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4180860 No.4180860 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard tell that Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night are the easiest of the Touhou games (6-12). I agree.
However, how would you rank the 6 games in difficulty?

>> No.4180869

>dem necks

>> No.4180899

>the Touhou games (6-12)
Ah yes, I forgot that the PC-98 games aren't Touhou.

>> No.4180916
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I enjoy this artist.
I've also been told (here) that SA is the hardest. Truth, or vocal crybaby?

>> No.4180915

Normal Mode Difficulty
SA > UFO > MoF > EoSD > PCB > IN

Just my opinion though, and I have way more practice in the 3 older ones than the 3 newer ones

>> No.4180955

I actually had a harder time 1CCing PCB (without using Sakuya) on normal than I did 1CCing MoF (without using MarisaB) on normal. Though, maybe the problem was that I was inexperienced during PCB, so when I improved and was playing MoF it just felt easier.

>> No.4181013
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>> No.4181036


MoF is by far the easiest. Almost every single spell card up through the start of Stage 6 is very easily beatable even by a relative novice. I can 1CC it reliably almost every time.

Imperishable Night is next. I can't 1CC it reliably, but I've done it a few times. The main reason it's harder than MoF is because of Stage 4, which IMO is harder than Stage 5 and possibly even Stage 6.

PCB is next. Stage 4 has the usual massive jump in difficulty, but unlike IN, Stage 5 is absurdly hard too. And then there's Stage 6, which you won't have enough lives to beat unless you did really well on 4/5.

EoSD, SA, and UFO are all above that in difficulty, though having not 1CC'd them, I can't really speak for them too much.

>> No.4181092

What was IN stage 4 again? ... oh right, fucking Reimu.

PCB stage 6 is easier than 5 though.

UFO > SA > EoSD > MoF > PCB > IN

IN is babies and gimmics. PCB is CHERRY BORDER.
MoF is I can't bring myself to play it, but it wasn't that difficult from what I saw. EoSD is SURE IS KNIVES AROUND HERE also I suck with no hitbox. SA is too hard for me but goddamn at least I can get pass stage two without dying. UFO is WHY AM I STARTING TO DIE FROM STAGE 2 BOSS ONWARDS? also fucking UFOs get me killed the most.

>> No.4181117

ITT people try to have opinions when they haven't played any of the games on anything other than Easy and Normal.

>> No.4181147


MoF and IN are pretty low on practice, but that would only solve micromemorization issues. There's very little enthusiasm when playing them and performance suffers.

>> No.4181164

I thought PCB hard was fairly difficult....

>> No.4181167

MOF and IN on hard are other games normal

>> No.4181186
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OP here, I guess I should have been specific about difficulty. I play on Normal.
That said, I was hoping there was more of a consensus on the game to game difficulty, and less mocking each other and personal stories.

>> No.4181197

>What was IN stage 4 again? ... oh right, fucking Reimu.

Rather her than Marissa

Goddamnit Master Spark, I hate you and your oddly shapen spinning projectiles.

>> No.4181201
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>> No.4181286

No way is Marissa harder than Reimu

>> No.4181492
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Which character do you think is easiest for each game?
Usually I just pick Marisa with lasers.

>> No.4181542


Some people dread playing Malice and Scarlet Devil team simply because you have to deal with Reimu's bullshit.

>> No.4181561

shoot the bullet is the only good touhou
yeah i said it

>> No.4181570

EoSD: The shot types are actually balanced.
PCB: Sakuya A spamming bombs or Reimu A with her easy deathbomb window.
IN: Yukari, the overpowered bitch.
MoF: Marisa Bugged
SA: Yukari, the overpowered bitch.
UFO: The slut.

>> No.4181583

I think homing Reimu is the easiest, since you just have to dodge. Marisa is usually strong but you have to be good enough to use her speed or else you'll just run into shit more.

>> No.4181591

From hardest to easiest:

UFO > SA > MoF > PCB > EoSD > IN

>> No.4181601

Usually any shot type with range. Starting from the sixth game it goes: Reimu B, Reimu B, Ghost Team, Marisa C, Reimu A, Sanae B.

Marisa with lasers is overpowered for LLS. Having a larger spread for MS doesn't matter that much so Mima is the top pick.

>> No.4181603

Hey guys, what's wrong with Too Hoo 9?

>> No.4181613

What about in PoFV?


>Touhou games (6-12).
>the 6 games in difficulty?

Wait. WAIT.



>7 games.

ITT no one remembers PoFV or realizes OPs error.

>> No.4181649

>just have to dodge

And make the battles longer even if you stay underneath the boss 95% of the time.

