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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 213 KB, 962x1000, 20100114-DSC_6245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4138791 No.4138791 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ Battlestations?

Shoulda put my F/SN box up there... at least you can see the Tiger Colosseum box and bonus CDs...

>> No.4138836

It's like I'm really on /g/.

>> No.4138848

I feel like I'm the only person on 4chan with a CRT monitor.

>> No.4138883

running 2 CRT's right here, you're not alone. They are superior displays afterall.

>> No.4138896

Superior for displaying multiple, changing resolutions. Inferior for basically everything else.

>> No.4138897

I have a cactus on my shelf.

>> No.4138899

Don't forget the SUPERIOR BLACKS

>> No.4138906
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1261552455785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone said BLACKS?

>> No.4138907

Technically superior blacks, yes, but not actually superior in any visible way. If it doesn't make a difference, then it isn't an advantage.

>> No.4138914


I too utilize a massive CRT due to being poor and CRTs being free(with decent refresh rates).

>> No.4138916

I've got a laptop, so I don't have much choice in the matter.

>> No.4138933

LCDs look like shit.

>> No.4138949
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>> No.4138952
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>> No.4138958
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>> No.4138987

I really need to get around to building a battlestation.
TF2 on a laptop is not fun.

Permanent burns on my left thigh.

>> No.4138996
File: 1.28 MB, 2816x2112, CIMG2341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4138998

Use a table

>> No.4139005

Cool Gold and Empress poster bro.

>> No.4139014

Don't tell me you guys buy all this stuff just to show it off on /jp/.

>> No.4139017

I don't really know why I buy my shit. I would show it off on /jp/ but I don't have a camera. Those fuckers are retardedly expensive; I don't understand why so many people have them.

>> No.4139027

What, cameras? You can get a decent camera for like 80 bucks these days.

>> No.4139028

What? I'm assuming you don't have a camera phone. Digital cameras can't be that far off from all the figs you must buy. You can probably get a good one for $80-120.

>> No.4139030
File: 196 KB, 1000x664, 20100114-DSC_6247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought all this shit to show it off on /jp/.

Well, it was two years ago, so I guess I bought it to show off on /a/ since it was pre-/jp/, but I never did...

>> No.4139032

Missing the Gold CS poster. Too bad Empress didn't have a CS poster, either, or I'd have probably gotten that too.

I buy my shit because I like/want it. I wouldn't be assed to spend money to gain the affection of others.

>> No.4139037

I have a camera phone. 320x240 is hardly high-resolution. And $80 is two figmas and a week of lunches. I can't afford that shit.

>> No.4139047

>I like/want it.

But that's a very vague answer. Why exactly do you buy all this stuff to fill up your room to such an excessive level? If even your mousepad has an anime girl on it you must have a real reason to be pouring all that money into it.

>> No.4139051

For one thing, a lot of stuff isn't very expensive. Posters? A subscription to Megami takes care of that for about 14 bucks a month. A mousepad? You can get a custom one for around 2 dollars.

>> No.4139052

I'm >>4138949 and the only reason for me to buy Japanese books/manga is to read them (which I happen to do at my computer, because I can use online dictionaries that way).

well, you can plug external monitors into most laptops. I'm using a 22" LCD with my laptops myself.
You could use a CRT like this too, but of course there's no reason for that because they're shit.

>> No.4139053

He already told you why. Because he likes it/wants it.

I do the same.

>> No.4139056

You know, this room would be a lot classier if you'd replace the lava lamp for a bottle of wine.

>> No.4139059

I don't see how you guys stand them looking at you all the time. Figures, posters, mousepads, wallscrolls.....

Like creepy dolls.

>> No.4139062

It's his money, he does what he wants with it. Why do you care?

>> No.4139068


Why the fuck do people even still use mousepads in this day and age? Only >>4138958 has an excuse for it in this thread, since his table is clear glass.

>> No.4139069

I wish I could afford a nice doll. With all the figures I've bought I probably could have afforded one by now.

>> No.4139070

You act like a mouse pad is expensive.

Why do people buy shit? Because they find it nifty. What other reason would one need to purchase material goods?

