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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.74 MB, 1754x1492, expectation of gensokyo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42026516 No.42026516 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion about grimsokyo?

>> No.42026657

The one on the right is just needlessly excessively creepy and doesn't seem realistic at all

>> No.42026675

They still have a hole.

>> No.42026692

i still would

>> No.42026713

Satoris are easy to trick in folklore
You just need to surprise them
Though since we're in the underworld right now, you're fucked either way

>> No.42026872

You have a hole too you know

>> No.42026927

You mean canon Gensokyo?

>> No.42026935

oh no!

>> No.42026995

You wouldn't...

>> No.42027096

it's dumb

>> No.42027903

Cringesokyo. It's just "teh human ar food" 99% of the time.

>> No.42027980

Very fun in its own right. but the people who insist it's basically canon or whatever are the most insufferable illiterates.

>> No.42028262

90% of the time it's shallow contrarianism and isn't any more canon than cutesokyo

>> No.42028457
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I love stories filled with misery that have roots in misunderstandings. I have been working on a treatment for a Touhou fanfic - it was about one of Alice's dolls gaining sentience due to a byproduct of a recently solved incident. She would gulibly set out on an adventure with a head as empty as a fairy, after misinterpreting Alice's sleepy mutterings as blessing for her journey. The story would take place in the forest, human village, Eientei, Marisa's house and finally back at Alice's cottage. Too bad my English sucks way too hard to write an actual novel.

Here's a half-assed treatment I once wrote, its like 20% done but has some general ideas in it, I think.

>> No.42028709

Pretty uncanon but no more then cutesokyo

>> No.42028760

Youkai feed on fear and it's literally canon, cutesokyofags are insufferable simps who simply want their waifus

>> No.42028785

good thing most youkai are pretty friendly anyways and rather cautious on eating humans going so far as warning wanderers to avoid certain areas where wild youkai live.
Grimfags are so stupid

>> No.42030195
File: 127 KB, 675x900, cb5f28cb0be4c0b86948c0b3aeed359f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fun to play around with but annoying when grimsokyofags cannot shut up about NUH UH THEY'LL EAT YOU in every other conversation ever.

Tell me your thoughts on Kogasa's canon official profiles and printworks, the youkai that feeds on fear.

>> No.42030427

Neither of these are reality. The closest we've come to full-on Grimsokyo was the DiPP story, which was simply based on murder mysteries ZUN liked at the time.
I am as tired of people going "oooh, don't you know Gensokyo's some grim death land?" as I am of people thinking it's some happy cute girl heaven.

>> No.42030456 [DELETED] 

Bullhorsefuckery. There are very few youkai remarked in or outside of the universe to be friendly. Yamame being one is such an outlier it needs several, explicit statements to this effect. What you see in the games and print works is the perspective of humans whom the youkai either gear, respect or at the very least apprehend. It is not the normal human experience.

>> No.42030468

Bullhorsefuckery. There are very few youkai remarked in or outside of the universe to be friendly. Yamame being one is such an outlier it needs several, explicit statements to this effect. What you see in the games and print works is the perspective of humans whom the youkai either fear, respect or at the very least apprehend. It is not the normal human experience.

>> No.42030480

The average human experience is living and working in the human village, while viewing youkai as dangerous and avoiding where they live. That's the fear youkai feed on.
It's pretty unlikely to get actually attacked, considering Reimu will just put the attacking youkai down. She'll even defend outsiders and help them get back to the outside world safely.

>> No.42030544

>That's the fear youkai feed on
And that's precisely why they can't afford to be friendly. Although most of them wouldn't or haven't the faculties to be, anyway. There are many more small fry youkai in Gensokyo than there are power players, and neither category has any business being amicable to humans. Other than those who can gohei them in half, at any rate.

