned timeline. It also confirms that ORT can't deal with true immortality (gimmick needed to remove).

>> No.42538998

>It's because Camatoz literally fucked up humanity not because of ORT.
By the way, it turns the guy really insane with guilt. That's why he's trying to 'save humanity' properly but he became twisted into the evil of humanity of Oblivion. He's probably the best character in this chapter with Daybit.

>> No.42539028

The ORT subspecies* can't deal with it. Immortality is actually strong though at the right level. It's why Ciel auto beats everyone unless they have a counter to it like locking you up in a separate dimension.

>> No.42539047

>The ORT subspecies* can't deal with it.
No, ORT.
ORT subspecies is from the Lostbelt. Camatoz fought ORT, not the subspecies one. You understand they came from a real timeline that got pruned, correct? The Lostbelt came after the prunning which was after their shodowndown. Crystal Valley cannot do anything against immortals.

>It's why Ciel auto beats everyone unless they have a counter to it like locking you up in a separate dimension.
She couldn't even deal with Dantes in Lumina, who might be an Apostle now.

>> No.42539053

This. Ciel was terrified at the idea of Arc dropping her inside the Event Storage.

>> No.42539054

>There’s already art this good

>> No.42539065

>She couldn't even deal with Dantes in Lumina, who might be an Apostle now
Hell are you smoking? It's the other way around, Ciel stated Dantes' flames couldn't hurt her since she already experienced them.

>> No.42539068

>the level of cope from FGO niggers
Leave out fucking general already.

>> No.42539079

Ciel tried to exorcize him using the Seven and Dantes fucking smacked her around, and commented on the Seven.

>> No.42539093

>ORT is the percursor of humanity
It’s a fucking loop, then.
ORT gets called to deal with humans, but by going early it ends up creating the humans that make the situation where it’s called.
I had always wandered “Isn’t its presence a confirmation in a timeline that Notes is inevitable? Since there MUST be a call that reached him?” The answer is, that in the first place, it was the thing that created humans, so as long as humans exists, Notes will exist. Kino.

>> No.42539097

Nice cope but it is the same ORT, why do you think it lacks its heart?

>> No.42539104

>Ciel tried to exorcize him using the Seven and Dantes fucking smacked her around
No we don't get any description such as this, even with Dantes win quote.

You can't get a grasp on powerlevels by who wins against who in fighting games otherwise you have Hisui and Kohaku being stronger than Arcueid. Or hell Shiki beating Mash, Ushi and Dantes on his own.

Don't be retarded.

>> No.42539109

He ran away of course, it's not like he can put her down.

>> No.42539114
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Don't doubt ciel.

>> No.42539116
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What did Nasu mean by this?

>Normal Saber caustally oneshots Rider in Fate route
>Normal Saber caustally oneshots Rider in the alley
>Saber gets a emo power boost and is strong enough to rape Berserker easily
>Later Rider is capable of causally going toe to toe this stronger Saber for no reason then jobs to a teenager

>> No.42539115
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>dinoShiki wasn't a shitpost

>> No.42539117

Shiki did beat them on his own. That's what the story is all about. And Maids are just strong for reasons.

>> No.42539131

>Using shitfotable’s color vomit as source

>> No.42539136

Are you dumb? Rider only won in HF because Shirou used Rho Aias to block some of the excaliblast.

>> No.42539143

Lmao no. Shiki can't move at supersonic speeds without tearing his body apart. He can't fight Servants in combat.

>> No.42539152

How the fuck are those glasses supposed to work his eyes are on the sides

>> No.42539162

What are some things you dislike Nasu's writing?

>> No.42539168

Wait… if Shiki has the glasses… Dino Aoko?

>> No.42539172

>Shiki can't move at supersonic speeds
Not him but Shiki sliced Arc into 17 pieces in under a second. I guess that's not technically supersonic but certainly inhumanly fast.

>> No.42539192
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thank yoiu

>> No.42539193

Archer couldn't fully block Lancer's NP in UWB so Shirou blocking Alt Saber's was hack writing.

>> No.42539201

How would /tmg/ rate all of the wives it has given Aoko?

>> No.42539202

Shirou can't fully block Saber Alter either.

>> No.42539213

>Rho Aias couldn’t successfully block ONCE in FSN despite all the hype it got as the ultimate “anti-thrown weapon” defense.

>> No.42539214

He also moved so fast that he disappeared from Akiha's vision.

>This speed isn't natural.
>I was so fast that I disappeared from Akiha's vision in an instant.

