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File: 355 KB, 600x600, it's paafekuto, he stated in gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4238396 No.4238396 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread.

Last time: Battlerko is wonderfully, deliciously slutty, and the mere mental image of her undoing Mantrice's belt buckle is boner-causing. We asked for more and we shall receive it once the writefag finishes it, but said writefag has been posting ideas. Sexy, sexy ideas.

>> No.4238415

Battlerko is unpure and I don't want her at all, because she's a whore.

If I tell that to myself enough, it will become true, right?

>> No.4238423
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So that sisterly air she takes with Marcellus is a facade to conceal her true sluttiness?

>> No.4238430

Seriously, this is a shitty idea that resembles the hellspawn from the dankest depths of /a/. Stop it.

>> No.4238435


We went over this before. GETTING MEDIEVAL ON YOUR ASS, UU~

>> No.4238438

B-but! Battler-chan is a pure, chaste virgin! Unspoiled by the corrupting touch of a man!

>> No.4238442

>implying /a/ is as bad as the shithole that is /jp/

Stop it with the delusions, bro.

>> No.4238447

Battlerko is the only slut I love.

>> No.4238448
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>> No.4238452

>Seriously, this is a shitty idea that resembles the hellspawn from the dankest depths of /a/.

It's so deliciously ironic for a poster on /jp/ to type that.

>> No.4238460


You've got a point, /jp/ has become noticeably worse. This thread is a rather good proof for that on its own.

>> No.4238463
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>These threads

>> No.4238472
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>> No.4238482

She's the best slut ever.

>> No.4238486

She loves the cock, but she's still sort of shy about it. Enjoys riding a cock, but gets embarrassed when she gets cummed inside.

>> No.4238498

What about foe-yay?
I propose a Jesse rapefic.

>> No.4238505

But she lightens up from that adorable embarrasment quickly, and just gets more enthusiastic, what with the chains and blowjobs.

>> No.4238506
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>These threads

>> No.4238517
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She is virgin! Pure and innocent! She blushes furiously at pictures of topless men and becomes incoherent when the subject of physical relations is brought up!

>> No.4238523


what the hell.i would rather call genderbent Maria Jesus than Marcellus.

>> No.4238524

Also, she keeps her socks on during sex, not because Mantrice tells her to but because she knows it's hot.

She is wonderfully kinky and perverted.

>> No.4238526 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4238529
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Yeah, because talking about how Kanon = Shannon = Your mother is a much better way to spend the time right?

>> No.4238538
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>> No.4238540

But wait, Bertham isn- oh, I see what you did there.

>> No.4238545


No, because discussing Umineko past "Oh yeah, that was kinda cool" tends to be shit conversation.

>> No.4238547

Battler is a virgin; Battlerko is a virgin.
Battler is all talk; Battlerko is all talk.

He talks like he's the pimp and that he'll kick your ass but when anything happens he starts crying. Same goes for studness/sluttiness. He may say that he is going to eat Maria out but in reality he would get all flustered if she served him.

Battlerko is not a slut, she just pretends like she's a fox.

>> No.4238554

At least we can fap at these threads.

By the way, thanks to the writefag for posting those ideas for what Battlerko is like during sex and whatnot, and for doing the EP2 fapfic.

>> No.4238557
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She's a slut. A virgin one, but still a slut.

And Mantrice is going to enjoy popping that cherry.

>> No.4238565

Yeah, let's talk about Shkanontrice, bomb and moon-chan again, because clearly we don't do it enough.

>> No.4238566

Well, when it comes to sexing up Beatrice, I think Battler has what it takes. Same with Battlerko.
I am finding it extremely amusing that you are defending the virtue of a distaff counterpart of a fictional character, though.

>> No.4238576


Maybe you should stop discussing Umineko altogether.

>> No.4238577

She's a slut because she hungers for dick.

Bertram will hit that like the fist of an angry god and she will come back for more. She's a slut but she's our slut.