>> No.4181654
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I'm surprised a few of you noticed.

>> No.4181660

nobody plays PoFV

>> No.4181699

Only people with friends play PoFV.
I would know.

>> No.4181716

Okay, fine. Medicine and Aya are widely considered the easiest for PoFV. Personally I like to stick with Sikieiki for the decent scope and charge speed. One thing I'm unsure about is the placement of the hitbox on her body. So far I don't think it's thrown me off, but when I pay attention to where it is I tend to worry it'll be the cause of some death in the future.

Unlike the other games I can rank overall based on the friendliness of shot types and levels of difficulty, PoFV jumps all over the fucking place.

>> No.4181741

Broken tier:

High tier:

Mid tier:

Low tier:

Bottom tier:

Roll tier:

>> No.4181757

Considering the Extra Mode that forces you to use characters that aren't Medicine or Aya, PoFV is the easiest Windows game.

>> No.4181764

Oh hey, a new wallpaper. Thanks OP

>> No.4181767

Tell me about using Yukari in SA
Or IN, if you would.

>> No.4181782

SA: Needle Reimu, but good and with teleportation abilities
IN: Ran homes in on enemies and shotguns them

>> No.4181786

Oh hey, a completely wrong and bullshit tier list. Wow. What a surprise.

>> No.4181798

Fix it, faggot.

>> No.4181802

Can't go wrong with SA Yukari unless you're tired of straightforward characters. Easily the strongest long range damage.

IN...what can I say. Longer window of opportunity to bomb, small hitbox, slow focus speed. If you give the other teams a spin you'll notice how shitty the homing damage actually is, but out of all the teams it probably has the least amount of negatives to go with it.

>> No.4181817

Was the list created with regards to match /story play or netplay?

>> No.4181823

2-player, both Match and Netplay
Then again, I made this list in a good 3 minutes

>> No.4181833
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Hm. I guess I'll give her a spin sometimes, then.
Thanks for the answers, guys.

>> No.4181845

Well homing damage is expected to be low. Should have said damage output, period.

>> No.4181862

Characters you'll see 95% of the people using in a serious tournament Tier
Reimu, Youmu

Who Cares Tier:
Everybody else

At the top level of play, all that matters is who can keep their bullets on the screen for the longest period of time because both players are going to be doing nothing but firing off spellcards and clearing the area around them constantly. Youmu and Reimu win that hands down.

>> No.4181878


weird, though the most people play Border Team, i really enjoy playing SDM Team a lot more. the damage output is consistently strong, but not gimmicky, unlike Malice's.

why don't people use SDM Team? i like SDM more than Malice and Ghost

>> No.4181880

The other 5% are creating a bit of a stir in recent years.


>> No.4181903

because remilia's options are hard to use.

>> No.4181904

Hard mode, survival, kinda not that good but beaten a few of them tier:
UFO > PCB = SA > IN > MoF
I haven't tried EoSD but I imagine it's among the top 2.

IN might actually be harder depending on how precise your movement is. It has completely stupid bullet density and the superlong bomb timer only works during spellcards.

>> No.4181907

True, and the short time I tried them I loved how Kaguya's spells ended before becoming very annoying. The focused speed may have been a turn-off but not so much now. It's mainly that I love unfocused time orb collection and Sakuya's firepower doesn't cut it.

>> No.4182056

>Some people dread playing Malice and Scarlet Devil team simply because you have to deal with Reimu's bullshit.

Reimu is completely predictable.
Marisa is a nightmare.

Whenever I go back to IN I always go Malice.

>> No.4182070
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>full-screen amulet spam
>throws bouncing balls in for good measure
>flash steps

>> No.4182077

>why don't people use SDM Team? i like SDM more than Malice and Ghost

Remilia is great, but Sakuya just doesn't have the firepower she did in PCB.

>> No.4182101

For UFO, which slut? The slut with a frog, or slut with a snake?

>> No.4182103

>full-screen amulet spam
Focused movement slightly to the side when an amulet will hit you
>throws bouncing balls in for good measure
They don't hit you when you're focuses IIRC
>flash steps
Ok, this one is a bitch.

>> No.4182146

Hard mode 1ccs default lives
UFO > EoSD > PCB = IN = SA > MoF

Unlocking Lunatic Practice through continue spam:
UFO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SA = MoF > PCB = EoSD = IN

>> No.4182149

Frog. Decent forward shot, splash damage all around, superior bomb.

Alright, did a run with SDM Team and Kaguya's second last spell reminded me of the unwieldy focus speed. Normal version probably has it worst, though. Spell capture times were superb.