>> No.42539218

>reference to long neck


>> No.42539235
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Lmao he even kills one of ORTs UFO with the knife before dying
>The last dinos run across the red-dyed plains.
>Some fell without even being able to get close,
>Some fell to save their brethren,
>Some fell while attacking the enemy's skin,
>One raced across the sky in a trail of lightning, killing one of the saucer's lives, and falling to the ground with its limbs torn off in return.
>With that, the enemy passed through the great plains, and the Dinos' march ended.
>Dinos with strong vitality do not die instantly even if half of their body is cut.
>Falling to the ground with a torn body, accepting the end of life that will come in a few minutes,
>With a vague, longing look, he stares at the red sun far away.
That last sentence is Nasu longing looking at Red Garden and wanting to work on that over this garbage.

>> No.42539240

>Nice cope but it is the same ORT, why do you think it lacks its heart?
Anon, who do you think tore its heart out and made it a sun? Camatoutz. It was an attrition battle. But it was a pyrrhic victory because he killed humanity and took in as sacrifices even if they were willing, so his timeline got pruned after but Camatouze wasn't affected by this due to IM, and went to the lostbelt to atone in a twisted way. He was cursed by his guilty conscience and driven insane.

>> No.42539255

Did you miss him blocking Lancer's NP? Excalibur Morgan?

>> No.42539259

Rider had a lot of knowledge going into the fight with Saber Alter to fight her a lot more intelligently. Rider's NP is actually really strong, it wasn't crazy for her to use it against Saber in the Fate route. I wouldn't have expected fucking Excalibur either. The cave is also way more in Rider's favor than Saber's, not that that makes her stronger but it does give her a lot more advantages, in particular making it really hard for Saber to even hit her allowing Rider to just keep poking her a lot while making better use of her eyes (which, don't quote me, but I think Saber Alter actually loses magic resistance).

Also, most importantly, Rider was definitely not fighting Saber alone here, plus the whole "having a reason to fight" thing helps. In Fate and UBW she basically got the shit end of the stick that made her look a lot lower spec than she really is. Saber is still going to win 10/10 times in a pure 1v1 though.

>> No.42539260

Read >>42538992

Camatoz tears ORT's heart after both are on a lockdown for thousands years and makes it into the Sun. However, humanity got fucked because of empowering Camatoz who devoured them as sacrifices. That's why it gets pruned specifically and why the guy is so full of insanity and grief, because he wanted to save humanity and ended up killing them.

>> No.42539263

Why do you hate FGO?

Nasu grew out of his chuuni edgy phase (KnK/Tsuki) and didn't take things too seriously after. It's about time you did the same

>> No.42539268

ah yes he's now writing high art like Dino Soccer and relying on his older works like ORT. He's truly matured and grown as a writer.

>> No.42539279

Dino Shiki (Tepeu) is who convinces Kuku to stand against herself.

>> No.42539285

>hating on dino soccer

>> No.42539286

No shit. Thanks for proving the point that it's subspecies ORT. Stop being autistic.

>> No.42539295

Don’t forget Rider also had proper mana supplies during this fight.

>> No.42539297

FGO is the most inconsistent, full of plot holes, and retcons story I have ever read.

>> No.42539301
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Is Rider and Arc's crossover spin-off VN any good?

>> No.42539305

>ah yes he's now writing high art like Dino Soccer
How is this different from last Mahoyo chapter? Or KT? Or HA?

>> No.42539307

You're stupid. The Lostbelt ORT is the subspecies ORT.
The one Camatoz fought is just ORT. The weakened LB ORT is a result of that battle.

>> No.42539310

ask yourself that question again in the mirror and think about what you just wrote. Slowly this time.

>> No.42539312

>full of plot holes, and retcons story
Name some.

>> No.42539315

>FGO is the most inconsistent, full of plot holes, and retcons story I have ever read.
Just like F/SN!

>> No.42539318

>"It's like when you write - when you're younger, you look back on [previous work] and you think 'Oh, goodness what was I thinking,'" Nasu explained. "It's not that I'm embarrassed, I just don't like to look at my previous works."
>Nasu: When I wrote Kara no Kyoukai, I felt resistance towards so many things—society, entertainment, culture—and it was my motivation to write the story. Now, I am thrilled to be writing from a place of gratitude, though with just a touch of sadness. It feels like the old Nasu Kinoko has passed on. I suppose you could say I've gone under a heavy detox, and feel much more virtuous now (laughs).
>Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it.

What did Nasu mean by this?

>> No.42539319

Read Jojo

>> No.42539325
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How is this different from last Mahoyo chapter? Or KT? Or HA?

>> No.42539329

Do you know what a lostbelt is?

>> No.42539341


>> No.42539349

Can you post what's the storyline on Dino Arc and Dino Shiki? Kukulcan said Dino Arc is stuck on the 7th layer of the planet and can't leave from the place she was born. But is it explained why?
It would be funny if Nasu threw some Arc True hints through LB7.

