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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 180 KB, 280x532, Caster_(Fate_Extra).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4216370 No.4216370 [Reply] [Original]

What name is Kohaku using this time round anyway? Or will it just be "Caster"?

>> No.4216375

Magical Amber.

>> No.4216388
File: 24 KB, 400x595, Take Moon Magical Amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What, so she seriously introduces herself as Magical Amber?

>> No.4216393
File: 65 KB, 297x345, archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4216420

Yeah, why no.

>> No.4216500

damn it I want that figure

>> No.4216511


>> No.4216544

I wish to stain that figurine with my hot glue...

>> No.4216577
File: 45 KB, 638x481, Kohaku Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In b4 loli Kohaku rape doujin.

>> No.4216595

>In b4 loli Kohaku rape doujin.
Sorry, but I'll have to request a source on that.

>> No.4216629

This was the first time I have heard of it too and I have found the doujin myself.

And if I can do it you can do it.

>> No.4216642
File: 406 KB, 1026x1524, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.4216648 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 770x1100, loli kohaku rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one.

>> No.4216734

Why would you do that to Kohaku?! ;_;

>> No.4216764

Of course its going to be Magical Amber. It is nice to see some pretty obscure people in this game. FSN had too many recognizable names for my tastes. And even despite them being big they all went down like bitches.


whud whud whud whud

>> No.4216780

...Them being recognizable was the whole fucking point

>> No.4216799

Because it feels good and helps to control my inner self.

>> No.4217070


Yeah and it was boring. Knowing who everyone is,is VERY boring. Fate/Stay Night isnt a History class but having things like obscure servants encourages thinking and adds on to the atmosphere. Without things like that you're just sitting around waiting for answers to be given to you.

Also that whole the stronger the myth thing equals a stronger servant means jack as well. Especially with obvious bullshit like a Human defeating Gilgamesh.

>> No.4217074

No, they were easily recognizable for us, but what would a Jap know about European and Greek mythology?

>> No.4217089

I'm not Greek but I know about Greek mythology. What's the difference?

>> No.4217228
File: 121 KB, 400x396, Shirou_Emiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What he said. Also Shirou seemed to know who Arthur was just fine. Fuck, he knew the legend better than me. All that I know about Arthur is that he was a good king. He on the other hand seemed like he atleast had the ending memorized.

But of course Shirou isnt exactly a hallmark of Japan's finest.

>> No.4217258

Even if they make her someone else, I'm just going to assume she's actually Kohaku and is just faking it.

Which will be adorable.

>> No.4217266

His academia is surprisingly good actually.

>> No.4217290

This comment makes no sense.
Excluding Saber And Archer, you are told who is who or provided the identity key in their first two appearances.
Even if they were more obscure, if you are given the identity, it's pointless. What does it matter if It's Hercules, Polydeukis or Cycnus as Berserker?
As long as they serve their role for the story, that's what matters.
You people whine about the weirdest things.

>> No.4217307

They should make a new character based on Siegfried. Or a valkyrie.

>> No.4217331

Beowulf as a Berserker swinging the arm of the Grendel monster.

>> No.4217492
File: 42 KB, 300x656, lenneth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes i want lenneth as a servant

>> No.4217522

Fucking /jb/.

>> No.4217574
File: 284 KB, 900x675, 322dcf4daee0eca7b5795b8f9a79aec8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character based on Siegfried
>a valkyrie.


>> No.4217667
File: 229 KB, 480x640, 8217151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Even if they were more obscure, if you are given the identity, it's pointless. What does it matter if It's Hercules, Polydeukis or Cycnus as Berserker?

>It's pointless

Yeah and thats what one of the problems with FSN is. Rather than trying to expand on the Mystery section and attempting to make the player think they just hand you out who was who and various other things because Shirou won't plan out shit even if he does know their identity. So yes it is pointless. But thats because of the writer being unimaginative and/or lazy. It doesnt try to make you think it just wants you to follow along like a drone.