>> No.4238589

>She pretends to loves the cock, but she's really very shy about it. Prenteds to enjoys riding a cock, but can't stand the embarrassed she feels at the thought of getting cummed inside.
Here, I sorted this out for you.

>> No.4238591
File: 46 KB, 413x431, thoumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears to me that you are mad. May I suggest just ignoring the thread?

>> No.4238598

That just makes her more lovable. Feigning confidence when faced with impossible odds in a stacked and unwinnable game against charming, trolling bish who enjoys emotionally and physically torturing her. HNNNHGH

>> No.4238599


May I suggest you comeback with another shitty reaction image?

>> No.4238606

You now realize that a Beatrice's male counterpart would be a Beator, or perhaps a Beatore if you prefer.

>> No.4238615
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>> No.4238616

>She's a slut because she hungers for dick.
That's not how it works. That's like saying you are a stud since you lust for pussy.

>> No.4238618
File: 9 KB, 320x240, phibglare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you mad.

>> No.4238625


u mad

>> No.4238626

stud is not the male version of slut

>> No.4238628

Stud doesn't have the same connotation as slut.

>> No.4238634

A key that can open any lock is a great key.
A lock that is opened by any key is a shitty lock.

>> No.4238639
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>> No.4238646


me mad

>> No.4238648

Beat beats Battle.

>> No.4238651

No, it's like saying that you're a man slut for lusting after pussy.

And that's correct.

>> No.4238656
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>> No.4238658

Re: other characters, Shota 34 DOMINATING Bertram after Freddy leaves would be fucking hot.

>> No.4238663

I like Battlerko being a bit lustful. It suits her well.

>> No.4238697


A cockwhore pretending to be embarased as she prepares to slurp his juices; shitty doujinshi.

A girl who don't know what to when the golden wizard stands there with is pants down because she let on she used people like him all the time like it was nothing and is now to damn proud and boneheaded to admit she really doens't know anything and is terrified; absolute fuckwin.

>> No.4238712
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>> No.4238713

Battlerko has basically the exact same personality as Battler. Same with Mantrice, and...well, every other character.

I like the paternity issues with Rudolfko, Mansumu and Brorie better than the original, and Mantsuhi and Bertram are fucking bros. Delicious EvanxMantsuhi homolust is delicious, and Kraussko is so retardmoe she's dumber than Yui. But she punches goats so she is redeemed.

>> No.4238725

See >>4238634.

Only faggots can be sluts.

>> No.4238741

We need a name better than 'Battlerko'. It just...doesn't flow well.

>> No.4238744

I wholeheartedly agree.
If this were to be re-written into the SN, it doesn't even need to lead to sex. Just having her humiliated and downright terrified while Mantrice is enjoying her reactions, taunting her, would be enough.

Though for a doujinshi...dohoho.

>> No.4238747

> Just having her humiliated and downright terrified while Mantrice is enjoying her reactions, taunting her, would be enough.
Don't forget the Angel Mort outfit!

>> No.4238757

We also need to agree on a name for Mantrice. There are too many names out there right now.

>> No.4238758

I never even thought about how Kraulein would appear, but yeah, she'd make Yui look like a rocket scientist, but would still be in charge of the assets because Mantsuhi was only adopted into the family. I could imagine her always being mocked by Evan for her lack of business sense and trying desperately to prove to her mother that she could succeed.

>> No.4238771

I nominate Faita

>> No.4238775

I'll stick with Bertram until a more apropos alternative comes to light.

It's appropriately western, uncommon, somewhat old fashioned, but you feel it could be inhabited by a person of great nobility,

>> No.4238777

The teasing was discussed in the previous thread. It's best if Battler, despite being perverted, has a slutty mind but no slut experience points. Bertram then troll her as she tries to remove his pants, all like "Kuhyahaha, Batttleeer, you act so experienced, but you're nothing more than a chiiiild, aren't you? You've never even been this close to a man, haaave you?"

And suddenly, blowjobs.

>> No.4238796

Battler works. It's just another reason for her to complain about her shitty name.