>> No.42032183
File: 66 KB, 600x415, 4ccafeb5770c5183b190afbdd11c0c6873ecc91b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't there rules saying that killing humans from the village is forbidden, but anything else such as those who wandered across the barrier are free game? And even then, there is an advantage to keeping your prey alive:
1. They can't be scared of you when they're dead.
2. Unless you're a ghost-killer like Youmu or Kasen, if the human you just killed turns into a vengeful spirit against you you're practically fucked, since those are a youkai's biggest weakness.
Of course, enough death happens (See: DiPP and the fact that youkai are so prideful that any perceived disrespect will make them chimp out) but a lot of them appear to "play with their food" this gives me a massive erection

>> No.42034354

Yeah villages are cattle we've gone through this a million times

>> No.42034366

You know except all the youkai that infiltrate the village "without" people noticing them(everyone realizes they're youkai). which is pretty much all of them including powerful ones

>> No.42034408
File: 60 KB, 911x572, Rumia car crashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah messing with the human village in any way is a good way to get on the top of Reimu's hitlist and even if you can manage to avoid her you'd catch the fury Yukari, Kasen, and other stupidly OP players.
Outsiders aren't protected by according to print works large enough numbers make it to safety of the village or get intercepted by friendly youkai and escorted to safety in large enough numbers for outsiders to become something of a meme.
The only youkai you'd have to really look out for are half ferals like Rumia. or like you said if you disrespect one and it causes their short tempers to snap

>> No.42034957

Only good as a spice for select bits, that one Hina story is a good form of Grimsokyo.

Otherwise most of it just goes too hard on the "lmao youkai eat people and Gensokyo is essentially a human farm." whereas there's way more nuance then just that.

>> No.42035200
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-3050004726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who vehemently screeches that Grimsokyo isn't canon.

>> No.42035220

Dude unironically looks like a cool dude to hang out with, I'd GM for him and go out drinking while we shoot the shit

>> No.42035222
File: 216 KB, 602x935, main-qimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who enjoys Grimsokyo and knows it's canon due to actually consuming official Touhou material and not forming an opinion based off what he read from some wiki ran by discord transgenders who enjoy yuri shipping.

>> No.42035233


>> No.42035387

Some of the youkai are outright beneficial to the human village at this point, like Suika eating a bunch of beans because they'd be poisonous to the villagers in Lotus Eaters. It's kind of funny that the legendary oni she's based was one of the most dangerous youkai to exist, but she's probably the friendliest youkai in Gensokyo.

>> No.42035397

He looks like a busted older Kyle Rittenhouse

>> No.42035455

Beneficial youkai that look human enough are openly welcomed in the village and encouraged to live there and in some cases you'll have the entire village competing for the right to house and take care of them for their blessings.

>> No.42035736

The synthesis is recognizing that brutal subjugation of things like pre-industrial Japanese peasantry and gapped nonentities is simply natural to a setting and society themed on cute girls as a superior lifeform and ideal, but the larger fandom's pontificating about ethics makes Grimsokyo hard to support

>> No.42037219

Why do grimsokyo posters act like they just got here from /v/

>> No.42038391
File: 103 KB, 325x325, 27846243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, what ate you going to do about it?

>> No.42038501

Absolutely do not give me any ideas....

>> No.42038512

Satori is a pretty cocky individual who thinks she is 10/10, but gets easily humiliated. Her sister has more friends then her, and she is even more of an autist.

>> No.42038550

You're out of your mind if you think that fat fuck resembles Griezmann.

>> No.42039020

I want to do all sorts of things to Seija's little hole.

>> No.42039615

NGL I really like his clothes.

>> No.42039796

stuff like pic, "hard grimsokyo" if you will, i really can't get with
to me, gensokyo is a strange but peaceful place full of cute weirdos and anomalies, there is the rare unsettling element that can be pieced together if you really thought about it, but pretty much all of it is irrelevant and inactive while the cast hangs out, eats cake, and occasionally fights in a silly little short-term crisis

>> No.42039850

It’s the other extreme from cutesokyo.
Touhou is best when it features innocuous tales and incidents with a darker subtext.

>> No.42040170

Really makes you think

>> No.42040306

it's fine but it's not my cup of tea

>> No.42040599
File: 80 KB, 620x826, wusg7dq2ur581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look at this dark gritty canon grimsokyo

>> No.42044758

To be fair, Tewi is pretty scary.

>> No.42044789
File: 406 KB, 551x491, yucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is both more gay and more grim than Gensokyo.

>> No.42050772 [DELETED] 


>> No.42051863 [DELETED] 

>There are very few youkai remarked in or outside of the universe to be friendly.
>What you see in the games and print works is the perspective of humans whom the youkai either fear, respect or at the very least apprehend.