>> No.42539364

Alright, think it through with me, slowly.
If Lostbelt ORT is a subspecies, and it’s the same one that fought Camatoz, and we know because it lacks the heart, then the one Camatoz fought is also a subspecies.
You don’t degrade from the real thing to a subspecies just because you lost your heart, that’s stupid.

>> No.42539382

You're an idiot. The one he fought isn't the same as the one who lives in normal Fate timelines. Done with the shitposting.

>> No.42539390

man you gacha people are lost. Anon, it's ridiculous and stupid to have that content over the more tame and relatable stories that those other works have. It's ridiculous that I even have to explain that to you. The concept of a Shiki and Arc dino is fucking ridiculous and stupid to regular people who don't know what FGO is. You all look like retards for taking this story seriously.

>> No.42539393

surely he's just baiting

>> No.42539401

Lostbelt is a continuation of a cut-off timeline.
This battle happened before the timeline was cut off, you fucking moron. It's just the plain regular ORT except instead of arriving before the Mailla meteorite, he arrived later, and wasn't exhausted by the fall so awoke and became active immediately. Read the fucking thing before answering me.

>> No.42539405

>It would be funny if Nasu threw some Arc True hints through LB7.
what a horrible place for that lol

>> No.42539415

ORT in the LB is less powerful because Camatoz already removed his heart before all this began, so he's 2/3. That literally is it. It's addressed in the ending.

>> No.42539424
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is everyone here just bots? Get the fuck out robots. Reply with Mahoyo to make sure someone is human here.

>> No.42539439
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>The concept of a Shiki and Arc dino is fucking ridiculous and stupid to regular people who don't know what FGO is.
Woah. It's like concepts out of context are stupid for normalfags. Similar to HA, KT, Mahoyo. Entire TM is full of silly jokes and clown kino.

>> No.42539447
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>> No.42539448

Oh and better to not talk about Melty Blood.

>> No.42539454
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Don't worry. I'm a human bean.

>> No.42539463

>She couldn't even deal with Dantes in Lumina
What? Dantes literally couldn't hurt her. Ciel just walks away completely undamaged with her soul doing just fine

>> No.42539469

Or maybe instead of the regular ORT from PHH it was a subspecies ORT that's different from PHH ORT that came in it's stead.

>> No.42539479
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Context is exactly why it's stupid dino soccer is very out of place for Fate and doesn't even fit FGO with all the more serious shit going on it completely takes you out of the story. So yes dino soccer could make for a fun silly series on it's own but here it's just dumb.

>> No.42539482

I didn't expect ORT-chan to be so cute...

>> No.42539489
File: 122 KB, 452x386, 1649208463697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a bot schizo on /vn/ who just got jannied pretty hard so I guess he's come here to spam instead? this thread is even less populated than /vn/ so I don't really get it.

>> No.42539496


>> No.42539500
File: 56 KB, 639x480, 1644024796466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Context is exactly why it's stupid dino soccer
Except it's not. I think you should re-read your thought-provoking mature dork TM stories, little boy. It's not something you should show off to your classmates.

>> No.42539502

Why did you reply with this nightmare image. >>42539454
I love you Aoko, thank you.
Yeah it's a dumb bot since they're making spelling errors. Taiga is cute.

>> No.42539504
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>> No.42539508
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Only someone pretending to be retardad would compare the current state of /vn/ with this thread

>> No.42539509

Arc has no good reaction feats period though, blitzing her isn't actually impressive unless she does. You can make a really easy argument that she just genuinely has worse reflexes/combat intuition/mind's eye than Shiki and Ciel do, since they have borderline combat precog and can fight things that are explicitly perception blitzing them (like ciel to shiki, and arc to ciel)
Yes, the same applies to Akiha too

>> No.42539514

thank god you didn't reply with blue-eyed Saber.

>> No.42539521

Anon, you try slicing up a white women in less than second. That shit isn't easy. Anyways, yes Arc is a big dummy that relies on instinct.

>> No.42539530

Type-Moon VNs (particularly Fate/Stay Night) will absolutely be considered classic Japanese literature a 100 years later or so. We just have to wait for the contrarians and people in denial to die out.

>> No.42539545

Nasu already admitted it when he said the phone games are forgettable experiences while other stories and games have longer lasting stories.

>> No.42539547

>Except it's not. I think you should re-read your thought-provoking mature dork TM stories, little boy.
>resorting to strawman's already pathetic
This a fuckton of room between some super deep and thought provoking story and >>42539479
pic related

>> No.42539562

Cry more, he mogged them all without going all out and possesses an atypical body that isn't built like normal humans. Plus he's from the mountains which makes him broken because that's how it works in TM.
Shiki is as fast as he needs to be because Nanaya.