>> No.4238798

Krauss-ko/Kraulein being taken in by the NASA holiday salesman would actually make you feel kind of sorry for her rather than wanting to tear your hair out at a supposed businessman's utter fucking idiocy.

>> No.4238811

Like wise, Mansuhi's antics with babies and cliffs would make you be slightly more enraged.

>> No.4238830

And Jesse becomes a pretty cool guy.
So, all in all, an improvement. Moe-moe Krauss, manly Mansuhi, and totally legit cousin Jesse.

>> No.4238832

The parents are even more awesome when genderbent. Hideyoshi is like a healthier MILF Tsuruya, what with the accent, Rudolfko is a badass whore pimp, Brosa is GAR and understandably abusive because his son plays with dolls, Kraulein is fucktarded but still has KRAULEIN COUNTER, and Mantsuhi is distressed over his impotency and is bros with Bertram.

>> No.4238837

How would Eva work? Since the Ushiromiya's would be matriarchal, how would her rage accumulate to form Eva-B?

>> No.4238850
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>And Jesse becomes a pretty cool guy.

Does he afraid of anything?

>> No.4238852

Eva would become Evan. Obviously.

>> No.4238861

>It's best if
>I think it's best if

here, and I don't agree. I belive that would ago against Battlers personality and would be so standard I really can't find anything interesting with it.

>> No.4238865

...Wasn't my question, but...

>> No.4238866

Kinzoko thinks it's useless for someone who won't be the heir to go to college or something. Evan's sisters are bitches to him and Brosa won't be his bro.

Oh god, Brosa would sneak into Kuwadorian and find a moe innocent Bertram. HHHNNNNNGH HE WANTS TO GO TO A ZOO

>> No.4238867

Nah. Well, perhaps karma. That whole karma thing may bite him in the ass.

>> No.4238894

She's still kind of innocent and prideful and has no idea what to do in that sort of situation but would never admit it.

In a more doujin rather than rewrite setting, Bertram could troll Battlerko but then realize that she was honestly unsure of what to do and probably pretty scared. Cue Bertram being slightly moe and gentle and hugging or kissing her instead of shoving his dick down her throat.

>> No.4238904

Kinko favoured her oldest daughter and did away with the family's patrilineal primogeniture (oldest son inherits everything) in favour of equal primogeniture.

Kraulein has always tried to prove to Kinko that she wasn't wrong to do so, while Evan rages at perceived injustice of the eldest son being denied the role of successor.

>> No.4238912
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>Kraussko is so retardmoe

>> No.4238913

There's no difference besides the gender, so Evan would still be treated like shit by Kinzoko and Kraulein and become incredibly bitter about it.

>> No.4238924

Poor Kraussko, her husband is delusional, and her son is a fucking troll.

>> No.4238939

I want to make sweet love to Battlerko.

>> No.4238959

This would make Mantsuhi a fucking BEAST to defend Kraulein from attacks or criticism from the younger siblings. Evan and he would have Fo Yay and homolust sparks flying in every single meeting.

>> No.4238963

Also her husband cheat on her with her old mother ;_;

>> No.4238966

We all do. There's just something about her that makes her highly fuckable.

>> No.4238972

Out with you, Mankastel.

>> No.4238977

Mantsuhi is pure! </red>

>> No.4238979

She's Battler with a vagina.

>> No.4238990
File: 29 KB, 266x426, battlerslut5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ok with this

>> No.4238992

You had me on "Battler".

>> No.4238996

Also tits.

Just imagine the selfcest. I know, I know, Battler is pretty innocent despite his/her perversion, but i'd say it's pretty in character for them to fuck within twenty minutes of meeting each other. After they got over the initial BEATO/BERTRAM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, of course.

>> No.4239003

Ushiromiya genes, man. Ushiromiya genes.

Anything possessing Kinzo or Kinko's blood and DNA is a sex deity of some sort.

>> No.4239012

Ericock and Mankastel would be pretty awesome nailing Battlerko.

