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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 800x600, another missed chance to make rin moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4179706 No.4179706 [Reply] [Original]

So I was checking out the partial test release of the Hollow Ataraxia patch when I bumped into this little gem of a quickly abandoned idea.

Why, Nasu? Why didn't you make this real? Are you deliberately trying to keep Rin devoid of likable traits? So I don't like her, but even I have to admit that it'd be down right adorable if Rin was liquidizing her stuff in financial desperation, too proud to ask her friends for help or even show them how far she has fallen.

You put that mental image on the table and then you yank it away in the very next screen. Shame on you. Shame - on - you.

>> No.4179720

Hey Guy_who_dislikes_Rin!
How is it going?

>> No.4179730
File: 56 KB, 293x301, Fascinating - Slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devoid of likable traits

>> No.4179771

These threads became a lot more entertaining when I started imagining the one person who always jumps in to defend Rin's honor is Rin herself, browsing 4chan and fuming.

>> No.4179773

If you'd paid attention to F/sn you'd have noted where it's stated that, due to her family's tradition of putting their magical energy into precious gemstones, she does, in fact, have little money to spend on much else alot of the time.

>> No.4179796


Oh, I know they say that she's not as rich as she appears and in F/HA's intro she blows up most of what she had left along with Ilya's house, but the thing Shirou suggests in the OP pic isn't real. She isn't "pawning her precious heirlooms", instead she's buying even more expensive magical crap.

Like Reimu's, Rin's poverty just isn't allowed to reach the level where it would become a moe trait.

>> No.4179803

What honor?

>> No.4179808

That's actually an amusing mindset.

>> No.4179813

>implying that only one single person dislikes <insert character here>


>> No.4179815
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 20_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the one person bashing Rin is actually Sakura in the next room?

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4179820


Yes, she is looking for gems and a pawnshop is cheaper that a jewelry.

>> No.4179825

a poor girl is better to take care of

>> No.4179830

She gets money by selling her body.

>> No.4179833

>this little gem
>Rin selling jewels
I laughed.

>> No.4179834

Rin doesn't even know how to use email, I think her posts would be more along the lines of "HOW DID THIS GET HERE I AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER"

>> No.4179862

The Tohsaka bloodline, much like the REAL Tohno family in Turkeyhandle, has no talent for technology.
It's kinda hard to imagine it if you know that...

>> No.4179870

Maybe she forces Sakura or Shirou to type and lurk for her.

>> No.4179871

Obviously Shirou is the one that's defending Rin's honour on-line.

>> No.4179874

Maybe Archer trolls Rin, knowing that Shirou is white knighting for her.

>> No.4179885
File: 44 KB, 645x511, maidens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does seem like that type...

>> No.4179888

Well, the mystery white knight doesn't know you're not supposed to hit enter after every sentence.

Or Issei or Shinji or Luvia... Even in F/SN itself there are a whole bunch of people who hate Rin.

>> No.4179909
File: 49 KB, 511x510, 20fb8e63151694e3ba775b581461d46f23f310d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura was also originally a Tohsaka, so that only leaves Shirou...

I am now imagining the events after UBW true end:
-They live in London
-Rin is out doing magic business
-Shirou has done the housework and is bored at home
-He goes to 4chan and skillfully trolls Turkeyhandle and the other FSN routes besides UBW while chuckling like an idiot.

>> No.4179915

Issei is (actually) tsundere for Rin. Shinji thinks he hates her, but just wants to be accepted as equals... so he can fuck her and also feel better about himself. Luvia is just her Player 2 rival.

Nobody hates Rin except for Caster. That's understandable, considering they are at odds in every way.

I like both of them, which is why they should be together a lot.

>> No.4179922

Shinji badly wanted to fuck Rin. He was only pissed because he got rejected.

>> No.4179929

Now imagine a Caster route where Shirou, Caster, and Rin have to coexist in the Emiya household.

>> No.4179949

There would be no house after the first night, just shambles.

>> No.4179963

Even better, they need a 3 way mana transfer to power up Caster so they don't die.

>> No.4179964

Of course many people (dis)like anything anywhere.This specific poster is distinctive, even though he is anonymous. Like the guy who usually popped to reverse whatever he says who pressed the return key after every sentence.

>> No.4179986


I hate anonymous people whose posting style is so distinctive that they get recognized anyway. They're like stealth tripfags.

>> No.4180012


Feels meh, man.

>> No.4180011

At least when it's a different subject, they are much harder to spot.

>> No.4180023

Oh god, I can think of one poster like that. It's like a tripfag that only I can see.

>> No.4180031

Don't worry, Ren, you're bland enough that we wouldn't recognize you without your trip.

>> No.4180036

TYPE-MOON threads don't work on western boards because we are too individualistic.

>> No.4180046

Or because every subjects about it have been done a few thousand times before.

>> No.4180051 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 1024x1024, 1249410833216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's this time again.

How's Rin in 2ch? She as polarizing in nihonland? Does she have elevens who want to choke her, or is that just a 4chan thing?

>> No.4180059

All three heroines have their own dedicated hatebase in japland.

>> No.4180061

>Are you deliberately trying to keep Rin devoid of likable traits?

OP now confirmed for underage

>> No.4180065

sorry bro

>> No.4180073

Rin has always been well liked.
But there's no polarizing shit like here simply because FSN is OLD, people don't discuss anything about it much nowadays there.

>> No.4180076


Well it can't really be helped, can it? There's nothing new to discuss until 2030 when TM are scheduled to finally do something other than remakes and fan discs.

I predict the F/HA translation, if it gets anywhere near completion, will give something semi-new to talk about but in the end it's still Adventures of Shirou & Friends: Now in Chocolate Lime Flavor

>> No.4180084

>>4180061 OP now confirmed for underage
>liking a character who acts mean to the one she likes, like a little kid

Yeah, sure.

>> No.4180080


'Splain your reasoning.

>> No.4180096

Either time to re-read FSN or just give up and level up your maturity stat first

>> No.4180127

I dunno, considering she is an fairly attractive tsundere, I am inclined to believe she is liked, just not as much as Seiba.

Now what would be interesting to know is what is Japan's opinion on Sakura, I really do wonder if she get as much shit there as she does here.

>> No.4180146

Nah, I'd be easily recognized if I stated my opinion. You're mostly just not worth stating it to.

>> No.4180164

The shit you see on 4chan is pretty identical to what you'll see on Japanese bbs.

The internet is the same everywhere pretty much.

>> No.4180172

I hope a drawfag sketches these scenarios out someday. I'm a huge fan of Rin and I still think they're funny.

>> No.4180176

She does

>> No.4180235
File: 106 KB, 626x876, rin knows internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies, Rin knows internet. It's in the filename, it must be true.

>> No.4180249



>> No.4180257

That's true, but foreign memes are interesting.

>> No.4180278

   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (    )  \________
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>> No.4180352
File: 217 KB, 480x599, aff32dd251b2031c19e9325144c34ba7e66e1721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ilya is another example of how people with a lot of money are just plain better than everyone else.

>> No.4180369

It's too bad she won't live; but, then again, who does?

>> No.4180397

Describe, in single words, only the good things that come to mind about your mother.