You're very clearly talking straight out of your ass. Read PMiSS and Forbidden Scrollery. Those works are explicitly from the perspective of humans who live under the foot of youkai; that's part of the point of them, as stated by ZUN himself.

Most of the youkai are at least neutral toward humans, and most of them don't even eat humans anymore, since they can live off of food that humans regularly eat. By neutrality toward humans, it means that Meiling trains by sparring with humans, the rabbits of Eientei regularly visit the village and even hold events hosting both regular humans & youkai at Eientei, and Ran is known to have a gentle personality without an inclination toward attacking or even fighting anyone. Even the "poor" friendship level just means Mystia regularly scams humans by giving them temporary night blindness and then selling them grilled lamprey that she says is the cure. The humans who should be at least somewhat afraid are the outsider humans, not the residents.

In words directly from the canon, in the "Monologue" section of PMiSS:
>The days where humans live in terror of youkai or desperately exterminate them have passed, and the world has become a place where youkai come to the human village to play and humans are invited into the houses of devils.

>Youkai extermination continues in name only, and abductions are only carried out for show.
>These peaceful yet stimulating times are surely a golden age for humans and youkai alike.

If the youkai are still sustaining themselves on fear after their creation, it's just that there are people who fear their power. Like how there are people who are afraid of cops or spiders, fears are sometimes more or less reasonable, but the fears are still there. Even a completely harmless spider is still feared by many.

>> No.42051909
File: 36 KB, 956x459, pmiss_danger_friendliness_matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are very few youkai remarked in or outside of the universe to be friendly.
>What you see in the games and print works is the perspective of humans whom the youkai either fear, respect or at the very least apprehend.

You're very clearly talking straight out of your ass. Read PMiSS and Forbidden Scrollery. Those works are explicitly from the perspective of humans who live under the foot of youkai; that's part of the point of them, as stated by ZUN himself.

Most of the youkai are at least neutral toward humans, and most of them don't even eat humans anymore, since they can live off of food that humans regularly eat. By neutrality toward humans, it means that Meiling trains by sparring with humans, the rabbits of Eientei regularly visit the village and even hold events hosting both regular humans & youkai at Eientei, and Ran is known to have a gentle personality without an inclination toward attacking or even fighting anyone. Even the "poor" friendship level just means Mystia regularly scams humans by giving them temporary night blindness and then selling them grilled lamprey that she says is the cure. The humans who should be at least somewhat afraid are the outsider humans, not the residents.

In words directly from the canon, in the "Monologue" section of PMiSS:
>The days where humans live in terror of youkai or desperately exterminate them have passed, and the world has become a place where youkai come to the human village to play and humans are invited into the houses of devils.

>Youkai extermination continues in name only, and abductions are only carried out for show.
>These peaceful yet stimulating times are surely a golden age for humans and youkai alike.

If the youkai are still sustaining themselves on fear after their creation, it's just that there are people who fear their power. Like how there are people who are afraid of cops or spiders, fears are sometimes more or less reasonable, but the fears are still there. Even a completely harmless spider is still feared by many.

>> No.42055713

>Read PMiSS and Forbidden Scrollery.
Holy shit, two exceptions to the general rule that still holds true for the majority of the series! I am undone! It's a fair shot, but these are the outliers. Really. You should know this.
>they can live off of food that humans regularly eat
What in tarnation are you even talking about?
>Even the "poor" friendship level just means Mystia regularly scams humans by giving them temporary night blindness and then selling them grilled lamprey that she says is the cure.
I recommend you read BAiJR, which is a pure, no-holds-barred youkai perspective on these matters. Especially Rumia's article, where she is criticised for NOT behaving like a proper youkai.

Moreover, I implore you, actually read PMiSS. Read the accounts of humans who are not Akyuu (thus well acquainted with and respected by the youkai). Read what Reimu says at the end of the Symposium.

The core fact of the setting is that youkai NEED superstition and fear. Of course, we know they can be friendly, primarily to people who can whoop their butts in combat (such as the heroines), but for the vast remaining majority of the human population of Gensokyo, they need to be and are monsters. Even the friendly ones are apprehended, as PMiSS, which you've quoted so lovingly, points out in several articles.