>> No.42539568
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Agree. All chuu2ge are basically modern retelling of old myths..
Again maybe you should re-read your TM games, big boy? I hope your classmates will appreciate King Arthur's gap moe and mana transfer. Or Shiki lusting for bare legs and Arc's panties. Or Neco arc. Or Taiga. Fuck off clown.

>> No.42539577

People are being unbelievably facetious over everything in this story now. A short referential dinosaur joke isn't even that egregious in relation to old shit you'd find in KT

>> No.42539578
File: 65 KB, 850x595, Aoko on the moonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritsuka - the lawful wife who will eternally live rent free in Aoko's head. It was a magical first love that taught Aoko what it meant to care for someone, and perhaps, this is the only love Aoko could have developed as a proper human. Caring for someone worthless, living a busy life full of work, and coming back to a love filled with exhasperation and care. An utterly normal businesswoman life, but a normal life is perhaps the happiest fate one could ever look for in this verse.

Touko - the lover who she showers with presents and gives her tough love too, constantly in Aoko's mind. A burning passion, if you will. At the end of it all, Touko is someone she grew up with, someone she has a lot of bitter memories with, but also the one she knows best, the one she will, willing or not, always be involved with, and will always have strong feelings for. Standing at the edge of love and hate, this is a love that is almost blinding, something that consumes Aoko's entire mind and fills her with a familiar warmth. But at the end of it all, isn't love all about thinking the most about your partner?

Ridell - the lover who she sees every once in a while, spends a lot of very fun time with, and then dips, thinks very fondly of but knows that if she indulges any more than she does, then Ridell will suffer the curse. A tad bittersweet, to wish for someone but to know you can never truly have them. In the end, this is perhaps the person "Aozaki Aoko" is most compatible with; two tough nutjobs that are more alike in their never-ending pursuit of their goals than they would ever admit. This is perhaps the love where Aoko would feel most at home with, the love of being constantly smiling and having some dumb fun, but perhaps, that's what love is, just being with the person that makes you happiest.

ORT - A fun little person she once met along the way. Maybe it was fate, maybe it wasn't. Ultimately, despite being in her mind the least, they keep seeing each other again, and at the end of it all, when the magician that can't age loses everyone around her, ORT will remain. Maybe it was never a love of burning passion, or a bittersweet attraction, or a magical first love, but it was a love that never faded, a certainty that there was always a home to go back to, one that would never fall, because it was built uppon their very beings. They kept on meeting and feeling comfort in each other, and when the world, humanity, the people they cared for, all came to and end, they still had each other in a passion and care that would never end, an ever-present feeling. Perhaps, it can be called true love.

>> No.42539580

Shiki has light bones that lets do impossible things. Shiki Dinosaur is real.... Is Shiki's Ancestor actually a dinosaur? Is this why he's like a bird? HAHA.

>> No.42539582

>I hope your classmates will appreciate King Arthur's gap moe and mana transfer. Or Shiki lusting for bare legs and Arc's panties
Stupid American

>> No.42539590
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>Arc has no good reaction feats period though
Hmm, no. It's explicitly stated that Arc can sense the ripples in cause-and-effect due her dominion over the area. Which is why Ciel needed to empty her mind and not even think about attacking her in her route otherwise Arc would have noticed even from a kilometer away.

>> No.42539593

best post on here in a while and better than FGO. I kneel

>> No.42539604

Stop replying to yourself

>> No.42539616

Doesn't she like react to star at the last second and nearly clear the city to just barely get caught by the beam? And also easily deal with what sounded like church nuns with automatic weapons? She's dealing with super vampires on a regular basis too. Saying she has no reactions is retarded.

>> No.42539619

That's not a reaction speed feat, though. The ability to sense something for some reason has nothing to do with speed, unless you're trying to argue that this makes all of near side paracasual like Destiny characters and MTFL+ for slapping Arc outside the head at least once

>> No.42539626
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Don't tell anyone about Kaleidostick and Mr. Cellphone. We're World of Darkness and not some silly anime WoT.

>> No.42539639

Unfortunately, that was not me replying to myself.

>> No.42539649

If she can sense ripples in cause and effect in her domain, why couldn't she just react to the very formation of Calvaria's star instantly in her own event storage mini dimension? Needing to wait for Ciel to straight up tell her and then still failing to dodge isn't a good feat when Shiki and Roa noticed by themselves from much farther away, that's still a bad feat.

>> No.42539653
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Except magical energy literally enhances your senses, this is stated in Mahoyo. And guess what, nobody can make use of more magical energy than Arc, that's literally her entire thing.
The only times Arc gets tagged is when she is massively weakened or borderline unconscious.