>> No.4239020

The thing I feel is not right is the notion that Battler is in any way actually perverted. The feeling I get from the VNs is that he acts all perverted (wanting to touch breasts and making all sorts of comments) but that is all just an act, just like when he is trying to act brave in front of Beato. In reality Battler is very sensitive at heart as he constantly breaks down and I honestly can't see him actually wanting shallow sexual realtions.
It's not that I give two fucks about someone purity, it's that I feel it makes difference between an interesting character and an uninteresting one and that carries over to Battlerko.

>> No.4239024
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>> No.4239027

why is battler much more attractive when he blushes

>> No.4239042
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What? No. I'm pretty sure Battler is a virgin, but kinky and perverted as fuck. That's what makes the couple so perfect, they would encourage each other to do all kinds of crazy shit to make sex more fun.

Virgin, blushing, maiden Battler? no thanks.

>> No.4239043

Cos he's even more moe~

>> No.4239054
File: 17 KB, 199x199, blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because moe

>> No.4239058


Battler acts perverted and shallow, but he's dedicated to his waifu for reasons other than her rack. Meta Battler would love Beato even if she were a black haired loli. Battler is a good man. That transfers over to Battlerko. She's upbeat and makes dirty jokes, but she isn't actually hungry for cocks.

That being said, she still would have hatesex with Bertram in EP2 or 3, because he's still trolling at that point but they have feelings for each other by then. Battlerko knows how to crack a dick joke but she's surprisingly sensitive.

And she reads shitloads of books a year, she probably has glasses, HHHNNGH

>> No.4239073

You CAN be a loving husband and be perverted though.

Also, don't lie to yourself, Battler wouldn't be attracted to a loli as much. Flat chest? Battler? C'mon.

>> No.4239079

She's not virginal and innocent but she's not a slut. Battler and Battlerko are kinky and open to pretty much anything, but neither of them would sleep around. The pairing works as a pairing but the characters wouldn't act like that with anyone else. Battler is a good husbando.

>> No.4239091

He wouldn't be as attracted, no. But he's not a shallow douche, he's a good guy. He'd tease her about her flat chest and there wouldn't be as much sexual tension, but she would still be going from troll to moeblob and he would still love her.

>> No.4239093

... wait, this has nothing to do with what I was arguing to. I think we can all agree that Battler is a good husbando and wouldn't cheat on Beato because he's not an asshole like Rudolf.

... what were we fighting about, again?

>> No.4239104

Dunno. Let's just agree that Battlerko is open to tasting Mantrice's cock but it's not her main goal in life and she's not a bitch that could make Bertram go all BITCHES AND WHORES.

>> No.4239112

Battlerko is no virgin.

I fucked her.

>> No.4239114

ITT: too much thinking, not enough fapping.

>> No.4239116

Battlerko would boast a lot, just like regular Battler, but for an eighteen year old guy versus girl, the subjects for boasting would be markedly different, especially regarding prowess with the opposite sex.

Battler may pretend to be a stud, but Battlerko wouldn't pretend to be a seductress.

>> No.4239128

She wouldn't need to pretend. It would just come naturally.

>> No.4239131

So Battlerko promises to blow Mario in ten years?

Poor kid's going to miss out on what could have been awesome.

>> No.4239169

I think we're overthinking Battlerko. Try to find the simplest explanation of Battler's character and go from there.

Battler makes perverted jokes and is pretty kinky, but the furthest he ever goes is flirting, pretty much. He's optimistic and generally lighthearted, but can get down to serious motherfucking business when the need arises.

Half of the chemistry between Battler and Beato relies on their kinkiness. They're dynamic. They can go from fucking wildly and crazily and painfully to d'awwww/bawwww moments of fluff and soul crushing depression. Battlerko needs a small amount of sluttiness. Not enough to whore herself out but enough to be enthusiastic.

>> No.4239201

>Preview of a shitty fapfic I'm writing, I'll post the rest later. Also, I'm not the writefag also writing the Battler/Ordeze fic, just some random one. Oh, and fuck the names.