>> No.42060959

>Moreover, I implore you, actually read PMiSS.
Not him but which part, the one that states Gensokyo is so peaceful now that books like PMiSS are mostly useless since theres no longer a need to hunt/protect yourself from youkai?
The part where the spell card rules were drafted so youkai have something to do to maintain themselves instead of eating people?
The part where ZUN specifically states how detrimentally peaceful and ideal Gensokyo is?

>> No.42061083
File: 11 KB, 71x83, star_sapphire_charsprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two exceptions to the general rule
Those two "exceptions" are EXACTLY the works you're looking for, the extended perspective of humans who live in Gensokyo without the power to do anything about youkai themselves. PMiSS is ZUN's definitive worldbuilding volume of humans' views on youkai. If these are the outliers, exactly what in the canon are you referencing to when you exclude the perspective of humans the youkai fear, if it's not the works specifically centered around non-powerful humans?

>What in tarnation are you even talking about?
PMiSS page 32, specifically about youkai: "They do not eat only humans, but animals, birds, fish, vegetables, fruits, alcohol and other things humans normally eat."

If you didn't know this, you have no basis to be making assertions about the canon, because you obviously didn't read it.

>I recommend you read BAiJR
That's a collection of articles from the perspective of youkai, and besides that being you moving the goalpost to the perspectives of youkai rather than humans, it really REALLY doesn't help your case. The story about Kaguya states that humans AND youkai alike were showing up to her moon expo at Eientei, and Reisen's story specifically states that the youkai who show up at feasts at the shrine are eating regular food that humans would eat. It's why she's protesting at all; she doesn't like that they're eating rabbit meat at these feasts.

Also, Rumia being criticized for not acting like a proper youkai tells you that a proper youkai is one who does NOT acts like she does. The statements made by humans in PMiSS are largely people speculating on what the youkai might be up to, if not neutral or even positive comments like how warm Ran's tails look or how polite Yuuka seems when she shows up at the human flower shop.

Again, people fearing youkai doesn't mean that youkai are always terrorizing them. I again reference the spider: even if it's entirely harmless to humans, many humans fear it just because it's a spider.

>> No.42061145

As if, the explicitly humorous and non-canon manga?
Fun to see cutesokyopussies falling at their faces in the open

>> No.42061640

Decent thread to enjoy shitflinging qt least

>> No.42061807

>dude its actually really heckin dark and edgy
wow really?

>> No.42061934
File: 337 KB, 1460x2048, Fj_JaDBVEAAi56b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it
Same as cutesokyo
Same as lewdsokyo
All the interpretations are part of why I fell in love with the series

>> No.42062091

This, each one is precious and can be fun

>> No.42065224

>humans are invited into the houses of devils.
To be lunch maybe
All I know is that they don't come back

>> No.42065454
File: 1.84 MB, 2752x2540, hieda_no_akyuu_by_hisha_kan_moko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the rest of it, dipshit
>Nowadays, youkai almost never eat humans.

>In fact, a number of the youkai threat levels have been inflated somewhat in this volume.
>This probably isn't cause for too much concern, as humans are almost never kidnapped and eaten by youkai in today's Gensokyo.
it doesn't get more explicit than that
grimsokyofags are secondaries, through and through
you can appreciate it in that way if you want, but if you try to say that it's true to the canon, you're either lying or misinformed

>> No.42065881

If you are 2hu = Cutesokyo
If you are villager =Chillsokyo
If you are outsider food = Grimsokyo

>> No.42067072

Guys hear me out, What if you convince a vengeful spirit like mizuchi and her kind with the promises of retribution to be your living possesed Dart gun ammunition?
surely vengeful spirits and outsiders survivalist can cooperate.

>> No.42067221

Grimsokyo versions of the characters tend to be hotter.

>> No.42069130

Grimsokyo is the real gensokyo you idiot

>> No.42071023
File: 3.48 MB, 2346x2400, Rin eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutesokyo is the real Gensokyo you smartie!

>> No.42071778

Where the gats at nigga?

>> No.42072546


>> No.42074247
File: 629 KB, 1006x1443, death in Gensokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grimsokyo is canon, it's just also got a lot of cute in it

>> No.42074373
File: 501 KB, 960x855, 1669208811637477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.42076186

it's really not uncanon

Certainly some fanworks can go way far off with the interpretation, but at its based Gensokyo is literally a human camp fear factory with a bunch of corpses around

>> No.42076196

She obviously is referring to villagers.