>> No.42539654
File: 85 KB, 900x900, Noel Kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously not. Why wouldn't everyone appreciate Aoko's canonical relationships and how they would turn out?

>> No.42539666

"Enhancing senses with magecraft" != "Magical energy making you more aware"
You need a new level of being unnable to interpret text to fail this one.

>> No.42539671

It's stated because Calvaria is located in the stratosphere, outside of Earth's gravity field.
She didn't look at the sky.

>> No.42539676

>Aoko's canonical relationships
Reminder that it's literally zero.

>> No.42539688

The answer, as usual, is that Arc is retarded.

>> No.42539690
File: 16 KB, 524x170, no, anon, I'm serious here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm actually serious here.
It's fine if the shitpost is not popular, so I don't particularly care about propping myself up.

>> No.42539692

Are you retarded? Are literally raises her parameters when tapping into more and more magical energy. This is stated in every dmn description regarding her ability.

>> No.42539718

Don't move the goalposts.
You claimed "it's stated in Mahoyo" and posted an image as proof.
The fucking image states that using magecraft, which is very fucking different from using magical energy, enhanced one's senses. Like I said, that image proves absolutely nothing, because "Magical Energy" and "magecraft" are different phenomena.

Whether or not she is getting more powerful the more magical energy she receives is not my fucking problem, nor what I'm discussing in here.

>> No.42539737

I'm just saying, you can't really have "able to autonomously sense causation itself in her immediate area, truly unblitzable unsurprisable entity" and "whoops, I did not look up" "whoops, small knife boy" "whoops, that's not the vampire's real power" "whoops, those black keys explode" co-exist completely.

>> No.42539762

>which is very fucking different from using magical energy, enhanced one's senses
No it's fucking not idiot. Arc can literally do anything run of the mil magi do but better. Magecraft itself is stated to be an imitation of the shit natural phenomena like Arc do.

>Whether or not she is getting more powerful the more magical energy
Your entire original argument was that Arc had no reflexes, the entire premise of which was stupid in itself. So shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.42539770

Do we know if Arc retains that ability or even enough consciousness to mind all of that?

>> No.42539805

Blue-eyed Saber looks way more cursed than she has any reason to be.

>> No.42539809

>"whoops, I did not look up"
Ciel was distracting Arc and Calvaria Star was explicitly stated to be located outside her sphere of influence.
>"whoops, small knife boy"
I give you this one. This one is plot induced stupidity. But you can make the argument Shiki's thoughts were too incoherent, as they don't even make sense to the reader at that point.
>"whoops, that's not the vampire's real power"
In the fight with Vlov she is weakened to the point she couldn't use Marble Phantasm. Plus Vlov was fucking insane.
>"whoops, those black keys explode"
Weakened in her route, in Ciel's route she literally lets Black Keys explode in her face without giving a shit.

>> No.42539818

Wake the fuck up you godforsaken niggerfaggot, I’m not the same cuck you’ve been discussing with up until now.

And yes, you cuck, magecraft is different.
Using magical energy means to utilize of the energy, it can be as simple as having it run through your body, using magecraft means converting said energy into a real phenomena.

If you use magecraft to enhance your senses, it’s not the pure magical energy that’s enhancing you, it’s a fucking spell.
The only ones that can get stronger by magical energy are mystical beings whose body and powers come from the magical energy powering them such as Servants, elementals, and fucks like Arc, yeah, guess what you faggot, I agree with you to some extent, but since you clearly can’t read, you weren’t even able to glean that from the post.

Now, since you’re clearly unable to read, get out or get the rope and rid the world of such a waste of space.

>> No.42539820

See. Perception and Reaction are different things but anyway:

>> No.42539845

>I give you this one.
You shouldn't. Not only is his thoughts not understandable to himself this is also the moment that's described as being owed to his demon hunting assassination legacy so it's basically uber assassin Nanaya anyway.

>> No.42539859

>I give you this one.
Nope. Shiki is just the ultimate assassin with servant-level presence concealment. It checks out.

>> No.42539885

Ok fine.

>> No.42539969

Even when Arc is actively reading Shiki's mind in the end her response is slightly delayed

>> No.42540028

Where? The Luminary Arc segment? Luminary Arc can't do any fine adjustements and she is mostly static.

>> No.42540058

When he was intentionally obfuscating his thoughts so she wouldn't catch on...? Granted he was wasted at that point and not operating at full capacity but he still held off until basically the last second.