It was salty and somewhat sour, she gagged until Bertram shoved her head away. Cum dribbled down the side of her mouth as she took shuttering breaths, coughing out what had gone down her wind pipe.

Bertram swallowed heavily at the site of Battlerko. Heaving, sweaty, naked and chained, with her hair a mess and cum dripping down from her chin to the dip of her collarbone. It made him want more of her, but he felt almost guilty, like he had accidentally ruined his favorite toy. Still, he wasn’t going to back down, not this far in.

He wiggled his index and middle fingers halfway into Battlerko’s mouth without much resistance, and kneeled down so that he was eye-level with her. “So, how did that feel?” he asked, smiling. Battlerko gave no answer, but that was expected. “Suck.” he ordered.

Battlerko obeyed, lathering Bertram’s bare fingers clumsily with spit and some of his leftover cum. After he was satisfied he said “Good girl,” and removed his fingers from her mouth. He rested them on her chin for a moment and then dragged them downward, through the valley of her breasts down to her navel and finally resting right above her neatly trimmed red curls, leaving a light trail of saliva in their wake. Battlerko shivered as Bertram’s still damp fingers played with her pubic hair teasingly, stoking and then pulling at it harshly.

Bertram pulled at Battlerko’s collar. “You want more?” he asked playfully. Battlerko paused, a blush spreading across her face, then nodded. “You have permission to speak. Tell me exactly what you want.”

>> No.4239216
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>> No.4239218 [DELETED] 

Fuck year. I'm the other writefag and I approve so much it hurts.

>> No.4239226
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>> No.4239234 [DELETED] 

...You're not me.

I mean, yeah, that's a pretty awesome preview whatsit, but...you're not me.

</persona 4>

>> No.4239249

Bertram is fucking awesome.

Shame he has such a shit nickname. SUP BERT

>> No.4239264

How does Bertram make sense anyway, I just can't hear it.

>> No.4239265


>> No.4239271

Continue please.

>> No.4239282
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>> No.4239291
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I can agree to this.

To this I can't for the same reason I like pictures like this so much; it's Battler being tarnished in a way he never wanted but can't deny he loved. It's Beatrice taking away Battlers dreams of his romantic first timewhile at the same time hurting Battler as deep as she can by at the same time destroying Battlers most desperate wish, that of a pure and reformed Beatrice who will let him close to her heart. Instead she defiles what Battlers hold closest to his heart: His image of herself.

If instead this kind of kinky sex is what Battler actaully dreams about then there's nothing deliciously sinful about it, you see?

>> No.4239298

I tried to think of a male equivalent of "Beato", and the closest I could come up with was "Berto" as in short for Alberto, which sucks.

But, I liked the "Bert" part and for reasons explained here >>4238775 just went with Bertram. Then the guys on the /a/ thread began using it.

>> No.4239299

Honestly, I can't agree. Battler said himself he doesn't do well with holy, pure types like Shannon, so I don't see why would he have such a magnificient opinion of Beato being some sort of pure innocent woman. He likes women that are foul and fun and crazy, that's why Beato is like she is.

>> No.4239303

So does that mean... Battlerko likes frat boys?

>> No.4239309
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>> No.4239311


To build of the examples posted earlier: If Battlerko is really just a shy whore then she will be resistant at first but as soon as she gets that dick in her mouth she loves and soon she will be sitting there, smiling happily with the golden manjuice running down her face. Then they fuck some more and she loves the cock; shitty doujinshi.

If Battlerko is instead just acting perverted then she will eventually find herself taking him in her hands, trying and proove her act to him, and when he jest at her asking if that is all she can do she is commited and forces herself to take him in her mouth.
Of course she looses control over the progression and she finds herself with her face pressed against the floor with the wizard violently thrusting himself inside her and for all the humiliation she can't stop herself from moaning and screaming of pleasure as the world seems evermore seems to fade away.
Afterwards she would find herself discarded on the floor in tears as she realises that she lost her dreams of her first love and remeber that she let him do it, evan that she was the one to start it and she loved it, and all she can feel about herself is disgust and revultion. She gave up what she had intended to keep for her true love to the one who tortured and murdered her family, she let him use her; she rewarded him. Eventually she would look up at the the Golden Wizard seeking any kind of comfort in his eyes but only see his face full of mockery and contempt, and with that her tears are finally followed by a wail from the bottom of her soul. Then eventually he will come onto her again, seeking to take joy from tearing into whatever is left of her heart; absolute fuckwin.