It's recent, but you presently aren't allowed to kill villagers.

You can kill outsiders.

In the same book she talks about how frequently outsiders die

>> No.42076208

>according to print works large enough numbers make it to safety of the village or get intercepted by friendly youkai and escorted to safety in large enough numbers for outsiders to become something of a meme
not exactly true

It's said many die. It's never said that youkai help them. The only youkai who might help you is Alice, but it's unclear if she's helpful to all humans or just to villagers. Mokou will help you if you're in a very specific, very dangerous place. Reimu will help you if she happens to literally stumble across you (good luck with that).

Rather it's suggested that outsiders are rare, since they have notably weird fashion sense and the information they can share is quite valued. Most who even manage to somehow survive just leave as well.

>> No.42076222

honestly pretty accurate

Human villagers are evidently extremely brazen, because so long as they aren't being blatantly threatened they'll wander fucking anywhere in Gensokyo just to check it out

>> No.42076231

>that outsiders who survive* are rare
also I was mistaken

it's explicitly stated that most die, few make it to the Shrine, and even fewer stay

>> No.42076780

Youkai girls catching a husband for love

>> No.42080886

But grimsokyofags are yurifags, their view of "youkai girls would not love you, they only love each other and they would eat you instead" is convenient for yuri ships. The only exception being rinnosuke because he is a half youkai

>> No.42080963

I don't like lewdsokyo

>> No.42083748

Sumireko is also an outside who has special protection from Reimu

>> No.42084253

Sumireko almost collapsed the entire barrier, she'd be able to handle herself if she didn't have the mentality of a teenage girl.

>> No.42085543

Sumireko is a special case, basically. Most outsiders don't have super powers.

Honestly for reference, Sakuya is technically a human outsider to, right?

>> No.42085549

what the fuck are you talking about

If Grimsokyo is canon (and it is) that means most girls are uninterested in romance from what we can tell, and the few that are either fawn over heterosexual relationships or have or are currently fucking husbands.

>> No.42085591

I mean the entire SDM are outsiders... Moriya are outsiders... everybody are basically outsiders until they become relevant enough to stick around.

>> No.42085666

no, my point is that Sanae definitely and Sakuya probably both were not instantly murdered upon entering Gensokyo, and they also both have strange powers. Even when Sumireko first entered Gensokyo, the plot was to scare her rather than kill her. She also has strange powers. Sanae is of course half-god, but she thought herself to be human until a while after arriving.

I'm pretty sure that gives you a pass, and virtually no other outsider would get such a pass.

>> No.42085680

>>The part where the spell card rules were drafted so youkai have something to do to maintain themselves instead of eating people?
The spell card rules were firstmost drafted so that youkai wouldn't destroy Gensokyo entirely while fighting, while also stating they still need to fight to exist. While the world has "become peaceful", just a little while before the Scarlet Mist incident Remilia had even gone on a rampage that provoked the drafting of those rules. We're also told how many outsiders die, that Remilia has a contract to kill them etc.

These are all in the book.

>> No.42085715
File: 992 KB, 4093x2894, Sumirekos gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya had the entire SDM and was brought there with the mansion itself and of course had her time stop powers and knives that could easily btfo yokai.
Sanae would've been very weak as all gods tend to be upon arriving but together the three Moriyan gods had enough power to not be killed by the Tengu or other youkai of the mountain most like.
(you) would not have any such luxuries unless you get a favorable spawn close to the village or at a safe zone like Myouren temple or Eientei or something.
Or you know, you do a Sumi and pull out a fucking gun and just shoot them

>> No.42085720

So basically its colonial era lynching for being a weird outsider, and not Darkest Dungeon everybody is living in misery and oppression from the overbearing evil.

>> No.42085729

>its colonial era
More like hunting time at the nature reserve

>> No.42085744

>weird outsider
tasty* outsider, you mean

>> No.42086522
File: 215 KB, 723x381, 1662540320248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in gensokyo, 4am labor job so you don't go to hell
>Fall into kilometer pitifall, a fairly tame prank by the faires
>Get shot by stray danmaku bullet
>"Incident of a thousand layoffs"causes you to lose your job
>Drink and cry at local bar
>Accidentally walk out of safety zone
>Get killed and eaten by a yokai

>> No.42090379
File: 59 KB, 480x640, 20070929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in gensokyo
>get shot

>> No.42092393

I knew it, Gensokyo is rightful American clay!