>> No.4139071

lol, left-hander. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.4139076


>> No.4139079

I've never even noticed, but I've often wondered how it would be for some normalfag to have to spend awhile/sleep in my room.

>> No.4139078

>Coupon Code: MSPD99
Enjoy your $3 custom mousepad

>> No.4139074

They're often smoother and if you hold a mouse like a freak they're softer on your fingertips.

>> No.4139073

My room's walls are bare and undecorated, and all my figs/anime/manga are in one corner. Do I get a pass mark?

>> No.4139082

Why would you buy so much Saber shit. She sucks.

>> No.4139083

I bought one today off artsnow.

Fuck yeah 2.99 coupon.

>> No.4139086

Not a single bit of my person moves across the surface of my desk when I mouse. My wrist stays in one place, as does my pinky finger. The other fingers and thumb are moving the mouse and are thus on the mouse, not on the table.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.4139087

I use one because it softens the sound. The scraping against plastic or wood is irritating.

>> No.4139093

Get smoother pads on the bottom of your mouse. It shouldn't scrape, it should glide.

>> No.4139094

I use one because there is no reason not to.

>> No.4139101

They feel fucking horrible. All squishy and stuff.

>> No.4139103

Why should I get those instead of a mousepad?

>> No.4139106

Consider selling them to me.

>> No.4139104

My G/F cosplayed Saber and really likes her, a bunch of the figures are actually hers! The reason that all I've got out is Saber shit is that she's the only character she'll let me put out, the rest all have to hide in the closet.

>> No.4139109

>>only character she'll let me put out

>> No.4139113

Because if your mouse isn't at least 1800dpi then you're not a real human being.

>> No.4139116

There isn't really anything else interesting - Saber is the only character I really like who gets a ton of figures. I've got a couple Rins and some random stuff like a Nono (DieBuster) and a couple Yukis (Haruhi), etc.

Next thing I'm buying is the re-release of Shunya's CoCoNa and the Figma Kagome. (Cause LOL one of my first waifus way back in the day.)

>> No.4139123

>at least 1800dpi
Fuck mines only 800.

Am I some sort of sub human scum then?

>> No.4139135

I can't imagine any of /jp/'s tasks requiring that level of precision.

>> No.4139164

hentai in photoshop maybe

>> No.4139166

If you're to do this it would be better to use a tablet.

>> No.4139174

u mad?

>> No.4139188

This is the second time someone said 'u mad?' when I used sage.

I'm suggesting that if someone were to draw that it's better to use a tablet.

>> No.4139195
File: 39 KB, 400x300, esq-taco-bell-chalupa-080709-lg-44226690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also as a side note, I keep thinking the things in the OP pic thumbnail are tacos or chalupas or something.

>> No.4139204

Kids from /a/ haven't learned that sage isn't used to imply anger or derision towards a post or thread, but is used when the poster doesn't want to bump the thread.

>> No.4139211

Man, making me hungry for Taco Bell. I don't even like Taco Bell.

>> No.4139216

Oh lol.

Gion shrine in Kyoto during the Gion Festival if you were wondering, was there last summer. Just threw a bunch of random shots from my trip into Win7's background randomizer thing and it's what was onscreen when I snapped the pic.

>> No.4139219

Kids from /jp/ haven't learned that just because that's the behaviour on 2ch, doesn't mean that it hasn't been considered a negative thing for almost all of 4chan's existence until faggots like yourself decided otherwise recently.

But we've had this discussion too many times and I've really stopped caring.

>> No.4139221

I've never even seen Taco Bell. Other than in The Demolition Man.

>> No.4139225

You aren't missing much. It's pretty low tier Mexican food.

>> No.4139234

Just because 4chan got it wrong for a long time doesn't make it right.

>> No.4139236

Just because you decided you wanted to be more like Japan doesn't make you right.

>> No.4139241

Go eat some chalupas and make up, Anonymous.

>> No.4139249

What I want or don't want is not the point.

Sage's purpose is objectively defined by the intentions of its creator, which were the Japs on 2ch. Whether anyone likes it or not, it doesn't matter.

>> No.4139279


I thought they were Tidus heads.