>> No.4239314
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>> No.4239324

...do want.

>> No.4239327

tl;dr, you're the kind of guy that likes mindfucky, unhappy sex.

Fuck that. For me, Beabato sex is both of the characters enjoying themselves throughly, even as they're humilliated, or physically hurt, they're still turned on as hell and having the time of their life. Fuck depressing, unsatisfying "All my dreams are over" sex. It reminds me of that disgusting yukkuri fanfic and it's pretty bleh for me.

>> No.4239330

Does anyone know how tall is Battler supposed to be?

>> No.4239331

He does not like them stiff or repressing feelings, that is not the same as him not wanting Beato to have a pure heart and act worthy.

>> No.4239337

At least 6 feet.

>> No.4239341
File: 51 KB, 500x500, madbern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think Ericock and Mankastel would let that happen?Battlerko in EP6 would be pretty pathetic.;_;

>> No.4239354

How... unimpressive.

Going by >>4239291 Beato is a midget.

>> No.4239361

You'd be outright bawwing for Battlerko in that situation.

>> No.4239368

No! No! No! It BEGINS there! Also that was a doujinshi plot examample.
Mantrice won't let Battlerko be lost! Lord knows what develoment could be thought of and what relationship it would lead to, that thing is then you have an internal conflict to build on.

All plot is about internal conflict!

>> No.4239374

Why do you guys keep sexualizing Battlerko?

>> No.4239378

Moemantrice in EP6 calling Battlerko Honorable Mother...;_;

>> No.4239379

Honestly, I think everyone is thinking about it TOO hard.

Enjoy the sex. Stop discussing relationshipshit, keep that to yourself.

>> No.4239381

What? I'm trying to desexualise her. The other guys are the ones who say she loves the cock.

>> No.4239383

And suddenly I don't want genderbending anymore.

Not mentioning that the wedding scene just loses all it's magic, too.

>> No.4239390

We're talking about Japan, bro.

Everyone is a midged over there.

>> No.4239396

5 feet 11 inches, actually.

>> No.4239400
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Wierd perspective in that one.

>> No.4239407
File: 47 KB, 167x177, Beato pout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you guys keep sexualizing Battlerko?

>> No.4239415

Which they need to stop. She's just a female version of a male character. She doesn't need to have sex at all.

>> No.4239417

No, she needs cocks. Hundreds of them.

>> No.4239443

Look, I'm not saying she should be some PURE VIRGIN WAIFU, but I really don't see any reason for her to do anything sexual.

>> No.4239450
File: 202 KB, 600x450, GxB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads have confirmed to me that /jp/ is den of raging repressed homosexuals.

Not that I'm judging or anything; I post here, too.

>> No.4239451

Because she loves cocks

>> No.4239459

And you are right. She's a female version of Battler, meaning she only acts perverted.

>> No.4239475

Okay, what evidence is there that she "loves cocks"?

>> No.4239514

Now, to continue: What would happen when Battlerko has hit rock bottom and Mantrice starts to treat her kindly and with sympathy? How would she respond to that behaviour?

Think Ep. 3 doujinshi.

>> No.4239520

conclusive research, read the report

>> No.4239532

All I know is that we'd have raged like never before until Angus interrupts and stop Battlerko from singing the document Virgil and Bertram are forcing on her.

>> No.4239543

Do you guys want the EP2 fapfic or not?

When I was on this thread last everyone was like FUCK YES BATTLERKO PORN FAPFAPFAP, but it doesn't seem that way anymore.