>> No.42093356

>The souls in hell make a good alternative to oil.
Now we are talking!

>> No.42095097

It's the correct interpretation.
Or at least correct-er, Grimsokyo gets too grim. But Cutesokyo is just retarded

>> No.42095154

>corpses outside the gates are so common Marisa just shrugs it off
I don't want to hear a single motherfucker tell me that youkai are neutral

>> No.42095216
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Counterpoint: Marisa is just weird, even the adults are clearly flustered and not wanting to believe the kid

>> No.42095374
File: 43 KB, 711x536, nameless dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Muenzuka where all the killed outsiders are buried or do the corpses there come into Gensokyo already dead? If it's the former holy shit they kill so many people they have a dedicated place to cremate and bury them? And then they take "unworldly goods" off their corpses?

>> No.42095474

Sounds like its implied that the dead outsiders are buried there that aren't eaten and people without families.
Which if they got eaten then obviously they wouldn't be there to be cremated so its unclear but its implied that mostly a place to bury all the outsiders that appeared there over the last century or so the barriers been up.

>> No.42100056

>killed or already dead
Why are those the only options? Most people die of deteriorating health or by complete accident, not by murder.

Also, considering that most outsiders resort to cell phones first, there's probably a fair amount of them that die just through prolonged exposure to nature. You know, freezing to death, being unable to find a water source, trying to eat food from the ground only to get poisoned, catching a disease from bugs or animals, falling off a sudden drop and being immobilized after breaking something, getting stuck in a tight spot, never finding their way out of the bamboo forest, already having a health condition or a disability before crossing the barrier, just a lot of hazards that more or less already exist in nature. If a youkai didn't eat them and so they become nameless corpses, that's how you'll get a lot of bones showing up: abandoned people die in nature the same way that abandoned animal babies do.

>> No.42100169

This very strongly implies that the other youkai in Gensokyo not only don't act like Remilia, but also are actively appalled by what she did. The vampire incident is explicitly NOT representative of the state of Gensokyo. That's why it's an incident instead of just how things are, and it illustrates that the youkai of Gensokyo wish to maintain peace while also remaining capable of battle just in case another Remilia shows up.

>> No.42100623

there is a reason in canon why nobody likes the SDM and remilia literally dont have political and diplomatic allies (she is really under the thumb of the sages and reimu and exist in gensokyo as long as this "western brat" is useful)
but credit were is due, we dont really know the details of the vampire incident or al the clausules of the vampire contract, the lore give contradictory info with: "bring her outsiders to feed" and "she is a light eater and dont kill when she feed" (she is basicaly a Facultative Hematophage), maybe one day, if we are lucky
we could get details of the incident in some oficial spin off manga.

>> No.42102233

Stop trying to convince me youkai are actually good and friendly. They aren't.

>> No.42102374

>Most people die of deteriorating health or by complete accident, not by murder.
In the outside world, where supernatural man-eating monsters are near-extinct, not in the fantasy land where they're plentiful.
>there's probably a fair amount of them that die just through prolonged exposure to nature. You know, freezing to death, being unable to find a water source, trying to eat food from the ground only to get poisoned, catching a disease from bugs or animals, falling off a sudden drop and being immobilized after breaking something, getting stuck in a tight spot, never finding their way out of the bamboo forest, already having a health condition or a disability before crossing the barrier
Is Gensokyo big enough that someone who's suddenly brought there would die of those causes before either finding some semblance of civilization or encountering a youkai and dying to them? Regardless, such deaths are still the fault of the youkai for bringing said outsiders to Gensokyo.

