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4182970 No.4182970 [Reply] [Original]

So, what theories are there other than Shkanontrice and moon-chan? Seriously, you guys can't be that narrow minded...then again...

>> No.4182983

Can probabaly spin a Kyrie culprit theory, not Kyrietrice though.

Pretty much the pretend Beatrice has to be Shannon, Jessica, or by some convoluted means, a real Kanon.

>> No.4182995

There's few operative theories, Krauss, all the moms, and Nanjou are literally always under suspicion until cleared by red (like Eva in EP3).

>> No.4183016
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The culprit is Rosa.......Yess The stupid bitch.

Because she is the only one who has ever met her IRL. which means that only she can duplicate her appreance or atleast help someone look like her:

>> No.4183025

Nothing about being narrow-minded, with EP6, it's either Shkanon, or "Erika doesn't exist", and DID makes slightly more sense than some non existent existence.

>> No.4183032

Also, Erika was stated in red in Episode 5 to increase the headcount by one, and it wouldn't really make sense for that to change between Episodes.

>> No.4183036

Everyone on the island is "Beatrice".
Except Battler.

>> No.4183059

The mansion is also named Beatrice.

>> No.4183062

"doctor kira, hallucinogetic tea, bomb in the clock.

mystery solved." ~ Anon

>> No.4183085

I didn't even consider that, that may also be workable.

>> No.4183092

That brings up a good question, why can't Battler be the real Beatrice? Nothing said he isn't.

>> No.4183105

Oh right, and the bomb/whatever that explodes at midnight on October 5th, at the end of every game, is also called Beatrice.

>> No.4183112

There is no "real'" Beatrice. Everyone who sees Beatrice is Beatrice. Battler cannot be Beatrice because there is no Battler.

>> No.4183120

everyone is the culprit except battler

>> No.4183125
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>or by some convoluted means, a real Kanon
What do you mean by "real"? Also Kanon has more hints at being Beatrice than Shannon and Jessica combined, so it would be in no way convoluted.

>> No.4183135

Because Shkannon is all but confirmed, if Kanon and Shannon are separate people, someone else is samefagging, because lol16people.

>> No.4183144
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>> No.4183152

Are we absolutely certain that even approaching Umineko as a murder-mystery or murder-fantasy is the right one?

What happens if we approach it as a tragedy instead? An old man's family is torn apart by gold and inheritance - love unattained (Beatrice). He makes multiple attempts to rectify it, by backing an heir against opposition first, then by choosing an heir with no prior conflicts... then, finally, by giving up and leaving it in the hands of anybody who can claim it.

But the old man is terribly unlucky. A quadrillion tries, and he will still fail. And his last option is incompatible if the prior two still apply...

>> No.4183169

That would work, if Kinzo were the main character.

Battler, however, is the main character. ...Though he has indeed become quite like Kinzo at this point.

>> No.4183175


Doesn't need to be the main character. Can be the tragic backstory that lends to all of the misunderstandings and miscommunication.

>> No.4183198

Also with the part where Battler coming to the island causes people to die is either:
A. Beatrice snapping from Battler's return and suicides or starts murdering people.
B. Kinzo gave him the inheritance, and his family snapped from the ensuing conflicts caused by that and started killing each other.

>> No.4183210

Beatrice is actually Kinzo who is actually Battler's grandmother who got impregnated by Bernkastel in the middle of the Rokkenjima forest which caused a downward spiral of events that led to Maria giving birth to Ange with Sakutarou fathering all seven stakes through Eva-Beatrice's filthy cunt in New York City. Erika also had an orgy with Gohda, Ronove, and a white rhinoceros.

>> No.4183223


We're almost certain that Battler was the "adopted" heir. He might not even be aware of it until Rudolf spills the beans - if he ever got around to it. It would also give Kyrie incentive to kill for his sake - her own son, after all, who is now under threat by at LEAST the main family.

>> No.4183232

The answer to that depends on whether or not the Rokkenjima incident would have occurred even if Battler hadn't come to Rokkenjima. If it wouldn't have, the answer would be A, but if it still would have, the answer would be B.

>> No.4183238


It was explicitly stated early on that Beatrice is not necessarily a single individual.

Why can't it be the entire family - or the concept of "family?"

>> No.4183240

So... Battler has fallen in love with the Ushiromiya family as a whole?

>> No.4183239

Or how about Shkanon for that matter...

>> No.4183242

You are now imagining him making out with all of them, most especially George, Kraus, and Nanjo.

>> No.4183244

as long as they are the Rifyu variant, I'm very ok with that

>> No.4183249


The concept of "belonging," yes. He spent six years having deliberately cast himself away from anything remotely resembling a normal family life. If Beatrice is the concept of unattained love, "love for family" would fit - it'd be something he'd willingly sacrifice to defend.

It might even explain his outburst in game 6. If the idea is to reboot the relationships amongst the Ushiromiya branch families, the end result won't necessarily be the "family" he expected - Asumu won't be his real mother, the siblings won't be preying upon each other in a 3-1 war, etc. He might not actually recognize the prize he sought.

>> No.4183253

Get out Gainax devs.

>> No.4183260

I'd rather drink bleach than read that kind of bullshit ending about family ties. GIVE ME MY FUCKING ROMANCE ENDING TO REDEEM THIS FUCKING TROLLFEST, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S WITH JESSICA, SHANNON, KANON, SHKANON, OR GEORGE!!

>> No.4183283
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The one nice thing about Umineko is that the creator is such a bad artist that fanartists feel obligated to make up for his lack of talent and make some of the best fan art I've ever seen.

>> No.4183373
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So what is your favorite pairing with Battler?

>> No.4183379

then he's a responsible artist

>> No.4183388


>> No.4183390

It probably would be easier to ask me who I don't pair him with.

As the episodes go on, the asshole just gets dumber, but he deserves a harem for all the trolling he's been through.

>> No.4183393


R07 just as keikaku, etc.

>> No.4183398

I think he gets smarter, but he's just too good of a person

>> No.4183405

Basically, he wouldn't seem so dumb if not for his knightly attitude.

>> No.4183442

pooor guy, he's just weak against tsunderes (and women in general)

>> No.4183462

As of EP 5, everyone seems to have forgotten about the boat ticket stub in Kyrie's pocket in EP3(?) and how strange she acted on the phone in EP 4.

>> No.4183465

Are you suggesting there's another person on the island somehow?

>> No.4183467

no one has forgotten that she's suspicious, but Kyrie being the culprit, it's just really evident, she's like Takano 2, really sketchy and suspicious

>> No.4183483

Perhaps it was Kyrie who sent the letters to the relatives in EP4?

>> No.4183495
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Was reading through the Umineko mango out of boredom, and I like how Jessica immediately accuses someone of being the culprit while in Kinzo's study in EP1.

>> No.4183496
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>Takano 2

Naturally. "Kyrie is too obvious!", no shit.

>> No.4183498
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>> No.4183503

>We're almost certain that Battler was the "adopted" heir.

It'd explain his strange fear of "falling" out of vehicles.

>> No.4183535

Goddamn Moon-chan.

>> No.4183796

I wondered if the Goats were meant to represent men working for the Kyoto organization.