>> No.42540115

That and when he jumped to Ciel, where he wasn't doing that
>Ciel's route she literally lets Black Keys explode in her face without giving a shit
She's still surprised by them, and they weren't intended to actually damage her either, just distract her. Same with the ones that make a barrier. Breaking through the barriers and what not doesn't change them surprising her

>> No.42540136

>Breaking through the barriers and what not doesn't change them surprising her
It does because she was massively sandbagging.

>> No.42540161

You know what, my bad. Featless character I guess, can't wait until she moves in FGO

>> No.42540212

Told ya this thread would be shit.

>> No.42540221

I enjoyed the autistic Arc argument at least.

>> No.42540268

reactions not scaling with other stats shouldn't be a hot take. that's why instinct/mind's eye type things are listed separately

>> No.42540352

Instinct and mind's eye aren't reactions in the conventional biological sense.
Arc is literally stated to raise her lifescale, as in she becomes a greater living organism.

>> No.42540376

Vlov can instinct it out just looking at Shiki come towards him, trying to avoid showing his hand as long as possible

>> No.42540389

Sure but it wasn't like Vlov wasn't ever caught off guard. Shiki takes off his arm in Ciel's route. If he hypothetically went straight for the kill in that moment instead of trying to save Noel, he would have been successful.

>> No.42540395
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>anime and manga

>> No.42540404

Finished LB7. That was some ride that had thousands of retcon, but we have clear the timeline of ORT and the other gods (and Nasu introduced new alien super species, the opposite of the Velber, the Mallar, or how you'll spell them).
Tepeu was a version of Shiki, his gf a version of Arc (she's a normal deino though), and Camazotz is like the prehistoric Slash Emperor/Goddo. He was the King of Men civilization when ORT fell, thousands too late. Due to the impact not causing Pangea to shatter, ORT recovered from the fall and awoke to eat the star. Camazotz was the hero who fought him, and all his followers (humanity) sacrificed to make him immortal, eventually, after a long time in a war of attrition (unsure if during this the human becomes an evil of humanity of Oblivion), Camazotz manages to rip out ORT's heart and turns it into the sun. But since humanity is gone, the timeline's cut. ORT from this timeline is left permacrippled (that's why he's level 1) because has his heart missing, and that's where the Lostbelt start, which ORT manages to survive thanks to the Tree of Fantasy though he becomes much weaker than other timelines as consequence of missing its heart. Camazotz goes fucking insane consumed by regret and grief, twisted by his desire to save humanity yet his now nature to consume humanity.

In short, Camazotz is litereally the reason Chaldea faced a subspecies ORT and why Kukul exists (ORT was divided in 2 parts). He's recognized as a hero of humanity in the end. He's 100% Nasu's OC with some mayan reskin. His role is no different from the heroes of Notes but has a tragic outcome of being the one who killed humanity. Damn would have been nice to play as him or him as protagonist in some AU of preshistoric comic horror. I would imagine Kukul/him would have been a Nasu couple like Gun God/VV if wasn't for FGO needed to shove Guda on center stage.

>> No.42540418

it has both an anime and manga.

>> No.42540447

Vlov was still semi-unconcious when that happened in Ciel route, he didn't notice him in the hallway either. Once Vlov is up he acknowledges Shiki as a lethal threat on sight and fights accordingly in both routes

>> No.42540469

>Nasu concepts and stories would be fun if no walking gacha camera

>> No.42540499

Well yeah I'm not disputing that. I was just saying that Shiki can get the element of surprise on Vlov. The difference is that it's quite literally just one shot at it. Well in Arc's route he didn't even get the opportunity since Nasu decided to subvert it there like with Nero.

>> No.42540549

Would have been nice to read as bitter notes 2.0 story with Kukul and Cama watching their world getting pruned, with her disappearing saying "You won in the end, hahah" because IM keeps him alive. Typical Nasu separation.

>> No.42540563

>Batzchizo is "He who Fights Monsters" embodiment
That's cool.

>> No.42540568

What's that?

>> No.42540590

>Arc falls for Shiki who kills her
>VV falls for Goddo who also fights and downs her
>Kuku likes Guda.... because?
This would have been more in line with the previous. ORT chan falling for the hero who she can't kill and made her heart split that leads to understand humanity.

>> No.42540621

>Tepeu was a version of Shiki, his gf a version of Arc
so nasu just woke up one day and decided to include shiki and arc as dinosaur in FGO... but why?

>> No.42540656

Independent Manifestation.

>> No.42540659

>Kuku likes Guda.... because?
Wait, she actually does?! I thought you guys were memeing.

>> No.42540662

We also got dino taiga.

>> No.42540692

But isn't Taiga a jaguar?

>> No.42540712

There's a literal dino dressed in that taiga outfit called taiga.

>> No.42540740

Like in LB6, it shows some beings are born in those parallel worlds. Tepeu is not Shiki, but he's more like the equivalent/reference.