>> No.42102507
File: 141 KB, 403x322, fortuneteller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its correct and factual

>> No.42107497

It's at the very least an interesting setting for various works

>> No.42107611

Satori tells Koishi there are many worlds on the surface besides Gensokyo, with the outside world being the scariest of all. Is that just the case for youkai because they'd quickly stop existing (although Yukari put zashiki-warashi spies in the outside world) or is it propaganda.
Now that I think about it, how do the underground youkai get fear if they don't visit the surface. Are certain species immune or more resistant to watever it is that causes youkai to need fear because they're still known in culture (Oni, Tengu, Kappa, Satori) compared to undocumented/one of a kind youkai (Rumia, Yukari, Yuuka).

>> No.42108349


>> No.42108578

>This very strongly implies that the other youkai in Gensokyo not only don't act like Remilia, but also are actively appalled by what she did.
Not quite. I take it to be that "it was the tipping point". The idea is that these sorts of fights have been happening a lot, and they need to be stopped. This makes sense given quite a few gods and youkai are both extremely, dangerously powerful and also very fucking whimsical. Yukari also acts against Suika's motivations in IaMP specifically because of this. Her fear was that oni returning to Gensokyo would destroy it, because oni are insane

>> No.42108630

Given stuff like "immediately after this incident Remilia did something ELSE" I've always gotten this impression that it was all a work, all to make the spell card rules and then enforce them. She never starts incidents afterward (worth mentioning since quite a few other final bosses still cause varying amounts of trouble after they're defeated), she is indeed said to, in the more-canon text (her profile), not really ever kill people, and elsewhere we're told that the blood both sisters get is in tea and cakes. Not to mention Remilia is out and out one of the kindest people in Touhou canon, even being kind to fairies.

>> No.42112246

>Now that I think about it, how do the underground youkai get fear if they don't visit the surface.
The fear of varying types of hell is strong enough to keep thousands of years of humans locked in worship despite never seeing or being there themselves. I'm sure they can skim a bit off that.

>> No.42112333

yes we are

>> No.42113109

how are you guys friendly, you kill outsiders and eat them up

>> No.42115985

Black tei.png
[x] jump in the lake

>> No.42117307

That's kindness.

>> No.42117337

we spare /jp/ posters

>> No.42125816
File: 3.56 MB, 2790x1720, youkai extermination2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slay youkai. The bitch maiden refuses to do it herself so you have to take matters into your own hands.

>> No.42125827

Zounose is ok!

>> No.42133673

Would grimsokyo even be sustainable? It difficult for someone to just completely disappear without someone else noticing there missing. It would however work if there isn't many human eating youkai.

>> No.42134070

Consider the following:
A. You are what you eat.
B. I eat friendly people.
Therefore, I am friendly.

>> No.42135641

There would need to be more humans than youkai, certainly. Outsiders would sort of have to flood in, and there would be a lot more ghosts instead of just phantoms. It might even make it such that the human village is actually just ghosts who forgot their objectives, as ghosts in Gensokyo are exclusively humans who do not recognize that they've died. Of course, you'd have to do something about the birth & death cycle, especially with reincarnates like Akyuu. If not, there's probably some super-dense farm of humans somewhere, like in a kappa factory, and we would have to ignore that people can just sacrifice a cow or some other foodstuff if they encounter any particularly hungry youkai.

It's a joint problem between how to stuff that many humans into Gensokyo without humans gaining more influence and how to deal with the undead leftovers of eaten humans if Komachi is already known to completely take breaks from her job. Many of the phantoms in Gensokyo are just those who crossed the Netherworld border that Reimu broke in PCB, but if they were suddenly mixed in with a bunch of phantoms & ghosts from those who hadn't yet received judgment and Youmu started rounding them up again on Yuyuko's orders, there'd be hell to pay from the Yama.

>> No.42139648

outsiders are always male and used for marriage only
that's what they mean by getting "eaten", they eat away your virginity

>> No.42139682

Who's Sumireko then

>> No.42139721

sumireko is an occultist, not a normal outsider

>> No.42140270

Youkai are notoriously self-centered and don't really care about humans unless an interesting individual catch their interest

Read the wiki for official information you retards

>> No.42140852

how about you get it from the source you fucking secondary

>> No.42141054

the wiki site their sources all the time you dumb utter moron

>> No.42141314

You mean they're just regular people? Color me surprised.

>> No.42142517

For me, it's Sexsokyo

>> No.42149951

Glad to see the grimsokyo vs cutesokyo debacle still hasn't changed. Though sometimes I wonder which one jaypee generally prefers.