Whatever, I've already started on the bawwfic and I'm writing pretty fast, so both fics might be done soon. Then again, I just woke up and started writing despite the ridiculous lateness and my exams tomorrow, so what the fuck do I know.

>> No.4239545

>Do you guys want the EP2 fapfic

>> No.4239556

Hey, if there'll be cocks, I'm game.

Don't worry if we don;t respond immediately either, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4239562
File: 64 KB, 272x311, shiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't respond immediately either, if you know what I mean.

You lost me.

>> No.4239602

Since Battler has a name intended to mean 'man who does battle' shouldn't the gender bent version be Battlerette, Battleress or something of that kind?

Anyways Beatrice/Beatrix is derived from Viatrix and the male form of that is Viator (appearently meaning traveller or pilgrim) so this should sort that out.

>> No.4239624


>> No.4239652

>All I know is that we'd have raged like never before until Angus interrupts
Why rage?

>> No.4239677
File: 45 KB, 772x430, 1264059387014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fanbase will turn Umineko into a genderbent eroge, judging from what I'm looking at.
>implying it isn't by EP6

>> No.4239691

Anyone feel like actually trying to genderbend and implement the sprites into the SN?
I've got a few days off from work, aside from enrollments and such, but I have little to no Photoshop skill, much less any experience with how the Onscripter deals with images.

So I'm practically useless.
I guess I could help edit the actual script..though anyone could do that.

>> No.4239724

It would be confusing as hell, man. The he's and she's would be reversed... I wouldn't feel comfortable with the story's narration and genderbending.
This would make Battlerko look like a lesbian.
And if you're proposing rescripting.. fuck that; heck:
>Episode 9: OH DESIRE of the Golden Witch.

>> No.4239842

Jesus, Beato is so tiny.

>> No.4239847

But couldn't you just use a 'find and replace' function, to swap the -chan and -kun honourifics/she and he pronouns. In theory it doesn't seem that hard, in fact almost effortless - screw rewriting scenes. But then again I haven't seen the format of the text when you extract it, and even if a 'find and replace' function would work.
Might see what I can do later tonight. I'll report back and let everyone know if it is actually feasible.

>> No.4239890
File: 586 KB, 700x600, 1253319703392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not. Compare the lenght of their torsos. It's just the perspective with Battlers legs coming so close.

>> No.4239922

You'd still have to rewrite scenes.
Not many, but still. For example, when they get to Rokkenjima in EP1. Having Battlerko wanting to grab Jesse's "boobs" makes no sense at all. Changing that to crotch does not work either - who in hell grabs crotches and doesn't look like a fucking dick-loving whore?

>> No.4239952

It's not that difficult to replace all instances of "his" with "her", just make sure to have a thesaurus on hand to make sure you did all the different forms.

>> No.4239976

>and doesn't look like a fucking dick-loving whore?
All girls are dick loving whores.

>> No.4239988

>Battlerko wanting to grab Jessica's tits

I don't know, I'd approve of this.

>> No.4240012 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 513x367, nogaem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Jesse has gynecomastia.
Holy shit, so there's no fucking way to take them off her...? No wonder she's the culprit.

>> No.4240058

So, any thoughts on this?

>> No.4240283
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Except for the fact that the VN is japanese (hence, japanese suffixes that define sex would be used), and that /jp/ is already creamed with the name Battlerko.
I'm with you, though.

>> No.4240497
File: 1.35 MB, 2067x2067, 1261432517746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been two giving threads. Sleep now, gonna fantasise about Viator-sama abusing Battle-ress/retta/rine/etc. (or perhaps something else with the same meaning, like the Italian form Brunilda).. -chan. Pic. quarterrelated

>> No.4241495

I came.

>> No.4241500

Doesn't belong here.

>> No.4241511

you guys should just play any otome game
they're already done and better of what may come from this

>> No.4241627

But otome games don't have Battlerko or any kind of Battler at all.

Fuck yeah this thread.

>> No.4241639

but have a MC that's a whiny bitch just like her, and the H-scenes are usually like that