If you try to play up the whole Servant Identity thing suddenly it becomes much more interesting. Take Magical Amber for example,dont you want to know who she is? She's looks like a Fox Spirit but which one? And while on that,do any Fox Spirits actually have names? Or what about Rider here,she has Red hair. Are there are Female Pirates that have Red Hair? WERE There any Female Pirates at all?

Keep letting those questions pop up and you might be able to see it my way. If you dont,well then you're just a lazy ass. Get out of my literature you uninteresting bastard.

>As long as they serve their role for the story, that's what matters.

That is an extremely narrowminded and ignorent way of thinking. Good writing should never be soley focused on one point but instead trying to address all that comes in its way and being interesting all the while.

If you have a door unlocked you should choose to go through it. There are exceptions of course but if theres a more indepth way of doing something you should act on it. Honestly you might as well just say:

"As long as Gilgamesh loses to President Bush due to the power of THE HEART this will be the best ending ever."

>You people whine about the weirdest things

Oh I see you're from Animesuki or probably some other shitty anime board,go the fuck back there.

>> No.4217682
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1224084984633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4217687

Why does /jp/ say this instead of tl;dr, I'm wondering?

>> No.4217701

There was never a mystery aspect.
And let's be serious, with just the PICTURES of F/SN, you would never guess most of the Servants. Your example is stupid.
When Fate/Extra actually comes out, you play it and you learn the identities in their first couple appearances, you will be whinging again.
The mystery you demand also has nothing to do with the actual identity of the characters, You can just take a very famous one and make it obscure. Same result as showcasing less known heroes. That on it's own does not make it actually good or interesting, and is nowhere near the focus or vital in F/SN.
Don't impose your silly theories as universal standards.

>> No.4217755

> Or what about Rider here,she has Red hair. Are there are Female Pirates that have Red Hair? WERE There any Female Pirates at all?
> Upon returning she became known as "back from the dead red" because of her striking red hair.

>> No.4217775 [DELETED] 

Of course there were female pirates.
I guess the less you know, the more of a mystery everything becomes.
'Do people leave beyond the sea? Whooooo'

>> No.4217813

Of course there were female pirates.
I guess the less you know, the more of a mystery everything becomes.
'Do people live beyond the sea? Whooooo'

>> No.4218055


>There was never a mystery aspect

Your reading comprehension is brilliant.

>And let's be serious, with just the PICTURES of F/SN, you would never guess most of the Servants. It's a stupid example

And I never said you could,your point? If you're referring to how I used Magical Amber and Rider as Examples guess what buddy they were just that:


>When Fate/Extra actually comes out, you play it and you learn the identities in their first couple appearances, you will be whinging again.

You say that like I actually expect something out of F\E.


>The mystery you demand also has nothing to do with the actual identity of the characters,

Really, you must be some kind of genius... Yes of course not, it's supposed to make it deeper. I dont even know how you made that connection.

>You can just take a very famous one and make it obscure. Same result as showcasing less known heroes

We should test that with Superman. Surely no one will notice nor even recognize him if we cram him into a Grail War. Oh and Peter Parker/Spider-Man...Hey do you think The Hulk will work as well!?

>That on it's own does not make it actually good or interesting, and is nowhere near the focus or vital in F/SN.




There are so many unimportant things in FSN I want to smack you for even bringing that up. While you have a point that its not VITAL its certaintly a better focus than all of that dialog where Shirou and company are doing fuck all.


Thanks for proving my point,you went out of your way to search for that because it interested you enough.


Like I said an example,turn your troll meter down.

>> No.4218072

> you went out of your way to search for that because it interested you enough.
No, I knew about her already. Just pointing out that it's not too hard to figure out.

>> No.4218154

If you present SUperman or Spiderman without their usual costumes at first, they will not be easy to distinguish until they showcase their abilities.
Exactly what happens in F/SN.
There is no extra merit or interest from having a more obscure hero. You are just wishing for something without pointing out how it would improve anything, while ignoring that the situation and plot are centered heavily in their behavior and backstory(aka, the story needs these kind of characters), so you can't just use more obscure heroes and get the same effect.
You fail to make an actual point. Keep on whinging.