>> No.4139287
File: 62 KB, 248x276, 1263127884590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posters? Figs? Mousepads? Why? Fuck you. You're wasting money. Why the fuck not save for something more worthwhile? Every cent counts. A bigger TV? Games? New furniture? Clothes? GOOD FOOD FOR A CHANGE? No? Fuck you then you apathetic fuck. At least buy a good figure, like that one fig with Marisa riding on a star that lights up. THAT'S awesome. Or hey, you piece of shit, why not get one of those kits where you build/paint the fig yourself? That's way more productive and worth it. So what if you think you might fuck up? At the end of the day you'll feel proud of yourself and have a good reason to display it in your room other than "I like it lol." You'd certainly be doing more than blowing your load onto your fig that you just BOUGHT pre-made.

>> No.4139300

Sage's FUNCTION was defined by its creator. Its use and connotations thereof are defined by those using it. On 4chan, the users defined it negatively. On 2ch, they defined it as a neutral or even mildly positive thing.

Different people, with different opinions. It's only in recent months that the 2ch ideology has spread into 4chan.

>> No.4139321

Go back to /a/ with you negative sage then.

Sage is properly used as a means not to bump a thread nothing more.

>> No.4139324
File: 823 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I better sage. Just for the sage of it.

>> No.4139330

>A bigger TV?
Already have a 42" 1080p LCD, no need for a larger one.
lol piracy
>New furniture
Why, when the current furniture is perfectly functional? Fashion makes no sense at the best of times, let alone in furniture.
See furniture
This one I can understand. But one day of decent food on payday is sufficient for me.

>> No.4139339

Fuck you. YOU and your kind are the intruders. Go back to 2ch with your "polite sage" bullshit.

>> No.4139342

I remember seeing your room.

>> No.4139344

>recent months

>> No.4139347

Lurk moar faggot.
Start browsing from No.1 and I can bet you at least 10% of the posts are posted with email:sage.

>> No.4139350

How are we the intruders?

Clearly you and your /a/ brethren are the minority here in believing that sage is meant to be used to show disapproval. If you don't like our opinion, why don't you fuck off back to /a/?

>> No.4139354
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>> No.4139357
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>> No.4139362

Is this a pasta? If not >>4139062

>> No.4139365
File: 271 KB, 614x742, idontknowwhattocallthisface21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4139364

I remember posting it an awful lot on /g/.
Occasionally here too.

>> No.4139363

I buy a figure once in a blue moon. (Read that to mean once every six months or so.)

I just bought furniture when I moved into my new apartment last year, my clothes are fine and I can afford new shit when I want it. My car is less than year old, I have a nice TV with home theatre, my computer's up to date with a new display, I have a ton of games, and I eat about as well as I can, given that I'm in a shit city with barely any good restaurants, and just bought a $2500 camera body a few months back.

Don't see how the 60 bucks here and there is all that bad, unless you're broke to begin with.

>> No.4139361

What happened to you electric fly squatter?

>> No.4139374

It's on top of the shelf rack in the back of my room. No flies during winter.

>> No.4139382

Yeah I also remember asking you what those headphones are.
That and being a complete idiot on /g/.

>> No.4139384

I guess that makes sense.

>> No.4139391

I'm an idiot now, is it? First time I've heard that one, I think.

The headphones are AKG k271s, by the way.

>> No.4139402

>A bigger TV?
Have a 56" already.

I don't even play my PS3/Steam Games library.

>New Furniture?
Already functional one works fine.

Who am I trying to impress? The clothes I have aren't designer brands, but they don't look atrocious, either.

I spend too much on food already. I'd rather spend less, to be honest.

>buy a good figure
Tastes are subjective. I don't like certain pieces of other people's collections, but that doesn't mean they're inherently bad.

>feel proud of yourself

>certainly be doing more than blowing your load onto your fig that you just BOUGHT pre-made
I don't get why anyone does that.

Nice BRS. Too bad the blade one doesn't look as good, and I have a little regret in not picking it up.

>> No.4139408

Why did you do that

>> No.4139438

You should learn to take it easy. Then maybe you wouldn't need sage to show us how angry you are.