>> No.42540777

To show OTHERheroines fags Arc and Shiki are FATED. Even if both are dinos.

>> No.42540852


>> No.42540862

Nice digits

>> No.42540881


>> No.42540937


Ahhhh yes, music

>> No.42540959

Is that all you can procure? Pathetic.
Check THIS out:


>> No.42540966

Honestly because it's really funny and dino Shiki went out nicely with a big TsukiR Ciel route reference

>> No.42540979

to subvert expectations since people thought he'd add regular Arc to LB7

>> No.42541013

>The first thing you need to know about the ORT fight is that ORT is weak because it doesn't have its heart, since it's far up in the tube letting dinos do photosynthesis. ORT's goal in the entire fight is to get his heart back so it can be strong again. If that happens, Chaldea's odds of victory drop to the negatives.
>Anyways, battle start. 9th level. ORT is awake. We discovered that standing next to ORT is already lethal because of his cosmic radiation. Fujimaru only survives thanks to Daybit's makeshift spacesuit, and even that won't last long. Retreat to the 8th level.
>8th level. 4th underworld border. Due to the laxer summon conditions in the underworlds, Fujimaru can summon every Servant Chaldea ever encountered. Battle against ORT using the expendable Servants to learn how he fights. Retreat to the 6th level to beg Ereshkigal Alter for help.
>6th level. 3rd underworld border. Another ORT battle (not in gameplay, for some reason), this time with 1000 Gugalanna legs on our side. We manage to crush the spider for good. An amazing feat that we immediately learned didn't mean shit because the real ORT isn't the spider, it's the UFO behind it. Real ORT advances to get his heart.
>5th level. Mexico City (location). Mexico City (character) is there. As usual, Tenochtitlan is really fed up with the colonizers trying to invade her streets and slaughter her inhabitants, and thanks to her previous with Izcalli and Nitocris, she finally brings herself to fight like she couldn't against Cortés. Tenochtitlan makes the city go mecha and rush in. The Ocelomeh there are also shooting to no avail. Tenochtitlan can't damage the UFO but it can hold it in place while Chaldea and the sun advance. ORT eventually figures out that this stalemate is a waste of time, backs away, and flies around the city to advance to the next level. Tenochtitlan dies from exhaustion there.

>> No.42541021

>4th level. 2nd underworld border. Protea Alter was transferred from the 1st border, so we fight ORT with both her and Beni-Enma. Protea holds off the UFO by being huge, and Beni-Enma uses the Azrael technique she was taught earlier off-screen to imbue the concept of death on ORT.
>3rd level. Chichen Itza. The deinos buy and improve NFF guns to fight alongside the Iz Tula Seven Drive. Tepeu gets a submachine gun. No significant damage. The only thing standing between ORT and the sun is the Storm Boarder. First shot of the Hume-Barrel Rayproof gets deflected by ORT's cosmic storm. GG, we lost. Wait, no, our hero Olga Marie is here. Gameplay battle against UFO form ORT to get it exposed to the next Excaliblast. At this point, ORT already regenerated the spider. Even a direct hit from the Rayproof still can't kill ORT for good because it can regenerate from a single cell, so Olga locks ORT in time so we can ensure we're blasting ORT until there's not a single cell left. Olga doesn't survive the process.
>And that's it. ORT killed for good. By the way, remember that plot point mentioned in the ORT's old profile about how he was a vampire because he copies traits of what he eats and ate the old DAA 5? The one we thought was retconned out because Idea Blood made it no longer necessary? Yeah, that's a thing and ORT ate a lot of Servants in our battles, so his last cells copied the summon spell and summoned a Servant version of ORT in its custom Grand Foreigner class. And will continue to do as long a cell of ORT still exists.

>> No.42541062

Nasu could've written a VN about this whole Camazotz tragedy instead of putting this in a gacha game. But if he did, it would've been a visual novel about some South American bat dude that would not have made 1/1000 the amount of money the gacha for this part has so far. And as we know, production values on VNs have gone up as sales have gone down, to the point where if you can't break 250k, you're not going to get to make another one.

>> No.42541067
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>> No.42541072
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can Arisu kill servants?

>> No.42541074

He could've made it a short story, like Clock Tower 2015.
Nearly innexistent production values, and it could be written as a stress relief work, so it was something he could do on his free time.

Would've made just as much success while pandering to the oldfags and not being whored by gacha.

>> No.42541120

>Would've made just as much success
Not even close

>> No.42541124

Dino Arisu can kill Types

>> No.42541187

If she has enough prep time for either Wandersnatch or Thames, maybe.

>> No.42541190

>Fujimaru can summon every Servant Chaldea ever encountered
By the way this: he can summon all the Servants he met but they aren't all summon (like there's no big showdown with Servants like the Temple), more like gets to pick who.

>> No.42541221

This leaves out the reason ORT gets to move and transform freely now is U-Olga's heart which is why it can move at all. Daybit fused with the Heart and fell "into" ORT, so you can see a lot of ORT targeting Chaldeas and being intelligent, it could be because Daybit and ORT became one.
Daybit can summon aliens, as his allies. Marisbilly seems to be on it to fuck anyone who isn't human.

>> No.42541226

To show that Shiki and Arc are connected even in parallel worlds like how the remake hinted it, where Shota Shiki is dreaming of Loli Arc speaking to him.

>> No.42541229

Even if Tepeu and GF are the Shiki and Arc, Cama and Kukul matched their personality more. Cama going fucking insane by killing and Kukul becoming human and genki. I understand the $ reasons but a shame.

>> No.42541254

Vlov is a super killer and Knight. He's got parallels to Shiki in that they're just two killers, hunters. And Shiki is of course weird since there is a huge difference from one moment to the next depending on his mindset. Like, Shiki really wasn't very 'Nanaya' against Vlov. I find it pretty telling that the very instant he starts smiling and wondering why he's enjoying this he gets snapped out of it by Arc taking a random shot. Please wait for Red Garden.

>> No.42541260


>> No.42541272


>> No.42541284

>Camazotz is litereally the reason Chaldea faced a subspecies ORT
Post where it says this. You don't become a subspecies that way..

>> No.42541286

>Retreat to the 6th level to beg Ereshkigal Alter for help.
So what's her deal exactly? Is she like pure Eresh without the Rin influence that they said mellowed out both her and Ishtar? Her name being Ninkigal doesn't exactly help, since that's just changing "Queen of the Underworld" to "Lady of the Underworld" and it was probably just her title before she took over as the main god of death after Nergal lost his popularity.

>> No.42541294

>You don't become a subspecies that way..
Lots of things don't work the way they do in FGO why should this be any different

>> No.42541355

Who cares? PPH ORT has Idea Blood. He is more powerful.

>> No.42541426

It's literally called like that because it lost its heart which generates energy and keeps them from collapsing and moving in general.
They don't know how it happened. It's supposed to be a 'twist' the heart was Kukul.

>> No.42541434

>PPH ORT has Idea Blood.
PHH ORT is from Fate and has no such thing.

>> No.42541456

What the FUCK is Daybit.

>> No.42541480
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He's literally /tmg/ incarnate.

>> No.42541495

>Trapped in Brazil
He really is

>> No.42541685

>Sakura: How about a kiss from your imouto? Better yet, how about a kiss from this? *gets out the Shadow*

>> No.42541720
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>> No.42541723

>Shinji: How about a kiss, for luck?
>Rin: You've GOT to be kidding me!

>> No.42541761
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The better version

>> No.42541835

The weirdest part of this thread was the discussion about Harry Potter magic schools

>> No.42541848
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I want to fuck tan Rin

>> No.42541881

It was the calm before the storm. I liked it. I was surprised more people didn’t make fun of the Japanese school name.

>> No.42541972

holy shit I didn't even notice this. I'm dying

>> No.42542011

I can't get over the fact how closely she resembles original Rin to me, despite being based on a complete cash grab. Her face, expression, blouse with a pointy end, miniskirt, those thighs, what looks like stockings, plus her pose, all that activates some kind of pattern recognition in my brain that remained completely dormant while looking on all the previous versions they released. This kind of subtle elegance that Rin has despite the occasional stupid shit she pulls.

>> No.42542060

Thanks for laughing with me. It really feels like the author just went on google to translate it without really thinking about the world building

>> No.42542065

>>According to Daybit's lore God can just erase people from existence and make it so it was forgotten that they ever existed now
>this relic that's supposed to be angel related connects daybit with things outside man's domain

>> No.42542073
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Poor Aoko…

>> No.42542077


And Void is just a meme small terminal.

>> No.42542085

Wow, she's literally me!

>> No.42542131

I did not read this thread because it is gay

>> No.42542334

they are svol.

>> No.42542344

im tired of FGO shit
i have FGO fatigue
just shut the fuck up no one cares about your kusoge
if you want to discuss kusoge, go discuss it in the kusoge general

>> No.42542658

fgo is 90% of the content and 99% of the income of typemoon, dunno what you expect

>> No.42542986
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>Reading Fate for the first time
>Get to the sex scene
What the fuck.

>> No.42543002
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>> No.42543008

What is red garden, Nasu replaces the characters with dino versions?

>> No.42543009
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>> No.42543015
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>> No.42543027
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>> No.42543035
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